providence ?

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providence ?

Postby havanagilla » Mon May 15, 2006 8:57 pm

i was just surfing the net aimlessly tonight (well, not so aimlessly, I was trying to find a lost ex who I miss and have no phone number left), when something very odd happened. I ran into a photo of a PERP. <br><br>This man was part of a network, who was trying to force me - using lies, threats and what not - to do something against my will which would also constitute an offense, but mostly would damage me. I am not sure what to do with it now.<br> --<br>The photo was presented in a "flickr" website of an old acquaintance of mine, who actually introduced us formally. My first idea was to publish a post in my blog. then I thoght perhaps to mail the photo to half the world (police mainly but not only), then I thought perhaps to add a vicious comment on the flickr photo album etc. etc. Then I realized I should think first. Shit.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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perp details

Postby blanc » Tue May 16, 2006 8:24 am

this is a similar prob. to one which has been bugging me for a while. having photos, names, addresses and other details of 'alleged' perps and not knowing what to do with them to blow cover. clearly, putting forth a website devoted to 'alleged perps' is open to abuse by anyone with a grudge. Of those of whom I had personal knowledge iI made the info known to 3 police forces, and interpol. (guess what, no arrests, in fact nothing you could reasonably call a serious investigation into very serious allegations.<br><br>I am still ferreting out the max amount of info available on perps outed by allegations which have a reasonable chance of being accurate, but what to do with this info?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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