can you see clearly and be stoneblind at the same time?

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can you see clearly and be stoneblind at the same time?

Postby sceneshifter » Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:18 am

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:maroon;font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:medium;">a person can see the steel a few inches in front of her eyes with perfect clarity and be stoneblind to the train which is about to paint the tracks with her brains, blood, bone, hair and eyes<br><br>can you see psy-ops, 9/11, diana, pentagon plane crash, mindcontrol, Iraq, etc, etc, a few inches in front of your eyes with clarity?</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: can you see clearly and be stoneblind at the same time?

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:32 am

Yes, I see it all clearly. Seems most folks don't. O.k. so tell me sceneshifter--what's the train look like? <p></p><i></i>

Re: can you see clearly and be stoneblind at the same time?

Postby sceneshifter » Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:32 am

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:maroon;font-size:small;">Once upon a time, long long ago, everyone did their own work, and there was little exchange. Slowly specialisation in jobs grew and exchange became more and more a necessity. Which led to the invention or development of money, a convenient artificial exchange item: divisible, so that if you raised goats and wanted a pot, you could sell a goat, buy a pot, keep the difference in money till you wanted something else; portable, and nonperishable. But money brought with it a nasty side-effect that we have not yet mastered, a side-effect that has doomed us to 1000s of years of war and weaponry, causing untold unnecessary suffering and trouble, which is escalative, and has thus brought us to the eve of extinction.<br><br>In any transaction, the two items exchanged are not equal in value. We try to make them as equal as possible, but there is always a difference in value. In every transaction there is gain and loss, equal to the difference in value of the things exchanged. Overall, this inequality, this passing of value from one person to another, equalises. Over many transactions, people lose and gain. But there is a range of gain and loss. Many will lose a little more overall than they gain. Many will gain a little more than they lose, overall. A few will gain greatly, just by statistical spread. A few will lose greatly overall. In fact, there will be a bell-shaped curve of gain and loss. Money is power. So the gainers will also gain a leverage to gain more. The buyer is always trying to get value for money, to get as much as he gives, or more. The seller is also trying to give as little and gain as much as possible. This tends to increase the difference between cost [in work] and price. A merchant is one who buys cheap and sells dear, as much as he can. This is theft, injustice. One gains, one loses. The sellers make the product look as good as it can look, and look better than it is, to raise the gettable price. And money makes money. <br><br>All this causes the wellknown phenomenon of fewer and fewer getting richer and richer and working less and less, and the rest getting manier and manier and poorer and poorer and having to work harder and harder. A creeping theft is at the bottom of society. The poorer people find themselves, the more they just want to be richer, and the less they want just a fairpay, the less they want justice and nontheft. They want revenge, the justice of being rich as others have been. The overpaid want more and more. This is partly because their defense and security costs are higher, the richer they are. And the defense and security costs are unending. The attacks from underpay are unending, and sooner or later exhaust the overpay of the overpaid. Every empire so far has fallen. Every plunderer gets plundered. The inequality, the injustice, the theft, generates war of everyone agaisnt everyone. The robbed attack the robbed because the robbed are weaker and easier to steal from. The underpaid rob the overpaid [countries and individuals] when they can, because the overpaid are more attractive to thieves. [The Siclilian Mafia robbing America.] The overpaid rob the underpaid because money is power, and so they can, and because they want to, to protect themselves against everybody. The overpaid attack the overpaid when they can: the richer, the more attractive to thieves, to both rich and poor thieves. So history has been a perpetual and ever-escalating robbery of all against all [apart from the honesty of some]. <br><br>Like the sorcerer's apprentice, we have started something we dont know how to stop.<br><br>The total costs of a product are whatever they are. There is nothing in our system to make price equal to total costs. That is, there is nothing in our system to make incomes of companies and individuals equal outgoes in wages and salaries and other costs; which are ultimately labour costs, costs for people's contributions to the existence, quality and presentation of products sold. In a nonprofit organisation with no volunteer workers, everyone gets paid for their work. So what are profits? They are theft, they are gain in one place and loss in another. The customer comes out better off, if the prices are set below the full costs. The company comes out better off if the prices are overall above the total costs. There is gain and loss in transaction. Because of transaction, which we introduced to deal with necessity of exchange that arose from taking advantage of the efficiency of specialisation in jobs, we have subjected ourselves to a creeping theft and the anger and violence and ever escalating vendetta-type to and fro of stealing back and stealing again. Kings steal in taxes from the people to fight the wars generated by the king's love of plunder or another king's love of expansion and plunder. Everyone stealing from everyone. Like children grabbing sweets from each other, getting madder and madder and madder at each other, more and more desperate and violent and dangerous, because we cannot see the cause of inequity, of theft and countertheft. <br><br>Even if inequity levelled off at, say, the most overpaid being paid 10 times as much as the most underpaid per unit of work, the vendetta would escalate endlessly, as both sides tried to prevail, and sought beter an better weapons to prevail. But the evil side-effect of transaction goes on in every transaction every day. A drop of inequity is born in every transaction, and now it is a mighty ocean, tossing and toiling and giving birth to more and more powerful weapons. If all the nuclear weapons disappeared tomorrow, war and weaponry would continue to grow endlessly, as the inequity grows. Without ever so far seeing the real cause, and fixing the problem, we have come to weapons capable of throwing 60 planet earths into three times colder than an iceage. The sword of extinction hangs over us, and we are accelerating towards it, unaware of the cause of all our problems, blaming each other, blaming others. <br><br>The hydra-headed problems born of this fundamental problem are so many and so great, that all people are fighting their whole lives without success against only one of millions of problems born of this fundamental problem. Most people are spending all the energy they have on keeping their heads above water, trying to avoid drowning in the sea of bills born from the underpay of the many. 99% are underpaid now, the 1% overpaid are now paid up to a million times the average pay for a unit of work. Over 90% of world income goes in overpay. That is, is paid to people not for their work but for others' work. That is, is stolen. The range of power is equal to the range of inequity. Money is power. Power to plunder, power to conquer, power to dominate, power to command obedience, power to terrorise, to enslave. Power to become overpaid, so that the overpaid can become the object of attacks of millions of sorts of attack from all the rest, overpaid and underpaid. From hostile takeovers to robbing banks, from revolutions to stealing from employers.<br><br>The strength and persistence and intensity and focus of attacks is proportional not just to the overpay [of individuals and nations], but to the underpay that the overpay causes. Where an overpaid person would not be attacked if all others were fairpaid, they are attacked because of the depth and desperation of underpay.<br><br>This is not human nature, because it didn't exist when there was human nature but no vicious side-effect of exchange. There was violence, but at the level of animals, the level of fists and stones. It was not driven by people being paid a 1000th of what their work would generate in comforts in a state of pre-exchange. It was not being driven by people with a million times as much power as the average power. Money is a joker good, good for millions of things, including all necessities and millions of pleasures. So money is necessity and pleasures. So people are going to care about it very very much. In fact, money is so loved that it causes people to conclude from the fact that self-earned money is good, the false conclusion that other-earned money is also good. The true understanding that money is a joker good, good for millions of things, has led people to be blind for 1000s of years to the fact that overpay, theft, injustice in money, comes with an angry person attached. 90% of world earnings are stolen, and 99% of people are underpaid, that is, robbed. Robbed of not just food and clothing and health and education and medicine, but freedom and dignity and equality and fraternity. They have not power to stop the usurer charging 60%, and they have not power to stop the stronger [richer] from stealing from them at will. In Bangladesh, landlessness has gone from 15% to 75% since 1948.<br><br>We can no longer afford the luxury of so much anger and desperation, of so much inequity. We have said in our hearts: all's fair in trade, and it has cost us all peace and happiness, and soon it will take all our lives, unless we get smart in short time. Unless we face the facts we have been fudging for millenia. The labour of one person is limited. The maximum possible contribution of one person is limited to the maximum number of hours a person can work in a lifetime multiplied by the world average pay per hour. Working 100 hours a week for 50 years is 250,000 hours. The person working 100 hours a week for 50 years is not working harder than the average hardness of working per unit of time. It is unlikely that anyone can work or has worked so hard. Therefore the maximum earnings is certainly below 250,000 hours times the world average hourly pay. The world average hourly pay is US$15 in 2006 [doubling every 12 years at 6% global inflation - paying housewivesand students too]. Making a maximum selfearned fortune of US$3.75 million, or let's say US$4 million or US$5 million. And we subtract a minimum lifetime spending, say, US$1 million, which is only US$20,000 a year. I dont suppose anyone with money has earned so much and spent so little. So the absolute maximum possible earned fortune is VERY CERTAINLY less than US$5 million. Therefore only an increase in justice can be caused by limiting fortunes to US$5 million. And increase of justice can only cause a decrease of violence, disturbance, and the costs in lives, money, taxes, property damage, and time and energy. Not just the lives lost in war and crime, but the millions of lives that have to be spent in the military and police because of the extreme violence generated by the extreme inequity. To say nothing of court costs, lawyer-training costs, corruption costs, lives spent trying to trace the nefarities of the nefarious.<br><br>What is all the suffering and underpay of the 99% in aid of? What is the benefit we reap from the 90% who are paid between a 10th and a 1000th of what they produce in wealth by their work? The benefit is that 1% are overpaid, up to a million times what they earn. What do the overpaid get for their overpay? All necessities and millions of desires, from tapwashers to airfreshener to tennis racquets to cars to education to medicine to holidays, are provided by fairpay, which is US$15 an hour, US$75,000 per family in the world. In return for world average hours and hardness of work. The poor rich! There is not much that overpay can add to their pleasures. A law of rapidly diminishing returns applies. A Ferrari is 10 times the cost and 1/10th more pleasure. And what do the overpaid lose? Security, safety, community with the human tribe without fear and distrust, many hours lost in security costs and worries, and in time the complete erosion of the overpay by the costs of the ceaseless attacks from every other person, overpaid and underpaid. Every empire has lost all its plunder, has fallen to its enemies within and without. Where is the Roman empire, the Spanish empire, the British empire? As these are, so will the American empire be, and so will the Japanese or Chinese empire be that will replace the American empire. Overpay of a million times means that there are millions of people who have been robbed and thus enraged, energised to rob back. A million working lives have to fund the million times overpay. A million people's worth of theft, a million person's worth of attack. These empires have to be 'won' and lost at enormous expense of lives. A billion rapes. A billion fatal swordthrusts, and bombs. We teach children to share fairly. And we are all thieves. And our thieving is killing us. Has reduced our birthright happiness to a 100th or a 1000th of what it could be. We accept all money that comes to us, whether earned by us or by others. We are not aimed at getting out of the social pool of wealth as much as we put in, but at getting as much as we are 'lucky' enough to get, even if it be a million times what we deserve. And we reap the whirlwind of trouble suffering and horrors and brutality it brings. Money is very very good, and that is why we should be more careful not to steal it. Because if you have others' money, legally or illegally, by plunder of the sword and bomb, or by the plunder of profit and loss, you make those others' lives as bad as money is good, and the anger is potent, is explosives, and historically has been always in the end successful.<br><br>If we define profits as the difference between all costs, including fairpay for principals of the company, and prices, as the difference between outgoes and incomes, then BY DEFINITION AND THEREFORE INCONTROVERTIBLY profits belong to overcharged customers and underpaid workers. The customers and the workers have given more than they have received. And that is theft. And theft gives rise to anger, anger to war, war to weapons, and weapons to extinction. Overpay looks good to us generally and it is in fact very very bad for us. Fatal to us. And fatal to happiness. Scarcity and oversupply are manipulated to make cost and price further apart, theft and violence greater. preventing grain from being imported in time of famine, enclosing, stealing the country to force labour into towns and into oversupply, etc. <br><br>Therefore the net benefit of overpay/underpay, of pay injustice, of theft, is VERY NEGATIVE for both overpaid and underpaid. Especially now that we are nuclear winter capable, extinction capable. What is more negative than all earth life turned into a perpetual severe snowstorm in the dark? Therefore the net benefits of limitation of fortunes is VERY POSITIVE FOR ALL. That is, we can all be much happier. We can be 100 children with a 1000 sweets, all eating sweets, all chatting and happy and friends, instead of 100 children, 1000 sweets and everyone against everyone every second till everyone is hamburger meat - frozen.<br><br>And this explanation above is not hard to understand. It is easy to see it is true. Therefore everyone can get to understand that everyone will benefit. Therefore it can be taught to everyone. Therefore it can be achieved, without fight. The limitation of fortunes, the avoidance of tyranny, the stable founding of democracy and capitalism and freedom and equality and fraternity, can be easily achieved. And millions of offshoot problems will just fade away. <br><br>We have done it before. There must have been a time before there was a law against murder. [There must have been an earlier time before there was even a concept of murder.] And we decided that it was beneficial and we spread the teaching and got that law and we have been happy with it ever since. There never has been, in any country, as far as I know, a campaign in favour of repealing the law against murder. <br><br>We can do it again. If everyone teaches it, passes it on clearly to one person in x time, all humans will know it in just 33x time. If it takes one day to pass it on to one person, it takes 33 days to pass it on to 10 billion. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. In round numbers, from 1 to a 1000 in 10 steps. Each one of those 1000 will grow to a 1000 in another 10 steps. That is, a million in 20 steps, a billion in 30 steps, and 8 billion in 33 steps.<br><br>Put the brake instead of the accelerator on extinction, solve millions of offshoot problems, [including most or all of the problems discussed on ri], by cutting the root, end most war and violence permanently by finding and treating the root cause, which is the lack of limitation of fortunes for limited contribution to social wealth. The total cost: learning the above and teaching it to 33 people each. The super-bargain of all time. Learn the lesson of history at last: that if you dont limit fortunes, you will wallow and suffer in horrors and dangers and be drowned in them at the last. Most shit doesnt happen if you limit fortunes to the maximum earnable. The above gives you a ballpark figure for maximum earned fortunes. It is a weapon at last in the hands of the 99% decent people to prohibit the robbery of our birthright happiness, which is about 100 times more peace and relaxation than we enjoy now. <br><br>This idea is utopian only in the sense that we haven't done it yet. It is as doable as the law against murder. [And the un-limitation of fortunes is a far greater sin against human happiness than murder. Unlimitation of fortunes has put a weapon into the hands of tyrants to kill millions each tyrant, billions in the history of humanity. And millions have died in robberies.] <br><br>Do it for your sake, for my sake, for the sake of the much suffering overpaid, and the much suffering underpaid, and the much suffering few fairpaid in the middle of the whirlwind of the extreme level of war and crime generated by pay per unit of work ranging from one unit of money to a billion units of money when the average is 1000 units of money. <br><br>DOES ANYONE HAVE ONE REASON FOR UNLIMITATION OF FORTUNES? IF ANYONE THINKS THEY DO, PLEASE DISCUSS IT, PLEASE TRY TO THINK IT THROUGH: IS THERE IN FACT, IN TRUTH, IN REALITY AND SANITY, ONE REASON FOR UNLIMITATION OF FORTUNES?<br><br>Savings [investment, formation of capital] is highest with highest equity. Extreme overpay REDUCES capital, reduces capitalism. Social violence costs are lowest with highest equity. [Compare Middle East and Sweden.] Real income growth is highest with highest equity.<br><br>BE ON THIS SUBJECT SOBER SERIOUS SINCERE - PLEASE LET'S HAVE A ****REAL**** DISCUSSION - BEING WRONG PRODUCES ALL EVILS - THEREFORE FIGHT AGAINST BEING WRONG - SEEK THE TRUTH WITH COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE OF MIND - <br><br>Let's put aside ego, and closemindedness, and attachment to our pet ideas, and attachment to customary thinking, and pride and frivolity and cheap shots. We probably have less than 50 years to stop being wrong, to find the brake and press it.<br><br>Underpower has bred under-responsibility, immaturity, undiscipline. Pull maturity and sobriety of mind and awakeness and awareness out of yourself, though it cost the greatest effort. Let your pride be hurt. Don't defend your pride. Defend your life. And find your birthright happiness, the leisure of lions.<br><br>You see I am not mincing words. This is because there is no time for mucking around. The person who warns you is your truest friend, but you may fail to recognise him. You have persecuted truthtellers. The truth wounds the pride. But it is the only way to happiness, the only way away from unnecessary suffering. Where your pride is wounded, there is probably truth. And you are totally dependent on truth for happiness. And you only have your limited brainpower to get the truth. And you-destructive pride is trying to keep you in misery. Be as proud and as arrogant and as scoffing and as idleheaded as you like. But get the facts, get the truth, get all the happiness that you can get. <br><br>Since humanity has not got this idea in 1000s of years, since Einstein didn't get this idea, let me put it one more way:<br><br>If the 1% overpaid got together tomorrow and decided to limit themselves to US$15 an hour, to limit themselves to a fair and equal share for equal work, to stop allowing themselves to be overpaid, to stop giving themselves the liberty of thinking they deserved more per unit of work than others, to stop stealing and to shift that overpay back to its earners, then 99% of violence and war and danger and suffering and crime would stop. Remove the cause, remove the effect. It's that simple. And it is that hard. And we have to educate ourselves into knowing it, or continue with our vast unnecessary accelerating suffering and become extinct. Can the 99% become focussed and intent and determined and dedicated enough to lever the 1% out of theft, danger and unhappiness, to lever humanity out of extinction? <br><br>Do you want the universe to carry on shining without us?<br><br>Arouse yourselves to full consciousness, to full life-livingness! </span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: can you see clearly and be stoneblind at the same time?

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:45 pm

Sceneshifter--I saw your other post and was afraid you were angry because I never responded after you went to great length to answer my question about said oncoming train. To be frank, as a mother of grown children, I am more concerned the train will come more in the form of mass unemployment, food shortages and epidemics. I agree that greed and violence have ever plagued us. I don't know what good it will do if we all sit around congratulating ourselves on our liberal and far seeing agendas. Our country has been hijacked by a left over nazi band from a previous world war. They now are apparently capable of altering weather and perhaps causing earthquakes. Our votes are now most certainly fraudulently counted and our media no longer lets any truth out. I simply am more interested in watching for signs--what form will the next disaster take? And perhaps looking for whatever small band of rebels come forward to aim their slingshots at the giants. Miracles have happened in the past, you know. Which is not to say we should expect one. My concerns for humanity are limited and pessimistic. I think very very rich people should give back to the community in a very big way. What I think makes little to no difference to anyone. But thank you for trying to expand our minds. <p></p><i></i>

darkbeforedawn, reply to

Postby sceneshifter » Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:49 pm

<br>darkbeforedawn - thank you for thanking me - it makes a difference - what if I am the one with the one workable plan and i give up? - it may be true that there is only one workable plan - everything has a cause - the only workable plan is the one that correctly identifies the real cause - so there may be only one workable plan - there is nothing in this plan i present that is unworkable - it involves only learning it and teaching it - those are doable, acceptable things - the alternative to everyone agreeing is force, some imposing what they believe on to others - we have tried that for millenia - christians massacred christians in the second century ad over whether jesus was the same as god or similar to god - it was a bishop's power struggle - i prove that everyone agrees with this plan - so this could well be the only workable plan - the one that identifies the real cause and uses the only real method - that is, education, clarification of what people up to a point already know - it stands to reason that the correct plan would be one that people up to a point already agree with - because everyone has some sense - <br><br>if you care for the 'small band of rebels who come forward', who will of course be shot to pieces, then you will feel the point of this plan, which avoids such destruction of highprincipled people - by sticking to a grassroots, word-of-mouth approach, the ptb cannot control the spread of this wisdom - talking to your closest is not very dangerous, and that can go on until the consciousness and acceptance of the correctness and enormous advantages and so-small disadvantages of this plan is so widespread that the opposition will just fold - obviously there cannot be conflict where there is universal agreement - the only thing that all can possibly agree on is the correct solution - this solution is so very simple and clear that everyone can be brought to see that it is correct - there need be no fight - 99% of people are underpaid - so 99% should be easy to convince - 75% in america will be better off: every worker getting US$15 an hour including housewives and students - so even in america there is a large majority - the only problem is getting people to think it through, purely from good sense and not falling into any false widely-accepted ideas - not facilely saying the plan is ridiculous or mad because it is so different from common thinking - clearly common thinking is ridiculous and mad somewhere, or we would not be heading for extinction as fast as the growth of war and weaponry can take us<br><br>i repeat my argument: the present degree of war is not from human nature, because when there was human nature, and no inequity because there was no transaction or money, a long time ago, the amount of war was much much much smaller - fists and stones or even just threats - the growth of war has gone on in step with the growth of inequity - as soon as transaction started, the sorcerer's apprentice had started something he didnt know how to stop: the ceaseless drift in every transaction of a little drop of inequity which over millenia has become the present ginormous ocean of inequity - war and inequity have grown together - inequity the cause of the war and other violence<br><br>again, the present degree of war is not from human nature because everyone will agree that everyone will agree that if a government taxed 99% of people 99% [above ordinary taxes] and gave that money to the 1%, it would cause violence/social disturbance/war - therefore everyone knows that the gross inequity is the cause of the social disturbance, not human nature - take this reasoning to a logic professor, she will tell you it is correct reasoning <br><br>obviously there is no good reason for war and other violence - everyone works and every works enough to produce plenty for everyone - present income is US$75,000 per family in the world - that is, the family working average hard produces US$75,000 worth of goods and services every year - plenty for everyone - no starvation, no shortage - but obviously people have a very good reason to fight when money, which buys all necessities, is strangled away from them by the drain of inequity - when, as now, 90% of world earnings are stolen by the economic system - 90% of world earnings goes to people who didnt do the work that created the wealth that provides the income - the pool of wealth is 90% drained - 90% of people have less than 10% of what they earn - they have between 90% and 99.9% of their earned money stolen by our incredibly mad system which legally allows many ways for money to move automatically from earners to nonearners - so much so that 90% of world earnings do move from earners to nonearners - an incredible unbelievable situation - that grown people could accept such a situation, that grown people do support and even fail to realise the effect of our economic system - people believe [only because of not thinking] that somehow someone can earn $10 million an hour, that someone can earn only 1c an hour - that someone can earn one billion a fortnight, and someone else only $1 a fortnight, both doing the same amount of work!!!!!!!! - how dumb are we????????? - despite our intelligence, here we are being very very dumb - obviously - i think there is hope people can be bought to see how stupid we are being in this case - i think that there is hope that our intelligence can conquer and subdue our stupidity - the difficulty is in getting people to think purely and only with sense, not at all with any uncritically swallowed false ideas from customary and conventional thought and society, which has clearly gone so far off the tracks - custom and convention constantly blinds us to the obvious nonsense of two people working the same number of hours and one earning a billion times as much, one being a billion times as productive in goods and services and wealth per hour and therefore deserving to take out of the social pool of wealth a billion times as much as another working equally hard - Bill Gates puts in one hour's work into the pool of wealth and takes out a $10 million house or factory - built by about a million hours work by others - obviously Bill Gates couldnt design the doorhandles in an hour - and yet we stay blind to this glaringly obvious error<br><br>if you have a community in which everyone works and in which everyone has enough to enjoy a great lifestyle, as we do, the only way you can create a violent society out of such a community is to make the hourly payrates range very widely - that will turn your peaceful happy sensible enjoying society into a raging cauldron of hate and fury and and anger and killing and stealing - obviously - so i think everyone can be convinced of such a simple point - especially as 99% will be better off financially - and since everyone without exception will gain a happy peaceful friendly laughing pleasant community and lose an extremely violent one headed for extinction <br><br>someone says, perfectly sensibly, that perhaps people are just too flawed one way and another to get it - but perhaps if i do my job, everyone is sufficiently unflawed to get it, for the machine to work - there was one thing in my videocamera that was wrong and we thought we would have to send it away for weeks to be fixed - fortunately we were able to get it working enough to get at the bit that was wrong and fix it - one tiny thing wrong fixed and the whole camera is go again - one tiny thing wrong and the camera is totally useless - so perhaps i am the bit that has to keep working and the machine will work - so i write to you - maybe i will write one day in a way that will get through to someone - i hope - i feel it is possible, every day, every time i write - someone said that people have miles and miles and tons and tons of barriers - perhaps one way of writing it will get past all the barriers<br><br>perhaps one day someone will be moved to make a little effort with understanding the plan, and will get it - the whole world will know it in just 33 times the time it takes for one person to get it - just by word of mouth - and as people get it, people will get it who have a talent for expressing it greater than my talent for expressing it - and then people will get it faster - through dance, through film, through documentary, through drama, through whatever - maybe the hundredth monkey applies and when 100 or a 1000 people get it, suddenly everyone will get it overnight - maybe when the 'bellwhethers' of society, the great souls, start getting it, all the sheeple will get it overnight - we are a gregarious herd animal - 1% or 10% bellwhethers and 99% or 90% sheeple - maybe there is a bellwhether for bellwhethers - when that one moves, the bellwhethers follow and the sheeple follow the bellwhethers - there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come - the time for this idea to come was long ago, and ever since then the chances of people getting it have been increasing - as people have got more and more glaring evidence of the evil effects of overpay and underpay - perhaps reality has been drilling into the human mind for a long time and is about to break through - it only takes cats getting the idea of traffic for all cat traffic fatalities to stop overnight - all it takes is looking left and right! - a tiny thing that makes a big and immediate difference<br><br>the train is coming every day for every one of us - in the form of social ugliness, social danger, social despair, social collapse, social diseases, social evils - in such a sad bad society, how can anyone avoid being affected deeply, made cynical and rude and stressed and irritable and ungenerous and desperate and selfdestructive and wretched and wild and cruel and sad and lonely? - everyone is starving! - starving for kindness, for peace, for success, for acceptance, for belonging, for comfort, for ease, for leisure, for generosity, for gentleness, for support, for trust, for community, for laughter, for joy, for freedom from a million fears so we can relax, for all the good things - <br><br>it wouldnt be the end of the world, if we all shared! - if we, with no regard for justice, just shared equally - that would be a million times happier, a million times more just than the 'justice' we have, that is so extremely extremely and obviously unjust - if we all shared, it would be the not-end of the world, it would be the stopping of the world going in the lemming way it is going - ten years of research and thought on this plan at globalhappiness website - try as hard as i can, i cant make this plan seem nonsense! - all the best in your quest for greater happiness - there is a HUGE plum of greater happiness just waiting for you to pluck it! <p></p><i></i>
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thanking sceneshifter for this

Postby AnnaLivia » Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:05 am

i agree, and agree that<br><br>we don't have to change the world - we have only to act in accord with what we all already believe<br><br>it is a simple matter of determinedly detecting how to have the happiness intended for us, and proceeding normally in that direction<br><br>education is key<br><br>education to the necessity of justice to happiness, of limitation of fortunes to justice.<br><br>in my opinion, those who agree that the idea that sceneshifter has found is good sense, but say "it just can't happen", need to dig deeper to find a faith in themselves and others<br><br>is fatalism fatal?<br><br>humans are hilarious<br><br>but also amazing<br><br><br><br>just there any kind of official/accepted estimation of human capability?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby AnnaLivia » Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:33 am

i don't see a way...short of limiting solve and then prevent the most widely harmful crimes and greatest threats to our lives<br><br>i don't see a way...short of infecting the human consciousness with the notion of the neccessity of ridding ourselves of worse-than-useless wealthpower cause the limitation of fortunes.<br><br>?it only sounds like rocket science?<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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