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Re: LaRouche

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:46 pm
by dbeach
Tarpley left Larouche yrs ago not even friendly any more<br><br>Tarpley /Chaikin book about bush includes the chapter about bush sr ditching the plane which is a widely accepted fact among the USN in that area that day . bush sr has NEVeR attended Ship reunions and was called a liar by the pal of one of his dead crew at the repuke convention in 1982<br><br>I know someone who was there and says the officers aboard the carrier tallekd about as they tired to figure it out BUT it was wks later <p></p><i></i>

a LaRouchian encounter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:38 pm
by FormerCIA
While working at the CIA in 1983, I was returning from lunch when someone at a stop light handed me a flier. It was a LaRouche publication. When I got to my office, I happened to show it to my supervisor who immmediately told me to get rid of it before someone saw me with it. I threw it in the burn bag but since then I had thought it interesting that he would have such a reaction. Perhaps he knew something I didn't. <p></p><i></i>


PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:53 pm
by robertdreed
No biggie, DE. I'm just tired of it, is all. <br><br>I comprehend the "panic syndrome" that's increasingly reported by users of cannabis over the years. I think that it's due to a combination of factors- although only one of them really needs to be present in order to trigger an unpleasant experience with cannabis. <br><br>1) The illegality of the conduct factors in, especially if one is the type of person who is intimidated by the prospect of jail. Some people aren't- career criminals, for instance. Burly mesomorphs- you know, football player types- tend not to be, unless they've been totally insulated by class privilege from sharing any common experience with the lower classes. And once someone has done a stretch in jail, they have personal experience to draw on, and they don't feel compelled to fantasize the worst, so they tend to be less intimidated. ( It depends on where you live, but most reports indicate that the general run of county lock-ups or city jails more resemble an army barracks than a rape camp. Never can tell who you'll run into in the holding tank, though. ) <br><br>Then, there's everyone else...<br><br>Needless to say, cannabis-connected "panic attacks" of this type most often happen during the actual act of smoking in a hostile public space, where arrest is relatively more likely. <br><br>2) The continual drumbeat of propaganda on cannabis use has continually emphasized "panic" and "panic attacks" as a frequent or even inevitable outcome from ingestion. That doesn't exactly provide the best "set", in terms of mental preparation for the alteration of consciousness. <br><br>3) The more infrequently one smokes, the more powerfully the effects are felt. This is especially true with super-grade pot, which is the most common variety available these days. The logical way around this is to smoke miniscule amounts. Heavy daily users may not understand this at first, but if it is politiely explained to them in advance, they'll usually get it. Steady 24/7 pot use tends to confer "resistance" to panic attacks. Cannabis turns into another thing when it's used continuously, a state of homeostasis appears and it becomes the new "baseline" state. I don't live in that realm any more, but you could do each their own. But my advice for inexperienced or infrequent smokers is to save it for familiar surroundings and special occasions. And be careful about driving. It's never been much of a problem to society, otherwise, there would have been a huge accident epidemic long ago, and the courts would be clogged with DUI cannabis cases. I've never had a problem with driving while high on cannabis, but I can only speak for myself. I've never noticed anyone high on cannabis insisting that they can drive despite the fact that it's painfully clear that they're incapacitated. That indicates to me that cannabis smokers retain their sense of judgement and risk assessment, in stark contrast to people high on alcohol. As long as you have it, use it. If you have doubts about your driving ability after smoking pot, don't do it. <br><br>4) Marijuana really is often much more powerful than it usually was in the 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s. This is not as serious a problem as the Zero Tolerance drug warriors imply, but the increased potency is not to be dismissed in terms of the effect. I say that as a really, really experienced cannabis user, beginning in the early 1970s. I've smoked a lot of different types of marijuana and hashish.<br><br>Here's my personal impression of the difference between low, medium, high, and super-strength cannabis. There are no studies I can refer to. I'm just reporting anecdotally, and from conversations with fellow smokers. <br><br>My main insight is that the more instantaneously a given amount of mind-altering cannabinoids gets into the system, the more powerful the experience. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>This is more important than the total amount ingested over a longer stretch of of time.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>That is to say: smoking 1/20 of a gram of the 15-20% "superbud" sometimes available on the market as a single bong hit is noticeably more powerful in onset than the result of slowly and steadily smoking a much larger amount of mid-grade 3% marijuana over the course of an hour.<br><br> I agree with Peter Gorman of <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>High Times</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, that the effect of cannabis is almost entirely in the mind, it isn't a product of raw quantity the way it is with alcohol. More accurately speaking, it's a function of the catalytic effect on neuroreceptors. Once the neuroreceptors are saturated, the rest is superfluous. Gorman said that he once smoked something like 30 joints of Maui Wowie on a bet. I believe him. We both realize that there's no rational reason for smoking that much bud otherwise. 1/100 the amount would produce 70% of the net effect. Cannabis is sort of like coffee in that respect- the difference between zero and one cup of coffee is huge, but after the first three cups, that's about the limit of the mental lift available. <br><br>My impression is that smoking low-to-mid grade cannabis turns on the receptors slowly and gradually, while the higher grades produce their effects in an onrush, a wave. The faster the neuroreceptors switch on, the more powerful and disorienting the effect of cannabinoids. <br><br><br>I'd guess that it's akin to comparing inhaled cocaine to smoking crack, in terms of the mind-altering effect, although God help us if the Drug Warriors get ahold of that comparison, they're guaranteed to misconstrue and exaggerate it. Thankfully, cannabis behaves like coffee, not cocaine or heroin. In fact, cannabinoids are even less toxic than methylxanthines like caffeine and theophylline. <br><br>Another important thing to note is that in terms of mind-altering effect, cannabis is neither a stimulant-euphoriant like cocaine, or a narcotic-euphoriant like opiates. That is, using it doesn't guarantee pleasure. The effects of cannabinoids are more indirect, and have to be interpreted by the user as positive before the experience becomes desirable. I think the most powerful effect of cannabis is that it <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>doubles time</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. And the more quickly this doorway is entered, the more disorienting it tends to be. For instance, it's often the case that it's quite difficult to formulate a complete sentence right after lift-off. That loss or delay in transmission ability can easily be interpreted as a loss of control, a negative effect. And that initial disorientation is in turn capable of inducing the "panic attacks" and "paranoia" reported by users of strong cannabis. <br><br>Myself, I prefer to call it "disorientation." I'm sufficiently experienced with cannabis that the feeling has some familiarity to me, even when I haven't smoked in a long time and the effects are felt more strongly, which is typically the case with me these days. I long ago learned to give myself the "15- minute rule": no matter how zoned out one feels immediately after smoking cannabis, most of the disorientation is gone within 15 minutes. Sometimes I tell other smokers in advance that if they find me being uncharacteristically silent, give me 10 or 15 minutes and I'll be fine. Actually, what feels like 15 minutes is probably more like 5 ;^)<br><br> Of course, the other thing I've learned to do with super-strong cannabis is to stop after one toke- or 1/2 toke, even. It's about the catalytic effect, dig? And I take a stand against peer pressure to smoke more than I want. If the others don't like it, I don't want to hang around with them anyway. <br><br>The bottom line is that I don't like overly strong marijuana! My favorite variety of herb is from central Mexico, like Oaxacan. It's light green, sometimes multicolored. It's grown outdoors. It has seeds in it. The seed bracts are crystally, but not sticky. It tastes of mint. The smoke is light and it burns to a white ash, not a gray ash. 1/2 a joint of that, and even doing the dishes is fun. <br><br>I haven't seen any of that variety since about 1977. Under the current legal regime, it's economically unviable to grow it. Instead, there's all this rocket bud around, putting you into a revolving door with one bong hit. No wonder cannabis has lost market share on the illegal drug market. (I think something like twice as many Americans admitted to popping opiate-based pharmaceuticals than to smoking pot, in the last annual survey of drug usage.) If more and more people don't find smoking pot that pleasant these days, who can blame them? I still like smoking pot, personally. A few flakes at a time. But I don't expect to find the exquisite subtlety of that mid-grade strength, spindly, seeded-bud Mexican sativa again, unless it gets legalized, and people begin cultivating for quality, not just knockout power. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>robertdreed</A> at: 9/24/05 6:34 pm<br></i>

Re: a LaRouchian encounter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:28 pm
by DrDebugDU
FormerCIA agent. Very funny <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src=""/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: a LaRouchian encounter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:25 pm
by dbeach
Former CIA that a lil contradiction in retired mafiosa<br><br>WELCOME and help us solve the criminals crimes and SHINE the light on their reptoid mentality <p></p><i></i>

Re: a LaRouchian encounter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:42 pm
by Dreams End
RR -- don't want to go off topic, but I thought I'd pick door number 3. I was in a very small little resort in no social issues involved. Actually, it was REALLY powerful and we overindulged and it actually set me off with panic attacks for a couple of weeks. However, I'm weird. Once I had my first panic attack when given some nitrous oxide during dental work I became prone to them. NO robs the brain of oxygen, which I think some people are more sensitive to. Once you have one, you have a tendency to hyperfocus on minute physiological changes which can then set off the cycle. I've learned to talk myself down before they blow up for the most part, however.<br><br>Former CIA...umm...okay. Reminds me of that Johnny Dep movie where he plays an "undercover CIA agent" in Mexico and then wears a t-shirt with "CIA" emblazoned on the front.<br><br>For everyone else, a ringing endorsement from openly anti-Semitic Henry Makow. At least I'm beginning to understan Makow now.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> Too Soon to Give Up On Democracy<br><br>By Henry Makow Ph.D.<br>June 06, 2004<br><br>larouche.jpg People often ask, "What should we do?"<br><br>I have replied that I don't know, that democracy is a charade and we shouldn't waste time with it.<br><br>Perhaps this reaction is premature.<br><br>I am checking out the Lyndon LaRouche movement. The media has conditioned us to feel revulsion at the name, but think about it. That is actually an endorsement. This man has been vilified because he may represent the most serious opposition the bankers face.<br><br>I was attracted to LaRouche because of the paradigm-shifting history his followers write. I highly recommend the books "Treason in America," and "Dope Inc." which are rare but can be found through . "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" (Sr.) is the authentic history of our time and it is on line.<br><br>What follows is not an endorsement of LaRouche but my progress report. We are desperate for leadership but I urge you to be sceptical.<br><br>LaRouche has learned to take advantage of our two-faced political system. You see the bankers must keep up the appearance of constitutional government while they infiltrate and subvert it by placing their puppets in power.<br><br>Their problem is that puppets do not hold all positions of power, and even then, they can show independence. The LaRouche method is to provide these people with the intelligence they need to resist the bankers' plans.<br><br>Apparently LaRouche is in touch with many world leaders and may be partly responsible for the resistance the bankers are facing in places like Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Malaysia and the Middle East.<br><br>Similarly LaRouche claims to be feeding a network of Americans within the US military and government who believe in the American democratic tradition.<br><br>"My course of action is to provide an element of cohesion and leadership among these circles in the United States, especially among the Executive Branch...The circles are capable of recognizing that the existence of civilization depends upon acting, to get rid of what [Dick] Cheney represents..."<br><br>"We couldn't act immediately, because you can't raise a coup against your own government! But we moved to influence, to expose, to expose, to expose, and to make clear. And we have so far succeeded...we have today a force inside the United States which is fighting against this nonsense..."<br><br>LaRouche, 82, is an economist who has been giving the criminal bankers headaches for almost 30 years. They imprisoned him in the 1980's and threatened his life many times.<br><br>LaRouche understands world history and culture. He understands the conundrum we are facing.<br><br>"Reality is what happens when civilizations themselves are threatened with collapse. We are now at a breaking point, of potential collapse of world civilization," he said recently.<br><br>"The basic problem we have, as far back as we know, mankind has been engaged in a struggle to free us from a condition, in which some people, a relative few, hold the rest of the people in a condition of virtual or actual slaves, as human cattle: either herded cattle of the type that 80% of the people of the United States are today; or as hunted cattle, as we treat the people of Southern Africa."<br><br><br>TO EXPOSE, TO EXPOSE, TO EXPOSE<br><br>The LaRouche movement is primarily an intelligence operation. You will find a treasure trove of information on how the world really works on their web sites.<br><br>"Dope Czar Bids to Buy Up Democratic Party" for example reveals that Rothschild agent George Soros helped finance the candidacies of Howard Dean, John Kerry and Wesley Clark and is behind the virulent anti Bush advertising of Yet Soros has had a long-term business relationship with George W. Bush and bailed him out on many occasions.<br><br>The article reveals that Soros is behind the marijuana legalization movement. The world banking cabal is intimately involved in illegal drugs and money laundering and has been for more than a century. (This article is in their Electronic Intelligence Weekly (EIW), which requires a $1 a day subscription.)<br><br>The main LaRouche web site is (See links for LaRouche Writings and Other Writings in left side-column.) You can speak to someone at 1-888-347-3258. But be forewarned. These people are intellectuals and can be longwinded. Also, don't expect to agree with everything you hear. I still don't buy their fondness for FDR. Finally, they foresee an imminent financial meltdown. I think the bankers may keep things afloat until Iraq, Syria and Iran are pacified.<br><br>CONCLUSION<br><br>We need to exercise our democratic powers while we still have some. The fact that society is innocent of the danger it is in should inspire us to awaken it, rather than to surrender. We should approach our friends, politicians and media with the truth. The key always is to gain credibility by behaving in a calm, measured and civil way.<br><br>Fighting the bankers can be a lonely affair. Conspiracy types have never been able to form an organization. The LaRouche Movement represents a nucleus of very smart people who understand what is going on and what to do about it. Some of us may be looking for this.<br><br>--------------- <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Lyndon Larouche

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:56 pm
by bamabecky
You guys know a heck of a lot more about all of this than I do. I listen to She is my professor on the cabal, NWO, and what have you. Robert Gaylon Ross (from interviews on her show) also speaks of the British having controlling fingers into things. He pointed out that there is a "London" and "the city of London" (two distinct places, with two distinct guards/police). Most of the financial money of the world markets are located there with the Queen. When the Queen leaves her palace and enters London, the Mayor greets her at the border. The Rothschild’s and other elites operate out of there.<br><br>As to the Jews, I'm not now, nor never have been anti-Jewish. I am however, learning a lot about "some" of them. For example, 911, some believe a very violent Jewish mafia were responsible. I'm not talking about the Mossad, but Jewish Mafia group The Mishpucka. And The Attorney General for the State of New York is Jewish, and fearful of prosecuting 911 crimes due to the Jewish backlash. Isn't the Rothschild's family Jewish? Perhaps their control over the financial world is what LaRouche has always resented. <br><br>Have you guys discussed Robert Gaylon Ross? I find his information fascinating! I'm high on Webster Tarpley too, but did not know he was connected to LaRouche. Like I said, I'm new to all of this. I just woke up a year ago!<br><br>As to history, I'm learning that the history I studied is a lot different from the history I'm learning now. Perhaps you can figure out what I'm trying to say, a lot better than I can say it! <br><br>Hi there right back at cha dbeach!<br>Bama<br> <p></p><i></i>

off and on-topic...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:37 pm
by robertdreed
DE, interesting, candid comments. <br><br>Millions of Americans have some type of panic disorder. I'm close to someone who had her first panic attack while driving alone on a high-speed limited-access highway. Since then, she hasn't been able to drive on a freeway alone. She isn't crazy about driving there with someone alongside as a passenger, but she finds it doable. But she hasn't driven on a freeway alone for years. <br><br>She's never been into any type of illegal drug, incidentally.<br><br>Makow...there's another wingnut, sort of. I respect his intelligence, but he's got a bug or two in his ear. He really does seem to be on the same wavelength as LaRouche in terms of temperament. <br><br>I've actually had an e-mail exchange with Makow. In my e-mail, I commented that I was quasi-sympathetic to some of his views on feminism. I recommended that he read <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Myth of Male Power</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, by Warren Farrell. <br><br>Farrell was/is an early male backer of "Women's Liberation", back in the 1960s. He wrote a book entitled <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Liberated Man</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. Some years later, he went through a re-evaluation of his thinking about feminism- or at any rate, of what it had become as a dogmatic political movement- and modified some of his views. Farrell wrote <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Myth of Male Power</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> as a way of re-balancing his earlier work, without abandoning his commitment to equality of rights and opportunities for women. <br><br>It's a great book, and I highly recommend it to all readers- especially those enrolled in Women's Studies courses and discussion groups. Guaranteed to keep the debate lively. <br><br>Makow wrote back in his e-mail that he didn't like Warren Farrell, and considered him as a dupe or agent of the NWO Illuminati plan for world domination. Etc. <br><br>Whoa. <br><br>I thought that was a bit too much of a stretch. <br><br>After a while, I realized that there was a strain of anti-modernity in Makow's thinking- and the pronouncements of<br>Lyndon LaRouche- that resembles that of Henry Ford. Ford wasn't a "racial anti-Semite", but he only noticed the downside of modernity, and he viewed it as a plot to corrupt America. And he identified the broad spectrum of social liberalization phenomena present in American society as instigated or assisted by the immorality of the "Jewish elites." <br><br>Poor guy...he probably sincerely thought Cardinal Spellman and the Legion of Decency were helping to save the country from the evils of Jew-controlled Hollywood. Speaking of dupes. <br><br>If Henry Ford had been more honest with himself, he might have noticed that many of the societal ills and excesses of the era that he blamed on the influence of "the Jews" were in reality an inevitable byproduct of the 18th Amendment- the Volstead Act, Federal alcohol prohibition. But, Ford was one of Prohibition's biggest boosters:<br><br>"Henry Ford was both fascinated and terrified by the lawlessness that Prohibition helped to provoke. Dressed in flashy clothes, the Purple Gang swaggered openly into restaurants and box seats at baseball games like they were royalty. When a popular, campaigning broadcaster, Jerry Buckley, a former Ford employee, dared openly to denounce the gangland warlords, he was shot down, machine-gunned as he sat in the lobby of the La Salle Hotel.<br><br>Henry Ford, of course, did not see any connection between the spread of lawlessness and the principles he held dear. He blamed not the law, but the people who broke the law by continuing to drink, thus supplying the gangsters with their marketplace. He threatened, in the event that Prohibition were repealed, to shut down his production line- which, as the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>New Yorker</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> remarked, would neatly secure the destruction of Detroit's two leading industries at one blow..." (<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Ford: The Men and the Machine</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, by Robert Lacey, p.365.)<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Mutatis mutandis</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, Lyndon LaRouche vs. "the Soros gang." <br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>robertdreed</A> at: 9/24/05 7:51 pm<br></i>

Columbo Accords

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:50 pm
by proldic
<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>In his book, The Color of Curtain (The Mississippi University Press), Richard Wright writes about the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference, "The despised, the insulted, the hurt, the dispossessed -- in short, the underdogs of the human race were meeting. Here were class and racial and religious consciousness on a global scale. Who have thought of organizing such a meeting? And what had these nations in common? Nothing, it seemed to me, but what their past relationship to the Western world had made them feel. This meeting of the rejected was in itself a kind of judgment upon the Western world!"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br>The Idea of an Asian-African Conference<br>...Indonesian foreign policy delivered by the Prime Minister Mr. Ali Sastroamidjojo to the parliament on 25 August 1953 stated:<br><br>“We are of the view that cooperation between countries in Asia and Africa is important, since we are confident that strong cooperation between those countries will strengthen the efforts in creating peace in the world. The cooperation between those countries is in line with the rules in the United Nations which fever regional arrangements. Moreover, those countries have in general same position on some international matters. Therefore, they have the common ground to organize a special group. Thus, we will continue to carry on and strengthen that cooperation.” ...<br><br>At the beginning of 1954, the Prime Minister of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Sir John Kotelawala invited the Prime Ministers of Burma (U Nu), India (Jawaharlal Nehru), Indonesia (Ali Sastroamidjojo), and Pakistan (Mohammed Ali) to an informal meeting in his country. The invitation received warm welcome from all the invited prime ministers. <br><br>The meeting, later known as the Colombo Conference, was held on 28 April – 2 May 1954. During the Conference the Prime Ministers discussed matters that involved common interests. <br><br>The attention of the participants was attracted by the question of the Prime Minister of Indonesia who asked:<br><br>“Where do we stand now, we the peoples of Asia, in this world of ours today?” <br><br>“We have now indeed arrived at the cross-roads of the history of mankind. It is therefore that we Prime Ministers of five Asian countries are meeting here to discuss those crucial problems of the peoples we represent. There are the very problems which urge Indonesia to propose that another conference be convened wider in scope, between the African and Asian nations. I am convinced that the problems are not only convened to the Asian countries represented here, but also are of equal importance to the African and other Asian countries.” <br><br>That statement gave way to the establishment of the Asian-African Conference. ..<br><br>The Prime Minister of Indonesia went to Colombo on the invitation of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, bringing the result of the working meeting between the Heads of Indonesian Missions in Asia and Africa held on 9-22 March 1954 in Tugu, Bogor, chaired by the Foreign Minister Mr. Sunario.<br><br>Finally, the Joint Statement of the Colombo Conference stated that the participants of the Conference agreed to convene an Asian-African Conference and agreed to the proposal that the Prime Minister of Indonesia explored the possibility of the convening of the Conference. <br><br>Preparation for the Conference<br>Based on the Joint Statement of the Colombo Conference, Indonesia was assigned to explore the possibility of the convening of the Asian-African Conference. In doing this task, Indonesia approached 18 Asian-African countries through diplomatic channel to study the view of these countries of an Asian-African Conference. Indonesia explained that the main goal of the conference was to discuss the common interests of the Asian-African countries, enhance the creation of world peace, and promote Indonesia as the host of the Conference... <br><br>On 18 August 1954 Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Indonesia reminding Indonesia of the emergency situation in the world in relation to the idea of an Asian-African Conference. The Prime Minister of India welcomed the idea, but he was hesitant whether such conference could be held. Right after the visit of the Indonesian Prime Minister on 25 September 1954 that he was confident on the importance of the conference, as reflected in a Joint Statement after the visit of the Indonesian Prime Minister:<br>“ The Prime Ministers discussed also the proposal to have a conference of representatives of Asian and African countries and were agreed that a conference of this kind was desirable and would be helpful in promoting the cause of peace and a common approach to these problems. It should be held at an early date.” <br><br>The same confidence was stated by the Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu, on 28 September 1954. <br><br>Therefore, the preparation for the Asian-African Conference was considered complete and succeeded. The next step was to prepare for the convening of the Conference.<br><br>The Prime Minister of Indonesia then invited the participants of the Colombo Conference (Burma, Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan) to a Five Country Conference (Konferensi Panca Negara) in Bogor on 28-29 December 1054 to discuss the preparation for the Asian-African Conference. <br><br>The Bogor Conference was succeeded in formulating an agreement, stating that the Asian-African Conference was going to be held and co-chaired by the five countries as sponsors. The invitations to participants were sent by Indonesia on behalf of the five countries. <br><br>The Aim of the Conference<br>The Bogor Conference produced 4 (four) basic aims of the Asian-African Conference, namely:<br><br>To enhance the goodwill and cooperation between Asian-African nations, to explore and promote their interests, either individual or common interests, and to create and promote friendship and relations as good neighbors; <br>To discuss the matters and relations in social, economic, and cultural sectors between the countries; <br>To discuss the matters, particularly related to Asian-African nations, for example matters related to national sovereignty, racialism, and colonialism; <br>To observe the position of Asia and Africa, and their nations in the world, to observe what they can give to promote peace and cooperation in the world. <br>Participants and Time of the Conference<br>It was decided that the Conference would invite 25 countries, namely: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Federation of Central Africa, People’s Republic of China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gold Coast, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nepal, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Thailand (Muang Thai), Turkey, Democratic Republic of Viet-nam (North Viet-nam), South Viet-nam, and Yemen. The conference was decided to be held in the fourth week of April 1955.<br>Considering that the invited countries had different foreign policies and political and social systems, the Bogor Conference decided that accepting the invitation did not mean that the invited countries would change its view on the status of other countries. The Conference also upheld the principle that governmental system or the way of life of a certain country could not be intervened by other countries. The main goal of the Conference was to make the participants understand each others’ positions. <br><br>Organizational Structure of the Organizing Committee<br>In preparing the Asian-African Conference, Indonesia established a secretariat for the conference represented by the sponsor countries. <br><br>To implement the results of the Bogor Conference, the five sponsor countries soon established a Joint Secretariat. Indonesia was represented by Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Roeslan Abdul Gani acting as Chairman, while four other countries were represented by their Heads of Missions in Jakarta, namely U Mya Sein of Burma, M. Saravanamuttu of Sri Lanka, B.F.H.B. Tyobji of India, and Choudhri Khaliquzzaman of Pakistan. There were 10 staff doing daily routines, two of them were from Burma, one from Sri Lanka, two others from India, four from Indonesia, and one from Pakistan. Beside the 10 staff, there were 4 committees, namely Committee for Politics, Committee for Economy, Committee for Social Matters, and Committee for Culture. In addition, there were also committees for finance, equipment, and press... <br><br>On 15 January 1955 the invitation to the Asian-African Conference were sent to 25 (twenty five) heads of government in Asia and Africa. From the 25 countries invited, only one rejected the invitation, namely the Central African Federation, since the country was still occupied by the colonialist. Meanwhile, the other 24 countries welcome the invitation, even some of them were hesitant. Some of the delegation arrived in Bandung via Jakarta on 16 April 1955...<br><br> ...even though the participants came from different nations, different social, cultural, religion, political background, and even different skin color, we could be united by the same bitter experiences caused by colonialism, by the same devotion to defend and strengthen the world peace.<br><br>At the end of his speech, the President said: <br><br>“I hope that it will give evidence of the fact that we, Asian and African leaders, understand that Asia and Africa can prosper only when they are united, and that even the safety of the world at large can not be safeguarded without a united Asian-African. I hope that this Conference will give guidance to mankind, will point out to mankind the way which it must take to attain safety and peace. I hope that it will give evidence that Asia and Africa have been reborn, that a New Asia and New Africa have been born!”...<br><br>There were some predictable problems in the following meetings, particularly in the Committee for Politics. The problems were caused by the differences in political view and problems faced by the countries in Asia and Africa... <br><br>The Final Communiqué stated among others that the Asian-African Conference had observed matters that were of common interests of Asian-African countries and had discussed the way of these countries to cooperate more closely in economic, cultural, and political field. <br><br>The result of the Conference was known as the Ten Principles of Bandung, which was a political statement containing the basic principles in the efforts to promote peace and cooperation in the world.<br><br>The Ten Principles of Bandung:<br><br>Respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. <br><br>Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations. <br><br>Recognition of the equality of all races and of the equality of all nations large and small. <br><br>Respect for the right of each nation to defend itself singly or collectively, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations. <br><br>Adoption of the Outcome of the Asian-African Summit. <br>(a). Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defence to serve the particular interests of any of the big powers. <br>(b). Abstention by any country from exerting pressures on other countries. <br><br>Refraining from acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country. <br><br>Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiation, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the parties' own choice, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations. <br><br>Promotion of mutual interests and co-operation. <br><br>Respect for justice and international obligations... <br><br>“May we continue on the way we have taken together and may the Bandung Conference stay as a beacon guiding the future progress of Asia and Africa” (quoted from the last part of the closing speech of the Chair of the Asian-African Conference).<br><br>"For long years we Asian and African people have tolerated decisions made in our stead by those countries which placed their own interests above all else. We lived in poverty and humiliation. But tremendous changes have taken place in the past years. Many peoples and countries have awakened from centuries of slumber. Tranquility has given way to struggle and action. This irresistible force in sweeping the two continents." (Zhang Yan, The Mississippi Quarterly Report, 1997). <br><br> fight colonialism, imperialism, racism, discrimination, and to claim equal rights for all other colonized nations in order to bring forth a just and peaceful world. <br><br>In relation to the Conference, The Christian Science Monitor Daily wrote at that time <br><br>"The West is excluded. Emphasis is on the colored nations of the world. And for Asia it means that at last the destiny of Asia is being determined in Asia, and not Geneva, or Paris, or London, and Washington. Colonialism was out and hands off is the word. Asia is free. This is perhaps the historic event of our century." <br><br>Fifty years after the Bandung conference, however, Asian and African leaders seem to have lost their enthusiasm to fight for their aspirations. <br><br>They cling to development ideology instead of people-centered development. They get involved in ethnic and religious conflicts. They get themselves into border disputes with their neighbors and ignore the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. They failed in building democratic institutions. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Many criticized the 1955 conference saying that the leaders who attended were part of the national bourgeoisie (institutional ruling elite). Worse, they offered themselves as servants of foreign forces.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <p></p><i></i>

"The Mishpucka"???

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:36 pm
by starroute
That's a laugh.<br><br>The "ganze mishpoche" is one of those comic/self-deprecating Yiddish terms that's intended to be said with a sign and a shrug. It means roughly, "the entire family" -- but the real sense is more like "all those relatives we'd avoid if we had any choice, including your crazy Uncle Harry and those rich third cousins who always look down their noses at the rest of us."<br><br>The idea that *anyone* would use it as a label for a Mafia-style "family" is ludicrous. Almost certainly, somebody was doing their best to pull somebody else's leg. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Lyndon LaRouche, Mitch WerBell, and the OSS

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:00 pm
by starroute
Mitch WerBell is one of those names that will lead you *everywhere* if you don't watch out -- but I'll try to keep this brief.<br><br>* Son of a czarist cavalry officer.<br><br>* With the OSS in the China-Burma theater during World War II. Was one of a select group in Kunming which included Paul Helliwell, John Singlaub, Ray Cline, E. Howard Hunt, and Lucien Conein. (Google any one of those names and prepare for hours of fun and thrills.)<br><br>* Worked for Batista in Cuba in 1959. Mixed up with a lot of people in the CIA/Mob/Cuba nexus that regularly comes up in Kennedy assassination theories. Suspected by some of providing silencers for the assassins.<br><br>*Involved in the Dominican Republic in 1965 and with a plot to overthrow Duvalier in Haiti (which included anti-Castro Cubans and a CBS news film crew) in 1966-67.<br><br>* Designed a silencer for sniper rifles widely used in Vietnam. "In the late 1960s he traveled to and from Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, with a high security clearance and the temporary rank of U.S. Army general, to confer with the appropriate CIA or foreign officials on the subject of 'programmatic liquidations.' ”<br><br>* In the business of manufacturing silenced machine guns c. 1967-73. Got tangled up with the Robert Vesco affair as a result, which caused him to get out of arms sales and into security and counter-terrorism.<br><br>* Charged in Florida in 1976 with conspiring to import marijuana from Columbia. His defense was that he'd been working for Nixon's DEA to develop sophisticated assassination devices to use against drug smugglers. Acquitted after the main prosecution witness died in a mysterious plane crash.<br><br>* Running a counter-terrorism training camp in the late 70's. Started providing security for Lyndon LaRouche in 1977, drawing heavily on these trainees. Providing security in 1980 for Larry Flynt (who had been shot in 1978.) Also training security forces for Afghanistan. Singlaub was associated with WerBell during this time and lectured at the training facility in 1982.<br><br>Died in 1983. <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Little noticed at the time was the fact that ten days before his retirement, in May 1978, Singlaub attended a meeting of right-wingers who "didn't think the country was being run properly and were interested in doing something about it." The meeting was hosted by Mitch WerBell, a conspiratorial colleague of Singlaub from their OSS days together at Kunming in China. As we have seen, Singlaub then began a series of co-ordinated visits to Central America, with Generals Graham and Sumner, laying the basis for Reagan's current support of the contras in Nicaragua. Singlaub's visits focused on Guatemala, where in 1982 WerBell would support a coup attempt by the National Liberation Movement (MLN) of Mario Sandoval Alarcon and Lionel Sisniega Otero.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>There's nothing on the surface to indicate any direct connection between LaRouche and the OSS. He entered the army fairly late in the war and, being from a Quaker family, served only as a medic. However, according to his official biographical sketch, "The overseas segment of his intervening military service (AUS: 1944-1946) during World War II, was in Myitkyina, Burma and, later, Calcutta, India." ( <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> )<br><br>And there was an OSS base at Myitkyina:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><br>At the urging of British intelligence, a Counter-Intelligence Division was established within SI in March 1943. Headquartered in New York, liaison officers were sent to London to work with Section V (Counter-Espionage) of MI-6 and MI-5, who gave the OSS officers access to their files. In June 1943, this division became the Counter-Espionage (X-2) branch, and was placed under the command of the Deputy Director of Intelligence. Its administrative headquarters was moved to Washington, while OSS/London remained the base of X-2 operations in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. In the Far East, X-2 also set up a bases in New Delhi, Myitkyina, Kandy, Kunming and Shanghai.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Lyndon LaRouche, Mitch WerBell, and the OSS

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:19 pm
by dbeach
mishpucka may be off key BUT the london crown bank is spot on and the roscthild family name is gonna get dragged..<br>regardless of facts ..<br><br>we did have the rothschildb thread here way back and it does seem to go nowhere .. but I find it disturbing that it usually ends up with bad vibes instead of just who is this rotchild family that allegedly controlss much of the planets assets<br><br>Inquiring minds need to know..<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Mishpucka

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:10 am
by bamabecky
This guy doesn't think the Mishpucka is "laughable":<br><br> "Meet Michael Thomas, friend of Gareth Wean, author of "There's A Fish in the Courthouse" which deals with LAPD corruption, the JFK assassination; and the secret Jewish Mafia group "The Mishpucka". You won't want to miss this one. JFK was killed because he was working towards peace. He also refused to arm Israel."<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Bama <p></p><i></i>

Re: Mishpucka

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:44 pm
by dbeach
so many criminals so lil time<br><br>We are still trapped in the time warp of 11/22/63 and all the POWERFUL secrets...we may have some different opinions BUT the elites killed off the last good President in my llife.. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Lyndon LaRouche, Mitch WerBell, and the OSS

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:25 pm
by Dreams End
starroute, thanks for the interesting info on WerBell. The Post article, I'm well aware, did not source this accusation. It's really the only one in the article I hadn't seen elsewhere...and I admit here publicly that though I suspect such, I haven't seen any documentation to prove it.<br><br>proldic, you said this of the Colombo Conference:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Many criticized the 1955 conference saying that the leaders who attended were part of the national bourgeoisie (institutional ruling elite). Worse, they offered themselves as servants of foreign forces.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Is that your view, or do you think positive results were gained (which could clearly NOT be allowed to stand.)<br><br>Secondly, is this what led to the Non-Alligned Movement? I can research, but not right at the moment. I ask because it was at a conference of the NAM...I think what was called the fifth conference, that Larouche takes credit for debt forgiveness proposals and proposals to replace the IMF with an international development fund. This suggestion was then made by one of the participants of the conference. I can get details...<br><br>Larouche (to get us back on topic) seems to have a pretty fair number of legitimate contacts and supporters among smaller developing nations. Just the list of countries that called for his release from jail is impressive.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> * RNDr. Jozef Miklosko, former Vice-Prime Minister of former Czechoslovakia <br><br> * Prof. Dr. Hans R. Klecatsky, former Justice Minister, Austria <br><br> * Gen. (ret.) Edgardo Mercado Jarrin, former Prime Minister and former Foreign Minister of Peru <br><br> * Gen. (ret.) Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueredo, former President of Brazil <br><br> * Nedzib Sacirbey, M.D., Ambassador at Large, Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina <br><br> * Arturo Frondizi, former President of Argentina (recently deceased) <br><br> * Manuel Solis Palma, former President of Panama <br><br> * Dr. Abdelhamid Brahimi, former Prime Minister of Algeria (1984-198<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Here's another article for folks to chew on. Young man who went to Lyndon Larouche Youth Movement Conference calls home in terror and winds up dead.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Mystery death of anti-war student<br>Family calls for new German police inquiry after crucial questions left unanswered<br><br>The Guardian/July 12, 2003<br>By Hugh Muir<br><br>The family of a British student who died mysteriously after attending meetings organised by a rightwing political group in Germany have called for a new investigation into his death.<br><br>Jeremiah Duggan, 22, was hit by a series of vehicles on a road outside Wiesbaden, western Germany, in March. German police concluded that Mr Duggan, who was studying English literature at the Sorbonne in Paris, had committed suicide.<br><br>But following private inquiries, his family are pressing for the German authorities to take a fresh look at the case and at the activities of the group he was staying with. The Metropolitan police yesterday confirmed its officers are liaising with their German counterparts and Interpol.<br><br>He had travelled to Wiesbaden with a group of young men selling the newspaper Nouvelle Solidarité, a French version of a newspaper published by Lyndon LaRouche, an American rightwing extremist condemned by leading Jewish organisations as an anti-semite. LaRouche served five years of a 15-year sentence for fraud and conspiracy in 1984, has a following in many countries and has contested seven presidential elections as a minor candidate. The Schiller Institute in Wiesbaden, where the conference was held from March 21 to 23, is run by his German wife, Helga.<br><br>Mr Duggan's relatives complain the German investigation was insufficient. Erica Duggan, 57, a retired teacher from north London, said: "We have told them from the start that there is no way this was suicide." Her solicitor, Jackie Turner, said: "There are too many unknowns. Too many things were not followed up."<br><br>Mr Duggan, a talented poet, arrived in Paris in September 2001 and was studying both at the Sorbonne and the British Institute, where he was doing a degree in French. He had never been politically active, but as the war with Iraq began he decided to join the protests.<br><br>In March, he met a man selling newspapers outside the Hotel des Invalides, close to the British Institute. Mrs Duggan recalls: "He was very impressed with him and 'his wonderful ideas'." Struck by references to LaRouche, Jeremiah asked his mother to look him up on the internet, but it was not considered a priority.<br><br>Conspiracy theories<br><br>Had they dug deeper they would have been concerned. The Guardian has detailed some of LaRouche's "conspiracy theories". The former Trotskyist has spoken of a worldwide Zionist conspiracy taking in the freemasons, Henry Kissinger and the royal family. He described senior members of the Bush administration as "Children of Satan".<br><br>LaRouche made the war in Iraq a touchstone issue and it was the broad anti-war stance that attracted Jeremiah. "He said he had been watching pictures of the war and it was terrible. He was determined to join a protest," explained Mrs Duggan. "He told me and his French girlfriend Maya that he would be travelling to Germany with his new friends. She told me later that she had a bad feeling about them."<br><br>On March 22, Jeremiah phoned his father to wish him happy birthday and told them he was at the Schiller Institute. Lyndon LaRouche spoke at the conference and Jeremiah apparently asked him questions. On the Monday night, he told his girlfriend the lectures had been interesting.<br><br>But after three more days without contact, Mrs Duggan began to worry. "I woke up at 2.30am on Thursday and I didn't know why. I just sat next to the phone and at 5.24am it rang. He was terrified. He said, 'Mum, I am in deep trouble.' I asked him what the problem was and he said, 'You know Nouvelle Solidarité. I want out. I don't want any more.'" They were cut off, but Jeremiah called back moments later. "I could tell he was in terrible distress. He said, 'I want to see you, now!' and that he was in Wiesbaden. Then the line cut." Mrs Duggan called Colindale police station and then Maya, who had also received a disturbing phone call. "He told her he had found out some very grave things and that he was going to get the train the next day. He complained of pains in his arms and legs. Later that morning, his girlfriend also received a call from someone called Sebastian who said Jeremiah had run off."<br><br>At 3.30pm, two Met officers arrived to tell Mrs Duggan that her son was dead. "They said it was suicide. I shouted and screamed that there was no way."<br><br>Mrs Duggan and her husband, Hugo, travelled to Wiesbaden the next day, but felt the case was already closed. "They said he had psychological problems, because that is what Sebastian told them. They said he ran five kilometres out of Wiesbaden and that at 6am he had run in front of a car and knocked off the wing mirror. The police said he kept running and was hit by another car 10 minutes later and was killed. Another car then ran over his body."<br><br>But as the Duggans pieced together details of the conference, one anecdote disturbed them most of all. "It seems he had no idea about who he was with at all. Someone blamed the Jews for the war in Iraq and for the problems of the world. Jeremiah stood up and said 'But I am a Jew'. Everyone went quiet. Jeremiah would have been very upset by that."<br><br>An inquest has been opened and adjourned at Hornsey coroners court, in north London.<br><br>The Duggans know how he died, but remain determined to find out why. The Foreign Office has accepted the result of the German investigation but says it will help the family raise concerns.<br><br>A spokesman for the Schiller Institute said there is little more to discover. "The conference was attended by about 500 people, including politicians and scientists. There were no rightwing elements present and the British student was killed after the conference was over."<br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>And if anyone has read this far...some homework. Larouche calls himself a Neo-platonic democratic republican. Go read Plato's that YOUR vision for a new society? <p></p><i></i>