""The Nazi Bush Regime""

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""The Nazi Bush Regime""

Postby dbeach » Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:59 pm

""The Nazi Bush Regime""<br><br>I think that the global elites are satanist's or lufifer worshippers and zionism is just part of the cover as is capitalism, communism ,nazism..<br><br>the end result is totaltalitarianism with the privleged few living the good life and the commoners well...not well<br><br><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.rense.com/general69/cddd.htm">www.rense.com/general69/cddd.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>"I believe it was Dr. Albert Einstein who offered that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results was a sign of insanity. A minority segment of the Internet's new Alternative Media [AM] is desperately trying to awaken the American people to the dangerous Nazi regime that now controls America and threatens it and the rest of the world. The independent and Bush-challenging AM frequently make reference to the warnings articulated in the sobering fiction offered by such writers as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. <br> <br>The blow-by-blow methodical laundry listing of actual political events leading a nation to Nazification was never more thoroughly documented than by the efforts of William L. Shirer in his Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Journalist Shirer explains how the fun-loving German people were quickly taken over by the Nazis: "they were unarmed and unorganized." <br> <br>Shirer completely missed the most important of the three "U" descriptives: "uninformed." Hitler's first financial commitment to Nazism was his purchase of a newspaper made possible by the donations of his early backers. Nazism, fascism, communism and any form of government tyranny require all three qualities to facilitate the subjugation of a people: ignorance, lack of organized opposition and lack of the means to exact corrective force. <br> <br>Might it have been that Hitler's ascendancy to power and the launching of Nazism in 1930s Germany was so successful because of the journalistic support and propaganda he controlled? Might this have been too much for journalist Shirer to admit to, or did Shirer merely overlook that connection? I believe that it was the same degree of analytical selectivity whereby he wrote off Hitler's hatred for the Jews as just a unique kind of insanity. Hitler was simply "nuts" and communism had absolutely nothing to do with Jews. <br> <br>Nazi notables, Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Herman Goering, collaborated in describing the relative ease a tyrannical regime has in totally subjugating a once-free people. Goebbels offered, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." And Goering observed, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders...tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." <br> <br>Clearly, in order to fool all the people all the time and to set US up for that most profitable of all political rackets, namely war, control and domination of the press, as well as all elements of the American media, is absolutely vital in a nation that once was characterized as being so abundantly wealthy in individual freedom. Such a nation would quickly recognize tyranny and be readily critical of any and all threats to its freedoms. Just as the first Nazi regime initially launched itself by securing a vital propaganda tool, think of the smashing advantage and experience the current Nazi regime has over the first via the total power of the Zionist media. <br> <br>As a writer and long-time fan has frequently pointed out, the Hitler regime was just a dry run for the real thing: the unending Nazi regime headed by members of the Bush and Clinton crime families. Grandpa Bush, Prescott, was Hitler's chief financier. He siphoned off the remaining Nazi Union Banking funds to launch the Bush family wealth. And yet more Nazi funding and assets were used and transferred to create the "American" CIA. Nazi intelligence agency operatives transferred under Grandpa Bush to the CIA launched many covert operations in South America with the intent of giving the Reich a new start in this hemisphere. <br> <br>And as the CIA has been closely and irrevocably linked to Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, evidence continues to surface linking clandestine international crisis creation and management to this unholy partnership of the CIA and Mossad. They have been linked to both JFK assassinations, the more recent one disguised as pilot's "spatial disorientation" on the part of JFK Jr. This, in spite of the fact that bits and pieces of his plane were found over a wide area of Martha's Vineyard indicating an onboard explosion, was written off by the plutocratic Zionist media as a simple "pilot error" accident. <br> <br>The Nazi regime of George W. Bush has huge advantages over that of Adolf Hitler's; namely, virtual control over all the American media. Where Hitler's actions were undertaken largely for the benefit of Germany, the Nazi administration of George W. Bush serves only the nation of Israel. Israel's fantastic wealth originating from American taxpayers and generous donations from hoodwinked, honest and wealthy Jews, as well as a supportive Zionist media, has allowed the Israeli purchase of the United States Congress through the second most powerful lobby in Washington: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. As those who frequent the independent AM know, this agency of a foreign government controls virtually all U.S. policy overseas and enjoys tax exempt status as well! This clearly violates the IRS code. AIPAC's power in Washington is second only to the lobbying power of the American Association of Retired Persons [AARP]. <br>The terrific protection of the criminal Bush regime provided by both the Zionist MSM and the AM's heavily trafficked pro-Bush websites, have rendered the truly independent AM virtually voiceless. Yet even the minority voice that is the independent AM has now attracted the State Department's attention, and you can be sure that a laundry list of alphabet federal government snoop agencies are carefully monitoring the few "dangerous" AM websites who are committing the federal offense of telling the truth. <br> <br>It is the phony "American" media, both MSM and AM, which is covering for the horrific crimes of the criminal Nazi Bush regime. And those crimes all started with the carefully planned and somewhat successful "terrorist" acts seemingly perpetrated against the United States by agents and elements of foreign states; but increasing evidence points to the CIA, the Israeli Mossad and the Israeli citizens who controlled the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. <br> <br>Simply using reverse logic, or for that matter, any logic, and you will quickly come to realize that the United States of America, with the greatest wealth of any nation in the world, with the greatest and most powerful military of any nation in the world, and with the greatest radar and air defense systems in the entire world, could never have been so unprepared as we supposedly were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The terrorist acts we nickname "9-11" were all perpetrated by the highest elements within the criminal Nazi Bush regime, with the only possible exception as regards both knowledge and complicity being the "downright moron" and Resident of the United States: G. Bush! <br> <br>You can just bet Cheney, Sharon, Rumsfeld, Rove and the Pentagon Zionists knew of the 9-11 false flag operation so desperately needed to Nazify America! And the Towers did come down by controlled demolition, as even the huge amounts of white kerosene jet fuel could never generate enough heat to melt the structural steel originally designed to take a direct hit from a Boeing 707. And collapse from explosives was so perfectly engineered so as to cause them to collapse perfectly into their own foundations' footprint. The world's leading explosives and terrorist demolitions experts are the agents of the Mossad, five of whom were captured by the Bergen County, New Jersey Police that day with traces of explosives in their van. They were allowed to return to Israel! <br> <br>Zionism is in tune with any form of government tyranny. But Zionism qualifies tyranny and sees it only in an unfavorable light if such tyranny rejects a global agenda and overrides this objective with a preference for its own national sovereignty. Zionism demands that a global focus be imposed over the interests of a subjugated people. Hitler did not do that. He opposed the "Jewish" intellectualism of global communism. Zionist support of Hitler generated world sympathy for persecuted Jews that allowed the creation of the modern man-made state of Israel. And Israel and Zionism are the means to achieve global domination for the New World Order. And Zionism and Bush are on the same page. <br>Iraq is next! "<br><br>I think the author means Iran is next..<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: ""The Nazi Bush Regime"" This is Bul

Postby Seventhsonjr » Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:44 pm

A simple google on Lang finds him as an extreme right wing disinformationist.<br><br>Just check out the excerpt I found below (and makes Rense seem less than ever reliable on anything).<br><br>The fact is that this is a hugely antisemitic and oversimplistic load of bullcrap. "Zionism" for one thing, is not monolithic. And like all good disinformation and blackops propaganda, Lang has the great talent for sprinkling just enough nonfabricated trifles into the mix to make nice bait for those who are malinformed or maliciously inclined.<br><br>Not mentioned unsourced assertions about Zionist collaboration with Hitler. (Now for the record, this is a sensitive area and even Eichmann asserted he was trying to help Zionists help Jews emigrate, fwiw - so that is another story)<br><br>But having been to the "Holy Land" and met Zionists of many stripes and philosophies --- my own long view is that, for the moist part, the alleged Zionists in league with Bush and the Devil are not really Zionists at all, but merely tools of the fascist network which will bring us all down.<br><br>Sure there may be a few sincere Zionists who honestly believe in the Bush-Sharon mode of "defense" to prtect Israel and the Jews (many, I am afraid, have fallen for that claptrap) - but to liken this fascism to Zionism or to Christianity (in their true forms) or to equate Zionism in general or even to broadly brush Zionists with the this global WASPy fascist agenda is just simpleminded and foolish.<br><br>Are there overlaps with Mossad, Netanyahu, Sharon, the neocons, Christian socalled Christian Zionists, and the shadow guv??? of course there are . But this guy Lang is just a bullsh*t artist using the new protocols to spread hatred of Jews and Israelis.<br><br>F*ck him.<br><br><br>Just look at this tripey blithering;<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://etherzone.com/2001/lang121401.shtml">etherzone.com/2001/lang121401.shtml</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>RATHER'S LATHER<br>LEFTY'S SINKING RATINGS<br><br>By: Ted Lang<br><br>Yo! Comrade Dan! Am I to understand that CBS’s [Communist Broadcasting Socialists] Chief Minister of Marxist propaganda and disinformation-to-dumb-down-America, Dan Rather [than freedom?], is having a possible terminal hissy fit over some guy writin’ the truth? Terrific! Another carbon copy of A.A. Milne’s Eeyore, another "drooper" as Mike Bates would classify him, is having distemper because someone dared to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in America’s central sewage mainstream establishment commie media?! I love it!<br>Hey Dandy Dan, go file a report with your chief hexecutive and Marxist messiah, Doktor Fidel Castro! Maybe you need some motivational rejuvenation from the good doktor. Perhaps an historic video, with cockpit audio of Fidel’s finest flyin’ jackboot butchers, evidencing their joy with laughter while machine-gunning and murdering expatriated Cuban freedom pilots in their vulnerable Cessna prop pushers tryin’ to distribute leaflets over Cuba! What an outrage! Imagine the nerve of those right wing, mean-spirited freedom pilots endangering and polluting Cuba' environment by dropping leaflets urging Cubans to fight for freedom! How bourgeoisie! How unenvironmental. How un-Marxist mental! Where the hell are the Greens when the Reds need ‘em, eh Dan?!<br><br>Seems a fellow CBS reporter, Bernard Goldberg, opted for that totally elusive and unattainable posture at CBS of simply reporting the simple truth, and compassionate Castro-Clintonista Dan can’t deal with it. And for that matter, neither can the rest of the simpleton commies at See Be Yes! Apparently, Goldberg’s not one of Dandy Dan’s favorite cellmates, and not a See Be Yes man! He’s earned an American Flag lapel pin!<br><br>In case you haven’t heard, Goldberg has written a book entitled "Bias," and it doesn’t take a senior rocket scientist to figure what that’s going to be about. Goldberg quotes CBS News President Andrew Heywood: "Look, Bernie, of course there’s a liberal [communist] bias in the news. All the networks tilt left…. If you repeat any of this, I’ll deny it." Doesn’t that sound a lot like the Washington Post’s former editor Ben Bradlee proclaiming "to hell with the truth?" Doesn’t that sound a lot like the New York Times’ Jack Swinton’s "we don’t print the truth?" So what’s Rather’s lather blather all about?<br><br>According to the Drudge Report on December 2nd, "Goldberg’s defection is further evidence the dam is breaking on major media control over information."<br><br>The loss of viewership by the mainstream three and CNN to FOX News is testimony to the growing intolerance for the minority socialist views broadcast "journalism" is trying to force upon the American People. The Nation’s majority is mainstream conservative, but broadcast journalism and their parent entertainment media owners/controllers are left-wing socialist and communist extremists. The Leftmedia is beginning to pay the price. FOX’s O’Reilly is blowing away CNN’s Larry King. Herrrrrrraldo [a.k.a. Gerry Rivers] is now a correspondent for FOX.<br><br>Marxist media dictatorial tyranny is nothing new. The wisdom and truth of a John Stossel is cleverly scheduled and timed to be shown when the viewing audience is at it’s lightest. Isn’t that stupid? Stossel could easily build a viewership to rival both FOX and O’Reilly! And Cal Thomas, Jeff Jacoby and Charlie Reese were yanked or ostracized by the Leftmedia for having the audacity to oppose the teachings of Marx and Lenin!</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br> <br> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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With the greatest respect.

Postby slimmouse » Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:53 pm

Would you not agree 7th jr, that Israel is little more than the PTBs 'mini me' ?<br><br> I mean after all, it sure aint no 'safe haven' for the persecuted. They might as well have sat the Israelis on the top of the next active volcano.<br><br> Except of course that there would have been no money in that. Not to mention no arms sales, or bank loans to the Russians who would finance the Arabs, or the Anglo -Americans who would finance the Israelis.<br><br> Enter you me and his friend - The taxpayer. <br><br> Not to mention half as much death, misery and suffering.<br><br> But pop them in a place close to where the newly discovered black gold is (at the time when the land was first being bought en-masse by their sponsors), and we have a game on our hands - a game incorporating ALL the above factors.<br><br><br><br> Genius, coincidence, or just plain idiocy ? Personally, Im not too big on the middle one. And we sure as hell arent talking about idiots here.<br><br> Meanwhile ; Whatever happened to the promise made by the Torah Jews never to return to the promised land, and especially under force ? <br><br> I guess that was the alternative 'good book' caveat. I wonder who wrote that damn book of contradictions ?<br><br> Gotta hand it to the elite - seems they have all the bases covered<br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p216.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=slimmouse@rigorousintuition>slimmouse</A> at: 1/20/06 9:13 pm<br></i>
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Re: With the greatest respect.

Postby Dreams End » Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:23 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Anglo -Americans who would finance the Israelis.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>And Saddam<br><br>And Osama (short for the huge network of Islamic fundamentalist "freedom fighters" the U.S. has been funding for decades.)<br><br>And the Shah<br><br>And the Muslim Brotherhood (beginning all the way back to the time Israel was founded).<br><br>But I appreciate that Slimmouse has gotten the power relations in the correct order. <br> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Re: With the greatest respect.

Postby dbeach » Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:22 pm

I thought some of his pts were good <br>and some sounded too opionated<br><br>9/11 was done by many different cabals.<br>the insider planning was the work of GHW Bush <br>and his neo-con pals ..<br><br>Who benefitted?<br><br>Not the US Citizens...not anybody who wants freedom and <br>non-govt interference <p></p><i></i>
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