by smithtalk » Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:37 am
a lot of things will always be read differently by different groups of people, the fashionastas are too stupid and vacuuos to see the sub text but others will,<br>i think its clear that the photos show a menacing present day scenario<br>rednecks love south park because they are not interested in the sub text, my mum hates south park because its gross,<br>i myself stopped watching it years ago but thought it quite intelligent on some levels, moronic on others,<br><br>it interests me that it is linked to pornography, all clothing shoots are soft porn in varying degrees, and so what?<br>i as a hetero sexual male happen to think that the female form is just about the most beautiful thing on earth, <br>and if healthy gorgeous young women are interested in displaying theyre naked bodies and i find them pleasing to the eye whats the problem,<br><br>we have to learn to distinguish between nasty and destructive actions and harmless ones,<br>trafficking young girls and boys and selling them is a disgusting crime and a whole lot more should be being done to stop it,<br>but adult women who consentually strip and men that enjoy it, or vice versa, should be given a break,<br>(however, i now totally contradict everything i have just said and report that i read very convincing studies recently that showed that access to porn on the internet increases violent and sexual assaults aginst women especially, so i dont know what to say about that) <p></p><i></i>