Treasongate: The Felony Murder Rule (Citizen Spook)

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Treasongate: The Felony Murder Rule (Citizen Spook)

Postby Nonny » Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:30 pm

Citizen Spook has a new article up -- 10/25<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>TREASONGATE: THE FELONY MURDER RULE - The Iraq War Fraud Could Lead To State Court Prosecutions For Murder American Soldiers</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br><br>Ordinarily, the President, as Commander In Chief, and his Executive Branch, could not be held legally responsible for the death of US soldiers on the battlefield. But if congressional, military and monetary support for the Iraq war was procured through a fraudulent criminal conspiracy, the Bush syndicate will have no protection from prosecution in state courts -- out of jurisdicitonal reach of the President's pardon power -- which is limited by the Constitution to federal crimes against the United States.<br><br>Fitzgerald's court filings appear to have zeroed in on, not just the leak fact pattern, but the Niger document fraud as well.<br><br>This is massive.<br><br>...the greatest criminal conspiracy in American history:<br><br>The fraudulent case to bring our country to war that took the life of 2000 soliders and lined the pockets of Bush's "base". Fact.<br><br>The Caryle Group is in the business of war. No war, no billion $ contracts, ch ching ching ching. <br><br>[Attention Frank Carlucci, or should we call you "the architect." Rome is a beautiful city. Carlucci, Ledeen and Armitage. Sounds like a law firm or a" consulting group"? I digress...not really.]<br><br>In a previous article, we discussed a possible exception where Presidential pardons for crimes against the "United States" might be voided. [Again, the President's pardon power does not extend to state court convictions.] Unfortunately, this exception depends on the House impeaching followed by convictions in the Senate. <br><br>It's not impossible that Congress will do the right thing, considering...<br><br>- The body bags mount up as the blood of our soldiers mixes in the streets of Baghdad with innocent Iraqi citizens.<br><br>-Delay is in trial.<br><br>-Frist is being investigated by the SEC.<br><br>-AIPAC Espionage Indictments Are Ongoing.<br><br>The climate is ripe. And after Fitzgerald's category 9 indictment hurricane, our elected officials might actually be forced to do the right thing. We can only hope and pray it is so.<br><br>But even if the House and Senate lock down impeachment conviction and removal from office, the SCOTUS review is anybody's guess.<br><br>So let's not kid ourselves, the Presidential pardon power is not easy to nullify.<br><br>Still, despair not, justice has many faces.<br><br>The Presidential pardon power does not extend to criminal convictions in state courts.<br><br>Those are limited to "federal" crimes against the United States. The trick then, is to bring the T-gate offenders into state courts and convict them out of reach of the crony freedom factor pardon machine (...being tuned up as we speak).<br><br>I've been screaming for convictions under ****18 USC 793 and 794, the Espionage Act. But violations of the Espionage Act are not the only crimes that have been committed.<br><br>Justin Raimondo of discussed other laws Fitzgerald should be looking into:<br><br>There are plenty of violations of federal law to be found around the Niger uranium forgeries, and I expect Fitzgerald has found most if not all of them by now. When the president made his 2003 State of the Union address, and referred to Iraq's efforts to procure uranium in "an African country," the source of his allegation was a cache of documents that had been turned over to the American embassy in Rome under mysterious circumstances...<br><br>Whoever forged these documents and introduced them into the American intelligence stream is guilty of violating<br><br>[18 USC 1001]:<br><br> -- more at link --<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Treasongate: The Felony Murder Rule (Citizen Spook)

Postby israelirealities » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:10 pm

don't push them too much, we don't want a pandemic of avian flu... <p></p><i></i>
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