Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

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Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby elfismiles » Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:32 am

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Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination (Allen City Public Library)


Just hours before his death, Lee Harvey Oswald tried to call Raleigh, North Carolina from the Dallas jail on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963. For years, this significant information was ignored by assassination investigators and concealed from the public.

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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:47 am

I will not have a chance to watch this in full any time soon. Can you say what the salient info is about the call to Raleigh? Whom was he trying to reach?
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby identity » Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:43 pm

You can get all the info here:


(It's still worth watching the second half of the video after presentation of the above for the Q&A with Jim Marrs.)

Thanks to elfismiles for posting the link!

What Mrs. Treon recorded for history on her LD slip is that Lee Oswald requested to call a "John Hurt" in Raleigh, North Carolina. But what would become important is the fact that the John Hurt who had the first phone number on the slip was a former Special Agent in U.S. Army Counterintelligence. In short, Oswald attempted to place a call from the Dallas jail to a member of the American Intelligence community on Saturday evening, November 23, 1963, but was mysteriously prevented from completing the call.

Could it be that one of the most interesting and potentially important aspects of the assassination of President Kennedy may not have anything to do with the murder itself? This story of the President's accused assassin attempting to place a call to a former member of the American Intelligence community has simmered on the back burner of the investigation since its discovery. It is considered by many leading assassination authorities to be a key in the unsolved mystery — if not in being able to determine if Oswald was the lone assassin, then at least in understanding more about who he was or (perhaps more important) who he thought he was.
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:03 pm

He was attempting to reach what the authors believe was his "cutout' man, a person able to make contact with his handler, if he found himself in dire straits to get him out of the situation. That was news to me and there were a few other points new to me. Marrs' contribution to the Q&A session made it all the more worthwhile, imo.
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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby Elvis » Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:06 am

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Re: Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before Assassination

Postby chump » Mon May 22, 2017 4:59 pm

I wonder if John Hurt and Phillips/Bishop have ever been shown together?

At 1:16:00 Jim Marrs describes how Tosh Plumlee would fly in and out of a Florida prison, where he would sup, sleep, shit, shower, shave, and slip away from one assignment to the next...

Plumlee claims he co-piloted a plane into Garland Airport near Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, '63, (because the weather was rough at Redbird Airport). Their assignment was supposedly to stifle a possible assassination. The team included some men he was working with, three men that he did not know - nor what they were doing in Dealey Plaza, and also on board was a Colonel Austin, aka Johnny "Handsome", whom Plumlee knew well and had workd with before. Though he couldn't account for the Colonel's co-ordinates, he does confirm that Colonel Austin was somewhere in Dallas, and that Johnny didn't join them on their jaunt out of town.

Jim Marrs (1:16:00):

...Tosh took me to Waxahachie Florida, where the flight originated - and this was a wild story: He said that they were warehoused in this county work farm, a prison there in Florida, and that they would shower, clean-up , shave, rest, sleep, and then get up, go out, get on an airplane, take off and do more missions for the CIA. That sounds incredible! But he took me there! Sure enough, it was closed up at the time I got there, but here's the little prison, and here's the air strip right beside it!

In fact, he gave me the name of one of the wardens there at the prison, and I managed to get a hold of him, and I said, "Is it true that ya'll had some federal prison?"

He said, "Yeah, we did. We had a contract. We kinda had a contract with the federal government to house some of their prisoners there," and he says, "You know. It was kinda funny! They kinda came and went!!"

So he verified all of this.

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