Engineered Droughts? Is a Pattern Emerging?

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Re: Calculated Weather Disruption

Postby The Omega Man » Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:52 pm

That's the other part of the equation I forgot to mention, during the first third of this year, my regional area has also had very substantial, opportunistic upper respitory infections, i.e. pneumonia, bronchitis, acute sinusitis, that required multiple antibiotics to treat. My daughter was treated with at least 3 different antibiotics to finally get rid of a pernicious infection that migrated from her sinuses to her eyes and then to her ears. A great number of people at work, and in my town were affected and everyone in my family was sick at different points. I queried my doctor when he was treating me for the third concurrent occurrence of upper respitory infection within 2 months and I very rarely get sick! I asked him if their were a large number of cases coming through with these type infections and he almost reluctantly admitted there were much more than normal for the area. I also suspect there is an immune-suppressant quality to these Chemtrail formulas.<br><br>Like I said before, it's extremely rare for me to get sick much less at the rate and concurrence of illness. Soon after I read where these Chemtrails were responsible for producing some of these exact effects on inflicted populace. I also want to add that I was always skeptical and never gave the Chemtrails much thought until I started noticing some correlations and patterns that were out of the ordinary. Then I started doing a little research and discovered some awful little truths about Chemtrails. I think more people need to begin to examine and trade evidence in this enviromental malice. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>The Omega Man</A> at: 8/16/06 7:38 pm<br></i>
The Omega Man
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Re: Calculated Weather Disruption

Postby darkbeforedawn » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:12 pm

Well interestingly enough, chem trails were clearly obvious here in Michigan most of the spring. Now I rarely see them above our town....Does this mean something? <p></p><i></i>

Re: Calculated Weather Destruction?

Postby The Omega Man » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:12 pm

Here's another suspicious incident that smacks of weather war. <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">54,700 dead, missing in North Korean Floods</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> As in all wars civilians are the actual targets. You don't go after the bees, you go after the hive that they come from, it's called attritional warfare.<br><br>North Korea was lashed by a typhoon on July 10, followed by three days of heavy monsoon rains. Good Friends, a long-term aid partner for North Korea, were quoted as saying the floods were the worst in the country's history. <p></p><i></i>
The Omega Man
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