“Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:04 pm

....bump away....not sure I can be much help...but loathing being jerked around by practical jokes of any sort tend to avoid ARG tar-babies like the plague.....

just remebered something odd about all those Emily Gyde blogs though was that most of the content was actually in the comments section - dozens & dozens of them but all time-stamped the same like they were being uploaded en masse..

the severed head myth throws up alot of weird material - every one's favourite wacky French pervy-porno philosopher George Bataille even gets in on the act with his own little satanic....( ish ) secret society & its headless god :

The Ideology of Tyranny : Guido Preparata

don't know if you saw the thread on the Icke forum on this : Anton Long and the Fake Order of Nine Angles


also I posted the famous Searchlight article on Myatt :


...while I'm on....

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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby Handsome B. Wonderful » Wed May 07, 2014 4:38 pm

I finally found time to read this entire thread. Mind = Blown.
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:48 am


A woman last night claimed she was raped at the age of four by a senior Tory MP who was one of Margaret Thatcher’s closest allies.
Susie Henderson waived her right to anonymity to describe the appalling abuse she alleges was inflicted on her by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn.


The late Conservative politician, who was appointed solicitor general for Scotland by Mrs Thatcher when she became prime minister, has been linked to the child abuse scandal threatening to engulf Westminster.
Last month evidence came to light which suggests Sir Nicholas may have visited the Elm Guest House which serial abuser Cyril Smith attended. The property in Barnes, south-west London, is the focus of a Scotland Yard investigation into an alleged Establishment paedophile ring in the 1980s.

The evidence emerged weeks after Home Secretary Theresa May announced a Hillsborough-style inquiry into claims of paedophile activities in Parliament and other public institutions.
Now, Miss Henderson, 48, has told the Mail that she was raped as a young child by Sir Nicholas – and that she also suffered years of sexual assaults by her late father, prominent Scottish QC Robert Henderson, who was a friend of the MP.

She said of Sir Nicholas: ‘I hated that man,’ adding: ‘More than I hated my father. He just really wasn’t a nice man.
‘I want it acknowledged that my father and Fairbairn did something very evil. Not just to me. There are other children out there.’ Miss Henderson first made her allegations against Sir Nicholas – famous for his outspoken views, frock-coat suits and tartan trousers – and her father under the alias of ‘Julie X’ in 2000 but an initial police investigation did not lead to any charges.

'Evil': Miss Henderson, pictured as a child (right), claims Sir Nicholas, who died in 1995, first abused her at one of her father’s parties at his Edinburgh home

Sir Nicholas, flamboyant MP for Perth and Kinross, died in 1995, aged 61. Twice-married, he once described his pastimes as: ‘Making love, ends meet and people laugh.’
The MP from 1974 to 1995 was a favourite of Mrs Thatcher because of his right-wing views and his noisily expressed adoration of her. He once claimed to enjoy a ‘special chemistry’ with the former Prime Minister and wrote in The Spectator magazine about her: ‘Sexually attractive, no, but certainly bonny.’ Miss Henderson, whose father died in 2012 aged 75, claims Sir Nicholas first abused her at one of her father’s parties at his Edinburgh home. She said: ‘We were in the kitchen. I was maybe four years old, I could have been younger.

Father: Miss Henderson also claims she suffered years of sexual assaults by her late father, prominent Scottish QC Robert Henderson, who was a friend of the MP

‘I had a skirt on and Nicholas and my dad had been drinking, and my dad told me to sit on Nicholas’s knee. I sat on his knee and he put his hand up my skirt and abused me. My dad just stood there laughing.’
Recalling another incident, Miss Henderson, who lives near Inverness, claimed Sir Nicholas raped her when she was in bed with him and ‘another guy’ in a guest room on the top floor of her five-storey family home.

She says she was just four or five years old at the time, and remembers the pungent smell of his feet. Sobbing, she said she was not sure how many times Sir Nicholas abused her but says it was ‘a lot,’ adding: ‘Even once is too much.’ Last night Sir Nicholas’s daughter Charlotte, 50, told the Mail that while she ‘did not know’ whether her father had carried out the alleged abuse, she very much doubted it. She said: ‘I don’t really want to know anything about it, I would be very surprised by that [the claims made against her father], but he is dead. He’s not here to defend himself.

‘It would sound hollow if I said, “He’s innocent.” I don’t know, though I completely and utterly doubt it [that he was an abuser.] It’s all such a long time ago. I hope it’s not true.’

Lists of VIP visitors to the Elm Guest House – which hosted parties in the 1980s where it is alleged vulnerable boys were sexually assaulted – are now being used by police as evidence in their inquiry, Operation Fernbridge. One document states politicians including ‘N Fairburn’ and C Smith’ visited the property in June 1982.
They also state ‘Fairburn’ had ‘used boys in sauna’ and photos had been taken of him – as well as former Liberal MP Smith – at the guest house. Police have confirmed that Smith was a regular visitor to the address.
Last month broadcaster Esther Rantzen spoke of her revulsion after learning Sir Nicholas, with whom she had an affair after they met in a BBC studio in 1966, had been implicated in the scandal.
Miss Henderson, speaking publicly after Sir Nicholas was linked to the guest house, said: ‘I knew this would come out.
‘I’m only surprised it has taken so long. I told the police about him in 2000, I told them what Fairbairn was. But they just wanted me to go away.
Esther Rantzen opens up on Jimmy Saville documentary Investigation: Last month evidence came to light which suggests Sir Nicholas may have visited the Elm Guest House which serial abuser Cyril Smith (pictured) attended

My father was feted by legal establishment, but was really a monster who let his powerful friends rape me

Every night before five-year-old Susie Henderson went to sleep, she would arrange her dolls around her bed. She wasn’t playing, she was hiding. Four decades on, it is a memory that still haunts her.

‘I put them there thinking that, when my father came for me in the night, he wouldn’t know it was me and he would take one of my dolls instead,’ she says. ‘But he never did.’

Now 48, Miss Henderson has spent a lifetime in hiding. For the past 14 years she has been known only as ‘Julie X’, the anonymous woman who in 2000 made allegations of child sexual abuse against her father – a senior member of the legal profession – and MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, the former Solicitor General for Scotland and a member of Margaret Thatcher’s inner circle.

Speaking out: Miss Henderson has spent a lifetime in hiding, and for the past 14 years has been known only as 'Julue X', the anonymous woman who in 2000 made allegations of child sexual abuse against her father and Sir Nicholas

Today, Miss Henderson has waived her anonymity to detail the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, the late Robert Henderson QC, one of Scotland’s top advocates and a close friend and former colleague of Fairbairn. Henderson died in December 2012, Fairbairn in 1995.
In the wake of the paedophile scandal threatening to engulf Westminster in which Fairbairn was recently implicated, Miss Henderson has chosen to come forward to tell her story.
She is calling for the police investigation into Henderson and Fairbairn, which was halted in 2000 after details were leaked to the Press and evidence was mislaid, to be re-opened.

She has also given the Scottish Daily Mail the names of six other senior members of the Scottish legal profession who she alleges either abused her or were aware of the abuse, which took place in the 1970s. Two of these individuals are still alive.

Today Miss Henderson lives a quiet life near Inverness with her partner, who fully supports her decision to tell her story, saying: ‘Over the years, Susie has lived in fear – but once other stories about Fairbairn started to come out, we realised that she could finally do this without fear. She can get closure.’

Miss Henderson works in social care, has a grown-up son and at weekends walks her dog along the windswept beaches near her home. She is well-spoken and articulate, with a ready smile and a mischievous sense of humour.

Yet her life is still overshadowed by the monstrous actions of her father and his friends – a set of high-powered legal figures who, she says, ritually abused her as part of an organised paedophile ring in the early 1970s when she was between four and eight years old.

‘It’s really only in my 40s that I’ve started living my life,’ she says. ‘I have good days and I have bad days. It will never go away and I get horrendous nightmares at times but, because my father is dead now, I’m not as scared as I used to be.’

Miss Henderson was born in 1966 into a life of Edinburgh privilege. Her father and his first wife, her mother, lived in a five-storey Georgian townhouse in the New Town. Parties were common and Henderson, a rising star in the Scottish legal profession, was a flamboyant and charming man-about-town.

'I have horrendous nightmares, it will never go away'

But behind closed doors he was a monster. He often beat his wife and young Susie was regularly belted: ‘He threw my Mum and me out in the snow one night when he brought a woman home.
‘He used to jump out of wardrobes to frighten people. He drank very heavily. There were always people round at the house and my Mum was just the slave.’
Henderson could be sadistically cruel towards his family. His daughter recalls: ‘One time he came home unexpectedly and I had my pet hamster out. I wasn’t allowed to have it out when he was there and I was terrified he’d go crazy. But he didn’t do anything, he just said: “Put that away.”’
‘The next morning when I went downstairs, it was stuffed into a milk bottle. He’d killed it. That was my punishment for letting it out.’

Yet Henderson could also be urbane and charismatic. Well thought-of among the political establishment, he twice stood as a Tory candidate for Parliament during the 1970s in Inverness-shire.
‘He could be very charming, usually when drunk,’ says Miss Henderson. ‘I can’t remember him being a loving man but he could be quite nice. He wasn’t always horrendous.’
She believes her father started abusing her around the age of three and sexually abused her repeatedly until she was eight years old: ‘He would say to my Mum when he came back from the pub, “I’ll take Susie for a nap.” And that was when he’d do it. He always put a pillow over my head. Another time in the bath he abused me and put my head under the water.’

History: Miss Henderson believes her father started abusing her around the age of three and sexually abused her repeatedly until she was eight years old

The house was often full of people, her father’s friends, who she says also abused her, or were fully aware of what was going on: ‘I was told that whatever anybody wanted I was to do it, no matter what it was.
‘My father had parties where I had to dance for people. He’d then put me in a bedroom. People came in. They had drugs there, lots of drink. My Dad used to give me drink.’

She clearly remembers the first time Fairbairn abused her at one of her father’s parties: ‘We were in the kitchen. I was maybe four years old. I had a skirt on and Nicholas and my Dad had been drinking, and my Dad told me to sit on Nicholas’s knee. I sat on his knee and he put his hand up my skirt and abused me. My Dad just stood there laughing.’

She remembers another incident involving Fairbairn: ‘The house was five floors and the top floor was where the guests used to stay. I was in bed in the guest room with Fairbairn and another guy.’
She alleges that on this occasion Fairbairn raped her. She was just four or five years old. Today, she sobs quietly as she recalls the incident and details such as the pungent smell of Fairbairn’s feet: ‘I hated that man – more than I hated my father. He just really wasn’t a nice man.’ She is not sure how many times Fairbairn abused her but says it was ‘a lot’, adding: ‘Even once is too much.’

Last month, Fairbairn was named as one of those believed to have visited the notorious Elm Guest House in London. A handwritten list of visitors to the guest house – which hosted parties in the 1980s where vulnerable boys were sexually assaulted after being plied with alcohol – states that a number of politicians including ‘N Fairburn’ and ‘C Smith’ – visited the property on June 7, 1982.

‘C Smith’ is believed to be Cyril Smith, the Liberal MP who has been exposed as a serial paedophile and who police have confirmed was a regular visitor to the brothel.

The documents also state that ‘Fairburn’ had ‘used boys in sauna’ and that photographs had been taken of him at the guest house. Despite the spelling discrepancy over Fairbairn/Fairburn, there have now been calls for a full investigation to establish whether or not Fairbairn was involved. Miss Henderson says she is not surprised: ‘I knew this would come out. I’m only surprised it has taken so long. I told the police about him in 2000, I told them what Fairbairn was. But they just wanted me to go away.’

The regular abuse stopped when she was eight years old and her mother left Henderson, taking Miss Henderson with her. It continued sporadically until she was around 12, whenever Henderson had custody of her.
‘Occasionally I would go and stay at my father’s,’ she says. ‘We never went to the pictures or did anything normal as father and daughter.

‘There were parties and drink and drugs and people half-naked. I remember him taking me to a sauna one time. Another time, he took me to a judge’s house and left me there.’
Miss Henderson knows that parts of her story may sound unbelievable: ‘Who would believe that the solicitor general and other top lawyers would be abusing children? Especially back in the 1970s and early 1980s. Those kind of things weren’t talked about.’

She kept in touch with her father during her teenage years – a decision which might seem incomprehensible.
‘I always wanted his approval,’ she says quietly. ‘I always wanted him to love me. I had this vision of what I wanted him to be. All my friends had nice Dads.

‘And, as I said, he could be really, really charming. But when he was angry or drunk he was something totally different.’

Those questioning why Henderson was not brought to justice while he was alive may remember the Fettesgate scandal of the 1990s, when it was alleged that a magic circle of legal figures was conspiring to fix sentences. The case was eventually thrown out of court.

Miss Henderson says: ‘With the Fettesgate scandal, my father had a list of all the prominent people involved and he used to just laugh. He would say, “If I go down, they’ll all go down with me.”
'He told me he could put me six feet under'
‘He had all this evidence. He showed me. He just thought it was all hysterical. He knew he would take the whole lot of them with him. That’s why it was all hush-hushed.’

And so it was that in 2000, having agreed to speak anonymously about her experiences to Sandra Brown, author of a book about child abuse called Where There is Evil, she found her story greeted with scepticism.
Senior Tories rallied to Fairbairn’s defence, describing her allegations as ‘absolute rubbish’.

Fairbairn’s daughter Charlotte dismissed the claims. Henderson, by then retired but still a prominent member of the legal establishment, phoned his daughter and warned her not to continue making allegations.
‘He told me he could put me six feet under,’ says Miss Henderson, whose claims were investigated by the police. They interviewed both her and her mother, who supported her daughter’s claims.

But following a mysterious leak to the Press and the loss of evidence, Miss Henderson halted the investigation. She explains now that the police had ‘told me nobody would know until the investigation was over, but I was only half-way through my statement when it was leaked.

‘To have that happen to you, when it had taken me years to get to the point where I felt it was time for justice, was devastating. I was just a whimpering mess. I couldn’t go on.’
At the time, she handed a number of key pieces of evidence to police. She asked for their return several times over the years but was always told they were in a ‘safe’ place. Recently she was told that they had been ‘mislaid’.
Hopeful: Miss Henderson feels that finally people will understand that she is telling the truth about Fairbairn: 'I know - I hope - I will be believed'

‘I want answers for that,’ she says. ‘I want my stuff back. And I want it acknowledged that my father and Fairbairn did something very evil. Not just to me. There are other children out there.

‘And these were people in power. We put them there and they are supposed to be trusted. It’s not right.’
Miss Henderson has lived with the scars, physical and mental, of the abuse all her life. As a teenager she developed an eating disorder. Following the birth of her son in her twenties, she suffered debilitating post-natal depression that caused many memories of those terrible times to come flooding back.

Eventually, she spent time in a psychiatric unit. Today, however, she feels that finally people will understand that she is telling the truth about Fairbairn: ‘I know – I hope – I will be believed.
‘He used to pay me money for it,’ she adds. ‘A pound here, a pound there. It was as if it was his way of thinking it was OK, because he’d paid for it.’
And like many abuse victims, for a long time she believed it was her own fault.
‘I used to feel guilty,’ she says. ‘I don’t feel guilty any more. Now I’m able to stand up and have a voice.’




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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby guruilla » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:31 pm

This has got to be the most epic one-man thread in RI history! (Was it before Jeff put a limit on size of posts? :lol: ) Makes me feel better about my own solo acts. I would need a week to ingest everything here, but wanted to commend this intro passage and bump it up for those who didn't see it first time around.

The Freud quote is esp. interesting.

semper occultus » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:50 am wrote:This post, a conclusion to my original thread : “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus
has been hanging around more or less done since Christmas but as I’m never going to get it “finished” or written properly this sprawling mess will have to do so I can purge it from my system & let it drop into the murky depths.
In the unlikely event anyone is going to plough through it some semblance of coherence is imposed in the form of 4 major organisational headings :

· Towards a “Wellsian” analytical model

· Some speculative ruminations concerning the historic roots & character of the Nexus.

· Scotland : archival round-up, more or less up-to-date, of relevant information covering manifestations of the “Loch Ness Monster” in occult / serial-killer connections, more general paedophile networks, Dunblane

· Elite Deviance II : “The Case of Stephen Thomas Ward” & elite occultism

· The Ultimate Evil : reverberations of the Nexus across the Atlantic : US & Canadian Connections

An analytical Model

my conclusion is that the Loch Ness Monster “Nexus”, as I have posited its existence in the preceding posts, can be understood as a confluence of both :

· deep-political structures &
· deep-psychological phenomena

as expounded within the ground-breaking theoretical frameworks afforded us by Professors Peter Dale-Scott & Carl Jung.

I would further contend, perhaps controversially, that the putative Jung-Scott synthesis suggested here – what I take the liberty of referring to – in respect to the host of this board & its associated & now sadly somewhat dormant blog - as the “Wellsian” analytical model - not only offers the most powerful explanatory tools for the understanding & analysis of conspiratorial, covert & occult forces such as the Nexus as they act upon society but that within this framework the existence of such forces is also positively predicted & expected.
The Jungian “Shadow” can be understood as the psychic bump in the carpet which grows as certain “unacceptable” beliefs, behaviours & desires are rejected as unacceptable by the conscious super-ego & swept from sight under the pressure of social value-systems, peer-pressure & “consensus reality”. These rejected impulses are usually, therefore, closely associated with social taboos concerning sexual, violent or amoral actions
The coalescence of this psychic detritus forms the individual’s shadow-self : the mild-mannered Jekyll’s shadow is ofcourse the brutish “Hyde” but obversely someone raised to function in the most violent & reprehensible environment will develop a shadow “Jekyll” totally at odds with their public persona.

Similarly the modern lore of SRA holds that satanically involved individuals will often have public alters that are fundamentalist Christians.

The split appears hard-wired into the individual’s mental system – the strange psychic realm the “collective unconscious” ( CU ) functions, like the individual’s intuitive right brain hemisphere in a language of symbolism whilst the conscious, logical ego-identity controls the rational & verbally-structured left-brain.
Jung’s innovation was to scale-up the concept of a personal subconscious to the collective level – across the entire human race & back in time to its very earliest existence.

The CU is a repository of archetypes : universal symbols concerning the deepest fundamentals of all aspects of the human life-cycle & experience of existence.

When forces or energy from the CU manifest or break through into the realm of conscious perception & the material plane this will be experienced as external, ego-alien manifestations, covering the gamut of mystical, religious, occult & psi phenomena of all types including “synchronicity”.
The flying saucer for Jung was at one level the manifestation or projection of an archetype into the realm of the physical generated from within the collective human group-psyche itself.

At the collective level we can posit the following :
· the ascendancy of scientific materialism
· the Enlightenment’s values of human good & progress
· the decline of supernatural & religious belief

would be expected to energise the shadow with forces of an atavistic pre-modern, irrational, anti-humanist nature expressed in religious forms & able to produce & channel genuine occult & synchronistic manifestations : a fairly serviceable definition of black-magic, left-hand occultism or Satanism.
Such activity has clear psychopathological roots , as described by Gerhard Zacharias in “The Satanic Cult” :

We can further expect that as these represent the very quintessence of the Shadow, the rejected aspects of humanity, that most rational, “left-brain”, ego-driven discourse will tend to react with hostility, disbelief & scepticism to the very idea of the existence of such activities in a modern context.

It is however possible to make a much longer historic perspective on this as indeed it is argued that the emergence of dualistic beliefs from Persia & the rise of monotheism began the process of creating an artificial split in man’s mind – forcing the metaphysical world into a polarity of absolute good & evil quite at odds with the reality of man’s true nature & circumstances.
Whilst on the one hand representing a spiritual evolution from the forms of religions that preceded it as described by Steven Kent in his monograph “Deviant Scripturalism”:

Once such a process takes hold the repressed & bottled-up impulses can burst out in the most extreme & aberrant forms :
Dualistic beliefs led certain Gnostic sects to a cosmogony that saw all physical creation as inherently evil & the monotheistic Judaic God that was its acknowledged creator as in fact Satan himself.
The Borborites for example taught :
…..that there were eight heavens, each under a separate archon. In the seventh reigned Sabaoth, creator of heaven and earth, the God of the Jews, represented by some Borborites under the form of an ass or a hog; hence the Jewish prohibition of swine's flesh. In the eighth heaven reigned Barbelo, the mother of the living; the Father of All, the supreme God; and Christ. They denied that Christ was born of Mary, or had a real body; and also the resurrection of the body.
Epiphanius says the Borborites were inspired by Sethianism, and had as a distinct feature of their rituals elements of sexual sacramentalism, including smearing of hands with menstrual blood and semen, and consumption of the same as a variant of eucharist. They were also said to extract fetuses from pregnant women and consume them, particularly if the women accidentally became pregnant during related sexual rituals.

The problem is that which attends all prohibitions in human history – by banishing the undesirable from the public-sphere the phenomenon merely shifts to an underground level where it merges with the criminal & psychopathic underbelly of human society

The tangible organisational continuities to the present day appear to date from the 17th Century when the modern conspiratorial nexus emerged as the inevitable response to the socio-economic & psychological forces emerging at that time : Overlaying those already identified
· industrial, economic & imperialist growth
· emergence of new middle classes & intelligentsia with consequent democratic aspirations
The importance of the Nexus as a conspiratorial factor in history lies not so much in their command of occult forces – much though that belief system serves to bind & energise it, but in the happenstance of its emergence on the European nation which derived the greatest first-mover advantage from harnessing the emerging forces described above from the rise of parliamentary & legal structures after the English Civil War, the industrial revolution, global economic imperialism & the opium trade.
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby lunarmoth » Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:49 pm

Aeolus Kephas = anything to do with Acephalous ?? looks likely...

I am new to this gigantic thread but did once travel to Loch Ness. Actually, got off the Yellow Bus in Inverness, thinking I would visit the battlefield of Culloden that afternoon, which I did. As the museum was closing I had only about an hour so I jogged from one end of it to the other, searching for the mass graves of my ancestors, MacLeans and MacDonalds. Which I found. I felt if I kept running I could scare up the ghost of Bonnie Prince Charlie -- interestingly, later that evening, back in Inverness, a young man leaning out of his VW van captured my attention by playing a tune on his wee flute -- he turned out to be a well-known Inverness busker and Scottish nationalist, Kim Gordon, whom you can google but I digress. I met another busker -- who had played in Edgar Winter's band a decade or two earlier, Rod McKenzie aka 'Jeep Solid" -- who told me Inverness was loaded with both good and bad energy. He showed me photos of UFOs and a Virgin Mary apparition that had appeared over his house.

I definitely experienced that Highland current there, that seemed to whirl through everything and everyone. On my second day I rented a bicycle and attempted to cycle the 10 km to Loch Ness in gale-force winds. I borrowed a map that indicated the site of a stone circle in the woods near the Loch. Cycling into the wind it took me over an hour to reach the forest, then I had to push the bike up and down winding paths past flowering rhododendrons and other strange bushes. The closer I got to where the map said was the location of the stone circle, the stronger the wind and also a feeling became to overcome me that I should turn back, as if an extremely negative force controlled the whole area. I was probably about 50 metres from the goal when I reversed direction and cycled back to Inverness and the buskers.

The following day I got back on the Yellow Bus and headed for Skye. On the way out of town, our driver stopped for a panoramic viewpoint over Loch Ness, and to point out Aleister Crowley's house in the distance on the far shore. It stood not far from where I had cycled the previous day, i.e. that stone circle was probably one the Great Beast used for his rituals. The Scottish driver had long red hair and made a forceful speech about Crowley, saying what a loathesome man and mass murderer he was and how many local children he had killed,and how the people around here felt about him, and so on. This seemed conclusive as far as I was concerned. If I had ever felt the slightest curiosity about studying his work, that speech killed it.

The word 'appropriation" keeps coming up as I type this. There is spiritual energy, existing everywhere, and then there are the creeps and monsters who attempt to appropriate and control it for their own grandiose and petty ends. And we can spend endless amounts of time recording their sad little projects and all the associated misery --

I wonder why. Perhaps as a cautionary tale. Or because it's so fascinating when things go bad and fall apart. But that's just our human twistedness talking. Maybe. Evil as a trampoline to higher dimensions? Let's go there sometime instead.

Anyway, I've spent a few hours here and all I know is: Crowley keeps coming up everywhere I look these days. Let's discuss him. I mean directly. Who is Crowley, to you?
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:54 pm

.....hey thanks for your bump gururilla.....but god its cringemaking having to read that back...like listening to yourself on a recording....! :tongout

lunarmoth » 25 Dec 2015 21:49 wrote:The closer I got to where the map said was the location of the stone circle, the stronger the wind and also a feeling became to overcome me that I should turn back, as if an extremely negative force controlled the whole area. I was probably about 50 metres from the goal when I reversed direction and cycled back to Inverness and the buskers.

...that's a really interesting experience .....it reads exactly like something out of one of Andrew Collins psychic-questing book like the Black Alchemist where he used to go out with groups of psychics to interact with sacred landscapes....one of the things he was constantly encountering were nefarious occultists manipulating natural earth energies and seeking to corrupt sacred sites.......its doubly germane as some of his discoveries are quite relevant to this thread if I can ever get round to doing an update....
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby lunarmoth » Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:28 pm

Here's an image of Craigh na dun, the alleged stone circle I never found: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/out ... 0819013537

Now trying to locate it on Google Maps. Will post if I find anything interesting.

Well, although it was on the map they lent me at the Ticket-to-Ride bike rental place in Inverness, the latest info I'm seeing says Craigh na Dun is a fictional site: http://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=1146411369

Fictional Craigh na Dun is apparently famous from the Outlander series, but the actual 18-stone circle does exist, at Aldourie Estate near Loch Ness: http://cauldeenprimary.co.uk/secretloch ... stones.htm

It's fairly close to Crowley's Boleskine House which recently burned down (!) https://boingboing.net/2015/12/28/aleis ... y-pag.html
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Sat Dec 08, 2018 4:34 pm

ooh.....photobucket seems to have been restored to some semblance of life.....a bit of sulphurous thread-necromancy seems in order to include this interesting character - without whom no examination of the subject would really be complete





blimey - what is it with these types & animal charities ?


...all gentlemen of wealth and taste I'm sure....

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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:34 pm


A child abuse inquiry witness has told how he was raped by priests during "satanic" drink-fuelled sex parties.

Dave Sharp also described a catalogue of sexual, physical and emotional violence at St Ninian's in Falkland, Fife, between 1971 and 1975.

Mr Sharp, from Glasgow, said the abuse had left him with "lifelong trauma".

The independent Scottish Child Abuse inquiry is looking in detail at historical abuse of children in residential care.

Mr Sharp urged inquiry chairwoman Lady Smith, to piece together the "jigsaw" of victims' accounts and called for a "national discussion" on the subject.

The 60-year-old, who has waived his right to anonymity, was put into care after his mother died when he was aged one.

Tied up
He stayed in several institutions before going to the Catholic-run care home in Fife.

He told how he was groomed by one of the religious brothers, who would tell him he loved him, which "no-one had ever done" before.

The inquiry heard the then-12-year-old was later raped.

Most of the abuse was said to have taken place in the shower rooms, where the witness would be made to stand in the dark through the night as a punishment.

One attack came after he had asked about the whereabouts of a friend who had disappeared. It was later discovered the boy had taken his own life.

Mr Sharp said he was taken to the shower room by a drunken religious brother, tied-up and gagged.
The witness claimed he was hung by a cord, threatened with murder if he spoke out and was then raped.

He added: "It was from that day everything I did was under his complete and utter control."

The inquiry heard "two or three" boys were trafficked around Scotland and Ireland at a time to be used in drink-fuelled sex parties, which he described as "satanic".

One occasion in Ireland was said to have involved 10 men taking turns to rape the boys.

It was heard priests were among those involved and incidents took place over the duration of his time at St Ninian's, which was run by religious order the Christian Brothers.

He left the home aged 16 without "any memory other than continually being abused".

Drug addiction
It was then that he found out he had a family, but he did not settle and became dependent on drugs and alcohol.

He said he struggled with a "£100-a-day" habit for up to 25 years and attempted to kill himself on numerous occasions.

Mr Sharp was married for five weeks during this period, until his wife died of natural causes.

This led to him having a "breakdown" and he was taken into hospital care, where he found religion and decided to "turn his life around".

The inquiry, before Lady Smith, continues on Tuesday.

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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby Elvis » Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:21 pm

Epic work, Semper. :praybow
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:15 pm

ah thankyou Elvis


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... hears.html


A satanic child abuse ring tortured children by putting them in an oven, forcing them to kill animals and gang raping them, a court has heard.

Seven men and four women are accused of abusing three young children over the course of 10 years in Glasgow which saw them attempt to 'call on spirits and demons'.

Two girls - one of whom was allegedly shut in a microwave, fridge, oven and freezer in an attempted to kill her - and one boy were forced to kill animals as well as being sexually abused by the group, it is claimed.

Members of the group have been charged with 43 offences with among the most serious being attempted murder and rape of young children.

Iain Owens, 44, Elaine Lannery, 38, Lesley Williams, 41, Paul Brannan, 40, Marianne Gallagher, 38, Scott Forbes, 49, Barry Watson, 46, Mark Carr, 49, Richard Gachagan, 45, Leona Laing, 50, and John Clark, 46, all deny the offences.

Four other people alleged to have been involved in the ring - Maureen Goudie, Steven McHendrie, Robert Brown, James McLean and Douglas Gachagan - have since died, according to court papers.

The High Court in Glasgow was told on Friday that the offences took place between January 2010 and March 2020 at a number of addresses in the city.

The group are alleged to have run a wheelchair over the legs of one of the girls, as well as putting a plastic bag over her head. It's claimed she was made to eat cat food, as well as take drugs and alcohol, with the other girl also made to eat pet food.

The second girl was allegedly chased by an adult wearing a devil mask and hung by her jumper from a nail on the wall. This culminated with her being pushed into and trapped inside a microwave, an oven, a fridge freezer and various cupboards, the court heard.

It is claimed one of the girls was threatened with being sent to Turkey with a male stranger, while the boy was put in a bath which they said was filled with blood. The boy and older girl are alleged to have been made to take part in 'seances (and) use a Ouija board...to call on spirits and demons'.

The children were also involved in 'witchcraft' leading them to believe that they themselves had 'metamorphosed into animals'. The 11 are further said to have worn cloaks and devil horns as well making the young boy stab a budgie to death. The group are also accused of killing a number of dogs including getting the children to attack the animals.

It is claimed that all three children were raped and sexually assaulted by members of the ring, with some cheering and clapping while recording the offences.

Prosecutors allege that some members of the group paid for 'sexual services' from three of the children. The court heard that when the older girl called the police she was threatened by members of the group and had her call disconnected.

Maureen Goudie - also known as Maureen McLellan - had been linked to the group but died before the case made it to trial

It is also said attempts were made to 'pressurise' two of the youngsters around the time of police interviews. Judge Lord Beckett estimated the full trial could take up to seven weeks, with several of the defence lawyers agreeing this was 'realistic'. The judge told the court: 'There are so many people in the case there could be an unusual level of disruption.'

Advocate depute Kath Harper estimated the Crown case alone would last up to three weeks. At Friday's hearing - where none of the accused were present - several defence lawyers raised concerns over a video posted on social media in relation to the trial hours before the case was called. Gary Allan KC described the content as 'accusatory' and having 'derogatory terms' directed towards the accused, and said it was 'potentially prejudicial'.

Brian McConnachie KC told the court: 'We need to speak to this person and tell them to stop what they are doing... There will be some future video uploaded.' Lord Beckett responded to the lawyers' concerns, saying: 'The Crown has the resources to tackle this and I would encourage the Crown to do so.'

The case was continued to the full trial hearing in September.
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:12 am

interesting bit of dot-joining here concerning a certain David Okerlund Leavitt, County Attorney for Utah County, Utah - star of Wombat's thread here :

David Lee Hamblin / Utah SRA Case

just like that nice Mr Aquino our SRA-implicated subject seems to share a certain affinity with aping the lifestyle of baronial Scotland


https://twitter.com/AdamHerbets/status/ ... 3236603904
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Re: “Loch Ness Monster” – the Scottish paedophile nexus

Postby semper occultus » Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:57 pm

interesting documentary snippet about serial killer Fred West's connections to Scotland

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