On the Temple of THEM site is the following page of something called "Project Evisceral." Archived page here:
https://web.archive.org/web/20140126153 ... -ov-blood/Opening quote (bold added by me):
Created as a suggested means to fabricate particular events and energies occurring in the Tempel ov Blood at the time this was written - between 2003 and 2004 ev. This was to excite and invoke a need for others to join. A solid premise but an over-hammed execution (subtlety now a stronger point in my armory) saw ProjEv revised a few times, (AK hated the drop-down TV) and finally replaced with the seminal manuscript peaSe lovE and munGbeans
Entry 9 Day 2 then has a "pseudo-entry" by a participant in Project Evisceral, which says:
I did the task until my hands were shaking. I’m looking at the once white washed walls, now covered from floor to ceiling, wall to wall with the red crayon scrawls of the Noctulius sigil. I can see the smudges on the wall where I lay during the task, exhausted ...
This pattern of behavior is nearly the same as the False Prophet / Frank ARG on 4chan. They were tasked to draw sigils in real world places (these sigils can be see on the terribly edited youtube videos I posted above, as well as the link to an /x/ discussion).
That entry on the Temple of THEM site is from December 2013. The earliest reference to a "Project Evisceral" on the internet is from May 3rd 2010, and again on May 2nd, 2011 in two scribd documents, which appear to be the same diary:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/30839962/The- ... ise-of-DWRhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/54469671/Ryan ... WorshipperBoth of those documents are now in archive.org if they get taken down. In the diary an individual named Ryan Anschauung (also called "Ryan Frank" on one of the scribd documents) states the following:
When the Tempel Ov Blood, an American Vampiric Cult, arrived on the scene,its form seemed so similar to that of ONA that I felt it almost certainly had to have special connections with the latter. To get closer to the truth I made myself available as an artist to the ToB and took some time to help them by writing several treatises and designing a few illustrations to help further the aims of their Order - which I felt was worthy of my attention at the time.Manuscripts included: “18.333: The Alchemy of Death”, “Entry 2 Day 9”, “Project Evisceral: An Adherents Diary”,
Also, the blog entry above is tagged with the following (bold added):
This entry was posted in Passed Voices and tagged Deception, Ethos, Fiction, Form, Tempel ov Blood, Vampire.
I haven't yet worked out whether Ryan is at the heart of all this, or someone else is. Ryan, which apparently isn't his real name, also goes by other aliases and internet names, including: Krist Hollow, sinister101, Ryan Frank, Thoth, Friend Ley, Khk. He says that "Kris" is his real name, and that part of ONA's procedures is to use multiple names (opsec?), from this page here:
https://web.archive.org/web/20110425011 ... 101-a.htmlQuote (bold added):
Hey man, Both. Kris is my real name, Ryan is my former name under the ONA. I use Kris for familiarity, Ryan when in new spaces. In this case I used it for creedence as a former member of ONA to vouch for the identity of someone else in ONA. I used Ryan for almost seven years, so I still get confused myself - messing with alternate personalities can create a few unforeseen problems. It's a part of the ONA's system, gets ingrained, and old habits sometimes die hard. I'm also known as Thoth, Friend Ley, Khk, and a whole range of other names. I guess I consider my name quite abitrary. But, sorry for the confusions, you are welcome to call me Kris.
Here is Ryan's blog (now deleted):
https://web.archive.org/web/20110916070 ... press.com/And another:
https://web.archive.org/web/20100303171 ... press.com/They also have a private yahoo group here:
Also found this maltego document which outlines several ONA member's email addresses:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/91942839/DocumentThat document has also been uploaded to archive.org incase it gets taken down.
I'm still reading those two blogs to see if there are any other similarities between the Temple of THEM writings and the ARGs being played.