human experimentation scandal in Israel

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human experimentation scandal in Israel

Postby havanagilla » Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:21 am

News from hometown, where I was born and brought up. The hospital where I was born, and to my understanding also tortured later, is now exposed for what it really is.<br><br>Gradually, one of the biggest medical scandals is breaking out in Israel, re a web of deadly and cruel medical experimentations in "Kaplan" hospital and the affiliate Hartzfeld Geriatric Facility. <br><br>As you can read, the academic sponsorship (and possibly the financial backer and partner) is the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Not coincidentally, I was born in Kaplan, "treated" there, and later, at 17, was employed by the Hebrew U, in Rehovot branch, where I was subjected to radiation as part of my "job description". Not coincidentally again, I was re hired by Hebrew U, in 1995, as a retired guinea pig. Meet- The rehovot nightmare.<br> (those who don't know the Israeli geography - Rehovot is a sort of "campus/itech" sleeping town 15 miles south east of Tel Aviv, and is hosting - Weitzman Institute of Science; Hebrew University Faculty of Agriculture; Israel Biological Center (2 miles north of town); and now a fairly developed "scienc industry park" with lots of pharam corps and those applied digetal, communication, micro chip etc. corps. Rehovot is also adjacent the largest airforce base, MK Tel Nof. <br> <br> <br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Last update - 05:43 12/06/2006 <br> <br> <br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">Doctors experimented illegally on hundreds of elderly patients <br></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> By Ran Reznick <br> <br>Doctors at Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and Harzfeld Geriatric Hospital in Gedera have carried out dozens of illegal experiments on hundreds of patients in their 90s and older, a Health Ministry inquiry committee has recently found. The initial, unofficial results of the inquiry are being published here for the first time.<br><br>The committee headed by Prof. Jacques Michel, a former director of Hadassah University Hospital, Mt. Scopus also found that the hospitals, which are under the joint management of Dr. Yossi Barel and Dr. Shmuel Levy, <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>were intentionally and systematically trying to cover up the experimentation and that they had falsified files and documents handed over to the ministry.<br><br>In addition, the hospitals were found to be paying hundreds of thousands of shekels to fund some of the illegal experiments, with the tacit compliance of some senior hospital offic</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->ials.<br><br><br> <br> <br> Advertisement <br> <br>A doctor close to the investigation told Haaretz <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>that the findings were among the most serious ever discovered in the Israeli public health system, and that the report had turned up "terrible things that it is impossible to live with and that are in complete opposition to the ethical commitments of doctors and health institutions."</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>The Health Ministry inquiry relies in part on the testimony of Dr. Avner Shahar, who worked at Harzfeld between 1996 and 2003 and now serves as the geriatric specialist for the ministry's southern district. Shahar says he was pushed out of his job after he began complaining about the practices at Harzfeld, including "numberless" experiments conducted inappropriately and without the consent <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>of dozens of patients, including patients who did not have the mental capacity to provide informed consent.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br>The final report, which will apparently be submitted to Health Ministry administrators in the next two weeks, is expected to recommend that the findings be handed over to the attorney general and the state comptroller, as well as to the police so they can open a criminal investigation. The initial findings of the inquiry were recently presented to the Health Ministry's director general and other top ministry officials.<br><br>The ministry report comes more than a year after accusations of illegal human experiments were first publicized, in a March 2005 Haaretz article. In May of that year, the state comptroller released a report concluding that <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>illegal human experiments at Kaplan and Harzfeld had led to the death of elderly patients.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br>The Health Ministry committee has revealed failures in the conduct of hospital management that are unprecedented in their severity. Haaretz has discovered that the committee will likely want to take action against Barel, director of Kaplan-Harzfeld, and deputy director Levy, who is responsible for Harzfeld. The committee is expected to determine that Barel and Levy have exhibited conduct unbecoming to a doctor and hospital director.<br><br>"If the hospital administration had bothered to do its job and investigate the experiments affair as it should have even after the 2005 state comptroller's report it could have discovered for itself, quite easily, the terrible norms of carrying out experiments on old people," said a senior official close to the investigation.<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>The inquiry also found serious flaws in the Kaplan-Harzfeld Helsinki committee for the approval of human experimentation, headed by Prof. Abraham Eliraz. According to the inquiry, the Helsinki committee acted in a "disgraceful" way, allowing senior doctors to carry out experiments that should not have been approved, instead of demanding changes in the experiments in an effort to prevent or minimize potential harm to the patients.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br>The inquiry committee is expected to make the unprecedented recommendation that the Kaplan-Harzfeld Helsinki committee be dissolved and that new members be appointed. The new members will be required to undergo extensive instruction. Until a new committee is selected, the inquiry panel is expected to recommend that an external committee supervise any experimentation at the hospitals.<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><br>The inquiry also found that doctors and top hospital administrators participated in coordinating their testimony and covering up the experimentation and that they also participated, actively and passively, in threatening several doctors who wanted to tell the truth about the illegal experiments or did not want to take</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> part in carrying them <br>out.<br><br>The Health Ministry committee is also expected to criticize several doctors involved in the affair, including Dr. Nadya Kagansky. The panel is expected to determine that her conduct was unbecoming a doctor and request that she not be allowed to receive an academic appointment.<br><br><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: human experimentation scandal in Israel

Postby jingofever » Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:39 am

What were the experiments? Has this information been released yet? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: human experimentation scandal in Israel

Postby havanagilla » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:02 am

so far only one experiment was release to the press, it was a testing of a new procedure to puncture the gallblader (? where the pee is stored) with a sort of needle, without operation, in order to collect tissue and specimen, and pee of course. This resulted in the death (!!) of several elderly people from infection. One horrible case, that was release is a 90 years old lady, who survived auschwitz and was placed there by her relatives (Harzfeld was considered a good place till now, and quite costly). After a while she complained to them that she is being experimented on, and that she wants out. They related it to "post holocaust stress disorder" (in order words, paranoia), and dismissed her concerns, soon after she passed away from this gallbladder experiment. this was also quite painful and they didn't treat them after they did it. Could there be anything WORSE ? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: human experimentation scandal in Israel

Postby havanagilla » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:06 am

an aside (I am very agitated to day, due to this publication, so pardon graphomania), I think this lady's story, namely, surviving Mengele and dying in Harzfeld zionland, is a "writing on the wall" type of event. Namely, this is like God was speaking through her, and this is why it had to be known (metaphysically I mean). Israel is the fallacy, the false refuge, the ultimate trap for Jews. The lady was thinking she is safe from the evil nazis just because she relocated from germany or what not, to "the Jewish homeland" where she found her end, in the same manner, by same nazis, only operating in Hebrew and under full immunity. This is the zionist nightmare, as I see it, for Jews. <p></p><i></i>
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paranoia etc

Postby blanc » Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:40 am

How often those who are teling the truth are dismissed as fantasists, paranoid, suffering from Munchausen's by proxy, delusional.<br>This collective idea we have of what can happen in our society, together with the half baked ideas we have about manifestations of mental illness serves PTB extremely well.<br><br>Its as though we are so so embarassed to be thought gullible or conned by the individual in front of us, who is telling us something unusual, that we will tap into any kind of construct to defend ourselves from the reality.<br><br>We have been trained to normalize and ignore information which comes outside these standards. We can stilll think that our beloved relative is crazy to mistrust her doctor, even though we know that pharmacology is a cut throat big business, not a public service. <br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby AlicetheCurious » Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:23 am

You know, Hava, your post has raised my own anxiety level quite a bit. It brings back horrible memories, of someone very close to me, who had to be physically dragged, screaming, to her doctor, who injected her with something that she swore gave her nightmarish hallucinations and made her unable to function. Although she did seem to deteriorate significantly under this doctor's "treatment", he assured her loved ones that this was the progressive nature of her mental illness.<br><br>After 10 years of this hell, she left the country and oddly enough, steadily improved the longer she went without this doctor's "treatment". We thanked God for her miraculous recovery; it didn't occur to us to connect the doctor's injections with the psychotic behaviour, until one day we saw this doctor interviewed on '60 Minutes'. It turns out this doctor was involved in Ewen Cameron's experiments in Montreal. <br><br>It all came crashing down on us. How she had begged, how she had struggled... how her irrational, crazy accusations had seemed terribly embarrassing, against such a reasonable, caring, concerned doctor. Such impressive credentials, too.<br><br>And this was in Montreal, Canada, in the 1970s, way after the experiments were supposedly stopped. <br><br>Reading about that poor woman who was experimented on in Israel, brought back the terrible guilt of betrayal. It must be so much worse for them, because she died, and because of her history. Her poor family...<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby FourthBase » Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:32 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>One horrible case, that was release is a 90 years old lady, who survived auschwitz and was placed there by her relatives (Harzfeld was considered a good place till now, and quite costly). After a while she complained to them that she is being experimented on, and that she wants out. They related it to "post holocaust stress disorder" (in order words, paranoia), and dismissed her concerns, soon after she passed away from this gallbladder experiment. this was also quite painful and they didn't treat them after they did it. Could there be anything WORSE ?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br>Oh god, that is dreadful.<br><br>Lesson: LISTEN TO PEOPLE, no matter how crazy they seem. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby havanagilla » Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:03 am

AliceC, yes, it appears that the church committee had no effect whatsoever on reality, except to test how the public reacts (apparently, we the public passed with flying colors as sheeple), which meant they can upscale and become a bit more audacious and visible. (after all, the sky didn't fall on Camerron, right ? and the sum total of compensation was ridiculous, one case settled last year in Canada, see - Kastner, I think 100k... and 30 years too late).<br>--<br>Yes, what you are describing is the typical situation. MC (and I am sure RA) victims are aware of the danger of making voiciforous accusations, lest one is branded as "nuts". <br>--<br>Talkbacks on this publication are insinuating that actually, the deep throat in this case is the main nazi doctor who authorized most of it. when he felt there was too much sniffing he was the one to run first to Haaretz and present himself as a whistle blower. don't know if that's the case, but makes sense. The main culprits are very very sophisticated.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby havanagilla » Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:54 pm

little update, for the sake of history. The woman who died from the illegal experiments, mentioned above, was not only holocaust survivor, but specifically one of Mengele's "twins".<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby chiggerbit » Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:02 am

Oh, how sad that is. How can these people do that? Didn't somebody do a study on people or a specific person involved in something like that?<br><br>Found it: The Nazi doctors : medical killing and the psychology of genocide Robert Jay Lifton. <br><br>The book is available online here:<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>chiggerbit</A> at: 6/14/06 10:17 pm<br></i>
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Re: paranoia etc

Postby chiggerbit » Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:36 am

I think this part of Lifton's forward for this book has relevance for what is going on today in Guantanamo and Abu:<br><br>From Lifton's forward:<br><br>"....Though I had little hesitation in proceeding, a few people I talked to expressed certain misgivings. “I hope you have a strong stomach!” was a comment I frequently heard. Some went on to make a compelling case for leaving the whole subject alone. Their argument was that Nazi evil should merely be recognized and isolated: rather than make it an object of study, one should simply condemn it. Psychological study in particular, it was feared, ran the risk of replacing condemnation with “insights.” Those misgivings gave me pause and forced me to look at some difficult personal and philosophical issues. <br><br>I had no doubt about the reality of Nazi evil. But I could now be more clear that the purpose of my psychological project was to learn more about, rather than replace, precisely that evil. To avoid probing the sources of that evil seemed to me, in the end, a refusal to call forth our capacity to engage and combat it. Such avoidance contains not only fear of contagion but an assumption that Nazi or any other evil has no relationship whatsoever to the rest of us — to more general human capacities. While Nazi mass murder and brutality tempts one toward such an assumption, it is nonetheless false and even dangerous. As for the strong stomach, I was by no means without fear about what I was getting into; but decisions of that kind, in my experience, are made from one’s deepest intuition about oneself, about what is appropriate and right for one to do. That inner inclination to go ahead did not, however, relieve me of painful awareness that whatever I did would be considerably less than full moral and intellectual justice to the subject. <br><br>As I pursued the work, it became clear that the Nazis were not the only ones to involve doctors in evil. One need only look at the role of Soviet psychiatrists in diagnosing dissenters as mentally ill and incarcerating them in mental hospitals; of doctors in Chile (as documented by Amnesty International) serving as torturers; of Japanese doctors performing medical experiments and vivisection on prisoners during the Second World War; of white South African doctors falsifying medical reports of blacks tortured or killed in prison; of American physicians and psychologists employed by the Central Intelligence Agency in the recent past for unethical medical and psychological experiments involving drugs and mind manipulation; and of the “idealistic” young physician-member of the People’s Temple cult in Guyana preparing the poison (a mixture of cyanide and Kool-Aid) for the combined murder-suicide in 1978 of almost a thousand people. Doctors in general, it would seem, can all too readily take part in the efforts of fanatical, demagogic, or surreptitious groups to control matters of thought and feeling, and of living and dying...."<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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