NYT Has Undermined Americans’ ‘Right to Live’

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Re: Exsqueeze me?

Postby StarmanSkye » Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:38 pm

Gouda sed:<br>"<br>www.freerepublic.com/focu...5965/posts<br><br>I recommend not reading this, actually. There are better uses of time and sanity."<br><br><br>WORD!<br><br>Just reading your short excerpt, reminding me of what profoundly hateful, mindless, self-rationalizing vile sickness lies hidden, yapping and snarling in the anonymous darkness of America's psychopathic wilderness, gave me a bad feeling <br>-- I couldn't bear the emotional and intellectual assault of reading such a concentrated plethora of twisted 'thinking' and smug invectives.<br><br>NewKid:<br>Eh, ya DO know 'freedom' and 'liberty' are synonymous, wot?<br><br>As I see it, the issue at-stake isn't that 'freedom' doesn't require great sacrifice, an obligation to preserve and protect the best aspects of citizen-directed democracy governed by and according to the rule of law, upholding the principles of human and civil rights, and always served by truth.<br><br>As readers on this forum have abundant opportunity to know, the integrity of government today has never been more compromised. The lies, stonewalling, obstruction, cover-ups and corruption of this present Bush Adminstration relating to the Wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, the events of 911, the basis for the GWOT, and everything from economic policy, Social Security privatization, military expenses, troop and civilian casualties, White House leaks, official policies on torture, indefinite detentions, illegal kidnappings/rendition, spying on citizens, and energy policy -- are absolutely unprecedented. How can ANYTHING this adminstration says be accepted on its face? In fact, have they said ANYTHING re: a topic/subject of substance that there isn't cause to suspect as being in some manner flawed, false, wrong, untruthful, misleading, incomplete, etc?<br><br>Given that, WHY, HOW can any supposedly intelligent citizens give the administration the benefit of doubt let alone actively endorse or sanction what they do and say?<br><br>The Bush Gang's whole schtick seems based on the premise that 'the opposition', ie, democrats and liberals, are so much WORSE than anything the Bushists are capable of, or may <br>'accidentally' do or allow to happen (after all, 911 happened on Bush's watch -- the Air Defense's apparent misfeasance in not responding in a timely manner as they were specifically trained and under orders and well-practiced to do, has NEVER been satisfactorily explained -- Why don't other Repubs ever hold the Bushist's feet to the fire over that treasonous failure?).<br><br>This whole brouha-ha over the Times' 'revealing' sensitive security information is just so much of a red-herring pile of BS. Cripes, we KNOW that endemic financial fraud has been overlooked, covered-up, excused, ignored and essentially sanctioned by decades of corrupt administrations and assorted agencies, while 'terrorist' organizations have been subsidized and encouraged and excused to do the US's dirty covert 'business' -- much in the manner that PROMISS software was sold to foreign drug-agencies in order to covertly monitor the information so it could be exploited -- to further the PTB's own drug-smuggling ops, undermine competitors, blackmail, bribe informants, provide 'protection', and so forth.<br><br>Nothing 'honorable' or especially positive in upholding 'national security' interests (as defined by serving the people's good) about any of it. Recall BCCI?<br><br>Those self-righteous flag-waving pro-Repub yahoos never seem to 'get' that government has lost all sense of serving the people, and EVERYTHING they do needs to be put under a microscope if we are to have ANY chance of restoring any kind of good governance Of, By and For the people.<br><br>Giving them a blank-check to do as they please without ANY public oversight is the SURE route to even worse abuses than we've already seen.<br><br>I can't believe anybody could be so poorly informed as to not understand that -- I just don't get where such extreme naivite comes from -- other than a cop-out for lazy-people or part of the ruling-class agenda to protect their priveleges of wealth and power.<br><br>Starman <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Exsqueeze me?

Postby NewKid » Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:06 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Eh, ya DO know 'freedom' and 'liberty' are synonymous, wot?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>The NY Slimes is an enemy of liberty and so it shouldn't be able to take away our freedoms because we're at war, and when we're at war, it's treason to be against freedom, and that's why we have to sacrifice liberty to make this great country safe. Otherwise, Bin Laden will manipulate us into giving up and that wouldn't be good. Because then we wouldn't be at liberty to be free. But what does the Slimes know. As Jefferson said, a nation that expects to be ignorant and free wants what never was and never will be. That's why we have liberty. Except when the Slimes takes it away from us. That's what is and what should never be.<br><br>Get it straight, Starman. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Exsqueeze me?

Postby StarmanSkye » Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:32 pm

" The NY Slimes is an enemy of liberty and so it shouldn't be able to take away our freedoms because we're at war, and when we're at war, it's treason to be against freedom, and that's why we have to sacrifice liberty to make this great country safe. Otherwise, Bin Laden will manipulate us into giving up and that wouldn't be good. Because then we wouldn't be at liberty to be free."<br><br>Thanks for the clarification, NK!<br><br>I'm gonna study on this. Dang if'n it don't make my head hurt tho. This 'liberty' stuff sure is hard work to get straight!<br>Starman<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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