Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed

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Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed

Postby bigearth » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:09 pm

fuck it, their muslims LOCK THEM UP!

americans :\

Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed
Tue Oct 7, 2008 1:10pm EDT

By James Vicini

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday, in a rebuke to the Bush administration, ordered the release in the United States of 17 Chinese Muslims who have been held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina read his ruling from the bench at a hearing to consider the appeals by the members of the Uighur ethnic group, who are seeking their release from the military prison and asking to come to the United States.

The judge said there was no evidence the detainees, who have been held at Guantanamo for nearly seven years, were "enemy combatants" or a security risk, and that the U.S. Constitution prohibits indefinite detention without cause. He ordered them brought to the court for a hearing on Friday.

The ruling was a setback for the Bush administration, which argued that federal judges do not have the authority to order the release into the United States of the detainees.

It was unclear how soon the prisoners might be released and whether or not their release would be delayed by Justice Department appeals.

Attorneys for the prisoners said the ruling marked the first time a federal court had ever ordered the release into the United States of any prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.

The Uighurs had been living in a camp in Afghanistan during the U.S.-led bombing campaign that began in October 2001. They fled into the mountains and were detained by Pakistani authorities, who handed them over to the United States.

The Uighurs remain at the prison even though the U.S. military no longer considers them "enemy combatants."
The United States has been unable to find a country willing to accept them.

In 2006, the United States allowed five Chinese Muslims released from Guantanamo to seek asylum in Albania. The U.S. government has said it cannot return the Uighurs to China because they would face persecution there.


Many Muslim Uighurs, who are from Xinjiang in far western China, seek greater autonomy for the region and some want independence. Beijing has waged a relentless campaign against what it calls their violent separatist activities.

There are about 265 detainees at Guantanamo, which was set up in January of 2002 to hold terrorism suspects captured after the September 11 attacks. Most have been held for years without being charged and many have complained of abuse.

The group Human Rights Watch said the Uighurs should be freed and given parole status in the United States,

"The Uighur detainees have been held at Guantanamo for nearly seven years, even though the government acknowledges they should be freed," said Jennifer Daskal of Human Rights Watch. "Since Washington has failed to resettle the Uighurs elsewhere, it should parole them into the United States."

If the detainees are allowed to come to the United States, a Chinese Muslim association in the Washington, D.C., area has offered to help them find work and housing.

The judge planned to issue a written opinion and an order in the case on Wednesday, a court official said.

(Editing by David Alexander and Alan Elsner)

http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/ ... 2L20081007
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Postby bigearth » Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:15 pm


The name Xinjiang, which means "new territory" in Chinese, is considered offensive by many advocates of Uyghur independence who prefer to use historical or ethnic names such as Uyghurstan or East Turkestan (with Turkestan sometimes spelled as Turkistan).

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks in the USA, China voiced its support for the United States of America in the war on terror. The Chinese government has often referred to Uyghur nationalists as "terrorists" and received more global support for their own "war on terror" since 9/11. Human rights organizations have become concerned that this "war on terror" is being used by the Chinese government as a pretext to repress ethnic Uyghurs.[14] Uyghur exile groups also claim that the Chinese government is suppressing Uyghur culture and religion, and responding to demands for independence with human rights violations.[15]

According to at least one outside source, Beijing has "decimated Uyghur culture."

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Re: Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed

Postby Grizzly » Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:25 pm


James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen will answer questions at a pre-trial hearing on the 9/11 attacks before a military tribunal in Guantánamo Bay.

I know this RESEARCH AND DATA Board uses, Alphabet's, google as it's archived search engine, but now that they play hide and seek, I spent way to much time looking for a gitmo thread or a torture thread to no avail .

These fucks should be hung by their thumbs (Woven Hand Style) or, you know meet their maker, Hermes...or whom ever they serve.

From the comment section. Couldn't have said it better...

They were paid $1,800 a day

Cunts. Forgo all ethics for a few bucks.

set up a private company, which provided most of the interrogators and most of the security staff at the “black sites”

Oh so proper cunts.

The American Psychological Association has disowned Mitchell and Jessen for “violating the ethics of their profession and leaving a stain on the discipline of psychology”.


But both men have insisted they did nothing wrong, arguing they were asked to do things that were declared legal by the George W Bush administration, and that they had to prevent the worst excesses of other interrogators.


Mitchell and Jessen said they had complained about Rahman’s treatment but their warnings were ignored by senior CIA officials.


enemies who themselves had initiated the conflict


p.s "Hope you guess my name" Oldy but goody?
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Re: Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed

Postby Grizzly » Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27 pm

Torture prevalent and portrayed as effective in popular movies, study finds. 60% of popular films (n=200), including those for children, have at least one torture scene, and the scenes are usually depicted as achieving the torturer’s goal.

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The majority of popular films, including those for children, have at least one torture scene, and the scenes are usually depicted as achieving the torturer’s goal, according to a study involving a researcher at The University of Alabama.

The depictions in high-earning films could have implications for how the public perceives the usefulness and effectiveness of torture, according to the forthcoming study in Perspectives in Politics.

“When people lack direct experience with something, media can help them understand the issue,” said Dr. Erin M. Kearns, UA assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice who co-authored the paper. “We find that the messages sent about torture are fairly consistent, which may have a stronger influence on public perceptions of torture.”

Kearns worked with Dr. Casey Delehanty, assistant professor of political science at Gardner-Webb University and corresponding author of the study. They created a database of scenes from the 20 top-grossing films in North America from 2008 through 2017. Of those, 60 percent had at least one torture scene.

In all, there were 275 scenes of torture from 27 R-rated movies, 108 PG-13 movies, 58 PG-rated movies and seven G-rated movies. There were nine torture scenes among the G-rated movies, although they were lighter actions, such as dropping characters from big heights, researchers found.

“I did not appreciate how prevalent torture was actually going to be,” Delehanty said. “The thing that shook me and what led to the title of our research – ‘Wait, There’s Torture in Zootopia?: Examining the Prevalence of Torture in Popular Movies’ – was how many kids movies have torture scenes in them.”

The vast majority of people, thankfully, lack experience with torture, so how media portrays it can influence perceptions about the efficacy of torture, Kearns said. It is not ethically possible to study whether torture works, but there is some evidence that shows the practice leads to false confessions during an integration and is counterproductive to an investigation, she said.

“Evidence suggests that torture does not work, but media often show that it does,” Kearns said.

Along with the finding that movies generally show torture to be effective, the researchers found torture was more acceptable and necessary when perpetrated by the protagonist and more harsh and unjustified when conducted by the antagonist.

Delehanty and Kearns’ study suggests other areas of future research, such as examining torture across other forms of media, including television shows and films popular in other countries. While their work determines the prevalence of torture in North American films, the findings cannot say what influence torture scenes have on public perceptions. To identify the impact media depictions of torture have on the public, additional studies would be necessary, Kearns said.

“As citizens of a democracy, our suggestion here is certainly not to constrain how media depict interrogations and torture,” Delehanty said. “Rather, our aim is to draw attention to the prevalence of this trope and hope that screenwriters will exercise more caution in using torture as a plot device.”]

Dr. Erin M. Kearns, emkearns@ua.edu; Dr. Casey Delehanty, cdelehanty@Gardner-Webb.edu
Adam Jones, UA communications, 205-348-4328, adam.jones@ua.edu; Jackie Bridges, Gardner-Webb University communications, 704-406-2542, Jbridges9@gardner-webb.edu
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Re: Judge orders Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo freed

Postby Grizzly » Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:35 pm

9th Circuit rejects TSA claim of impunity for checkpoint staff who rape travelers

Last December, we attended and reported on oral argument before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a case in which the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) argued that TSA checkpoint staff have absolute immunity from lawsuits for assault, even sexual assault or rape, committed against travelers they are “screening”.

We’re pleased to report that today the 9th Circuit panel of judges rejected the TSA’s claim of impunity. The three judges found unanimously that the Federal Tort Clams Act (FTCA) allows lawsuits against the TSA for damages caused by checkpoint staff who assault travelers. The 9th Circuit thus joins every other Circuit Court of Appeals (the 3rd, 4th, and 8th) to have addressed this issue in a published opinion.

The case decided today by the 9th Circuit will now return to the U.S. District Court in Las Vegas for much-belated consideration of the claim against the TSA and its officers. The precedent set by today’s decision will apply throughout the 9th Circuit, the largest of the Federal judicial circuits, including all of the states on the West Coast.

Kudos to Jonathan Corbett, Esq., who has represented the plaintiffs in each of these cases. Coals for Christmas to the TSA for continuing to argue for impunity for its staff to one Circuit Court after another, despite the growing weight of precedent against the agency and, perhaps more importantly, the moral repugnance of arguing that any agents of the government should be entitled to assault or rape members of the public with impunity.

"The fact that the TSA would advance such a preposterous argument is evidence of how far America has slid into tyranny."
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