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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:17 pm
by finishedqq
The British manipulation of Ireland is worthy of study. <br><br>During the Irish rebellion against , the police zealously arrested a number of senior members of Sein Fein (IRA) and had to release them next day because they were working for British intelligence. Independence, probably not as much as we were lead to believe.<br><br>Today, more and more IRA members are being revealed as British agents. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all of the top people. <br><br>Nelson Mandela was outed twice for being an allged MI6 agent <p></p><i></i>

Re: reply to joe bageant - open letter

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:47 pm
by AnnaLivia
sceneshifter, will you marry me?<br><br>signed,<br>Sane Empress of the Galaxy <p></p><i></i>

Marry Me?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:05 am
by heyjt
--Omygod!<br>Do we have our first RI marrige proposal? <p></p><i></i>

Scots, Scotties, & Scott t(Issues)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:42 pm
by Floyd Smoots
I'm definitely a mutt, as defined by the thread about the old Winchester, Virginia guy's blog/post. My great grandfather, Alexander, came here to Virginia circa the early 1870's. Family gossip has it that he was a minister of some church or other in Dundee, Scotland.<br><br>The story goes that he was given a ship ticket for himself, his wife, and three children for the "Colonies" by the board of deacons because he had Bill Clinton's Syndrome. I.E., he couldn't keep his hands and other parts off some few ladies in his congregation. I don't know 'cause I wasn't there, but that's the legend anyway.<br><br>My grandfather, Harry was about 12 at the time. He, and his successors married into the line of "already here" Virginians, thus producing, my father, Frederick, and later, myself, Alexander the Second. I have always had a fondness for bagpipe music, so I guess that's legitimately genetic. I was also raised as a Yankee-hatin' Rebel (Yee-Haw!!), but, hopefully, I got a little better with a little schoolin' (including college & stuff).<br><br>I still believe that we would have all been better off if the Confederacy had managed to keep itself intact, only because we would not have the monstrous bloated federal government that so terrifies so many of us today. But, as a believer in God, I also have to figure that THAT wasn't part of His grand plan.<br><br>I've always wanted to visit the old homeland, Scotland, but, I'm very very afraid that if I did it today, now that I can just barely afford it, the PTB would find an excuse to refuse me re-entry to my "homeland", and I would find myself feeling very "insecure", if you know what I mean.<br><br>.......Uncle Floyd<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Scots, Scotties, & Scott t(Issues)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:58 pm
by chiggerbit
I wonder how many people who post here are still able to fly. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Scots, Scotties, & Scott t(Issues)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:05 pm
by Floyd Smoots
I hear you, chiggerbit, and I raise you this: I haven't flown since June of 1985. Before 9-11, it was because I really didn't need to go anywhere that far. I flew to Denver, CO back then to attend the wedding of an old homey, and even then, when I could still smoke on the plane, it was a most unpleasant air journey. Then, in the ensuing years, for some strange reason, a lot of planes started "falling" out of the skies. I chalked it up to an aging, poorly maintenanced airfleet. In the past twenty years, I've told friends & neighbors that the only way "they" would get me back in the air was if I were handcuffed to a federal agent with a gun to my head. Sadly, since 9-11, that feeling has only been re-inforced.<br><br>........Uncle Floyd<br> <p></p><i></i>