Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff


Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:44 pm

Culinary Journey through A Variety Of Dishes for An Hour! Mountains of Flavors
Faraway Village

https://ticklethewire.com/hack-exposes- ... -columbia/
FBI Citizens Academy gives Sacramento locals lesson on explosives
Story by Steve Large
November 8,2023

https://www.deseret.com/2007/2/22/20003 ... was-fbi-op
Nichols says bombing was FBI op
Detailed confession filed in S.L. about Oklahoma City plot
By Geoffrey Fattah
Feb 22, 2007

A retired military explosives expert says the government's "fertilizer truck bomb" story is hogwash.
By Trisha Katson
The SPOTLIGHT, September 26, 1995
A 25-year expert on explosives and demolition has called for a congressional investigation to officially determine the initiators of the tragic Oklahoma City bombing which killed 168 people and injured hundreds of others.
Ben Partin, a retired brigadier general in the United States Air Force, has provided every member of Congress a detailed, comprehensive report of his analysis of the April 19, bombing.
The general contends the explosion was caused in part by demolition charges placed at critical structural points inside the building.
The official story by the Clinton administration's FBI, accepted virtuallly without question by the Establishment media, is that the bombing was caused solely by a single truck bomb consisting of 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate transported to the location in a Ryder truck which was parked outside the building.
Partin said the destruction to the building could not have possibly resulted from such a bomb alone.
To verify his analytical conclusions, Partin visited Oklahoma City during the last week of June 1995, where he had the opportunity to review hundreds of photographs taken throughout the cleanup operation.
The photos, taken before the debris was hauled off and buried at another site, provide, in Partin's view, "irrefutable evidence that at least four demolition charges were set off at four critical columns of the reinforced concrete structure at the floor level of the third floor."

General Ben Partin Speaks About Oklahoma City Bombing and Waco

https://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/P ... IN/ok9.htm
Resume of Brig. Gen. Partin USAF (ret.)

https://archive.org/details/HoppyHeidel ... 5/mode/2up

Hoppy Heidelberg Interview : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
Mar 14, 2019 — Interview With The Grand Juror Who Wouldn't Shut Up: The Oklahoma


The Oklahoma City Bomb Trial


Stephen Jones Oklahoma City Bombing Archive, 1798 - 2003 (bulk 1995 - 1997)

https://www.constitution.org/1-Corrupti ... e_vignette

https://www.constitution.org › ocbpt › ocbpt_06
In an interview with Jon Rappaport, Hoppy Heidelberg said, "The various surveillance videotapes of the bombing, tapes from, say, Southwestern Bell and the ...

https://www.nbbd.com/godo/moore/researc ... a9512.html

Murders of Harry and Harriette Moore
Harry T. Moore and his wife, Harriette V. S. Moore, were pioneer activists and leaders of the early Civil Rights Movement in the United States and became the first martyrs of the movement. On the night of Christmas, December 25, 1951, a bomb that had been planted under the bedroom floor of the Moores' home in Mims, Florida, exploded. They had celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary earlier that day. Harry died in the ambulance in transit from the attack, and Harriette died from her injuries nine days later, on January 3, 1952. Their death was the first assassination of any activist to occur during the Civil Rights Movement and the only time that a husband and wife were killed during the history of the movement. Wikipedi

https://www.irehr.org/2011/10/25/rememb ... n-kennedy/
By Daniel LevitasOctober 25, 201120
A second case, involved Harry Moore, president of the Florida State NAACP. He was one of the leading forces mobilizing black voters. Notwithstanding the myriad tools used by whites to suppress black voters, the black electorate still had the potential to be a significant factor in Florida politics. As a result of his efforts, Moore and his wife were assassinated on Christmas night 1951, when a dynamite bomb exploded underneath the bedroom of their wood frame house in Mims, Florida. The Moore’s had also campaigned actively on behalf of the Groveland Four and Stetson knew Harry Moore personally. He reported on the crime for The Nation and decades later, he conducted a tireless campaign to reopen the investigation to identify the killer, but the trail ran cold. Justice was denied in that case also.
The FBI closely monitored Kennedy during this time and took particular interest in his testimony in Geneva. Based on his years of fieldwork investigating conditions in Florida’s turpentine camps and the plight of sharecroppers and others trapped in peonage across the rural South, Stetson testified that more than five million Americans were forced to work under conditions of involuntary servitude.

Forward by Jean Paul Satre
In the 1950’s Stetson Kennedy created his own Klavern, a cell within the KKK..
It was comprised of four men. A Jew, a Black man, a Catholic and
Stetson Kennedy.

https://ticklethewire.com/hack-exposes- ... -columbia/
Hack Exposes Identities of More than 100 DEA, HSI Agents in Columbia
By Steve Neavling
The identities of more than 100 agents with the DEA and other federal la

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... nsparency/
CovertAction Bulletin: Building Social Media Inspired by Openness & Transparency
By Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - November 8, 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesig ... rk-auction
Picasso masterpiece kicks off auction season forecast to sell $2.5bn in art
The 1932 painting of secret ‘golden muse’ heralds first big lot of autumn with Warhol and Rothko works also up for sale
Rupert Neate Wealth correspondent
Wed 8 Nov 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... eat-sewage
A treasure beneath our feet’: How the Dutch went down the toilet looking for heat
‘A treasure beneath our feet’: How the Dutch went down the toilet looking for heat
Sewage waste is now being seen as a reliable heat source for millions of homes in the Netherlands
by Senay Boztas in Amsterdam
Wed 8 Nov 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... reen-costs
Climate fatigue isn’t a sign that Europeans are in denial – it’s a sign of their fear
Francesco Grillo
While Europe is battered by the climate crisis, governments must reassure voters that green costs will be fairly shared
Wed 8 Nov 2023

https://theintercept.com/2023/11/07/isr ... ns-secret/
The Biden administration put out a three-page list of arms for Ukraine, but information on weapons sent to Israel could fit in one sentence.
Ken Klippenstein
November 7 2023

https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy35mx/ ... ists-claim
A Prehistoric Pyramid May Have Just Rewritten Human History, Scientists Claim
The pyramid of Gunung Padang in Indonesia began construction in the deep past, a new study claims, and was built by an unknown ancient people.
By Jordan Pearson
November 7, 2023

https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7zxdy/ ... illing-her
Woman Filmed Boyfriend Shooting and Killing Her
The 23-year-old woman was laughing in the video before her boyfriend shot her, police said.
By Luis Chaparro
November 7, 2023

https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bx8a/ ... ate-change
Climate Change Is Threatening Fire Island’s Beaches—and its Queer History
On Fire Island, queer culture and ecology are inextricably linked.
By Matthew Herskowitz
November 8, 2023

Scott Ritter: Why Israel is losing its war.

https://open.substack.com/pub/makismd/p ... paign=post
11 Children ages 9-19 had a Cardiac Arrest at US schools in the past month: some schools are now starting to conduct "Sudden Cardiac Arrest Screening". "Is there a Covid time bomb in your child's chest?"
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:09 pm

Liberating government documents is what we do.

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... ting-fbi-/
Requester’s Voice: Ryan Shapiro
The MIT researcher gives tips on how to “street fight with the FBI and win
Written by George LeVines
Edited by Shawn Musgrave
In this week’s Requester’s Voice, MuckRock benefits from the experience of Ryan Shapiro, whose track record qualifies him as a FOIA super hero. A PhD candidate at MIT, Shapiro has developed a set of surgical FOIA tactics that have the FBI scrambling to block his requests. Shapiro’s ongoing “street fight” with the FBI has him convinced more than ever that our democracy depends on the health of the Freedom of Information Act.
What was your first FOIA request? How did it go? Why did you want/need to use public records in the first place?
I filed my first FOIA request to the FBI in 2005 when I was working on my master’s degree in modern American history. The request was for any records on a now deceased scientist who had been a prominent researcher and Cold Warrior in the 1940s and 50s, although he had earlier been a committed leftist. This scientist was also a leading professional proponent of animal research who routinely accused opponents of animal experimentation of being threats to American security and possibly even agents of the Kremlin itself. I wanted to know what, if anything, the FBI made of this scientist’s shifting politics in general, and of his (totally unfounded) allegations of subversion against animal protectionists in particular.
Though I knew almost nothing about FOIA at the time, this request was partially successful. In about a year, the FBI released to me roughly 150 pages. And though this was certainly not all the records the FBI had on this scientist, the release was useful nonetheless. It turns out the FBI completely ignored this scientist’s red-baiting of anti-vivisectionists, and instead continued to view the scientist himself as a potential threat to national security on the basis of his 1930’s leftism.
I first experienced significant FOIA-related problems with the FBI several years later when I began submitting requests for records about more

https://midnightwriternews.com/unlocked ... -bethesda/

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/11/21/fbi ... llections/
FBI Director Admits Agency Rarely Has Probable Cause When It Performs Backdoor Searches Of NSA Collections
from the just-laying-it-right-out-there-like-it-doesn't-mean-anything dept
Tue, Nov 21st 2023 10:43am - Tim Cushing
After years of continuous, unrepentant abuse of surveillance powers, the FBI is facing the real possibility of seeing Section 702 curtailed, if not scuttled entirely.
Section 702 allows the NSA to gather foreign communications in bulk. The FBI benefits from this collection by being allowed to perform “backdoor” searches of NSA collections to obtain communications originating from US citizens and residents.
There are rules to follow, of course. But the FBI has shown little interest in adhering to these rules, just as much as the NSA has shown little interest in curtailing the amount of US persons’ communications “incidentally” collected by its dragnet.
In recent months, several Republicans have argued against a clean re-authorization of Section 702 powers, citing the FBI’s backdoor snooping on Trump administration figures, as well as certain Republicans who have outlasted Trump’s four-year stint as the supposed leader of the free world.
On top of this opposition, there’s something more bipartisan. Every time surveillance powers are up for renewal, Senator Ron Wyden and other privacy focused legislators have offered up comprehensive surveillance reform packages.
The latest effort by Wyden would create a warrant requirement for these backdoor searches by the FBI. Senate leaders tried to dodge this by slapping a clean re-auth rider on a “must pass” budget bill, but legislators found a way to keep the government funded for a little bit longer while they continue to argue over who gets what and how much of it.
Faced with the real possibility of seeing this surveillance authority heavily

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... r-AA1kiwiM
FBI Faces New Scrutiny After Report Agent Deleted Anti-Trump Posts
Story by Andrew Stanton  • 

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/11/21/pri ... -scanning/

Privacy Activist Files Complaint Against The EU Commission Over Its Highly Targeted (Misleading) Ads About CSAM Scanning

from the good-for-the-goose,-not-good-for-the-gander dept
Tue, Nov 21st 2023 11:58am - Mike Masnick
A few weeks back we wrote about a report that the EU Commission, in its push for dangerous client-side scanning mandates, had started buying highly targeted ads to try to influence people to support the policy. The ads, first revealed by Wired, were incredibly misleading. But, also, as we noted, appeared to violate EU’s privacy laws with the targeting.
The micro-targeting ad campaign categorized recipients based on religious beliefs and political orientation criteria—all considered sensitive information under EU data protection laws—and also appeared to violate X’s terms of service. Mekić found that the ads were meant to be seen by select targets, such

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/11/20/ny- ... n-lobbies/
NY Federal Court: There’s A Right To Record Police Officers And State Law Says That Includes Inside Station Lobbies
from the better-take-down-those-signs,-coppers dept
Mon, Nov 20th 2023 08:27pm - Tim Cushing
The NYPD has plenty of problems with accountability and transparency. The main problem is this: the public wants some of this and the NYPD wants none of this. So, it does stupid things repeatedly that do little more than remind the public it’s not to be trusted.
Like any cop shop, it’s manned by cops who believe deliberate ignorance of the law is the best excuse. That’s why they continue to violate rights regularly, even when they obviously know they’re violating rights.
That’s what also gets the NYPD sued on the regular. Despite a pretty much affirmed right to record officers (under the First Amendment), policy directives reminding officers of this fact, and — much more importantly — a state law codifying this right, the NYPD still pretends it can control when and where it can be recorded.
And that, of course, has resulted in more litigation. SeanPaul Reyes — an independent journalist who always records his interactions with NYPD officers — sued the NYPD after officers told him he was not allowed to record them while standing in a precinct lobby. (h/t Volokh Conspiracy)
Reyes is a “First Amendment auditor,” the term used by people who use confrontational tactics to see if cops are willing to recognize their right to record. Some people think these “First Amendment

https://www.foxla.com/news/east-la-lasd ... nother-cop
VIDEO: Deputy punches amputee already in chokehold in East LA; Loaded firearm recovered, LASD says
By Gina Silva and FOX 11 Digital Team
Published November 21, 2023
https://www.nj.com/passaic-county/2023/ ... s-say.html
Cop injured by explosive hurled at police car, authorities say
Nov. 21, 2023

https://www.vox.com/culture/22375412/po ... lue-bloods
How 70 years of cop shows taught us to valorize the police
Early Hollywood treated the cops as incompetent fools. Then everything changed.
By Constance Grady@constancegrady Updated Apr 12, 2021, 10:45am EDT

https://www.alternet.org/2016/02/8-most ... play-media
The 8 Most Popular Types of 'Copaganda': How the Police Play the Media
Adam Johnson,AlterNetandAdam JohnsonFebruary 23, 2016


https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/vi ... n-history/
FBI TRUE: The most notorious traitors in American history
FBI Investigative Specialist Eric O’Neill gives us a sneak peek on the wild ride to track down Robert Hanssen in the all-new episode on CBS and streaming on Paramount

https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/202 ... s-of-work/
Special Agent in Charge for FBI Jacksonville announces retirement after decades of work

https://www.wamc.org/news/2023-11-21/ne ... any-office
New FBI special agent in charge named to lead Albany office
WAMC Northeast Public Radio | By Jim Levulis
Published November 21, 2023 at 2:19 PM EST

https://www.ky3.com/2023/11/22/fbi-says ... e-thieves/
FBI says Missouri among Top 10 states for porch pirate thieves
By KY3 Staff
Published: Nov. 21, 2023

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit ... cppsBombay high court rejects pre-arrest  bail plea of 'extremely violent' cop in rape case
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst

Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst

https://www.decaturdaily.com/news/crime ... f86ee.html
Homewood cop indicted for sexual abuse in Limestone County
By Wes Tomlinson Staff Writer

https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/fo ... r-AA1kkzy7
Hiroshima Pref. cop accuses boss of forcing him to make fake business trips
Story by The Mainichi  

https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk ... r-28152830
Predatory cop who used cadet training scheme as 'grooming playground' wants to get out of prison
Mohammed Adnan Ali was jailed for five years in June
ByPaul BrittonReporter
22 NOV 2023

Operation 45
Ensuring transparency and accountability for the Administration of Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States
POTP exposed Donald Trump’s violations of the Domestic Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution. POTP exposed a death threat against a NYC housing commissioner who opposed granting Donald Trump a multi-million dollar tax abatement on Trump tower. And in partnership with ProPublica, the Operation 45 project has helped make Trump White House visitor logs public.
Among numerous other Trump-related FOIA requests and lawsuits,  POTP is also seeking records on Trump administration law enforcement and intelligence agency targeting of Black Lives Matter and Antifa as terrorist threats while simultaneously minimizing the threat posed by violent white supremacists and far right-wing organizations.
As part of the Operation 45 project, POTP has litigated or is currently litigating for Trump-related documents against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Department of State, General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Commerce (DOC), Office of Special Counsel (OSC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBOG), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the United States Election Assistance Commission (USEAC).

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/11/21/max ... maginable/

Max’ Unsurprisingly Loses Streaming Customers After Several Years Of The Dumbest Decisions Imaginable

from the consequences... dept
Tue, Nov 21st 2023 03:30pm - Karl Bode
We’ve documented in detail how the whole AT&T–>Time Warner–>Warner Brothers Discovery merger process has been a pointless mess, resulting in no limits of layoffs and damage to the underlying brands. What was supposed to be a gambit by these companies to dominate streaming TV, wound up being a very expensive act of seppuku by over-compensated executives clearly out of their depths.
After paying a premium for the HBO brand just to deprecate

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/prosecut ... 2eb43c1811
Prosecutors Pushing To Introduce Slain Protester's Diary As Evidence Against Activists
Manuel Esteban Paez Terán was killed by law enforcement in January this year, prompting increased scrutiny against “Cop City.”
Taiyler S. Mitchell
Nov 21, 2023

https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/11/21/ ... -training/
Palo Alto: Former cop pleads guilty in excessive force case that prompted department LGBTQ training
Wayne Benitez agreed to a court deal in which he admitted to misdemeanor assault and lying on a police report; victim got a half-million dollar settlement from the city
By ROBERT SALONGA | rsalonga@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: November 21, 2023

https://indianexpress.com/article/citie ... d-9036085/
Sidhu Moosewala murder case: HC grants interim bail to Punjab cop who helped accused abscond
An accused in the murder of Sidhu Moosewala, Tinu absconded allegedly with the help of the then CIA sub-inspector Pritpal Singh.
By: Express News Service
Chandigarh | November 21, 2023

https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/n ... 678548007/
Cop arrested on suspicion of DWI resigns from Wichita Falls police
Lynn Walker
Wichita Falls Times Record News

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/fe ... r-AA1knt2Y
Federal authorities are investigating if the Mississippi sheriff who oversaw the 'Goon Squad' helped a fellow cop get out of a DUI
Kenneth Niemeyer

https://theappeal.org/manuel-tortuguita ... -cop-city/
Georgia police killed Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán on Jan. 18 as Terán was protesting against Cop City, the massive police training facility under construction in Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta. But, now that prosecutors have mass-charged activists in an unprecedented use of racketeering statutes, those close to the case say the state has sunk to new lows by entering Terán’s personal diary into public evidence against defendants.
Aja Arnold
Nov 22, 2023

https://propertyofthepeople.org/project ... rendition/
CIA Torture Report
Exposing the inner workings of the CIA’s spying on the Senate Select Committee tasked with investigating CIA torture, and the CIA’s torture and rendition program itself
When the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) investigated the CIA’s infamous post-9/11 torture and rendition program, Director of the CIA John Brennan  accused SSCI staffers of illegally hacking into classified CIA computer systems. Responding, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),Chairwoman of the SSCI, accused the CIA of spying upon the very Senate intelligence committee tasked with overseeing CIA torture. Brennan denied Feinstein’s allegations of CIA spying on the Senate’s investigation. Feinstein retorted by implying the CIA’s spying on the Senate staffers amounted to a constitutional crisis. Similarly, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) characterized the CIA’s alleged actions as “Richard Nixon stuff” “dangerous to the democracy.”
In collaboration with journalist Jason Leopold, Property of the People filed multiple FOIA lawsuits against the CIA to provide the public with information on the CIA’s alleged spying on the Senate, as well as the CIA’s torture and rendition program itself.
POTP has already obtained over 300 pages of responsive documents
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:08 am

https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/fo ... ed-charges
Tulsa FBI agent facing multiple sexual related charges
By: Braden Bates
Dec 06, 2023 and last updated 8:21 PM, Dec 06, 2023
TULSA, Okla. — A Tulsa Federal Bureau of Investigation agent was removed from duty after being arrested and charged for one count of peeping tom with photographic, electronic equipment and three counts of non consensual dissemination

https://rollcall.com/2023/12/05/fbi-dir ... orization/
FBI director warns senators on surveillance reauthorization
Two House committees set to consider legislation this week to renew key authority known as Section 702
By Ryan Tarinelli
Posted December 5, 2023
FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered a full-throated defense of a powerful spy authority on Tuesday, invoking the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and warning lawmakers that a watered-down surveillance program could leave the agency paralyzed to respond to threats.
“What could anybody possibly say to victims’ families if there was another attack that we could have prevented if we hadn’t given away the ability to effectively use a tool,” Wray told lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“Because let’s not fool ourselves. That’s what’s at stake with the reauthorization,” he

https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/11/i ... beyond-bad
The Intelligence Committees’ Proposals for a 702 Reauthorization Bill are Beyond Bad
NOVEMBER 30, 2023

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... ection-702
PCLOB Report Reveals New Abuses of FISA Section 702
A one-page document compiled by the Brennan Center in response to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board revealing new abuses of FISA Section 702, a foreign intelligence surveillance authority that the government is using to gain warrantless access to Americans’ communications, without significant and wide-ranging surveillance reforms.
PUBLISHED: October 11, 2023
A new report from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board reveals additional abuses of Section 702 by the FBI . . . and reveals that the NSA has intentionally abused its own “backdoor search” powers, as well. These newly revealed abuses include:
• “[T]ens of thousands” of baseless FBI backdoor searches “related to civil unrest” over a one-year period;
• 141 baseless backdoor searches for racial justice protesters’ communications (up from the 133 previously known instances of such abuses);
• Batch backdoor searches for 1600 Americans “who had flown through an airport during a particular date range and were either traveling to or returning from a foreign country;

• 2,000 baseless backdoor searches for “the names and dates of birth of individuals registered competitors in [an] athletic event;”
• NSA analysts’ backdoor searches for the communications of a prospective tenant of a rental property they owned; and
• An NSA analyst’s backdoor search for the communications of two individuals the analyst had met on an online dating service.
Congress should not reauthorize Section 702 with substantial changes— including a warrant requirement for backdoor searches—that would prevent these and other abuses from taking place in the future. A cross-partisan coalition of more than 30 privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights groups has recommended a comprehensive set of such reforms that would protect Americans’ privacy

https://thehill.com/homenews/administra ... s-senator/
FBI improperly used Section 702 surveillance powers on US senator
While the two were believed to be targets of “a specific foreign intelligence service,” the National Security Division at the Department of Justice determined the FBI did not meet the needed standard for running such a query. 
And in October of that year, the opinion states that “a Staff Operations Specialist ran a query using the Social Security number of a state judge who ‘had complained to [the] FBI about alleged civil right violations perpetrated by a municipal chief of police.’”

https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/202 ... in-the-us/
Widespread FBI abuse of foreign spy law sets off “alarm bells,” tech group says
Section 702 debate rages after another FISA Court opinion is unclassified.

https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/d ... ection-702
Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again It Can’t be Trusted with Section 702
JULY 27, 2023

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... -halperin/
Opinion What kind of boss gets the FBI to tap your home phone? Henry Kissinger.
By Morton H. Halperin
December 6, 2023

https://constitution.org/2-Authors/jrol ... wswear.htm

FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose
by M. Wesley Swearingen
Reviewed by Jon Roland
Wes Swearingen served as an FBI agent from 1951 until he retired in 1977. During that period he perpetrated or witnessed numerous violations of law by FBI agents and their operatives, heard revealing statements by other agents about their illegal activities, and read files which documented violations of the rights of American citizens.

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... -a-warrant
'Disgraceful': Sen. Mike Lee blasts FBI monitoring of U.S. citizens without a warrant
by Casey Harper | The Center Square
December 06, 2023

https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news ... -catholics
FBI director grilled after release of new report on targeting of Catholics
By Tyler Arnold, Joe Bukuras
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 6, 2023 / 17:35 pm
Sen. Josh Hawley engaged in a tense exchange with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday after the release of the report that found the agency’s investigation into traditional Catholics may be more expansive than FBI officials have claimed.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... -terrorism
Federal agencies pushed extreme view of Cop City protesters, records show
New documents seen by Drilled and the Guardian show how agencies laid groundwork for dozens of domestic terrorism arrests
Alleen Brown
Wed 6 Dec 2023

https://reason.com/2023/12/06/the-fbi-s ... -the-case/

FBI Seized $86 Million From People Not Suspected of Any Crime. A Federal Court Will Decide if That's Legal.
On Thursday, a federal appeals court will hear about the FBI's "blatant scheme to circumvent" the Fourth Amendment.
ERIC BOEHM | 12.6.2023

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... -u-s-wars/
Boeing CEO David Calhoun Made $22.5 Million in 2023 While Boeing’s Weapons Kill Civilians in Senseless U.S. Wars
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 4, 2023

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/scott-ca ... _b_2171046
Scott Camil: Internationally Known Winter Soldier Finds Peace With War Buddies
In a sense, Camil has always been "under fire." He has repeatedly endured the painful rejection of former comrades and been called a traitor by ex-active duty marines.
Steven Karras, Contributor
Staff Writer

https://nypost.com/2023/12/06/news/rfk- ... jet-twice/
RFK Jr. admits he twice flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet and wife had ‘relationship’ with Ghislaine Maxwell
Melissa Koenig
Dec. 6, 2023
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted he has flown on notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet twice — and even went “fossil hunting” with the financier.

https://news.yahoo.com/wyoming-cop-assa ... 56324.html
Wyoming Cop Assaulted a Disabled 8-Year-Old, Then Deleted the Body Camera Footage, Lawsuit Claims
Emma Camp
Mon, December 4, 2023

https://open.substack.com/pub/karenking ... paign=post
December 5, 2023: Stew Peters and I discussed the top reasons why Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer. I detail the mountain of evidence Texas has that incriminates Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, leaving the big Pharma giant vulnerable to be sued for upwards of a quarter trillion dollars.
Bourla intentionally deceived Texans, the American people, and global civilians by telling blatant lies about Pfizer's ‘vaccine’ efficacy, durability, ability to prevent transmission, and protection against variants.

https://open.substack.com/pub/seymourhe ... paign=post

‘Off off the record’ with the man who secretly taped our telephone calls

https://open.substack.com/pub/popularra ... paign=post

Aluminum salts are the most common adjuvants used in childhood vaccines. An adjuvant is a substance that provokes an inflammatory response that results in a more robust immune reaction.
Every vaccine manufacturer that uses aluminum as an adjuvant is required to properly report the aluminum content in the package insert. In the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, researchers compared their measures of aluminum with manufacturers’ data. Out of 13 vaccines tested, only three contained the amount of aluminum indicated by the manufacturer. Six vaccines contained significantly larger amounts of aluminum, while four contained lower amounts of aluminum.
The range of aluminum content for any single vaccine varied approximately fivefold. The authors concluded, “Since aluminum is a known toxin in humans and specifically a neurotoxin, its content in vaccines should be accurate and independently monitored to ensure both efficacy and safety

https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/ ... 825594007/
NJ comptroller says hundreds of cops attended training that 'undermined' key reforms
Katie Sobko

https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/12/06 ... l-tactics/
Watchdog finds police training firm taught cops offensive and ‘likely illegal’ tactics

https://www.complex.com/life/a/cmplxtar ... -black-man
Alabama Cop Placed on Leave After Video Shows Her Tasering Crying Black Man
The clip shows the officer laughing while berating the unidentified man.
Dec 05, 2023

https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/elgin ... ornography
Elgin cop charged with possession of child pornography
By FOX 32 Digital Staff
Published December 6, 2023
FOX 32 Chicago

https://www.wcax.com/2023/12/05/2-off-d ... torcycles/
2 Burlington cops, 1 firefighter cited for speeding on motorcycles

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/12/04/doc ... -on-drugs/
Documents Show The DEA Has Problems Constraining Itself To Losing The War On Drugs
from the don't-quit-your-day-job,-I-guess dept
Mon, Dec 4th 2023 10:52am - Tim Cushing
It’s simply not enough to be part of one problem. The DEA feels the need to be part of several problems.
You’d think it would have its hands full blowing billions of dollars on a lost drug war and filling people’s heads with hysterical stupidity about the magical powers of fentanyl.
But, as FOIA terrorist Jason Leopold documented for BuzzFeed News in mid-2020, the DEA felt it needed to travel out of its wheelhouse, asking the DOJ for permission to “conduct covert surveillance” on… people protesting police violence following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
Prompted by that revelation, the Cato Institute went searching for more documentation of the DEA’s mission creep. And it found something. As Patrick Eddington repor

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... paign=post

Controversies regarding the legal regime that underpins the WHO's power grab are good. There seem to be many.
They undermine the authority the WHO is trying to usurp. For example, see Article 62 of the 2005 IHR

https://equalityalec.substack.com/p/the ... dio-player

https://www.theeveningleader.com/child- ... b73c7.html
Child donates around $261 for Shop with a Cop
* The Evening Leader 12/06/23

https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquir ... 536771.php
Cop stole cash register from CT restaurant after leaving Glastonbury police station
Lisa Backus
Dec. 6, 2023

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... paign=post

So what if they are gene therapies?
So what if there were no clinical trials for the XBBB version of the vaccines?
So what if they don’t prevent infection of transmission?
We say the benefits outweigh the risks, and we own the evidence that proves it.
I am unfamiliar with EMA regulations so I cannot comment on whether the authorizations for Pfizer and Moderna’s so-called vaccines meet the legal requirements to be used.
Oddly, the one thing redacted in this long response is the EMA Director’s signature: the Irishwoman and pharma shill Emer Cooke. Is she planning to say she didn’t sign when Nuremberg 2 finally comes true?

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... ting-cult/
IT ARMY OF UKRAINE: How U.S. Intelligence Agencies Have Elevated Cybercrime in Ukraine into a Freedom-Fighting Cult
By Valeriy Krylko - December 5, 2023

https://www.techdirt.com/2023/12/06/eve ... s-from-ai/
Even If You Hate Both AI And Section 230, You Should Be Concerned About The Hawley/Blumenthal Bill To Remove 230 Protections From AI
from the a-blumenthal/hawley-specialty dept
Wed, Dec 6th 2023 09:25am - Mike Masnick
Over the past few days I’ve been hearing lots of buzz claiming that either today or tomorrow Senator Josh Hawley is going to push to “hotline” the bill he and Senator Richard Blumenthal introduced months back to explicitly exempt AI from Section 230. Hotlining a bill is basically an attempt to move the bill quickly by seeking unanimous consent (i.e., no one objecting) to a bill.
Let me be extremely explicit: this bill would be a danger to the internet. And that’s even if you hate both AI and Section 230. We’ve discussed this bill before, and I explained its problems then, but let’s do this again, since there’s a push to sneak it through.
First off, there remains an ongoing debate over whether or not Section 230 actually protects the output of generative AI systems. Many people say it should not, arguing that the results are from the company in question, and thus not third party speech. Lawyer Jess Miers made the (to me) extremely convincing case as to why this was wrong.
In short, the argument is that courts have already determined that algorithmic output derived from content provided by others is

https://theintercept.com/2023/12/06/cea ... ce-beatty/
As the Gaza death toll rises, Rep. Joyce Beatty removed her name from a letter that House Democrats sent to Biden about a ceasefire.
Prem Thakker
December 6 2023

Comparing Carbon Footprints of Private Jet Travel to COP27 and COP28 with other modes of Travel
Paul Beckwith

https://bigislandnow.com/2023/12/06/dep ... y-perjury/
Department of the Attorney General charges Hawai‘i County cop with felony perjury
December 6, 2023

https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/poli ... e98d7caf9d
Cop found not guilty of murdering handcuffed man in his patrol car
After nearly four years of delays, Michael Owen Jr. stood trial for the shooting death of William Green in 2020.

Pa. state cop sentenced to federal prison for child porn offenses
RENATTA SIGNORINI | Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023

https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/cr ... 802485007/

‘A deadly overreaction’: Ex-LAPD officer goes on trial for killing man in Costco in Corona
Christopher Damien
Palm Springs Desert Sun

https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/390 ... gful-death
Foster's family accuses cops of torturing him before death
Michael A. Fletcher, ESPN

https://www.wfsb.com/2023/12/07/former- ... -burglary/
Cop charged in another burglary

https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2023/ ... ans-groin/
Portland Police Sergeant Sentenced to Two Years Probation For Grabbing a Woman’s Groin.Still working as a cop.allowed to retire and collect pension.
Sgt. Darke Hull pled guilty to two misdemeanors committed while off duty. The bureau’s internal investigation is ongoing.
By Lucas Manfield
December 06, 2023

https://www.azfamily.com/video/2023/12/ ... dy-deaths/
Transparency concerns of Phoenix Police after two recent in-custody deaths
Published: Dec. 6, 2023

https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/georgi ... r-cop-city
Georgia legislature endorses controversial police training center known as ‘Cop City’
By Rob DiRienzo
Published December 6, 2023
Atlanta Public Safety Training Center
FOX 5 Atlanta
Posts: 5850
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:57 am

https://twitter.com/FBI/status/17380429 ... gr%5Etweet
Today, #FBI Director Wray and Deputy Director Abbate attended the memorial service for the 35th anniversary of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 to honor all the lives lost during this tragic event.

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... behind-it/
Thirty Five Years Ago, 270 People Were Killed When Pan Am Flight 103 Crashed: Evidence Indicates that CIA Was Behind It
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 21, 2023

The Maltese Double Cross - Lockerbie Bombing Documentary

https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/20 ... 022530007/
FBI official loses legal fight
Tim Talley
At the time of the Pan Am bombing Revell was in Washington, where he served as the FBI's executive assistant director for investigations. He said his son had left London a month before the bombing and that his daughter-in-law was also in the United States.
The lawsuit said Hoffman's book also implied that Revell, former head of the FBI's Dallas office, was a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people April 19, 1995.

https://ladailypost.com/fbi-former-priv ... detainees/
Private Prisoner Transport Officer Marquet Johnson Pleads Guilty To Sexually Assaulting Female Pretrial Detainee
on December 22, 2023 

https://www.kptv.com/video/2023/12/22/f ... es-future/
Full Conversation: Outgoing top Portland FBI agent talks city's challenges, future
Published: Dec. 21, 2023

https://www.informnny.com/news/state-ne ... d-the-fbi/
Lead investigator says Pan Am 103 attack transformed the FBI
by: Andrew Donovan
Posted: Dec 22, 2023

https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/nation- ... ab3dbd7ab7
FBI posts bulletin on increased terror threat
Author: wfaa.com
December 22, 2023

https://punchng.com/cops-threatened-to- ... sinessman/
Cops threatened to kill me before extorting N1m from me – Ogun Businessman
23rd December 2023

https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news ... 010816007/
No early release for cop accused of violating probation after child molestation plea
Aimee Ambrose
York Dispatch

https://nypost.com/2023/12/22/metro/nyp ... -in-crime/
NYPD cops received more than $150M in overtime for subway patrols — but New Yorkers still feel unsafe despite crime dip
Published Dec. 22, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/12/19/metro/nj- ... ence-room/
NJ police lieutenant arrested for stealing cocaine, fentanyl from evidence room: ‘Brazen disregard of the law’
Steve Janoski
Published Dec. 19, 2023

https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/black-w ... ce-4726384
Black Woman In US Dials 911 To Report Domestic Violence, Shot Dead By Cop
The Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies responded to the distress call and arrived at her house, but a confrontation at her house resulted in the fatal killing of the black woman by the cop.
Edited by Divyam Sharma
Updated: December 23, 2023

https://themessenger.com/news/californi ... lence-call
California Cop Who Shot Black Woman in Domestic Violence Call Previously Shot Another in Similar Incident
LASD Deputy Ty Shelton fatally shot Michael Thomas in 2020, during another domestic violence call
Published 12/22/23
Dan Gooding

https://reason.com/2023/12/22/trumps-pr ... 2-reasons/
Trump's Promise to 'Indemnify' Cops 'Against Any and All Liability' Is Absurd for 2 Reasons
Police officers already are routinely indemnified, and suing them for abuse is much harder than Trump claims.
JACOB SULLUM | 12.22.2023

https://hoodline.com/2023/12/from-badge ... n-slammer/
Atlanta Cop & Attorney Guilty in $7M PPP Fraud Spree, Eyeing Decades in Slammer
By Bella Cruz
Published on December 22, 2023

https://www.wbez.org/stories/chicago-mo ... 6913f309bf
A Chicago agency recommends firing four cops tied to a corrupt former sergeant
The officers worked with ex-Sgt. Ronald Watts, who is tied to at least 230 exonerations.
By Chip Mitchell
Dec 22, 2023

https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/cri ... 89ab3.html
Another defense attorney gone in former Porter County cop's child abuse casePorter Superior Court Judge Roger Bradford decided Monday to remove Maryland-based attorney Jason Shoemaker from the Curtis Jones case because of his pending...

https://indianexpress.com/article/citie ... n-9079528/
Gurgaon cop held for raping teen hired to care for his children
The complainant, who also works as a caretaker of a baby, had brought her niece to Gurgaon in June and the victim had been living with her.
Written by Aiswarya Raj
Gurgaon | Updated: December 23, 2023

https://www.pressherald.com/2023/12/22/ ... n-shooter/
Police footage details unsuccessful check-in on Lewiston shooter
A pair of videos obtained by the Press Herald this week show that a Sagadahoc deputy and Robert Card's Army Reserve commander were concerned that confronting him could escalate a potentially dangerous and put police officers' lives at risk.

https://www.wcvb.com/article/officer-in ... /46212842#
Police: Woman shot after pointing gun at self, officers in Norwood, Massachusetts
Dec 22, 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/ ... rds%20show.
US officials monitored pro-Assange protests in Australia for ‘anti-US sentiment’, documents reveal
Previously classified papers detail how the US embassy in Canberra responded to WikiLeaks’ release of embassy cables in 2010 and ‘sensationalist’ local media
Christopher Knaus
Tue 19 Dec 2023

https://www.opb.org/article/2023/12/20/ ... -protests/
Federal government sued again over 2020 response to Portland protests
By Conrad Wilson (OPB)
Dec. 20, 2023 8 a.m.
“There’s been a critical lack of accountability,” attorney David Sugarman said.

https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrisp ... dium=email

17 rock bassists have "died suddenly" worldwide since May 20, 2023
This makes a total of 34 bassists reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022

https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrisp ... dium=email

11 drummers have "died suddenly" worldwide since May 20, 2023
This makes a total of 28 drummers reported to have "died suddenly" since we started posting these compulations in February, 2022.

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... dium=email

Who Trusts the WHO? by attorney John Klar
Reforming massive agencies may be a task too great.

https://open.substack.com/pub/karenking ... dium=email

BREAKING: Pharma Giant Found Guilty of Aggravated Fraud & Involuntary Manslaughter
French Court Rules Servier's Weight-Loss Drug Approvals Were Obtained Illegally by Colluding with French Regulatory Agency, ANSM - a Public Institution Supervised by the Ministry of Health.
DEC 22, 2023

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/decodi ... e&r=1uun8e
Decoding the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Indoctrinating Your Children Into the New “Fake Sustainable” World Order, by Mark Keenan
from GlobalResearch
DEC 22, 2023

https://open.substack.com/pub/makismd/p ... dium=email
ECLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Daniel Brisson PPC Quebec - Turbo Cancer - is the truth coming out? (Dec.19, 2023)

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... dium=email

How the cabal's false narratives are used to gain the cabal's true objectives
One Health issues a booklet and finally, kinda, sorta tells us what One Health is about. I do the decoding.
DEC 22, 2023

https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass ... medium=web

*Important* blast from the past: Tony and Francis explain why creating dangerous viruses with taxpayer money is a "risk worth taking" and important to debunk their bird flu fairytale.
This goes in the "never forget" file. Their Christmas promise to us 12 years ago.

https://www.statnews.com/2023/12/21/hea ... dium=email

The WHO Pandemic Treaty, the Biden administration and EU all want your medical records "shared globally"
They are conditioning you to accept it by gradually hacking everyone's data, so there will be no medical secrets, my friend.

https://open.substack.com/pub/makismd/p ... dium=email

Green Barley (Barley Grass) for Treatment of CANCER - a review of 6 published papers and a deep dive

https://truthout.org/articles/how-oil-m ... the-world/

How Oil Money Turned Louisiana Into the Prison Capital of the World
A series of events in the 1970s led to the state's penal system becoming intertwined with the swings of its oil economy.
By Lydia Pelot-Hobbs , TRUTHOUT

https://truthout.org/articles/673-books ... rida-laws/
673 Books Removed From Orange County Classrooms to Comply With Florida Laws
“This is yet another disastrous consequence of Florida’s disastrous education policies,” one free speech advocate said.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
December 21, 2023

https://truthout.org/articles/12-journa ... this-year/
12 Journalists Arrested, 44 Assaulted Across the US This Year
“Attempts to criminalize routine journalistic activities… send a chill through the heart of newsgathering.”
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
December 20, 2023

https://freedom.press/news/official-ret ... es-alarms/
Official retaliation for “acts of journalism” raises alarms

https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/12/20 ... amendment/

Bill to limit children’s social media use has a big obstacle: the First Amendment
DECEMBER 20, 2023 7:26

CNN Caught Misrepresenting RFK Jr. With Edited Video

https://open.substack.com/pub/seymourhe ... dium=email

Has Biden’s pipeline sabotage led to the rise of the German right?
The German economy has been deprived for more than a year of cheap Russian gas, thanks in part to Joe Biden and his decision early last year to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines. Meanwhile, German politics is continuing its tumble to the right. It may bring much of Western Europe with it...
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:07 am

Remote Viewing the JFK Assassination Part 1
World class remote viewers Daz Smith, Dick Algire
Google remote viewer if you do not know what it means.
Also see …Col. David Morehouse,Joe McMoneagle, Ingo Swann,Dick Algire

https://www.transients.info/roundtable/ ... ight.6830/

https://truthout.org/articles/newly-unc ... bob-dylan/
Newly Uncovered Documents Reveal the FBI’s Campaign Against Bob Dylan
The US impulse toward repression didn’t die with the Cold War, as current attempts to suppress support for Gaza show.
By Aaron J. Leonard , TRUTHOUT
December 30, 2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... ice-crime/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
From Taser Face to the Goon Squad: the Year in Police Crime

https://ww1.streamm4u.ws/movies/titicut ... oddoy.html
Titicut Follies portrays the occupants of Bridgewater State Hospital, who are often kept in barren cells and infrequently bathed. It also depicts inmates/patients required to strip naked publicly, force feeding, and the indifference and bullying by many of the hospital's staff.
The film employs methods of direct cinema, which emphasizes observation, limited stylization, and non-intervention by filmmakers.[3]

https://www.muckrock.com/agency/united- ... gation-10/
Federal Bureau of Investigation

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/5-fbi ... r-AA1mbIMH
5 FBI controversies of 2023 that shook faith in agency
Story by Brandon Drey  

https://themessenger.com/news/alabama-c ... -urinating
Alabama Cop Facing Charges After Allegedly Breaking Uber Driver’s Mirror, Urinating In Front of Him
Birmingham police arrested Hoover Detective Adam Shipley on Friday and charged him with public intoxication, harassment and criminal mischief
Published 12/30/23
Brinley Hineman

https://firstliberty.org/news/sikh-coal ... countable/
Sikh Coalition Argues that FBI Must Be Held Accountable for Unlawful Actions
December 29, 2023

https://www.livetube.tv/news/video-dem- ... n-citizens
Video: Dem Senator Questions FBI Director About Warrantless Searches Of American Citizens
LiveTube Newsdesk
December 29, 2023

https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/12/29/ ... -attorney/
The Mercury News
San Jose cop behind racist texts had large cache of weapons seized because of message about shooting Black attorneySan Jose cop behind racist texts had large cache of weapons seized because of message about shooting Black attorney.

https://www.businessinsider.com/video-f ... le-2023-12
Video footage shows elite Kentucky cops throwing slushies at pedestrians while on duty
Rebecca Rommen Dec 29, 2023
The report found that the force engaged "in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law," including using "excessive force," discriminating against Black people while carrying out its duties, and "unlawfully" arresting people.

https://www.953mnc.com/2023/12/30/inves ... g-pursuit/
Investigation reveals K9 officer was shot by Gary cop during pursuit
by Jon ZimneyDecember 30, 2023

https://www.foxnews.com/tech/its-not-ju ... everything
It’s not just for cops anymore — How this tiny body cam lets anyone record everything
The benefits of wearing a personal body camera in everyday situations
By Kurt Knutsson, CyberGuy Report Fox News
Published December 30, 2023

https://www.kuow.org/stories/police-tra ... ith-murder
Police training commission moves to decertify Auburn cop charged with murder
Ashley Hiruko
December 29, 2023

https://lawandcrime.com/lawsuit/lapd-fa ... n-lawsuit/
LAPD failed to protect officer whose cop husband shared intimate photos of her with colleagues without her permission: Lawsuit
MARISA SARNOFFDec 29th, 2023

Scott Ritter: "Israel attacks heavily south of Gaza, H@mas negotiate new ceasefire"

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/rock ... r-suicide/
NYPD cop kills NYC DOE teacher wife, 2 sons in apparent Rockland County murder-suicide: police
Patrick Reilly
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/robe ... nfinement/
UK killer Robert Mawdsley, who has spent 45 years in solitary confinement, believed to hold world-record
Matthew Sedacca
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/doj- ... -disgrace/
DOJ accused of covering for ‘deep state’ by not holding second SBF trial on illegal political donations: ‘Disgrace’
By Kyle Morris, Fox News
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... estinized/
American-Israeli Anthropologist Suggests that “We Are All Being Palestinized”
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 28, 2023

https://theintercept.com/2023/12/28/isr ... -gaza-war/
I Calculated How Much of My Money the U.S. Sent to Kill Palestinians. You Can Too.
As Americans, our money is paying for Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. How much did you give?
Jon Schwarz
December 28 2023

https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5nk4/ ... shuts-down
‘I Feel Very Sorry': Restaurant That Killed 300 Cats a Month for Soup Shuts Down’
An eatery and slaughterhouse in Vietnam has closed after a deal with the Humane Society to open a grocery store instead, saving 20 cats.
By Evy Kwong
December 28, 2023

Emma Best

Death Sentences Are Almost Never Imposed at the Federal Level

https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-fbi ... n-desantis
Trump vows to build 'new and spectacular building' for FBI, DeSantis turns the table on former president
DECEMBER 30, 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... 4-election
Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024
Trump said: ‘If I happen to be president and I see somebody doing well and beating me very badly, I say go down and indict them’
Sam Levine
Fri 10 Nov 2023

https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-des ... inst-trump
Is the F.B.I. Truly Biased Against Trump?
An agent turned whistle-blower claims that the Bureau was eager to investigate Hunter Biden—but protected Rudy Giuliani.
By David D. Kirkpatrick
August 14, 2023

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ja ... d-to-fully
Trump’s Long History With The FBI: In 1981, He Offered To “Fully Cooperate”
After the president-elect met with FBI agents, they finalized an “undercover proposal” to take to their superiors. It’s not known what action, if any, the bureau took on that proposal.
Jason Leopold
BuzzFeed Contributor
Posted on January 19, 2017

https://www.thedailybeast.com/charles-m ... ussia-ties
FBI Agent Who Probed Trump’s Russia Ties Is Under Investigation for Russia Ties
Josh Fiallo
Published Sep. 15, 2022

Cop Kicks Man Out Public Building For Filming

https://www.ktvu.com/news/fmr-sjpd-offi ... ainst-them
Gun violence restraining order filed against former SJPD cop
By KTVU Staff
Published December 30, 2023
San Jose Police Department

https://www.ktvu.com/news/former-la-she ... rison-cell
LA sheriff deputy convicted of 1st degree murder found dead in prison cell
By KTVU Staff
Published December 23, 2023

https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2023 ... ce-police/
Cop found with assault rifle, ammo in East La Penitence – Police
Dec 31, 2023 News

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 1197900035
A quantitative description of FBI public relations
Dirk C. Gibson
Of all federal government agencies in the U.S. from the 1930's to the 1980's, the Federal Bureau of Investigation probably had the most successful media relations program. The Bureau's leaders seemed to be masters at getting good publicity and avoiding bad.
By describing a quantitative analysis of the FBI's publicity over that 50-year period, this article attempts to show why those efforts were so successful. It identifies the themes that typified the verbal component of Bureau publicity, and the broad spectrum of mass communication channels that were tapped.

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... ge-rivers/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
Alaska’s Scary Orange Rivers

https://truthout.org/articles/prison-cl ... ton-state/
Prison Closure Divides Abolitionist Community in Washington State
Activists are conflicted about whether the move is a win for incarcerated people and allies — or for the carceral state.
By Raymond Williams , SHADOWPROOF
December 30, 2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... xperiment/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
Echoes of Dostoevsky: An Appeal Against Alabama’s Deadly Experiment

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/12/31/ ... nanswered/

Two months close on the Maine shootings, many questions are still left unanswered

Those following the aftermath of the shootings are anxiously awaiting the findings of an independent state commission, wondering whether the federal government will further investigate, and if there is evidence that the gunman had CTE, or chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

'Shut down the FBI:' Vivek Ramasamy' .. 
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst
Vivek Ramaswamy posted, "The FBI can't be reformed.' The right answer is: Shut It Down. Yes, the President can do it. I will."

https://www.silive.com/news/2023/12/nyp ... eport.html
NYPD cop terminated after lying about positive COVID test to stay on vacation: Report
Dec. 31, 2023

https://www.dailydot.com/news/cop-doesn ... ed-driver/
‘Like what happened to protect and serve??’: Woman says cop wouldn’t help her after her car broke down on her way to work
‘One time I had a flat on the highway...the state trooper gave me a ticket.'
Stacy Fernandez Trending Posted on Dec 31, 2023

https://themessenger.com/news/bodycam-f ... -her-child
Bodycam Footage Reveals Chilling Moment LA Cop Shoots Mother in Front of Her Child
The ex-boyfriend screamed 'No, no, why did you shoot?' after one deputy fired 4 shots at the woman
Published 12/31/23 12:06 PM ET|Updated 2 hr ago
Fatma Khaled

https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/12/31 ... e-in-hand/
Police say nab former cop with AR rifle in hand
The AR rifle and other items recovered.
By Staff Editor December 31, 2023

Cop shunted to control room over graft…
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:08 am

Remote Viewing the JFK Assassination Part 1
World class remote viewers Daz Smith, Dick Algire
Google remote viewer if you do not know what it means.
Also see …Col. David Morehouse,Joe McMoneagle, Ingo Swann,Dick Algire

https://www.transients.info/roundtable/ ... ight.6830/

https://truthout.org/articles/newly-unc ... bob-dylan/
Newly Uncovered Documents Reveal the FBI’s Campaign Against Bob Dylan
The US impulse toward repression didn’t die with the Cold War, as current attempts to suppress support for Gaza show.
By Aaron J. Leonard , TRUTHOUT
December 30, 2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... ice-crime/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
From Taser Face to the Goon Squad: the Year in Police Crime

https://ww1.streamm4u.ws/movies/titicut ... oddoy.html
Titicut Follies portrays the occupants of Bridgewater State Hospital, who are often kept in barren cells and infrequently bathed. It also depicts inmates/patients required to strip naked publicly, force feeding, and the indifference and bullying by many of the hospital's staff.
The film employs methods of direct cinema, which emphasizes observation, limited stylization, and non-intervention by filmmakers.[3]

https://www.muckrock.com/agency/united- ... gation-10/
Federal Bureau of Investigation

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/5-fbi ... r-AA1mbIMH
5 FBI controversies of 2023 that shook faith in agency
Story by Brandon Drey  

https://themessenger.com/news/alabama-c ... -urinating
Alabama Cop Facing Charges After Allegedly Breaking Uber Driver’s Mirror, Urinating In Front of Him
Birmingham police arrested Hoover Detective Adam Shipley on Friday and charged him with public intoxication, harassment and criminal mischief
Published 12/30/23
Brinley Hineman

https://firstliberty.org/news/sikh-coal ... countable/
Sikh Coalition Argues that FBI Must Be Held Accountable for Unlawful Actions
December 29, 2023

https://www.livetube.tv/news/video-dem- ... n-citizens
Video: Dem Senator Questions FBI Director About Warrantless Searches Of American Citizens
LiveTube Newsdesk
December 29, 2023

https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/12/29/ ... -attorney/
The Mercury News
San Jose cop behind racist texts had large cache of weapons seized because of message about shooting Black attorneySan Jose cop behind racist texts had large cache of weapons seized because of message about shooting Black attorney.

https://www.businessinsider.com/video-f ... le-2023-12
Video footage shows elite Kentucky cops throwing slushies at pedestrians while on duty
Rebecca Rommen Dec 29, 2023
The report found that the force engaged "in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law," including using "excessive force," discriminating against Black people while carrying out its duties, and "unlawfully" arresting people.

https://www.953mnc.com/2023/12/30/inves ... g-pursuit/
Investigation reveals K9 officer was shot by Gary cop during pursuit
by Jon ZimneyDecember 30, 2023

https://www.foxnews.com/tech/its-not-ju ... everything
It’s not just for cops anymore — How this tiny body cam lets anyone record everything
The benefits of wearing a personal body camera in everyday situations
By Kurt Knutsson, CyberGuy Report Fox News
Published December 30, 2023

https://www.kuow.org/stories/police-tra ... ith-murder
Police training commission moves to decertify Auburn cop charged with murder
Ashley Hiruko
December 29, 2023

https://lawandcrime.com/lawsuit/lapd-fa ... n-lawsuit/
LAPD failed to protect officer whose cop husband shared intimate photos of her with colleagues without her permission: Lawsuit
MARISA SARNOFFDec 29th, 2023

Scott Ritter: "Israel attacks heavily south of Gaza, H@mas negotiate new ceasefire"

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/rock ... r-suicide/
NYPD cop kills NYC DOE teacher wife, 2 sons in apparent Rockland County murder-suicide: police
Patrick Reilly
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/robe ... nfinement/
UK killer Robert Mawdsley, who has spent 45 years in solitary confinement, believed to hold world-record
Matthew Sedacca
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://nypost.com/2023/12/30/news/doj- ... -disgrace/
DOJ accused of covering for ‘deep state’ by not holding second SBF trial on illegal political donations: ‘Disgrace’
By Kyle Morris, Fox News
Published Dec. 30, 2023

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/1 ... estinized/
American-Israeli Anthropologist Suggests that “We Are All Being Palestinized”
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 28, 2023

https://theintercept.com/2023/12/28/isr ... -gaza-war/
I Calculated How Much of My Money the U.S. Sent to Kill Palestinians. You Can Too.
As Americans, our money is paying for Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. How much did you give?
Jon Schwarz
December 28 2023

https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5nk4/ ... shuts-down
‘I Feel Very Sorry': Restaurant That Killed 300 Cats a Month for Soup Shuts Down’
An eatery and slaughterhouse in Vietnam has closed after a deal with the Humane Society to open a grocery store instead, saving 20 cats.
By Evy Kwong
December 28, 2023

Emma Best

Death Sentences Are Almost Never Imposed at the Federal Level

https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-fbi ... n-desantis
Trump vows to build 'new and spectacular building' for FBI, DeSantis turns the table on former president
DECEMBER 30, 2023

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... 4-election
Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024
Trump said: ‘If I happen to be president and I see somebody doing well and beating me very badly, I say go down and indict them’
Sam Levine
Fri 10 Nov 2023

https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-des ... inst-trump
Is the F.B.I. Truly Biased Against Trump?
An agent turned whistle-blower claims that the Bureau was eager to investigate Hunter Biden—but protected Rudy Giuliani.
By David D. Kirkpatrick
August 14, 2023

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ja ... d-to-fully
Trump’s Long History With The FBI: In 1981, He Offered To “Fully Cooperate”
After the president-elect met with FBI agents, they finalized an “undercover proposal” to take to their superiors. It’s not known what action, if any, the bureau took on that proposal.
Jason Leopold
BuzzFeed Contributor
Posted on January 19, 2017

https://www.thedailybeast.com/charles-m ... ussia-ties
FBI Agent Who Probed Trump’s Russia Ties Is Under Investigation for Russia Ties
Josh Fiallo
Published Sep. 15, 2022

Cop Kicks Man Out Public Building For Filming

https://www.ktvu.com/news/fmr-sjpd-offi ... ainst-them
Gun violence restraining order filed against former SJPD cop
By KTVU Staff
Published December 30, 2023
San Jose Police Department

https://www.ktvu.com/news/former-la-she ... rison-cell
LA sheriff deputy convicted of 1st degree murder found dead in prison cell
By KTVU Staff
Published December 23, 2023

https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2023 ... ce-police/
Cop found with assault rifle, ammo in East La Penitence – Police
Dec 31, 2023 News

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 1197900035
A quantitative description of FBI public relations
Dirk C. Gibson
Of all federal government agencies in the U.S. from the 1930's to the 1980's, the Federal Bureau of Investigation probably had the most successful media relations program. The Bureau's leaders seemed to be masters at getting good publicity and avoiding bad.
By describing a quantitative analysis of the FBI's publicity over that 50-year period, this article attempts to show why those efforts were so successful. It identifies the themes that typified the verbal component of Bureau publicity, and the broad spectrum of mass communication channels that were tapped.

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... ge-rivers/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
Alaska’s Scary Orange Rivers

https://truthout.org/articles/prison-cl ... ton-state/
Prison Closure Divides Abolitionist Community in Washington State
Activists are conflicted about whether the move is a win for incarcerated people and allies — or for the carceral state.
By Raymond Williams , SHADOWPROOF
December 30, 2023

https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29 ... xperiment/
DECEMBER 29, 2023
Echoes of Dostoevsky: An Appeal Against Alabama’s Deadly Experiment

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/12/31/ ... nanswered/

Two months close on the Maine shootings, many questions are still left unanswered

Those following the aftermath of the shootings are anxiously awaiting the findings of an independent state commission, wondering whether the federal government will further investigate, and if there is evidence that the gunman had CTE, or chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

'Shut down the FBI:' Vivek Ramasamy' .. 
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst
Vivek Ramaswamy posted, "The FBI can't be reformed.' The right answer is: Shut It Down. Yes, the President can do it. I will."

https://www.silive.com/news/2023/12/nyp ... eport.html
NYPD cop terminated after lying about positive COVID test to stay on vacation: Report
Dec. 31, 2023

https://www.dailydot.com/news/cop-doesn ... ed-driver/
‘Like what happened to protect and serve??’: Woman says cop wouldn’t help her after her car broke down on her way to work
‘One time I had a flat on the highway...the state trooper gave me a ticket.'
Stacy Fernandez Trending Posted on Dec 31, 2023

https://themessenger.com/news/bodycam-f ... -her-child
Bodycam Footage Reveals Chilling Moment LA Cop Shoots Mother in Front of Her Child
The ex-boyfriend screamed 'No, no, why did you shoot?' after one deputy fired 4 shots at the woman
Published 12/31/23 12:06 PM ET|Updated 2 hr ago
Fatma Khaled

https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/12/31 ... e-in-hand/
Police say nab former cop with AR rifle in hand
The AR rifle and other items recovered.
By Staff Editor December 31, 2023

Cop shunted to control room over graft…
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/arti ... aign=cppst
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:35 pm

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... ink-tanks/
Laudatory Commemorations of Kissinger Reveal Systemic Bias in U.S. Media, Academia and Think Tanks
By Dario Calvisi - January 16, 2024

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/here-i ... um=reader2
Here is the evidence (from 2004-2014) that our governments tried to kill us by restricting HCQ. WHY? Hydroxychloroquine doesn't kill *people* unless you overdose. But it does kill *coronaviruses.*
This is critically important evidence that our governments deliberately harmed us by suppressing this drug. Please save/share. France produced fake news on HCQ last week.n
JAN 15, 2024

https://www.berkeleycopwatch.org/_files ... index=true

Some key findings are as follows: 
1 One in two people arrested by the BPD between 2018 and 2022 were Black. 
2 Officers in the Bike Force were incentivized by an illegal arrest quota motivated by Sgt. Kacalek.
3 Arrests climbed drastically in the Fall of 2019 and Winter of 2020, and Bike Force officers made a disproportionate contribution to this trend, as alleged by Officer Shedoudy.
4 Since 2020, every year, more than 15% of arrests made by the Bike Force were dropped by the District Attorney. In 2020, that figure exceeded 35%. 
5 The actions of the officers were part of a citywide strategy of forced removal and harassment of unhoused people.
Some of our recommendations are as follows:

https://www.berkeleycopwatch.org/single ... pring-2024
Copwatch Class: Spring 2024! Community Based Accountabilit

https://truthout.org/articles/in-past-3 ... 0-billion/
World’s 5 Richest Men Have Added $14M to Their Wealth Every Hour Since 2020
Elon Musk was the biggest winner of the last three years, multiplying his fortune by over seven times.
By Sharon Zhang , TRUTHOUT
January 15, 2024

https://lawandcrime.com/crime/women-all ... -20-pairs/
Women allegedly ‘seeking revenge’ on cop both were dating destroyed home, stole single shoe from 20 pairs
JERRY LAMBEJan 15th, 2024,

https://www.wsj.com/us-news/the-gun-inf ... s-bf91641c
The Gun Influencer Who Used Small-Town Cops to Import Machine Guns
Federal prosecutors target high-end gunrunning operation
Dan Frosch Zusha Elinson Jan. 15, 2024

https://www.tbnweekly.com/pinellas_coun ... de966.html
Arrested Clearwater cop resigns
CLEARWATER — An officer who faces a charge of aggravated stalking resigned from the Clearwater Police Department on Jan. 11.

https://www.audacy.com/wwl/news/local/c ... gs-to-come
Fed charges against former cop could be sign of things to come, watchdog says
By Chris Miller

https://themessenger.com/news/david-lov ... ape-sodomy
Cop Accused of Raping, Sodomizing Child, Having Child Porn Appears Severely Bruised in Mugshot
David Love, 69, of Kentucky, was booked into jail earlier this month
Published 01/16/24
Luke Funk

https://abc7chicago.com/karol-chwiesiuk ... /14327896/
Chicago cop who stormed US Capitol with his sister asking for probation
ByChuck Goudie and Barb Markoff, Christine Tressel and Tom Jones
Monday, January 15, 2024

https://truthout.org/articles/mother-an ... ding-them/
Mother and Children Drown in Rio Grande as Texas Blocks Agents From Aiding Them
“The Texas governor’s policies are cruel, dangerous, and inhumane,” said a spokesperson for Homeland Security.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
January 16, 2024

https://www.theguardian.com/law/2024/ja ... ip-anshutz
Gorsuch urged to recuse himself from supreme court case over ties to oil baron
Philip Anschutz has hosted rightwing justice at resort and stands to benefit if court strips power from federal regulatory agencies
Martin Pengelly in Washington
Tue 16 Jan 2024

https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjvmq7/ ... -an-answer
Elephant-Sized Apes That Once Roamed the Land Mysteriously Vanished. Now, Scientists Have an Answer.
The sudden extinction of giant apes is an "enigma in paleontology," one scientist said, but new research proposes an answer to why they disappeared.
By Mirjam Guesgen
January 10, 2024

https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7e5xm/ ... r-militias
Democrats Propose Bill to Neuter Militias
The “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” would effectively limit most militia activity.
By Tess Owen
January 11, 2024

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/nuff-s ... um=reader2

'Nuff Said
JAN 16, 2024

https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkawn9/ ... dy-reveals
Psychedelic Mushrooms Existed Millions of Years Before Humans, Largest-Ever Study Reveals
The largest genomic study of "magic" mushrooms reveals they evolved 65 million years ago and deepens our understanding of their psychedelic compounds.
By Mirjam Guesgen
January 11, 2024

https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... crisis-aoe
This pristine lake has endured for 2m years. Why are its fish in crisis?
In one of the world’s oldest lakes, Hovsgol grayling, a species found only in these azure waters in Mongolia, are struggling to survive
Tue 16 Jan 2024

https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley ... 1002/(ISSN)1097-0142.top-advances-of-the-year

Top Advances of the Year
First published: 31 March 2022Last updated: 5 October 2023
Cancer is pleased to present “Top Advances of the Year,” a new series of articles that highlight cutting-edge advances in cancer research for specific organ-site cancers. These articles reflect the opinions of the leaders in the respective areas and are intended to keep the readers apprised on major progress. The authors provide a succinct review on the top advances and their key “take-home messages” from the specific studies discussed; the readers are referred to the original articles for additional details. Check back on this page frequently as we continue to publish new articles with the aim of focusing on every major cancer type. Explore the latest Top Advances of the Year articles below.

https://newrepublic.com/post/178104/pol ... eats-audio
Tori Otten January 16, 2024
Police Don’t Appear to Think Roger Stone’s Assassination Threats Were Just a Joke
The loyal Trump adviser is under police investigation yet again

https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/comm ... 5FX7NEK5I/
Baltimore Police officer who fatally struck man on scooter
pleads guilty, but will not serve jail time
Dylan Segelbaum and Cody Boteler

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2024/01 ... als-court/
Wrongful death lawsuit against Biddeford police could be revived

https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/ma ... ng-jr-gaza
From MLK Jr. and Bull Connor to Gaza and Indiana University
We are in very familiar waters when authorities hide behind claims of "public safety" to punish human rights defenders or criminalize dissent
Jan 16, 2024

https://www.pressherald.com/2024/01/15/ ... d-be-next/
An unprecedented flu strain is attacking hundreds of animal species. Humans could be next.
Over the past few years, a potent strain of H5N1 avian flu has jumped between species and raged through domestic and wild animal populations on every continent except Australia and Antarctica, crisscrossing the world along birds’
January 15,2024
Dino Grandoni The Washington Post

https://thedissenter.org/us-judge-rules ... urnalists/
US Judge Rules In Favor Of Police 'Buffer Law' Viewed As Threat To Rights Of Journalists
Kevin Gosztola
Jan 16, 2024
"The law has many legitimate applications,” Judge Damon R. Leichty stated. "Any effect on speech is minimal and incidental only."

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/fauci- ... um=reader2
Fauci wannabe Peter Hotez seemed like a clown, but turned out to be very dangerous, creating a "fire hose of falsehoods" that slipped into peoples' unconscious, making them believe his lies
I love The Midwestern Doctor because he seems to think like me, writes better, and collects a ton of facts. In this case he reports back from Peter Hotez' latest book and gives me a shout-out
JAN 16, 2024

https://deadline.com/video/jfk-what-the ... -premiere/
‘JFK: What The Doctors Saw’ First Look: In Paramount+ Documentary, Physicians Who Treated Wounded President Reveal Evidence Of Multiple Assassins
By Matthew Carey

https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/late-on ... email=true
Late on a Friday Night, Biden Guts the JFK Records Act
Mary Ferrell Foundation challenges president's order in federal court.
JUL 1, 2023
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:47 am

Ray McGovern : The Role of Intel in Attacking Iraq

https://americanswhotellthetruth.org/po ... k-serpico/
“A policeman’s first obligation is to be responsible to the needs of the community he serves…The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around.”

https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/202 ... r-liberty/
‘Cold Civil War’: At Tennessee Neighbors For Liberty Event in Soddy-Daisy, fears of an FBI run amok
February 4,2024
by Andrew Schwartz

https://www.thecatholictelegraph.com/up ... tion/94993
By Tyler Arnold
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Feb 2, 2024

The FBI Tried (and Failed) To Frame Marilyn Monroe
February 4,2024

https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/cri ... b052a.html
New Haven dissolves police department after chief resigns, citing evidence handling issues

https://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/upl ... wf2003.pdf
POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female”
Samuel Walker and Dawn Irlbeck
Police Professionalism Initiative
University of Nebraska at Omaha Department of Criminal Justice

https://theaugustapress.com/ex-school-c ... usta-high/
Cop arrested after hookup with student at North Augusta High
Christopher Ryan Wilson was a school resource officer at North Augusta High School when allegations surfaced of an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old student.
Greg Rickabaugh
February 4, 2024

https://nypost.com/2024/02/04/metro/ret ... ing-proof/
NY cop launches crusade on police mental health amid spiraling crisis: ‘Living proof’
Craig McCarthy Alex Oliveira Feb. 4, 2024

https://www.outkick.com/culture/ufc-ren ... -interview
UFC Fighter Says He Wants To Become A Cop To Kill Bad Guys In Wild Interview
David Hookstead
PublishedFebruary 4, 2024

https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/ ... 397198007/
El Paso Police Department officer arrested, accused of stealing cash at crash scene
EPPD police station locker room video, other cases dismissed
Daniel Borunda
El Paso Times

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/case-ag ... ce-4994070
Case Against Odisha Cop For Sexually Assaulting Woman Colleague: Police
The accused inspector has been booked following a direction from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Odisha Director General of Police (in-charge), Arun Sarangi, said.
India News February 04, 2024


https://www.timescolonist.com/islander/ ... ps-8206920
‘It was cathartic for them;' Coffee with a Cop a chance to build relationships
The initiative was launched in Hawthorne, California, in 2011, because local officers were looking for a way to interact with the people in their community

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/02/02/fbi ... les-faces/
FBI Looking To Use Amazon’s Facial Recognition Tech To ‘Recognize’ Stuff That Isn’t People’s Faces
(Mis)Uses of Technology
from the oh-cool-the-government-is-getting-into-the-content-scanning-business dept
Fri, Feb 2nd 2024 10:49am - Tim Cushing
A half-decade ago, Amazon was an emerging player on the facial recognition scene. Its proprietary blend was called “Rekognition.” At the outset, Amazon was definitely interested in getting it in the hands of as many cops as possible.

https://theintercept.com/2016/10/12/do- ... hould-see/
An eye-opening new documentary takes viewers inside the world of American police militarization.
Ryan Devereaux

https://theintercept.com/2021/09/20/nda ... lice-1033/
Biden failed to take action on the Pentagon’s 1033 program. Now four lawmakers have proposed NDAA amendments that would limit or end it.
Alice Speri
September 20 2021

https://www.pogo.org/analysis/poisoning ... lic-safety
Poisoning Our Police: How the Militarization Mindset Threatens Constitutional Rights and Public Safety
Wayne McElrath,Sarah Turbervill

https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj ... -citizens/
Police Militarization and the War on Citizens
By Jeff Adachi
When the Super Bowl rumbled into town earlier this year, our city greeted it—in true San Francisco fashion—with a weeklong party.

https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/ ... epartments.
Why police resist reforms to militarization
Nikki Rojas
Harvard Staff Writer
March 3, 2023
Issues revolve around culture of viewing civilians as potential threats, concerns about self-protection in departments equipped with military-grade arms

https://www.aclu.org/publications/war-c ... can-police
War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Police

https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/vi ... ntext=mjrl
Michigan Journal of Race and Law Michigan Journal of Race and Law
Volume 23
Issues 1&2
The Case Against Police Militarization The Case Against Police Militarization
Eliav Lieblich
T el A viv University
Adam Shinar
Radzyner Law School

https://civiliansinconflict.org/blog/th ... lian-harm/
The Militarization of US Law Enforcement and Civilian Harm
By Kimberly Rolle
 In the summer of 2020, from Minnesota to London, a global protest movement erupted in response to incidents of racial profiling and police brutality against Black Americans. As illustrated by Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama in 1965, the Kent State Massacre in 1970, the MOVE Bombing in Philadelphia in 1985, Ferguson in 2014, and the many more countless deaths of Black people at the hands of police, this form of violence and discrimination is not new to the United States. But what has steadily evolved over time is the militarization of both federal and local law enforcement, from the increasing use of military-grade equipment in police raids and protest response to the use of tactics borrowed from military operations abroad. This blog outlines some of the key programs and dynamics contributing to the militarization of US law enforcement and its impact on civilian harm.
Police Militarization Defined
In this post, we define police militarization as the influence of military equipment, tactics, and mindset on domestic law enforcement. This phenomenon exists in at least three distinct areas:
1. Transfer of military equipment to domestic law enforcement agencies;
2. Regular flow of personnel from the military to local law enforcement agencies; and
3. Adoption of military tactics by law enforcement.
A recent paper published by Brown University scholar Jessica Katzenstein notes that while militarization has always been a feature of US law enforcement – starting as early as militarized slave patrols and colonial militias – the US response to 9/11 has significantly exacerbated police militarization. Although certain military attributes like discipline and a clear chain of command may contribute to improved accountability and professionalism in law enforcement,

https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/f ... 086/708464
The Imperial Origins of American Policing: Militarization and Imperial Feedback in the Early 20th Century1
Julian Go

https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/n20925 ... lence.html
The Atlantic: The culture of policing is broken
News outlets continue to cite study co-led by UC researcher Jack Mewhirter
By Angela Koenig

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/02/02/we- ... nce-court/
We Shouldn’t Allow A New Super Secret Surveillance Court Cover Up The Civil Liberties Problems Of The Old Super Secret Surveillance Court
from the not-fixing-the-problem dept
Fri, Feb 2nd 2024 09:30am - Mike Masnick
For years now we’ve been covering the big ongoing fights between the US and the EU regarding the transfer of user data across the Atlantic. The main issue was that due to somewhat different data protection/privacy laws between the EU and the US, the two keep trying to work out a “deal” that allows (mostly) US companies to stores data from EU users on servers in the US. This transatlantic data flow agreement is important. It would be difficult for many US companies to offer services to EU citizens without it.
But it’s been a fucking mess for over a decade. Almost entirely because of US surveillance programs.
The agreements to handle this have gone by various names, starting with the EU/US Privacy “safe harbor,” and then later the “Privacy Shield.” In both cases,

https://theintercept.com/2024/02/02/lou ... ails-foia/
The state’s far-right government is escalating its fight against environmental protection with a rare use of public records law.
Delaney Nolan, Oliver Laughland
February 2 2024

https://www.republicworld.com/india/cri ... -fracture/
Updated February 5th, 2024
Delhi: Cop Caught Thrashing Residents at Night, Victims Allegedly Sustain Head Injury, Hand Fracture
Following the incident, the victims filed complaints against the policeman for his inhuman act and demanded action against him.
Abhishek Tiwari

https://odishatv.in/news/odisha/female- ... med-226981
Female cop in Odisha brings sexual harassment allegation against IIC; special team formed to conduct probe
Following the incident, question marks have been raised over the honesty, sincerity, efficacy and transparency of Odisha Police.

https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/ ... riving-ops
RM3,300 cash found on traffic cop carrying out anti-drink driving ops
Sunday, 04 Feb 2024

https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com/2024/0 ... e_vignette
New Jersey Law Proposed to Add Social Media Review in Cop Background Checks
by Robert Walker February 4, 2024

https://quicktelecast.com/ex-cop-who-re ... -burglary/
Cop Who Repeatedly Slammed Madeleine McCann’s Parents Is Jailed For Kidnap And Burglary
By Peter Johnson On Feb 4, 2024

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... a-started/
250 U.S. Cargo Planes and At Least 20 Ships Have Delivered More Than 10,000 Tons of Armaments and Military Equipment to Israel Since War on Gaza Started
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - February 2, 2024
Posts: 5850
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:13 pm

https://www.wired.com/story/section-702 ... id=2469854

SECURITYFEB 16, 2024 3:30 PM
Leak of Russian ‘Threat’ Part of a Bid to Kill US Surveillance Reform, Sources Say
A surprise disclosure of a national security threat by the House Intelligence chair was part of an effort to block legislation that aimed to limit cops and spies from buying Americans’ private data.

The more things change,the more they remain the same.

In 2001 Anthrax/white powder mailed to members of Congress: Patriot Act Gets Passed

https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4479 ... louisiana/
FBI investigating letter with white powder sent to Johnson’s church in Louisiana

https://punchbowl.news/article/dueling- ... e-johnson/
December 12, 2023
Johnson yanks dueling FISA bills in another embarrassing misstep
In 2024 Anthrax/white powder mailed to Speaker of the House Mike
Johnson FISA Reauthorization passed

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/02/20/sec ... nfighting/

Section 702 Powers Back On The Ropes Thanks To Partisan Infighting
from the whatever-it-takes dept
Tue, Feb 20th 2024 01:41pm - Tim Cushing
I’m normally not a “ends justifies the means” sort of guy, but ever since some House Republicans started getting shitty about Section 702 surveillance after some of their own got swept up in the dragnet, I’ve become a bit more pragmatic. Section 702 is long overdue for reform. If it takes a bunch of conveniently angry legislators to do it, so be it.
The NSA uses this executive authorization to sweep up millions of “foreign” communications. But if one side of these communications involves a US person, the NSA is supposed to keep its eyes off of it. The same thing goes for the FBI. But the FBI has spent literal decades ignoring these restraints, preferring to dip into the NSA’s data pool as often as possible for the sole reason of converting a foreign-facing surveillance program into a handy means for domestic surveillance.
The FBI’s constant abuse of this program has seen it scolded by FISA judges, excoriated by legislators actually willing to stand up for their constituents’ rights, and habitually abused verbally at internet sites like this one.
Not that it has mattered. For years, the NSA (and, by extension, the FBI) has been given a blanket blessing of their spy programs by legislators who have been convinced nothing but a clean re-authorization

https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinter ... ?rdt=36926
The Anthrax-laced Letter Sent to U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy on October 9th, 2001
encouraging the Senate to pass the Patriot Act

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... ance-state
Rolling Back the Post-9/11 FISA 702 Surveillance State
Restoring key privacy protections will benefit both national security and civil liberties.
Elizabeth Goitein August 25, 2021

https://www.rightsanddissent.org/news/w ... -got-here/
We stopped FISA 702 for now… But it’s a wild story how we got here
Published by Defending Rights & Dissent at February 16, 2024

Effects of the Anthrax Attacks on the Drafting of the USA PATRIOT Act

https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-se ... atriot-act
Hastily passed 45 days after 9/11 in the name of national security, the Patriot Act was the first of many changes to surveillance laws that made it easier for the government to spy on ordinary Americans by expanding the authority to monitor phone and email communications, collect bank and credit reporting records, and track the activity of innocent Americans on the Internet. While most Americans think it was created to catch terrorists, the Patriot Act actually turns regular citizens into suspects.

https://frankwilkinson100.wordpress.com ... v-the-fbi/

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... -fbi-file/
January 10, 2019
Where in the world is Frank Wilkinson’s FBI file?
The activist’s 132,000 page file has somehow gone missing from the National Archives
Written by JPat Brown Edited by Beryl Lipton
Last August, while researching an article on the 1960 protests against House Un-American Activities Committee, I discovered that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had claimed not to have any records related to the activist Frank Wilkinson, a central figure in the protests.

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... utlive-me/
My FOIA request will outlive me
Good news is, we found Frank Wilkinson’s FBI file. Bad news is, you probably won’t get a chance to read it.
It will take a 130 years to get Frank Wilkinson’s FBI File.
Written by JPat Brown

"The UnAmericans": Frank Wilkinson and FBI Surveillance

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... ance-state
Rolling Back the Post-9/11 Surveillance State
Restoring key privacy protections will benefit both national security and civil liberties.
Elizabeth Goitein August 25, 2021

February 20, 2024

https://nypost.com/2024/02/20/us-news/a ... e-on-duty/
Cop allegedly made series of swatting calls while on duty because he ‘thought it was funny’
Katherine Donlevy
Published Feb. 20, 2024

https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/is ... n-humanity
Is Dr. Malone Invested in Humanity or Transhumanism?
Dr. Robert Malone describes mRNA 'vaccines' as the entry point for transhumanism and the suite of technologies that can modify humans through directed biological and mechanical genetic mutations.

https://www.wwnytv.com/2024/02/20/forme ... plea-deal/
Potsdam cop accused of choking suspect takes plea deal
By 7 News Staff
Published: Feb. 20, 2024

“I Was in a Relationship With an Undercover Cop Sent to Spy on Me” |
Eleanor Fairbraida’s seemingly idyllic life in the Yorkshire Dales took a shocking turn when she discovered her close friend and lover of seven years, Mark Stone, a committed environmental activist, was an undercover police officer sent to spy on her. And worse still, Mark, real name Mark Kennedy was a married officer, with three children. As a new podcast, Undercover: The Spycops about the ongoing public enquiry into this case comes to light,

https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/us-cop- ... er-5097442
US Cop Texted Wife About First Arrest, Minutes Before Falling Into River
Robert Leonard's last message to his police station mentioned "water" before the two went missing.
February 21, 2024

https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/ne ... retrained/
New Jersey to re-train police officers who attended Street Cop Training instruction
By Liz Crawford
February 19, 2024 / CBS Philadelphia
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (CBS) - How did a former New Jersey police officer, who was disciplined three times in five years, go on to train thousands of officers while charging local governments thousands of dollars?

https://www.timesheraldonline.com/2024/ ... g-scandal/
San Jose: More officer names surface in ex-cop’s racist texting scandal
Active and former SJPD officers exchanged racist, homophobic and other offensive text messages, authorities and records show
By ROBERT SALONGA | rsalonga@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: February 20, 2024

https://whowhatwhy.org/culture/journali ... ok-review/

How the Media Conned the Public into Loving the FBI: Book Review


https://www.wbay.com/2024/02/21/sniffin ... -training/
SNIFFING OUT DANGER: FBI teams up with local K9 units for rare training
By Brittany Schmidt
Published: Feb. 20, 2024

https://www.thewrap.com/fbi-most-wanted ... -williams/
‘FBI: Most Wanted’ Star Edwin Hodge Was Thrilled Steven Williams Was Cast as His Father: ‘The X-Files Was My Jam’
The character appears to have “some shadiness” in his past, Hodge tells TheWrap ahead of Tuesday night’s episode
Sharon Knolle February 20, 2024

https://www.wilsonquarterly.com/quarter ... s-in-media
Inside the FBI's decades-long effort to court allies in the media

Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate: The Campaign to Control the Press and the Bureau's Image
Matthew Cecil
Copyright Date: 2014
Published by: University Press of Kansas

https://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/ ... lege-peace
Reporter Donates Documents on Infamous 1971 FBI Burglary to Swarthmore College Peace Collection
As recently noted in the Delaware County Daily Times, the Washington Post journalist who was the first to report on files stolen from a Delaware County FBI office almost 50 years ago donated her book research on the topic to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection.
The collection, housed in McCabe Library, accepted approximately 70,000 documents that investigative reporter Betty Medsger used in writing her 2014 book The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI. The documents include the 35,000 files she received from a Freedom of Information Act request that methodically detailed the illegal surveillance techniques conducted by the FBI to suppress dissenting speech and activities by people and organizations viewed as subversives.

FBI Records: The Vault

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ ... mouse-musk
Neuralink implant patient can move computer mouse by thinking, Musk says
First human implanted with brain-chip can use thoughts to move mouse, startup’s founder claims but details are scant
Guardian staff and agencies Tue 20 Feb 2024
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:42 pm

https://www.thedailybeast.com/mississip ... -own-urine
Mississippi Cop Charged After Forcing Inmate to Drink His Own Urine
Mississippi Patrolman Michael Christian Green allegedly told the man he would beat him if he did not comply with his orders.
Justin Rohrlich Published Mar. 13, 2024 

https://www.detroitcatholic.com/news/do ... shop-sheen
Documentary covers FBI file kept on Catholic Archbishop Sheen
Mar 13, 2024 National/World

https://www.aol.com/news/fbi-treats-off ... 00216.html
FBI treats offensive high school video as teachable moment
February 26, 2024

https://thehill.com/homenews/administra ... s-senator/
FBI improperly used Section 702 surveillance powers on US senator

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... -americans
Congress Should Not Reauthorize Warrantless Surveillance of Americans
Before Congress reauthorizes Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Americans need a promise of reform.
Noah Chauvin June 15, 2023

https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/d ... ection-702
Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again It Can’t be Trusted with Section 702
JULY 27, 2023

https://www.aol.com/news/fbi-treats-off ... 00216.html
Feb. 26—Federal and state officials want the students to understand how hate speech can lead to criminal behavior or civil penalties.
A 56-second social-media video showing Mid-Pacific Institute baseball players joking about sexually assaulting children and using racist language has inspired a teachable moment for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Federal and state law enforcement officials want the students to understand how hate speech can lead to criminal behavior or civil penalties.
"While the FBI respects and upholds First Amendment rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, we take these comments seriously

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation ... 94725.html
Cop arrests woman at her home for not showing ID, attorney says. Now mayor apologizes BY OLIVIA LLOYD MARCH 12, 2024
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation ... rylink=cpy

BlueLeaks, sometimes referred to by the hashtag #BlueLeaks, is 269 gigabytes of internal U.S. law enforcement data obtained by the hacktivism collective Anonymous
The data—internal intelligence, bulletins, emails, and reports—was produced between August 1996 and June 2020 by more than 200 law enforcement agencies, often using fusion centers. According to media reports and a statement from the company, the data was obtained through a security breach of Netsential, a web developer that works with law enforcement. The director of Netsential, Stephen Gartrell, won recognition from the Houston FBI in 2011 "for his work designing and hosting websites that educate the public about crime and terrorism."
Early research happened via social media. Elijah Daniel wrote on Twitter to his 800,000+ followers "The FBI is watching all tweets regarding the protests, and sending them to your local police"[1] and encouraged people to download the data and find stories. Before it was banned, r/blueleaks had thousands of posts on Reddit and was used by journalists.[2]
In Maine, a whistleblower lawsuit had been filed by former state trooper George Loder in May, against the Maine Information and Analysis Center:
"alleging police illegally collected personal data on gun owners, protesters and counselors at an international camp for Arab and Israeli teens."[3]
June 24, Maine Department of Public Safety commissioner Michael Saushuck faced questions about the activities of their fusion center at a legislative hearing and "was unable to provide clear answers on how much time is spent by agents of the

https://theintercept.com/2020/08/19/blu ... n-centers/
Some 270GB of police files were obtained, possibly in a single evening. Backdoor software might have had something to do with it.
Micah Lee
August 19 2020

https://www.vice.com/en/article/xg84ww/ ... 51b99c22df
ICE Questions an Admin of The-Eye Archive Site About ‘BlueLeaks’
A woman who helps maintain a well-known archival website received a visit from HSI agents asking questions about BlueLeaks.

https://theintercept.com/2021/04/21/mai ... veillance/
Legislators in Maine are debating pulling funding for the state's fusion center — the first such bill in the country.
Alice Speri April 21 2021

https://twitter.com/FBI/status/17679289 ... gr%5Etweet

#FBI executives black FBI agent Brian Turner and black FBI agent Robert Contee III engaged in the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE)'s 2024 #CEOSymposium. ADD Turner spoke, underscoring the importance of leadership in redefining policing across America.

https://www.compactmag.com/article/did- ... -kill-mlk/

Did the FBI Kill MLK?
Seneca Scott
April 04, 2023
Over the past decade, proposals for reparations for slavery have entered the political mainstream, culminating recently in a San Francisco plan to award $5 million to each eligible black resident. But despite the prevalence of liberal virtue-signaling about restorative justice, more historically recent state crimes against black Americans have received less attention.
I’m referring to the unsettling reality that throughout the upheaval of the 1960s, the US government waged an all-out covert war against the black freedom movement. The FBI’s campaign of illegal surveillance, harassment, blackmailing, subversion, and violence—including the extrajudicial execution of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton in Chicago in 1969—under the auspices of COINTELPRO is largely a matter of historical record.
So, at this point, are the FBI’s extensive attempts to defame and discredit Martin Luther King, Jr. More enigmatic but equally important are the questions that still surround Dr. King’s assassination. In the nearly six decades since he was killed, he has become one of the premier secular saints of American political culture. But one condition of this canonization has been that we accept the official story that he was killed by a lone gunman, James Earl Ray.
King’s family—of which I am a member—has never believed the official story. For decades, his late widow (and my cousin), Coretta Scott King, suspected federal government involvement. In 1999, she and other surviving relatives put these suspicions to the test in a civil suit filed against Loyd Jowers, a Memphis restaurant owner who had claimed he had been paid by a local mobster to organize King’s assassination. According to Jowers, a group met at the restaurant to plan the assassination. Among them was Memphis Police Lt. Earl Clark, a skilled marksman and associate of Frank Liberto, a member of the Marcello crime family of New Orleans; and Marrell McCollough, an undercover police officer and CIA operative who posed as a member of a militant black political group known as the Invaders. McCollough was later present at the Lorraine Motel and was seen kneeling over King after the shooting.
After the trial, Coretta Scott King stated: “There is abundant evidence of a major high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr.” Martin and Coretta’s children, Martin Luther King III and Bernice King, noted “the seriousness with which US intelligence agencies planned the murder” of their father. According to Coretta and her children, the “high-level conspiracy” to assassinate Martin Luther King involved the FBI, the Memphis Police Department, and the Marcello crime family of New Orleans, with James Earl Ray serving as a lone patsy. Since the Jowers trial, however, the fact that King’s family rejected

https://fbi.gov/news/speeches/associate ... -symposium
(March 13, 2024 / JNS)Jewish News Syndicate
Among the things the FBI is citing in an effort to justify its request for an $11.386 billion 2024 budget is Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.
“The recent, brutal Hamas attack against

https://www.jns.org/fbi-cites-hamas-att ... t-request/
FBI cites Hamas attack as justification for $11.4 billion budget request
The $11.386 billion would fund 37,312 positions, 260 attorneys and 13,662 agents, the bureau said.

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/20 ... nson-book/
Inside the Terror Factory
Award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson digs deep into the FBI’s massive efforts to create fake terrorist plots.

Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism
Trevor Aaronson

“This is investigative reporting at its best. For the first time, a documented investigation into the domestic terrorism program is available to the general public. And the story this dogged reporter tells has been garnering growing attention. Is it possible that we have in fact created the very threat we fear? Are we in danger of destroying the fabric of our freedom in our panic to preserve it? Read Aaronson’s ground breaking report and make up your own mind.”–Lowell Bergman, Pulitzer Prize-winning Professor of Investigative Reporting
“A disturbing window into America’s war on terror. In story after story, Aaronson reveals in detail how the FBI and its informants are creating crime rather than solving it. This is an important piece of journalism.”—Alexandra Natapoff, author, Snitching: Criminal Informants and the Erosion of American Justice
“The Terror Factoryis a damning exposé of how the government’s front line against terrorism has become a network of snitches at the end of their ropes, and FBI agents desperate to thwart a terrorist plot even if it means creating one.”–Will Potter, author, Green is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege
“Aaronson explains just how misguided and often deceptive FBI terrorism sting operations have become. In case after case, he demonstrates how the money being spent is more about producing theater than about federal agents arresting suspected terrorists.”–James J. Wedick, former FBI Supervisory Agent

https://altoona.psu.edu/event/career-in ... ession-fbi
Career Information Session: FBI
THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024 - 3:00 PM TO 4:20 PM
Penn State Altoona’s Career Services is offering an FBI Virtual Information Session on Thursday, March 14, from 3 to 4:20 p.m. via Zoom.
The session will include an overview of the FBI, information about the application process and automatic disqualifiers, what it takes to become a special agent, and a Q&A segment.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... =undefined
FBI Trainee Gets 15 Months for Trading on Girlfriend’s Info
* Seth Markin gleaned tips from lawyer girlfriend’s documents
* Markin passed tip onto friend, who bought him a Rolex watch
Chris Dolmetsch March 13, 2024

https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/ ... 8fc48.html
Former FBI director and bestselling author James Comey onstage for the Frederick Speaker Series
* Lauren LaRocca

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-te ... um=reader2
The Texas GOP polled citizens during a primary yesterday, asking if they wanted the freedom to accept or reject vaccines of their choice
92% wanted informed consent without coercion: over 2 million Texans voted.

https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/03/13/ ... tesy-card/

Rookie Westchester cop says he was fired for ticketing lawyer who had PBA courtesy card
By ROCCO PARASCANDOLA | rparascandola@nydailynews.com | New York Daily PUBLISHED: March 13, 2024

https://www.wabe.org/stop-cop-city-prot ... -in-austin
‘Stop Cop City' protesters argue with Atlanta mayor, disrupt SXSW event in Austin Jasmine Robinson | WABE March 13th, 2024

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/a-good ... um=reader2
A Good Start: Rand Paul's bill requiring executive branch employees to disclose their royalty payments gets out of committee.
And it requires financial disclosures from members of government advisory committees. This bill is really important.

https://abc7.com/16-swat-officers-injur ... /14521844/
16 SWAT members injured after explosion at FBI training facility in Irvine
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed May 15, 2024 12:27 pm

Lawrence: Why Trump's lawyer called him the 'orange turd' during Stormy testimony

https://ticklethewire.com/border-patrol ... rnography/
Border Patrol Agent Charged with Producing, Distributing Child Pornography
By Steve Neavling May 13,2024
A Border Patrol agent from Arizona was indicted by a grand jury last week on 10 counts related to creating and possessing child pornography, the Justice Department announced Friday. 

https://ticklethewire.com/3-men-charged ... osecutors/
FBI agents agree”no memoirs for Whitey Bulger”
3 Men Charged in ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s Prison Killing Reached Plea Deal with Prosecutors 
Whitey Bulger
By Steve Neavling

https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4661 ... rael-gaza/
Pentagon intelligence officer quits in protest of Israel-Hamas war in Gaza

Scott Ritter : How Isolated Is Israel?

https://nypost.com/2024/05/11/us-news/m ... cruitment/
Miami Police Department unveils new Rolls-Royce cop car to aid recruitment
Deirdre Bardolf Published May 11, 2024
The Miami Beach Police Department’s newest recruitment tool is a $250,000 tricked-out Rolls-Royce patrol

https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/famil ... VPHOKDSHM/
Families prepare to Adopt-a-Cop during National Police Week
By Eli Brand, wsoctv.com May 14, 2024
Families prepare to Adopt-a-Cop during National Police Week

https://www.chicagotribune.com/2024/05/ ... g-cocaine/
High ranking EC cop enters federal plea deal for dealing cocaine
By MEREDITH COLIAS-PETE | mcolias@post-trib.com | Post-Tribune
PUBLISHED: May 14, 2024

https://www.lehighvalleynews.com/bethle ... sex-crimes
Bethlehem cop who is a school resource officer accused of sex crimes against student
LehighValleyNews.com | By Ryan Gaylor
Published May 14, 2024

https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/e ... n-schools/
Should police be in schools? Some districts changed their minds
* At least 50 districts pulled officers from school
* Denver and Milwaukee have reintroduced SROs
* Chicago and Washington, D.C., schools ending programs
* Jeff Arnold
* Updated: MAY 14, 2024

https://www.tapinto.net/towns/fair-lawn ... -with-cops
Chatting and Crunching Cookies with Cops
Fun day for Fair Lawn students...and police
Cookies with a Cop: May 2024
By Rebecca Greene

https://chicago.suntimes.com/extremism- ... th-keepers
Civil rights group says Chicago mayor, top cop should take tougher action against officers linked to extremist Oath Keepers
The Southern Poverty Law Center urged Mayor Brandon Johnson and Police Supt. Larry Snelling to reconsider the decision not to take disciplinary action against eight officers connected to the Oath Keepers, six of whom admitted to joining the group.
By  Tom Schuba,  and Dan Mihalopoulos,    May 14, 2024

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... d-war-iii/
How a Billionaire Con Man Has Been a Key Driver Behind the Barrage of Anti-Russian Propaganda that Could Lead Us Into World War III
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - May 13, 2024
Bill Browder, who was convicted in absentia for tax evasion in Russia, has suspected links to British and/or American Intelligence
After the death of Alexei Navalny in late February, The New York Times ran an article quoting from William F. Browder, “an American-born British financier who has campaigned against human-rights abuses in Russia,” who said that “Aleksei Navalny is a globally recognized and beloved individual who was snuffed out by a killer. This is a classic good-versus-evil story. These types of symbols and stories have a resonance that goes so far beyond the petty squabbles of the world we live in.”
Browder cited as precedent for Navalny’s death the death of Sergei L. Magnitsky, Browder’s “lawyer and auditor who died in a Moscow jail cell under suspicious circumstances

https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesig ... 0-pictures
The week around the world in
War in Gaza, floods in Kenya and Brazil, the Olympic flame in Marseille and the Met Gala in New York: the last seven days as captured by the world’s leading photojournalists
Warning: this gallery contains images that some readers may find distressing
Jim Powell and Liam Mott Fri 10 May 2024

WTC Evidence Documentaries

https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/0 ... drugs.html
‘I’ve been doing it for months’: Oregon police chief confessed immediately after worker reported missing drugs
May. 11, 2024

https://www.pasadenanow.com/main/city-c ... -amendment
City Council to Hear Proposed Police Oversight Charter Amendment
Published on Monday, May 13, 2024

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2024/05 ... detection/
Maine opioid settlement money is being directed toward policing
by Emily Bader, The Maine Monitor May 13,2024

https://ticklethewire.com/ex-border-pat ... m-migrant/
Border Patrol Agent Sentenced to Prison for Accepting $5,000 Bribe from Migrant
By Steve Neavling May,13,2024
A former Border Patrol agent was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in prison for accepting a $5,000 bribe in exchange for helping a migrant stay in

https://nypost.com/2024/05/13/us-news/c ... -ceremony/
Anti-Israel Columbia grads wear zip ties, rip diplomas on stage during commencement
Doree Lewak and Emily Crane May 13, 2024

https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/loc ... 545908007/
Menominee tribe crime victims program gets FBI award
Frank Vaisvilas Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Agents of Repression: The FBI’s Secret Wars against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement
Ward Churchill; Jim Vander Wall

Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt
Bipartisan Bill To Repeal Section 230 Defended In Facts-Optional Op-Ed

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/05/13/con ... -about-it/
Congress Told ISPs To Remove All Huawei Network Gear, Failed To Fund The Effort, Then Just Forgot About It
from the performative-outrage dept
Mon, May 13th 2024 05:25am - Karl Bode
Long before TikTok histrionics took root, you might recall that numerous members of Congress spent numerous years freaking about another Chinese company: Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei.
The argument, made without much in the way of public evidence, was that Huawei was systematically using its network gear to spy on Americans

https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/ ... aturestack
Markey, Warren sign letter asking feds to investigate gunshot detection technology they say may violate civil rights
The company that sells the technology said the legislators’ claims are “a baseless attempt to disparage this critical public safety technology.”
By Emily Spatz
May 14, 2024

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/italia ... um=reader2
Italian gov't official said traditional livestock farming might have to end due to biosecurity concerns
Cows can't graze because a bird with bird flu might defecate on them? From last September's Guardian

https://theintercept.com/2024/05/14/ark ... es-ethics/
After inquiries from The Intercept, Duane Kees stepped down from his ethics panel position.
Shawn Musgrave
May 14 2024, 7:57 p.m.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:05 am

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... air-force/
Joe Biden’s Mentor, Father of Original Cold War, Was Traitor to U.S.: Family Company Sold Fuel Additive to Nazi Air Force
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 12, 2024

Phil Giraldi: Scott Ritter and Judging Freedom

To open link cut and paste into box at top of page
Abused by the Badge
A Washington Post investigation found 1800 law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually exploited kids. Many avoid prison time.
John D. Harden   June 12, 2024
They served in police departments big and small. They were new recruits and seasoned veterans, patrol officers and chiefs of police. They understood the power of their guns and badges. In many cases, they used that very power to find and silence their victims.
A Washington Post investigation has found that over the past two decades, hundreds of law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually abused children while officials at every level of the criminal justice system have failed to protect kids, punish abusers and prevent additional crimes.
Police and sheriff’s departments have enabled predators by botching background checks, ignoring red flags and mishandling investigations. Accused cops have used their knowledge of the legal system to stall cases, get charges lowered or evade convictions. Prosecutors have given generous plea deals to officers who admitted to raping and groping minors. Judges have allowed many convicted officers to avoid prison time.

https://thehill.com/opinion/national-se ... -students/
The FBI Secret Police is infiltrating protests. Congress wants to sic it on students. 

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/art ... estigation
California police kept death in custody a secret for seven years, inquiry reveals
Darryl Mefferd’s death was labeled an ‘accident’, but a report questions a Vallejo police officer’s role in the fatal incident
June 10,2024 Sam Levi

https://nypost.com/2024/06/08/us-news/c ... eeded-pba/
Civilian Complaint Board ‘rubber stamps’ investigations, chases away cops, police union charges: ‘Profoundly out of balance’
The CCRB simply “rubber stamps” the findings of investigators rather than using their own judgment — and the worst board member of the bunch is former NYPD Chief Joseph Fox, the city’s largest police union charges.
Tina Moore Published June 8, 2024

Re: FBI Blackmailing Congress
Sen. Kennedy to Wray: "Does the FBI Have Epstein's Blackmail Tapes
BREAKING NEWS: John Kennedy Asks FBI's Wray Point Blank About Jeffrey Epstein Island Tapes
FBI Director Wray PANICS as Senator John Kennedy asks about Jeffrey Epstein Tapes


https://www.nbcwashington.com/community ... i/3636245/
Citizens gain insight about the FBI
The Citizens Academy program teaches community members how the FBI investigates and deals with drugs, terrorism, gangs and more. News4’s Juliana Valencia has the story. 

10 Best FBI Episodes, Ranked
The hit CBS series FBI comes from the mind of crime procedural extraordinaire Dick Wolf and has recently scored a multi-season renewal. The hit series features the FBI agents of the New York field office as they investigate cases ranging from murders to terrorism. The intense action meshes perfectly with the close-knit dynamic of the team and comes together to create an intense television series. The success of this series spawned the FBIs franchise that consists of FBI: Most Wanted and FBI: International.

https://substack.com/@equalityalec?utm_ ... dium=email

Tipping risk of the Atlantic Ocean's overturning circulation, AMOC. Keynote by Prof. Rahmstorf

https://phys.org/news/2024-06-cop29-cli ... ossil.html
JUNE 7, 2024
COP29 climate hosts say they'll keep expanding fossil fuels

https://documents2.theblackvault.com/do ... t-fbi1.pdf
Dear Mr. Greenewald:
Washington, D.C. 20535
August 24, 2020
FOIPA Request No.: 1374338-000
Subject: List of FBI Pre-Processed Files/Database
This is in response to your Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request. The FBI has completed its search for records responsive to your request. Please see the paragraphs below for relevant information specific to your request as well as the enclosed FBI FOIPA Addendum for standard responses applicable to all requests.
Material consisting of 192 pages has been reviewed pursuant to Title 5, U.S. Code § 552/552a, and this material is being released to you in its entirety with no excisions of information.

https://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/20 ... au/397333/
Secret Police agents say they need more money to stay in the FBI.
FBI Agents in high-cost cities say they cannot support their elevated expenses on their current salaries.
ERIC KATZ | JUNE 12, 2024

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... ng-agents/
Today New Zealand is a Willing Accomplice of Israeli Genocide: But 20 Years Ago It Busted Mossad Op, Jailing & Deporting Agents
By Murray Horton - June 6, 2024

https://theintercept.com/2024/06/06/afr ... es-russia/
Nick Turse
The U.S. has trained 15 coup leaders in recent decades — and U.S. counterterrorism policies in the region have failed.

https://merylnass.substack.com/p/ny-tim ... um=reader2
NY Times spins the slow suicide of the MSM as a personality clash
Are we surprised? How much is the NY Times losing per day?
2 days ago I wrote a quick post about the “abrupt departure” of the Washington Post’s executive editor, and how this story revealed that the WaPo had lost half its readership since 2020, and was losing over $200,000 each day over the past year.
The NY Times wants to turn the story of the abrupt departure of the Washington Post’s executive editor into a personality clash, regarding the new WaPo CEO Will Lewis becoming embroiled in a lawsuit brought by Prince Harry about phone hacking by a British paper, in which Mr. Will Harris himself is a defendant.

https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/07/oj-simps ... alifornia/

China's AI robot army and GPT-5's dangerous new skill.

California Cop Caught with Woman in Backseat of Police Cruiser: ‘I’m Down to F**k’

Jonesboro cop charged with vehicular homicide
Abari Meade was just 27 years old when police say former Jonesboro Police Officer Godreque Newsom Sr. struck him in a hit and run.
Posted June 6, 2024

https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/n ... thorities/
NYPD public-information officer shoots driver in road rage, charged with attempted murder: authorities
Kate Sheehy Published June 7, 2024

https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/ ... 970279007/
Dark cloud of FBI case lingered over Cliff Rosenberger's heads 6 years. How it happened.
"The anxiety and stress created by such an investigation are incalculable and nearly impossible to describe," David Axelrod
David AxelrodGuest columnist jJune 7,2024

https://www.dailynews.com/2024/06/07/vi ... -sidewalk/
Video shows Burbank cops left homeless man on LA City Council office sidewalk
Council President Paul Krekorian calls for probe after distressed man is left outside his district office
By LINH TAT | ltat@scng.com PUBLISHED: June 7, 2024

https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/ ... fc2de.html
Cop accused of sexual assaults to stand trial in Lancaster County Court
DAN NEPHIN | Staff Writer

https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/ ... 2ac19.html
Police in 1999 investigated ex-Lancaster cop Selby for sexual assaults, but former DA did not prosecute
DAN NEPHIN | Staff Writer

https://dallasinnovates.com/ntxia-and-f ... rth-texas/
NTXIA and FBI Dallas Team Up for Workshops on Cyber, AI, and Other Potential Threats to North Texas
"Together, we can enhance the region's defenses against a spectrum of threats, ensuring that North Texas has the tools and knowledge to remain a leader in innovation," said FBI Dallas Special Agent in Charge Chad Yarbrough.
by Lance Murray • Jun 12, 2024

https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/cri ... 25079.html
He was shot in the back by a Kentucky cop. Can his fellow officers be sued? BY BETH MUSGRAVE UPDATED JUNE 07, 2024 11:38 AM
Read more at: https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/cri ... rylink=cpy

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... the-1970s/
CIA Collaborated with New Zealand Intelligence Service to Spy on Peace Activists Who Protested Expansion of U.S. Military Base Network in New Zealand in the 1970s
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 5, 2024

https://www.wcax.com/2024/06/07/burling ... -incident/
Burlington off-duty cop pleads guilty to motorcycle speeding incident

https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/music/ne ... on-podcast
“Puffy [has] been an FBI informant forever" — Suge Knight opens up on the Diddy situation in a recent prison podcast
Pallavi Kanungo Modified Jun 07, 2024

https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/06/06/ ... -get-memo/
SPLC Changes Number of ‘Radical Traditional Catholic Hate Groups’ in Latest ‘Hate Map’ After FBI Backlash Tyler O'Neil | June 06, 2024

https://www.npr.org/2019/03/14/70352623 ... co-founder
Southern Poverty Law Center Fires Morris Dees, Its Co-Founder
MARCH 14, 20194
Dees co-founded the SPLC in 1971. The organization had $450 million in assets in 2017, according to a tax filing.

https://www.sevendaysvt.com/news/burlin ... g-41078793
Burlington Police Terrified High School Students With Mock Shooting 

https://reason.com/2024/06/07/louisiana ... liberties/
Louisiana's New 25-Foot Legal Forcefield for Police Threatens Accountability and Civil Liberties
A new law will make it much harder to film law enforcement officers in their public duties. Does that violate the First Amendment?

https://www.usnews.com/news/national-ne ... on-problem
Secret Police Cook Books for Joe Biden in upcoming election
Crime Trend Data Competes With Perception Problem
Recent FBI data suggests the U.S. saw a significant drop in violent crime in the first part of 2024, but will the public believe it, especially in an election year?
By Cecelia Smith-Schoenwalder June 12, 2024

https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/13/paul ... repancies/
‘You Can’t Trust These Numbers’: Retired NYPD Inspector Blasts FBI’s Crime Stats

https://www.minnpost.com/public-safety/ ... ual-stops/
Minnesota police can no longer ask why a driver thinks they’ve been pulled over
An officer doing so, however, wouldn’t allow for dismissal of a charge, citation or evidence collected during the stop.
June 7,2024

https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/missi ... 561a8.html
Mississippi assistant police chief arrested for domestic violence incident, officials say
FOX13 Memphis News Staff June 7,2024

https://www.latimes.com/california/stor ... eaned-them
‘Good ole boys’ Pasadena police gang attacked, demeaned nonwhite officers, suits claim
By Richard Winton Staff Writer  June 7, 2024

https://www.wtap.com/video/2024/06/07/b ... community/
Bike with a Cop event helps police connect with community
Published: Jun. 7, 2024

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... missioner/
Intelligence Services Have Penetrated and Corrupted Human Rights NGOs, Says Former Senior Lawyer with the Office of the UN High Commissioner
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 7, 2024

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/06/07/hou ... otspotter/
Houston, Texas Poised To Become The Next Major City To Drop ShotSpotter
(Mis)Uses of Technology
from the public-safety-ROI-just-not-where-it-needs-to-be dept
Fri, Jun 7th 2024 01:58pm - Tim Cushing
ShotSpotter hasn’t been doing all that well lately. While it’s the market leader in acoustic detection tech for law enforcement, it has seen several large contracts slip through its re-branded fingers in recent months.
While ShotSpotter executives and press releases tout the accuracy of its sensors, real-life experience hasn’t been quite as stellar. Even if you ignore the fact that most sensors in most cities are placed in low-income neighborhoods populated

https://www.techdirt.com/2024/06/06/lou ... ound-cops/
Louisiana Becomes The Third State To Pass A Law Creating A No-Go Zone Around Cops
Legal Issues
from the special-rights-just-for-cops dept
Thu, Jun 6th 2024 02:22pm - Tim Cushing
“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” I’m sure you’ll recall specifically which type of animal on George Orwell’s Animal Farm made that proclamation.
In other words, we’re back to Orwellian lawmaking in this country. And not the usual kind. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 led to one sort of Orwellian lawmaking. That was dialed back a bit following the Snowden leaks, but as we’re now more than a decade out from that watershed, there’s been a bit of a return to business as usual. You need look no further than the latest Section 702 surveillance renewal for evidence of that.

https://nypost.com/2024/06/08/us-news/c ... ent-crime/
Connecticut residents form armed group to defend against violent crime
By Bryan Llenas, Fox News Published June 8, 2024

https://www.aol.com/news/sacked-cop-sun ... 24385.html
Cop sung homophobic version of Last Christmas

https://www.law360.com/employment/artic ... -execs-say
FBI Told OneTaste Witness To Delete Evidence, Ex-Execs Say

https://www.tbsnews.net/bangladesh/crim ... ort-872901
Constable Kawsar fired 38 rounds of bullet to kill fellow cop: Police report
When one magazine of Kawsar’s weapon, a Taurus SMT submachine gun, emptied while firing, he loaded another magazine and continued firing
TBS Report 09 June, 2024

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/wh ... elemetry=1
Whistleblowing ex-NYPD sergeant jailed on minor assault charge moved from Rikers after being housed near cop-killer
Story by Tina Moore, Matthew Sedacca

https://cleantechnica.com/2024/06/08/wo ... e-vehicle/
World’s First Tesla Cybertruck Police Vehicle

https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/dekalb ... FKQAHQQDQ/
Georgia police sergeant identified as suspect in apparent DeKalb murder-suicide
By WSBTV.com News Staff June 09, 2024

Negroes with Guns Paperback
by Robert F. Williams (Author)

https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article ... ommunities
FBI official admits mistakes, vows to improve relations with Asian-American communities
* Bureau tries outreach after criticism of its role in the now-disbanded China Initiative and programme’s lingering repercussions for people with ties to China
* Khushboo Razdan 11 Jun 2024

https://www.judicialwatch.org/fbi-provi ... leblowers/
10, 2024
FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers!

https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/news/former ... 24632.html
FBI special agent Jared Wise faces charges related to Capitol riot
Bart Jansen, USA TODAY May 3, 2023

https://progresnews.com/news/molly-mart ... 39/112017/
Molly Martens is released from jail after serving just four years for killing husband Jason Corbett with FBI agent father – as college classmate labels former beauty queen a 'compulsive liar'
By Randy M. - 10 June 2024

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2024/06 ... -lawsuits/
Maine jail is facing 2 wrongful death lawsuits
by Kaitlyn Budion, Maine Public

https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024 ... ups-truck/
4 Miami-Dade police officers indicted years after fatal shootout involving hijacked UPS truck
Annaliese Garcia, Reporter Amanda Batchelor June 10, 2024

https://www.wdtv.com/2024/05/20/harriso ... anicclicks
Harrison County deputy arrested after prostitution investigation
Published: May. 20, 2024

https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/c ... s/5494410/
NY cop who used zip-tie, point-blank executions in 2016 murders gets 4 life sentences

https://www.foxnews.com/us/former-jeffr ... -sentenced
Nicholas Tartaglione was accused of masterminding the killing of four people over money in a drug operation
Jeffrey Epstein cellmate, bodybuilder ex-cop turned drug trafficker, sentenced
Nicholas Tartaglione had been accused of beating Epstein before 2019 suicide
By NBC New York Staff June 10,2024

https://upperarlingtonoh.gov/ua-police- ... e-academy/
UA Police Accepting Applications for 2024 Citizen Police Academy
Home » News » UA Police Accepting Applications for 2024 Citizen Police

https://www.yahoo.com/news/city-demands ... 00334.html
City demands thousands of Chicago police officers pay off pension error
A.D. Quig, Jeremy Gorner, Chicago Tribune
Updated Mon, June 10, 2024

https://www.whsv.com/2024/06/10/luray-p ... am-county/
Luray police officer charged with DWI in Rockingham County

https://wvmetronews.com/2024/06/10/form ... rrassment/
Monongah police chief sentenced to 6 months for harrassment
By Mike Nolting  June 10, 2024

https://www.axios.com/2024/06/10/black- ... nt-beliefs
Pew: Most Black Americans say police, government plot against them
Russell Contreras Axios Latino

https://www.click2houston.com/news/loca ... reet-raid/
Ninfa Saavedra, Digital Content Specialist
June 10, 2024 Harding Street Raid, Gerald Goines
Jury selections to begin for murder trial of ex-Houston cop Gerald Goines who led botched Harding Street raid

https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/compani ... ht%20years.
Huntsville firm awarded $8,000,000,000.00
billion contract for FBI IT services
Story by Scott Turner June 11,2024

https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/ ... _secondary
Trooper Michael Proctor reads his ‘unprofessional and regrettable’ texts on the stand in Karen Read trial
“These juvenile, unprofessional comments have zero impact on the facts and the evidence and the integrity of this investigation,” Proctor argued Monday.
By Abby Patkin updated on June 10, 2024
Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor confirmed he called Karen Read a “wack job c**t” and “retarded” and made light of her Crohn’s disease in texts sent to friends, family, and colleagues during his investigation into Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe’s death. 

https://www.city-journal.org/article/me ... oliticians
Dorothy Moses Schulz
Memo to Anti-Cop Politicians
In New York City and beyond, some public officials need a refresher on the sacrifices police make for public safety.
/ Eye on the News / Public Safety, Politics and law Jun 11 2024

https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024 ... stigation/
Sunrise cop arrested on multiple charges following criminal investigation
Ryan Mackey, Digital Journalist Published: June 11, 2024

https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/06/11/ ... uffed-man/

‘A handcuffed person is still a threat,’ defense says as trial starts for ex-Antioch cop charged with ‘viciously assaulting’ handcuffed man
Evidence expected to conclude this week
By NATE GARTRELL | ngartrell@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: June 11, 2024

https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/new ... 012079007/
Cop Bethany Guerriero of viral 'unhinged cop' video explains why she held man at gunpoint
Fired police officer Bethany Guerriero mistook Ryan Gould for the very gunman he'd called 911 to report.
Hannah Phillips Palm Beach Post

UFO Disclosure: Time to Speak Up! | Dr. Steven Greer
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:17 pm

Living in SURVIVAL vs. Living in CREATION - Dr. Joe Dispenza

https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/ans ... hs#video-1
Answering Myths
Changing the way we elect the President is an important topic that deserves careful scrutiny. This page summarizes the concerns that have been raised during the course of the debate on the National Popular Vote bill, and shows how they are myths.  The myths are grouped into categories that can be browsed by following the links below.  This material is from Chapter 9 of Every Vote Equal, which can be downloaded by clicking on the button:

https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/bi ... dium=email
Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans?

https://www.yahoo.com/news/rolling-ston ... 00494.html
Rolling Stone Lawsuit Forces Release of Henry Kissinger’s FBI Files
Adam Rawnsley Fri, June 21, 2024

https://www.inforum.com/news/the-vault/ ... girlfriend
FBI says it has solved the 1996 slaying of Minnesota woman and girlfriend
Julianne "Julie" Williams, 24, of St. Cloud, and Laura "Lollie" Winans, 26, were killed on May 24, 1996, while camping at Shenandoah National Park in Virginia
By Kay Neufeld / Portland Press Herald, Maine June 21, 2024

Unsolved Murders By State
If you’re interested in true crime, specifically unsolved crimes, you may find yourself asking how many unsolved murders are in US? There are currently more than 200,000 cold case murders in the United States alone, a number which rises by around 6,000 each year. Currently, there is no single database in the United States that lists every unsolved murders by state, however, many law enforcement agencies in each state often provide their own list or database for unsolved homicides or missing people. Most states do not have an individualized database for unsolved homicides or missing people, however this information should be accessible through your local law enforcement agencies. Project: Cold Case also provides a growing database that contains nearly 25,000 unsolved murders throughout the US. In addition, Uncovered is currently building a cold case platform, with comprehensive, detailed visualizations for over 100 cold cases from across the United States


Tracking America's unsolved homicides

https://worldpopulationreview.com/state ... s-by-state
Missing Persons by State 2024
According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons (NamUS) database, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 people go missing annually. Approximately 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year. Nationwide, there are roughly 6.5 missing persons for every 100,000 people.

https://www.google.com/search?q=women+s ... aI-jM,st:0

REVEALED: Women Sex Slaves of the Catholic Church (FULL ...

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... ilippines/
CovertAction Bulletin: Pentagon Anti-Vax Propaganda Targets Philippines
By Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - June 21, 2024

https://theintercept.com/2024/06/21/pro ... t-kennedy/

Shawn Musgrave

https://au.news.yahoo.com/jealous-ex-pr ... 00904.html
Stalker ex probe amid cop’s murder charges
NewsWire 23 February 2024

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/a- ... ngNewsVerp
A Philly judge dismissed charges against a cop accused of beating a mother in front of her child amid 2020 unrest
Story by Chris Palmer, The Philadelphia Inquirer June 23,2024

https://news.yahoo.com/news/ex-collierv ... 24952.html
Collierville cop terminated by MS dept. after missing gun leads to decertification
David Royer Fri, June 21, 2024

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nypd- ... ngNewsVerp
NYPD Officer Tried to Cover Up Crash with Cab After He Let His Allegedly Drunk Girlfriend Drive Cop Car: Officials
Story by Front Page Detective

https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/ ... fe34f.html
New claims of sexual abuse against Lancaster city cop can't be charged: prosecutor
DAN NEPHIN | Staff Writer Jun 21, 2024

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... clear-war/
Former UN Weapons Inspector Warns About Looming Threat of Nuclear War
By Morrigan Johnson - June 21, 2024

https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-ru ... nce-tools/
Judge Rules FBI Cannot Hide Use of Social Media Surveillance Tools
The FBI cannot hide whether it uses powerful surveillance tools to monitor the social media activity of millions of Americans and noncitizens, a federal judge ruled Monday.
NICHOLAS IOVINO / November 18, 2019

https://policeprofessional.com/news/fbi ... dquarters/
FBI National Executive Institute held at Police Scotland headquarters
Police Scotland welcomed the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Executive Institute (FBI NEI) to its headquarters for its 47th session.
Jun 24, 2024

https://www.compactmag.com/article/did- ... -kill-mlk/
Did the FBI Kill MLK?
Seneca Scott

https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/jfk-a ... ee-n814881
JFK Files: J. Edgar Hoover Said Public Must Believe Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone
J. Edgar Hoover said in a memo two days after John F. Kennedy's assassination that the public must be led to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Arts and communications professionals lend their creative skills to tell impactful stories about our people, our cases, and the communities we serve.

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/noblis-s ... 00222.html
Noblis, Inc. Mon, Jun 24, 2024

https://collider.com/alfred-hitchcock-n ... s-uranium/
The Classic Thriller That Put Alfred Hitchcock on the FBI’s Watchlist
By  Thomas Butt

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... -explained
Federal Government Social Media Surveillance, Explained
The government’s increased monitoring of social media raises concerns for civil rights and civil liberties.
Harsha Panduranga

https://www.courthousenews.com/extreme- ... o-decades/
Extreme wildfires have doubled in the last two decades
Researchers based in Australia used NASA satellite data to gather empirical proof that extreme fires are increasing exponentially.
HILLEL ARON / June 24, 2024

Larry Johnson : US Wasting Its Missiles

https://www.thestar.com/news/he-was-my- ... a176b.html
‘He was my calm, my rock’: An Ontario cop on a coffee run fatally hit this woman’s partner. The OPP refused to hold a hearing
The officer’s misconduct was, the OPP told Courtney D’Arthenay in a form letter, “not of a serious nature.” On Tuesday, she’ll ask an Oshawa judge to overturn the decision.
June 24, 2024

https://variety.com/2024/film/news/mpa- ... 36046907/#!
Jun 24, 2024
MPA Hires FBI Official to Lead Antipiracy Fight
By Carolyn Giardina

https://www.wowt.com/2024/06/24/fbi-oma ... symposium/
FBI Omaha to host second annual Agriculture Threats Symposium
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Omaha field office is set to host its second-annual Agriculture Threats Symposium this August.(Alison Durheim | KEYC News 12)
By Zane Culjat Published: Jun. 24, 2024

They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer

Teleconference agenda: June 26, 2024

9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference

Draft agenda for June 26, 2024
Join us on Zoom!
8 p.m. EST, 5 p.m. PST
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82041541551?p ... xZa4Jgjn.1

Meeting ID: 820 4154 1551
Passcode: 325113  

Major announcement from AE911Truth; Xander Arena on his rebuttal to Coste/Chandler Pentagon paper

Greetings all,
Trust me; you don’t want to miss this Wednesday’s teleconference.
The call will feature two important presentations. Our first speaker is AE911Truth’s chief operating officer, Andy Steele. He’ll be filling us in on a major project being announced by AE tomorrow. We can’t give you the details in this summary, but we will say more when we send out our usual agenda reminder on Tuesday night.
This announcement has important implications for the future of the 9/11 Truth Movement!
Our second speaker is independent researcher and longtime teleconference member Xander Arena, who recently had a paper published on the website of the International Center for 9/11 Justice. It is a rebuttal to an October 2023 paper called “Large Plane Impact Damage to the Wall of the Pentagon and Adjacent Objects” by David Chandler and Wayne Coste.
Here is the link to the original paper:
https://ic911.org/debated-topics-forum/ ... t-objects/
And here is the link to Xander’s rebuttal:
https://ic911.org/debated-topics-forum/ ... t-objects/
We suggest you try to read Xander’s paper prior to the call (and the original Chandler/Coste piece if you have time).
Please join us for what is sure to be an important and fascinating teleconference!
Cheryl Curtiss 
Craig McKee

DRAFT AGENDA for Wednesday June 26, 2024 teleconference

I Roll call/minutes approval/agenda approval (5 min)
II Major AE911Truth announcement [Andy Steele] (20 min. + Q & A)
III Rebuttal to Pentagon paper [Xander Arena] (20 min. + Q & A)
IV Announcements and open discussion (as time permits)
V Updates on 9/11 topics (as needed)
·  New articles, books, films, or recent news about 9/11 or other Deep State crimes
·  9/11 and the Deep State on the legal front, including current adjudicatory efforts by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, JASTA, 28 pages, William Pepper’s efforts with AE911Truth against NIST and the Dept. of Commerce
·  Censorship and cognitive infiltration: new examples of censorship or harassment of members of the Truth community;  MSM treatment of 9/11 Truth
·  Google (et al.) censorship
·  9/11 Truth political candidates
VI  Adjournment 

9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell 9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments.
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:50 am

FBI agents create ‘SNAPPERS’ Investigative unit
https://news.yahoo.com/news/mass-shoote ... 16154.html
Mass shooters ‘do not just snap’: How to spot violent people, according to the FBI
Kyle Dunphey
Tue, July 2, 2024

https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way ... awyers-say
Orlando Nightclub Shooter's Father Was FBI Informant for 11 years Say Lawyers For Gunman's Widow
MARCH 26, 2018 Colin Dwyer
https://globalnews.ca/news/4106422/puls ... informant/

https://whowhatwhy.org/justice/criminal ... -possible/

Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev an FBI Informant? Odds Say it’s Possible
LARA TURNER 04/09/15
Given the evidence presented in the Tsarnaev trial, it’s possible that Dzhokhar’s older brother, Tamerlan—who was killed by police in the immediate hours after the bombing—was an FBI informant.

https://theintercept.com/2015/04/29/tam ... extremism/
Before the Boston Marathon bombing, Tamerlan Tsarnaev met repeatedly with the FBI while becoming increasingly radical.
Murtaza Hussain April 29 2015

https://nypost.com/2022/05/27/feds-prob ... er-report/
FBI agents probing if retired FBI agent had advance notice about suspected Buffalo shooter’s plans: report
Yaron Steinbuch
Two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the probe told the Buffalo News that the feds believe the former agent — believed to be from Texas — was among at least six people who regularly communicated with alleged gunman Payton Gendron online about his racist views.

https://www.thetrace.org/2024/01/mass-s ... e-archive/
The Way We Define Mass Shootings Affects How We Respond
It isn’t just a matter of semantics.
By Chip Brownlee Jan 30, 2024

FBI SNAPPER Arthur Bremer-George Wallace Assassination Attempt

However, on 7th-8th April, 1972, Bremer stayed at the expensive Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. Senator Hubert Humphrey, was scheduled to be at the Waldorf on 7th, but the trip was canceled. William W. Turner carried out an investigation into Bremer's finances: "During his travels Bremer ate and drank well and stayed in the finest lodgings, an extravagance that raises the question of his finances. Internal Revenue Service forms found in his apartment show that he earned $3,106.44 during 1971, and his part-time job at the Milwaukee Athletic Club brought him a bit over $300 in early 1972. After taxes, he was left with some $3,100 for a period of more than sixteen months. A form from the Mitchell Street State Bank noted that $20.66 in interest was paid to his account in 1970, indicating a principal sum of approximately $500. This would bring the sum of his funds to about $3,600 - less than $220 a month."
Turner spoke to Bremer's parents and they confirmed that their son did not make enough to support himself and his mother began taking him meals at work. "Bremer's known income was badly out of kilter with his expenditures for the period. In round numbers, he spent some $1,000 for rent, $795 for a 1967 Rambler, and $275 for three guns, a total of $2,070 for these items alone. He owned a tape recorder, portable radio with police band, binoculars and other equipment. Adding the cost of food, sundries, gasoline, repairs, air and ferry fares, hotel and motel accommodations and such miscellaneous outlays as $48 in a New York massage parlor - he offered the masseuse $100 to turn a trick in his Waldorf-Astoria room - one arrives at a conservative figure of $4,200 spent... it appears that he received at least $1,500 and perhaps substantially more from a mysterious source. The Milwaukee police checked on the possibility that he committed a robbery or burglary, but found no indication of it." (8)
Earl S. Nunnery, trainmaster for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway's rail-auto ferry, confirmed that records of names and license plates, which must be given for reservations, show the suspect took his automobile from Milwaukee to Ludington, Mich.on 9th April." Nunnery said that "Bremer had been accompanied to the ferry's ticket window by a well-dressed man about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 225 pounds, with heavily sprayed curly hair that hung down over his ears. He said that the man had talked excitedly in what he took to be a New York accent about moving a political campaign from Wisconsin to Michigan." (9) Bob Woodward had an anonymous call saying that one of the Watergate suspects had gone Milwaukee to meet with Arthur Bremer. (10)
Martin Waldron of the New York Times carried out a detailed investigation into the possibility that Bremer was part of a political conspiracy. "Thus far, newsmen have been unable to find any evidence of a conspiracy. Mr. Bremer does not appear to have traveled with a companion, although at several places he was seen with someone else.... The first report of a companion traveling with Mr. Bremer came from Milwaukee. On April 9, a curly-haired man with bushy moustache was reported to be with Mr. Bremer when he inquired at Milwaukee about taking his blue 1967 Rambler automobile across Lake Michigan by ferry. The man was talking about politics. The manager of the ferry operation, Earl S. Nunnery, positively recalled the April scene about 10 days ago. After it became known that Mr. Bremer had apparently been registered at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City on the nights of April 7 and April 8, a second check was made with Mr. Nunnery, but he refused to answer questions, slamming the door in a reporter's face." (11)
William W. Turner managed to get an interview with ferrymaster Nunnery: "Shortly before his April 9 trip across Lake Michigan, Bremer showed up at the ticket window with a well-dressed man. The two talked excitedly about moving a political campaign from Wisconsin to Michigan (where Wallace was entered in the primary election set for May 16.)" Nunnery gave Turner a description of Bremer's associate: "He struck me as of Greek extraction. The guy would pass for a football player. He'd go over six feet two and 225 pounds... The fellow talked with a New York accent... a Jersey brougue... He was a mouthy person, had a million questions, talked like he had a computer in his mouth " (12)

https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/ope ... 686114.php
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill my father. Gov. Newsom should set him free
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Updated Dec 8, 2021

Spartacus Report RFK Assassination
* Manuel Pena
Manny Pena served in the Pacific during the Second World War. He later worked as a counter-intelligence officer in Latin America and France before joining the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 1947.
Pena developed the reputation for being an aggressive police officer and is said to have killed eleven suspects "in the line of duty". According to his commanding officer, Pena was a "stocky, intense, proud man of Mexican-American descent."
In November 1967 Pena resigned from the LAPD to work for the Agency for International Development (AID). According to the San Fernando Valley Times: "As a public safety advisor, he will train and advise foreign police forces in investigative and administrative matters. Over the next year he worked with Daniel Mitrione in Latin and South America.
Charles A. O'Brien, California's Chief Deputy Attorney General, told William Turner that AID was being used as an "ultra-secret CIA unit" that was known to insiders as the "Department of Dirty Tricks" and that it was involved in teaching foreign intelligence agents the techniques of assassination.
FBI agent Roger LaJeunesse claimed that Pena had been carrying out CIA special assignments for at least ten years. This was confirmed by Pena's brother, a high school teacher, who told television journalist, Stan Bohrman, a similar story about his CIA activities. In April 1968 Pena surprisingly resigned from AID and returned to the LAPD.
On 6th June, 1968, Robert Kennedy won the Democratic Party primary in California obtaining 46.3% (Eugene McCarthy received 41.8%). On hearing the result Kennedy went down to the ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel to speak to his supporters. He commented on “the divisions, the violence, the disenchantment with our society; the divisions, whether it’s between blacks and whites, between the poor and the more affluent, or between age groups or on the war in Vietnam”. Kennedy claimed that the United States was “a great country, an unselfish country and a compassionate country” and that he had the ability to get people to work together to create a better society.
Robert Kennedy now began his journey to the Colonial Room where he was to hold a press conference. Someone suggested that Kennedy should take a short cut through the kitchen. Security guard Thane Eugene Cesar took hold of Kennedy’s right elbow to escort him through the room when Sirhan Sirhan opened fire. According to Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, who performed the autopsy, all three bullets striking Kennedy entered from the rear, in a flight path from down to up, right to left. “Moreover, powder burns around the entry wound indicated that the fatal bullet was fired at less than one inch from the head and no more than two or three inches behind the right ear.”
Chief of Detectives Robert Houghton asked Chief of Homicide Detectives Hugh Brown to take c

https://theintercept.com/2024/07/03/int ... palestine/
Author Nathan Thrall’s recent book tells the story of one Palestinian family living under Israel occupation.
Intercepted July 3 2024

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national ... se-julian/
She took on a small Mississippi town’s police. Then they arrested her.
How civil rights lawyer Jill Collen Jefferson convinced the Justice Department to investigate allegedly racist and abusive policing in tiny Lexington, Miss.
By Robert Klemko July 3,2024

https://www.1380kcim.com/2024/07/03/fbi ... ral-court/
FBI, ATF Release Statements Following Adair Police Chief’s Sentencing In Federal Court
by Nathan Konz July 3, 2024 

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fbi-quietly-r ... 43776.html
FBI quietly releases extensive Vincent Chin file
Carl Samson Mon, July 1, 2024

https://www.americanthinker.com/article ... ncies.html
July 3, 2024
The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel Agencies
By Janet Levy
Such willful deception, practiced increasingly by American intelligence, is the subject of former CIA agent J. Michael Waller’s new book Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains.  The dramatic writing and detailing, backed by the author’s experience in espionage — in Central America and the U.S.S.R., and against jihadist

https://www.ctpost.com/news/article/dav ... 553155.php
New Canaan cop sentenced to two years for storing explosives in his Stratford garage
By Daniel Tepfer, July 3, 2024

https://www.boston25news.com/news/trend ... NMTM3VDUM/
Cop loses job, accused of stealing cheese
By Natalie Dreier, Cox Media Group National Content Desk July 03, 2024

https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/for ... t/3352745/
Fort Lauderdale cop fired after accusations of racial slurs, instigating fight
Officer John Giga has denied the allegations and vowed to fight his dismissal
By NBC6 • Published July 2, 2024

https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/loc ... e/3327559/
Bridgeport police officer arrested for stalking, harassment: police
By Cailyn Blonstein • Published July 3, 2024

https://nypost.com/2024/07/03/us-news/m ... -our-blue/
More police officers relocating to Florida from other states all over the US: ‘We back our blue’
Bethany Blankley Published July 3, 2024

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/art ... -july-heat
US swelters on Independence Day with over 150m people under heat alerts
‘Severe’ and ‘potentially record-breaking’ heatwave sends temperatures soaring across US
Gabrielle Canon Thu 4 Jul 2024

Another Climate Change Record Broken
https://www.theguardian.com/world/artic ... cane-beryl
Hurricane Beryl hits Jamaica after leaving ‘Armageddon-like’ trail in Grenada
Jamaican PM says worst is yet to come as category 4 storm hits southern coast after causing at least seven deaths in region
* Why Hurricane Beryl foretells a scary storm season
Natricia Duncan Caribbean correspondent Wed 3 2024

https://www.npr.org/2024/07/04/nx-s1-50 ... ate-change
Why climate change makes a hurricane like Beryl more dangerous
JULY 4, 20246:00 AM ET
Michael Copley Rebecca Hersher

How record-breaking Hurricane Beryl is a sign of a warming world
By Mark Poynting,  Climate reporter July 2,2024

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/art ... n-wildfire
Nearly 30,000 people and 5 FBI agents in northern California evacuated as raging wildfire spreads
“FBI agents vow to find out who is behind Climate Change”
Thompson fire near Oroville destroys homes and vehicles as state simmers in brutal and potentially historic heatwave
Gloria Oladipo and Gabrielle Canon Wed 3 Jul 2024
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:40 pm

Category 7 Hurricanes
Upper Atmosphere Tropopause Cooling Increasing Hurricane Strength as Much as Ocean Surface Heating

INTEL Roundtable: Johnson McGovern - Weekly Intel WrapUp

https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/09/politics ... index.html
Justice Department watchdog concludes yearslong probe into FBI actions after 2016 murder of La Voy Finicum during standoff with protesters in Oregon
By Hannah Rabinowitz, CNN Tue July 9, 2024

WATCH: Video shows wild shootout along Seattle's Aurora Avenue

https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/ ... aturestack
Police oversight board rebukes Boston police after officer who joined board was demoted
Eddy Chrispin was demoted from deputy superintendent to sergeant detective after his appointment to the POST Commission last month.
By Molly Farrar July 9, 2024

https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/albuquer ... ent-event/
Eye on the FBI: Diversity agent recruitment event

https://www.riverbender.com/articles/de ... -74356.cfm
FBI Investigation Leads to Indictment of Northwoods Police Officers
Chris Rhodes, Reporter July 10, 2024

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ad ... i-BB1pMb6e
Advocacy group reacts to trial date being set for Roger Golubski, former KCK police detective
Former Kansas City, Kansas, detective Roger Golubski is set to face trial. Golubski is accused of abusing his authority as a law enforcement officer. He allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted two victims, one of whom was a minor.

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/former-f ... 00329.html
FBI Boston Field Office Special Agent in Charge Named to RaySecur Board of Advisors
PR Newswire Wed, Jul 10, 2024

https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/rural- ... ffic-crash
Rural Michigan cop lied to investigators after teen son's traffic crash
By Jack Nissen July 10, 2024 FOX 2 Detroit

https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyl ... ll-artist/
He makes giant trolls out of trash, hides them in woods for people to find
“My ultimate goal is to have trolls surprising people in every state,” said Thomas Dambo, whose latest project is in Detroit Lakes, Minn.
By Cathy Free July 9, 2024
Thomas Dambo was rummaging through a city dump in Minnesota when he stumbled on perfection: large yellow plastic bins that had been tossed by a tool manufacturing company.

https://ticklethewire.com/ex-tsa-employ ... l-airport/
TSA Employee Charged Following Bomb Threats at Tulsa International Airport
By Steve Neavling

https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... t-stop-oil
Contempt, gagging and UN intervention: inside the UK’s wildest climate trial
Prosecution of five Just Stop Oil activists over M25 protest led to chaotic scenes in court and concerns about ‘judicial persecution’
Damien Gayle Fri 12 Jul 2024

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/art ... urn-damage
California wildfires have burned five times the average area this year, officials say
Cal Fire head Joe Tyler urges residents to be ‘extra cautious’ and reveals fires have scorched nearly 220,000 acres
Guardian staff and agencies Thu 11 Jul 2024

https://www.ctinsider.com/news/article/ ... 567012.php
A behind-the-scenes look at how the federal probe into the CT State Police fake ticket scandal began
Newly-obtained emails detail how the FBI and other federal officials started and escalated the investigation to the grand jury stage
By Bill Cummings, Joshua Eaton
July 12, 2024

https://www.boston.com/culture/books/20 ... featurebox
A stinging portrait of just how badly the Kennedy men treated women
Maureen Callahan’s “Ask Not” delivers damning details about the exploits of three generations of the storied family.
By Nina Burleigh, Washington Post updated on July 11, 2024

https://www.bangordailynews.com/2024/07 ... stigators/
Bangor Daily News
Army medical contractor defies subpoena from Lewiston Mass shooting investigators A woman described as a "contracted civilian medical professional" failed to appear at a virtual commission meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday.

https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/0 ... ever-wars/
Is Revival of Draft the Only Way to Revive Mass Antiwar Protests Capable of Ending America’s Forever Wars?
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - July 11, 2024

https://theintercept.com/2024/07/10/bit ... sotomayor/
While the court refused to review the 1985 case of Charles McCrory, Sotomayor urged states to pass laws to help exonerate people imprisoned on debunked forensic evidence.
Liliana Segura, Jordan Smith July 10 2024

https://theintercept.com/2024/07/10/dmi ... nstructed/
A top defender makes the case for Biden staying in.
Deconstructed July 10 2024

https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/12089 ... estigation
Angelina Jolie's legal battle with FBI continues over Brad Pitt's investigation
Angelina Jolie alleges Brad Pitt of physical abuse and assault
By Web Desk July 12, 2024

https://www.thefastmode.com/technology- ... t-services
The Fast Mode
FBI Selects NTT DATA as Prime Contractor for IT ServicesNTT DATA yesterday announced the company was selected as a prime contr

https://typeset.io/papers/a-quantitativ ... 3zlordj0n9
A quantitative description of FBI public relations
Dirk C. Gibson Public Relations Review
- Vol. 23, Iss: 1, pp 11-30
The Federal Bureau of Investigation had the most successful media relations program in the U.S. from the 1930's to the 1980's as mentioned in this paper, and their leaders seemed to be masters at getting good publicity and avoiding bad.

https://www.dirkgibson.org/bookstore/th ... gar-hoover
In His Own Words: How J. Edgar Hoover Directed the FBI Through Marginalia
In His Own Words is a scholarly work with a nod toward true crime lovers. The references are impeccable, covering a wide range of Hoover’s career. Even the author’s notes, which are often glanced over by readers, are helpful in sorting out this work about a past American icon; focusing on his humanity.
This book offers two advantages over all previous works on Hoover and the FBI. Initially it is the most comprehensive and least biased of the extant literature. All previous treatments of this topic support one of two unidimensional stereotypical perspectives or myths, the God Myth and the Devil Myth. The God Myth asserted that Hoover and the FBI were virtually perfect, with chapters focusing on Hoover’s flawless personal life and personality, his optimal directorship over the FBI, and the perfection of the FBI itself. This myth was created by a sophisticated public relation campaign that began in the 1920s and lasted until his death. A second myth or counter-myth, the Devil Myth, arose spontaneously in response to the God Myth. Chapters describe Hoover’s diabolical character and personality, his suboptimal leadership of the Bureau, and the ineffectiveness of the FBI. Therefore both supporters of Hoover and the FBI and critics will see their opinions fairly represented and documented.
The most important virtue of this book results from the extensive use of declassified internal FBI documents. A rhetorical perspective on Hoover results from careful analysis of his handwritten comments on FBI memos, called “four-baggers” within the FBI and marginalia by scholars. The real, unvarnished Hoover emerges from his sometimes acerbic and sometimes professional remarks scrawled in the margins of these documents. These comments are of considerable significance, because this is how Hoover communicated his policy desires to subordinates and directed the actions of the FBI. Copies of numerous FBI memos containing his four-baggers are included for the reader’s perusal. For this reason this book is the least biased and most objective and useful book on Hoover and Hoover’s FBI


Business Operations Careers at the FBI
Arts and communications professionals lend their creative skills to tell impactful stories about our people, our cases, and the communities we serve.

Maggie and OA Shouldn’t Be Endgame on ‘FBI’
By  Jennifer Ong

https://deadline.com/2024/07/fbi-intern ... 236007519/
‘FBI: International’ Star Luke Kleintank Signs With Gersh
By Justin Kroll

https://midhudsonnews.com/2024/07/12/fb ... ing-video/
FBI celebrates 100 years of fingerprinting (VIDEO)
July 12, 2024

https://www.whistleblowers.org/team/dr- ... hitehurst/
Dr. Frederic Whitehurst
Co-Chairperson Board of Directors & FBI Whistleblower
Frederic Whitehurst is a former FBI scientist who “blew the whistle” on misconduct within the FBI crime lab, resulting in extensive reforms being made. He was America’s first successful FBI whistleblower. His case exposed forensic fraud in the FBI crime lab and subjected it to outside oversight for the first time. In 1997, Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto won a landmark victory and was responsible for a historic Presidential Executive Order ensuring whistleblower protection rights for FBI Agents who expose misconduct. They also obtained an extraordinary settlement of $1,166,000 plus $258,580 in attorney’s fees.
Dr. Whitehurst established the Forensic Justice Project at the National Whistleblowers Center and initiated Freedom of Information Act requests that led to a NWC/Washington Post investigation of the FBI Crime Lab that forced the FBI to review 20,000 hair analysis cases. The investigation to date has resulted in several exonerations, reversals of convictions, and one stayed execution.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... eal-denied
Texas man sent to death row over junk science denied US supreme court appeal
This article is more than 9 months old
Robert Roberson was sentenced in 2003 for killing toddler on basis of shaken baby syndrome, now ruled as ‘scientifically unreliable’
Ed Pilkington Mon 2 Oct 2023

https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/ten-y ... alty-cases
Ten Years After Landmark Study, Junk Science Still Pervasive in Death-Penalty Cases
Forensic science, including fingerprint analysis, hair analysis, bite mark comparison, and arson investigation, is widely used in criminal prosecutions, but it has been found to contribute to wrongful convictions in a startling number of cases. A 2017 DPIC review of 34 death-row exonerations found that junk science contributed to nearly one-third (32.4%) of those wrongful convictions. An FBI review of hair analysis found that analysts had made erroneous statements in at least 33 death penalty cases, but many of those never had an opportunity for reconsideration – by the time the report was released, nine of those defendants had been executed and five had died of other causes. Segura and Smith explain, “high-profile forensics scandals and a rising tally of exonerations have made it hard for even the most stubborn forensic experts to ignore the problem of junk science.”

Video shows B.C. cop blast people with firefighting hose

https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/07/12/ ... -to-light/
‘Don’t tell a soul’: East Contra Costa cops tried to keep alleged fraud scheme a secret, but upcoming trial will bring details to light
Trial set to start Aug. 5
By NATE GARTRELL | ngartrell@bayareanewsgroup.com | July 12, 2024
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