Masculinities of the far right

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:58 pm

Jesse Lee Peterson: The Democratic Party Is Controlled By Demonic, Man-Hating Women

By Kyle Mantyla | September 28, 2018 2:13 pm

Right-wing commentator Jesse Lee Peterson kicked off his radio program today by declaring that the female Democratic senators who questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about the sexual assault allegations against him during his testimony yesterday hate men and are controlled by Satan.

“The Democratic Party is now controlled by angry, man-hating, God-hating, good-women hating, children-hating, the unborn child-hating women,” Peterson said. “They hate men. They hate good. They hate God. The Democratic Party is controlled by feminist women who hate everything that is good. Satan is their father.”

Peterson said that the men in the Democratic Party are nothing but “beta males who are girly men” who “don’t have the manness, who don’t have the courage” to assert their biblical authority over women.

“Those women who control the Democratic Party hate men [and] hate God, because men represent God on earth.” Peterson asserted. “It’s a spiritual battle, folks. It’s warfare between good and evil. It has nothing to do with being male or female, it’s the god that you serve and the Democratic Party is of its father, the devil; and all the little Democrats running around represent Satan. They’re evil people.” ... ing-women/
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:08 am

A Voice for Men: How dare you accuse us of being male supremacists! Also, God wants women to submit to men


When it comes to alpha [f]ucks and beta bucks, the scriptures are right on the money. Women love to have sex with the bad boy, but they want the provider to take care of them and their children. Well, nothing drives the dominance that a wife loves in her husband like her willing submission to him, and this in turn helps the husband resist becoming beta-male, emasculated cuck, which is the distortion that occurs when the husband sacrifices and the wife greedily abuses him.

So, to wrap it up – if men want to be fulfilled in their relationships with women, they should look for women who are going to submit to their will, and take their leadership.

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:06 am ... -peterson/

Straw Gods: A Cautious Response to Jordan B. Peterson

By Guy Stevenson

MOST LEFT-LEANING ACADEMICS and public intellectuals have greeted the rise of Canadian psychologist Jordan B. Peterson with incredulity or muted amusement. That a cranky, little-known professor could — in the space of a year — have amassed millions of YouTube followers, shifted two million books, appeared on primetime chat shows, and sold out a 20,000-seat arena tour, has drawn little serious comment from scholars of the humanities and social sciences. That these people are the most common targets of his ire — cast as evil collaborators in a conspiracy by “postmodernist neo-Marxists” to take over the universities and the whole of Western culture — makes the silence all the more remarkable.

The accusation is at the very least a gross exaggeration — no doubt part of the reason why so many have chosen to ignore Peterson. Why engage with such fanciful slander? Why stoke the flames? Yet his popularity among young people is real and growing, and it would be remiss not to consider, first, why this is and, second, how to answer the claims he is making. To put it in the fire-and-brimstone terms Peterson himself so often employs, “ignore him at your peril.” Since first making the news in 2016 with a protest against a law enforcing the use of gender-neutral pronouns, he has achieved a level of pop-cultural recognition well beyond any of his recent contemporaries. Next to Peterson, Vice favorite Slavoj Žižek and even the late Christopher Hitchens look like small fry. In fact, you’d have to go back to Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s and the furor around his “medium is the message” slogan, to find a public intellectual — let alone a humanities and social sciences prof — with this kind of widespread celebrity.

Like McLuhan, Peterson has overcome a rather stuffy appearance to package himself as a countercultural guru, able to speak to young people over the heads of their parents and teachers, to offer an alternative way of thinking in an age of radical transition. He has done so, however, not by explaining the brave new world thrust upon them by technology but by counseling sanctuary from the anxious present through a retreat to the psychological, moral, and social certitudes of the past. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Peterson’s self-help-manual-cum-theory-of-everything (which is outselling the Bible this year), aims to restore clarity of purpose — for the individual and the culture at large — in a post-religious, post-’60s modern world. This clarity of purpose, he claims, will resurface when people learn to shift their day-to-day attention from the “rights discourse” that has dominated since the ’60s to a deeper-rooted and biologically necessary sense of “maximal responsibility” to self and society.

Curiously, Peterson’s cultural conservatism is indebted to some of the same thinking that laid the groundwork for that rights discourse. What separates him from conventional conservative critics of identity politics, and what partly accounts for his attractiveness to millennials, is that he spices up his back-to-basics ordinances with the romance of psychoanalytical and philosophical mysticism. 12 Rules for Life and its longer, less accessible predecessor Maps of Meaning (1999) draw consistently on Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche, two thinkers now deeply unfashionable on the left but influential in the post-1945 North American countercultural revolution.

Jungian psychotherapy, with its insistence on the mythical archetypes that exist in the “collective unconscious,” and Nietzschean meta-history, with its belief in the “resentiment” that comes from the individual’s neglect of the “will” — were inspirational to the Beat Generation, the hippies, and the New Age movement that succeeded them. Along with Freud, the pre-existentialist Søren Kierkegaard, and the Eastern religious texts of Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism (which are also quoted extensively by Peterson), Jung and Nietzsche provided the symbolism for much of the anti-establishment writing produced during the 1950s and ’60s. In 2018, Peterson has reinvoked these mystical forces and married them — improbably — to a stern defense of biblical tradition.

What does this Christian-Jungian-Nietzschean revival reveal about our age? Primarily, it is proof — more than the 2017 White Power march on Charlottesville, more than Milo Yiannopoulos’s pseudo-stand-up routine — of a widespread youth reaction against a model of progress most of us complacently take for granted. Unlike the fringe alt-right, with whom he is commonly and inaccurately associated, Peterson commands an audience that is large, increasingly mainstream, and energized by the feeling of being at the vanguard of an intellectual-cultural revolution. The majority of Peterson’s fans are — the statistics show — male and under 30. They have flocked to him, though, not simply and solely for the kind of prankish kicks afforded by a Pepe the Frog meme or the chance to trigger social justice warriors (SJWs), but because he appears to offer thought-through, practical solutions to problems they perceive in the rules they have been brought up to obey.

In place of “impotent anger” at oppressive systems, people, and language, he promises a sense of strength and purpose through learning to “orient yourself properly in the world.” In place of resentment at the personal injustices heaped upon us by a cruel world, he offers, first, the historical perspective to understand that life has always entailed and always will entail suffering and, second, a means of lessening that suffering by careful attention to it.

Whether or not you agree with his advice, it is important to consider the rejection of cultural orthodoxies its positive reception suggests. What is wrong or has gone wrong with modern standards of social justice to precipitate this backlash? Like many of his contemporaries on the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web,” Peterson concedes the need for civil rights reforms during the 1960s but claims that Western culture lost its way when the drive for emancipation of genuinely oppressed people became an attempt to police language and to bid impossibly for “equality of outcome” rather than achievable “equality of opportunity.” That concession may in fact be lip service — indeed, he tends to come a cropper when questioned on whether he’d have supported specific acts of protest in the Civil Rights era — but his point about a well-intentioned system of thought gone awry has some power. In her own controversialist, bulldozing way, Camille Paglia has been expressing something similar for years — that a countercultural movement based on freedom of speech and sexuality has been reduced since the ’60s to a one-size-fits-all embargo on what can and cannot be said.

Given the current state of affairs, it would be foolish not to listen to explanations from people “in the trenches.” But our combustible times require an extra-careful tread, and Peterson needs to be called out for riding through the scene roughshod. Faced with a generation that shares his unease at the progressive status quo, he makes a show of dissecting those politics with empirical care. Like the totalitarian figureheads he warns against, however, he cannot resist pinning the blame for all the world’s wrongs on an inflated, intangible bogeyman — “the Postmodern Neo-Marxists.” Many of the problems Peterson identifies are tangible and pressing — even the staunchest believer in the benefits of political correctness must concede that retrenchment now, after Brexit and Trump, risks further backlash — but his brand of charismatic and proselytizing PC- and leftist-bashing seems programmed to polarize rather than unite.

Instead of Peterson, today’s curious, disillusioned youth would benefit from exposure to calm thinkers on these subjects. The English philosopher John Gray, for example, who for almost 20 years has been carefully outlining many of the same flaws in Western progressivism. Like Peterson, Gray looks to evidence of humanity at its worst (Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago [1973] and Arthur Koestler’s Scum of the Earth [1941], among others) to warn against utopian visions of the future. He understands, as Peterson does, the historical myopia and/or arrogance of assuming that science and Enlightenment reason have usurped or could ever usurp religious superstition for good or for the better. Where the religious Peterson is on a mission to shake his audience awake, however, Gray attempts the much humbler and more realistic task of “applying cloth to fogged glasses.”

The message of Gray’s illuminating 2002 book, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals, is that every Western political concept of progress inherits and reformulates the delusional monotheistic myth of special humanity ordained for redemption. As a result, he is equally critical and equally indulgent of all belief systems, religious or political, and the human flaws they embody. Peterson has struck a chord by making a similar point about secular morality — that it has its deep roots in the religious traditions it claims to reject and that most proclaimed atheists in the 21st century are religious in their actions without knowing it. Like Nietzsche, like many of the modernist writers of the early 20th century, however, he responds to the “chaos” of modern politics by sinking back into the comforting myths of religion at their source. In his righteous worldview, the especial individual can find redemption by reflecting on his will and aligning it with the “logos” or “the word of God.” Gray, who takes Arthur Schopenhauer rather than Nietzsche as his guide, also counsels reflection, and an appreciation of the brutality humans are capable of, but he cautions against the myth-intoxicated notions of revelation and redemption in Nietzsche and Jung.

The knee-jerk, broadsheet response to Peterson has been to straw-man him as an alt-right-affiliated fascist. This is both dishonest and unhelpful. Pay proper attention to his writing, his lectures, and the many interviews he has given over the past couple of years, and you’ll see that he opposes the rhetoric of racial superiority, of boosting esteem through group identity, in all its forms. Clearly, he also means well by much of his advice. At the core of the philosophy in 12 Rules for Life is the constructive Nietzschean lesson that “it is possible to learn good by experiencing evil” and that the problem with 21st-century approaches to moral education is the fear to admit resentment and malice, and the importance of regulating the potential in all of us to do ill. In this respect, he follows in a venerable line of post–World War II thinkers who have recuperated Nietzsche for positive purposes. What is disturbing — and, to many, alluring — about him is that he is also romantically taken with what John Gray calls the “dichotomy of violence and bliss” in Nietzsche.

Speaking recently to Camille Paglia, Peterson equated the quest for truth with a willingness to scrap, physically:

When men are talking to each other in any serious manner, that underlying threat of physicality is always there, especially if it’s a real conversation and it keeps the thing civilized to some degree. If you’re talking to a man who wouldn’t fight with you under any circumstances whatsoever, then you’re talking to someone to whom you have absolutely no respect.

Such macho posturing is depressing (not to mention ungrounded even in lip service to “the research” he usually cites). It is the kind of talk we expect from temperamental rock stars and reality TV celebrities who find themselves in office, and it seriously discredits an academic who is purporting to use his years of training, teaching, and clinical practice to guide a generation of lost young souls. Predictably, YouTube is teeming with fan videos that splice quotes like this with Peterson’s many aggressive put-downs of SJWs, including a recent tweet to an unfriendly reviewer that “if [he] were in the room at the moment, I’d slap [him] happily.” You have to go back again to Christopher Hitchens (celebrated for his “Hitchslap” heroics) to find a public intellectual with as many triumphalist e-tributes. Of course, like Hitchens, Peterson cannot reasonably be held responsible for the use others have made of his words, but he should account for passing his own bad temper off as universal law and for refusing to cast aspersion on the glee this incites.

That stern, mildly menacing paternal approach continues to work very well indeed. Kids who, for whatever reason, hadn’t considered history as formative to their moral worldviews have found in Peterson a father figure who helps explain why making difficult life choices has to be so difficult. As David Brooks put it in The New York Times, Peterson seems to have provided “the perfect antidote to the cocktail of coddling and accusation in which they were raised.” But the express danger, as Bernard Schiff, Peterson’s colleague and former mentor at the University of Toronto, pointed out recently, is that impressionable — and justifiably confused and aggrieved — minds are being woken up not only to important truths about the inevitability of suffering or the need for individual responsibility, but to the specific reality Peterson perceives through his reading of Jung and Nietzsche.

Like many charismatic countercultural figures, Peterson’s uncompromising, pugilistic style draws unquestioning adulation and imitation, including the aggressive derision of opponents. It is the same derision, as he has rightly pointed out, that contaminates much leftist commentary on conservative ideology. The good faith that sensible commentators like Jonathan Haidt, Stephen Fry, and Sam Harris have found in Peterson’s project is severely compromised by this appropriation of a stated enemy’s tactics and the misguided use of those tactics to muddy rather than clear the cultural waters.

John Gray’s genuine aversion to the limelight means he is unlikely to join the Peterson road show any time soon, and more is the pity. Now more than ever, his sane, objective contribution is needed. On the “Intellectual Dark Web,” George Orwell is regularly, reductively cited as a Jeremiah of our current illiberally liberal society. The briefest glance at Orwell’s writing tells us he would have shuddered at this latest attempt to march in his name. Distrustful of all movements and agendas — political, religious, and philosophical — Orwell would have recognized Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and even Sam Harris as missionaries for their own particular causes, believing themselves to stand only for fair, open debate but intoxicated by the desire to convince the world of what they believe to be right.

In the absence of the kind of calm, fact-based thought presented in The Road to Wigan Pier (1937) and Orwell’s essays after the Spanish Civil War, John Gray’s assessments of liberal humanism and the anthropocentric, religious impulse that drives it have the capacity to expose this current counterculture in real time. Offering themselves as manna for an audience that has been crying out for “detailed, in depth, unscripted, spontaneous meaningful conversation,” Peterson and his populist contemporaries fail to declare — or perhaps even notice — the zeal that propels them and the bad blood it risks breeding.
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:35 am

Trigger Warning

On the far right, neo-Nazis, racists hail Brett Kavanaugh's elevation to Supreme Court as open season on women, minority rights in America

October 09, 2018

Brett Barrouquere

To neo-Nazi-in-hiding Andrew Anglin, the elevation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is a milestone, one that he hopes will result in an end to women’s rights across the country.

Anglin, who has been known to post crude hyperbole to draw a reaction, posted a list of reasons rape would become legal soon and how it would work.

“In many cases, this will be as simple as driving up next to a woman jogging, wrapping her with duct tape, tossing her in the trunk and taking her to your home’s rape room,” Anglin wrote.

The reaction on the far right to Kavanaugh’s contentious confirmation — which was marked by allegations of sexual assault, Kavanaugh’s behavior during the hearing and his attitude toward women and drinking when he was younger — was harsh, ugly, misogynistic and antisemitic.

The confirmation, finalized Saturday in a 50-48 vote in the U.S. Senate, also tilts the U.S. Supreme Court in a more conservative direction. Kavanaugh, a onetime political operative and attorney in the George W. Bush administration, replaces retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who was often a swing vote in favor of LGBTQ rights and women’s reproductive rights.

In its banner, the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer featured a photo of bound and gagged women, including one being tossed over the shoulder of a man, with an exploding Planned Parenthood clinic in the background.

The banner also features a photo of Elliot Rodger, who murdered six people and injured 14 in Isla Vista, California, an act he said was retribution for sexual rejection by women.

Rodger has become an icon among the incel (involuntarily celibate) community, male supremacists and the far right.

“The logical conclusion to this is that they secretly desire to be raped. Not only is being raped sexually fulfilling for many womyn, but in our existing societal order, womyn who are raped are showered with additional attention,” Daily Stormer contributor Lee Rogers wrote. “So in essence, these womyn want to fulfill their rape fantasies while simultaneously having access to extra attention that this ‘victim’ status provides them.”

Anglin, in a post studded with pictures of women with duct-taped mouths and bound hands and feet, laid out five things people need to know for “The Upcoming Legalization of Rape in America.”

Anglin’s theatrics aside, he’s riffing on very real concerns about the future of women’s and LGBTQ rights. For some on the racist “alt-right,” Kavanaugh’s ascension is seen as part of a larger culture — and race — war in America, with the alt-right and white people on one side against minorities, women and Jewish people. And with Kavanaugh in office, the alt-right thinks it’s winning.

While he writes these over-the-top satires to draw a reaction, Anglin frequently follows up these posts with calls for the violent extermination of entire groups of people. Anglin’s writings on Kavanaugh reflect the attitude on the far right toward Kavanaugh and women.

The Daily Stormer has also aggressively pushed an anti-Jewish story line about the Kavanaugh accusations, alleging they appeared as part of a plot orchestrated by Jewish senators and Hungarian American philanthropist George Soros. (The Soros conspiracy has even been echoed in the mainstream by GOP lawmakers and pundits on Fox News).

Career racist and antisemite David Duke also picked up the anti-Jewish storyline, tweeting Sunday:

Justice Kavanaugh. Thank God you are now on the Supreme Court. Because of the vicious, hateful media Cabal and the political ziogarchy, no matter how nobly and brilliantly you serve on the Court, their stain on U and family will never be erased. Never forget who did this to you!”

The self-described intellectual force behind the alt-right, Richard Spe­­ncer, views Kavanaugh’s confirmation as the latest shot in an ongoing battle in America.

“Underlying it all is simply an attack on Kavanaugh as a White male," Spencer tweeted Saturday. "The ‘culture war’ isn’t about ‘hot button’ issues like abortion or the death penalty. It is a ‘race war,’ which is mostly non-violent but extremely impactful.”

On the podcast “Fash the Nation,” co-host “Jazzhands McFeels” claimed that non-white men want to remove white men from power because of their race and gender. The fight against Kavanaugh’s nomination was just the latest representation of that, McFeels said.

“We’ve been saying for the past couple of weeks that the fight against Brett Kavanaugh has been a proxy war on white men,” McFeels said. “White heterosexual men in America and now it is pivoting into a war on white women.”

Not all were thrilled with Kavanaugh after one day on the court.

On his first day, Kavanaugh hired an all-female crew of law clerks, a slightly surprising development given his recent history with women and sexual-assault allegations.

“Brett Kavanaugh just hired the Supreme Court's first all-women law clerk team What a fucking faggot. Already cucked on day one,” GAB user stripe_tobor wrote Monday.

On the most extreme end of the spectrum sits Gadsden at “The Green Pilled Perspective” on Radio Wehrwolf. The main issue, Gadsden said in a podcast, is Kavanaugh’s tenure in the Bush administration.

“He’s a piece of shit because he was a Bush lawyer. He also wrote the Patriot Act and he pretty much supports anything the Republican Party supports,” Gadsden said. “That’s enough in itself to say that he’s a piece of crap. That he supports the neocon GOP. Well, both parties are neocon. It’s Coke versus Pepsi. Either way you’re getting poisoned.”

GAB user Lawrence Blair saw the law clerks as the first hint that Kavanaugh will not work out as a justice.

“This is not a good sign,” Blair posted Monday on the alt-right social media site. “The first day into the office, he caves. As I feared from the beginning this man was raised in the Bush’s barn and will behave in like manner as the Bush’s.” ... ason-women
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:43 am

Men need to creep on “prime jailbait” to protect themselves from getting “stuck with an old hag for more years than is necessary,” incel creeper explains


Most men these days, even betas, will not get their looksmatch. So many girls these days are mentally and physically unsuitable for producing offspring with, because they’re venereally-diseased sluts, morbidly obese landwhales, and/or borderline-personality-disordered, purple-haired, septum-pierced freaks, that there’s not much left to choose from, for those men who even have the luxury of a choice.

That’s a tough pill to swallow, but what’s even worse is that women age a lot less gracefully than men. That means, even if — by some miracle, given the realities of today’s sexual marketplace — she starts out being your looksmatch, as time goes on, your looks will still be pretty close to what they are now, but hers will go into a much steeper decline.

Eventually she’ll be an old hag who’s an embarassment to be seen with.

You see this all the time — a good-looking guy in, say, his 40s or 50s, is with his agematched wife, who’s now so wrinkly that she looks the creature from the black lagoon, only uglier.

No matter how successful he may become, he’s still lower-status, in a way, than a teenaged Chad who gets to be with a fresh jailbait, because he doesn’t have that same privilege of enjoying that tight, youthful pussy.

Imagine working hard your whole life and realizing, your only reward is money and power that can’t be converted into the only currency that matters, i.e., sexual access to fertile teenage girls.

As you become middle-aged, if you’ve stayed in good health, your dick will continue to be capable of getting just as hard as it does now (when you’re given the proper stimuli); but your wife’s pussy will loosen significantly over time, so it’s not just her form but also her function that will decline.

You’ll be walking through the house and wonder, “What’s that weird smell?” and then realize, it’s just the accumulated sweat under her sagging breasts that’s starting to stink like an armpit.

Her female appendages are no longer as pert and bouncy as they once were; they’ve fallen and they can’t get up. She needs to call Life Alert.

This is all just part of marriage, but it should at least be staved off as long as possible into the future. The point of getting with a 15-year-old girl isn’t just a preference for 15-year-old girls (although that does have a certain allure); it’s also a preference to NOT be stuck with an old hag for more years than is necessary.

Image ... -explains/
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:25 pm

Intellectual Dark Web Frays After Jordan Peterson Tweets Critically About Brett Kavanaugh

Peterson used a blog post to elaborate on his tweet about Trump’s new justice, and to reflect on the nature of Twitter.

Will Sommer
10.10.18 5:49 PM ET

Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty

Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation has roiled the group of conservative academics and internet personalities that calls itself the Intellectual Dark Web, leaving bestselling professor Jordan Peterson on the verge of abandoning his Twitter account amidst a backlash.

On Friday, a day before the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh, former Evergreen State professor and Intellectual Dark Webber Bret Weinstein tweeted that the idea of Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice and the idea of Kavanaugh withdrawing his nomination were “both… completely unacceptable.”

“If confirmed Kavanaugh should step down,” Peterson chimed in on Twitter.

Peterson’s Twitter feed soon filled up with more than 10,000 responses, many of them from disillusioned fans who felt Peterson had betrayed them.

It’s a surprise rift for the Intellectual Dark Web, an ideologically vague outfit best tied together by a willingness to tweak liberals and popular presences on social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter. The group includes academics like Peterson and Weinstein, mainline conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, frequent feminism critic Christina Hoff Sommers, “new atheist” Sam Harris, YouTube talk show host Dave Rubin, and even Ultimate Fighting Championship commentator and podcaster Joe Rogan.

Weinstein’s brother, mathematician and Peter Thiel associate Eric Weinstein, coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” as a way to suggest that the group was willing to discuss ideas otherwise “forbidden” by a politically correct establishment. Intellectual Dark Web members often call themselves “classical liberals” and talk about campus free speech issues, which helps obscure some of their more outlandish ideas. Peterson, for example, has praised “enforced monogamy” and railed against the gender politics of Frozen.

But Peterson’s call for Kavanaugh to resign from the court bucked the increasingly conservative tilt of the Intellectual Dark Web. Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist who has restyled himself as a voice of internet Trumpism, said in a video that he was stunned by the idea that Peterson opposed Kavanaugh taking a seat on the court. ... h?ref=home
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:28 pm

Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at soyboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords

Triggering the soyboy libt*rd cucks by calling them NPCs
(Detail from meme found on Reddit)

By David Futrelle

Alt-right trolls have a new insult: NPC, a sort of all-purpose replacement for formerly ubiquitous anti-SJW putdowns like “cuck” and “soyboy,” suggesting that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a mindless, even soulless, robot, akin to a videogame Non-Player Character who can only respond to stimulus with a small number of preprogrammed lines of dialogue.

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:01 pm


Male supremacy is a hateful ideology advocating for the subjugation of women.

Male supremacy misrepresents all women as genetically inferior, manipulative and stupid and reduces them to their reproductive or sexual function — with sex being something that they owe men and that can or even should be coerced out of them. Driven by a biological analysis of women as fundamentally inferior to men, male supremacists malign women specifically for their gender. A thinly veiled desire for the domination of women and a conviction that the current system oppresses men in favor of women are the unifying tenets of the male supremacist worldview.

In their own words

“Pussy is the only real empowerment women will ever know. Put all the hopelessly wishful thinking of feminist ideology aside and what remains is the fact that it is men and pretty much men only who draw power from accomplishment, who invent technology, build nations, cure disease, create empires and generally advance civilization. Women whether acknowledging it makes us feel warm and fuzzy or not, depend on men for all of that and the only tool they have at their disposal to have any sort of influence on any of it is the power of pussy and pussy is powerful indeed…Sexual robotics may well prove to be the best thing that ever happened to women from the standpoint of their humanity.... what would that do to the vast majority of women who would suddenly have to prove their worth as human beings beyond simply being the owners of said pussy."
Paul Elam, An Ear for Men, Sex Robots: Part 3 - Disempowering Pussy, October 2017

"Women, please listen to Whoopi Goldberg. If you don’t want to be slapped, backhanded, punched in the mouth, decked or throttled keep your stinking hands off of other people. A man hitting you back after you have assaulted him does not make you a victim of domestic violence. It makes you a recipient of justice. Deal with it."
Paul Elam, October is the Fifth Annual Bash a Violent Bitch Month, “A Voice for Men,” September 2015

"We've shouted endlessly at a deaf world that we were on the path to destruction, and we have watched our predictions of men being reduced to indentured servants to a malicious matriarchy come true, even as society continues to dismiss and humiliate us for speaking."
Paul Elam on Men's News Daily site, quoted in Angry White Men

“Make rape legal if done on private property. I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds….If rape becomes legal under my proposal, a girl will protect her body in the same manner that she protects her purse and smartphone…. After several months of advertising this law throughout the land, rape would be virtually eliminated on the first day it is applied.”
Roosh V., “How to Stop Rape,” Return Of Kings, February 2015

“No means no — until it means yes.”
Roosh V., 30 Bangs, March 2012

“If a girl is in favor of abortion, there is evil dwelling in her soul. If you let her into your life, she will do her best to ruin you and bring you down to her level…If a girl is so revolted by a lifeform that is genetically 50 percent her that she’ll go to Planned Parenthood to get it flushed out, she will treat everyone else in her life with the same level of cruelty.”
Matt Forney, “Why You Should Shun Girls Who Support Abortion, Return of Kings,” August 2016

“No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist…. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection…. When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation... Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.”
Matt Forney, “The Orlando Nightclub Shooting and the Moral Sickness of Whites,” Matt Forney blog, June 2017

“Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.”
Matt Forney under the pseudonym Ferdinand Bardamu, “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” In Mala Fide blog, 2012


Male supremacy was fundamental to the foundation of the racist “alt-right,” and in many ways served as its “gateway drug.” It is characterized by angry rants blaming feminism for the decline of Western civilization and deriding feminists as “Social Justice Warriors." Personalities like "alt-right" facilitator Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, pick-up artist Roosh V. (a.k.a. Daryush Valizadeh) and Return of Kings and writer Matt Forney also constantly straddle the line between more formal “alt-right” circles and the male supremacist world.

Though male supremacy lives in a coalition of online spaces, its most established proponents are two hate groups: A Voice for Men, a men’s rights website started by the violently bigoted Paul Elam, who has described men as “indentured servants to a malicious matriarchy,” regularly talks about the world as gripped by “misandry” (hatred of men) and called for October to be renamed the “Bash-A-Violent-Bitch Month.” The other is Return of Kings, founded by pick-up artist Roosh V., who advocated for the legalization of rape on private property (then claiming unconvincingly it was satire) and wrote that the path to saving Western civilization is repealing women’s suffrage.

On these websites, much like on myriad subreddits, forums, 4chan and 8chan threads where male supremacists gather, the harassment of women is encouraged. In fact, this is sometimes a stated objective: in Paul Elam’s words: “the progress we need will only be realized by inflicting enough pain on the agents of hate, in public view, that it literally shocks society out of its current coma” — or, in other terms, “rattle the cage of feminists.”

Gross mischaracterizations of all women are the bread-and-butter of male supremacist websites. Roosh regularly depicts women as manipulative, fickle liars with no life, who have to be battled and conquered, writing that the “only reason very few girls are seen as losers is because they have a pussy, and just about all pussies feel good, regardless of who it’s attached to.” Similarly, Elam has declared that sexual robotics would force the “vast majority of women [to] suddenly have to prove their worth as human beings beyond simply being the owners of said pussy.”

Male supremacy is an ideology with many faces. Its unifying thread is virulent, at times violent misogyny, and the practice of blaming women and a large feminist conspiracy for the ills of (mostly white) men today. Like other hate groups, male supremacist hate groups propagate conspiracies that see the world as a matriarchy propped up by “cultural Marxism” meant to eradicate or subjugate men. It is driven by the belief that men are entitled to a superior place in society than women, which are biologically and intellectually inferior — as a result, any advancement that women might have obtained is nothing more than a usurpation. Like white supremacy, male supremacy is driven by fear and anger at the loss of white male status.

There are different paths and constituencies in male supremacist movements: between men’s rights activists whose focus appears to be defending the rights of men, all the while decrying their infringement by women; Red Pillers, who claim to be the only ones aware of the existence of a feminist conspiracy running society; pick-up artists, whose goal is to lure women into sleeping with them, while constantly debasing them; involuntary celibates (or incels), who, having failed to find women either willing to have or to be coerced into sex, turn their anger into calls of violence; and men going their own way (MGTOW), who present themselves as male separatists and have chosen to remove themselves from the negative influence of women entirely.

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby thrulookingglass » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:08 pm

From wikipedia - "God as the Creator and father of all people, as indicated in the Apostle's Creed where the expression of belief in the "Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth" is immediately, but separately followed by in "Jesus Christ, his ONLY *(emphasis added) Son, our Lord", thus expressing both senses of fatherhood...
From the bible - Genesis 6:2-7
that the SONS (emphasis added in the plural) of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

As I've said before, we've forsaken the feminine the nurturer, the sacred spirit which gives birth to us...all too male this society. God the father...there are texts that say Jesus worshiped an androgynous lord...they're long forgotten...

Jeanne Calment[1] F 21 February 1875 4 August 1997 122 years, 164 days France

The devil always gets his way, for he has judged himself superior to all humanity...for 120 years shall be man's days. Evil always wins through deceptions, for the rest of us think God is good, 'tis our worst crime.
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:09 am


Read Some Ethnography, Bro

One time in college, a guy at a party said my elbows were too scratchy. He had already touched my arm a couple of times, flirtatious little grazes, but when he touched my elbow he jerked back, yelping as if I’d burned him: “You need to moisturize!”

If you’re familiar with the concept of a pick-up artist, then you’ve probably already identified this as a “neg.” Pick-up artists are experts in what they call “seduction” or “game”; they take classes, read books, and engage in long internet conversations about tactics for convincing strangers to have sex with them. Viewed generously, seduction is a practical way for shy men to be proactive in their quest for love. Squint just a little bit and it gets very icky; most seduction techniques are designed to knee-cap women physically (blocking their exit paths, touching their elbows) as well as mentally. To “neg,” for example, is to subtly insult someone, undermining their confidence so that they start working to win your approval.

Mr. Elbows did not succeed in picking me up, but he did worm his way into my brain. Twelve years later, I still moisturize my elbows every morning. And it doesn’t even work! My elbows are scratchy. That’s just the nature of elbows.

So it was with a satisfying schadenfreude that I picked up Rachel O’Neill’s book Seduction, an ethnographic study of the pick-up artist community in London, and read dozens of stories about misguided men practicing choreographed, artificial pick-up moves while draining all spontaneity and emotional connection from their lives. At one point, a trainer doing a live demonstration runs up to a woman on the street only to be flummoxed, as O’Neill describes: “As he’s delivering his opening line she’s looking around, incredulous, and asks: ‘What’s going on?’ The woman tells the trainer that he’s the third man to approach her that morning, all of them saying the same thing.”

Take that, Mr. Elbows!! I thought. We’re on to you!!! I’ve been recommending Seduction to friends ever since. For anyone still moisturizing the scratchy spots inflicted during a get-past-the-gatekeeper ploy for sex, Seduction is filled with this kind of small revenge.

But surprisingly, the book is also a font of empathy for the men it portrays. O’Neill’s sharpest criticism is for the industry, a commercial endeavor exploiting men’s anxieties. The men themselves are often pitiful. They spend shocking amounts of money on pick-up artist workshops, including week-long “residential trainings” that cost upwards of £5,000 and that so directly promise access to women’s bodies they might as well be pimps. Yet what the men actually seem to be paying for is other men’s companionship and validation. More than one man in the book sets up expensive, one-on-one coaching arrangements, which look a whole lot like paying someone to hang out with you. A man named Gerard says of his private trainer, “He sees me more as a client, which is fine. I see him as a friend, but we keep it professional… I’d say we’ve got a professional friendship.”

My deepest sympathies were with Anwar, a man in his late thirties who described losing a close friendship with a woman after a seduction workshop. He had taken the workshop explicitly to seduce that woman. “She was the only thing I really cared about… She just said I’d changed and she said that she didn’t know me anymore.” Worse, Anwar doesn’t blame the training. “It’s my fault for not having the skills and using them properly,” he says. ... raphy-bro/
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:49 am

Far-right skinheads join Proud Boys in assaulting protesters in New York City following Gavin McInnes event

October 13, 2018

Rachel Janik

Proud Boys and far-right skinheads were caught on video singling out and attacking protesters in New York City Friday night.

In one video, a far-right assailant in a group of at least 15 screams, “Faggot!” as he kicks a person lying curled up on the pavement. In another, the men cheer and gloat as they leave the scene of the mob assault. One yells a Proud Boys motto, “Fuck around, find out!” and says, “Dude, I had one of their fucking heads, and I was just fucking smashing it in the pavement!”

“That son of a bitch!” the man says of his beating victim. “He was a fucking foreigner.”

At least three skinheads were among the crowd of Proud Boys. Joe Bola and Dennis Davila are members of 211 Bootboys, an ultranationalist far-right skinhead crew based mostly in the New York metropolitan area. The crew has often shared space with neo-Nazi racist skinheads, most frequently at hate music shows. In addition to his membership in the 211 Bootboys, Davila runs a hate music company called United Riot Records (URR). Bola was photographed wearing a URR shirt Friday night. The third skinhead at the New York scene, known only as “Irv,” has belonged to a crew of primarily Latino skinheads called B49, or “Battalion 49.” Irv attended the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville as a member of the Proud Boys-affiliated group the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights.

Proud Boys pictured posing Friday. Joe Bola, a member of the skinhead crew 211 Bootboys, is in the center wearing a shirt promoting a hate music company called United Riot Records. (Photo credit Twitter @HuntedHorse)

The assaults came after Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes wrapped up remarks at the Metropolitan Republican Club located on the Upper East Side in New York. McInnes brought a samurai sword to his event after promising on his Instagram page to reenact the assassination of Japanese socialist Inejiro Asanuma by teenage ultranationalist Otoya Yamaguchi. He called the killing, which was caught on national television and shocked the nation, an “inspiring moment.”

Both the Proud Boys and the 211 Bootboys have repeatedly engaged in violence against their political opponents. In the Pacific Northwest, multiple members of the Proud Boys have been celebrated for assaults, and the highest “degree” of Proud Boy membership is awarded to those who have fought with a left-wing protester.

They don’t necessarily contain their violent impulses to confronting aggressive antifascists. Last month, Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese traveled to Austin, Texas, for a rally. While there, he threatened to attack a group of young men who were attending the local Pecan Street Festival. The altercation began because the far-right group was upset at the Obama hats the men were wearing.

On the streets of Portland Saturday, just a day after the New York attacks, Toese assaulted a counter-protester. Local Portland journalist Mike Bivins wrote, “Tiny started pummeling a dude and then more ran up to stomp him out.”

Last year, a group of 211 Bootboys assaulted two brothers in Manhattan. The police recovered bloodied brass knuckles and reported that the skinheads brandished a knife in the attack, but McInnes took to Twitter to defend the violent skinheads and smear the victims as liars.

“I found the brothers who made up that story about being attacked by skinheads,” McInnes tweeted, along with the brothers’ names. “They said the skinheads had brass knuckles and were waving a knife around. All lies.”

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:57 am

Mob of white nationalist ‘Proud Boys’ brutally beat several men: ‘Are you brave now, faggot?!’

Meanwhile, Fox News is still trying to paint liberals as the violent mob.

OCT 13, 2018

Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys

The Proud Boys took Manhattan Friday night, attending a lecture by their founder, Gavin McInnes, at the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York City.

Following the event, the white nationalist group took to the streets, brutally beating and kicking several individuals while shouting “faggot” and “cocksucker,” reportedly because one of them stole one of their MAGA hats. Fox News responded by only reporting on anti-fascist vandalism that had taken place at the venue, while continuing to portray Democrats as the real angry mobs.

McInnes’ lecture was about Otoya Yamaguchi, who himself was a member of an extremist right-wing group in Japan. In 1960, Yamaguchi stabbed Japan Socialist Party leader Inejiro Asanuma to death, and he has been celebrated as a hero of extreme nationalist groups.

McInnes claimed on Instagram that he would actually be “re-enacting this inspiring moment” at the event. That the Proud Boys were hyped to engage in violence of their own afterward appears to be no coincidence.

Twitter user and photojournalist Shay Horse followed the Proud Boys after they left the event and documented a group of about 30 Proud Boys “pummeling a guy on the ground screaming, ‘Are you brave now faggot?!'” He later noticed from his own photographs that several fights were playing out simultaneously. He also showed the Proud Boys proudly flashing white power hand symbols afterward. ... d32404a75/
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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 pm

Why Pickup Artists Are Reading Ovid

The “Red Pill” community online frequently appropriates ancient classic literature as justification for their beliefs.

OCT 10, 2018


In 2013, the pickup-artist blog Chateau Heartiste—a resource for the sexually frustrated heterosexual man looking to learn how to seduce women—published a list of “Recommended Great Books For Aspiring Womanizers.” Compiled by the site’s main author, known online as Roissy, the list kicked off with the ancient seduction manual Ars Amatoria, or The Art of Love, written in a.d. 2 by the Roman poet Ovid.

Ovid is considered by some within pickup-artist circles to be a founding father of pickup artistry; the famed pickup artist Neil Strauss also names Ovid in his 2005 memoir The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists as a towering figure in the art of woman seducing. The Ars Amatoria instructs readers that they don’t need to be exceptionally handsome to be successful with women, but being well groomed, wearing clothes that fit, and generally behaving in charming ways can be helpful; it also contains passages that would seem to endorse ignoring women’s subtle hints that they don’t want to be approached and kissing and touching women without an invitation (even when they’re resisting). It also instructs the man who’s been rebuffed to “press on and eventually you’ll get what you want,” and perhaps most troubling to scholars—and held most dear by some pickup artists—is Ovid’s quip that “what [women] like to give, they love to be robbed of.”

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Re: Masculinities of the far right

Postby American Dream » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:46 am

Brendan O’Connor, October 16

Boys to Men
With the GOP stamp of approval, the Proud Boys go mainstream

The Proud Boys have become a militant wing of the Republican Party.

Scuffles and beatings followed, as they do wherever the Proud Boys go: a dozen members of the proto-fascist gang stomped demonstrators who’d been caught in the open, apparently with impunity.“Do you feel brave now, faggot?” one yelled, according to Sandi Bachom and Shay Horse, a documentary filmmaker and photojournalist who witnessed the attack. Bachom’s footageshows one assailant screaming “Faggot!” as he kicks someone curled up on the ground; other video obtained by Gothamistincludes a Proud Boy bragging,“Dude, I had one of their fucking heads, and I was just fucking smashing it in the pavement!” “That son of a bitch!” he continues.“He was a fucking foreigner.” One of his friends yelled the Proud Boys slogan: “Fuck around, find out!” In an email to the Huffington Post, McInnes celebrated his compatriots, writing that one of their victims “stole a Proud Boys MAGA hat and was immediately tuned up.” Echoing his acolyte’s words, he added:“Fuck around and find out.”

Throughout all of this, the NYPD declined to arrest a single one of the violent reactionaries roaming the city’s streets; they did find time, however, to arrest three anti-racist protesters. “I have a lot of support in the NYPD and I very much appreciate that, the boys in blue,” McInnes claimed in a podcast released over the weekend. (On Monday, chair of the New York City Council’s Public Safety Committee Donovan Richards described the NYPD’s response, and specifically that of the Strategic Response Unit tasked with keeping the peace, as “inept, incompetent, and derelict in their duties.”) The police have since released photographs of three persons of interest—all of whom were immediately doxxed and identified as Proud Boy affiliates by antifascists—and announced that they intend to arrest twelve people altogether, including nine Proud Boys.

New York Republicans, meanwhile, are doubling down on their decision to welcome McInnes into the fold.“We want to foster civil discussion, but never endorse violence,” Metropolitan Club officials said in a statement on Sunday night. “Gavin’s talk on Friday night, while at times was politically incorrect and a bit edgy, was certainly not inciting violence.” It bears repeating: McInnes was invited to the state party’s headquarters in New York City to celebrate the televised murder of an ideological enemy.

For all the scorn heaped on the Proud Boys by the leading lights of the white nationalist movement, they appear to be doing what people like Andrew Anglin, Richard Spencer, and Matthew Heimbach could not: creeping closer to formal, state power in the form of a political alliance with the GOP. They receive sympathetic media coverage from Fox News while actively recruiting new members not only from the alt-right, but from racist skinhead scenes across the country. A violently reactionary subculture that, left to its own devices, had in recent years remained relatively self-contained, racist skinheads (“boneheads” to leftist skins) under the leadership of charismatic demagogues like McInnes on the East Coast and Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer on the West Coast are now spilling into the streets of America’s most liberal urban centers.

They now make their proto-fascist appeal in the language of patriotic individualism: pro-America, pro-capitalism, and pro-Trump.

The Proud Boys have been courting members of New York City’s skinhead scene for a long time; McInnes himself has a white power tattoo associated with the neo-Nazi punk band Skrewdriver, whose merch he has been photographedwearing, and it’s no accident that the Proud Boys chosen uniform features black and yellow Fred Perry shirts—a favored skinhead brand. At least three of those who participated in Friday’s gang assault in New York are affiliated with racist skinhead crews, long known to local anti-fascist and anti-racist organizers: Dennis Davila and Joe Bola are members of the 211 Bootboys, a far-right skinhead gang based mostly in New York City, while Irvin “Irv” Antillon is a member of Battalion 49, a predominantly Latino neo-Nazi skinhead gang. Early last year, McInnes defended 211 after some of its members attacked two brothers on the Lower East Side when they noticed an antifa sticker on one of their phones. In August 2017, Antillon was photographed wearing body armor—and Proud Boy insignia—at Charlottesville’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally.

Bound together by violent misogyny and ultranationalism, these groups stand for nothing resembling a conventional political program or platform—but that does not mean they are apolitical. Pragmatically sidestepping the question of race, they now make their proto-fascist appeal in the language of patriotic individualism: pro-America, pro-capitalism, and pro-Trump. (Its effectiveness should not be understated: for years, antifascists in New York City’s soccer supporter scene have been working to alienate Antillon, a frequent attendee of New York City Football Club matches at Yankee Stadium, from friends and fellow fans who don’t have Nazi tattoos—with little success.) Around the country, the Proud Boys have replicated this strategy, appealing primarily to people’s class interests—as small business owners, for example, or as the children of families who fled socialist revolutions—as well as traditionalist gender politics, temporarily deferring the white nationalist project in the interest of swelling their ranks. As it happens, this is the strategy that has also allowed them entry into the Republican mainstream.
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