What Twitter Erases From Existence

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What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:37 pm

Twitter Archive

Dumping all my copy-and-pasted 2,996 tweets here. I doubt anyone wants to read some asshole's tweets, but if I don't post them here then they literally don't exist online anymore. Maybe you're curious about what Twitter thinks is so unacceptable that the person's entire social media history must be purged. You won't see the memes, gifs, emoticons, and photos. (I can't either, anymore. Those things are gone forever, unless Twitter ever miraculously unsuspended me.) You can't see the tweets I'm replying to. So a lot of these are orphaned from their context. Beware of sarcasm. Enjoy the documentation of what gets memory holed. My advice? SAVE EVERYTHING. (Print it all, if you can, because what if computers all crap out.) Imagine a tech giant lackey knocking on your door with a warrant to take some of your diaries and photo albums to the incinerator. Might as well be. Here goes the last five years:

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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I won't be the only one who doesn't care anymore. You live and think in a fucking bubble, so maybe you don't realize how many normal people won't really give a shit if the right wing exterminates commies like you. We'll just go about our day, as if nothing's happening. Remember.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Wrong about exactly what, you deluded cunt? Next post from you is substantive or you're blocked.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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The closeted gay kid in his family's fundamentalist church must be wrong if all those people disagree with him so strongly. /s

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Blocked. Try to prove that your cult is substantively right, people. You can't, but try.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Took a while because your cult is swarming my notifications again. Now I'm caught up.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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He almost certainly told them "Thank you" in person, you dumb fucking prick.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Drove me to APATHY about violence against YOU.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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He was a genius. Doesn't mean I like him. Doesn't mean I agree with him about everything. Doesn't mean I can't acknowledge his little hypocrisies. But however much I disagree with him or recognize his faults, he's still worth more than several million of you combined.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Not unless you annoy me. So far, nope.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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I "can't hang", lmfao. Good note to end on. So long, fuckface.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Nope, you haven't exhausted my patience. But he has. Bye, asshole!

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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YES, imagine being a Jew in 1939. If all those people are angry at you, you must be doing something wrong. /s

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Bullshit. They were just his immediate family and they chose to do him a few favors. Do you fucking morons think that's somehow not normal?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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They weren't, though. They were right for the wrong reasons, but they still right about Communists being despicable pieces of shit. See, lady, when two evil fucks call each other evil, they're both necessarily right.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
I'm actually more like the antithesis of a Nazi, you shit-for-brains.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
You assholes ARE worse than me. You've STOPPED THINKING. You are a fucking CULT, just as fascist as them. Your groupthink is destined to RAPE OUR RIGHTS. Do I "wish" for war? Nope, I just DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE. Go ahead and die, you vicious delusional imbeciles, be my guest.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
See everyone, unless you answer the survey Correctly, you're not one of the Good People. And don't even think of playing the dangerous, irresponsible game of Disagreeing. Not a cult, though, not a cult!

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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What? Are you now mocking the concept of asking for evidence and reasoning? And you don't think you guys are a cloistered little fucking cult, lol?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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I arrived at this political no man's land by rejecting lots of ideologies. Try it sometime, if you're still capable of doubting your dogma. If you need to preserve your identity by calling that an adolescent thing, fine. I don't think brainwashing is a sign of adulthood, though.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Anyway, it's not just any one position, it's an elaborate fucking program of positions. And once your woke mob decides to think the same way, there's no slowing down or second-guessing allowed. YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS THEM.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
The Nazis weren't completely-wrong, actually. They were right about hating Communists, at least. And you woke cultists are right about some stuff, too. Like hating Nazis. You're partly-right about many things. But, alas, cults don't allow for anything but being absolutely right.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Being against groupthink is itself groupthink? There are many heads-we-win-tails-[YOU]-lose progressive double-binds, but that's a really special one. Thank you for the specimen.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Who the fuck said any of that? I ain't no genius but I'm at least unstupid enough to step out of a mob of groupthinkers and go "Wait, what the fuck?" You weren't that unstupid, no. The hivemind makes you stupid. You still can't deny that the answers to that survey are ~identical.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to

It is the absolute fucking essence of what you all were arguing. You cannot honestly deny it. Try. Explain to me in a nutshell, "again", why your destructive criticism of Thoreau doesn't amount to AYYPIS, "And Yet You Participate In Society", this will be interesting.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Yeah, he really does, though. It's a creepy physical resemblance. I am not a Thoreau stan. Try again.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Do you think I'm a Thoreau fanboy?

You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
You self-defeating retards are criticizing Thoreau for... [drumroll] ...*slightly* PARTICIPATING IN SOCIETY, lmao. Do you not get how monumentally, hilariously, painfully stupid that is? YES: Your cult demolishes him as an exploitative fraud...for accepting sandwiches. FOOLS.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
You self-defeating retards are criticizing Thoreau for... [drumroll] ...*slightly* PARTICIPATING IN SOCIETY, lmao. Do you not get how monumentally, hilariously, painfully stupid that is? YES: Your cult demolishes him as an exploitative fraud...for accepting sandwiches. FOOLS.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
That sassy tone won't let you escape the fact that the answers to the survey reveal you're a genuine fucking hivemind. You all must not need to use much brainpower because your brains are coasting on a consensus program. Like I said, that NPC meme is pretty much on point, lmfao.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
You realize I merely said I won't give a shit, right? Is apathy speech a hate crime now? Must I keep caring about saving you from destroying yourselves? Yes, I must, because you'll wreck everything in the process. But if you're herded into nitrogen chambers by wingers? Meh.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Nah, if your deluded political cult does get its way and legitimately threatens to overturn fundamental rights like free speech and religion and due process, then at most I'll be an unarmed paperpushing auxiliary for the nuts who think guns are one of those rights, too.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
I mean, you gotta admit the NPC meme is generally spot-on. If right wingers weren't such brainless fiends and if the left wing didn't have cultural hegemony, there'd already be a hilarious NPC movie that fucking nails you, figuratively.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
You do understand the rest of us can hear you, right? You know damn well what the answers would be for that little survey: Same, same, same, etc. The more righteous, the less difference. Near the top of the "Conversational" hierarchy, you might as well be fucking clones, lol.


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Yeah, I'm sure Thoreau would be just fucking thrilled that we're on a crash course for a civil war that the right wing will win. I could be wrong, about some shit. For sure. Many times during that thread swarm I wondered, "Am I wrong here?" Answers: Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Uh huh. What do you all think about gun control? What do you all think about transitioning kids? What do you all think about borders? What do you all think about free speech? What do you all think about abortion? What do you all think about Islam? What do you all think?


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
And then I remembered that if you all had your way we'd be living in a psychotic dystopia, too. Your mob mentality is SCARY. Do you fucking fools not realize that? YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS THE OTHERS. If it winds up being you all euthanizing literal Nazis, I wouldn't care, either.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Motherfucker, I know I'm right about Thoreau. Your woke cult is mostly not. Yes, I got mad. No tears, but my eyes watered up about something else and along the way I envisioned far right psychos literally crucifying y'all along I-95 and I watered up again, thinking, "You FOOLS."

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Just dawned on me that I got spammed with an "And yet you participate in society" meme by someone who criticizes Thoreau for accepting sandwiches from his sister, lmfao.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
I've always wanted this country to avoid civil war. But after just a quick hit of woke mob mentality, I've lost all hope of avoiding war. The left is going to drive the right to start a civil war, which the right will win, and many progressives will die, and I no longer care.


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 3 others
Mm-hmm. Too bad none of you did, though. And...MUTE.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 3 others
Y'all are hopeless. Bye!

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 3 others
Auntie didn't need to block me. Could've just muted me or the thread, or replied even once. I won't block anyone. I tried responding to every reply to me at first, but being swarmed by a shallow hivemind is just not my idea of a good time. So in a few seconds I'm muting this.


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 2 others
Nah, you didn't though. I'm done with this thread. The constant notifications from this mob of deluded cunts is fucking annoying.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 2 others
Yeah, the cleaner clothes and the occasional sandwiches and the dusting really saved his life.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Yeah, that's a real healthy meme. Anytime a male you disagree with has anything substantive to say, just pretend he's the intrusive sea lion. That way you can block out all challenges to your worldview and live in a perfect orthodox progressive bubble. Very health. Much unsexist.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Or it may be that the dad and brother just want to have an excuse to visit the female thinker in the middle of her relative-solitude experiment. Maybe they just missed her. You remember what family is like, yeah? Or have you been conditioned to see the world through Marx goggles?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Forget your meme. Think of this: A female thinker is helped by her dad and brother, who do some chores for her because they realize she's special and they want to help her accomplish her goals. Years later, MRA types cite that help to invalidate her. How do you feel about it all?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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What? How does that meme relate to what I said?

You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Did you know Thoreau? No. You have no idea if he appreciated the shit out of his mom and sis. You assume he didn't. You assume they weren't proud to help their genius son and brother. What if it was the most important thing ever to them, and now you're destroying THEIR legacy?


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
But the issue's whether Thoreau *in the text* presented himself as being totally isolated in the wilderness (nope that's a misconception, blame "fans" who don't read him) and whether he appreciated his mother and sister (we have no idea, no historical context can "dictate" that).

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Did you know Thoreau? No. You have no idea if he appreciated the shit out of his mom and sis. You assume he didn't. You assume they weren't proud to help their genius son and brother. What if it was the most important thing ever to them, and now you're destroying THEIR legacy?


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Many transgender people are incapable of handling ruthlessly honest criticism. You are not one of them. Kudos.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 4 others
I'm not suggesting that, say, Connecticut's unconstitutional law against ridicule would justify a revolution. America is blessed with a mechanism, the Supreme Court, which protects rights like free speech. Citizens have a duty to let the mechanism work. But if it fails: Revolt.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 3 others
Do you not understand the difference between these two scenarios? 1. People hear what they define as an unkind thing and choose to let it bother their feelings. 2. People are literally coerced under threat of ARREST and PRISON from saying what others define as an unkind thing.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Well, she missed the parts where Thoreau does NOT pretend to be completely isolated in the wilderness. Was she just blinded by being too eager to join the pile-on of new "woke" conventional wisdom about Thoreau?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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Then why did she act like Thoreau pretended to be in the wilderness in complete isolation? Just a willful decision to ignore what she had just finished reading and hop on the mistaken "woke" take bandwagon?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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LMAO. Yes, centralized top-down bureaucratic public monopolies are NOTORIOUSLY efficient and accountable.


Apathy Speech
Oct 28
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and 2 others
Funding, my ass. It would cost almost nothing in today's money to duplicate the exact schooling that produced Shakespeare in the 16th century. What bad public schools lack is expectations. Expectatons are free. Why can't bad public schools afford them?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Samuel Gridley Howe's grave. I think he's the greatest Latin School graduate ever. I know he's the greatest Southie resident ever. Founded the Perkins School for the Blind. Fought for Greek Independence. Hosted John Brown and operated an Underground Railroad stop...in SOUTHIE.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
It's not even unnuanced, it's just misinformed. I don't think she ever actually read Walden? Or if she did, her memory has been supplanted by the new "common wisdom", and she needs to read it again, with the idea in mind this time that she might (definitely) be wrong about him.

Apathy Speech
Oct 28
Replying to
Thoreau never pretended it was the wilderness. He also never pretended complete self-sufficiency. It was an experiment in *relative* isolation. What else were mom and sis doing? Maybe they thought helping him was important. Here you folks are destroying what they served to help.

Apathy Speech
Oct 27
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and 3 others
No one is forcing people insulted by a shitty thing to hide their identity. That's a choice. People are totally free to disregard shitty things they hear. Whereas you want to literally force me to not say shitty things. My right to speak is NOT THEORETICAL, you fucking fascist.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
Replying to
You're in control of what disrespects you or not. You choose to give people the power to affect your sense of respect. If you really know yourself, you won't care about being misidentified. Caring so much? Betrays insecurity. Feeling like you've been wounded by it? Pathological.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 3 others
And yes, all those black traditional Christians, Muslims, and Orthodox Jews who own businesses probably do donate to organizations that support conversion therapy. So, then, progressive lady who hates racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia...when does your purge of them commence?

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 3 others
They gave money to a group that gave money to another group that supports conversion therapy. Big deal. Wanna know how many injustices and atrocities your favorite companies and charities are three degrees of separation from? You may just stop participating in society altogether.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 3 others
"Torture"? If sexuality is fluid per queer theory, then why can't people be persuaded to convert back and forth? Anyway, you mean discomfort. Save the torture language for actual torture. You probably don't think chemically castrating and chestbinding kids is torture, tho, right?

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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What are the downsides?

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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On the one hand, *of course* slavery was not a choice. On the other hand, all slaves who didn't choose the Igbo or Nat Turner option were ultimately making a kind of choice from their extremely limited options.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 3 others
1) Saying shitty things has a negligible effect on the decision of some psycho to murder. 2) Hearing shitty things is not real physical harm. People should be able to withstand bad words. People do not have the right to live unoffended. 3) My freedom is speak is EXTREMELY real.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 4 others
So, I understood perfectly. Not only am I willing to accept some extra hate crime murders if it means being free to use whatever language I want, but I am willing to join a violent revolution as an unarmed auxiliary if that freedom to speak is banned. You must not be an American.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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and 3 others
Yes, it's more important for me to have the right to say "tranny" or "homo" or "dyke" or "there are only two genders" than it is for LGBT people to be safe from a hypothetical environment where saying shitty things slightly increases the odds of some psycho wanting to kill them.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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Would you not also recommend a rotating kind of sortition if the leaderless Lebs for practical purposes wind up needing to choose a representative delegation?

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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And some who have metastatic tumors are blessed with self-healing cleansing mechanisms, like near-absolute free speech, and the empty spaces on all ballots for write-in votes, and the Second Amendment.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
Replying to
Well, duh. So the question is really, has there ever been a society of uncorrupt institutions? I'm going to take a wild guess and say no.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
Also, while those two (white?) students are fucking idiots, it's obvious they were just playing an edgy version of the Penis Game, where you shout taboo words in public. They're not white supremacists, they're probably not even racist. The uproar about campus safety is infantile.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 26
There are progressives in this country who think that a law banning ridicule is constitutional. Almost makes me hope for the civil war those same people will trigger by banning guns.

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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What's unhealthy about American institutions?

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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Which comes first, a civil war that leads to hate speech bans, or hate speech bans that lead to a civil war? Trick question, it'll be gun bans that lead to a civil war which the right wing will dominate and then they will control everything and ban YOUR speech. Good job, liberal!

Apathy Speech
Oct 26
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I'm assuming the US doesn't qualify? I would like to know why.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 2 others
washingtoncitypaper.com/news/article/13010819/finders-keeper… What in the absolute fuck? One day the kids are traumatized at a gruesome goat sacrifice, and then later they're in a van shitting and pissing on the floor. Cops suspect child rape. But it's cool because the chief weirdo is an intelligence asset. Normal!

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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Poly life is a bit more tempting to the masses than gayness. I can easily see more and more normies trying it out of curiosity, then feeling pressure to stick with it against their will (like str8 marriage), not to mention the economic pressures that will reward a poly household.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 2 others
That said, I actually think polyamorous marriage should be just as constitutionally protected as gay marriage. And at a small scale, I can even see some benefits to individual families. I just don't think it's healthy for society. Monogamy isn't just a mean patriarchal invention.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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I agree that if, say, a congressman were outed as poly, then there shouldn't be any consequences. Same for a politician into bondage. Whatever floats your boat. But it'd be a disaster if that became the new societal norm. Grandmas shopping in S&M gear. Families with 32 parents.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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I wouldn't even care if you called me a gamma woman, or an omega hermaphrodite. You're absolutely free to not respect someone who intentionally misgenders you. But if you guys could really handle it, then you wouldn't ever try to get people silenced or fired for it. Insecurity.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 2 others
Poly people are free to get their freak on, but they should also realize that we live in a society of norms *for a reason*, i.e., to fend off total anarchy, and so they should feel obliged as fellow citizens to help publicly preserve the norms they're privately discarding.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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You may know more poly people than I do, but the ones I know aren't shy about their arrangement. They're downright proud to be poly. Their own kids definitely know, whether they're told directly or not. So not only does it need to be a secret, their kids need to think it's weird.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 2 others
And if the DMV calls you "Sir", because 99% of society is comfortably divided into two genders based on simple biology, well, since you know yourself, what does it matter? You're a freak. Own it. Wave your freak flag high. But you shouldn't need other people to wave it for you.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
I ain't mad, dude. I just think it's absurd for supposedly brave gender rebels who supposedly know their true selves to be so dependent on the verbal affirmation of strangers. Why should you care? Here's a little tip: People who really know themselves don't need that "respect".

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Take your best shot. I don't care about pronouns. Not offended if you misidentify me. You'll find that most cis people ultimately feel the same way. What does offend me is coercing people to indulge in someone's dysfunctional fantasy. "Misgender us and we'll fuck your life up."

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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If need be, they can choose that delegation by sortition. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition Have a raffle at every big rally and choose a new random delegation each time.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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I appreciate that, but even merely living as an overt polyamorist is pushing the idea on kids in a sense. Instead of being read abstractions about it in kindergarten, kids will discover their friends' parents are polyamorous, normalizing it by default. So, maybe keep it a secret?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Will there be children's books read to kindergarteners about how it's normal to be polyamorous? Even if parents want monogamy for their kids? At some point, the judging is happening the other direction. The unconventional are judging the conventional as unworthy to set the norms.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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Not just talking, not just a meme. A religion!

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Shucks, I got muted by a fraud.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Weird, I see #5 here.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Why is #5 gone and replaced with "This Tweet is unavailable"? What did it say?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Transitioning kids is a hideous crime, but: Why did several of the Presidio children have chlamydia?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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"I don't have a good answer for that troubling information that threatens my worldview, so I'm going to pretend you're delusional." Interestingly, that's the essence of what abused children often hear when they reveal the truth to family members.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Why did those kids at Presidio have chlamydia?

You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Yes, I know, and that kind of genocidal warfare accounts for no more than about 10% of the natives who were wiped out. About 90% of natives would've been killed just as dead by waves of benign African explorers rowing over to exchange handshakes and housewarming gifts.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Of course there is *something* weak about kindness and compassion we're all suckers for, like the temptation to mask ulterior interests as a quest to be kinder, to hop on the high horse of being the authority on compassion, to malign an opponent's realistic assessment as unkind.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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I wonder what would happen if the supply of psych meds suddenly dried up. Would all these people in a self-fulfilling (and other-fulfilling) prophecy start to crack up? Kind of like in The Machine Stops by Forster.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Transitioning children is a deranged abomination, but: Explain how several of the Presidio children got chlamydia. I think you'll find a much closer correlation between those who deny satanic ritual abuse and those who think chemically castrating kids is okay.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Both are fairly accurate. There are some black people who sound just like this. There are some Asian people who have stereotypical Asian accents. We should all be free to mimic one another. If it's a good imitation, it means we're actually listening.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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I expect transgender people to be just as capable of handling ruthlessly honest criticism as any other human beings. I do not accept the either patronizing or aggrandizing notion that transgender people either require or deserve extra sensitivity.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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9/10, lol? I'll grant some transwomen pass, even upon close (but not too close!) inspection. Some others can pass a peripheral scan. Most, though? Uh, no. You shall not pass. Adopting cultural stereotypes doesn't make you a man or a woman. Being born with or without balls does.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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Eurasians and Africans shared a lot of immunities because of persistent commerce across the Mediterranean and Muslim conquests. Nevertheless, Europeans did introduce many devastating diseases to Africa. Black Death came from outside Europe. No African pandemics in Europe? Luck.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Same death rate would cause same fatal breakdown if transported by well-intentioned* Africans. Native Americans were isolated, did not have the same immunities as Euro-Afro-Asians. *Hypothetical, of course. Africans enslaved and exterminated each other forever, too. Only human.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Look it up: Smallpox blanket happened once. Well after most of the natives were already dead from mere contact. It's not like the megadeaths only happened to occur after colonizers catapulted the corpses of smallpox victims into native villages, like the Mongols and Black Plaque.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Yes, I know, and that kind of genocidal warfare accounts for no more than about 10% of the natives who were wiped out. About 90% of natives would've been killed just as dead by waves of benign African explorers rowing over to exchange handshakes and housewarming gifts.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Gonna put these tweets of mine in a mailbag, Mr. Harriot? Probably not. But, surprise us.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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Smallpox, specifically. It had already spread throughout Africa from the Arabs via Ethiopia centuries before European colonizers arrived. I seem to remember reading somewhere about an enslaved person named Onesimus who knew an African cure for smallpox...
Quote Tweet

· Sep 21
Cotton started asking other enslaved Africans about this, and found out that Wes Africans had been doing this for years. When someone got sick from smallpox, they take the puss from one of the sores and inject it under their skin, thus inoculating themselves
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Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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That happened one time. It probably didn't even work. Sad truth is, even if European colonizers had just been friendly tourists, those germs would've killed around 90% of natives. Same damn thing would've happened if any benevolent transatlantic African explorers got here first.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Which fact? That around 90% of natives here died from germs, not direct human slaughter? That's a "racist" and "right wing" fact now? First google result I got for "germs killed indians" is: pbs.org/gunsgermssteel/variables/smallpox.html… Wouldn't innocent African explorers have brought germs, too?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Now wait a sec, substantively he's not all that wrong. Men did some direct killing, for sure. But whether it was farm animals or the white people themselves, what killed around 90% of native Americans were the germs. Explorers from Africa would've brought deadly germs, too, no?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
If Brits are still worth shit, then a group of pesky Oxford students will complain that jazz hands is a trigger, forcing everyone to be both silent and motionless, at which point another group will insist that motionless silence is a trigger. Double-bind your way out of the trap.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
No. Your opinion of me, as a stranger, has no bearing on my self-worth. I am confident in who I am. I do not need your affirmation. How is it that you fearless gender rebels are so pathologically insecure?

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
No. I wouldn't give a shit. It's not that important. I'm not pathologically insecure. My ego isn't dependent on the affirmation of strangers.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 2 others
He doesn't really look like a chick. If I were a woman at a rape crisis center and he tried to trespass, I'd kick him in the balls and call the police.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
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and 4 others
Nah, who cares. It's completely arbitrary. Being a certain complexion or having certain genitals is just an accident of birth. Not an accomplishment. Nothing to be proud of. But I'll be damned if anyone tries to make me *ashamed* to be a pale male. Fuck that racist sexist noise.

Apathy Speech
Oct 25
Replying to
Right, I know. I'm terrible at math. Feels like voodoo to me. That's why I love "edge case" thinking, because it simplifies.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Or was it the realization that by protesting businesses run by Muslim immigrants into oblivion you'd be economically forcing those Muslims to flee the country, essentially Sending Them Back?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Wait, why did you delete that tweet? "You're right, leave it to the protestors" wasn't the reasonable comeback you thought it was? Did the image of forcing an Orthodox Jew's business to close down dawn on you as something the intolerant bigots you hate would do?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
It's not about the polyamory. It's about the Power Imbalance. The male Republican politician would be destroyed by woke Twitter as a privileged misogynist, maligned in the media as a predatory sexual harasser, and investigated by Democrats for ethics violations.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
So you and your antifascist friends are going to protest outside a BBQ joint run by a black Baptist who doesn't condone gay sex? A big mob of you outside a convenience store jeering its Muslim owners? You'll line up outside an Orthodox Jew's deli and denounce it until it closes?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
The "edge case" of each cup containing only one teaspoon of liquid proves you wrong, but I still can't help thinking you're right. 100 units tea, 100 units milk 100 tea + 2 milk 100 milk - 2 milk 102 tea is 1.96% milk 98 milk + 2 units of 1.96% milk ...how is that the same?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
I seriously doubt Cernovich is genuinely aghast. He probably really wants to give the husband a high five. What this is actually about, is progressive Democrat hypocrisy. If it were a Republican male politician, he would be MeToo'd into oblivion.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Driver: Hey humanity, you ready for the long ride? Buckle up! Humanity: *click* Driver: So, how have things been since CRISPR removed all your genes for manic depression? Humanity: Good. Driver: Okay. Humanity: Yeah. Driver: Cool. *308,626,921,417 hours of boring chatter*

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Yes, it's perfectly tolerant to ban companies owned by religious people with traditional beliefs about homosexuality. We must defeat bigotry by exterminating all businesses owned by Muslims, Orthodox Jews, and most black Christians. (Remember when progressives weren't fascists?)

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
They don't discriminate against gay employees or customers. The owners just donate to religious organizations. You gonna stand up to black traditional Christian businessowners, too? You gonna not let in companies owned by Muslims? You gonna shut down delis owned by Orthodox Jews?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Are you also going to be boycotting businesses owned by Orthodox Jews, restaurants owned by black traditional Christians, convenience stores owned by Muslims? You have the perfect right to do it, to force them to go bankrupt and close. But I suspect you won't. Hmm. I wonder why.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Would you also like to see crowds of Bostonians reject businesses owned by Muslims? Do you call what they sell at convenience stores "hate candy"? Do you want to ban the "hate barbecue" of black traditional Christian restaurateurs, and the "hate pastrami" of Jewish deli owners?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 2 others
Do you wanna ban Muslims who own restaurants, too? Do you wanna keep out companies owned by black traditional Christians, too? Do you wanna force Orthodox Jewish businessowners to close, too? Do you think they're all homophobic assholes, too? Do you not get you're a fascist, too?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 5 others
Do you feel the same way about the charitable donations of the umpteen thousand black traditional Christians who own restaurants and Muslims who own convenience stores and Orthodox Jews who own delis? Are you going to run them all out of town, too? Fuck those motherfuckers, too?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
Thank god you're not a Russian or an Australian or a Republican, or else you'd want yourself prosecuted as a national security threat.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 2 others
Admit it, you're mostly just jealous your side didn't think of it first. Like if Obama had ordered all federally-controlled waiting rooms to choose something other than Fox propaganda as a default TV station. You'd have thought that was a boss move.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 3 others

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 3 others

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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This is more the motto of someone with stereoscopic politics who attacks both right wing and left wing ideologies, and less the motto of an inerrant orthodox progressive or conservative.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Every goodthinking progressive about to protest Chick-fil-A in Boston should take a break, relax, think this over for a while, see if there's a problem with their thinking. (Spoiler alert: Yes, there's a problem.)
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Apathy Speech
· Oct 24
Replying to @ChandlerPablo @TheOneTrueGKS and 5 others
You want to exterminate all businesses owned by traditional Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
A thread where I pwn someone. If this is trolling then, not only is it fun, but it serves a useful function for society. It's for the greater good! It should be encouraged. If there are people with a fetish for cleaning up dogshit left on the sidewalk, let them have their fun.
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Apathy Speech
· Oct 23
Replying to @TheOneTrueGKS @TrillZappy and 3 others
Eat local! (Except for any black-owned restaurants run by traditional Christians. Gotta chase them out of town, too. You also have to ban Muslim proprietors. Can't let Orthodox Jews set up shop, either. So many public enemies to remember! Man, religious tests are hard work.


Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
Here's what you seem: "I'm essentially banning Jews and Muslims and traditional black Christians from owning a business...look at how progressive I am!" "Let's congratulate ourselves for being virtuous antifascists as we impose a collective punishment on religious minorities! "

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
I don't just disagree, you self-defeating clown. I recoil in horror. YOU ARE A FUCKING FASCIST. Have fun bankrupting Jewish business owners, forcing immigrant Muslim business owners to migrate back home. All as you call Trump an antisemite and condemn his Muslim ban. Hypocrite.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
Again, the issue is not treating customers and employees the same. Chick-fil-A already does that. You're trying to shut down a business just because its owners donate to a traditional religious organization. Again, you will be shutting down countless Baptists, Muslims, and Jews.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
Ah, the greater good. That'll be your noble excuse for boarding up all barbecues owned by black Christians, for banning Muslims from owning convenience stores, for boycotting Jewish delis into oblivion. How progressive! How un-fascist!

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
Not one of those laws is "You're prohibited from thinking that homosexuality is bad" or "You can't donate to private charities with old-fashioned ideas"; but there IS a law you're missing called the 1st Amendment that guarantees the right of free association and religious belief.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 5 others
You want to exterminate all businesses owned by traditional Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
This isn't about discrimination law. Chick-fil-A hires gay people, sells chicken to gay people. No. You want a mayor to deny permission for a business to exist because the owners have different religious beliefs and donate to a badthinking charity. You're an intolerant fascist.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
Replying to
It's a failure of the imagination to think that worker-owned businesses could not wind up just as monopolistic, centralized, profit-obsessed, antisocial, undemocratic. Walmart or Exxon but structured like Mondragon. (Nevermind the super-monopoly of state-owned business, jesus.)

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 2 others
It's the worst, when you realize your comrades' vision for upending tradition and winning control will ignore you and the vehicle of progress will programmatically drive over your own rights and needs, too. You're not in the playbook. Banned from the safe space. Off to the gulag.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 2 others
In the faux Vox explainer, you should anticipate the author himself (or most likely herself) oh-so-cleverly anticipating a nasty right wing parody that he/she doesn't think will be funny at all whatsoever but the imagined quotes are all obliviously, obviously funny-because-true.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 2 others

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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Write it. Before they do. Also write the inevitable Vox explainer. Show how predictable they are. Throw some Titania McGrath-ness in there.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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In a perfect socialist utopia, how does Bethesda work? Who pays them, based on what?

Apathy Speech
Oct 24
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and 4 others
The point is obvious, you oblivious fool: YOU'RE AN INTOLERANT BIGOT. You would create an America where religious people can't make a living or express themselves. You're a FASCIST CONTROL FREAK. You are exactly the kind of person you want to ban. So, do it. Ban yourself. LEAVE.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 2 others
Well, to normal people it is.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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"...society has so limited life that the expression of his manhood is reduced to the ability to defend himself physically. No wonder it appears logical to him to strike out, resorting to violence against oppression." Bullshit. HOW DO MOST POOR PEOPLE MANAGE NOT TO BE VIOLENT?

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 2 others
Wow, blocked by Popehat. I feel honored.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
and 3 others
Eat local! (Except for any black-owned restaurants run by traditional Christians. Gotta chase them out of town, too. You also have to ban Muslim proprietors. Can't let Orthodox Jews set up shop, either. So many public enemies to remember! Man, religious tests are hard work.


Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 4 others
Guess how many black-owned small businesses are owned by Christians who don't approve of homosexuality and who donate profits to traditional Christian organizations. You gonna boycott all them too? How about Muslim-owned restaurants? How about orthodox Jewish doctors? Or, relax.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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Three fixes: 1) Multiply the seats in Congress by about 10. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_Apportionment_Amendment… 2) Sortition. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition 3) Body cameras record everything while on duty. No exceptions, even for national security, though some footage could be withheld from the public. Tada!

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
"Humour is often highly conservative", as Stock admits. Incongruity is funny. Congruity is only possible with norms. Women in beards are auto-funny, too. But your idea of stable hierarchy is off. A choir of black kids in whiteface mocking wypipo now elicits the most belly laughs.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
Nope. First, the DC police are ultimately controlled by Congress, not the president. Second, think about it: If the president were high on bath salts, roaming the streets naked, shitting on car hoods and trying to eat people, the cops have the right and the duty to detain him.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 3 others
No, he's not dumb. He's just a little fascist piece of shit who thinks he's qualified to determine for others what has social value. It's not his fault, he's just a byproduct of a skewed system and a long spiral of contingencies. But that's no reason to befriend the motherfucker.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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No. Relax. He'd be arrested on the spot and then held in prison indefinitely pending swift impeachment by the House and swift conviction by the Senate (yes, even this Senate) after which he'd be prosecuted like normal.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Cows and pigs should not be allowed to vote on human politics, of course, lol. But they absolutely should have the right to vote on whether or not they get murdered and eaten. Every sentient being deserves that say. If we must kill, say, mice to survive? That's war, self defense.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 23
We don't let cows or pigs vote. They aren't nearly smart enough. They can't pencil in bubbles using a hoof. But their answer, shrieks and visible panic, to the question "Do you want to be killed and eaten?" is simple enough for humans to comprehend as a "Strongly oppose!", right?

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Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 2 others
Every feminist trans ally should take a break and think this over for a while and try to reconcile this.
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Leonydus Johnson
· Oct 23
Feminists: Gender roles must be dismantled! Stop telling little girls that things like dolls, the color pink, cooking and cleaning toys, and dressing like princesses is for girls! *7-year old boy likes Frozen* Feminists: Omg! He's really a girl!

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
Perfect point. Sweeps the leg. Perfectly reveals their absurd hypocrisy. Perfect tweet. Will bookmark it on my phone. They should all have to think this one over for a while.

You Retweeted

Leonydus Johnson
Oct 23
Feminists: Gender roles must be dismantled! Stop telling little girls that things like dolls, the color pink, cooking and cleaning toys, and dressing like princesses is for girls! *7-year old boy likes Frozen* Feminists: Omg! He's really a girl!

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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and 2 others
Why are you still friends with Marantz? I'm generally against excommunicating people over politics, but this isn't about politics, this is about a principle and about what willfully discarding that principle reveals about a dude's character. Why is Marantz worth your friendship?

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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How many gay wedding cakes have you forced Muslim bakers to make?

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
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Chemically castrating a confused 11-year-old boy is so much more normal and acceptable.


Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
You're dreaming if you think normal people were less willing to accept gayness a generation ago than they're willing to accept radical trans rules today, and you're in for an extremely rude awakening. Please slow the fuck down before a literal Nazi is elected.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
No, you won't. You'll just wind up driving normal people into the arms of a reactionary campaign that makes Trumpism look moderate. Men in rape centers, 10-year-olds in makeup twerking, puberty blockers for ROGD...as the alt-right says: "And then one day, for no reason at all..."

Apathy Speech
Oct 23
Replying to
Well, you see, some "problems" aren't really problems and some solutions to those problems are very bad. Like when IBM helped the Nazis with their Final Solution to the "Jewish problem"...that was a problem worth hating, a "push forward" worth resisting.

Apathy Speech
Oct 22
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You two should please absolutely do a sketch show, if that's what Netflix wants instead.

Apathy Speech
Oct 22
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Kind of a humblebrag, no? I mean, you're probably still in the top 0.0xyz% of people in the history of the world in terms of being able to list off as many individual Iliad Greeks as possible, right?

Apathy Speech
Oct 22
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Apathy Speech
Oct 21
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Hilarious that this new Red Scare is being conducted by pinkos, lol. At a time when progressives dominate cultural institutions so thoroughly it gives Gramsci's ghost an orgasm. The new Red Scare = being scared that Americans aren't red enough.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
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and 2 others
75 years ago a consensus of doctors might've recommended a lobotomy for that kid. Doctors can be completely wrong.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
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LMFAO It's all HORSESHIT. Every single thing.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
Replying to
Nah, the Jews were blameless. The point is, if trans activists insist on shit like puberty blockers, twerking boys in makeup, drag queen storytime, letting strange men into bathrooms with girls and rape centers with vulnerable women, there'll be a SEVERE reactionary backlash.


Apathy Speech
Oct 21
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and 2 others
But we're avoiding the main issue: WHEN HAS Q EVER BEEN RIGHT? Answer: NEVER. Because Q is a disinfo operation.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
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You realize over half that bullshit is stupid fiction about aliens, right? There's no evidence. Meanwhile, Clinton definitely flew on Epstein's jet and Tony Podesta definitely collects child snuff paintings. If people associate those facts with alien idiocy, it all gets spoiled.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
Replying to
You have no problem with that "amazing" graphic? You're hopelessly stupid, then. There are evil bastards worshipping the devil, raping children, probably eating babies, and they must LOVE how people like you contaminate the quest for truth and justice with deranged idiot fantasy.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
Replying to
What does "thoroughly" mean? Does it mean ignoring that Q bullshit predictions haven't come true? Hillary isn't detained. Podesta isn't indicted. No riots. Is there a single useful thing Q has ever posted? Nope. It's a larp/psyop. Anyone who believes it is a fool. Don't be fools.

Apathy Speech
Oct 21
Replying to
I don't care if that guy is a retired 802-star general in charge of the whole universe who wears a uniform that's 3% cotton and 97% medals and ribbons: This is idiotic.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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The media mostly ignores Q? Thank christ! Unfortunately, that also means the media is ignoring all of what's true about Pizzagate, Franklin, and the 100 other instances you had us list. Because the only time they ever do cover any of that, it's to discredit it...as a Q delusion.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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Come on, Mr. Sanger, it's worth more than a shrug. If the masses catch a whiff of the unthinkable evil, can you think of better damage control than making a delusional Nazi shitposter the pied piper spokesman of people who care most about exposing the evil? Rather than, say, you?

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
If you're a secret network of evil ghouls running evil operations and the public accidentally glimpsed that evil would you not flood communications channels with disreputable misinfo? 4chan costs what? Zero. No risk. 2 birds: Discredits, distracts. What does disinfo look like? Q.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
She brang up Q, which, unless there is a shocking precog bullseye I'm missing, is a big fucking LARP. I'd call it useless, but it's qworse than quseless. It actively harms the credibility of anyone seriously investigating elite pedophile rings. PSYOP. Gaslight. Might as well be.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
Look I'll be honest: I WANT that woman to have been assassinated by international pedo-traffickers, because I know those ghouls really exist and that shit really happens and the sooner it's conclusively proved the better. But our standards for circumstantial evidence are too low.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
I just saw the one you just posted. Like I said, the dots are interesting! The murdered DA, and the human trafficker in the pic with Flake and McCain, and Sylvia Earle, and the woman in the photo with Alefantis. But the connecting is poor. As signals, one bar out of five at best.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
Some interesting dots, but her dot-connecting is tenuous and incoherent. The idiocy of the QAnon phenomenon ruins people who might otherwise be rigorous, fruitful conspiracy theorists. Our ghoulish power elite couldn't have invented a better well-poison.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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As the far right jokes, "And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power." It's not a joke, though, unfortunately.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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How do you think Congress should step in? By proposing a repeal of the 1st Amendment? Which committee gets to decide what constitutes intentionally false political advertising?

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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It's not just that God wasn't first. God and Jesus were absent. As if there's a taboo. I guess Unitarians don't want to be unwelcoming to anyone who doesn't believe. In which case, why have a church at all? Even a syncretic pseudo-religion for curious agnostics would mention God.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
She's deluded if she really thinks pre-agricultural life was paradise, but if the teleology of civilization is total extinction from nukes or climate or bioweapons or robots or transhumanists, then yes, the human species would be way, wayyy better off having never been civilized.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Went to a Unitarian service. Decent people. Poignant moments. Matriarchy refreshing. Regrettable hymn selection given the freedom to choose from secular songs. Politics exactly the caricature you'd expect: Climate panic, refugees, abortion, queers. Zero reference to God or Jesus.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
Replying to
Take my word. I shit you not.

Apathy Speech
Oct 20
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I eat mostly processed plant matter and my shit never floats.

Apathy Speech
Oct 19
Replying to
It's one-fifth full.

You Retweeted

Oct 18
#اجا_وقت_نحاسب #صار_الوقت

Apathy Speech
Oct 19
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and 2 others
Narrator: "They were both gross."

Apathy Speech
Oct 19
Walked into the main entrance of Copley Library today for the first time in forever. It's very, very different. It was stepping out of a time machine. I half-expected there to be holograms.

Apathy Speech
Oct 17
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and 2 others
See, what you need to say, to be consistent anyway, is that right wing violence isn't bad because it's violent, it's bad because it's right wing, and left wing violence isn't good because it's non-violent, it's good because it's left wing. "Our violence good, their violence bad."

Apathy Speech
Oct 17
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and 2 others
You're unfamiliar with the history of communist and anarchist violence?

Apathy Speech
Oct 17
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Left wing terrorists like Hodgkinson, Corkins, Van Spronsen don't count. Of course.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
Sounds like it's actually crypto-anthropocidal transhumanist slime Ray Kurzweil's trick.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
So, this must have already been done, but someone should cut half of that out and have 100 random humanities grad students read it and see how much the ones who don't know it's the Unabomber (most of them) rate it on a scale of 0-to-absolutely-fucking-adore-it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
It would've been spectacular if the gas chambers Nazis built had only ever been used to kill those Nazis, if the gulags Communists built had only ever been used to punish those Communists. If you're thinking up an atrocity for an enemy, chances are you're the one who deserves it.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
Holy shit. I always thought he was only right to the extent that he mimicked Ellul. Never actually read the damn thing. He sounds like Taleb with those principles. Just dipped into a couple pages of him dunking on leftists. He's spot-the-fuck-on. He was crazy but he wasn't wrong.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Picture it: A single-file line of Nazis for miles. An equal line of Communists stretching the other way. One of the Nazis volunteers to be guillotined by a Communist. Who then boards a helicopter flown by the next Nazi in line, and gets dropped. That Nazi descends, is beheaded...

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Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Being fake-courteous is just...ugh, fucking intolerable. I can't do it. I marvel at "well-bred" people who know how to stay real in a totally phony tone. Are they the emotional slaves, or is the unfiltered crank the one enslaved? Back to being me, anyway. Go fuck yourselves, lol.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 16
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Jokes about violence. Either both sides get to make them, or neither side gets to make them.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
Violence. Guillotines, milkshakes, punches, lining people up against a wall and shooting them, assassinations, bombs...the far left has proven just as capable of violence over the years. No more or less of a joke than the far right's helicopter memes, etc.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
It needs to be a sudden surge, I see. The far left's own rich history of violence doesn't count, nor do antifa jokes about milkshaking and punching whoever gets defined as a fascist. Convenient!

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
Replying to
Now do guillotine memes.

Apathy Speech
Oct 16
I live in Quincy, which some people have nicknamed "Quasia". And it's true, if you walk down the street, you might mistake it for China sometimes. For blocks, the only other pedestrians are Asian immigrants. Because they tend not to be lazy fat-shit shut-ins who drive everywhere?

You Retweeted

Oct 15
The Russians are a different breed

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 4 others
I have no desire to prove anything about it to you on Twitter, so kindly piss off now.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 2 others
I mean, that dude wasn't even really American, and it wasn't Trump who killed him. There are lots of things Saudi Arabia does that would make me revolt if it were the US. But it's not the US. I'm not Saudi. I'm American. So I don't really, actually, truly give a fuck about him.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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Terrible. Nothing extraordinary, though. Typical government corruption. It would need to be something truly, truly atrocious. On a continental scale. Not even climate negligence, no, before you say it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 4 others

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 4 others
You know what sarcasm is, right? Sometimes it's an effective way to make a point. You say the opposite of what you mean, and it's obvious to most readers who understand what you're really saying. Try it, it's fun.
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:39 pm

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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Well, probably about 90-95% of the people outraged now about the meme did not find the original problematic back then. You too.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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Of all the things that make me scared of Trump, triggering a civil war by restricting gun rights is about dead last. Yes, if he suspended the 1st Amendment and assassinated media figures, or if he literally reinstituted slavery, I would join the furthest extremes of resistance.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 4 others

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Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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Did you object to the scene in the original movie? Did you have any problem with Firth's character heroically mass murdering a church full of people? Was it okay because they were bigots? Would it have been okay for Firth to mass murder a mosque full of Nation of Islam bigots?

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 4 others
Is this all a winking reference to Douglas Adams's eat-me cow? Have I been pranked, lol?

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 2 others
Tell me something. Does it ever occur to you that you might be, just like most people, overreacting and that, just like most people, your virtue is actually a mask for self interest? You're enlightened, self-critical, openminded, right? Are you open to that possibility, chief?

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 3 others
To understand what you are, look up "obnoxious" and "pissant" in the dictionary.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 3 others
Mm-hmm. Go fuck yourself.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 3 others
Sounds like a "happy slave" argument. Pretty fucking sure a sapient cow would still bellow bloody murder if you tried to cut its throat and eat it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 15
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and 2 others
NO ONE CARES, not even the vast majority of blind people. (Did it occur to you that blind people might enjoy having blindness be a reference?) You're just looking for microscopic ways to make yourself feel superior to the rest of society. You are indistinguishable from PARODY.

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Turgut ⚉
Oct 13
Irish man left a funny recording to be played at his funeral and I'm dying

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Do you have a point to make?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 3 others
"Antifascists" are ironically just about as fascist as the fascists they're supposedly the opposite of, yes. Both sides absolutely do suck, yes. Glad you agree. You know you're in a deluded cult when one of the ideas you're forced to assimilate is "Mao was not a Communist", lol.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 2 others
Two diseased hypocrisies do not make a right.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Did you object to the scene in the original movie? Did you have any problem with Firth's character heroically mass murdering a church full of people? Was it okay because they were bigots? Would it have been okay for Firth to mass murder a mosque full of Nation of Islam bigots?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Did you object to the scene in the original movie? Did you have any problem with Firth's character heroically mass murdering a church full of people? Was it okay because they were bigots? Would it have been okay for Firth to mass murder a mosque full of Nation of Islam bigots?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 2 others
Aww, the coward blocked me. He seems to think that it's okay for the left to be hypocrites, but not okay for the right to be hypocrites. Which is a kind of meta-hypocrisy, lol. Anyway, he doesn't like hard questions. I don't blame him. If I were a hypocrite, I'd hate them, too.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Right. Now imagine the MOVIE had depicted a similar event. How would the left feel about that Kingsman scene in a NOI setting? Horrified, appalled? But the victims would all be terrible bigots, too, so what's the difference? Why is the left okay with one group but not the other?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
You mean shows that either get condemned by liberals as Islamophobic or get sanitized with enough pro-Muslim propaganda to balance out the inherent Islamophobia of showing Muslim enemies? I wasn't suggesting Kingsman shouldn't have been made. I'm saying the left are HYPOCRITES.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 2 others
Let's really imagine that scene in a Nation of Islam mosque: A racist, antisemitic, homophobic cult; Firth's character trapped there, has to murder all those bigots; white guy heroically kills a whole religious community of black people, one by one. Is the left happy with that?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Dozens? Name them. I'll start: Homeland, and...and... And it doesn't even matter how many there are because even if they get made, the left still does not tolerate them. Every fictional depiction of Muslim terrorism is Islamophobic. Don't even try to pretend otherwise.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Kind of like how the left doesn't tolerate movies with Muslim terrorist villains anymore? If they were explicitly KKK or Nazi, I'd understand the wish fulfillment. But they were just bigots. Mere bigots don't deserve mass murder. Imagine the scene in...a Nation of Islam mosque.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
I've seen it. I know. The liberals who made and reviewed this movie think that conservative Christians are essentially the same as the KKK and Westboro. This scene was a wish fulfillment for them. The hero gets to kill all the right wing Christians. Zero complaints from liberals.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 3 others
When will you be condemning Facebook for hosting communist propaganda that promotes mass murder?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 3 others
Ahhh, I see, not even Mao was a communist!

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
Yes. The church is supposed to be a fringe hate group, but it's really how the left sees all conservative Christians. The hero of the movie murders them all. The left had absolutely no problem with it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
No, because the scene represents a wish fulfillment for media types who want to see conservative gun-loving Christians to die.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 3 others
We both know it's already happened. Mao mass-murdered landlords. Your edgier comrades today still glowingly approve of that, express a desire to repeat it in America, get riled up. Communism is fundamentally pro-mass-murder if the mass-murder is revolutionary enough. Who, whom.

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
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and 3 others
It's certainly not cool to be friends with Nazis. But I wonder how concerned you are with lonely, angry people targeted by communist propagandists. An online army prepared to mass murder landlords. Concerned, or nah?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
"Why Chicago Charter Teachers Like Me Are Ready to Strike" Because you're communists?

Apathy Speech
Oct 14
Replying to
I'm starting to see why she was fired. Commanding white people to shut up, agree with her, and obey. Bosses and coworkers must have loved that, lol. She's right that hypocrite corporate HR fulfills diversity goals with gay white people. But she herself is a racist hypocrite, too.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
Education predicts average IQ.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
Happenstance. Again, think of a planet of clones wildly diverging over thousands of years. Gigantic gulfs evolve between certain cultures. Zero biology involved.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
Evolved the best culture, inherits the same best culture, the best culture persists. Still no way for you to differentiate.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
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and 3 others
You probably don't want to know what percentage of homicide victims are black in some big cities.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
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and 2 others
The left trusts the FBI again these days, yeah? Even racist cops can't fake or ignore dead bodies. "Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 51.9 percent were Black or African American, 43.5 percent were White, and 3.0 percent were of other races."

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
and 2 others
Determined the only way that can't be juiced by a racist system: By dead victims. About 50% of homicide victims are black. Confirm it using whatever sources you trust. It's unfortunately true.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
The headline seems to suggest that Chappelle's "transphobic" references to her drove her to suicide, which is wrong. Unless she was harassed by trans activists as a traitor for laughing the hardest at Chappelle's jokes.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
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and 2 others
Well, what do you think about the little thought experiments? What's your guess on Kalahari Jew and Ashkenazi San average IQ scores? And no matter how wildly divergent the IQ scores on Planet Clone became, there'd be absolutely 0.00% heritability, right?

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
Ah, damn.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
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and 2 others
If you want to get angry at a woke intellectual, read
, she seems to be their leader.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
If Taleb blocked you, then at least I can bring in Joe Norman as a close substitute. Whaddya say,
, do you think those last two tweets from me are scientifically useful points?

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
If a million human clones who reproduced asexually were widely distributed around an empty earth, after so many hundreds and thousands of years there'd necessarily be some widely divergent cultures and some widely divergent IQ scores. All of the difference literally 0% heritable.

Apathy Speech
Oct 13
Replying to
If all the San babies of the Kalahari were raised as Ashkenazis and educated in Hebrew day schools and all the Jewish babies of New York were raised to be bushmen and received zero formal education, what do you think their respective average IQ scores would be?

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Not a huge problem, no. 99.83% of the population is not homeless. That sounds like a huge success, actually. Certain cities have huge problems in certain areas, and those cities are usually run by, wait for it...progressives. The left doesn't know how to solve it. Makes it worse.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
That's what jobs are for. People can then afford to move out of homeless shelters. It's not easy but it happens all the time. The chronic homeless often have disability checks that could pay for rent but they choose otherwise. There really aren't that many homeless people anyway.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
We do. It's called public housing. The vast majority of homeless people are eligible for it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Or you could live in survive in the wilderness like humans did for hundreds of thousands of years. That's free, too. You want something more than a homeless shelter or the wilderness? Modern domiciles do not grow on trees. You have to pay your bills, with labor, in any system.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
You think people should be able to live somewhere for free? I agree. It's totally possible to create collective living spaces for homeless people which meet the human minimum of providing a cot to sleep on, bathroom facilities, and basic sustenance. Good news: They already exist.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Indirectly died? As a result of eviction? Like, got hit by lightning or a falling tree while sleeping outside? Got murdered by a crazy person at a homeless shelter they wouldn't have ordinarily encountered? Extremely few. How many landlords have communists executed? Millions?

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
But even the tycoons who own blocks of real estate and can afford not to evict people who can't pay. They may be reprehensibly selfish, but you want to literally drag them from their homes and shoot them dead? That's your idea of a just world?

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
What about landlords who have no choice but to evict tenants who don't pay because they need the money to pay their own mortgage so that they themselves aren't evicted? Evil? Deserve to die?

You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Is this official position of Jacobin, that Landlords Must Die? They are pro-executing-landlords? Is there disagreement? Some for mass murdering landlords, some against? Clearly, many comrades are for it. Not just as an intellectual exercise. Communists really have done this.


Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Is this official position of Jacobin, that Landlords Must Die? They are pro-executing-landlords? Is there disagreement? Some for mass murdering landlords, some against? Clearly, many comrades are for it. Not just as an intellectual exercise. Communists really have done this.


Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
And that would make you a murderer, if being in an enlightened cult weren't an alibi. Thank god you're enlightened, so the murder wouldn't count as such. Executing homeowners who rent out space is an excellent way to Own the Tyrants, comrade. Very justice, much wow.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
medium.com/@ptolemy.3/american-corporatism-legal-entity-based-artificial-intelligence-b05306f03e8c#674d… This is fascinating. Feels true. I'm borderline-mathematically-retarded so I cannot understand why this dude
thinks what he thinks about Taleb. But he seems to have something figured out about the world.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
So it's not "male" privilege, it's just privilege. Like how bad driving isn't "female" bad driving, it's just bad driving. You were being sexist, but then you had an epiphany and reconsidered. Proud of you. Now, please go convince your sisterhood of the same. They don't get it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Your comrades in these comments unanimously seem to love the idea of executing all landlords. But I guess landlords aren't innocent. Anyone who rents part of a home in order to pay the mortgage is evil and deserves to die.
Quote Tweet

Mike Gonzalez
· Oct 1
A landlord murdered at the start of the People’s Republic of China. Nothing to celebrate in 70 years of communism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 12
Replying to
Are you not the same people who think innocent landlords should be mass murdered?

Apathy Speech
Oct 11
Twitter tribes often go after the low-hanging fruit. A classroom-sized sample of each tribe should study a collection of the best tweets from the other side. The points each side has no good answer to. All collected and absorbed together without readers hunting for instant dunks.

Apathy Speech
Oct 11
Replying to
We should applaud a woman collating a novel at Starbucks for the drive to make a space of her own from a corporate agora, as well as providing a wonderful example to girls. A man collating a novel at Starbucks should be berated and his work should be destroyed. End privilege now!

Apathy Speech
Oct 10
First time a post of mine has ever been spammed by a bot on Twitter. Interesting. I should add that capitalist ideologues also don't want to confront Google. Neither side will save us from tech tyranny. But the least we can today do is: STOP USING GOOGLE!!! Use another site.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 10
Google is rigging elections. Literal thought control. Progressives don't mind, though. judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Epstein%20Testimony.pdf…

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Oct 9
Replying to
* Footnote: assume 7 continents x 3 major startups per year x 2500 years = 52,500 cults. Survival of 5 changes them from “cult” (fail) to “religion” (win): Christianity, Islam, Confucianism/Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism (in order of size). #Lindy

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
Replying to
White people embarrassed by the white people who swap saliva with dogs:

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
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and 4 others
Animals are worthier of a debate. They're simply ignorant. They never believe misinformation and bullshit theories. They don't pretend to be experts. They're incapable of lying.

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
Replying to
It makes perfect sense to break down gender stereotypes by teaching 3-year-olds about girl brains.

You Retweeted

Oct 9
The Woke NBA Only Cares About Profit

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
Replying to
Good article. Couple typos, though. "Appeasing an autocracy because it’s profitable is as political as acts get" and "Standing up to Beijing’s authoritarianism would be a start" should be "Communist Party autocracy" and "Communist Party authoritarianism", comrades. Be proud!

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
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and 4 others
I mean, literally. An animal, because it knows nothing, is less wrong than he is. He possesses negative knowledge.

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
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and 3 others
He deserves no respect but it wouldn't be a waste of time to debate him. Just be as disrespectful as you want during it. Humiliate him. It will be fun to watch! Then pair it on Twitter with a twin video of you literally explaining the math to a goat. The goat understands more!


Apathy Speech
Oct 9
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Apathy Speech
Oct 9
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and 2 others
My apologies, it's very normal for brave critics of capitalism to advocate murdering all landlords. I used to think my mother was a working class single mom who paid her mortgage by renting out half our home. Now I realize she was evil and deserved to die. Thank you, comrade.

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
Replying to
To deliver a clickworthy headline that woke Twitter folk can use to shame sexist men who have the gall to think the goddess isn't infallible?

Apathy Speech
Oct 9
You'll never guess how communists react to speech they don't like! In order to avert a permanent Twitter ban, I'm now all about love. Love, love, love, love. No more ruthless honesty. I will only disagree with strangers here in the gentlest, kindest, warmest tones imaginable.


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Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
How's this for random: He had already been shot at a year ago. Somebody else already wanted him dead.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
It makes me hope for a miraculous day when the Communists and Nazis somehow figure out a way to all kill each other at the same time without harming anyone else. In the meantime, if the right wing ever takes over and hangs Communists like this from streetlamps I won't mourn much.

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Apathy Speech
Oct 7
The comments under this thread are astounding. Don't let anyone ever tell you the far left isn't as vile and as dangerous as the far right.
Quote Tweet

Mike Gonzalez
· Oct 1
A landlord murdered at the start of the People’s Republic of China. Nothing to celebrate in 70 years of communism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Are you fucking retarded? You cannot handle "Both", and "Both" is a non-binary.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
Replying to
If something is broadly true, a broad brush is the right tool. That said, my apologies, I respect that some commies exist who haven't completely lost their minds.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
Replying to
Not discarding the possibility. Circumstances make it an unlikely but possible scenario. Could also be a street hit unconnected to the cops, like most of the time black men are murdered. There's zero evidence yet to suggest a cop hit, zero justification for declarative certainty.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Yes, comrade, you're totally right. Forgive me, how could I have been so blind. You have all the answers, your worldview is infallible. I should surrender any inconvenient doubts and submit to the group doctrine. There are no gray areas, I must not humanize The Enemy. Hail Marx!

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
The binary is Police Bad versus Police Good. Your brainwashed ass can't tolerate the idea of Police Both.

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South Park
Oct 7
Watch the full episode - cart.mn/sp-2302
article - cart.mn/china

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
You're part-right. Maybe even half-right, about all of it. But your cult reasoning doesn't allow for that. Your side has to be 100% right, about everything, all termed in absolutes. Cult. Good police and bad police both exist. Can your cult programming withstand a non-binary?

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Oh joy, cult propaganda. "No good cops", lol.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Droning some foreigners suspected of terrorism on the other side of the world is very, very, very different from droning conservative Americans on American soil who are fighting for gun rights that the droners themselves also believe in.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
You don't even know what "this shit" is yet. Brown was probably killed over some street beef like 99% of young black men in the city who get shot. You have suspicions that it might be the cops, not totally unreasonable suspicions, but you have zero fucking evidence so far. Relax.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
Replying to
If you take away guns from cops, but civilians are still saturated with guns, especially all the criminals, what do you expect will happen to those cops?

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Moron, I realize there are bad cops. I'm not defending cops. I'm defending the principle of being reasonable and not leaping to certitude like a fucking hivemind.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
Replying to
Well, that's refreshing. Good for you for not being a hypocrite. Seriously. But you still have the issue of unarmed police in a heavily armed country. That won't work. America is different. Do you propose just letting swarms of cops get shot as collateral damage in your plan?

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Also, it's not "like me", because I don't fuck with guns. I'm not a right wing gun zealot. Just a realist who knows they'd win. I don't want a civil war. I'm doing my part now by trying to warn people like you not to trigger one. Because everybody would lose, except the right.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Wow, you really are the kind of drooling shit-for-brains who thinks military personnel would follow orders to drone the side of a civil war they would take.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 3 others
When the issue is life and death, grown folk don't hold back honest feedback because they're afraid of hurting feelings.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
Replying to
Evasive. Cute. I'm going to take that as a yes, you would definitely try to take away guns from the right wing, because you equate "oppressive government" with the right wing. If I'm wrong, simply explain why.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
So, right, you want to take guns away from conservatives. And if you try, they will fucking kill you. And they will control the country like never before. Great plan.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
I'm talking to the left as a whole. Try it. Elect a president who'll try to ban "assault weapons", see what happens.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
Laugh now, imbecile. You won't think it's very funny when it happens.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
I'm gonna take a wild guess that your definition of "white supremacist" encompasses pretty much all conservatives.

Apathy Speech
Oct 7
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and 2 others
You think most military wouldn't take the right wing's side in a civil war, lol? Or that a million citizens armed with rifles couldn't take over the federal land of the White House and Capitol? There are about 5 million NRA members, excluding the real zealots who eschew lists.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
Replying to
Lol, wut?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 4 others
Pretty sure it's a thing. What arrangement do you imagine happening in your fantasy world?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
Replying to
We're talking about the same famine, right? Ukraine, early 1930's? What the fuck do the Nazis have to do with that? "External factors", lol. What kind of depersonalized abstract bullshit is that? People weren't mad about being starved to death and driven to cannibalization? Wut?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
Replying to
Are you high on crack?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 4 others
What universe do you live in? You think any society is so rich that all the parents of young children can just stay at home together not earn a living? While you fantasize about a post-scarcity utopia where robots do all the work or whatever, real people have big choices to make.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 4 others
Simple: Who raises the baby? Strangers? Whoever doesn't raise the baby will be out earning more to make sure the family doesn't starve. While that one is out earning more, the other can tidy up, too. It's one or the other. You want men to be the baby-raisers? Why is that better?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
Nobody is forced to produce or buy trap. Nobody is being forced to possess a gun, either, although that's a bad analogy. People can't keep trap mixtapes they never listen to in their nightstands for protection. Every time trap music is made or a trigger is pulled, it's a CHOICE.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
I'm the one who posted an uninterrupted, coherent stream of challenging, substantive tweets and you're the one who gave up and descended into irrelevant personal nonsense...but you're the rational one? Okay.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
Goddamnit, say something substantive. Please.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
I think maybe it's you who needs to pay more attention. The "woke" Americans who've assumed leadership of the black community divided us into people allowed to notice and criticize something, and people who aren't. Problems are now racial property. No trespassing. "Antiracism"!

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 4 others
What does your common sense tell you about whether it would be beneficial for the black community if the next time every black person in America heard trap they thought to themselves, "Wait, why the fuck do we think this is cool?" and then ditched it. Better off without it or no?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
What does your common sense tell you about how well the trap music industry would do if black people stopped liking it and making it? Would there still be white label executives selling trap music made by white musicians to all white audiences?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
Judging ideological fights is like watching 7-2 offsuit and 8-3 offsuit raise and re-raise each other, and one of them wins a showdown with the high card or a small pair on the river. There's necessarily a victor, but it's still all a bluff. "Contrarians" get to call every hand.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 3 others
It just seems stupid to you. You're not used to people being this real. I'm ruthlessly honest about everyone. You think trap music exists for wypipo to profit off and roleplay to. Partly, yeah. But it really only exists because black people like it and make it. You have agency.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 2 others
90% of black homicide victims are killed by black people, almost always young black men. 15% of the population, 50% of the homicide, as racists like to point out. A way bigger crisis than black people murdered by cops. So, not all black lives matter? Too awkward to notice them?

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
Replying to
No, actually, what cop loyalists always say is, "We need more evidence", right? Even when there's obviously damning video. The vast majority of black homicide victims are killed by black civilians not cops. Black lives don't matter unless they're ended by white people, do they.

Apathy Speech
Oct 6
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and 4 others
No. My argument is that making the burden equal could be achieved by men doing a chore way more than it needs to be done. That would be stupid. So is women doing a chore way more than it needs to be done. They should relax, lower their standards, and spend that spare time better.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
Tell us more.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
Great points except justifying either Communist or Nazi atrocities is equally despicable. Quantitatively the Communists killed more, but that's only because the Nazis were stopped. Thanks largely to the Communists, a tiebreaker. Plus death camps are a bit more qualitatively evil.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
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and 3 others
What is the household burden? Who defines the burden? Most men's standards are low. Men didn't create housekeeping standards. Or if they did, women are free now to lower them. Would it make sense for men to level the burden by mowing the lawn every day? No. Same principle. Relax.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
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and 3 others
Even when you count unpaid domestic labor as work, women overall work a few hours less per week. One dirty little secret is that modern domestic labor is pretty fucking easy. Another is that women impose absurdly high standards on themselves. Dust less, ladies, it won't kill you.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
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and 3 others
Should men be homemakers and women's emotional support pets? How many women didn't like that role, and rebelled? Guess how many men will feel the same way. Almost all of them. Somebody's gotta raise the babies. And not strangers. Nature flipped a coin. Women have tits. You're it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
The Times clearly expects itself to be defined as one of the outlets Authorized to Speak.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Amazing that this essay had to be written. What in the fuck is wrong with our culture? Why is cannibalism being normalized? larrysanger.org/2019/08/against-cannibalism/…

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
About a million black people voted for Trump. That's 100 Howard Universities.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
That's a great essay. I wish you didn't have to write it. What law is a fetus-eating witch literally breaking? A rule about proper medical waste disposal, at worst. Smoking weed in public has harsher legal consequences. Must be at least hundreds if not thousands of fetus-eaters.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
That's definitely gruesome. But I mean, what would ever ethically or morally stop a pro-choice absolutist from consuming an aborted fetus? Nothing. It's just tissue to them, like placenta. If hardcore witches need a transgressive sacrament, why not? There must be some who do it.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
Fanatically pro-choice witches do exist, in case anyone is wondering. For example, here's a normcore coven called "The Wing" which honored Hillary Clinton last year.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
What would philosophically prevent a satanic witch with a NARAL-level absolutist stance on abortion rights from eating an aborted fetus?

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
True, white people can be some twisted fucking ghouls, but you do realize how many humans of color have been cannibals, too, right? Africa, Asia, and pre-Columbus America have had no shortage of cannibalism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
People: "Crime and ignorance is fueled by poverty." Same people: "There is no culture of poverty."

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
No, because that would be gay, and Trump is not gay. You want him to pretend to be gay? Or do you want to ban all genuine compliments about people's appearances?

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
Isn't it a microaggression to deny a black woman with fake hair compliments because it's "not her hair"?

Apathy Speech
Oct 5
Replying to
Over a million people is "many", right?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
What in the hell does that mean? You know what, nevermind.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
I'm familiar with the kind of assholes who get on Gab. Like I said, I browse a Voat forum. I've read 4chan and 8chan before. I've scrolled through the comments of Vox Day and Chateau Heartiste. I see Honkler memes here on Twitter. Not one of them. Doesn't take one to know one.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
No, you cannot own a fucking nuke. If we didn't have a nuclear arsenal, our cities would be piles of glowing dust and molten glass.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
"You assholes"? I am not on Gab, never will be. And I only browse Voat for Pizzagate rumors.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4

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The Babylon Bee
Oct 4
Forgiveness Added To Database Of Racist Gestures

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
You know, actually, the very first two amendments were originally about proportional representation and forbidding reps from raising their own pay. I agree speech and gun rights matter more than what became the 27th Amendment. Article the First might be just as important, though.

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Zaid Jilani
Oct 4
Replying to
I wouldn't say I'm fully non insane

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
Would you happen to live in China? Because the shit you just tweeted is exactly the same shit that people in Hong Kong are rebelling against.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
Are you serious? (I can't tell anymore.) If you are serious, then realize that millions of Americans would employ the 2nd Amendment to launch a civil fucking war to protect the 1st Amendment from progressive control freaks like you. How about you just leave the country instead?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
Are you serious? (I can't tell anymore.)

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
It's absolutely a prank. The woman may be generally insane for belonging to the LaRouche cult, but "eat the babies" is a sane prank. But it makes you wonder: What philosophically prevents abortion rights absolutists from eating aborted fetuses? Might as well be placenta tissue.

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
I'm serious. Pro-choice zealots think aborted fetuses are indistinguishable from mere tissue like the placenta. So what would stop devil-worshipping abortion-absolutists from eating aborted fetuses as some kind of religious sacrament? Nothing, right?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
I don't have to be Jewish in order to ask a question about the nature of sacrifice. But as a curious outsider: Why are Jewish men any less willing to be circumcised as adults? If anything shouldn't they be eager to prove their faith more by waiting until it's a conscious choice?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
Where is the sacrifice? Is sacrifice meaningful when you're unconscious and unwilling?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
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Is it really a meaningful covenant if someone else chooses it for you when you're way too young to decide or even remember because when you're an adult you would refuse to volunteer for it? Where's the sacrifice?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
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There is no way that billions-plural are fully circumcised. One, maybe. No error? Be real. There are still occasional errors even now. Would you get on a plane that has a 1-in-500 chance of crashing? No. Is it medically worth the risk? No. Why not let only adults choose it?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
Full cut? Billions? I'm only half but it gets raw at the seam sometimes. Look, if we're going to be against children undergoing transgender body mutilation, we should probably be consistent, right? No more mutilation, no matter how benign, until you are an adult: Why not that?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
These are the literal satanic witches in normcore costumes whose coven "The Wing" honored Hillary Clinton. Their stance on what constitutes life in the womb is NARAL-level pure. Whatever hasn't been born isn't human. What philosophically prevents them from eating aborted fetuses?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
These are the literal satanic witches in normcore costumes whose coven "The Wing" honored Hillary Clinton. Their stance on what constitutes life in the womb is NARAL-level pure. Whatever hasn't been born isn't human. What philosophically prevents them from eating aborted fetuses?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
These are the literal satanic witches in normcore costumes whose coven "The Wing" honored Hillary Clinton. Their stance on what constitutes life in the womb is NARAL-level pure. Whatever hasn't been born isn't human. What philosophically prevents them from eating aborted fetuses?

Apathy Speech
Oct 4
Replying to
These are literal satanic witches in normcore costumes whose coven "The Wing" honored Hillary Clinton. Their stance on what constitutes life in the womb is NARAL-level pure. Whatever hasn't been born isn't human. What philosophically prevents them from eating aborted fetuses?

Apathy Speech
Oct 2
Replying to
Complaining isn't bad. Hypocrisy is.

Apathy Speech
Oct 2
Replying to
"We must wage war to destroy the Jews. If we lose and we negotiate away land, we should complain that they stole that land. If we continually terrorize them with bombs, when they fight back and take the land we use as a base of operations, we should pretend to be innocents."

Apathy Speech
Oct 2
Replying to
How about: Complain about everything. Don't pretend Kafka isn't just as applicable to communism. Life in general IS absurd, because we have to deal with absurd ideologues no matter which absurd system is in place. What's so hard to understand about that?

Apathy Speech
Oct 2
Replying to
"Satanists only defend abortion rights as a cover for their human sacrifice fetish." "Pedophiles only promote gay rights as a cover for their child rape fetish." "Communists only fight racism as a cover for their totalitarian fantasies." None of that is disproved by examples.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Oh, please. They're a team. Just like they were when he was president. It's cute you would pretend to think otherwise.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Nope. Comics lady implied Kafka not just as applicable to communism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
The implication was that Kafka doesn't apply to communism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Who would be the president now if it weren't Trump?

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Uhhh...peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan never happened? What universe do you live in? Anyway, if there's constant Palestinian terrorism, Israel gets to occupy whatever it needs to defend itself. International law can't deprive Israel of its natural right of self defense.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Aww, the little demon blocked me. How cute, lol.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
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Here's a radical idea: Maybe don't try to destroy Israel, because Israel will continue to successfully defend itself? Has anyone thought of that option?

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
If countries start wars with Israel, Israel wins those wars, and then those countries sign peace treaties with and concede territory to Israel, Israel gets to keep that territory. Israel also gets to occupy whatever other land it needs to defend itself against constant terrorism.

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
You're only supposed to say that when someone misses the point. The point was teachers don't tell kids that Gregor felt oppressed by capitalism. Except that everything in Gregor's life would be at least as horrible in a Soviet hellhole. What's the opposite of Woosh?

Apathy Speech
Oct 1
Replying to
Communist boots taste better.

Apathy Speech
Sep 30
My favorite part now is that Chelsea vacationed with Epstein's partner in crime Ghislaine and invited her to her wedding...all AFTER Epstein was caught. Ballsy! Did Ghislaine use blackmail leverage on Bill to force Chelsea to be her friend? Or is Chelsea just an evil cunt, too?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Have you people already forgotten about Justine Sacco? Tim Hunt? How about the space schmuck who wore the sexy t-shirt? How about poor old Ken Bone? Roseanne? And while the New Republic NPC and the comic himself won't admit to it, losing a spot on SNL is a fucking catastrophe.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
The same Code that was implemented VOLUNTARILY, lol? Anyway, that's movie content. The BLACKLIST was about not letting certain commies work on even the most wholesome movies imaginable. The industry had the right to voluntarily, freely associate with whomever they pleased, yeah?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
You're trying to link cancel culture with a history of worthy protests and boycotts against actual no-bullshit oppression. But it's not worthy of the same respect because it's all about intolerant control freaks policing the slightest fucking trifles. Just like busybody fundies.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
It's not the "powerful" delegitimizing cancel culture because it's the voice of the institutionally oppressed. Cancel culture is genuinely illegitimate bullshit because the "struggle" of the "marginalized" now amounts to ruining lives over one joke, flirtation, or unwoke opinion.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
You say you respect the right of right wingers to have their own cancel culture, but you absolutely then expect to exercise your right to define their cancel culture by a bad name and say it's idiotic and oppressive, which is...all that people complaining about cancel culture do.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Companies were choosing to blacklist people on their own. Voluntary. Private. A boycott, if you will.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
But you would definitely call it "cancel culture" or some such smear and try to shame them into not doing it anymore, right? Like how liberal screenwriters the last several decades have been endlessly shaming Americans for ever daring to blacklist commies?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
* Sorry, that should say "anti-jokes about privilege and systematic oppression", you're not allowed to NOT like those jokes. You are NEVER allowed to like a rape or Hitler joke...unless it's primarily an anti-joke about privilege and systematic oppression, of course.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
People are now NOT allowed to NOT like: Their daughters in the bathroom with dudes in drag; illegal immigrants; jokes about rape and Hitler; anything culturally non-white unless you like it too much then you're stealing; someone drumming in your face, which better not even smile.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Is there a script you're typing that from? You sound as brainwashed as those NPC memes. These aren't lunch counters, lol. What are you cancelling people for now? One fucking joke. A bad date. Having the wrong opinion about sexes. It's not about justice, it's about POWER for you.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
No way in hell you think it's cool whenever right wingers pressure companies to punish communists or gay people or BLM activists or sluts, something rare as fuck now. But you think it's totally cool to punish the shit out of anyone who departs from YOUR preferred norms and ideas?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
So you don't really disagree with them that cancel culture is a thing, all those things obviously add up to a cancel culture, you just don't want to give them the satisfaction of using their term for it, but more importantly you think it's actually...a good thing when you do it?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
See all these women? THEY ALL LITERALLY WORSHIP SATAN, lol. Look at them. They're trying as hard as they possibly can to appear Totally Fucking Normal. A fashion statement with a strategy. A mask to hide that they're actually deeply twisted fuh-reaks, lmao.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
How did I not see this last year? Those are act-u-al devil-worshipping progressive witches, lol. Who look disturbingly normal, yikes. And one of the leaders is incestuous Lena Dunham's family therapist, of course. And now Hillary gives zero fucks and: Shamelessly rides with them!
Quote Tweet

Hillary Clinton
· Apr 4, 2018
Thanks for the warm welcome last night! Inspired by your passion and commitment. twitter.com/the_wing/status/981551775542112257…

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Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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Aren't you the kind of person who's supposed to despise fascists who want to prevent mentally ill people from breeding? And yet, somebody's got you proudly doing it to yourself. Strange world.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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She's vacationed with Epstein's partner-in-crime Ghislaine and invited Ghislaine to her wedding. This was all AFTER Epstein was caught the first time. She KNOWS, lol.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Aren't you the kind of person who's supposed to despise fascists who want to prevent mentally ill people from breeding? And yet, somebody's got you proudly doing it to yourself. Strange world.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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I bet your dad would love to talk to her about climate change on the orgy bed of a billionaire's private jet. Ugh, look at me being so thoughtless: Your mom might love it, too.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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Comedians should punch wherever the fuck it's funny to punch, you moralizing twat.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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Do you think right wing cancel culture is a fantasy, too? If the cultural power of fundamentalist Christians were growing instead of dwindling, wouldn't you be horrified by their mission to cancel shit you like? Would their increasingly successful attempts not summon a dystopia?

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Not about Cranston personally taking shit as it is about progressive control freaks demanding the rest of society conform to their orthodoxy, because someday they will get their way unless the rest of us always say LOL FOH to them, which fewer & fewer do.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
- "Entirely voluntary" lmao. - Fundamentalist progressives won't be sending anyone to the gulags "soon"...whew! Only later, when they're the judges and prosecutors. - The horror is less about individual rich celebrities who survive punishment; more about a precedent for us all.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
I just spent an hour looking up Ronald Bernard, and it was compelling...until you get to the part where he brings up the Protocols of Zion. Just a head's up that this thread was linked on Voat. While that forum has some great leads, it's also overflowing with Nazi scum. Caution!

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
Replying to
Some I didn't see specifically mentioned yet: Children of God/The Family International. The specific locations of the child-grooming gangs in the UK, like ROTHERHAM, ROCHDALE, OXFORD, HUDDERSFIELD. Chlamydia at the PRESIDIO day care.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23
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Demmink in the Netherlands Also, along the same "by definition a ring of pedophiles" lines as NAMBLA and PIE, there's MARTIJN in the Netherlands, and it had a leader caught, Ad Van Der Berg.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
NAMBLA is by definition a ring of pedophiles, even if they haven't been caught by authorities for anything specific. Same goes for PIE in the UK. Here's an interesting possibility: The FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION? I'd like to second the nomination of Portugal's CASA PIA.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
"I Am Jazz" is being read to kindergarteners and grade schoolers, it talks about having a "girl brain", and the evidence it gives for that brain is wearing princess dresses and other gender stereotypical behavior. A lot of what's called "concern trolling" is just ruthless truth.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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What IS gendered, then?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
I think you're very wrong. Regardless: It's not worth finding out.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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I don't think anyone should teach kids if they don't have an airtight contract that explicitly says they can't be punished or terminated for reasonably restraining a violent child. Then again you could still be sued (and maybe lose) and have your reputation murdered in the media.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
It's not about the kids. It's about the parents who will sue you and maybe win, making you an immortal meme not just on Twitter but also in normal media, and the cancel culture that will cost you your fucking career. In that sense, you should fear being attacked by a 6-year-old.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Dinesh is such a dick. The left only wants to dispossess a small class of elitists for stabbing the world in the back, cancel millions, and then dictate how we all live, is all. p.s. Doesn't Dinesh know that old school Communists also employed the same trope in their propaganda?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
Guess how many of the commenters in this thread destroying the teacher for calling the cop would be the exact same fucking people destroying your reputation if you hadn't called the cop and you physically restrained her yourself instead? MOST. And they sit on juries, too.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
And I would. By pointing out that there was really no good choice for you, you were in a lose-lose-lose situation and you picked what you thought was the least worst choice. I'd point out to those condemning you that they're hypocrites. And I'd explain that 6yos can be a threat.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
It'd be a viral tweet, you'd be a pariah to thousands of people, millions if it made the national news, you'd get death threats, there'd be assholes on here (just like you) calling for you to be fired and constantly supervised, and you'd PRAY that people like me would defend you.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Aren't you too experienced to be a naive dipshit? You really think your definition of "harm" is what would prevail in the court of public opinion and possibly real court, if there's video footage of you grabbing a screaming 6-year-old black girl by the back of her belt and shirt?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Your opinion WAS that 6-year-olds aren't threats. But the only way you are legally allowed to defend yourself against a 6-year-old girl is if the girl is a threat. Is your opinion NOW different? Is a 6-year-old now a threat?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
Yeah if only the world could be as green as the USSR and China, lmao.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
You know you'll absolutely fucking lose, right? Thousands will die, maybe millions. The right will control the country and rewrite the Constitution. I know you mean well, but do you really want that? Isn't that the exact opposite of what you want?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Can't be sure. You wanna risk it? Adult foster homes might be callously ignored by society but a teacher sued for traumatizing a 6-year-old student makes headlines. You wanna be a meme? You trust the union's lawyer? Are you affluent enough to afford better? Maybe call a cop now?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
You can't say that a 6-year-old isn't a threat and then say you can defend yourself against a 6-year-old, because it's legally only self-defense if there's a threat and you just said a 6-year-old isn't a threat. Get it? You're in a double bind, whatever you pick you pwn yourself.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
And you don't think a parent could sue a teacher for the mental distress of doing that to their 6-year-old daughter? Is that what you would do if you were that teacher? No? What else? But be aware, no matter what it is, it's like I said at first: Get a lawyer. Your career's over.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
3) I've been assaulted plenty. Still has nothing to fucking do with the question. 4) I've also seen assaults in school and environments like an adult foster home, and I know there's no fucking way to physically stop an attack with 0.00% physical force aka violence. You are lying.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
1) What the fuck does experience with assault have to do with the legal ramifications? 2) If you really were, and if there really were some magical instance where you subdued a psycho without the slightest bit of physical force then you would have already easily spit out DETAILS.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
Do you get how it's a self-contradicting paradox now?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
To me those don't sound like bad ideas, but what you're unwittingly saying is, "We need to trigger a civil war that the right will absolutely dominate."

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Defend yourself HOW, sensei?What's the proper amount of force? Grabbing the kid and forcing her to stop attacking? Isn't physical restraint like that the same thing as arrest? Grabbing her where? Aren't you going to get sued and/or arrested yourself? Pushing her away? How hard?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 2 others
Uh, no, not "an entire civilization", it was just a clique of elitist creeps who proudly lusted after and raped boys. Aristophanes showed in The Clouds that most of the normal people in Athens were disgusted by it just like we are today. (Well, most of us...maybe you like it?)

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
So there are 50+ types of gender now but only 1 type of sex? Isn't that gay erasure? You intersectional conformists should really try to be more logical about your systematic delusions.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
Replying to
Just curious, if a 6-year-old girl walks up to you and starts punching you in the balls, what would you do? Punch back? No. Restrain her? Better get a lawyer. Just stand there and take it? No. Run? But I thought you weren't afraid. So then WHAT, brave moral genius, would you do?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Now that I know you've been talking about Boston just like I've been, do you mind telling the world WHICH poor schools and WHICH wealthy schools supposedly have the SAME expectations? Are you gonna deadass LIE to poor black parents that their kids are taught as much at Timilty?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Sorry, I guess you can take the townie out of the poor neighborhood, but you can't take the poor neighborhood out of the townie. I grew up thinking that substance is more important than decorum. And you know what? IT ABSOLUTELY IS. Who gives a fuck about tone? Grow a pair, lol.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Hear that, Erin? They take standardized tests. "Income", though, right? Except the advantages that correlate with income are ALL teachable. Habits, vocab, expectations...they can all be transmitted just as much to poor kids in public school. So why the fuck aren't they?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
The poor kids I know who worked their asses off to earn test-driven A's and get a great SAT score would vehemently disagree. They constitute data.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
So private school students do take standardized tests. And they score much higher. But now the issue is that there's too much accountability? Public school teachers whose students score much lower are bitching that they're expected to teach too much? Hmm. Sense a problem?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
John the patient one just liked your tweet. I wonder what he thinks about the fact that you claimed private school students don't take standardized tests. John, your thoughts? Want to tell her about the NAEP that formed the basis for the research she supposedly knows all about?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
You're the one blithely making evidence-less assertions, arrogantly getting basic information about standardized tests wrong, and smugly dismissing the obvious importance of work ethic. Most abhorrent: You are denying the validity of my lived experience, you stupid fucking cunt.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Evidence? YOU GAVE ZERO EVIDENCE. Expertise? You're supposedly a teacher who's been in all sorts of public and private schools who somehow still didn't know that private school students take standardized tests and who thinks student work ethic is an insignificant factor, LMFAO.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Yeah, sure. You're supposedly a teacher who's taught at poor public schools and wealthy private schools who's never noticed a difference. Sure. Yeah.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
You think work ethic is some innate characteristic that can't be taught? You think work ethic isn't the single most important aspect of excelling as a student? AND YOU'RE A FUCKING TEACHER?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Wonderful, YOU'RE a fucking TEACHER? Hahahahahahahahaha...this country is fucking doomed.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
What in the fuck, lol...OF COURSE THEY DO. How do you think that research you vaguely referred to but apparently never read was performed?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
THEY ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DO, LOL. You have zerooooo evidence. You must have gone to either public schools or private schools. (I'm guessing public.) Did you have friends who went to the other kind? Did you ever see their homework and reading lists? If you say no difference: LIE.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Maybe some of them do. But it has to be mostly about the fact that if they sent their kids to a public grade school like mine their kids would be learning a fraction of what they'd learn at private grade school.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Sister, I know for a FACT that my friends who went to private grade school learned more in school than I did. You still haven't provided an iota of evidence to contradict my first hand experience. You just make empty assertions.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Horseshit. Talk to graduates of mediocre public schools and see how much they've learned. ALMOST NOTHING.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Sister, have you GONE to a public school before?

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
When measurements are objective, poor people can work hard and objectively satisfy or exceed them. When measurements are subjective, that's when subtle cultural disadvantages can't be overcome.

Apathy Speech
Sep 22
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and 3 others
Bullshit. It's as if you've never actually gone to school with Asian kids. The poor ones work just as hard if not harder and learn just as much. Why can't poor white and poor black children do the same? Are you racist?

Apathy Speech
Sep 21
Replying to
From the Atlantic link: "which, sorry to say, is a more exciting stimulus for them than human love" Stupid rationalist, lol. I've never seen a dog squeal with joy over or desperately nuzzle up to or frantically jump around about a bag of food when it returned from a vacation.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
Replying to
If the government funded a college program about Christianity that specified it must provide a balanced POV but it was misused by right wing ideologues to badmouth Islam and uncritically promote Christianity, then you'd be consulting the establishment clause, right? Hypocrite.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
Replying to
If the federal government funded a college program about Christianity that specified it must provide a balanced POV but it was misused by right wing ideologues to badmouth Islam and uncritically promote Christianity, then you'd freak out over the establishment clause, right? Yep.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
Replying to
I wonder what you'd be saying if the federal government funded a college program about Christianity that specified it must provide a balanced POV but it was misused by ideologues to badmouth Islam and uncritically promote Christianity. "Establishment clause", right? Hypocrite.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
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Apathy Speech
Sep 20
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Unless 51% or more of people prefer to be able to 1) shop for goods they don't really need, in a laughably large variety and 2) work for businesses they don't really like, that they don't co-own with their own life savings at stake. If that's the case, then, well: Fuck democracy?

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
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and 3 others
I went to an elite public school. I loved it, but there's no way in hell that there weren't better private schools in this metro area alone nevermind the whole country. Unless by "all-around education" you mean intangible non-academic social enrichment or some such thing.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20
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and 3 others
How much would you pay to NOT get on an airplane that had a 5-10% chance of crashing?

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
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and 3 others
Yep. Hypocrites in it to virtue signal and leftists who'd love to see cities drown if it advanced their precious revolutionary delusions. But to be fair, even if their bogus climate models have only a 5-10% chance of being right, since the risk involves total ruin: Gotta change.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
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and 3 others
Baaahahahaha, what a fraud. And you, as a "journalist" who failed to disclose his obvious fraudulence, are also a fraud.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
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and 2 others
Holy shit, lol, of course you're a fucking Eagles fan.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
I can read your other tweets in this thread about a "pity party" and disability not being a talent. You were clearly trolling a handicapped kid. You are scum. My mom was pretty butch and did like pussy, how'd you guess? She died in June. What did you say about getting fucked up?

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
Telling the world a clearly talented disabled kid has no talent was abusive, you stupid douchebag. Trolling isn't quite as much fun when you get trolled right back by someone who is smarter than you and who doesn't give a fuck about decorum and who means everything he says, eh?

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
You tweeted the kid has no talent and your tweet rose to the top of Twitter's news page for his mother to see. You're clearly the villain. Besides there's nothing inherently wrong with your mom being a prostitute. If she's missing a leg, that would make it even more interesting.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
It's not a contest and if it were you would definitely not be winning, but okay.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
I don't care. It'd be even nicer and simpler if gender rebels were secure enough about their identities to not give a shit about pronouns. "Susy argued that they should use their preferred pronoun" is totally confusing. So, fuck that, I'll use whatever pronoun I think is clear.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19
Replying to
I could not care less what pronoun someone uses for me. Because I know what I am. I'm not crippled by insecurity and dependent on tiny gestures of affirmation from total strangers like these supposedly fearless rebels are.

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
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Who are you to decide if a male gay femme wants to be known as a wife? Queer theory and feminism were supposed to be about liberation from stereotypical norms not enforcing rules like fascists.

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
Replying to
No, it was to get away from having to write "his or her", which is three syllables and a pain in the ass. It's only now about avoiding gender because some fearless rebels can't tolerate having their crippling insecurity not always affirmed by the pronoun usage of total strangers.

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
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and 2 others
Except that "their" makes sense because "someone" is indefinite and it's easier than saying "his or her", whereas in a sentence with a proper noun as subject and a plural object it's confusing as hell. "Alex asked the fellow passengers if they had their phone." Who has the phone?

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
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and 3 others
So now we have to have an exact count of every group we ever refer to? Because these courageous gender rebels will have their delicate little feelings hurt by a fucking pronoun?

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
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The gender rebels are ironically so insecure and dependent on affirmation from strangers that they're profoundly affected by a fucking pronoun? Grow up.

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
Replying to
I wouldn't give a single solitary shit. People can call me whatever. Because I know what I am. I don't need affirmation from anyone. I'm not pathologically insecure like these gender rebels.

Apathy Speech
Sep 18
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Get real. You're a woman.

Apathy Speech
Sep 17
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Hoped for a multitude of great jokes but there was really only one great joke about the Vineyard mansion plus her riding a bike to meet a fleet of SUVs. What's your POV on Taleb's point that even if climate models are 90% off, a 10% risk of absolute ruin necessitates precaution?

Apathy Speech
Sep 17
Replying to
Correct. Not an accident. MLK was defamed as a commie by the racist right a la the Highlander billboard. Would've been poison to civil rights if its savior were outed as a commie. It was vehemently denied. Except now the left brags about it. It turns out...the racists were right?

Apathy Speech
Sep 17
Replying to
Important distinction, yes. Although the distinction between pedophilia and ephebophilia is splitting hairs. (Or no hairs, as it may be.) I'm not equating Stallman and Polanski. But when one says that a particular crime isn't bad, one might as well be saying it's good.

Apathy Speech
Sep 17
Replying to
There's a difference between overlooking the pedophilia of a Polanski to praise him as an artist and saying that the pedophilia of a Polanski is generally not wrong.

Apathy Speech
Sep 17
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There must be a level of pedophilia-advocacy that you would think should cost someone their job. What is it? Imagine, say, working in a office with a NAMBLA executive. Cool?

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Nathan W. Pyle
Sep 16

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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Are there not some things that are better about one civilization than another? Are there not some civilizations with more things that are better, some with fewer? Are there not some universally more desirable things to be better at, like storing clean water and avoiding genocide?
“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:42 pm

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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The wisest should be able to do it all. One, the other, both, and neither.

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb Bot
Sep 16
"The fool generalizes the particular; the nerd particularizes the general; some do both; and the wise does neither" -

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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Mr. Harriot: When do I get to be in your mailbag? Or am I not a stupid enough caricature of wypipo for you to use as a rhetorical punching bag?

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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and 2 others
The socialists here in America want to abolish private insurance completely. Even if they didn't, there's no way they'd let the people who can afford it deduct that expense from their taxes.

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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Longer wait times for which treatments? Depending on the problem, the delay will be fatal. If you mean insulin for Type 2 Diabetes, the notion that lives depend on it is wrong. Insulin makes the condition worse! But the disease is profitable, and not eating is free.

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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If it's just a byproduct of Epstein then there wouldn't have also been a Franklin Scandal with the Finders, Lawrence King, and Craig Spence. What more must be uncovered before 3% of Americans assemble like the White March that Belgium had during the Dutroux affair (but angrier)?

Apathy Speech
Sep 16
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I guess those weren't the examples you had in mind. Did you want specific horror stories like the US has? Because those only take 30 seconds of googling to find. Oh wait, you blocked me, lol.

Apathy Speech
Sep 15
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More reluctance to perform tests. Longer wait times for treatment. Less access to innovative drugs. Less willing to pay to extend life.

Apathy Speech
Sep 15
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If it's the peer review process tied to those prestigious journals which demand ownership of your intellectual property as a condition to publish, then why don't you and your peers just form a new open access journal with the same process? Why let proprietary journals dominate?

Apathy Speech
Sep 15
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"Deficiencies"? The wait times and test shyness in a single payer system kill people. So does not having any insurance at all, I get that. But it'll be a refreshingly cold day in hell when prominent single payer advocates concede that their ideal system also shortens many lives.

Apathy Speech
Sep 15
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My bad. I read the stat in a conservative article and the scope was narrower than just overall prostate cancer survival, there was an age criterion too, over the age of 70 or whatever. I know the numbers were about 90 and 50, but give or take a couple, so now I can't google it.

Apathy Speech
Sep 15
Replying to
Being in bed with a stranger in your underwear is not sufficient evidence of consenting to sex. But it does prove you're generally interested in a sexual relationship. So if she says there was no such interest but there's video then she's lying about that. And if that's a lie...

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
Replying to
What's the smartest thing black people could do with a one-time payment of about $25,000 each? Once you've convinced the most possible black people to do that, there'll still be however many left who do the stupidest things possible. The ones who really need that money the most.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
Deep down, everyone thinks they're a galaxy brain. A few people are even right.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
I love liking my own tweets when people quit responding because they got nothing in order to renotify them that they left the conversation unfinished. Then they usually gloat about me being pathetic enough to heart my own tweet. Completely missing and proving the point at once.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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and 2 others
Pretend? Do you get out much? The constraint is just a situation where you actually have to risk something real on the stereotype. You wouldn't actually risk shit on that stereotype. Because you know stereotypes like that are useless for predicting anything about an individual.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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and 2 others
"Black people are better dancers" is the stereotype, period. But fine, let's say it's breakdancing. Is race alone enough information for you to bet a paycheck? Not unless you're retarded. So how much more information would you still need? So much that the stereotype is worthless.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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and 2 others
Fine, the two contestants are randomly selected. What's the probability of the black person winning? If the stereotype alone isn't enough for you to feel confident betting a paycheck on black, if you need much more information about the dancers, then that stereotype is: Useless?

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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and 2 others
A black person and a white person enter a dance contest. Your prior is that black people are better dancers. What's the probability of you winning if you bet on black based on stereotype alone? How much more information would you require to feel comfortable betting your paycheck?

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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and 3 others
He makes a great point. Do you not have a substantive response?

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
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Couldn't the memorial have been a simple puppy statue? Why a bleak black slab etched with a reminder to any kid old enough to read that puppies are abused and killed? Luckily the playground is rarely used or else that bench would be quietly traumatizing children every day. Think!

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
Replying to
Ever wonder why there aren't gravestones in the middle of children's playgrounds? Is this constant reminder of puppy abuse and death in a children's playground a great idea? If a creep stood there on the sidewalk with a "Puppies Get Tortured and Die" sign, how soon is 911 called?

Apathy Speech
Sep 10
Replying to
Eliminating mammals from the menu wouldn't hurt. Birds and fish are enough. Just fish, even. Or even just eggs and dairy...and bug powder.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
Holy shit, that really is hysterical. Trump is such a slimebag. Republicans are hypocrites. But to be fair, the Democrats do kind of venerate single parenthood and it won't be long before polyamorous marriage rights are on the official platform and the word "mother" is replaced.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
The weapon held by the enforcer looks a little...phallic lol. Nate may be okay with paying off his debts that way. Nate is personally resilient and antifragile in the partial sense that even when he loses big time, his job is not endangered and his fanbase stans him even harder.
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The Black Swan Man
· Aug 30
The accuracy of a forecast is measured only in profits. #blackswanman #theblackswanman @NateSilver538 @FiveThirtyEight @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @HillaryClinton #forecasterrors #elections

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
No offense, but that sounds like something an apologist for Monsanto or Iran might say.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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Runaway optimization is precisely the risk. Civilization could collapse. You're advising not to take precautions. What are the upsides to human labor being replaced by robots? Is the whole country going to learn to code, in a way that AI itself won't be able to match or exceed?

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
I can't understand how you think we could never reach that point. It's inevitable. And when we reach that point, once a certain AI breakthrough or two is achieved, it will be an avalanche of change at all once. Better to start limiting the risks now than wait for it to explode.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
More money for whom? Do you plan on equally distributing all that concentrated robot wealth to subsidize the jobless masses? Do you think capitalism will survive that?

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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Why not? Do we really need the extra productivity? What's the endgame of letting robot labor replace ours? UBI system administered by commies?

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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and 3 others
I say "essentially" but maybe I mean literally. As in, what else could they possibly be saying when they frantically yelp and squeal about a threat to their lives. Doesn't take a genius to figure out the translation. "Stop! Don't kill me! Go away!"

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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and 2 others
Will give this a listen. Eager to know if the panelists discuss how cows and pigs would essentially yell the same thing if attacked and yet most people pretend they couldn't understand them or they don't care enough and they kill them and eat their delicious corpses anyway.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
Trans activism isn't just at war with right wing religious zealotry. The war is also with heretics in the middle who don't defer to woke orthodoxy.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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I'm talking to the cat avatar guy.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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and 2 others
Nothing? No one?

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
(Unless they know exactly what they're doing because they're a coven of clandestine Satanists who get off on disguising evil as good like traumatizing children via the charade of honoring a puppy's memory.) (Sounds like the basis for a good story.)

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Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Meanwhile here are the reasons it shouldn't exist: Gravestones don't belong in a children's playground. Children shouldn't be reminded that puppies die. Children shouldn't be reminded that puppies get tortured. Very obvious. Amazing how blind people get when virtue signaling.

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Apathy Speech
Sep 9
There are a few reasons for the memorial to exist. It raises awareness so that if there's ever a dogowner in the playground who might abuse and kill a puppy someday he or she will think twice about it. It makes the memorializers feel better about themselves. Might just be two.

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Apathy Speech
Sep 9

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
wickedlocal.com/article/20140225/NEWS/140228001… Reminded again today that some blind fools (or evil ghouls) put a constant reminder of puppy torture and death in a children's playground.

They celebrate Puppy Doe's anniversary with objects that might as well be lures to make sure the kids notice.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
Replying to
I would call Foxworthy a genius if he did that exact same standup. Do you really get the Chinese face joke? It mocks how attached transgenders are to shallow stereotypes.

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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I see you're the type who makes bold claims but can't think of a single example to back them up. What, are there no white "race realist" comedians out there making first rate jokes and profound observations? Gee, I wonder why. Have you even seen the Chappelle standup?

Apathy Speech
Sep 9
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Names, please.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
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Which comedian are we supposed to think makes first rate jokes and profound observations?

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
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Almighty simulators... Aliens that supervise us... Time-travelling future humans... Interdimensional ghosts... Lots of ways for there to be a "God" of some sort. No way of knowing what scientists 5000 years from now will know that we don't.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
Don't you get it? Even if the Yankees went 162-0, they would still suck, because fuck the Yankees.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
Funny, lol. He should have said Sanders should distribute 90% of his birthday cake to strangers down the street. Since cake is just frosted diabetes that would be healthier for his friends and family, anyway.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
Likewise, there should be a reality game show where various Twitter tribes debate each other. Contestants filmed getting coached beforehand by bluechecks. Reaction gifs displayed on a giant screen. Winners determined by a random audience. Great for ratings. (Bad for democracy?)

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
You're lame. You could have a reasonable conversation, but you must feel like venting is more important. Suit yourself.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
Don't have a gun. Not one of them. But I think a Democratic president might think he or she has a mandate to confiscate "assault weapons", send some bootlicking federal agents to some gun nut's house, trigger a civil war, which the right would dominate before it seized all power.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
So if they wouldn't kill citizens, how does the government ever hope to defeat millions of revolutionaries armed with rifles? Will the media chastise them to death? They're unstoppable. They own America. I'm not an intellectual. I'm just asking questions. They happen to be deep.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
You're projecting. You have no idea who I am. You simply can't answer the questions and that's making you upset. You're mad at yourself, at the world. Not at me.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
So you got nothing. There's no satisfactory answer or else you would have typed out a pithy one in 20 seconds or took the 30 seconds to google someone else's more elaborate answer. You were emptyhanded so you went with an eyeroll gif. Try actually formulating a substantive reply.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
I wonder what he remembers of when Epstein paid him in 2003 to do card tricks for Brin and other dinner guests. NYMag says "the dinner was organized by Ghislaine Maxwell and included a group of young women who were introduced as Victoria’s Secret models."

Apathy Speech
Sep 8
Replying to
Do you really think Republicans have never exploited racist tendencies of poor whites to get them to vote against their own economic interests? When progressives say that violence correlates with poverty do you tell them that poor people have agency and that most aren't violent?

Apathy Speech
Sep 7
Should I use this Al Rosen as a bookmark or tuck it safely away because it's still a rather nice card? Maybe someday I'll corner the market on beaten up All Stars, lol. Only so many exist! So I'll save it and use Johnny Roseboro since he's a richer science fiction subject anyway.

Apathy Speech
Sep 7
Replying to
Now that the left is culturally powerful enough* to dispense with free speech as a matter of principle, it has the luxury of asking Who Whom. *I expect leftists to protest that they don't control that much capital, as if Gramsci's war of position is just some right wing fantasy.

Apathy Speech
Sep 7
Replying to
The ugly rules were built by both sides? Okay. Who used to defend all free speech? The left. Now who does it? Almost nobody, except disillusioned liberals the left wants to discredit as right wingers. Will the left return to defending all free speech? Or is Who Whom the rule now?

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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and 2 others
Who controls all the food? Not urban liberals. How well did rifle-carrying peasants do against our military in Afghanistan?

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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Two million citizens armed with an AR15 decide to take control of Washington. How do you stop them? How do you even stop a handful of special forces vets who know umpteen different simple ways to bring a city to its knees?

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
Replying to
What's vapid and abhorrent is your blatant disregard of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives lost in an inevitable civil war.

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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Get real. If Trump reinstituted chattel slavery tomorrow you'd be (justifiably) praying for Americans to launch a civil war, blow up railroad tracks, assassinate slaveowners, etc.

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
Replying to
Yes. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, including children, being killed in a civil war is worse.

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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Hmmm. How does the government take away all the guns and win a civil war if most law enforcement and military sympathize with (let alone join) the gun-owning rebels and refuse to follow orders? Looks like semi-automatic rifles could be enough to take control of America after all.

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
Replying to
It's not a threat, it's not even a judgment, it's just observing the reality of the situation. Several million well-armed Americans on the right will launch a civil war (and almost certainly win) if they think the state is about to confiscate the guns they need to beat the state.

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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and 2 others
Which metal capacity of a rock do you mean?

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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Why is Fahrenthold leaking documents better than Assange leaking documents?

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
Need good bookmarks? Go to the nearest collectibles shop that sells trading cards and ask to see a box of oldies in bad condition if they have any. I spent five bucks on ten mid-1950's Topps baseball cards, almost all All Stars.

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Paavo Hietanen
Sep 6
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"At the time, they were dependent on our empathy. It was believed they would be cool to us and totally not hurt us if we would make them look like Disney animations." -Morpheus

Apathy Speech
Sep 6
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Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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So worker-owners risk nothing?

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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"Take the militarily useful guns away from right wingers" seems to be a common socialist position.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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I realize there are communists who support gun rights, but most "democratic" socialists like Bernie would gladly ban guns and thereby trigger a civil war.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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and 2 others
Worker-ownership! (If your cooperative fails, you lose your capital.) So long stock market! (Goodbye to all that crucial information, goodbye to investing your savings.) Power to the people! (Certain, uh, undemocratic measures may be required to ensure people power.) And so on.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
Replying to
Free everything! (The middle class would pay a fortune more in taxes.) No more landlord exploitation! (Homeowners who pay their mortgage by renting out an apartment would be shit out of luck.) Open borders! (Freeloading.) Prisons abolished! (More crime.) Gun control! (Civil war.)

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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and 2 others
But again it's not untrue that worker-ownership is compatible with a broad definition of capitalism. Poll the country. Ask normal people if they think workers being both employees and shareholders of a business counts as capitalism. They'll love the idea. Customer's always right.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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No, it makes sense. Like I said, most of the world is realizing this, is mixing and matching aspects of capitalism and socialism. You're just invested in a grand narrative that excludes a middle ground.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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Talking about the history of communist propaganda. The present of it, too, how Jacobin or your beloved Bernie omit the nasty tradeoffs and downsides, promise the commie version of pie in the sky.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31
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You're right. I wasn't the one saying that spotless laundry all the time is important enough to qualify as dependency. It's a nicety, not a necessity. What else was his mother doing? Maybe she offered him the favor as an excuse to see him. You don't know. You're all projecting.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
There must be a daring progressive Jewish couple somewhere in America with fertility problems that despises people like you enough and believes in equality enough to try this, right?

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Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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I have no idea how to use Twitter.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Shit. Thoreau in a wig and lipstick looks kind of like an ex-girlfriend. Now I'm gonna have weird Thoreau dreams. Wonderful.

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Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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"Look at the monsters under capitalism's bed! (Pay no attention to the monsters under socialism's bed.)" The least-worst system is a composite. A capitalist bed frame, a socialist box spring, a capitalist mattress, socialist sheets, a capitalist blanket, socialist pillows, etc.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
If Thoreau's ghost were allowed a bespoke retort to all the woke women ragging on him for his mom doing his laundry, he'd probably sound a little like a radical second wave feminist steeped in contempt for housekeeping. Imagine him in a wig and lipstick, identifying as Henrietta.
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Apathy Speech
· Aug 29
Replying to @ChandlerPablo @ReneeStephen and 2 others
"Sister, what on earth are you doing letting these domestic chores get in the way of your destiny? Who cares about a little armpit funk? Why are you obsessed with dust? Do you really need elaborate meals? Kerouac's poor girlfriend fed him, yes...vats of split pea soup. Simplify!"

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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The people have the power, always. And we always wind up transferring that power to a few assholes who really, really want that power even more. Regardless of the system, so far.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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Show me some non-corrupt hierarchies of significant scale from any time in history anywhere on earth. We're a highly corruptible species. Our task is to come up with systems that minimize or neutralize corruption. The naivete of commie propaganda enables even worse corruption.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
Agreed about the bailout. Might as well have been proposed by devious communist saboteurs to hide the economy's fragility, make a future collapse likelier and bigger, demonstrate how corrupt our form of capitalism is, and hasten the revolution. USSR and China polluted even more.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
It's nice to have rich people willing to gamble on new businesses. It's nice to have rich people to tax to fund worker-owned businesses. How can you keep generating new businesses without rich people? How can you generate rich people without capitalism? Socialism...needs capital?

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
True. But the problem with worker-ownership is that workers generally don't have the balls to risk the little capital they have on themselves. Most businesses fail, and that wouldn't change with worker-ownership. So then what? Tax workers to subsidize new worker-owned businesses?

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
Worker-owners are simultaneously both workers and capitalists. Their capital is invested in themselves. Worker-owners privately own the businesses they work for. "Purer" may be the wrong word -- although the relationship between labor and capital is purer -- so how about: Better.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
It doesn't really matter which system we use because the power will be hoarded by ghouls either way? Sounds about right. If that's the case, I'd definitely prefer a corrupt capitalism that never not depends on democratic consumer choice versus a corrupt socialist command economy.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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Isn't the purpose of a corporation to serve the shareholders who control it?

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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The glass is one-fifth full? (Or less, if the twins weren't separated.)

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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Eh, I tend to agree with McConnell (who's corrupt) that corruption necessarily involves corrupted people. The system obviously encourages it but individuals still make choices. There isn't a wave of idealists continually corrupted against their will; power attracts the unethical.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
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And if IBM is hiding evidence, the clock keeps ticking. Regardless, the least IBM can do is apologize, which costs nothing. Nope. Now IBM markets itself as a woke brand, e.g., it celebrated Pride Month. Without acknowledging that Nazis murdered thousands of gays with IBM's help.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
I'm not a contrarian. I'm a stereoscopic consigliere.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30
Replying to
Your standards aren't too high, then? If your standards for meal quality and cleanliness are high enough to stop you from graduating at the top of your class or writing the book of your dreams, I'd say that's too high. Three hours grocery shopping is an absurd waste of time, too.

Apathy Speech
Aug 29
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and 2 others
"Sister, what on earth are you doing letting these domestic chores get in the way of your destiny? Who cares about a little armpit funk? Why are you obsessed with dust? Do you really need elaborate meals? Kerouac's poor girlfriend fed him, yes...vats of split pea soup. Simplify!"

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
I did read the article. And I am familiar with Painter et al. You aren't grokking this: Instead of or in addition to politically deconstructing whiteness, a strategy of using biology and geography to pwn white supremacists on their own terms can be even more devastating. Get it?

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
It's fear, not hope. Whites aren't the only people capable of being the villain. Humans are all-too-equal. The tables will turn someday, are just starting to turn now. You really can't envision whiteness stigmatized? What class will have ever deserved oppression more than whites?

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
If you make it about actual origins, you can undermine white supremacism. If Mediterranean civilizations co-opted by white supremacists as evidence of white superiority aren't actually "white", then white supremacists lose.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
If there are Italian and Greek white supremacists, the path to anti-racist victory involves proving to them that the racists 100 years ago were right about them and that they are genetically not "white", thereby undermining not accommodating the delusional construct of whiteness.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
And yet now white supremacists are eager to claim as "white" accomplishments the ancient civilizations of those same Meds once rejected as "nonwhite", because it turns out the history of "pure" white civilization isn't remotely great enough to sustain the delusion of superiority.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
If Meds aren't "white" then white supremacists lose Med civilizations as evidence of white superiority. White supremacists co-opting "nonwhite" culture out of a sense of inadequacy is delightfully ironic. Less delightful is the irony of "antiracists" reinforcing racist paradigms.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
When white people are socially stigmatized as privileged colonizers, does that mean they're no longer white?

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
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When they told him to take a seat, why didn't he?

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
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Quick googling pulled up six recent incidents where a burglar was in his or her underwear. Here's one: torontosun.com/news/world/dad-shoots-half-naked-burglar-lurking-in-daughters-room… Police see weird shit all the time. If you equip your house with alarms you're essentially inviting the cops and should be 100% compliant if they come.

Dad shoots half-naked burglar lurking in daughter’s room
Ali Bracey wins dad of the year.The Kentucky father parked six bullets into a burglar who stripped to his underwear in the room of Bracey’s 12-year-old daughter.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
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Uh, no. You gave up arguing.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
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If you're going to propose political reform then make it something really really populist. You proposed expanding Congress. Okay. How about tenfold. Hard to buy 5,350 politicians. And then how about sortition? If it's good enough for jury duty why not Congress? No more campaigns.

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
Replying to
You: Complains about an imperial presidency. Also you: Proposes mutilating the republic, crippling the separation of powers, and abolishing a chamber of Congress like Palpatine. Thank god you won't have a chance in hell of amending the Constitution. Banking on armed revolution?

Apathy Speech
Aug 28
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If all your animal protein came from grasshopper powder, how long could you live? If the handful of pro and Olympic athletes who are vegan added grasshopper powder, would their diets not be improved?

Apathy Speech
Aug 27
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Glad that didn't go as badly for him as it did for Dick Tench.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20
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Yes, they did.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20
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The kids still beat multiple people unconscious that night. The jogger had bruises consistent with a group holding her down. The confessions weren't coerced.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20
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"We socialists have to be honest about that." Interesting how the most self-critical thinkers in the world are just as prone to a limited hangout version of honesty as their nemeses are. If you were really honest you would admit that you're not being honest about human nature.

Apathy Speech
Aug 19
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and 3 others
Seems lame to block him for that. Implies that you think Jed is incorrigible, which you know is not true. There must have been a better retort or two in you that could hammer your point. It's not like Jed is a crypto-eugenicist who appeals to thousands of real white supremacists.

Apathy Speech
Aug 14
Replying to
How does this anti-military stance work in 1944? The Nazis win. Good job, "anti-fascists", good effort. How would it work in 1940? Oh right, you commies allied with the Nazis and propagandized against? The joys of warfare. You're the most counterproductive "intellectuals" EVER.

Apathy Speech
Aug 12
Replying to
You realize doctors have been wrong before, yeah? And that doctors in the distant future will be shaking their heads at ways today's doctors are wrong, too? What if some random schmuck told doctors 200 years ago to wash their hands? Does the unqualified rando have a point or not?

Apathy Speech
Aug 11
Replying to
If you're not as bad a "Who? Whom?" person yourself then you must have already written a few blogs which acknowledge some of the things you think the left is actually right about and which denounce some of the actually racist things that ever happen to blacks in the world. Links?

Apathy Speech
Aug 10
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"Doc, am I sane?" "Well, you just murdered a bunch of people, so...probably." "But lately I've been feeling anxious, not sleeping well, spending too much money, masturbating a lot..." "Oh...then no, you're definitely insane." What? Isn't mass murder the ultimate dysfunction?

Apathy Speech
Aug 10
Replying to
Epstein & Pizzagate are just one little glimpse into the world of abominable elites. There's also the Franklin scandal, the Dutroux affair, the Casa Pia case, Jimmy Savile...and only god knows what else they keep secret. We live in a global re-telling of "The Aristocrats!" joke.

Apathy Speech
Aug 10
Replying to
QAnon is horseshit, but parts of Pizzagate are horrifically real. Tony Podesta really loves paintings of murdered children and photos of naked teenagers. Why? John Podesta really has a cannibalism fetish. Why? Comet welcomes kids one hour and psychotically evil art the next. Why?

Apathy Speech
Aug 10
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You would be way, way less eager to divorce a white supremacist version of BLM from any halfway-related cop assassinations, black-neighborhood-defiling riots, or city-wide spikes in dead black bodies.

Apathy Speech
Aug 10
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Just wondering: If you let the alt-right own clowns and okay signs, what will you do when they choose to pervert a symbol precious to you? Do you especially like any one word in the English language? Do you like to use any gesture? They will spoil it. If you give them that power.

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
Replying to
How about The Unleft? (The Unright is just as much of a thing, too. The most reasonable people are situated in both the Unleft and the Unright at the same time about most issues. The polarizers pathologize that stereoscopic positioning as ambivalent weakness or, worse, treason.)

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
Replying to
and 2 others
Let Quillette die in disgrace. Its best contributors can find or create a new, stronger space. Let the unleft's willingness to disown its own embarrassing nonsense serve as proof of superior integrity and believability. Cut your losses. Expect better. Do not tolerate bullshit.

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
Replying to
"But why should Quillette be held to a higher standard than Rolling Stone or The New York Times?" Because Quillette's sloppy agenda harms dissent, which should exceed the junk standards of the progressive establishment so that the discourse of the non-left evolves to be fittest.

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
Replying to
Hard to trust IBM with our data since IBM has a history of providing data to Nazis.

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
Replying to
Fake-woke tech corps like IBM disguise anti-human goals as a mission of justice. "Ethical AI must threaten the existence of all humans equally, regardless of race!" IBM should tout how it helped the Nazis execute a diverse, inclusive group of subhumans.

Apathy Speech
Aug 9
"My hope is that it does damage right-wing credibility"
A discredited Quillette is good. The left, enjoying a run of dominance, stopped selecting for quality of discourse, indulges nonsense. Meanwhile to-the-right-of-the-left* still punts its losers, improves.


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Apathy Speech
Aug 9
“I chose Quillette because they would have a lower standard of proof"
Quote Tweet

· Aug 9
Quillette ran a hit piece on the DSA by Queens construction worker and "Marxist-Leninist-Alinskyite” Archie Carter. Surprise, surprise, it was a hoax. We talked to the real Archie Carter about why he embarrassed the conservative publication. jacobinmag.com/2019/08/archie-carter-quillette-dsa… @freedaaron
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Apathy Speech
Aug 9
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Apathy Speech
Aug 8
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and 2 others
Obama tried to solve the issue with regulations that do absolutely nothing to stop mass shootings and only make civil war likelier? Obama didn't stoke the flame of hating the police which led to rioting, spikes in urban murder, and cops being assassinated? Your side sucks, too.

Apathy Speech
Aug 8
Replying to
Using the same definition, there were about as many.

We’re 164 days into 2016. We’ve had 133 mass shootings.
There have been 76 days with mass shootings in 2016 — and 88 without

Apathy Speech
Aug 8
Replying to
You should probably use a consistent definition of incident.

We’re 164 days into 2016. We’ve had 133 mass shootings.
There have been 76 days with mass shootings in 2016 — and 88 without

Apathy Speech
Aug 8
Replying to
There are quite a few socialists in that wealthiest top fifth. How many of them have created cooperatively-owned businesses? About zero. Why?

Apathy Speech
Aug 7
Replying to
White supremacists who feel inadequate about their own pale northwest European ancestors love to co-opt Mediterranean civilizations as "white", so does it behoove anti-racists to rub that separateness in white racist faces per their own criteria, or would that defeat the point?

Apathy Speech
Aug 7
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and 3 others
I would pay a few dollars to rent a plantation tour video with you as the guide.

Apathy Speech
Aug 7
Replying to
Provokes the instinct to mark territory.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
But seriously. A psychologist will tell you that the test of whether unusual behavior is a mental illness is if it disrupts life's normal functioning. If it interferes with work or school or relationships. Randomly murdering a bunch of people isn't unusual or disruptive enough?

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
"Doc, am I sane?" "Well, you just murdered a bunch of random people, so...probably." "But lately I've been anxious, not sleeping well, masturbating a lot, spending too much money..." "Ohhh...then no, you're definitely insane." Makes sense!

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
and 2 others
75% of shooters are classified sane: "Doc, am I sane?" "Well, you just murdered a bunch of people, so...probably." "But lately I've been feeling anxious, not sleeping well, masturbating a lot, spending too much money..." "Oh...then you're definitely insane." Makes sense.

The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
There's a disgusting, unconstitutional lack of due process in the involuntary commitment process. But only an insane person would think the government should NEVER be able to involuntarily confine mentally ill people WHEN NECESSARY. Some people really are just dangerously crazy.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
Quick, if all the Nazis on 8chan were playing a kill-all-the-brown-people video game, your thoughts would be:

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
also knows how it feels.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
Hey "David Wong", what would it feel like if basically everyone in the world were blinded to some obvious horrific reality except for you and a poisonous cesspool of neo-Nazis, LARPers, and fundamentalist Christians? Novelistic, I bet. How would the hero go about saving the day?
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
Totally, totally normal: John Podesta, Center for American Progress: “I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year — will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.” politico.com/story/2009/06/where-dcs-a-listers-go-for-vacation-023151… Very, very normal.

Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
It's totally normal for normal, decent, non-violent, non-deranged people to be culturally obsessed with murder and cannibalism. ... ...... .........right?


Apathy Speech
Aug 6
Replying to
But as the insidious Pizzagate hoax established, psychotically evil art is...just art. All sorts of normal, decent, non-violent people have a fetish for art about rape and murder. ... ...... .........right?


Apathy Speech
Aug 6
This is the all-time most convincing evidence that Allah actually exists and has a surprisingly self-deprecating sense of humor. "Allah told me to watch a Bruce Willis movie and walk the dog" ...naked.

Naked Man Walking Dog gets Tasered
Tallahassee, Fla. (Tallahassee Democrat) --A 40-year-old man walking his dog in the nude Friday night in northwest Tallahassee was Tasered by police when he became belligerent and refused to follow...

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Apathy Speech
Aug 6
This is the second most convincing evidence that Allah actually exists and has a surprisingly self-deprecating sense of humor.

Apathy Speech
Aug 5
Replying to
and 2 others
This is a photo inside Tony Podesta's house. He welcomed visitors, including the children of relatives and friends, to sit down and enjoy staring at paintings of child corpses. What kind of creep does that?


You Retweeted

Joe Norman
Aug 5
Some more detail on prior tweetstorm with respect to
's inadvisable hereditary/racial agenda

Quillette’s Pseudoscientific Racialist Agenda and Complexity: some thoughts
Quillette has emerged as one of the primary publishers of counter-narratives that don’t conform to the narrow views of the monolithic mainstream outlets. Unfortunately, they also represent a very n…

Apathy Speech
Aug 5
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and 7 others
What's the biggest IQ-test improvement ever recorded?

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
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and 5 others
What I think happened on this and the many other questions they say I got wrong is, once I saw a pattern I liked, I just couldn't see another. Is that what intelligence is, not getting attached to one plausible narrative? Even if it were, that'd mean IQ test makers are stuuupid.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
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and 5 others
Two rules that work for E. One rule that works for F. Any rules that work for other answers?

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
Replying to
and 4 others
Ah, now I see what you and Joe are saying. Took me reading what you were saying several times. Not being in the same boxes works too. As does the decreasing movement of F. Probably valid rules for other picks too. I can't believe experts believe this shit measures intelligence.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
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and 4 others
Not retarded enough, Joe! But I get their preferred pattern now, thank you. Top row of grids, no square is in the same box twice. To complete bottom row, pick the grid where no square is in the same box as previous two. THAT'S IT? Funny. My F thought process is just as valid.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
Replying to
and 4 others
Why E? What pattern do they want you to see? I'm sure you and Joe are right that that's the answer they want. I just don't even grok that a pattern exists there yet. Can somebody explain it to me like I'm a retard, because I might as well be?

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
Replying to
and 4 others
Given that you asked for 32 or 18 with no other information there's no way doubling can actually be more probable than adding 2-4-8 over and over. Only thing making it more probable is mind-reading the test-makers to figure out which arbitrary answer they wrongly think is right.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
Replying to
True! And if we discovered a broader culture of Islamic supremacism, in particular a book those Islamic terrorists were all reading that encouraged violence against outgroups, we would... Oops, shit.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
Replying to
and 6 others
Right, they brought up "gene pool" completely on their own. They had no idea what you wanted to hear.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4
I'm not a contrarian. I'm allergic to groupthink.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 7 others
Don't be mad at them. Take the L.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 6 others
Not if they're "venting" to just you. They're conning you. To keep the peace or gain your favor or just to have fun with a gullible. The lulz. Top kek.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 6 others
Whatever nomenclature you want. They're not black people if they're on Twitter with a black avatar agreeing with your racial genetic gap hypothesis. They're white people, pretending. They're whiter than Dolezal, lol.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 8 others
No. A bushmen bottleneck would eventually migrate all over again and select for IQ-related intelligence per your narrative and even also eventually turn pale again maybe but if not who fucking cares and the human species would be resurrected. There's no return from transhumanism.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 8 others
How many above-average IQ managers in America are dead weight? Honestly. You still don't get the implications. If modern civilization has to take a rest for a few thousand years? As long as the transhumanists don't win, the human species can survive and revive. If they win? OVER.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 6 others
Ah, colleagues. A few of your black colleagues will agree with you about your racist views because they feel no pressure or incentive to humor you and go along with whatever kayfabe is required to maintain or improve their career status? Or maybe they just like fucking with you?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 8 others

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
What's the right answer to the question above?
a, b, d, none, or other
13 votes · Final results

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Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
"We have had more shootings than days in 2019. All by domestic terrorists." Calling ideologically-motivated mass-murderers terrorists makes sense. But most mass shootings are not terrorism. Unless you want to call gang violence terrorism, too: Does it terrorize communities less?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to

249 ...and if the left attempts whatever form of gun control the right perceives as sufficiently tyrannical to start a civil war...



Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Anyone ever catalogued the absurdity of an actual international IQ test, question by question? All the same assumption-filled "2 4 8 16" pattern recognition. Just took a sample one. Apparently I'm retarded, lmao.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
(That's not me, by the way. Searched for flab. Google it. Well, actually, don't, the results aren't pretty. Not gonna lie, though, this might as well be me.)

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Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
"Doc, am I sane?" "Well, you just committed mass murder, so...probably." That makes sense.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
See how IBM's Thomas Watson helped Hitler murder millions of Europe's most vulnerable citizens.


Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 8 others
60 IQ doesn't worry me that much. Aborigines and Kalahari bushmen have been living pretty good lives for tens of thousands of years. If you're right then tens of thousands of years from now they would evolve more intelligence. Whereas once transhumanism wins, our species is OVER.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 8 others
Uh... 1) I was talking to AlleleEtc, who is definitely an actual Nazi. 2) I'm more racist than you? Hahaha, no. 3) You just met...racists posing as black people on Twitter?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 6 others
Holy shit, you really do think those alt-right black avatars are really black people.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
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and 6 others
Fictional characters don't need papers.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
Cows can discuss certain things adequately, if we weren't so indifferently deaf to their voices. [Man stabs cow] Cow: "Moo!" (Translation: "Stop!") [Man stabs cow again] Cow: "Moo! Moo! Moo!" (Translation: "That hurts! Don't kill me! Stop!") Easy enough to understand, right?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
Yes, there's a hierarchy. Humans are the best. We have morals. Part of proving we're the best should be: Not torturing, murdering, eating other animals that aren't quite as wonderful. At the very least, stop eating fellow mammals.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
When millions of sentient emotion-feeling and emotion-expressing mammals are systematically confined and murdered, holocaust and slavery analogies are irresistible. But shit, not even Nazis and slaveowners ate their victims. Moralistic? Yeah, of course. Guilt and shame? Deserved.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
I tried to reply comprehensively and bluntly at the same time. There's a character limit. I can't help how your brain heard the tone. Dispute the content. Am I wrong? All humans can be equal? No. Will humans ever stop bordering territory? No. Utopian aims require coercion? Yes.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
I'm saying this utopian cult is willing to create even more injustice in its quest to achieve impossibly pure goals. Classlessness can't even be approximated without totalitarian force. Even a charade of borderlessness requires annihilating any nations which stubbornly resist.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
*promoted, not prompted. (Why don't you guys just block me? I don't get it. Do you actually think I will wind up purchasing more IBM products if Twitter's algorithm keeps feeding me your ads?)

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
I could've sworn I replied to this prompted tweet last night, but now I don't see it. Oh well. Once again... Ironic, since IBM's Thomas Watson helped Hitler murder millions of Europe's most vulnerable citizens.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
Common sense is a wonderful thing. An antidote for cult thinking.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
Am I a bot? Would a bot ask you if it's a bot? Would a bot ask you if a bot would ask you if it's a bot?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Stereoflab #RuinABandNameWithOneLetter


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Apathy Speech
Aug 3
There should be a reality show of debates between a rotating assortment of political Twitter tribes. Tape the brainstorm prep with a coach for each side. Air the debate. Add GIFs. Then show a jury judging it. Wild theatre, gripping content, high ratings. Good for democracy? Eh.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
and 7 others
Does an IQ test measure liveliness?

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
I think we're far less likely to go to civil war if we realize how close we actually are to stumbling into a civil war.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
Conservatives support gun rights politically but would disown violence? I'm saying, no, there's a point they use violence, or at least the credible threat of it in the form of gigantic flash mobs. The left has some of the same points. Slavery would do it. Next? You think of some.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
As an absurd extreme, from which we can work backward, if he literally reinstituted slavery. I would be joining the rebellion, hiding people, destroying trains, trying to kill as many slaveowners as I could, helping however, etc. Almost everyone would, I hope. But so, not that.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3
Replying to
No, I mean, like, let's say he also overtly assassinates some writers and anchors and publishers in the process. You yourself can surely steelman the rest of the hypothetical, you would know best just what conditions would trigger an all-out violent revolt from the left side. So?

Apathy Speech
Aug 2
Replying to
A lot of liberals think Trump is Hitler. If Trump suspended the First Amendment and ordered law enforcement (who would, hopefully, not obey) to raid newspaper offices and book publishers and shut down the internet, how soon do you think the left would violently revolt en masse?

Apathy Speech
Aug 2
Replying to
Does this mean you subscribe to the old-fashioned definition of racism? Or do you just mean that all Americans of all races are racist toward non-white people whereas nobody can possibly be racist against white people?

Apathy Speech
Aug 2
Replying to
I support your right to feel this and tweet this.

Apathy Speech
Aug 2
Replying to
Ironic, since IBM's Thomas Watson helped Hitler murder millions of Europe's most vulnerable citizens.

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
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and 5 others
How many full-bloods have been adopted as newborns or have attempted to integrate on their own?

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 5 others
I don't know, man. Someone else posted this earlier. 30 Aboriginal doctors sounds like a lot. Do you think any of them is full-blood?

Close the gap by growing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical workforce
If health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is to be achieved, Australia must continue to focus on increasing the numbers of Indigenous doctors, nurses and allied health...

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 7 others
So IQ-success IS insignificant, noise above the low scores? Right, it's that .8 genes-IQ match you really care about. What do you think of Taleb's point about IQ only correlating .8 to one's own IQ and how an unreliable measure makes correlation less impressive rather than more?

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
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and 7 others
Is this a good analogy: Testing your knowledge of spectator sports predicts success at actually playing sports about as well as testing your IQ predicts actual success in life.

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
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and 7 others
No, paraplegics would not do that well. Can you score a zero on an IQ test? They could spin around in a 0, at least. But an extremely clumsy person can probably still manage to religiously practice and incorporate several heuristics into their dancing habits, and improve hugely.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 7 others
Dancing is pretty much a universal constant in human mating since forever, right? Objectively a valuable signal of fitness. You're defective? The mock warfare of athletic contests is an ancient educational activity and signals exhibition, too. Evolution didn't raise many fools!

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 7 others
Right but, of course, a great teacher COULD teach most white people to dance Pretty Good. And the best black dancers in existence would get terrible Dance Quotient scores after being raised in a dancing-impaired culture instead. But they'd be able to level up to Pretty Good, too.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 7 others
I think you're underestimating the quality-of-life reward it'd give to white people, to be able to dance alright. It's not worth a Manhattan Project or Moon Landing, but it's a worthy endeavor. I would think you'd think, hey, if they're spending money to fix defects, here's ours!

Apathy Speech
Aug 1
Replying to
and 7 others
Score might say it one random day, but I'm not clever. I'm average at best. But quite possibly retarded, maybe in a good way. Name my items of faith: 0. I swear them off. I refuse your articles of faith, which you all just happen to believe and reinforce in unison. Rebels, lol!
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
and 7 others
Any problem if the government spent thirty million on a program to teach white people how to dance reasonably okay? (Why NOT?) Never really equal, except for a few outliers, but at least okay. Is that a gene, the dancing gene? Or is that whites being conditioned by circumstances?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
And yet still losing, lol. 50/50 is all you need. You're whatever percent confident that it's in the 90/10 range (even though you shouldn't be) -- how much more confident do you feel that it's at least 50/50? How close to certain? How much genetic basis do you NEED to be right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 8 others
Question: Why the fuck haven't you geniuses just settled on 50/50 as your stated default nature-nurture split? Why do you need to convince people it's fucking 90/10 genetic? The left wants 0/100! Or some postmodern -18/142.6 bullshit. Struggle for Overton supremacy less.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Their capita is over a billion, though, so there'll still be shitloads of Chinese geniuses. If you're right then oh so many Asian people necessarily have genes that you and your people don't have but wish you did. Damn. That sucks. Count the genes of other races you wish you had!

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Okay. Guess my IQ score. I've never had it tested, so I'm genuinely curious what you think it is.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
How about the pretty big difference between the likely heterosexuality of the original source for the clones versus the 100% gay sex that would happen on this hypothetical planet of same sex clones? Feel comfortable answering that, or would you prefer to stipulate asexual clones?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
The questions that'll subvert your paradigm are all there, I just don't know enough to ask them. I've asked a few you guys can't really answer honestly, so I'm pleased about that, even if they're old. "intelligence associated" = IQ test associated? Asians do score higher...and?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
How far to the right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
So, zero full-blooded Aboriginals integrated into modern Australian society? (Except for that one AFL player.) Not a single STEM graduate? None of them even assistant-managing a retail store somewhere? How many full-blooded Aboriginals have attempted to integrate?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
I'll admit I'm a bit flattered by the Palpatine-ish advice, though. But no, if I educate myself more on this it won't be to serve the Dark Side. I doubt I'll dive much deeper. I suck at math. This is as good as this debate will get for me. I'll just keep intuiting my way through.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
"facts" I see it more like I'm an ignorant chess player up against an expert, and half my pieces are queens but I have no idea what to do with them so I usually get outplayed but as long as I keep moving around the board I'm bound to do damage because, well, you're mostly wrong.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Some must manage fine. How?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
So you would not have been successfully acculturated by Somali pirates. How about by Ottomans? Is the ability to hide and evade covered on an IQ test?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
Right. I mean education, mostly. Values, expectations. Emphasis or not on IQ-test-like cultural characteristics. Also some basic nutritional disparities.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Why was this tweet categorized and hidden by Twitter as sensitive content? Are you on some blacklist?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
and 8 others
Wait, before you bring up Janissaries: That would've required way more coercion from Australians than they were willing to perform, right? Doesn't seem like Australians gave it their best shot. Still, the acculturation worked sometimes. Must even be some acculturated full-bloods.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
20% have convict ancestry. (How does that compare to other whites?) Sure, maybe it's just 1 out of 1022 ancestors. I still like pointing out that whites are the IQ inferiors of Asians. Sue me. If Somali pirates capture you as a boy and try acculturating you: How would that work?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
Wait a minute. Even if 100-IQ earth were same sex and continually cloned, SOME cultures would still diverge hugely over 4000 years. Especially if the 7 billion were variously placed in ghost town infrastructures of all the various cultures that exist now from Botswana to Tokyo.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Australians brought British culture with them. Wasn't the IQ of convict ancestors lower? Or do Chinese migrants balance that? Could be looking at evolved biology, maybe. Or maybe I'm looking at what happens when people grow up in shithole-ish cultures versus overachieving ones.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 8 others
Afraid killing Quillette's reputation on IQ will tarnish all dissent? The best thinking Quillette hosts will just migrate somewhere stronger. The best offense is an opponent's bad defense: Commie whataboutism is beaten best by...cutting out what it's about. If only the US had!

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
Evidence of environment, culture, nurture significantly affecting IQ scores? Hmm. Is this good enough? Or too circular, even for you?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
Clarification: You disperse 7 billion clones in clusters on an emptied earth all at once. Half male half female. 4000 years elapse. Mutations negligible anyway but let's stipulate these clones are engineered not to mutate and they can only sexually reproduce more clones. Try now.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
Not to mention the soft porn of late night Cinemax, and the increasingly sexual videos on vintage MTV. Now advanced to basic cable like FX, and the depraved shit kids see in music videos on YouTube now which only a reactionary tinfoiler like Vigilant Citizen seems to care about.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
You overlooked porn. Once upon a time, kids could not access porn. Then the torn-up pages of nudie mags in the garbage came along. Then VHS tapes hidden in a closet. Soon after intermittently-descrambled pay-per-view. Now complete and instant access via the internet. "Progress"!

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 4 others
I've read most of their relevant articles and your steelmanning really has been the gist of Quillette on IQ and race.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 3 others
They're not wrong about the science of gender, are they? If you destroy Quillette's credibility, some other publication should fill that vacuum of dissent. Got any suggestions? Is there any publication that responsibly gores ALL sacred cows?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
7 billion. You know how large a number that is, right? After 4000 years, wildly different cultures would emerge. Some cultures would bootstrap to great heights, while others would collapse into intellectual darkness. Identical organisms, wildly different outcomes. But...same IQ?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 7 others
According to these "realists", the IQ scores of all 7 billion clones after 4000 years of divergent cultures adapting to different environments would be...all the same, give or take 5 points. All 7 billion start with 100? They all score 95-105, no matter how ignorant or educated.

You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
and 6 others
In a big enough clone society differences would still develop, and many of the differences would be huge -- and all those differences would be 100% caused by nurture, right? What would be the range of IQ scores on a clone planet of, say, 7 billion humans after 4000 years elapse?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 6 others
In a big enough clone society differences would still develop, and many of the differences would be huge -- and all those differences would be 100% caused by nurture, right? What would be the range of IQ scores on a clone planet of, say, 7 billion humans after 4000 years elapse?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
So you agree that not all accusers deserve to be believed. That's what #BelieveWomen demands, though, isn't it? Unconditional loyalty to all women who accuse men? Which will imprison innocent men. So...you must disagree with the hashtag. But #BelieveMostWomen would be reasonable!

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 2 others
Defending? I want them all to be caught, dethroned, imprisoned, tortured, killed, etc. Imagine all the Dems who think Trump et al. are pedophiles and all the Republicans who think Clinton et al. are pedophiles said "Wait a minute -- they're ALL monsters"...it isn't hard to do.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 3 others
"While mass rings of pedophiles may not be a coordinated conspiracy, with Epstein and the Catholic Church the exceptions that prove the rule..." ...and the Franklin scandal, Dutroux affair, Casa Pia case, Jimmy Savile, protected schoolteachers, Dyncorp... So many exceptions!


Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 3 others
Is that the same pedophile GOP politician Hastert who is old friends with Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta whose home prominently features paintings of murdered kids plus several photos of naked teens and one of an adult hand menacingly squeezing the abdomen of a child in diapers?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 2 others
Epstein, the sex-trafficking Democrat, who hosted Bill Clinton on his Lolita Express umpteen times, who co-founded the Clinton Global Initiative, whose accomplice Ghislaine vacationed on a yacht with and attended the wedding of Chelsea AFTER Epstein was caught? That the same guy?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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Believe all cops and prosecutors, even though some of them sometimes lie and destroy innocent people. Because that's okay as long as they're mostly catching bad people. The crimes being stopped are more important than any destructive lies being told. Is...that what you're saying?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
If Harriet Tubman had also helped slaveowners catch slaves, people today would think of her very differently. IBM helped the Nazis (and Watson personally profited!) throughout the war. If IBM supplied ISIS with technology that detects apostates and gays, IBM would be responsible.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
Nazis couldn't have used any other company besides IBM to operate their census (with which they rounded up Jews), optimize their trains (on which they transported Jews), and catalogue their death camps (in which they murdered Jews)...so yeah.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
Replying to
"Send more!" There's a limit, right? A point at which you'd say, "Okay, wait, maybe that's too much"? Would...40 million a year be too much?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 5 others
Except for, say, Success Academy's 32% of graduating black kids who would have otherwise been flushed down the public school crapper and written off by you as low IQ, and who still need you to estimate their IQ based on their grades and standardized tests.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 5 others
It's amazing that the heritability of IQ in twins is 80% when for certain physical traits in farm animals that breeders completely control it's only like 30%. Makes you wonder what could ever cause a pair of twins to have way different IQ scores. That should never happen, right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 5 others
A perfect upbringing can be important. Steph Curry brought up by Average Joe isn't going to be nearly as good as the one brought up by Professional Dell. But yes, geniuses do exist who transcend upbringing. Does it matter that Rutherford's mother was a teacher?

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 4 others
Human raised like wolf would score extremely low on IQ test like wolf. Until civilized into scoring better. Which you people don't think is possible. That's the better point.

Apathy Speech
Jul 31
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and 4 others
You've seen the income-IQ plot graphs. Who do you think the people with an IQ that low (or lower) who make good money are?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
You forgot to guess their IQ. Put that strong correlation to work!

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
San kid with 180 IQ could very well be an excellent hunter or farmer. But on an IQ test he wouldn't even come close to scoring 180. You equate IQ score and intelligence. You mean to say that the San kid is wicked fucking smart. The smartest bushman is going to suck at an IQ test.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
You taught them. Now imagine your kids are twins separated and given away, one adopted by Tiger mom and a Jewish doctor and attends the best academies America can offer, the other has high school dropout parents and goes to total fucking dumps with apathetic teachers. IQ ranges?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
Interesting metaphor.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
Where is the evidence of that? Separated identical twins of average birth, one is trained in the best learning environments on earth for 12 years, one goes to shithole schools in a ghetto for 12 years, and their IQ scores are only 10 points apart max at 17? 95-105? Do they exist?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
*erase that extra "be" from your mind.
give us a goddamn 10-second edit feature!

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
I imagine Eton takes very few risks. No risk, no effect. The tippity top of the cream of the crop of the already-groomed have less room to be grow up. Still a very hard school. You realize that school having no effect defies all earthly consensus the last several thousand years?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
They're already grown. Of course. Now do the influence of going to the best public primary and secondary schools in the world versus falling behind at some crap elementary school with zero rigor, no expectations, then middle and high school with incompetent checked-out teachers.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
Stuyvesant harder...or easier? BLS sorts upon entry -- and it also sorts by massive attrition throughout...because it's a hard school. Only 33% make it! Versus how many of Success? 32%? They sort by...demand, yes...of largely poor black "low IQ" people, who then play a...lottery.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
So teaching, or not being taught, can make magnitudes of difference...as long as you're drawing within racial limits? That's silly. You can win Einstein's super-big stack, but a dude from the Kalahari can't build up beyond a few big blinds? Is this D&D? A fantasy genetics league?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
You are invested in the genetic, so now you don't even think teaching can accomplish much, not even the best teachers in the most rigorous schools, not even Tiger Mom or Hebrew class? (Shouldn't the Baldwin Effect be big from your view?) Quite the nihilist! Humanity disagrees.


Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
They're mostly poor and black, and that correlates with a very low IQ, so very few of them "should" succeed, and yet most do. How? What's the attrition rate for elite exam schools? About 1000 start at Latin, 300 & change make it through? Look to your left, etc. Prep schools too?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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That works. But continuing to argue will also work, because as long as you keep talking earnestly, they will let you know if they are retards, one way or another, over and over and over. Use the subtle continuous dunking like hydropower.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
You can use correlations to guess the average IQ scores of Success Academy students from their academic success, right? They seem pretty successful. What would their likely average be? Somewhere in the 100 range? Up to 115? How about their poor black parents? 70-ish?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
IQ correlates so strongly with school success that you can confidently estimate the IQ scores of Success students, right? The average would be...much higher than 85? Despite similar income-IQ correlations placing their mostly poor black parents' average quite a bit lower than 85?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
Is anyone measuring the IQ of these Success kids? No. Probably because the parents, educators, and students don't want to associate with IQ fetishists. But can't you estimate their IQ scores based on their success on tests and in school because there's such-and-such correlation?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
Replying to
"If the rich are gone then all the non-rich magically won't need energy anymore, but if they do then we wise leftists will run the state and dictate clean energy, but if the non-rich still need more then, well, get rid of them, too. Get rid of everyone. Except for us, of course!"

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
So the Success kids are self-selected based on what parents decide to enter the applicant pool? Parents with higher IQ tend to apply? But these are mostly poor black kids with mostly poor black parents. The kind who'd normally get less than even the average black IQ score. So...?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
It's not really about teachers or students being bright or dumb. It's about culture, expectations, methodology. Use your racist paradigm to explain the success of the Success Academy network.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 3 others

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
Sure. That's two classes of retarded versus genius students with an average teacher. Now let's think about two classes of average students, one with a retarded teacher and one with a genius teacher. Hmm. Now it seems like I'm right again. Anyway, the retardation is cultural.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
And that lion still scores like a sheep on a Lion IQ test.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
You guys already admit to cultural boosts. I'm arguing culture is a much larger factor than you think, genetics much smaller. Culture overwhelms genetics, especially in the dumbing-down direction. A galaxy brain with a 200 IQ is not going to score 195 if brought up by the !Kung.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Huh? You'd be removing, like, 20% of black people versus 8% of white people. Or, for kids, 36% versus 12%, something like that. How much would that decrease the gap?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
Sort of possible to quantify. With an IQ test. Which, as Taleb proved...nevermind. Even if IQ's legit and there's a small heritable discrepancy on average, the gap can be obliterated & REVERSED with culture. Bad morals and schools for whites, elite morals and schools for blacks.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Of course it should be the same. Pick any common measure. What do most people use as the poverty line? Use that.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
I just worry that the IQ tests weren't getting to as many stupid and/or poor white people as they should. Since stupid and/or poor black people are easier to find, clustered in cities, near colleges. Way more trashy white people live in East Bumfuck. How are they being recruited?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
Didn't say there were any. Again: "So there have been some full-blooded Aboriginal newborn adoptees from non-abusive homes and not a single one of them who has ever scored higher than 74?" I take it that there are either no such Aboriginal adoptees or that some scored over 74.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Please link me to such a study. I am very interested in reading about these identical twins who were adopted out to such radically different environments. How many pairs of such twins have there ever been? Must be extremely rare.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
So it also means the IQ gap would massively decrease if all the poorly-educated people were removed.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
So some "pure" black people evolved brains that can do high-level math, argue complex legal cases, perform Chopin pieces, etc. And many, many, many "pure" white people did not evolve such brains. Is that right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Are Jews separated from the white pool or does the white average benefit from Jewish superiority? Are the really, really stupid white people taking these tests as often as they should or are poor white trash being underrepresented?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Twin studies with small samples, where the IQ difference could be due to cultural differences like maybe the kind of white mothers who give up babies are usually smarter relative to their own race than the kind of black mothers who do. Do they offer IQ tests at abortion clinics?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
That graph certainly does exaggerate the difference. Let's see a different graph. Ah, much better. Again, if the average IQ gap is 85 versus 100, what would it become if all poor people are excised from the equation?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
So there have been some full-blooded Aboriginal newborn adoptees from non-abusive homes and not a single one of them who has ever scored higher than 74?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
And yet some sub-Saharans go to college and even become doctors, physicists, etc. If brains evolved as differently as you suggest, wouldn't there be zero who could do that?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
Post one that would show me.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
This isn't a test I'm proposing, just a calculation. I'm asking about what happens to average racial IQ scores if all the poor people are taken out of the equation.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
How large a sample? Removed because they were in abusive families, yes? Indicating 1) the parents are from the stupider end of the Aboriginals' own bell curve 2) very bad starts in nurturing? So it could be hereditary but not racial? Like only measuring whites from trailer parks?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 6 others
If all poor white people and all poor black people disappeared, what would the racial IQ gap be between the people left?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
Better example I need: Which average black American newborns have been adopted into average Jewish or Chinese-Japanese-Korean families? If any of your white descendants someday get persecuted as a minority by Tyrants of Color, will it warp their culture and drop their IQ scores?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
But really, that Jewish newborn, raised as a San bushman or farmer, would grow up to score like, 75 or 80 at best. His IQ genes or whatever wouldn't magically make him over 20-25 points better on an IQ test. He wouldn't be 45 to 60 points better than his peers and adopted family.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 3 others
I gotta say: That's hilarious. You could be the
of the right.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
Replying to
It's a real question: Who are the most successful handful of outliers, probably overexposed in the media by now, from that big sample of Aboriginal-to-High-IQ (preferably CJK/Jew) adoptions? They must have been newborns. Maybe not, though.
must know the answer, yeah?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 4 others
Who are the ones that it worked the best on? Whoever the three most successful cases are must be famous, if it never works. Have there literally been any average Aboriginal infants adopted into any average Jewish families or northeast Asian families there?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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and 5 others
How long would that take, if there were no genetic modification, no fascist coercion? If however many millions of humans voluntarily decided to breed themselves smaller, how many generations would it take to get to four feet? Is that a question that Cochran can answer?

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
*ON "scientific" racism, not IN. GIVE US A 10 SECOND EDIT FUNCTION,

Show this thread

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
Am I wrong,
? You want the racists to lose, right
? As thoroughly as possible?

Show this thread

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
The biggest problem with the war in "scientific" racism is that the racists aren't 100% wrong. If they were 100% wrong they would never attract followers. They might very well be 10-15% right. Maybe more. How you beat them is owning that 10-15% not denying it. Leave them nothing.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 30
Replying to
I am hardly a scientist, but even I can tell she's being a massive idiot.

Apathy Speech
Jul 30
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IQ is bad science, but if it were good science being published by a political entity, then why care? Meanwhile, a science journal like Nature has been publishing politics. Which is worse?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
For many, the end goal is a bigotry-free society. For some, the end goal is absolutely transhumanism. Both goals are utopian, which of course leads to hell. The anti-bigots will wind up creating tyrannies. The transhumanists will wind up...extinguishing the whole human species.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
I think you're mostly very wrong about race, but she's an anti-democratic nightmare.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
So you mean to tell me an average !Kung embryo is transplanted into Rachel from Newton, raised as an Ashkenazi Jew named "Seth", studies Hebrew, learns violin, gets introduced to finance, argues about philosophy and politics at dinner, but his IQ score only goes from 55...to 60?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 4 others
This must be one of those correlations that defies all common sense and experience. If I'm in a class full of geniuses taught by a retard, what am I learning? Nothing. If I'm in a class full of retards taught by a genius, as long as they're quietly retarded I can learn something.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
That makes way more sense! I admire Austin's paranoia, though.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
Yes, mostly pseudoscience. You could use any simple challenge to measure IQ and it could be replicated all over the planet and also correlate beautifully with total incompetence, right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
So you assume every coin is unfair? Okay. I can see the wisdom in that. How many sets of 10 flips would you require to be convinced a coin is actually fair?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
Silencing the right is okay because you'll never be silenced? You just were! Americans are bigger sexual hypocrites than Muslims? Guess how much secret gay sex the Muslim men executing gays have had. No one was tempted to report me for generalizing about Muslims? I doubt that.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
If they were progressives who think everyone to the right of center-left is a Nazi, sure. But they're both extremely unlike that. Which should worry you. This isn't some lazy analogy like the "concentration camps" at the border. Racial pseudoscience is a fundamental Nazi concern.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
Counterpoint: There are primitive indigenous people who are healthy and happy but materially impoverished by our standards.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
What am I attempting? To remind Marsha that censoring the right wing for wrongthink is a bad idea because it empowers the thought police to silence her, too. To point out she missed the obvious top demographic. To caution some liberals not to be hypocritical snitches. Am I wrong?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
The "neo" in neo-Nazi gives the term a broad scope. If one thinks advertising a racial IQ hierarchy under the guise of "science" is exactly something a Nazi would do, but there are a few key differences in philosophy and style, then the neo- prefix broadens "Nazi" enough to fit.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Which part are you rolling your eyes at? The part about how being censored by corporations sucks? Or how Muslims are even bigger sexual hypocrites than Americans? Or how generalizing negatively about Muslims will probably activate censorship instincts in some liberals? All of it?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
Sucks to be punished by the thought police, doesn't it? Also, no, the correct answer for which demographic would win a biggest-prudes-who-are-secretly-freaks global contest is easily: Muslims. (And I'll bet some of you reading that feel an urge to report me now, right? Mm-hmm.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
This scenario sounds just like something you'd see in a dystopian future built by IQ Nazis. To save my life against such deluded ghouls, I would pick the wrong but "obvious" answer of 32.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
I understand if it's 20 or 50 or 100 heads in a row. But just 9 out of 10? Something that happens 1% of the time happening on a first attempt is implausible? When I sit down for poker next time, if someone flops a full house in the first hand, does that mean the game is rigged?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
Racial IQ theory and white privilege theory are kin: Progressives insist white privilege is meaningful even for the homeless white guy walking by Oprah's estate. Supremacists insist group IQ is meaningful even though a "Seth" raised from a San embryo would likely score about 115.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
In spite of their IQ bullshit, Quillette is still worth reading.
Quote Tweet

· Jul 29
Knitting’s Infinity War, Part III: Showdown at Yarningham | @MoorJebsen quillette.com/2019/07/28/knittings-infinity-war-part-iii-showdown-at-yarningham/…

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Replying to
What percentage of socialist ideologues don't hate capitalist, imperialist, racist America?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 4 others
Even if IQ measures intelligence and is significantly heritable, the IQ of women giving up kids might vary based on cultural differences. White women giving up babies might be from a less-dumb range of the white bell curve vs. similarly smart black women who have more abortions?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
Have any classes at Dunbar or Success Academy ever been IQ tested, or do teachers and parents generally disdain having their kids interact with IQ fetishists? (Is that why the sample sizes for all these studies are often so low?)

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
Uh, I didn't mean those expectations. I already knew stereotype threat is a phony phenomenon. I'm talking about the kind of expectations that Asian and Jewish families have for their kids, the kind that rigorous classical schools have for their students. Expectations are free.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
You wouldn't have to adopt black kids into white, Asian, or Jewish families. You'd just have to get a lot of dysfunctional black families and public schools to raise their game. Whatever IQ measures, the gap is all culture and expectations. If any part is genetic, it's minuscule.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 4 others
Can you even reliably predict an individual's IQ score from one month to another? What's a range that people commonly experience? 105 one day, 120 the next?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
"determining what the IQ of some individual would be in a specific setting is not really something we can do" Alright, lol. So then what use are you?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
"Being adopted into a White home, rather than a Black home, was associated with a 13.5 point increase in IQ. This is larger than the entire Black-White IQ gap at the age of the children." Whenever you read that article, do you mentally omit this part?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 4 others
Another thought experiment: The current year is 2169. What few white people remain have been quarantined in ghettos and denied any education for generations in order to ensure the safety of People Who Aren't Colorless. Question: What are the mean IQ scores of those white people?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
Okay, but how much? What would Einstein's IQ have been if he was raised from birth as a nomadic hunter-gatherer? Not 180 or whatever. It would've been like, 80. What would a San baby raised as Seth who studied math and Hebrew every day score? Not just 80. Something closer to 115.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 3 others
Or whatever the numbers are. You don't think there'd be a HUGE movement in each case?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
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and 2 others
Do you really think an average Jewish newborn from Newton shipped overseas and raised as a bushman in the Kalahari would only score one standard deviation less than 115 on an IQ test? And, wee-kay where-suh, a Kalahari kid reared at Jewish day schools would only average a 75 max?

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Think about that, how wrong the statement "dinosaurs are extinct" is and yet how a majority have learned to believe it to be as obvious a truth as the sun is hot or the ocean is wet. All swans aren't white. But every single swan which ever has been or ever will be is a dinosaur.

Apathy Speech
Jul 29
Dinosaurs still exist. inference-review.com/article/on-being-a-fish… "In the case of birds, the result is particularly delightful: one clade of dinosaurs escaped extinction at the end of the cretaceous period... ...living dinosaur species outnumber the extant mammal species by more than two to one."
The media could not be played.
You Retweeted

Apathy Speech
Jan 3
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You're using the top map to fly to the bottom city?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
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Are there limits? Do you feel like there are limits? What limits are reasonable? Would you disagree with anyone who argued there should be no limits? Why? Isn't imagining the logic of any trend exceeding its sane limits a basic angle in comedy? Is it not funny when it's too true?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
I point out a few reasonable things reasonably, and you post nothing but tell me to shut up with an insult...but it's me who's the whiny baby? I don't know, man. I think the baby might be you.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
How many genders are there for nouns in those non-English languages? Two.

Three, if you count neuter. How many pronouns is too much? You roll your eyes at "63", but that would indeed be too many to be reasonable, right? How many initials are too many re: LGBTTQQIAAP? 11 more?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
You're right about the majority of the Quillette readership. But does Quillette itself have the guts to publish something like "Why IQ is Bullshit" by N.N. Taleb? (Would that be a "tolerant" enough title?)

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
While neo-Nazi may be technically inaccurate (real neo-Nazis would reject any metric that says Jews are the smartest people in the world), your one-way inquiry into hereditary group IQ differences suggests some form of racism. Prove otherwise by hosting his IQ-debunking argument.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
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"His debunking has convinced no-one in the relevant fields"...and when Bigfoot gets debunked, that convinces how many people whose careers depend on the Bigfoot legend? (Zero.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
In an ironic parallel universe 150 years from now, if any descendants of IQ hustlers are still white, they'll be quarantined in ghettos and deprived of knowledge in order to keep colorful people safe, and their IQ scores will be horrendous, and they'll pray for IQ to be debunked.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
Why do you tweet the same story several times a day?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
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The least-stupid racists have resigned themselves to the irony of being Jewish and Asian supremacists. They're okay with "whites" in 3rd place. It's a mistake to call them neo-Nazis since Hitler would definitely reject any metric claiming that Jews are the smartest race on earth.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
IQ is crap, but to be fair to the Quillette psych crowd they point out that even if a legit metric for intelligence showed hereditary average group differences it wouldn't mean that racism is scientifically justified, which anti-racists unwittingly imply.

You Retweeted

Jul 28
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and 2 others
The problem with Taleb isnt that he's an asshole. He is an asshole. The problem with Taleb is that he's an asshole and he's right.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
If you're running a blackmail operation to control elites, you wouldn't need to trick some of them, they're already evil enough, they would rape kids no problem. But others might require a more elaborate trap, borderline bait. Pointing that out is not a defense. They're all evil.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
Gun control? Nope. Doesn't work. Rules already exist. Criminals break rules. Besides, why should black people ever trust the government enough to give up their weapons and go defenseless? Do you really think the mayor will protect you? You're just a show for him. Save yourselves!

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
How do you stop the kind of drug dealers who shoot each other? What jobs can you give them that will pay them better after taxes? None that they want. Would you assign more police to more aggressively investigate the neighborhood? Nope that's racist. And nobody talks to cops. So?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
There's something uniquely wrong with all kinds of people. There might be a little something wrong with some black people. Couldn't centuries of oppression leave behind a persistent residue of cultural pathology here and there in a tiny fraction? If so, who would denying it help?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Do reasonable people comprehend the task before them over the next few decades? To somehow de-woke and un-trump umpteen million stubborn fools. Then somehow live with the remainder of incorrigibly-educated wingers for the rest of their natural lives. Good luck with that, lmfao.

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
Doc, there's colored noise bleeding into the space between the lines. Troubled that an MD can be so fooled by the idea that he's been fooled. I know you're human but damn. Wait, were you joking?
did you retweet this for the meta lesson or as a genuine illusion?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28
Replying to
Epstein didn't escape justice because he's obscenely rich. He escaped justice because had obscenely evil blackmail on people with the power to save him. If Orta had video of the mayor raping kids? Doesn't matter how poor he is, he would've got a ticket at most for selling heroin.

Apathy Speech
Jul 27
Replying to
Strange how you, Sirota, and Turner are so quiet about Baltimore today. I wonder why... baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md-sanders-baltimore-20151207-story.html… ...ah. But since your man has integrity, he'll push back against all the phony solidarity of liberals pretending everything is normal, right?

Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country
Hoping to reach out to African-American voters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders arrived in Baltimore on Tuesday for a tour of the neighborhood where...

Apathy Speech
Jul 27
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and 2 others
Miller finally blocked me, lol. I'll miss some of his tweets. But he can take his bullshit IQ-worship and phony worrying-about-existential-risk-while-pushing-anthropocidal-transhumanism and shove it all up his ass.

Apathy Speech
Jul 27
Replying to
America's median income is about the same. I guess that means it's irrational for leftists to focus on the parts of America that are poor. Everything is fine!

Apathy Speech
Jul 27
Replying to
Maybe this is naive, but if Quillette is genuinely about unbounded, honest discourse then why not ask him to explain why your Quillette clique is wrong in a Quillette article of his own. (Not that NNT needs it when the Medium piece has half a million views.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 27
Replying to
The choice of Peterson over Pinker isn't what's laughable. The laughable thing is one purveyor of bullshit (IQ) very importantly weighing the importance of another purveyor of bullshit (Jung and GMO) against the importance of yet another purveyor of bullshit (Pollyanna-ism), lol.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
Replying to
Hmm. Well, it's possible Woody just met Epstein through an ex-girlfriend who later became Epstein's assistant. An ex-girlfriend who was 16 when Woody started humping her. So there's Engelhardt, Dylan, Soon-Yi, and Epstein. Just random data, no pattern! nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html…

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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I am not proposing Taleb as the answer to this question. I'm saying he would ridicule the shit out of the spectacle of Geoffrey Miller seriously debating whether Jordan Peterson has been more important than Steven Pinker.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Not quite that detailed, no. Still just broad endorsements of revolution & broad indictments of capitalism. But hegemony has been achieved. The far left controls the discourse in schools too. Way more detailed propaganda there. Hence, half of Millennials & Gen Z prefer socialism.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Right, and it's just a coincidence that Woody is buddies with Epstein...including AFTER Epstein went to prison.


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Hollywood Reporter
Jul 26
Tarantino billboards hijacked in L.A. to slam Epstein, Polanski and "Pedowood" thr.cm/r60x3e

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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[laughs nassimly]

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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I thought you commies had the brilliant realization that controlling the industries of culture was the prerequisite for taking control of government and other industries. Gramsci was right, and...you've been winning! But...you still pretend to be losing, for the sake of position.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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IBM sure did blaze trails by collaborating with the Nazis.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Black people have common sense. They know better. Liberals have delusions of grandeur. They only distrust the government if they're not in control. Conservatives do that too. But liberals are so deluded they think mostly conservative cops and soldiers will take their side in war.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Both sound good. Both are legitimate national security risks. An unguarded border is a national security risk. Climate change is a national security risk. Obesity is a national security risk. Lots of things are national security risks. And we live in a national security state.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Gun-grabbing liberals like him are not smart. They'll start a civil war they're guaranteed to lose. An actual war not a meme battle. If they ever do imagine an actual war, these liberals expect black men with guns to die for them on the frontlines, instead of hole up defensively.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Before anyone says anything...

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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There's a strong work ethic but but it's largely weaker work than work used to be. Compared to previous eras and poorer contemporaries, we're pussies. And yet after work we feel drained and veg out and watch television or...browse Twitter. And then sleep in very comfortable beds.
“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:45 pm

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libby emmons
Jul 26
The crime of
is using the form of the progressive, Bechdel Test passing new media, but not holding tight to the required views. w
Progressivist media are scared of Red Scare—they should be

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
A lot of Democrats suspect Trump was part of Epstein's pedophile ring. A similar percentage of Republicans think Clinton was part of it. If a sizable amount of each crowd were to reason "Why not both?" and see our hideous "elite" stereoscopically that'd be...disruptive. Powerful.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 26
(Well, shit, I think it's funny. How you can easily fill in the joke by just combining the sordid deeds of a handful of actual "aristocrats"... No? Not so much? Fuck it, I still think it's funny.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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and 2 others
In the analogy, private schools only exist to supplement what public schools don't already cover. "Equal coverage" gets defined by socialist bureaucrats. Algebra? Covered! Even if scores have plummeted. Prostate cancer treatment? Covered! Even if survival rates are now 40% lower.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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Holy? It's more like the Black Grail. What you're working on is ultimately the extinction of the human species. Here's hoping violent Islamists soon realize that the Greatest Satan of them all is people like you.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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So then, to complete the analogy: You want to abolish private security firms, private book collections, and private schools?

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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and 4 others
Devastating logic. The Globe won't respond. The "womxn" will ignore you. You own their fake-woke souls.

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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If being colonized by tiny bots made you "immortal", don't you think one of the hundreds of millions of religious zealots left in the world (bless their hearts) would hunt you down and destroy you for representing a threat to the human species that you would no longer belong to?

Apathy Speech
Jul 26
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IBM helped the Nazis round up, transport, and murder Jews like Mayim Bialik. And IBM has never apologized.

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
"That's a hell of an act. What do you call it?" The Aristocrats!

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Apathy Speech
Jul 25
"That's a hell of an act. What do you call it?" The Aristocrats!

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
"That's a hell of an act. What do you call it?" The Aristocrats!

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
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"After managing to pin the assailant to the ground, the man managed to escape after nobody came to Aia's aid." On behalf of the region, I am ashamed of any onlookers who did nothing. Hopefully it was just a deserted stretch of the Charles. Regardless, she's fantastic.

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
Psychologists, gamers, cultural gatekeepers, hip parents all swear that encountering a deluge of graphic violence in the media doesn't somehow warp a child's mind. Bullshit. Obviously worse for a kid's psyche to see (let alone commit) 10,000 simulated murders than never see them.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 25
What did uptight parents in the 50's imagine rock and roll would lead to? Well, it took a while, but eventually: They were absolutely right. Elvis's pelvis has led to 11-year-olds knowing what Rule 34 is. What in the fucking hell kind of future will our debased present lead to?

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
Can it be: UNFUCKED?

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Apathy Speech
Jul 25
Our culture is: FUCKED UP.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 25
That's not even counting the soft porn of cable TV and YouTube. First it was Cinemax, and all the while MTV got sexier. Now it's a basic channel like FX, and holy shit have you seen the demented sexualization in music videos the last decade or two? The stuff on Vigilant Citizen?

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
Violence is worse. But. It was probably also much healthier for society when kids didn't have the means to encounter sex in the media. A few generations ago and before, what exposure was there? Since then? Mass market nudie mags, and VHS, scrambled pay-per-view, and now internet.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 25
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"I love all humans." Nobody will ever love all humans. Not even Jesus was that crazy. I do love a few and I like some and hate a bunch and am indifferent to most other humans at nearly the same rates across demographics. But since I know white people better they irritate me more?

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
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"The truthful ones", lol. You and your ex-husband/brother have both been caught blatantly lying. You swore you didn't contact him for 6 years...but pics show you together. He's holding your newborn! He swears he's in the pics but not same guy...hospital bracelet proves otherwise.

Apathy Speech
Jul 25
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IBM pays Janelle Monae to sound a woke note about AI bias (What's wrong, Janelle? Afraid that black transhumanists won't get to play an equal part in obliterating the human species?) but IBM has yet to apologize for helping Hitler murder millions of "subhumans" in the Holocaust.

Apathy Speech
Jul 24
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Your article should provide a link to the 2003 Harvard Crimson article that states Epstein was a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Most of the Google results for "Jeffrey Epstein CFR" are disreputable racist cesspools, but: It's true!!

Apathy Speech
Jul 24
Do you feel a shift in the discourse beginning, see a pan-political egregore of recognitions-to-come peeking out of the shadows?

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Apathy Speech
Jul 24
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Quote Tweet

Apathy Speech
· Jul 24
And now all of a sudden the Bayesian calculations in rationalists' heads are forced to accommodate this new data and their estimates of how-probable-it-is-that-Pizzagate-was-horrifically-part-true must be nudged further away from zero. politico.com/story/2019/07/21/jeffrey-epstein-trump-clinton-1424120…
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Apathy Speech
Jul 24
And now all of a sudden the Bayesian calculations in rationalists' heads are forced to accommodate this new data and their estimates of how-probable-it-is-that-Pizzagate-was-horrifically-part-true must be nudged further away from zero.

Apathy Speech
Jul 24
Chelsea was close enough to vacation on a yacht with Ghislaine. Close enough to invite Ghislaine to her wedding, aisle seat. Ghislaine teamed up with the Clinton Global Initiative her partner Jeffrey claimed to co-found. This is all AFTER

he was caught!

Apathy Speech
Jul 24
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Men 5000 years ago didn't dominate, control, and exploit women?

Apathy Speech
Jul 24
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and 3 others

Apathy Speech
Jul 23
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You're expecting a totally socialist borderless planet someday? That's adorable. In the meantime, though, you recognize that there must be SOME borders and restrictions, right? That too much immigration will capsize a liberal democracy, right? Or is that an accelerationist goal?

Apathy Speech
Jul 23
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"Unilaterally declaring ‘open borders’ is not viable option." Not viable in a political sense only? Or not viable in a logistical, economic sense? Maybe a cultural sense, too? What would happen if one third of Nigerians migrated to England at once? What if they were all Muslim?

Apathy Speech
Jul 23
"Unilaterally declaring ‘open borders’ is not viable option." Not viable in a political sense only? Or not viable in a logistical, economic sense? Maybe a cultural sense, too? What would happen if one third of Nigerians migrated to England at once? What if they were all Muslim?

Apathy Speech
Jul 23
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No. They're the epitome of an ugly monster. They're atrocities with fins. You might as well call 9/11 or smallpox beautiful. Sharks may keep the ocean ecosystem in balance. Fine. That's no reason to pretend to love them. You have Stockholm Syndrome. Root for your fellow mammals.

Apathy Speech
Jul 23
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Are there limits to your migrant solidarity? Would, say, 60 million migrants in a single year be too much too fast? Or would you accept any number of migrants at any rate?

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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As NNT wrote about Beard, feeling entitled to substitute one nonwhite for another is as racial supremacist as it gets, and if a white mixed with a person of color produces only a person of color then that means white indicates purity...the same crap that delusional racists think.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
Cringed to see him mention "average IQ" later in that thread. (Forgivable when applied to Friedman, though?) Whatever else can be said about Trump: It's an exhilarating joy to have a president who bluntly cuts the shit like that and calls out a Friedman for being such a phony.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
The good cops should and silently DO know, better than anyone, which cops suck, which bad shoots are inexcusable, which bad cops should be in prison or at least fired. They just need to throw bad cops under the bus, figuratively. Change training, standards, culture, union rules.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
It's one thing to resent the police. I grew up around a lot of people who didn't like the cops. Don't be a rat, code of silence, etc. I get why people would be paranoid about being shot by a cop. I think it should be legal to tell a cop to go fuck himself. But this is battery.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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and 2 others
When the majority of good cops remain stupidly loyal to the fraction of bad cops, that builds resentment and increases the risk to all cops. Bad cops who brutalize civilians might as well be attacking their fellow officers. Bad cops must be despised and disowned by all good cops.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
Because a tiny fraction of cops are so bad they kill harmless people (white people too) and some cops are racist and poor black neighborhoods need cops more so resentment builds and a network of left wing activists have gaslit black folks to despise all cops and America in total.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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If a white teen rode by a Muslim woman in a headscarf and flicked it off, would you not right now be assuming it a hate crime? For future reference! That said, I doubt this boy knew how sacrosanct a hat is to an Orthodox Jew. Might just be a punk knocking off any stranger's hat.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
No, good patriotic people are sometimes wrong and can get caught up in tribal politics and make the mistake of supporting a lying, defrauding, bigoted demagogue...and yet still essentially support America at the same time and honor the memory of 9/11. Republicans do it every day!

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
Replying to
"You will #NeverRemember" is a devastating truth. It's weird to think that people will turn 18 this year who didn't exist on 9/11. But I wasn't alive for the Kennedy assassination and I can still have big opinions (even wrong ones) on it and still insist that we all remember it.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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If you want to criticize an off-limits public figure you should do a daily series focusing on barely-veiled sports analogies of that figure. There must be hundreds. Bad owners. Deplorable fans. Racist players. (Not Cobb tho!) Crooked refs. Demagogue press. Stupid rules. Be funny!

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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Hands. Who the hell would say pill? We used hands for 200k years. Well. Maybe if they come up with a Wonka 5-course pill, vegetarian, never have to eat a meal unless you really want to. That would solve world hunger, too. Unless they charge a fortune. Anyway. Pill, definitely.

Apathy Speech
Jul 22
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If his older sisters ever pummeled him, that's probably his closest to a fistfight. But now what percentage of all NFL quarterbacks have not been in a fistfight? Like, 90? Because quarterbacks just aren't like that. How many punters have been in a fistfight? Close to zero, ever?

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Only In Boston
Jul 20
A message from the Braintree Police...
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Robert J Frey
Jul 20
My grandmother was born in 1877. She was 26 when the Wrights flew at Kitty Hawk in 1903. She was 92 and still sharp and I was 15 when she and I watched Apollo 11 land. She told me that she remembered reading a scientist argue that heavier than air flight was probably impossible.

Apathy Speech
Jul 20
Replying to
Cricket must be as boring as baseball to play and watch (and I still love baseball)...except also ten times longer? Afterlives could be interesting. Re-rolling into different animals like Hindus? But then Hell could be...watching golf forever. Grand Slam Sundays are fun, though.

Apathy Speech
Jul 20
Replying to
Depends on what kind of afterlife there is.

Apathy Speech
Jul 20
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If you "improve" your genes with CRISPR, if you "upgrade" your brain with implants, if you replace your body with machines, if you upload your mind to a computer, if you can "live forever"? You're no longer human. You're either dead or a hostile alien species that should be dead.

Apathy Speech
Jul 20
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PROGRAM ibm_nazi_remind LET red hat = ibm LET holocaust = nazis + ibm DO while red hat spams feed LET reply = edwin black PRINT reply LOOP END

Apathy Speech
Jul 20
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Why did black parents in Boston oppose busing? Because they didn't want their kids bused to a hostile environment in order to attend public schools just as substandard as ones they could walk to. Same as most of the white parents. Don't let a minority of fiendish idiots fool you.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Oops: Savile was besties with Prince Charles. Savile did console Prince Andrew's wife Fergie during the divorce, though. Whatever you get the point. We're ruled by cliques of ghouls who bond by committing evil. Power tends to attract evil souls. Let alone corrupt the good ones.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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and 2 others
Why did EITHER lie? They both did! WHY? If he's just her ex-husband not her brother, but for some unusual reason is still very close to her, living at the same address as her old-new husband, visiting her the day after giving birth, close enough to joke about her vagina: WHY LIE?
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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NO, no, no. The WORST thing is that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi admitted he was that guy in the photos but LIED about being the same ANSE as her husband. He IS the same ANSE. Meaning: SHE not only LIED, it's plural counts of PERJURY. And also meaning: He lied to cover up something WORSE?
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Philosophical Zombie Hunter

Jul 19
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Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Parts of BOTH the Franklin Scandal and ALSO Pizzagate are true. Some of the WORST parts are true. The Finders were an ACTUAL thing. Lawrence King EXISTS. Craig Spence EXISTED. Epstein is REAL. Prince Andrew bffs BOTH Epstein & Savile. The Podesta brothers ARE abominable creeps.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 19
The right would be justifiably incensed over this were it the Clinton administration. (It's BEEN the Clintons, too.) The left should be just as able to connect dots and call out the right's demons. Both sides are rotted on top with evil. How's that for bothsidesism? Fuck you all!
Quote Tweet

Steven Boyer
· Jul 19
This is the same George Nader that helped Jared Kushner plan Trump’s first state visit to Saudi Arabia of all places. twitter.com/rachelweinerwp…

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Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
The PHOTOS show: Ilhan & Leila have the same dad. Ilhan absolutely lied about not being in contact with Ahmed Elmi. An ex-husband very weirdly visited his ex-wife's newborn and called her his niece. And oh my god how on earth could the birthday discrepancy be faked, lol? Give up!

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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I seriously doubt that the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board has the jurisdiction to investigate immigration fraud and federal perjury. She will be investigated, her lies will be discovered, she will be charged, and she will be found guilty. Sucks to be her.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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Congress only has 535 members. Our investigative agencies and attorneys general can afford to go after a Representative who has so blatantly committed fraud and perjury. Failing to enforce the law at that level could be seen as a national disgrace.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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While it's fun giving the imperialistic intersectional left aneurysms of cognitive dissonance, let's not concede even an inch of moral ground to cultural patterns like honor killings, FGM, or executing gays.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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"Stack", hmm. Reminds me of how your owner IBM helped the Nazis murder Jews whose corpses would be stacked up and then burned and the vapor would rise out of smokestacks.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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There's plenty of money and manhours to investigate both Omar and Trump.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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start ibmnazi.exe

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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THEN: IBM helped the Nazis round up, transport, and exterminate "subhumans" and IBM has NEVER apologized for that.

NOW: IBM pretends to be "woke", like celebrating Pride Month despite IBM helping Hitler kill thousands of gays.

ALWAYS: IBM being hypocritical profiteers.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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Ahmed Elmi's lies 1) show there's something to hide 2) directly implicate Ilhan in lying about contact. I don't even think it matters that much, personally. The government might disagree, and charge her with fraud & perjury. Trump's lies are bad, too. All liars should be caught.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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The link to that in the Daily Beast article brought me to this irrelevant story: m.startribune.com/relentless-omar-sealed-historic-win-in-minnesota-legislative-battle/389807771/?refresh=true… If her family has a habit of lying, then why believe what they listed on immigration documents? Sounds like it's just another charge of fraud for a future prosecutor to add.

'Relentless' Ilhan Omar sealed historic win in Minnesota legislative battle
Her state House campaign to unseat Rep. Phyllis Kahn knocked on thousands of doors and spread its reach wide.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Yes, Trump is a lying douchebag. Nice attempt at whataboutism. Now let's get back to Ilhan's hilarious lies.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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He lied about not being the same Ahmed Nur Said Elmi and the birthday on his hospital wristband proves it. I get honorary kinship. But this is an EX-HUSBAND, whom Ilhan supposedly does not contact after 2011, in her maternity room the DAY AFTER, holding his "niece". Be real.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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LMAO! pjmedia.com/davidsteinberg/rep-ilhan-omar-d-mn-perjury-evidence-blacked-out-by-minnesota-media/… Ahmed Nur Said Elmi tells a reporter, yes, that's him in the photos next to Ilhan, but he's not her husband, he has a different birthday from that OTHER Ahmed Nur Said Elmi born on 4/4/85. Except he posted a hospital selfie with a 4/4/85 wristband!

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Nur Said is definitely Ilhan's father, and Leila Elmi's father is definitely (marriage certificate) also a Nur Said, and Leila (whom Ilhan calls sister) is FB friends with Ilhan's dad, and all three of them are pictured together exactly like a father and two daughters would be.


Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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No mention of Ahmed Elmi's blatantly lying (the hospital bracelet!) about being the guy in the pics but not her husband. No mention of him holding his "niece" which is not a common term of mere affection especially not for ex-husbands. "Conclusively debunked" lol. Not even close.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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and 2 others
Also so random that both Ilhan and Ahmed Elmi are blatantly lying about not having contact after 2011. Ahmed in particular trying to claim that he's the guy in the pictures but not the same guy who married Ilhan is...hilarious. Ilhan's lying is less hilarious, since it's perjury.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Sure bro. That's a plausible explanation. Could just be a total coincidence that Ilhan and Leila both have a literal non-honorary father named Nur Said and that it appears to be the exact same man. Or that her recent "ex-husband" held her newborn and called her his niece. Random!
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
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Evidence methodically shows: - The same Nur Said is Ilhan Omar's & Leila Elmi's dad - Ilhan & some dude saying Leila is Ilhan's sister - Amhed Elmi & Ilhan both calling Leila's daughters nieces (Ahmed already shown calling Ilhan's newborn his niece) - Ahmed calling Leila mum

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Uh? The 1980s were awesome to live through for non-impoverished kids. Almost perfectly designed for the consciousness of anyone who turned 2-4 in 1980 and 12-14 in 1990. Naive culture. Juvenile music production. Childish fashion. Toy crazes & video games dawning. We were spoiled.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Did you miss all the evidence piecing together the Omar and Elmi families as one, the interlocking chain of social media pictures & comments & names? Just a coincidence her father goes by "Nur Said"? Is there any evidence that Muslims use "niece" and "sister" THAT figuratively?

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
Have you actually read this whole thing? Try it and rethink. I don't even really give a shit about it all, it's just hilarious how badly she's been caught lying. I laugh at Trump's ridiculous lies too. But these aren't his. These lies all belong to Ilhan.

Apathy Speech
Jul 19
Replying to
She's already long been naturalized for over five years so denaturalizing her is not an option. Unless you're saying she can still be held responsible for her father's lies when she was 10 years old? That would seem...unfair. Just prosecute her as a citizen. But now her father...

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
Whoever this Steinberg guy is, he's got receipts. You're busted. Again I only kind of care. It might be a crime, it's definitely not a good look, but I don't think it's a huge deal. I do think it's hilarious! Like, really really funny. Sitcom foolishness.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
But that was after she had already been naturalized for five years. After that point? Citizen. Her lies could get her in legal trouble but not denaturalization, not getting sent back. Her father Nur Said may have lied getting her in, but that can't be her fault, she was 10 then.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
And no, this isn't a workplace, Miss Omar/Elmi. This is the agora. This is America. We express opinions. Even wrong ones. You can't be sent back. This is your home now. But do I think you & your groupthink are a force for good here? No. So: IMAGINE going back. Would you? Nope!

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
I don't even care if she committed bigamy. (Polyamorous marriages will eventually be legal, whatever.) I kind of care that she fraudulently married her brother. (She did, lol. Really.) I think her socialism sucks. But we can't send her back. She's a citizen. Naturalized long ago.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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That Future Sounds More Like a Society Where 1000's of Females Keep Just a Few Male Specimens As Pets to Procreate With. Forget About Weesh, Who Wants a Fucking Leash? Most Alphas Will Never Get This. I'm Not Doing This Right But the Point Stands.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
Sorry, I was hedging. If just one or two instances count, then it's almost certain not just probable. Some of the Moors were sub-Saharan, and upwards of a million white Europeans were enslaved by Muslim traders. It'd be really unlikely if a black Muslim never owned a white slave.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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Heads. Coin probably not fair. But not so fast: IF it's a con, the coin could be switched! BUT if others are watching, THEY might be the marks and I win 100x too. BUT if not a con maybe God* favored that guy & won't favor me. So, I won't bet everything I own. *or ghosts etc.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
True. Not in America, no. But there was probably a black Muslim or two who owned a white slave or two in Spain or North Africa.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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· Carpe shouldn't have attended a White House function if he prefers anonymity. Visitor logs today go public as soon as 2025 or earlier if lawsuits succeed. · I wonder if Kerrie Campbell's "J. Doe" is her client Deepak Chopra to whom Epstein donated $50,000. Or maybe it's Oprah?

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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Is it racism? They don't want to send
back. Hmm. I wonder why. That crowd hates you because you're socialists. If you were conservative Republicans the same crowd would adore you. (But then your comrades would call you traitors. And exile you. And revoke your blackness.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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Would IBM use cloud technology today if IBM were once again helping the Nazis identify and round up Jews & Gypsies then helping the Nazis schedule and track the trains carrying those Jews & Gypsies to their gruesome deaths which IBM also helped catalogue?

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
How would a modern programming language translate the punch card codes IBM used when they helped the Nazis exterminate Jews and Gypsies? For example, IBM classified a Gypsy murdered in a gas chamber as a "12" in a "6", so...what would that be in Python? jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ibm-and-quot-death-s-calculator-quot-2…

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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Progressive responses... White shooter: "There's a violent culture of white supremacy!" Cop shooter: "There's a violent culture of white supremacy!" Black shooter: "Don't you dare blame it on any black culture." Muslim shooter: "Don't you dare blame it on any Muslim culture."

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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JESUS: "Blessed are the poor...ly educated." TRUMP: [smug smile] LIBERALS: "Boo!"

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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PROGRAM reminder LET Red Hat = IBM DO while Red Hat tweets ad LET Holocaust = Nazi + IBM IF ad = IBM then LET reply = Edwin Black link ELSE LET reply = 0 END IF PRINT reply LOOP END

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
Replying to
Recognizing the good, the bad, and the hypocrisy of both the left and the right is what centrism is? Okay then, pack my bowl with that dank centrist shit. That same crowd would adore a black female Muslim immigrant if she were a conservative Republican instead of a socialist.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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C:\> REMINDIBMNAZI jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ibm-and-quot-death-s-calculator-quot-2…

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
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1) All parents, mothers OR fathers, should refrain from posting photos of children on Twitter to score political points. 2) The real shame is there are far right psychos who'd harm that boy. Get real. 3) Republicans don't want to deport her kid. She's gaslighting her own child.

Apathy Speech
Jul 18
The swaggering left owns the discourse in the media & schools. 1/2 of Millennials & Gen Z prefer socialism. Overt socialists are taking the lead in the Democratic Party. Gramsci's vision is coming true! But look out, it's...a new Red Scare. America still mostly despises leftism.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Another industry that IBM has expertise in: The extermination of Jews. jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ibm-and-quot-death-s-calculator-quot-2…

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Is your son a socialist? Not yet, right? If Omar were a black female Muslim immigrant but a conservative Republican, that same crowd would adore her. (p.s. It's a terrible idea to use a picture of your kid to signal virtue on Twitter. Far right psychos could always be lurking.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
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That crowd thinks Omar is a subversive. And...don't you WANT her to be? (Let me guess: The bad stuff fascists do isn't bad because it's bad, it's bad because it's fascist, and the good stuff anti-fascists do isn't good because it's not bad, it's good because it's anti-fascist?)

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
If it's discovered Sebastian Gorka belongs to the Nazi Party*, and if it's within five years of him being naturalized, he could be denaturalized, and...sent back. And a crowd of Democrats would not chant send-him-back? The left might see even the Trump GOP as subversive enough.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
This statement, lmao. IBM takes zero responsibility. They even humblebrag about the lawsuit being dismissed when it was WITHDRAWN so that it wouldn't disrupt the millions IBM was already paying victims in restitution...without ever apologizing, of course! www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/1388.wss…

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Coca Cola quenched Nazi thirst. Ford himself was basically a Nazi and the company's plant in Cologne used slave labor. But IBM was the exclusive supplier of proprietary tech that identified Jews to round up, optimized their camp movements, catalogued their remains. Without IBM...

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Lots of anti-capitalists hate America. Like, really really fucking hate it. I'm aware it's possible to be a patriotic commie. But let's be real. Most on the far left here hate this place. Far right calls it oikophobia...but they hate America, too! Is it different where you are?

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
The moon landing really was amazing. Makes me proud to be human and American. U-S-A! U-S-A! It's too bad then that the sensation produced by this ad is tainted by being associated with IBM's role in the Holocaust for which IBM has never apologized. Sigh.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
It's getting tiresome to post a substantive reply to every new IBM ad in my feed, so... Watson!

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
85% is about the same percentage of Jewish children passing through the Theresienstadt ghetto-camp who wound up being transported to Nazi death camps...thanks to the logistical support of IBM!

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
"Killer" has a whole new meaning now that you're owned by the same IBM which helped the Nazis kill millions of Jews.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Your new owners IBM 1) innovated the punch card system that they sold to the Nazis to identify and round up Jews, and 2) maintained their Hollerith machines inside Nazi concentration camps to optimize the Final Solution.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
"Solution", hmm. Reminds me: Beware, coders, that you're not helping IBM facilitate genocide like when IBM facilitated the Final Solution for the Nazis.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
"Workloads", hmm. Reminds me of the fatal workloads forced on prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps that IBM helped maintain.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
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and 3 others
Ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? If Epstein and Clinton were Republicans, what would you be saying? If John Podesta and his cannibalism fetish or Tony Podesta and his collection of murdered-children paintings were Republicans? It would be stupidly obvious they're evil people.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
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and 2 others
Basements and cheese pizza aside: Jeffrey Epstein isn't part of a pedophile sex ring? Jeffrey Epstein isn't a Democrat? Jeffrey Epstein didn't "co-found" the Clinton Foundation? Bill Clinton wasn't a frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" outfitted with an orgy bed?

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
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and 2 others
Buck's is owned by Alefantis. It's across the street from Comet. Reason why the existence of a basement ever became an issue = the pic Alefantis shared on Instagram of a basement-ish room about which a friend commented "#killroom". Dumb tinfoilers assumed it was Comet not Buck's.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
"Hybrid", hmm. That's what the Nazis called people whose ancestry was mixed with Jewish roots, and IBM's punch card system helped the Nazis identify those people and send them to ghettos and concentration camps.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
Hitler once thought Jews weren't useful enough to live and IBM's Thomas Watson helped Hitler replace them. Corporations now think humans aren't useful enough to work and IBM's Watson AI helps corporations replace them. IBM's one constant: No apologies!

Apathy Speech
Jul 17
Replying to
We celebrate reaching the moon even though NASA used some Nazi scientists from Operation Paperclip. IBM thinks, hey, if we forgave those Nazis then we have to forgive IBM for helping other Nazis. EXCEPT: Those scientists didn't facilitate the Holocaust!

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
The woke concept of whiteness-as-nothing-but-a-cultural-concept is ironically susceptible to racist essentialisms. Racists used to reject swarthy Greeks, you note. I noted how racists today desperately want to claim them. Mine is the more devastating critique of white supremacy.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
UMASS Front Percussion - Paranoid Android
The UMASS Front Percussion plays "Paranoid Android" (by "Radiohead"). I found this interesting music on the internet a few years ago. But I didn't found any ...

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
Taleb authoritative enough? medium.com/east-med-project-history-philology-and-genetics/the-insidious-racism-of-mary-beard-et-al-8b6b768b4575…

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
True, white supremacists with feelings of inadequacy about the sophistication of ancient Nordic civilizations sure do love co-opting the Greeks and other Mediterraneans as "white", lol.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
Maybe, as long as the next time Nazis build gas chambers the only people who line up to die in them are the Nazis themselves.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
Point is: "Honor where you are now or go fix where you're originally from first", while unfair and also whataboutistic, isn't necessarily racist. If Trump makes the same point about a socialist with Greek or Ukrainian ancestry, that basically neutralizes the Squad tweets' racism.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
"Red Hat can help." Just don't help any genocidal monsters the way that your new owners IBM helped the Nazis!

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
"Migrating", hmm. Hundreds of thousands of Jews in Europe migrated to escape the Nazi persecution that was helped by IBM. Unfortunately many of them were recaptured, put on Nazi trains scheduled with the help of IBM technology, and died in concentration camps IBM helped organize.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 2 others
Maybe it would've been smarter if he had focused on Omar alone. He's not wrong about her. Using "they" implicated the other three, though, and they were born here, so it's about their ancestry. Pressley in particular, whose ancestors may have been here for the last...400 years.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
Fair point about whataboutism. But I don't see how it'd be racist. Power dynamic? Are you assuming the American communists and their anti-communist child are white? Let's say they're Americans whose distant ancestors were from China. Race not involved. Still racist?

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
American communists move to China, give birth, and that child grows up to be a zealous opponent of China's system: Is it racist for a Chinese politician to suggest that person first return to the US and fix capitalism's problems here before trying to radically transform China?

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
If your company found out that an employee is a Nazi, you'd fire him, right? And yet you just got bought by IBM and IBM helped the Nazis murder Jews and IBM has never even apologized for that. You're owned by unapologetic Nazi collaborators. Here's what "Red Hat" looks like now.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
Nice numbers. Exactly how much more productive did IBM's data accessibility expertise help make the Nazis in their roundup of Jews?

You Retweeted

Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Wisdom
Jul 16
"The rationalist imagines an imbecile-free society; the empiricist an imbecile-proof one, or even better, a rationalist-proof one." - Nassim Taleb

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 2 others
If he makes the same point about American socialists whose ancestors came from Greece or Serbia or Ukraine, any racism in the original tweet will be negated, right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 2 others
Billions, wow! Given all of that money, perhaps IBM could forfeit more of the riches it made helping Hitler exterminate Jews. 3 million seems like a lot but not compared to the 100+ million IBM earned from Nazi Germany. How about an apology then? Nope!

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
IBM was the market leader in providing Jew-hunting technology to the Nazis. So much so that Hitler gave IBM's Thomas Watson a medal!

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
Stopping transhumanist "eugenics" from annihilating the human species would be cooler than going to the moon.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
"Masterclass", hmm. Reminds me: The real Watson helped Hitler's quest to replace Subhumans with a Master Race. Now IBM wants to replace conversational humans with conversational AI? Cool. IBM helping new utopians create a future where humans have been "upgraded" into extinction!

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
It's a heartless bureaucracy, for sure. Just not sure it's the worst kind. The heartless bureaucracy you want might be worse.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
Now that IBM owns you, try to make sure that the competitive advantage that your technologies and techniques provide isn't genocide-related. You never know with IBM!

How IBM Technology Jump Started the Holocaust
The Nazis' persecution of Jews was brutal, methodical, and horrifyingly efficient. However, their perverse efforts were only realized with the assistance of a Hollerith Machine - IBM's custom-built...

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
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and 3 others
"Sorry, there's a cap on how much the state will spend to extend your life. Decision is final, but at least it wasn't motivated by profit." Less pay = More docs? As for outcomes, why do Brits with prostate cancer only survive 50% of the time after 5 years versus 90% in the USA?

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
Crap thrown out after...using it. Products in a communist economy are never thrown away? (Apart from being so desperately poor you'll keep anything to barter for food.) I'm not saying Americans don't buy trifling crap. But you still haven't specified which crap you would abolish.

Apathy Speech
Jul 16
Replying to
In a decommodified housing market, who determines which houses are worth what when? Will new huge houses be worth the same as new tiny houses? If I buy a house and upgrade it or 10 years later the location becomes way more desirable, I now can't sell it for more than inflation?

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
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and 3 others
Bureaucrat determines if an extra several months of your life is worth X dollars, just like today, except you couldn't even theoretically choose a different insurance. Fewer doctors. (Unless med school's "free", too?) Longer waits. Less innovation, though much today gets hoarded.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
If not-being-brutal meant enough to the ranchers, enough to sacrifice who-knows-how-much money, they could maybe build bigger non-lethal (at first) traps that one could then seal tight and pump in a fatal amount of nitrogen. Still morbid, almost Nazi-like, but way kinder. $, tho.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Trump's part-right: Certain people hate America, hate the idea of American pride, except in the sense of being proud of an abusive alcoholic in recovery and therapy, a sinner still beneath you in need of repair. Who they're really proud of are the long-suffering victim-underdogs.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Buzzfeed sucks, but how is it doxxing Carpe to publish his name if he willingly attended a White House function subject to FOIA transparency?

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
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and 3 others
If they advertised waxing for those with female genitals only, regardless of whether the female genitals are possessed by a woman or a man, would you then be okay with being excluded? Or would you still insist on violating a poor immigrant by forcing her to handle your ballsack?

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
You'll find dozens of articles with a quick search. Here's a handful: gizmodo.com/how-ibm-technology-jump-started-the-holocaust-5812025… jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ibm-and-quot-death-s-calculator-quot-2… m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_1301691…

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Which foods, which housing arrangements, which medicines, which cars, which classes would you discontinue? Obsolescence has limits, consumers avoid crap that instantly fails. There are also upsides, e.g., the turnover sustains jobs. USSR products were luxurious and honest, lol?

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Not what I asked: Tell us which commodities you would *forcibly discontinue* as "untrue needs" if you were chairman of the True Needs Department.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
85% is a lot! Nearly the same as the percentage of Polish Jews who were killed in the Holocaust that IBM organized for the Nazis.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
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and 2 others
No, it's more like saying an amateur could "force" an NBA superstar into missing a single shot. That 12% probably contains not just all those who play tennis seriously but also all of the men aware enough of the sport to realize that losing a single point is EXTREMELY POSSIBLE.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
"Unlock", hmm. It's too bad you don't have a time machine so you could UNLOCK the gates of the concentration camps where all the Jews you helped the Nazis kidnap were trapped. But hey, at least you can still apologize. Oh wait, no, you won't even do that.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Data accessibility sure is IBM's speciality. Just ask the Nazis!

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to

THEN: IBM designs the brains of the Nazi census to take Jews to the camps.

TOMORROW: IBM takes holocausting to the limit with a quantum AI selection process.

ALWAYS: Building "unique" systems to solve "unique" challenges, and never apologizing.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15
Replying to
Just about...except for millions of white people whose American ancestry begins with a boat/plane arriving after the Civil War. But even Beto only descends from 2 slaveowners out of 32 great-great-great grandparents. How many black people are 1/16th slaveowner and NOT from rape?

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
Blocked for being reasonable, lol.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
War is brutal. This is footage of a war between predators and prey. I hate seeing mammals die like that, especially cats and canines, but they were going to fatally brutalize other animals that humans prefer (to eat, ugh). Might as well be footage of ISIS soldiers getting sniped.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
Wikipedia is shorthand for "Here are dozens of examples if you really give a shit." America guilty of a war crime here and there. Law of large numbers. But no murdering millions of non-combatants. No mass graves. No gas chambers. No psychotic medical experiments. No cannibalism.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes… Not just internment. Not just ending a war quicker to save more total lives. Not a previous generation.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
They agreed to give Milov credit. Then they made a mistake and forgot to credit her, oops. Now they're giving her credit. Is it really "shocking" and "disheartening", or just an error? Exactly how extensive an apology would you require if you had the legal power to compel them?

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
Trump would have been smarter to just address Omar. How much better is America than Somalia? It's quantifiable, right? If she can detect and solve injustice here in America where there is so much less of it, then wouldn't fixing Somalia be way easier for her? Why not? Oh, right.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
It will outlast Trump and it will be better used by smarter and less douchier adversaries of the left, which already includes all the foot-on-each-side centrists, such purity the newest left demands. Giving the left aneurysms of dissonance is EASY: Why? Rhymes with...hypocrisy.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
Discover how IBM delivered the scale and flexibility to transform Europe into a stage for killing hundreds of thousands of Gypsies.

Apathy Speech
Jul 14
Replying to
Japan was objectively evil too. They had to lose, the war had to end. If it hadn't been 200,000 people killed by atomic bombs it would've been over a million killed some other way. Ugly math. Those bombs saved lives. Same if we could have nuked Berlin early enough. If only, sigh.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Would I have exhibited a bomb offshore first, and dropped a million warning leaflets to civilians first, and waited a little longer before Nagasaki? Yeah. But I still would've used it. Would've nuked Berlin, too. Not a racist. Not a relativist, either. Nazis are objectively evil.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
5 death camps killed about 3M. The ghouls wiped out about 40% of the Jews on earth. They would have exterminated them all and all other Subhumans had they never lost. Just like ultimately IDGAF about Hiroshima: If roasting and rubbling Dresden helped end the war sooner, so be it.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Every group the Nazis persecuted is superior to the Nazis. Even the most crippled mental retard is superior to the most excellent Aryan specimen the Nazis could produce. Because at least that cripple isn't a genocidal psycho. Jews, homos, Gypsies, Poles...all superior to Nazis!


Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
IBM enabled the Holocaust. I dread what AI will enable. But genocide has been a thing for eons. Technology in the form of rocks and spears enabled ancestors to wipe each other out. Nobody was ever anonymous long back then. Why not adopt the stance of Go Right TF Ahead & Watch Me?

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Internment, not death. If the Nazis hadn't mass-murdered any Jews and had only forced them all into temporary internment camps or even chattel slavery, then the Nazis wouldn't today be the epitome of evil, they'd be relatively normal as far as deranged utopian societies go. Alas.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Explain how those almost half a million dead Americans weren't superior to Nazis, this should be fun.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Literally every group the Nazis persecuted were superior to the Nazis. Even the most mentally retarded cripple was superior to the most excellent Aryan specimen the Nazis could produce. Because at least that cripple wasn't a genocidal psycho. But also all the dead good Americans.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Yep. The most efficient outcome would have been if the Nazis had driven only themselves into the ghettos, if the Nazis had shot only themselves in the head, if the Nazis themselves had been the only ones lining up for the gas chambers. Would've spared millions of superior humans.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
So you're an alt-right douche who hates Jews and maybe also thinks the Holocaust didn't happen or whatever? You suck. That said, don't you enjoy seeing IBM pwned for pandering to gays during Pride Month when all the while IBM helped Nazis murder thousands of gays? No lulz there?

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Lord grant me the patience to deal with people too confident about being the only people capable of being oppressed to realize they're being sexist and racist and who don't understand that all it would take for anybody to win a single point off Serena is a single unforced error.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
Picturing a man in drag with cyborg legs winning the ESPY for Female Athlete of the Year.

Apathy Speech
Jul 13
Replying to
First time I've ever been called a cuck, lol. Mocking a corporation for pathetically impersonating a progressive brand when they actually helped make the Holocaust happen and have never apologized, is that what cucks do?

Apathy Speech
Jul 12
Replying to
Google IBM and the Holocaust, there are a thousand different articles. IBM is the one who should be embarrassed.

Apathy Speech
Jul 12
Replying to
You mean, provide evidence?

Apathy Speech
Jul 12
Replying to
"Helen believes the Hallwang did extend Gemma's life - but she cannot say with certainty that going there was the right decision." It did seem to work for a while. How much is extending someone's life for a year worth? What is every extra month worth?

Apathy Speech
Jul 12
Replying to
So the comparison gives credit to left-wing extremists for being bigger/better liars? Also: Many on the extreme left believe in restoring a mythical egalitarian order that preceded agriculture.

Apathy Speech
Jul 12
Replying to
Communists haven't had an authoritarian view of order, haven't rejected popular sovereignty?

Apathy Speech
Jul 11
Replying to
Discover how IBM helped turn millions of data points into crucial insight for the Nazis at Auschwitz and Dachau.

The author of "IBM and the Holocaust" tells his story. GBTV - http://web.gbtv.com/index.jsp

Apathy Speech
Jul 11
Replying to
It's already been reality, no need to wait. theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/08/finding-the-line-between-safe-space-and-segregation/496289/… The left are trapped in double binds of their own design. Identity politics = a wheel, a table being turned. If fascism wins in America, it'll be uber-woke. Scary to extrapolate. But also hilarious to observe!

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
But then I watch something like this and I think, however much less soul, that there is still TOO MUCH soul to kill. I might have to go back to just bivalves, eggs, and dairy.

Fish Are Way Smarter Than You Think
Many people assume that fish are less intelligent than mammals, but it turns out that isn’t true at all - they are actually way smarter than you probably giv...

Show this thread

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
How many different once-in-a-100-years weather events happen during any 100-year period? Rain, snow, heat, cold, wind...most rain all at once, most rain over a week, lowest temperature, longest heat wave, sustained winds, gusts, etc. Lots of various stuff happens every 100 years.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
A "hybrid cloud"...kind of like the hybrid cloud of hydrogen cyanide that the Nazis used to poison a million people at Auschwitz with the help of IBM.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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What I'm really anxious to see is whether Twitter will define AI-worshipping transhumanist Singularitarian types as a religious group. Because I have zero qualms calling those freaks inhuman names and arguing that they should be destroyed before they eliminate the human species.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Maybe I need to include both halves of each model anti-tweet? I have no desire to talk about exterminating rats or getting rid of filthy animals. But do I think that Scientologists make this country sick? Sure, in a way. Do I think enough is enough with Wahhabi maggots? Sure do!

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
How can you not speculate about blackmail laundering opportunities afforded by the same Clinton Foundation "co-founded" by Epstein?! How can you not speculate about why Tony Podesta collects paintings of abused and murdered children? Or why John Podesta has a cannibalism fetish?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Epstein flew Bill Clinton 26 times. Podestas worked for the Clintons. Alefantis hosted Podesta birthdays, Clinton fundraisers. Not exactly a "ring" but birds of a feather. Evidence to prove a claim in court? Only Epstein yet. Evidence to drive clever speculation like yours? Sure.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Quibble: Alefantis uses SOME basement to store tomatoes. metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/… "Can them all, store them in the basement..." inquirer.com/philly/food/restaurants/20130822_San_Marzanos_vs__juicy_local_heirlooms.html… "...trucking the jars to the basement at Buck's Fishing & Camping, Alefantis' other restaurant nearby." So, basement exists.

A closer look at storied San Marzanos
As I peel and seed a small batch of heirloom Brandywine tomatoes, I feel, fairly or not, as if I've figured out half of the reason why so many cooks rely on canned San Marzanos instead of these...

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Even within a phylum like mollusks, a bivalve like a clam or an oyster OBVIOUSLY has considerably less soul than an octopus

or a squid. Eat none or eat them all, or eat clams but not octopuses, regardless: Recognize a spiritual hierarchy. Stop eating the ones at the top first!

Show this thread

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Of COURSE it is less problematic to kill and eat a fish than to kill and eat a pig. Way less. One might still think it's wrong, one might still refuse it, but only the deluded or dishonest can argue that a fish has just as much soul as a mammal like a cow or a dolphin or a fox.

Show this thread

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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$3,000 more...if positions aren't eliminated or hours aren't reduced...as prices go up and that extra money buys less. Why not make the minimum $20? Would the unintentional downsides be too obvious, then? (I'm assuming they're unintentional and not some accelerationist agenda!)

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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Now there'll be a purge of any leftists who endorse violent revolution...unless property owners and law enforcement are defined as dangerous individuals and organizations?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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What about bird nests, especially bowerbird nests? Which non-human primates create such architecture?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Black people I've known report the same thing. It's...a problem. (White people I've known also report personally knowing someone or being someone who's been violated by a bad cop. I've known a lot of poor white people, though. My sample is skewed.) So, most cops who shoot miss?
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
It does raise the stakes in a room. But everyone should be rational and remember that 99.875% of cops will not shoot anyone, and the majority of those who do any shooting will only be shooting armed and dangerous people. You're temporarily safer from a random white mass shooter!

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
A black person would teach you what she's doing, but I think you woulda played dumb anyway. Because it also literally is a woman lighting parts of her synthetic hair on fire, in an enclosed train car. (Cool if she lit a smoke?) You knew a kneejerk backlash would ensue. Clickbait.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
And blackmailing them, and using things like modern art and charities to launder their trafficking and blackmail debts, modern art like Djurdjevic paintings and charities like the Clinton Foundation and oh dear god now you think there might be something to pizzagate after all.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Behind every expensive modern art collection lies a great opportunity to launder trafficking and blackmail debts? (A psychotically morbid style wouldn't hurt sales to that type of ghoul, either.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
So, adding together the 7 billion that the NBA makes with the 60 million the WNBA rakes in, then giving half to ownership, then dividing the rest by 1000 players (500 each, since WNBA can now afford equal rosters), that's a 3.5 million average per. Who needs more, right comrades?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
So the men's & women's national teams will be, like, married? No more "my" or "your" money, only OUR money? Will this new normal leak into private realms? Will the NBA & WNBA eventually pool revenues, distribute equal shares? (Some WNBA champs have dominated their league more!


Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Must have made you question the competence of every medical professional that saw you? How did they all fail to detect a pregnancy until the very last second? Because once they had misdiagnosed, they were then blinded to common sense alternatives?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Here's a red hat to celebrate the growth of IBM, a company that collaborated with Hitler and never once apologized.

You Retweeted

Kirsten “Fraud Guarantee” O’Nell
Jul 9
On #CowAppreciationDay let us all remember that cows are big puppies.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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Ahimsa cow milk.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
My dad was a security guard in Uphams Corner in the 80's. Crazy-guys-with-machetes only left the premises when he threatened to shoot them and acted even crazier by growling and spitting out cigars. You must have some pretty obedient and sane crazy-guys-with-machetes over there.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
Argument in general: Neither cops nor black men should scare the life out of reasonable people because killer cops* and homicidal black guys are both RARE. "Not all" is a vast understatement: "Almost none" is more like it. *But preparing to survive rare fatal cops is still wise.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
You must be so used to deluded groupthink that you don't recognize what independent realistic thought looks like. Your confusion is flattering. Thank you. Argument above is: Cops kill unarmed whites just as (or even more) regularly, so why is that fact not just as well-known?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
Replying to
Do you still not understand the terrible racist corollary of what you just said? If it is not paranoid to think something only true of 1/800 in a group will happen to you, then neither is it all that paranoid to think something only true of 1/2500 in a group will happen to you.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
Harriot helpfully posted these facts. If cops here "regularly" shoot unarmed black men to death, then they JUST as "regularly" shoot unarmed white men to death. Wait...a little MORE "regularly" because if 28% or 35% is "regularly" then what's 48% or 44%?
Quote Tweet

· Jul 9
Fear whomever you want, my guy. twitter.com/ChandlerPablo/status/1148588865361502210…

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
You have the right to feel however you want. Reasonable feelings, or unreasonable. You have the right to leave, yes, or take an Atavan. People here in blessed America have the right to carry weapons. Here, you do not have the right to banish weapon carriers from all public space.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 5 others
You're safe! But as I said to what's-her-name above: My parents had the same talk with me. Responsible parents of every complexion should. It's paranoia about a rare event but it's preparation that could save your life if you happen to be the unlucky person targeted by a bad cop.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10
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and 2 others
What's more racist: Cops overpolicing some black neighborhoods where there's more homicide, or cops underpolicing them? How much does a code of silence born from low trust and fear of retaliation hurt investigations? How many black lives does overfeeding that distrust cost, Mike?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 3 others
Am I measuring these risks right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
How much more dangerous is it, really? About 1000 fatally shot by cops every year, and about half are white. There are about 40 million black people, and about 200 million white people. 99.99875% you won't be shot dead by a cop, versus 99.99975% I won't be. I am: 0.00100% safer.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
One customer is scared by one group because of what 3 out of 2000 do. Another customer is scared by another group because of what 1 out of 2000 do. BOTH CUSTOMERS ARE FOOLS. If some insist on feeling that paranoid, then they should take a chill pill like airplane phobes do.


Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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Would've been perfect if IBM had purchased Red Coat, since IBM helped the Nazis murder Jews.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
What definition of "regularly" is being used here? To me, 11% of something that happens less than 100 times total in a population of millions isn't "regularly", is more like "rarely", but maybe other people define it differently. You realize the corollary of what YOU'RE arguing?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
Replying to
Is this when a racist would post a bar graph of which races commit what percentages of various violent crimes like homicide? Am I supposed to fear black people more because "13% commit 52%" or whatever? Or should I focus on the 99.98% who don't kill anybody? The latter, right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
Replying to
Not afraid of black men in general. Not afraid of cops in general. But if cops turn their attention toward me? My reflex is a slow hands-up-don't-shoot pose, because I know that about half of unarmed people shot by cops are white. Under no illusions that I'm significantly safer.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
Math written wrong, sorry: 0.0015 is a 0.15% risk. 0.0005 is a 0.05% risk.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
Stat was from Harriot's link! To clarify: It's NOT okay when overanxious cops kill harmless people of any complexion. It's WRONG for cops to be deathly afraid of black men due to what a tiny fraction do. It's ALSO wrong to be deathly afraid of all cops due to a tiny fraction.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
"Unarmed" doesn't always mean undangerous, though. But I guess it's regularly enough to be a little apprehensive? Now, how "regularly" do black males commit violent crimes? If a Starbucks customer was recently mugged by a black dude, can she ask other random black guys to leave?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
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and 2 others
About 50 black homicides in Arizona, almost all male. Out of about 100,000 black males in the state. About 25 fatal police shootings in Arizona. Out of about 15,000 law enforcement officers. If you're that scared of a 0.0015% risk, then why not also be scared of a 0.0005% risk?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9
Replying to
"Eighty-nine percent of those shot were armed, most of them with a gun." 11% is regularly? Eh. Many cops aren't willing to risk their lives enough. And some of them are bad cops, like the pig who shot Shaver. But shootings are still RARE. Is a fear of black males equally legit?

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
Replying to
Who is crazier? Would you trust your kids alone at the homes of John "Cannibalism is Cool" Podesta, Tony "Looking at Dead Kids is Fun" Podesta, and Marina "Hail Satan Mmm Blood" Abramovic? If they were Republicans, how stupidly obvious would it be to you that they're evil people?

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
Funny because it's horrifyingly true!

Quote Tweet

Existential Comics
· Jul 8
true communism will not be achieved until every last person on earth has been cancelled

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
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and 2 others
(Strange satisfaction in imagining Nazis only ever leading themselves into gas chambers. Communists dooming themselves to gulags. Slaveowners confining themselves to fields. Posthumanists an-heroing. Those fates paradoxically only ever make sense as punishments for the perps.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
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Apathy Speech
Jul 8
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It's real simple, Jaylen: Replicate the successes of Success Academy.

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
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He can be both a great negotiator and also a stupid douchebag.

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
Replying to
Your favorite pizzeria has celebrated the birthday of Tony Podesta, who loves collecting Djurdjevic paintings of murdered children and Grannan photos of naked adolescents and whose most famous client is a certain ex-president who flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times.

Apathy Speech
Jul 8
Replying to
Your favorite pizzeria marketed itself as an upscale low-key Chuck E. Cheese's where children can gather to play ping pong in the late afternoon. But then about an hour later they would host psychotic horror-punk with themes of child rape and murder. "All ages." How very normal!

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
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and 2 others
It's totally, completely, utterly normal for a pizzeria to market itself as an upscale low-key Chuck E. Cheese's where children can gather to play ping pong in the afternoon, and but then an hour later to host "all ages" psychotic horror-punk with themes of child rape and murder.

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
Replying to
time.com/4308369/hillary-clinton-john-podesta/… "...at Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters, campaign chairman John Podesta has an oil painting on loan from his lobbyist brother, who is an avid art collector. The image shows two men hunched over a dining room table, bearing knives and forks."

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
Replying to
John Podesta, Center for American Progress: “I am going to my condo in Truckee [Calif.], like I do every year — will sit on my porch and do conference calls 50 feet from where the Donner Party ate each other.”

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
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and 2 others
"Check out my staircase. How many staircases do you ever see featuring a giant photo of a child in diapers being pinched by an adult? None, I bet! By the way, did I mention my biggest client is the former president who flew unguarded 26 times on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express?"

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
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and 2 others
"Let's hang out at my house. We can stare at paintings of children's murdered corpses. Or we can look at photos of naked adolescents. Bring your kids! I don't have any kids of my own. Athough I do keep stuffed animals in my sterile, artsy bedroom." - Tony Podesta, essentially.

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
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and 2 others
Very, very normal.

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
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As for Abramovic... Totally normal lady.

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
Replying to
John had at least one cannibalism painting in his office, and he specially chose a vacation spot close to a Donner Party landmark. Tony collects Biljana Djurdjevic paintings among other creepshow tastes, next to which he lined up stuffed animals. Comet hosted Sasha Lord, and...


Apathy Speech
Jul 7
Replying to
Facts: John Podesta has a cannibalism fetish. He's invited to satanist Abramovic's "spirit cooking" dinners. Tony Podesta collects child murder/torture/rape art. He celebrates birthdays at a restaurant where psychotic edgelords are headliners and little girls are bound to tables.

Apathy Speech
Jul 7
Replying to
Pick better battles. He's not even remotely innocent. I would prefer he not be executed, but I won't be upset when he is. Should be a nitrogen chamber, at least, but shooting him in the back of the head would be poetic justice. chron.com/news/houston-texas/amp/I-can-t-forgive-till-you-re-dead-May-execution-13447381.php…

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Jul 6
Quote Tweet

Mike Cernovich
· Jul 6
Jeff Epstein Arrested due to Mike Cernovich Court Win pscp.tv/w/b_E-UzE0MDc0NTN8MU93R1drT09adlFHURnqTLP_AncrkeR7y7ByVqstJ_zDz4GDBep3xVXbcNmp…
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159.1K viewers

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
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Apathy Speech
Jul 6
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Tell us which commodities that consumers only appear to want would be identified as untrue needs and then discontinued by the totally-democratic and un-artificial Bureau of Need Evaluation?

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
Replying to
Instead of those choices: Load up a watergun with an insane amount of LSD and squirt it in your mouth? If you survived, your mind would be forever changed. Looks like you could use a change.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
Replying to
Damn. That looks good enough to win. Very similar to the '08 Celtics. Rondo almost as good as he was in '08, now a better shooter. Boogie better than Perk. Danny Green can do a decent Ray Allen impression. Lebron & AD about the same as Pierce & KG. Nice bench. Sigh. Go Clips!


Apathy Speech
Jul 6
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and 4 others
Some people are paranoid. For more than no reason! Bad cops exist, bad shoots happen, and good cops stand by them all out of dumb stubborn loyalty. But it's still a rare occurrence. People that paranoid should take an Atavan like they would on a plane. Instead...they gulp coffee.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
Replying to
What we work on is mostly decided by what we as consumers decide to want, which is democratic. You just think those democratic choices are mostly stupid. And you'd mostly be right. But you'd still be an anti-democratic hypocrite. Cooperative ownership would work on the same shit.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
Replying to
If a group of people can socially coerce other people into assimilating an 11-syllable name (longer soon!) that'd be quite a demonstration of hegemonic power. Only other remotely-pronounceable 11-syllable words are paleoepidemiological & the infamous antidisestablishmentarianism.

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Jul 6
If you are trying to be liked by both the left and the right, you are a demagogue. If you don't mind being hated by both, you are morally upright.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
Giving up smoking. But not totally. Going from 2 packs a week to 1 pack a year. No needless angst about never having another one. If lucky, I'll smoke 600-800 more the rest of my life. Versus 2,000 per year. 48,000 so far! (Nat Shermans only. CLASSICS, not the gas station kind!)

Apathy Speech
Jul 6
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and 2 others
You fools should be in favor of replicating Success Academy, not trying to destroy it.

The Charter-School Empire of the Future
The combative Eva Moskowitz has created the nation’s most impressive school system. What shape will American education take when her work is done?

Apathy Speech
Jul 5
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Quote Tweet

Apathy Speech
· Feb 10
Unpopular opinion: Romeo and Juliet, technically a tragedy, universally acknowledged as hilarious in the first half, is supposed to *stay* funny all the way through to the very end. Shakespeare and his audience had a sick sense of humor. I think I can prove it, too.

You Retweeted

Hannah Ivory Baker
Jun 2
Sometimes something completely different appears and you just need to leave it alone. No idea what to do with it now. Perhaps the first and last painting in this style that I'll do. #art #oilpainting #dark #light #seascape #sky #clouds #landscape

Apathy Speech
Jul 5
Replying to
No one athlete can represent America. Choose two, at minimum.

Tom Brady & Serena Williams would be a great pair. Non-active maybe Bill Russell & Mike Ditka. Non-living maybe Ted Williams & Muhammad Ali. But the truest reps could be an average bowler & an average surfer.


Apathy Speech
Jul 4
Something to be said for the poetry of everyone at, say, a wake all saying it at the same time. Time capsule that simultaneously captures and retrieves everyone reciting it as the 6-year-olds they once were, eager to please God, innocent, hopeful. The power of a lifelong ritual.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 4
There is exactly one prayer that Jesus approved of. The Lord's Prayer. But the preface to it in Matthew 6? Names reasons, sets conditions. Say only that prayer, and so as not to be a phony like others who pray conspicuously, only say the one prayer when alone, so no one can hear.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 4
Absolutists suck. They don't get it. Take animal rights. Of COURSE there should be a hierarchy. Intuitively, we ALL know. Certain rodents are existential nemeses.

Dogs are friends. Roaches are despicable, can invade ears, are killable, no mercy. But a praying mantis has SOUL.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 4
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Seems like IBM is even better now at detecting fake jewels than it used to be at detecting real Jews for Hitler to execute. Congrats!

Apathy Speech
Jul 4
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"This unjust world would be perfect if it weren't for [insert scapegoats], so...they must be eliminated." Whichever has the edge in being fundamentally awful*: Both sides fucking suck! *Nazis, as I see it.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
Replying to
Pictured: IBM's Watson delivering scale and flexibility to Hitler.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
Replying to
Neat. Kind of like how IBM turned millions of census data points into useful insights for the Nazis. (Replying to your promoted tweets seems to be feeding me even more of them. Blame an algorithm, I guess. Oh well, I don't mind. Keep 'em coming.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
Replying to
...and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted [insert fanatical Christian or Muslim tyrant] into power.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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80 years ago, IBM remorselessly provided expertise to the Final Solution. allthatsinteresting.com/ibm-nazis-ww2 (That article is about the most generous to IBM that you'll find.)

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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The chutzpah of those who will extinguish the human species but call it "living forever", like if the Nazis called gas chambers "immortality machines" or something. A hostile alien race invading Earth with a plan to murder humanity: That's transhumanism. Luckily, war is in store.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
Replying to
True, my bad. Legally, they are persons. Persons with indefinite lifespans. Indefinitely liable.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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Corporations are citizens with indefinite lifespans, remember? IBM should apologize, at least, which they never have.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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A reminder of other physical reasons people can be disqualified from the military: Asthma, allergies, eczema, too short, too tall, hemorrhoids, ear infection, extra finger, too nearsighted, undescended testicles, epilepsy, varicose veins, anxiety, sleep apnea... Life isn't fair.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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you might find the above interesting.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3
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Here's the kicker: Green Peace -- where the Howes once hosted John Brown, and which may have been an Underground Railroad stop -- was located literally...a stone's throw from the entrance to South Boston High School.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
Few Southie natives know this: Samuel Gridley Howe, my favorite BLS alum, founder of the Perkins School for the Blind, lived with his Battle-Hymn-writing wife in Southie, at "Green Peace", where he hosted John Brown, and which his daughter swore was an Underground Railroad stop.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
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If I share an interesting fact you probably haven't read about or dwelled on before, will you share an interesting fact that contradicts the idea that the majority of parental opposition to busing, white and black combined, was for the same basic reasons? I hope so. Let's see...

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
However, doing that could drive an unmasked pussy and/or his/her comrades into a murderous frenzy, their fragile egos are so emotionally wrapped up in their "mission" that they could snap. Caution when dealing with furious retards! Now if you could train birds to snatch masks...

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
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This is logistically almost as impressive relative to era as the Hollerith bunkers IBM maintained for the Nazis. jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ibm-and-quot-death-s-calculator-quot…

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
mic.com/articles/142991/edwin-black-ibm-nazi-holocaust-history… Many similar articles, all sourced from Edwin Black's research, none of which has been substantively disputed to any significant degree.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
Museums, reenactments, Hollywood props, Halloween.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
We know the dude was arrested for disorderly conduct. So we can safely assume that during the course of dealing with this bullshit situation caused by a retarded security guard, he REASONABLY raised his voice some and probably cussed, which the asshole cop defined as disorderly.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
Something at least as good as this, preferably better.

Should We Celebrate The Fourth Of July Anymore?
We celebrate July 4th, rather than July 2nd, because the Fourth is the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
Replying to
You're right to defy Nike (who cowardly defer to faux-woke pseudo-revolutionaries) but the virtue you're signaling should be more than an equally shallow mirror image of theirs. Note the sins then post a link to a stirring philosophical defense of still celebrating tainted pasts.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
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Science leaders can't stop CRISPR babies, but anti-transhumanist death squads can. If you don't think there'll be such a thing, lol, good luck.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
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I fucking hate Jake Tapper but what unknown facts could the police possibly share that would ever justify this ridiculous bullshit?

Apathy Speech
Jul 2
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and 2 others
Get real. It's very, very unlikely he would've been profiled as a potential thief if he were white.

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
Replying to
Maybe this will earn IBM a place in the Tennis Hall of Fame, just like helping the Nazis earned IBM a place in the Holocaust Museum.

IBM played an awful role in Nazi death camps
TODAY, IBM (International Business Machines) is a massive New York based multinational technology corporation with operations around the world.

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
Eureka...since BHM is February, then White History Day should take place on Leap Day. Plenty of candidates to celebrate. Black people themselves have to decide who's worthy. But off the top of my head... John Brown Angelina Grimke Charles Sumner Bobby Caldwell Neal Brennan Etc.

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Apathy Speech
Jul 1
@citizenIBM Now that Pride Month is over, which protected class that IBM unapologetically helped Hitler exterminate are you going to pander to next?

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
When delivery drones start flying by you on the street, remember: · You have the right to defend yourself. · You need not worry about excessive force against a machine. · Fear of unpredictable soulless robots is way likelier to be judged reasonable. repository.law.miami.edu/fac_articles/63/…
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
Replying to
If cops or a mob of brownshirts smashed all the tents and tables and bikes at Occupy Wall Street or burned the books and broke the windows of the Lucy Parsons Center all the while shouting "Property damage is not violence!" then I'm sure you would feel the exact same way, right?

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
Replying to
Perfectly aware: nytimes.com/2019/02/26/us/politics/overton-window-democrats.html… "Shifting it doesn’t mean proposing extreme ideas to make somewhat less extreme ideas seem reasonable." Sure,
, sure! Just a description, is all. Totally not a tactic, nope.

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
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Is a wallet *really* that inconvenient? No. You don't really "long for" that day. You're posturing.

Apathy Speech
Jul 1
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and 4 others
What's the fuss? Teen Vogue's mission to turn adolescent girls into transgender satanic communists is totally normal. You almost sound as paranoid as Vigilant Citizen. (How did you write an article about sex magic without referring to Crowley?)

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
See how Adolph used IBM technology to boost transactions at brick-and-mortars.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
"One group has empathy and the other doesn’t." I was going to speculate for shits and giggles that maybe the black people who migrated to Eurasia were often exiled because they were the least likeable assholes of Africa, hence the dawn of white people. But you really went there!

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
Where am I justifying the mistreatment of children? If they're sleeping on concrete floors and denied basic hygiene and medicine, that's immoral and shameful and has to be illegal somehow. Maybe it's a war crime if they're being defined by Trump as an invading force? POW rights?

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
1) Oppressing millions of neighbors over hundreds of thousands of years counts. 2) Islam counts. 3) Intercontinental oppression has only been technologically feasible for a few thousand years. 4) Another 1000 years unimpeded by Europe would've generated more massive Afro-Empires.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
You're right. CPS would remove children from parents that neglectful. Detained kids should receive the same minimum of care mandated for American citizens. But he's right, too. CPS would also seize any kid taken on a lethal 1000-mile hike to fight river currents unprepared, etc.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
African evil was limited to next-door neighbors? What a comforting thought to those millions of persecuted and annihilated Africans who lived next door! (Also, does Islam count as white interference?) Given enough time, there would've been continent-sized African imperialists.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
Not *the* real fascists, as if the fascists of the far right aren't real. But *also* real fascists, just a different breed. If the right nomenclature is required to distinguish them, then...red fascists? Unless you don't even think Stalin's a fascist, in which case...nevermind!

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
True, millennia apart. Eventually, however, the ugly side of human nature would prevail. (Europeans used to be Africans. Why so many migrations? Forced?) Until showed how? Millions of Africans conquered, enslaved, and exterminated by other Africans would probably beg to differ.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Am I wrong? Since you've studied it extensively, you must have citable evidence to the contrary that will force me to take a seat. I'm corrigible. Try me.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
Always been fascist rallies in public. They used to be a lot larger. Our black president and the husband of who-would-be-president also detained brown people at the border, evicted other brown people over the border. Proudly punching gay Asians is a new frontier for the left.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Network analysis of which conservatives follow the highest percentage of leftists would make for an insightful Quillette article in an alternate dimension.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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What specific poll in which specific book that I haven't read would refute an intuition derived from multiple books, multiple documentaries, and a lifetime of listening to white and black parents and children and teachers who lived through it?

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Are you suggesting that if Europeans had forever stayed put in the Stone Age, intrepid mariners from a civilization in western Africa wouldn't have eventually crossed the Atlantic and "settled" America with war and germs? Black people are human. Conquest has been a universal.


Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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The opposition of most of the parents, black and white, whose own kids were being forced out of bad schools they could walk to and into equally bad schools in hostile environments they had to take buses to, was about busing.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Does this ring any bells?

A community is not a monolith. You cannot judge a whole group of people according to the deviant stupidity of a minority focused on by the media. An innocent majority can be intimidated into silence by the violent few. We are not who you think we are.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
My aunt is on the cover of this book. She and my mother both opposed busing. They felt they had the right to send their kids to neighborhood schools. Especially since the schools across the city in hostile environments were equally bad. Same as black parents who opposed busing.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
This was the epitaph I wrote for my mother: Grace would not like to be in This claustrophobic situation So we perched her in a tree in An undisclosed location (She liked it.) (We didn't do that.)

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Apathy Speech
Jun 30
Replying to
So many more Apocalypses possible, nearly each one total and final. Some of them depend precisely on the quest for a perfect society. Avoiding is easier than creating. Wise to be skeptical of all claims. Far wiser to be much more skeptical of Utopias.

You Retweeted

Jaffer Ali
Jun 30
12) For every 1 hour you spend predicting, extrapolating, projecting or anticipating - spend 10 hours building strategies for when those future oriented impulses prove wrong. Understand, THEY WILL BE WRONG.
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Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Let's play Jeopardy! Answer: "A 3 was 6'd at 001." Question: "How might one describe a gay person murdered in a gas chamber at Auschwitz according to the IBM codes used by the Nazis?"

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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Watson is named after the IBM CEO who helped Nazi Germany locate Jews to murder.

Apathy Speech
Jun 30
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"A spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead" would make a great IBM slogan.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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Which member of your family works for IBM?

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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Dear IBM, You pretend to be woke, but you refuse to apologize for organizing the Holocaust. Sincerely, Dude-subjected-to-your-ads

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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Ah. I'm going to take a wild guess that Edwin Black's research isn't sufficiently "scholarly" to you. Do you happen to work for IBM?

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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IBM is promoting tweets in my feed every day, including ones that pretend to be woke. The same IBM actively collaborated with the Nazis, helped organize the Holocaust, and has refused to ever apologize. If I'm not doing this right then please tell me: How would you do it instead?

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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A lampshade. What better household object to feature in an ad for a company desperate to ignore their own active role in the Holocaust!

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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"Nor was Garrity’s ruling an overzealous, top-down social experiment." Ha! It is the *definition* of that, except you forgot almost totally counterproductive, too. Public schools stayed bad, poor kids stayed deprived, racism got worse, neighborhoods got colonized by elites. FAIL.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
"opposition only arose when busing meant their kids would be learning alongside black children." No. Most opposition, black and white, was because poor kids were forced out of shitty schools they could walk to and bused to equally shitty schools in hostile environments. Simple.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
"White parents had no problem sending their children across the city to attend all-white schools — " Even better: They had no problem busing their kids through Dudley and by Ruggles to a (diverse) exam school like BLS. Because they, like black parents, wanted a better education.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
How is "the banks, real-estate companies, and government officials" different from "Elites"? It was class warfare. Southie High & Roxbury High were equally wretched. God forbid if Newton took the poors. Nothing accomplished except dividing the working class. "Unite" my ass. Fail!

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
Depending on AI to optimize human sustainability is such a great idea. No way that could go wrong, like a holocaust of billions judged by the AI to be Unsustainable. But hey, even if that does happen, with your help, you wouldn't feel the need to apologize anyway, amirite?

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
Wrong, mostly. (I'll explain later under the Jacobin link you retweeted.)

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Revenge like that *is* petty. In an ideal world, being better than your oppressors is revenge enough. More excellence, more empathy, more humanity. In the real world, we may be all too equal. In which case, white people will be nervous. You'd be nervous too, if you were white.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
Replying to
That cute marriage proposal reminds me of all the jewelry stolen from murdered Jews who were identified and sorted and transported by the Nazis with the help of IBM.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29
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Is there something magical about non-white people that would exempt them from someday abusing power the same way white people have?

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
Replying to
If or when white people do eventually have the tables turned, what oppressed class will have ever deserved it more? That makes it likelier, not less. Likelier to be blinded to it, too. Humanity forgotten. Are black people better than that? Hope so! I'm afraid we're all too equal.

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
Window toupées! Everywhere! TRASH! (In Ms. Brun's voice)

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
Replying to
"We are not like them." = an essentialist, supremacist position which itself proves that, yes, You are sooo very much like Them. But for a fluke of geography and technology here, culture there, any population could have been The Villains. And still could be! You are not immune.

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
Replying to
"Let's put smart to work" is what I hoped Google's AI would translate. "Smart" could have been "Jews" in '42. Given IBM's active role in the Holocaust, for which IBM has *never* apologized, any IBM slogan that exalts work will contain an echo of the gates of Auschwitz and Dachau.

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
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The AI of Google Translate says your new slogan in German would be LASST UNS KLUG ARBEITEN, in case you wind up organizing concentration camps again.

Apathy Speech
Jun 28
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IBM worked behind the scenes to help transform the Holocaust industry, too. (And has never apologized.) "Let's put smart to work" also would've been a ghoulishly fitting slogan for you back then.

Apathy Speech
Jun 27
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Will your breakthroughs in AI one day facilitate the murder of millions of humans like the last time IBM organized a genocide? And will you then forever after refuse to apologize for that holocaust, too?

Apathy Speech
Jun 24
Replying to
You haven't even apologized for organizing the Nazi holocaust yet, and now you're proudly facilitating a future robot holocaust. What would the world do without IBM?

Apathy Speech
Jun 24
"Both sides" is often coupled with the retarded-Spongebob meme, but no truth is whole without opposite sides. Jacobin & Quillette. Noam Chomsky & Tom Kratman. Michael Harriot & Steve Sailer.

Apathy Speech
Jun 20
Replying to
If IBM insists on buying its way into my Twitter feed, then I will insist on IBM issuing an apology for organizing the Holocaust.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Depends on your definition of evidence. To me, evidence of a God includes the laws of physics, the evidence of evolution, DNA, the stars, everything. I can't be totally sure a God exists, but I feel it's probable, given how weird the universe is...and it's only getting weirder.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
All swans are white.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
You've got the fundamentals backwards? God in the particulars may be falsfiable, but until we have an answer for what caused the universe, God in general can't be falsified. Perhaps permanently but we don't know what scientists 1000 years from now will know. Yet. Waiting is hard.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Science is fundamentally about falsification not induction, yes?

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
People have seen fairies and leprechauns on DMT? We don't know how many dimensions there are? If this is all a simulation then anything is possible, and perhaps thinking up weird entities can bring them into existence?

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Positing a God is more rational than a leprechaun because we still don't know how the universe came to exist. God at the very least is a placeholder answer for that huge unanswered question. But yes, total certainty that leprechauns don't exist is also technically irrational.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Obviously I think all holy texts are imperfect, to say the least. Lots and lots of human error and imagination. But the existence of a God (or gods) doesn't depend on scripture. This universe could be a simulation, God could be the Grand Programmer. Or something even weirder.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Believing with certainty is basically the same thing. Deceiving yourself is better than making a public statement of fact, I guess, it's your own business, but it's still unscientific and irrational.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Atheism is, in fact, irrational. Anyone who fancies himself a scientific rationalist is a phony if he claims he knows for certain that there isn't a God.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Nitpicking, but okay. People who believe with certainty in a perfectly detailed God will be disappointed. People who believe with certainty there is no God at all will be disappointed. Agnostics waiting for better evidence before deciding to feel certain will be vindicated.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
Agnostics say I don't know, or maybe, or probably, or possibly. Atheists say no. If you aren't sure there's a God, you are not a atheist.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 10 others
Just to clarify: Humans have believed in a supernatural force called God for thousands of years. Scientists thousands of years from now might discover that what humans had been calling God actually exists. Biblical literalists and atheists should both expect to be disappointed.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15
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and 9 others
This is lightning. Humans believed it was a supernatural force for thousands of years. It was not fake, however. Lightning actually exists.

Apathy Speech
Jun 14
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I don't mind calling bad cops pigs.
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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and 9 others
youtu.be/5D1AHUpWwZM :)
Monkey eating pizza
Monkey eatting pizza in Cocoa Village FL

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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and 9 others
I bet they would love pizza.

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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Plot twist: All of the deities humanity worships exist, Jove and Jesus were bros.

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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and 8 others
Monkeys from 7,000,000 BC or whatever probably liked the same variety of food, though.

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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Pride means remembering that IBM still hasn't apologized for organizing the Holocaust in which thousands of gay people were murdered.

Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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Apathy Speech
Jun 13
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and 8 others
This debate is hilarious to watch from the perspective of someone who thinks evolution is absolutely real and was created by a God.
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Anne McClain
Jun 12
Shadows from clouds at sunset go on for thousands of miles…

Apathy Speech
Jun 12
Replying to
A guest invited to any dinner showing appreciation by getting overexcited about every dish should be understandable. But this, double-dipping...that's disgusting.
“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:10 pm

Apathy Speech
Jun 11
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and 3 others
I agree, but our ability to empathize and figure out ethics is really, really special.

Apathy Speech
Jun 11
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Steel-man arguments and honest self-criticism are as rare as they are admirable. But not even the honestly self-critical are likely to admit the worst about themselves. Some things will only get pointed out by a motivated enemy.

Apathy Speech
Jun 11
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Blocking traffic and causing gridlock could easily immobilize an ambulance transporting a heart attack victim, who could easily be black.

Apathy Speech
Jun 10
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and 5 others
Since you probably think of yourself as scientific, you should know that you can't actually rule out the existence of a God. The most a scientist should ever be is agnostic. A misunderstood deity may exist despite religions. Serious academics have posited we live in a simulation!

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Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014

Apathy Speech
Jun 7
My favorite three ironies about white supremacy. 1. Coopting the Mediterraneans as "white" out of deep inadequacy. 2. "Scientific" racists today are all forced to be Jewish supremacists and Asian supremacists. 3. The vast majority of white supremacists are very fucking stupid.

Apathy Speech
Jun 7
Please retweet so that with luck it's not just some schmuck with 30 followers they can ignore. Dozens or hundreds should be enough. Especially if the little net catches a bluecheck or two. Crosses whatever threshold their corporate algorithms determine warrants an inquiry.

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Apathy Speech
Jun 7

There's no way on my phone to report Twitter to itself for their official Moment of hopping on the menace train, stepping in to conduct.

(or do I tag
...?) doesn't believe it's capable of harassing people, breaking its own terms of service.

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Twitter Moments
· Jun 6
The first time you talk over Beyoncé — may be the last time.


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Apathy Speech
Jun 7
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That's what I think, too. Any ideas on what your first steps would be, a general approach, how to avoid worst case scenario?

Apathy Speech
Jun 7
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What's the difference between hetero lesbian porn and other lesbian porn? When did you last browse lesbian porn on a major porn site? The vast majority of it is two (or more) women going at it, no men present, no ordering around. Should only women be allowed to view lesbian porn?

Apathy Speech
Jun 7
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If you were another passenger on the same deck, what would you have done? How many bystanders were there? How many people would it take to subdue four young men? Does the principle of avoiding unpredictable street fights apply? Or is there an absolute duty to step in, even alone?

Apathy Speech
Jun 7
Replying to
No one wants to hold her primarily responsible for making a bad choice. But she is. By publishing a book, she accepted the duty of being a role model to other survivors. By killing herself, she betrayed that duty.

Apathy Speech
Jun 6
Replying to
The internet can't be held accountable. Twitter can be, though. This is how Twitter itself last night chose to advertise the deranged stan culture trend as a Twitter Moment: "The first time you talk over Beyoncé — may be the last time.


Apathy Speech
Jun 6
Twitter today: "Wife of Warriors owner says she received death threats over her interaction with Jay-Z and Beyoncé" twitter.com/i/events/1136714053743603712… Twitter last night: "The first time you talk over Beyoncé — may be the last time.

Quote Tweet

Twitter Moments
· Jun 6
The first time you talk over Beyoncé — may be the last time.


Apathy Speech
Jun 6
A straight pride parade doesn't have to be a hostile asshole thing. (Like the hostile asshole Sahady intends.) It could be goofy, innocuous fun. Could be beneficial, to all. Mix of subversive & defensive. Depends on who makes the floats. Same for male pride, and even white pride.

Apathy Speech
Jun 6
Replying to
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted [insert communist] into power.

Apathy Speech
Jun 6
I involuntarily lol at the sight of trans "women" who fail at passing. That alone makes me unemployable today.

Apathy Speech
Jun 5
Replying to
By writing the book, she accepted the duty of being a role model for other survivors, and her choice to kill herself was a selfish betrayal of that duty.

Apathy Speech
Jun 4
Replying to
A straight pride parade could just be goofy and innocuous or even beneficial if it's just people celebrating how much they like being straight, if there's a float celebrating straight acceptance of gay people. Doesn't have to be antagonistic. This one, though? Yeah, probably.

Apathy Speech
Jun 4
Replying to
Yeah, all the people I grew up around in Southie who lived in a two-family house and rented out the other half to pay the mortgage were totally rich.

Apathy Speech
Jun 3
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How do you do, fellow Americans?
The media could not be played.

Apathy Speech
Jun 2
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I don't hate white people. I just hate wypipo.

You Retweeted

Jun 1
On the subject of trees -I took this in a small village graveyard in Somerset last week In chuchyards you'll invariably find a Yew. Maybe because the longevity of Yews (2000+ yrs) signifies life/death [Except the fruit, all parts of the Yew are poisonous to humans & livestock]

Apathy Speech
May 31
Never ceases to amaze me how many houses in middle class neighborhoods have fake shutters. Tackiest shit imaginable, absurdly useless.

Apathy Speech
May 25
Huh? Executed in 1948? Oh right, the fucking Communists. Murdered one of the greatest anti-fascists ever.
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Vergil Den
· May 25
I’ve recently read his report - approx 138 pages. Worth the read. polishmuseumarchives.org.au/Witold_Pilecki/OtherDocuments/Report_W.pdf…

Apathy Speech
May 24
Replying to
As terrible as they are, you realize they did nothing illegal, right?

Apathy Speech
May 23
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Raymond and his friends didn't beat multiple people unconscious that night?

Apathy Speech
May 23
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If they can find a woman who wants to be fertilized by West Point sperm, an infertile or lesbian couple, why not? You really think the dead man would object?

Apathy Speech
May 22
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No, there's a hierarchy. But it's still wrong to murder them just because their cooked corpses taste good. Pigs are pretty damn close to dogs, though.

Apathy Speech
May 22
"Our violence good, their violence bad" is refreshingly honest. Insane, but honest.
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Archie Woodrow
· May 21
Fascist violence is bad because it's fascist, not because it's violent. Anti-fascist violence is justified because it's antifascist, not because it isn't violent.
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Apathy Speech
May 22
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Anti-natalist, here's a Snickers to wake you up from an anthropocidal spell...says the guy with the dream of "improving" the species into oblivion.

Apathy Speech
May 20
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Touché. Except that I also watched several supposedly great scenes (like Tyrion's trial) and the dialogue was still retarded compared to Shakespeare. A decent line here and there, surrounded by filler and silent glares. Visual aesthetics soar, and intellectual standards plummet.

Apathy Speech
May 20
Replying to
Which specific scenes are comparable to Shakespeare? Because I've seen a few acclaimed scenes and if it weren't for cinema magic I think even the stupidest groundlings would yawn/laugh at how basic the dialogue is.

Apathy Speech
May 18
My stab at being a Twitter Teiresias: the Arnold flying kick meme gets coopted by the alt right, and then normal people reject that bullshit and defend Arnold, but then woke Twitter says akshually Arnold is a fascist racist rapist, and then that kick does wind up toppling him.

Apathy Speech
May 18
Imagine GOT on an Elizabethan stage. No gorgeous cinematography, no CGI, no simulated sex, no hot women unless you count men in drag, no realistic murder, just a few props, stagecraft, dialogue...how absurdly dull that play would be, even to the dullest groundlings. We're doomed.

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Apathy Speech
May 18
I just watched recaps of all Game of Thrones episodes in four hours. Had to see what the big deal is. In the 70 hours it would take to watch every minute, you could see an abridged version of every Shakespeare play. This shit is fucking far from Shakespeare. Our culture sucks.

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Apathy Speech
May 18
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There's also the moratorium angle. Which, apart from any racial nonsense, would've been a reasonable proposal for Italy in the early 1920's. "Let's pause until we figure out how to screen the violent anarchists better."

Apathy Speech
May 17
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You're not fat. You shouldn't burn in hell. I can see why an abortion ban would infuriate you. But cheering for a guy kicking a woman is still a trash stance.

You Retweeted

May 16
This guy is epic lol

Apathy Speech
May 17
Replying to
1. The worst sin of Chick fil A is murdering all those chickens because their cooked corpses taste good. 2. A chain deserves a social ban. So do all small/medium businesses owned by traditional Christians...of any race? (Nevermind what Muslim proprietors believe.) No tolerance?

Apathy Speech
May 17
Replying to
At the point when Warren says a 9-month-old infant is a non-person, I laughed out loud. Philosophers are entertaining, but I would sooner trust a room of middle school dropouts to figure out the morality of abortion.

Apathy Speech
May 16
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It's morally correct to forbid raped girls from ditching a day-old embryo? Haha, no.

Apathy Speech
May 15
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Apathy Speech
May 14
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Afraid you wouldn't do as well as Bernie? Anxious about ethnic appropriation questions? Captive to cancel culture fanaticism? Writing off up to half the electorate? Prove otherwise by doing a town hall with conservatives somewhere else.

Apathy Speech
May 12
Replying to
People might be generally less likely to knowingly lie if they really believe liars literally suffer in hell for eternity...but then there are also some devious believers who realize a divine loophole like confession or taqiya lets them lie their asses off.

Apathy Speech
May 12
I just noticed that just in case the kids ever happen to overlook the graven reminder of puppy torture and murder, these fools regularly plant lures on it in the form of stuffed toys. Not even the darkest Satanists would dream of being that evil! And it's all oblivious, lol, ugh.

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Apathy Speech
May 12
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Rapaport, likewise, it doesn't matter that you were born with a silver foot in your mouth, that you were lucky to be stepson of a standup mogul, that you skipped college -- you probably know some shit, too. You owe the graduates a taped real-talk commencement address as penance.

Apathy Speech
May 12
Replying to
Great advice! I feel inspired to gamble on myself. My break even is reset. I can see why LeBron trusts him.
Quote Tweet

· May 10
"What happens if you refuse to play it safe? What happens if you ignore everyone trying to box you in?" @mavcarter challenges the class of 2019 to bet on themselves.


#MoreThanAnAthlete (

Olivia Mowry / @USCAnnenberg)

Apathy Speech
May 12
Replying to
Doesn't really matter how he got the opportunity to know it, he has valuable knowledge to dispense. Would much rather hear about what he's learned than whatever I'd learn from the 365th academic lecture in 4 years. Eager to see whether or not he assimilated to commencement norms.

Apathy Speech
May 10
Replying to
Over 200 unreleased tracks from Songs in the Key of Life sessions alone.

Apathy Speech
May 9
Replying to
Nah, plenty of poets are absolutely bonkers.

Apathy Speech
May 9
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I was prepared to be inspired by a narrative where a dysfunctional flunkie transforms into an overachiever. Got any stories like that, for kids who aren't already smart and can't just solve their school problem with a bed?

Apathy Speech
May 9
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What's your stance on cooperative ownership? "Be your own owner" is better than "be your own boss", no?

Apathy Speech
May 9
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Funny if it's for Father's Day and laughing at how dads can be sometimes but you still love them and so thanks dad. But if the twist is dads really are all useless idiots so thanks mom for playing the role of father better?

How about ads implying all mothers are stupid whores?

Apathy Speech
May 8
Replying to
How would a co-op economy undercut the drive for status?

Apathy Speech
May 8
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How are co-ops less competitive?

Apathy Speech
May 8
Replying to
Why do you think there aren't more? How many workers even realize it's an option? Are people reluctant to risk their own skin? Banks unwilling to lend? Paycheck not enough for executives? Too democratic to be efficient?

Apathy Speech
May 7
Co-ops: Our economic system could be the exact same -- same markets, same profits, same jobs, same goods -- except for businesses being owned by their workers not some strangers, and that single difference would turn it from capitalism into communism? Do I have that right, or no?

Apathy Speech
May 5
Replying to
You're afraid of being replaced by browner humans, but you're okay with being exterminated by mutants.

Apathy Speech
May 5
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The subculture of artesanía is not superior to the subculture of ISIS?

Apathy Speech
May 5
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How much heft and relevance would Scandinavian studies give you? Not much. Why?

Apathy Speech
May 4
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Main difference? Hmm. Is it that one of them actually joined ISIS and directly encouraged murder?

Apathy Speech
May 4
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Is condemning cheap gallows humor as unenlightened its own kind of elitism?

Apathy Speech
May 2
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1959: "You don't have a First Amendment right to work in a private for-profit film industry."

Apathy Speech
May 2
Replying to
How about: 1. Find people on Twitter smugly pointing out that a) private companies are free to deplatform whomever they want and b) encouraging violence breaks terms of service. 2. Look at their posting history for a) outrage over the Hollywood blacklist and b) guillotine memes.

Apathy Speech
May 2
Replying to
So you're cool with private companies blacklisting communists?

Apathy Speech
Apr 19
What sane person would ever think to put a bleak gravestone in a playground right next to a slide for children to see every time they land? Would 911 not be called on some creepy edgelord who stands in front of a jungle gym every day holding a "Puppies Get Tortured and Die" sign?

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Apathy Speech
Apr 19
Replying to
Reminds me of the controversy about the British cartoon a couple years ago showing a black man as a typical citizen during Roman times. If there is a single case of a white man eloping north with a black woman during slavery, why should that never get to be the representative?

Apathy Speech
Apr 18
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and 2 others
People despise surveillance, propaganda, harassment, sabotage, combat when the target is themselves. When the target is their enemy, then people are pretty cool with all that stuff.

Apathy Speech
Apr 11
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2030: After the brief formalities of ethics seminars and citizen outreach and legislative oversight about the idea, America nukes China into oblivion to prevent the extinction of humanity in a postbiological holocaust.

Apathy Speech
Apr 11
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Artist: Hi wanna buy a decent copy of my painting to pin up as a poster for a tiny fraction of what the original costs? Society: Sure, why not!

Apathy Speech
Apr 10
Who does more damage to the world, "low IQ" psychopaths or "high IQ" psychopaths?

Apathy Speech
Apr 8
Replying to
Obama is a smart crypto-communist. Don't bother steering the doomed ship in a better direction. Hold the same course; if possible nudge it toward disaster faster. Make the system even more fragile. Amplify inequality. Hasten the revolution. What else should a commie president do?

Apathy Speech
Apr 7
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and 2 others
It might seem like school shootings are "normal" here, but they're not. They're rare here, too. We prepare for them just in case. Better to be a distressed kid than a dead one. Do you also refrain from warning children about pedophiles or rehearsing what to do in case of a fire?

Apathy Speech
Apr 6
Replying to
There are still millions of guns in the UK. It's absolutely possible there could be another Dunblane, and failing to prepare your daughter for one is beyond foolish. Do you at least prepare her to react to a mass stabbing? How about what to do in case a concert is bombed?

Apathy Speech
Apr 5
Replying to
There's already a lot to criticize about Trump, so why would you need to lie about this? He was talking about MS-13 not asylum seekers.

Apathy Speech
Apr 3
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Virgil meant both senses, maybe? When one can find something helpful about remembering a trauma, there's a certain pleasure in that, no? And then there's a feedback loop since feeling that pleasure is itself therapeutic, empowering?

Apathy Speech
Mar 28
What's the shortest amount of time it's ever taken a functionally illiterate adult to acquire enough critical thinking and writing skills to earn an A in a complex subject at an average college? Looking for a miraculous example to prove a point to my leftist sociology professor.

Apathy Speech
Mar 26
Replying to
If the media covered every massacre against Muslims, you would then complain about paying too much attention to massacres committed by Muslims.

Apathy Speech
Mar 25
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Holy shit!

Apathy Speech
Mar 25
Is there a word yet for the privilege of growing up with morals, good habits, common sense?

You Retweeted

Mar 23
What kind of dog is this?
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Mar 21
Life is improved more by removing the sh*t than spraying the sh*t with perfume.

Apathy Speech
Mar 21
youtu.be/KNi8aW8Nf6s Over three decades of thinking a man sang this.

The Pointer Sisters - Automatic
Artist: Pointer Sisters Title: Automatic Year: 1984 Lyrics: Look what you're doing to me I'm utterly at your whim All of my defenses down Your camera looks t...

Apathy Speech
Mar 15
Why shouldn't we expect every kid to learn Latin?
Quote Tweet

sententiae antiquae
· Mar 14
The Future of Classics, From "Below" A contribution to the ongoing discussion from a critical and too often looked area: k-12 education. From @danibostick sententiaeantiquae.com/2019/03/14/24043/…
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Apathy Speech
Mar 14
Replying to
Just a question. Figured you would know if any studies exist. Been thinking about education inequalities. Whether an average class of poor kids could be taught to use and retain Latin (and Greek) *better* than they would in elite schools. Also how cheap it could be. Ludus money.

Apathy Speech
Mar 14
What percentage of kids who take how many years of what method of Latin instruction remember what percentage of the language how many years later? My guess is only some Latin AP students remember more than 5-10% of it after 10 years. Grammar-translation for the loss.

Apathy Speech
Mar 14
Replying to
Where's the source that children of black PhDs go to college as often as children of white high school graduates? That is impossible to believe.

You Retweeted

Mar 8
Kratu's back!

Apathy Speech
Mar 10
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The majority of our ancestors were subsistence farmers and nomads.

Apathy Speech
Mar 8
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Good question. What's your answer?

Apathy Speech
Mar 4
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Can't help but think that if it had been a leftist smashing an egg on May's head you'd be finding a way to downplay it or justify it or chuckle at it. Or do you have a record of seeing the inverse as abhorrent, too?

Apathy Speech
Feb 10
Unpopular opinion: Romeo and Juliet, technically a tragedy, universally acknowledged as hilarious in the first half, is supposed to *stay* funny all the way through to the very end. Shakespeare and his audience had a sick sense of humor. I think I can prove it, too.

Apathy Speech
Feb 2
Replying to
80 percent of divorces initiated by women. So...what is this tweet supposed to mean?

Apathy Speech
Jan 23
Replying to
You're an independent thinker who's totally not thinking programmed thoughts.

Apathy Speech
Jan 23
Replying to
If the chanting high school boys were black, on a liberal field trip, and the old drumming veteran were white, what would FOX anchors be saying? They'd be singing a different, and wrong, tune. Hypocrisy is a two-way street. Time to recognize that and sing one tune for everybody.

Apathy Speech
Jan 23
Replying to
If they were trying to join in with the drummer, what would that have looked like instead? What authentic Native chants would they (or 99% of non-Natives) know besides the faux Tomahawk Chop?

Apathy Speech
Jan 23
Replying to
Their behavior wouldn't stink. You'd be defending them. Black high schoolers heckled by a racist cult do school cheers in response, a drumming old white veteran walks up to them, they chant and dance, one boy silently smiles, and then a mob wants them destroyed? Think about it.

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
Black boys on a high school field trip are harassed by a weird racist cult for an hour, do school cheers in response, an old white vet approaches them with a drum, they dance and chant, your son silently smiles, and half the US wants to destroy him: Your article then would be...?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
Whose side would you have taken?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
and 2 others
If they chanted along and danced with the drummer, maybe a few of them clowning on him, and one boy smiled motionlessly as the old white drummer approached, and the drummer later called them beasts, and half of America said they wanted to violently attack the smiling black boy?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
That EXACT screenshot could have been written by a right wing bluecheck after a media storm where black high schoolers are first defamed as aggressors toward a drumming old white veteran and then their defenders expose the story with longer video and context. "Bothsidesism" then?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
Really? You can't imagine an analogue occurring? But you already said you know what the reaction would be! I do, too. White right wingers would be trashing those boys. And you (and I!) would be defending them. Why aren't you now?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
A crowd of black boys on a field trip is harassed by a weird racist Mestizo cult for an hour, they do school cheers in response, an old white vet approaches them with a drum, they playfully chant, a boy silently smiles, then half the US wants to destroy them: What's your article?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
Um, the "IQ studies" you saw were about *debunking* IQ. You don't actually understand me. And you still haven't told me what your reaction would be. But we both know what it would be, right? You'd react correctly. Just like you're reacting wrongly now.

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
and 2 others
Would you have seen a crowd of enthused black high schoolers chanting and dancing as disrespectful or a threat? Would YOU have held those who did see it that way accountable for their bias? Would you have defended the old white drummer who approached them and called them beasts?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
What would YOUR reaction have been? Mine would've been to defend the boys against anybody who wanted to destroy them. That's what I am. Consistent. What are you? Would you have seen a smiling black boy as sinister and punchable?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
If it had been enthusiastic black boys on a political field trip, chanting when harassed by a racist cult, then an old white guy bangs a drum at them, they dance, and one boy silently smiles, and then a mob declares they want to violently attack the boys? That's "accountability"?

Apathy Speech
Jan 22
Replying to
military.com/join-armed-forces/disqualifiers-medical-conditions.html… Some other disqualifying conditions: Being fat, an allergy, asthma, astigmatism, being tall, being short...the military doesn't exist to demonstrate fairness or inclusiveness.

Apathy Speech
Jan 21
Replying to
And if it was a group of enthused black boys on a political field trip harassed by a weird racist Mestizo cult for an hour then being approached by some old white guy beating a drum and one of the black boys just smiles silently and then half the US wants to violently attack him?

Apathy Speech
Jan 21
Replying to
If instead they were trying to join Phillips in solidarity, what would that have looked like? Do they know any authentic Native dances and chants? No. They only know the Tomahawk chant. So how do you know it was mockery and not just ignorance? Yannis-Laurel.

Apathy Speech
Jan 21
Replying to
"Gross", huh? You must've thought about it for a split second, realized I was right that them trying to join in would look exactly the same, and then your disgust reflex kicked in to keep you from having to confront the possibility of being wrong.

Apathy Speech
Jan 21
Replying to
If they were trying to join in, what would they have done instead? Let's imagine they were. What Native dances do they know? None. So they danced awkwardly. What actual Native chants do they know? None. So they did the Tomahawk chant. Not mockery: It's ignorance. Yannis-Laurel.

Apathy Speech
Jan 21
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Apathy Speech
Jan 10
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and 3 others
Having engaged: How much do you know about predominantly white fraternities and sororities? Enough to recognize the equivalent of Skee Wee? Or would you need to ask, too?

Apathy Speech
Jan 10
Replying to
Why do women *attempt* suicide at even higher rates? Maybe it's an "extreme loosening of emotions"? Too much crying? Toxic femininities? Or maybe a microscopic fraction of people overall kill themselves due to extreme depression and the why of it has nothing to do with gender.

Apathy Speech
Jan 10
Replying to
Kale, because I refuse to eat fellow mammals. I'd die sooner in this hypothetical. So be it! Related question: Only kale versus only human flesh, who'd live longer? Do you really want to live longer in that case?

Apathy Speech
Jan 10
Replying to
and 3 others
75% of whites have only white friends. 66% of blacks have only black friends. So...barely?

Apathy Speech
Jan 10
Replying to
You look like Anthony Bourdain in drag. Is that good?

Apathy Speech
Jan 9
Replying to
Extreme restriction of emotions...like the Stoics? Buddhists? But then one of the sins you list is being disrespectful...so, like, rebels, dissidents, iconoclasts? Damned if we shut out the world. Damned if we rile it up. D51's healthy masculinity: Must mingle. Can't disrupt.

Apathy Speech
Jan 7
Replying to
Expect our mammalian species to give up eating mammals at least, in the next few hundred years. Global contagion of a new attitude is inevitable at some point: "We can't eat them...they're fam."

Apathy Speech
Jan 7
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and 2 others
99th percentile of a real intelligence test.

Apathy Speech
Jan 7
Replying to
Molino's dilemma: Can't use past and present resentment toward Jews as the clearest evidence of his High-IQ-Gets-Persecuted theory without also alienating the Jew-hating portion of his followers.

Apathy Speech
Jan 7
We verge on catastrophes. But how close is the world to getting everything good enough for most people? We're more than halfway there. Many live in what our ancestors would deem a utopia. All we need is more time. And you want to fuck it all up by going..."beyond" us?

Apathy Speech
Jan 6
Replying to
You think re-raising a little learned Jewish genius from scratch as a little illiterate Kalahari bushman would only drop his IQ score to 155? Please.

Apathy Speech
Jan 6
Replying to
Egyptian civilization was created and sustained by a people who now average an 81 IQ? What would that make the IQ of their barbarian proto-European contemporaries?

Apathy Speech
Jan 6
Replying to
Raise those exact same 28 kids as non-Jews in the Kalahari. Now what's their IQ score?

Apathy Speech
Jan 6
Replying to
Everybody growing up superbly educated around other superbly educated people, all guided by the Lindyist set of heuristics for making smart choices...will get you those achievements. There might be a tiny bit of selection, over 3000 years. But it's almost all the great culture.

Apathy Speech
Jan 3
Replying to
You're using the top map to fly to the bottom city?

Apathy Speech
Jan 1
Replying to
I've listened to Volume 1 hundreds of times. Volume 2 not nearly as much except for As. Eight and a half minutes each of Black Man and Another Star gets tiresome.

Apathy Speech
Dec 31, 2018
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and 2 others
I guess the joke might be that teenagers today presumptuously equate their random suffering in life with authoritative expertise? (Teenagers who then furiously demand that guns should be banned to save lives, oblivious to the bloody civil war megadeaths that would be triggered?)

Apathy Speech
Dec 31, 2018
Replying to
Slutshaming is a good thing when the hive mind really needs to outgroup someone and prove its purity.

Apathy Speech
Dec 31, 2018
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and 3 others
"Deadname or misgender me and you shall lose your social media account or your job." #options

Apathy Speech
Dec 29, 2018
Replying to
14% = 2 out of 16, so...underrepresented by a grand total of: 1. Of course, it sounds way worse if you arbitrarily decide to state it as a percentage. "Falls 50% short of full inclusion." "Should be 100% more!"

Apathy Speech
Dec 29, 2018
Replying to
"In movies, bird-watchers save the Earth by sitting really really still while things explode all over the bird-watching complex." I want to see these movies!

You Retweeted

Simon DeDeo
Dec 28, 2018
Why what you're being told about IQ is bullshit: a parable.

IQ Cults, Nonlinearity, and Reality: a Bird-watcher’s Parable
The NNT IQ thread uses all the same arguments against IQ as fat acceptance people do about BMI- it’s not a perfect measure, fitness is more than weight, my granny was obese and lived to be 10…
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Apathy Speech
Dec 27, 2018
Replying to
Hindus are welcome to try to ban cow-eating! I welcome any attempt anywhere to stop humanity from eating fellow mammals. Cows, pigs, dogs, whales, et al.

Apathy Speech
Dec 26, 2018
Replying to
Create a joke "IYIQ" test that illustrates how prone a High-IQ mind is to fooling itself and making ruinous decisions. For example,
is a transhumanist who looks forward to "upgrading" the human species into extinction.

Apathy Speech
Dec 26, 2018
Replying to
Psychosis is a helluva drug. Sad.

Apathy Speech
Dec 24, 2018
Replying to
Plus... If you're not using a fresh washcloth every shower, then you're just rubbing yourself with old skin and bacteria, right? If hands and soap are good enough for doctors before a life-or-death surgery, why hold yourself to a higher standard?

Apathy Speech
Dec 24, 2018
Replying to
“Skincare should be gentle rather than harsh, and people spend a lot of time over-cleaning and stripping the skin of natural and healthy moisturizing oils that keep us from being itchy, dry and flaky,” she says. (Maybe connected to ashiness and lotion use?)

Apathy Speech
Dec 24, 2018
Replying to
blackdoctor.org/464457/washcloth-vs-no-washcloth/2/… “I actually strongly prefer that my patients use no loofah, washcloth or scrubby at all in the shower,” says dermatologist Dr. Krant.

Apathy Speech
Dec 23, 2018
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and 3 others
Nah. Way more likely it would've been one of a million *tinkerers* with average-ish IQ who invented and re-invented fire, the wheel, primitive tools, clothing, shelter, agriculture, boats, etc.

Apathy Speech
Dec 23, 2018
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and 2 others
What if High-IQ exists just to find new ways of being entertainment for women? Squandered by socially retarded intellectuals.

Apathy Speech
Dec 23, 2018
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and 3 others
Primitives still exist today. A fraction of them must possess a high IQ. Does it ever help them?

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2018
I dislike guns. But resent the situation to your heart's content: It is what it is. Dozens of millions of Americans are utterly convinced that the 2A is a failsafe where the definition of a state that deserves an armed insurrection is precisely the one which seeks to disarm you.

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Apathy Speech
Dec 20, 2018
For the record. I voted for no one in 2016. Stayed home that day. Was afraid of civil war! Still am! If whoever the Democrats get elected in 2020 is under the impression they have a mandate to go after guns hold onto your fucking hats. I'm pro-2A. Because I am anti-civil-war.

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Apathy Speech
Dec 19, 2018
Replying to
Thanks for the link. I have a slight automatic bias in favor of black people. Could be that I really do prefer black people a little. Or maybe it's that I've been obsessed with Black Twitter for a month so I found it easier than usual to associate Wypipo with words of contempt.

Apathy Speech
Dec 19, 2018
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and 2 others
Is it really that hard to qualify it whenever possible with at least a "most" or a "some"? Don't you want to emphasize carefulness about words so that white people reciprocate?

Apathy Speech
Dec 16, 2018
Replying to
So both the anti-immigration and the pro-immigration sides are "assigning value to migrants based on their perceived usefulness", which, uh, duh, of course -- and you just added the words "white" and "to capitalism"...bold argument, lol.

Apathy Speech
Dec 14, 2018
I've never liked nor even slightly wanted to understand opera until this. Thank you @Babatundebari

What opera sounds like in my head...Hip Hopera
What opera sounds like in my head... Hip Hopera FB: www.facebook.com/babatundehiphopera IG: www.instagram.com/babatunde_hiphopera Twitter: www.twitter.com/tu...

Apathy Speech
Dec 13, 2018
1st semester in 20 yrs ended well. Tuesday I was Asagai from Raisin. Then I commemorated John Adams & JQA (buried across the street) as our least-problematic early presidents. Today the professor called me a "genius" in poetry class. Read a rhymed sestina, a ghazal, and epitaphs.

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Apathy Speech
Dec 10, 2018
Replying to
You took 7 classes a semester? Holy shit.

Apathy Speech
Dec 10, 2018
Replying to
She's actually a decent poet.

Apathy Speech
Nov 30, 2018
Replying to
"Do we have the right to curb AGI once it’s conscious?" Good god, there really are people like you. You're gonna get humanity or life itself exterminated.

Apathy Speech
Nov 30, 2018
Replying to
The transhumanists will literally be doing this with CRISPR someday sooner than later.

Apathy Speech
Nov 29, 2018
Replying to
Probably because Bill Clinton would be even more implicated, having flown on Epstein's Lolita Express at least 26 times, 5 times without the Secret Service, and having visited Epstein's Orgy Island at least a dozen times.

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2018
Replying to
Forget being a vegan: Just don't eat pigs. Better yet, don't eat any fellow mammals.

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2018
Replying to
Deodorants are fine. Aluminum is in antiperspirants. Years ago I used to use the latter until my shirts' armpits started hardening like plastic or vinyl. Figured that was no bueno for my body. Especially my lymph nodes. Preventing sweat is all sorts of unnatural. Free your pores.

Apathy Speech
Nov 25, 2018
Replying to
Are you so attached to a transhumanist utopia that you'll commit treason? I smell a new Red Scare coming along with that bioethical panic! And war of course, because the ethical West won't just cede control of the planet to eugenic freaks. Unless you all trans-ify the West first.

Apathy Speech
Nov 23, 2018
Replying to
Same guy who wants the human species to be replaced with a postbiological upgrade. Like listening to an arsonist's warning that a flood will destroy your neighborhood and tragically prevent him from burning it all down.

Apathy Speech
Nov 21, 2018
Replying to
and 2 others
There's a bell curve of Trump voters and the least-ignorant end can be reasoned with. At a Thanksgiving gathering there are other people listening besides the drunk racist aunt being directly addressed. An even temper is likelier to win. Frustrating blowhards is fun to watch.

Apathy Speech
Nov 21, 2018
Replying to
How about not indulging in performative rage and instead patiently reasoning out why racist statements are substantively wrong? Not as thrilling, but a better bet to actually change the minds of anyone listening.

Apathy Speech
Nov 21, 2018
It's hard to come up with really blasphemous things to say about Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, various kinds of witchcraft, atheism. Any ideas?

Apathy Speech
Nov 21, 2018
Replying to
If the kid informed the class in advance and everybody was okay with it? Appropriate. Surprising them with it? Not so much. If he was taking one for the team to educate the class? Appropriate. If it was pure trolling? Nope.

You Retweeted

libby emmons
Jul 11, 2018
What do #biohacking, #AI, and the #transgender phenomenon have in common? They are all in service to the ideology of #transhumanism.
Quote Tweet

· Jul 11, 2018
The Transhumanism Revolution: Oppression Disguised as Liberation | @li88yinc quillette.com/2018/07/11/the-transhumanism-revolution-oppression-disguised-as-liberation/…

Apathy Speech
Nov 18, 2018
Replying to
Russians didn't arrange for the Clintons to be frequent flyers on Epstein's Lolita Express. Russians didn't hang the child-rape/torture/snuff art of Djurdjevic on Tony Podesta's walls. Russians didn't invent Jimmy Savile, Dutroux, Casa Pia, the Franklin Scandal, the Vatican.

Apathy Speech
Nov 18, 2018
Replying to
Now also count people born with *two non-working* legs.

Apathy Speech
Nov 16, 2018
An honest assessment of the transhumanist ethos. They despise humanity. They despise life.
Quote Tweet

Nolen Gertz
· Nov 9, 2018
"It's not only about improving but about despising what we are." - Jeanette Winterson on Transhumanism #BNW2018

Apathy Speech
Nov 3, 2018
Replying to
According to him they were doing fine before the 20th century. So, centuries of vegetarianism. Hundreds of millions of successful lifetime experiments. Proof enough of the concept that meat is superfluous, 2 million years be damned.

Apathy Speech
Nov 2, 2018
The whole world could've been conquered by a civilization from the west coast, southern tip, or eastern horn. Before any Europeans ever did. When white people slept in their own filth. The villain could have been you, black people. There's time: Still could be! See me in 2118.

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Apathy Speech
Nov 2, 2018
It's #racist to NOT think it could have easily just as been Africans doing all the conquesting and enslaving. Racist to assume the tables couldn't have been turned, if but for luck. Afrocentric history teaches this, right? What was Egypt? An empire, yes? And they had slaves?

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Apathy Speech
Nov 2, 2018
Yep. If we include animals, especially our fellow mammals, especially the furry four-footed retards we call cows and pigs...hoo boy do we humans look bad. Does not get any worse than torturing, murdering, and then fucking EATING the weak.

Apathy Speech
Nov 1, 2018
- Still want to wear blackface - Age like bad fruit - Don't wash their hands - Don't use washcloths - Can't control their kids - Disrespect their parents - Have fake smiles - Ruin everything - Are garbage - Are nosey - Blab about personal shit

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Apathy Speech
Nov 1, 2018
- Don't wear shoes - Wear shoes to bed - Can't cook - Cut in line - Have no ass - Investigate weird noises - Think they're oppressed - Wish they were black - Don't feel empathy - Love mayonnaise - Smell (onions/dairy/cigarettes/wet dog)

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Apathy Speech
Oct 30, 2018
The left DESERVES the #NPCmeme treatment. Unfortunately the right is not good at satire, so most of them are lame and corny. If the right were less shallow/narrow, that meme could actually make a difference. As it is, it mostly just comes off as backward wingers wanking it. Sad.

Apathy Speech
Oct 30, 2018
Did a draft of a persona poem from the perspective of a reborn, nonviolent CJ. Thought there'd already be a shitload of GTA persona poems online. Only found one (in Poetry of all places!) and...it's atrocious. My mediocre one will be the best by default.

GTA: San Andreas (or, “Grove Street, bitch!”) by Jacob Saenz
I play on Grove Street,

Apathy Speech
Oct 29, 2018
Replying to
Isn't judging a collective by the actions of a crazy minority supposed to be bad?

Apathy Speech
Oct 29, 2018
Replying to
Why are those morons the representatives of Southie/Boston? When my grandmother was repeatedly mugged by black dudes in Dorchester, we refused to let them represent anything but themselves. Is it not the same thing?

Apathy Speech
Oct 29, 2018
Replying to
When's the last time you've been to Southie? Or have you only read about it, seen it in movies?

Apathy Speech
Oct 28, 2018
futurism.com/artificial-intelligence-bad-poems/… "this realm of rain grey sky and cloud it’s quite and peaceful safe allowed" Actually not that bad, for a fucking robot. Won't be long before it can mimic Ashbery.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8, 2018
Replying to
If I forgot my wallet somewhere, I'd prefer it be a church, because the people there on average would be more afraid of sinning. Most subway people wouldn't, either, but a handful definitely would.

Apathy Speech
Sep 8, 2018
Replying to
Where would you prefer to forget a purse, in a church or at a subway station?

Apathy Speech
Aug 29, 2018
I love walking on a quiet late August night now because my tinnitus disappears inside a symphony of insect mating calls.

Apathy Speech
Aug 14, 2018
Studying in silence at Quincy's public library designed by H.H. Richardson. I feel like I'm at Oxford. My chapel this fall will be the unitarian Church of the Presidents, where they play a big pipe organ. My secret smoking spot is a cemetery older than America. I'm loving Quincy.

Apathy Speech
Aug 2, 2018
Replying to
Hello, QC! I'll probably major in English. Especially if the school eventually offers a 4 year English degree. I'm walking over tomorrow for Fast Track Friday, hopefully I can start right away with a 10-day ENG 101 class, the 6-10pm preferably to avoid the heat.

Apathy Speech
Aug 1, 2018
I live within walking distance of Quincy Center now, and I'll be restarting school from scratch full-time at Quincy College. I might as well be living on campus, and it might as well be Harvard I'm going to. #DoOver #ResetButton

Apathy Speech
Jul 27, 2018
Replying to
Oh really? That many ">" better? That's a bold claim. I shall see!

Apathy Speech
Jul 23, 2018
I read the black racists of theroot.com/tag/white-people… every week along with a white racist like Vox Day or Heartiste and the racisms cancel each other out and I wind up a misanthrope about everybody. Thanks!

White People - Black News, Opinions, Politics and Culture | The Root
White People - Black News, Opinions, Politics and Culture | The Root

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Jul 19, 2018
the upside of not committing suicide is the possibility of witnessing retarded shit happen in the future
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Apathy Speech
Jul 19, 2018
Bummer that my new Shorter 14th edition of The Norton Reader for English 101 includes no David Foster Wallace. Eula Biss, whoever that is, had better be great, dammit. Same for other presumed whatnots like Raja, Newman, Baron, et al. They had all better be smoking hot writers!!

Apathy Speech
Jul 13, 2018
Apparently, I've also been a cliche of a straight white male hipster by reading and loving Infinite Jest. #cliche #InfiniteJest #bummer

Apathy Speech
Jul 12, 2018
Replying to
Ha. What're they going to do to me, to us, as a species, is the question. You've caught just a whiff of it from the bionic runners, amputation as an upgrade. Transhumanists want your soul!

Apathy Speech
Jul 11, 2018
Replying to
Transhumanists on a quest for postbiological AI utopia are most likely to kill us in the next 100 years. Antihumanists, they should be called. Some pathological radical will release an epidemic GMO or something.

Apathy Speech
Jul 8, 2018
Replying to
If we're going to be scientifically precise, humans and dinosaurs did live together, and still do, because all birds are dinosaurs.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6, 2018
Replying to
Sears thinks Socrates was NOT a corrupter of youth. washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/01/09/why-social-justice-warriors-are-the-true-defenders-of-free-speech-and-open-debate/… Interesting that he doesn't apply his anachronistic judgment to ancient pedophilia. Even though there were contemporaries of Socrates repulsed by it.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29, 2018
Socrates said the oracle meant he was the wisest of all humans because he knew that he knew nothing. Which is a cool stance. Then again, remember that Socrates and his buddies were proud and aggressive child molesters. Not so fucking cool, that! #ThemToo #Pedogate #AthensWasRight

Apathy Speech
Jun 29, 2018
Replying to
I feel smart and cool because I noticed you wrote the word "Most", and based on the comments only a minority of people knows what that word means.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15, 2018
Replying to
Socrates and his pedophile buddies would have quite the #MeToo

reckoning in store on Twitter, for the whole seducing young boys and bragging about it when drunk thing. Less annoying than a revolting account.

Apathy Speech
Jun 15, 2018
Because companies all decided to be diversity-conscious at the same time, it sometimes seems like every other TV ad features a black person. I have no problem with it, none -- just noticing is all. Must be a great time to be an aspiring black actor looking for commercial work!

Apathy Speech
Jun 8, 2018
Replying to
breitbart.com/california/2018/06/08/president-trump-on-marijuana-i-probably-will-end-up-supporting-end-to-federal-ban/… Propose a pardon to him, it might get his attention and actually work.

Apathy Speech
Jun 8, 2018
breitbart.com/california/2018/06/08/president-trump-on-marijuana-i-probably-will-end-up-supporting-end-to-federal-ban/… Finally, a president who's doing the right thing.

Apathy Speech
Jun 7, 2018
Replying to
Should I call that hotline to report your parents for being frequent flyers on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express or have you done that already yourself?

Apathy Speech
Jun 7, 2018
Replying to
You guys have enough money to buy fancy art. Would you buy and hang one of Biljana Djurdjevic's child snuff/torture/rape paintings in your homes for visitors of all ages to see? If not, why?

Apathy Speech
Jun 1, 2018
Replying to
But if you don't settle the moral debt and if enough time elapses, then you have to reset the counter to zero. Otherwise you give up the pretense of ever establishing fair play.

Apathy Speech
Jun 1, 2018
Replying to
White privilege is applied to *all* white people not just 4 out of 100, and the concept of it is officially propagated throughout academia, so yes, nothing outdoes it.

Apathy Speech
Jun 1, 2018
Replying to
When Sally convinces us that taking money from others is wrong, that is the time to settle moral debts. At some point a reset button has to be pushed. Or else the cycle is perpetual.

Apathy Speech
Jun 1, 2018
Replying to
Is it okay to lay the foundation for a future reversed asymmetry if, or rather, *when* the power balance switches and whites become a despised and marginalized class? That's the endgame of allowing for *any* asymmetry now just because there has never before been symmetry.

Apathy Speech
Jun 1, 2018
Replying to
I know of nothing today more applied in the aggregate (toward a whole race) and institutionalized (in academia) than the concept of white privilege.

Apathy Speech
May 11, 2018
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Apathy Speech
Mar 21, 2018
The fucking worst when you realize, "Shit, I've been a bipolar cliche this whole time."

Apathy Speech
Feb 22, 2018
Looking back a decade or two from now, all the aggressively sideburnless dudes of today are going to shake their damn heads and ask themselves why the fuck their sideburns disappeared. #WhyNoSideburns

Apathy Speech
Jan 25, 2018
Replying to
Tennys probably already knows, but just in case: Serena's husband's partner seems to be a cannibal. reddit.com/r/u_X_I_C/comments/7ptfbt/steve_huffman_spez_fuzzy_navel_jokes_about_being/…

Apathy Speech
Jan 12, 2018
Whatever else can be said, it's been a trip to hear and see the word shithole on television all day. Delightful.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2017
Replying to
and 5 others
Hoping to see Yabusele do another dab. Yabu dab a do! - Tommy/Fred Flintstone

Apathy Speech
Dec 20, 2017
Yabusele does a dab = "Yabu dab a do!" Tommy = Fred Flintstone

Apathy Speech
Nov 29, 2017
Replying to
For what culture?

Apathy Speech
Nov 17, 2017
Replying to
This tweet made my night! I'm still smiling. The morons ditching you now ought to start following psychopaths like the Podesta brothers instead.

Apathy Speech
Apr 11, 2017
Replying to
You kid, but that's actually at bottom the utopian dream of those abominable, anthropocidal fools: transhumanists.

Apathy Speech
Apr 11, 2017
Replying to
Just noise, missiles just necessary optics bluff to enhance negotiating position. Trump still the smartest in the room, still The Decider.

Apathy Speech
Apr 4, 2017
Replying to
Our pathocracy fears what the American version of Belgium's White March would be if the Franklin and Pizza scandals merge into one megaleak.

Apathy Speech
Apr 4, 2017
Replying to

Apathy Speech
Apr 3, 2017
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Apathy Speech
Apr 3, 2017
Replying to
Putin hysteria shared by "cats and dogs" = their fear that Franklin & Pizza scandals will merge into our version of Belgium's White March.

Apathy Speech
Mar 24, 2017
Replying to
But maybe you think the Casa Pia, Dutroux, and Savile scandals were Fake News, too? Belgium's White March was a Putin hack?

Apathy Speech
Mar 24, 2017
Replying to
Our elites not better than Portugal's, Belgium's, or Britain's pathocracies. To think otherwise is American exceptionalism.

Apathy Speech
Mar 24, 2017
Started by Clintons being Epstein BFF's, Silsby trafficking Haitian kids, and Podestas' taste in creepshow art.

Apathy Speech
Mar 21, 2017
Replying to
We're fighting so Luciferian narcissistic transgression-addicts can shit on Life Itself & eat organic on a comfortable stipend?

Apathy Speech
Feb 26, 2017
Replying to
A spiral of self-gaslighting, self-Munchausen.

Apathy Speech
Feb 26, 2017
Replying to
At least one of those spectres actually has teeth and legs, unfortunately. The world is way worse than you're imagining it to be.

Apathy Speech
Dec 29, 2016
Replying to
Epistemic closure, bruh. Monoscopic politics, as opposed to political stereoscopy. It's like plucking out an eye.

Apathy Speech
Dec 28, 2016
Replying to
Non-wingnut query: what Fabian magic tricks first enabled the gradual capture of gov't, press, schools, courts, art? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apathy Speech
Dec 28, 2016
Replying to
The song "Con Funk Shun" is also a joyride, fun beyond words, with a big dollop of spite, too.

You Retweeted

Existential Comics
Dec 28, 2016
Me: "life is meaningless and then you die" Dog: "no, life is good, sometimes you go to the park" Me: "oh yeah"

Apathy Speech
Dec 27, 2016
Replying to
I would prefer to think that their wraiths will now benevolently haunt us and help save us from the worst of 2017 scenarios.

You Retweeted

Juan Such Rankia
Dec 27, 2016
Wealthy is meaningless; use Unwealth: the difference, at any point in time, between what you have and what you would like to have (NNTaleb)
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Mikey Adams
Dec 26, 2016
Only a catcher can flip that gnarly bird
Quote Tweet

Mark Robillard
· Dec 26, 2016
Replying to @MikeyAdams420
here is my favorite Pudge picture

Apathy Speech
Dec 25, 2016
Samuel Gridley Howe: Greatest Southie Citizen of All Time? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Gridley_Howe… Underground Railroad stop...in SOUTHIE?

Apathy Speech
Dec 22, 2016
You should commission a track where Kanye and Brian Wilson collaborate. Perhaps something with good vibes, circa SMiLE.

Apathy Speech
Dec 22, 2016
Replying to
One anagram of Paul Chandler is "Reach and Pull" hence reachandpull.wordpress.com, the site for my Infinite Jest musings. Start in '08.

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Dec 22, 2016
The best researcher is the one who hates academia, the best politician the one who hates politics, best bureaucrat one who hates bureaucracy
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Existential Comics
Dec 22, 2016
Growing up they told us that every single person was special, but I feel like the only ones who really believe that are golden retrievers.

Apathy Speech
Dec 22, 2016
Remember that voodoo I had going for me in 2014? What was my credit score back then, when I checked on speakerphone?

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2016
Replying to
We need anti-Anti-Heresy laws, to protect the civil liberties of heretics, all heresies. Oh wait, hooray, we do, very first Rule.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2016
A cup of Ocean Spray Cran Grape tastes like liquified Now & Laters after accustomizing oneself to water. Candy has its place.

You Retweeted

Thomas Kratman
Sep 17, 2016
Replying to
I invite your attention to: tomkratman.com/Ranthhour.html

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2016
Great minds think alike.
Quote Tweet

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
· Dec 17, 2016
Reason the Salafis didn't kill more pple in history is low IQ, sheer military incompetence & lack of weapons. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabi_sack_of_Karbala…

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Dec 17, 2016
Replying to
4) Pagans unlike monotheists and atheists don't have heresies.

Apathy Speech
Nov 29, 2016
Replying to
Can we at least burn all American flags made in China? Seriously. Also serious: BOO! Blasphemy laws are unconstitutional.

Apathy Speech
Nov 29, 2016
Replying to
Just as there's wingnut itching for civil war over the 2nd, there'll be more for the 1st, and diverse.

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2016
Replying to
Unnerving. On the other hand, the same bars could just as well serve as the steps on a spiral ladder to liberation.

You Retweeted

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Nov 27, 2016

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2016
Replying to
Generalize much? That's what Mather, Stoughton, et al. did, too. No room in their minds to distinguish good vs. bad witches.
“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:13 pm

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2016
Replying to
Had to ask! Carry on.

Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2016
Replying to
Damn, lol. Not even any second cousins in their 30's who sometimes get a crush on white boys like me?


Apathy Speech
Nov 27, 2016
Know any good Haitian women between your age & mine who ain't mediocre? Might need a guest or 2 to go on an island vacation with.

Apathy Speech
Nov 17, 2016
Replying to
Me: Hmm what's this, hard to tell because the thumbnail is small, but it looks sexy, let's see... [opens pic] [bleaches eyes]

You Retweeted

Jason "David Wong" Pargin
Nov 17, 2016
Agree or disagree, everyone should read this: slatestarcodex.com/2016/11/16/you-are-still-crying-wolf/…

Apathy Speech
Nov 15, 2016
Replying to
Yes! Sortition = the future of democracy.

(Multiply the number of seats in Congress by, say, 10, too.)

Apathy Speech
Nov 15, 2016
Replying to
Loaded to the brim!

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2016
The repetitive trauma of asking himself "Why can't we get players like that?" 2000 times a game might kill Lobel

Warn him!

Apathy Speech
Aug 26, 2016
Replying to
If you never got to this, now would be a swell time! Unless rediscovering this link is what occasioned the Genealogy rereading?

Apathy Speech
Aug 17, 2016
Replying to
p.s. Antifragile basketball = Bill Russell. youtu.be/SrofennuqeI en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Russell…

Apathy Speech
Aug 17, 2016
Replying to
This piece is recommended by Sighinolfi. Great basketball players thrive on disorder.

The chaos theory of basketball
It seems counterintuitive that chaos is something NBA coaches could ever want on the court. “In all sports,” Sloan panelist Bill James chimed, “all coaches overuse strategies that give them the...

Apathy Speech
Aug 14, 2016
I want a 4-minute version of "The Bunny Merger Went Through", please!

Apathy Speech
Aug 13, 2016
Liberals fumed re: Nixon's missing 18 minutes. Hillary's thousands of deleted emails if read aloud = how many hours erased?

Apathy Speech
Jul 28, 2016
Join the group and talk about your work with Geoffrey Miller. m.facebook.com/groups/52551573343?view=permalink&id=10153694765503344…

Apathy Speech
Jul 18, 2016

Quote Tweet

Christopher Ryan
· Jul 18, 2016
Nose twerking. Def the strangest thing I've seen today. boingboing.net/2016/07/18/woman-uses-nose-as-twerking-pu.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29…

Apathy Speech
Jul 17, 2016
Replying to
Well, you're an expert in probability, right?

Perfect excuse to test some probability theory or another, yes?

Apathy Speech
Jul 17, 2016
I just saw the ballroom dancing episode. Interesting chemistry! Googling turns up zero Roz-Dan shippers, though. Surprising.

Apathy Speech
Jul 17, 2016
Replying to
I hate the meme of telling people to take seats but everyone in the entire country should take a seat to process this piece.

You Retweeted

John McWhorter
Jul 14, 2016
Much more than we are told, cops kill innocent white men too. This should be part of our debates of late, I write

Apathy Speech
Jul 17, 2016
Replying to
How many days would it normally take for that many in that range to occur?

Apathy Speech
Jul 17, 2016
Replying to
Aren't there always?

Apathy Speech
Jul 10, 2016
Replying to
He claims to have saved about 6000 black lives as mayor by preventing black murders. True? Canceled out by incarceration?

Apathy Speech
Jul 9, 2016
Replying to
That's expecting too much, as worded. Life is inherently scary. It's our right to live with the same amount of fear as each other.

You Retweeted

Ollie Garch: Redux
Jul 5, 2016

Apathy Speech
Jun 24, 2016
Study Bird, a tireless 2-way legend, too! Ace his tricks & this city will adore you. youtu.be/EhnRtgBGMl4

Larry Bird - Defensive Impact (with highlights)
Larry Bird's defense... Steals, blocks, in the post, on the perimeter, on-ball. off-ball...

Apathy Speech
Jun 3, 2016
Replying to
What happened to the comment that said: "Paul Mooney could crack me up about it, but this article was a zero-laugh event."

Apathy Speech
May 29, 2016
#UnitedShades I felt the sister's sorrow. My elders lost a hard-won tightly-knit hometown to gentrifiers, too. You know Southie?

Apathy Speech
Mar 1, 2016
pic.twitter.com/gsE82cfKQW Most important question for the politically correct to demand a straight answer from themselves to.

Apathy Speech
Mar 1, 2016
Isaiah & Damian may be the most statistically similar players ever, lol? bkref.com/tiny/k9gm7

Apathy Speech
Mar 1, 2016
Is this not the closest resemblance between 2 players across all lines & down one whole page? bkref.com/tiny/k9gm7

Apathy Speech
Jan 4, 2016

Apathy Speech
Dec 30, 2015
Replying to
First couple of examples = hilariously inept & blatant plagiarism. SO busted. Rest come off as cryptomnesia & uninspired fanthink.

Apathy Speech
Dec 30, 2015
Replying to
This itself will likely be news. So I won't know if it was worth my time to read about until next week at the earliest. ;)

Apathy Speech
Dec 28, 2015
Replying to
Trump or Sanders. (Better yet, both, as co-consuls.) Dangers of either = knowable, ergo stoppable. Clinton = a treacherous phony.

Apathy Speech
Dec 27, 2015
Replying to
Effective reform itself is problematic now. Only unproblematic outcome is revolution. Antiracism is misnomer. It's anticapitalism.

Apathy Speech
Dec 27, 2015
Replying to
Teagarden himself is on tape. Recantation = bullshit. NFL chose to compare PSI to PED. No suspension = hypocrites.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2015
Replying to
Preparing kids for a diverse society, lol? Defeats the point of cultivating a society that utterly defers to progressive doctrine.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2015
Replying to
Demonization is what the kids either deserve if mere cynics or need as a wakeup call if truly brainwashed. Take their own medicine.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2015
Replying to
It's condescending to orthodox progressives who feel belittled by being prompted to instantly intuit their own massive hypocrisy.

Apathy Speech
Dec 21, 2015
Replying to
Posthumanists agonizing over human civilization, lol...like arsonists worrying hurricanes will preempt their pyromania.

Apathy Speech
Dec 11, 2015
is on fleek, calling one of the games of his life.

Apathy Speech
Nov 22, 2015
About a third of the computer generated white guys in Madden 2006 look like you.

Apathy Speech
Nov 18, 2015
Imagine the mayhem on Commercial St. if ferries with thousands of needy, judgmental Muslim refugees unloaded onto Provincetown docks.

Apathy Speech
Nov 18, 2015

Apathy Speech
Sep 7, 2015
Replying to
No, relative poverty is relative. And it's absolute horseshit. Only absolute poverty is real.

Apathy Speech
Aug 23, 2015
Steeply's dad = also a spy; obsession w/ M.A.S.H. professionally justified; but propaganda = so vast, analyzing it paralyzes. #infinitejest

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2015
Replying to
Two douchebags is a cultural pattern? Isn't that...Trump's logic? Did you feel the same dread about, say, the Tsarnaevs & Islamism?

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2015
Replying to
1) It's "Southie" 2) Stereotyping any community based on a vile fraction = bullshit 3) Southie is now a yuppie colony.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20, 2015
"The revolution was commodified!" Yes, leftists, it was. But you're getting the valence wrong. Sell the rope? No, lol. Now we consume it.

Apathy Speech
Aug 19, 2015
Replying to
You can "care not at all" about their race all you want, but they themselves were doctrinaire racial determinists, hence the fraud.

Apathy Speech
Aug 15, 2015
What if Wallace was a crypto-conservative? Infinite Jest involves America falling captive to leftist saboteurs. Please read it.

Apathy Speech
Aug 13, 2015
Have you read Infinite Jest? You're probably one of the few who'd recognize it properly as the opus of a conservative converso.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4, 2015
Replying to
"STFU & innovate now! Worry later!" Sounds like a frantic old man scared of death, his desperation dressed up in mathiness.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4, 2015
Still my favorite band of all time, still see Laetitia as a soothsayer, but: #Stereolab was a Marxist form of Chinpokomon for hipsters.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4, 2015
Replying to
1000's of neo-Luddites & anti-transhumanists & proto-Terrans became aware of #hitchBOT today & we promise to offer it terminal harm.

Apathy Speech
Aug 4, 2015
Replying to
Marxist revolutionaries are the definition of subversive. BPP weren't just charitable lunchladies & librarians.

Apathy Speech
Aug 3, 2015
Please get fixed up & come to Boston again so pro-human Bostonians can redeem the city & smash you apart & toss you in the Harbor.

Apathy Speech
Aug 2, 2015
Replying to
I am ashamed of Boston for letting it leave. Instead of taking a baseball bat to it, took it to a baseball game. Robocucks.

Apathy Speech
Jul 27, 2015
Replying to
They're tips for ruthlessly gaining control of softened 2015 male psyches by evoking & sating Freudian fantasies.

Apathy Speech
Jul 27, 2015
Replying to
Eschaton of "Antiracism" is revolution. Racial double binds are just tools. King now readily hailed as rabblerouser. Was he?

Apathy Speech
Jul 19, 2015
Thank you, Claudia Rankine, for helping me realize that acclaim is worthless.

Apathy Speech
Jul 15, 2015
Nearly half of #GrowingUpBlack = exactly the same as what #GrowingUpSouthie would be.

Apathy Speech
Jul 10, 2015
Not a fan, but I honor your constitutional right to desecrate the flag. Good luck documenting & shaming all the FB racists.

Apathy Speech
Jul 9, 2015
The rare moments when a song sung by a white guy is played on The Secret Spot. (Not tokenism...right?)

Apathy Speech
Jul 7, 2015
"Don't Go Back to Rockville" is the worst song in the history of music. Immediately wanted to move to Rockville, wherever the fuck that is.

Apathy Speech
Jul 4, 2015
Replying to
Would be responsible to spy on West Germany & Der Spiegel then. So why not now? No enemies there now? Spying not issue. PURPOSE is.

Apathy Speech
Jul 4, 2015
Replying to
Half of Germany circa Nixon was officially hostile, other half officially allied but infested with hostiles. Free press, yes: HERE.

Apathy Speech
Jul 4, 2015
Replying to
The scandal would be if Nixon DIDN'T spy on hostile foreign governments and press. Abdication of duty. Dude: ARE YOU AN AMERICAN?

Apathy Speech
Jun 15, 2015
You had a tough time buzzwording around that standard experience question. It's because you *are* standardizing. #bbcnewsday

Apathy Speech
Jun 4, 2015
Replying to
Wanted to ensure you saw this, worried it got lost in ocean of FB. Excerpt addressed starting page 31. books.google.com/books/about/Nietzsche_and_Jewish_Culture.html?id=HBCsgS7k7lAC…

Apathy Speech
May 30, 2015
Replying to
I wonder what you would call it, too. Probably a protest, right? Mutual recursive hypocrisy: When does it end? When "you" win?

Apathy Speech
May 10, 2015
@gdickerson_csn Tomase throwing the Pats under the bus w/ speculation & half-fact again. Any other cities he can move to & betray teams of?

Apathy Speech
May 9, 2015
Replying to
No, misperceiving one's reality does. "Relative poverty" is nothing but an illusion.

Apathy Speech
Apr 29, 2015
What does it feel like to publish an article and have a bunch of racists dominate the comments under it? Are you okay with it?

You Retweeted

Tiny House Design
Apr 20, 2015
Micro Monolithic Domes Featured on Good Morning Texas wp.me/p4kl9A-aSN #tinyhouse

Apathy Speech
Apr 28, 2015
Have you read Big Boys Don't Cry? If so: Did you see anything good about it at all?

Apathy Speech
Apr 15, 2015
Gregg Popovich Award? Since 1967 the coach of the year wins the Red Auerbach Trophy. Sometimes you are not enough of a homer.

Apathy Speech
Feb 28, 2015
Logical to prefer playoffs vs. lottery since same micro odds of title run as top 3 pick. Also, enriches trade value.

Apathy Speech
Feb 23, 2015
Star Wars synchronicity is universe telling you I.T. needs a related nickname. "Yoda" FTW because he plays like a young Yoda.

Apathy Speech
Feb 18, 2015
Replying to
Technological wizardry most of our students do not understand despite bloated budgets. All it takes is a book.

Apathy Speech
Feb 18, 2015
Replying to
Devolve? Today's kids are idiots compared to those educated in past centuries with zero modern tools or comforts.

Apathy Speech
Feb 18, 2015
Heard you on BBC. You were an embarrassment. You hype up "action" only because you suck at real discourse. Not swayed nor fooled.

Apathy Speech
Feb 15, 2015
#weareallmonkeys We are, literally. We humans are all monkeys, every one of us. Chimps, apes, primates. The whole human race = Monkeys.


Apathy Speech
Feb 15, 2015
Replying to
What'd it cost to school Shakespeare? Elite education does not require much more than will. Today we overspend to underteach.

Apathy Speech
Feb 13, 2015
Replying to
Which book, exactly? Nietzsche would despise 21st progressives. If you disagree then you misread Nietzsche as bad as the left does.

Apathy Speech
Feb 13, 2015
Nietzsche would likely want no part of whatever leftist bullshit you were misattributing to him at the end of that Kingsman review.

You Retweeted

The Onion
Feb 12, 2015
Hit-And-Run Driver Kills Prominent Member Of Deer Community onion.com/1MgXfCq

Apathy Speech
Feb 12, 2015
Umbrella Man & Darker Dude being teammates = both likelier than Witt story & way stranger.

Apathy Speech
Feb 9, 2015
What city will be the first to host micro-apartment living for those who most need the lowest overhead possible, poor people?

Apathy Speech
Feb 5, 2015
Replying to
Weasal-worded propaganda which tries to pretend Al-Arian was just an opinionated dude and not on, say, PIJ board. Lame.

Apathy Speech
Feb 5, 2015
Replying to
Canonized earlier for longer, required reading for millions, A may've influenced 10,000 B's. B's, too, may be 1's-of-a-kind!


Apathy Speech
Feb 2, 2015

Apathy Speech
Jan 30, 2015
Oops, I didn't know Spur already long pro-dome w/ high school...Awesome! But so: Studios next? Spur okay being a Dome Town?

Apathy Speech
Jan 30, 2015
Screwed up on Deflategate by using gauge pressure when you have to use absolute pressure. You're slipping. Or, pure hating.


Apathy Speech
Jan 30, 2015
Few shops more suitable to monolithic dome than ice cream. Spur, TX needs a new DQ & is Open to tiny dome life.

Apathy Speech
Jan 28, 2015
If monolithic domes can be rented in Texas as extended-stay motels for as low as $400 a month, why not also in sprawling urbs?

Apathy Speech
Jan 28, 2015
Reading about micro-apartments where life is fashionably simple but the rent is still too-damn-high. Where the cheap hives be?

Apathy Speech
Jan 26, 2015
Spur, Texas can cement itself as Tiny Capital by granting land for shells & domes. You could rebuild DQ as one!

You Retweeted

Aug 8, 2014
We just finished coating this beautiful #MonolithicDome

Apathy Speech
Jan 23, 2015
Replying to
Tutor. Everything else is luxury, vanity.

Apathy Speech
Jan 7, 2015
Replying to
Answer religious fanaticism with blasphemy. We lost 4 cartoonists brave enough to draw Mohammad. Step up. Post one of yours.

Apathy Speech
Jan 6, 2015
Last month my upstairs neighbor said the whimpering I hear at night is just their pet cat in heat, not porn. Still howling, whichever pussy.

Apathy Speech
Dec 23, 2014
Replying to
Settings adjustable to dial up/down just how offensive? (The job of compiling/collating all the synonyms would be glorious, fun.)

Apathy Speech
Dec 23, 2014
Replying to
Agree. Not a rhetorical need. The world actually needs that. Wants it. Call it...hmmm. Reoffender? Malpheme? Dirtify? Dyspeakia?

Apathy Speech
Dec 2, 2014
Not even mild but a "None Dare Call It Treason" level of conservatism. What if Steeply's dad wasn't crazy?

Apathy Speech
Nov 30, 2014
About half of unarmed citizens killed by police are white. Color-based solutions leave 'em still-dead. No prob?

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014
Replying to
Ah, stats. Social media homogeneity: 75% of whites vs. 65% of blacks. That one-way street of self-segregation: Has 2 lanes.

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014
What I randomly opened up to for a pic of the insides. Turns out it's where Avril is confirmed as a force of evil.

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014
I don't think it can take a second reading, lol.

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014
Nice idea to use IJ for erasures. I think I'll try it myself someday, with far less restraint. Meantime: reachandpull.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/rest-in-peace-david-foster-wallace/…

Apathy Speech
Nov 26, 2014
I deduced it first.

Kudos, though!

Forgive the blog's semi-insanity, it was a crazy time for me: reachandpull.wordpress.com/2008/08/26/lyle/…

Apathy Speech
Nov 14, 2014
Developed this photo myself in a darkroom. The trails were pure accidents. Just halide smears. And/or ghosts, lol.

Apathy Speech
Nov 14, 2014
Replying to
My bad. You're more like a Munchausen-by-proxy parent who invents sickness in others so you can feel important.

Apathy Speech
Nov 14, 2014
Replying to
So...you didn't open/read the link, did you? Thing was a hoax. They were coaxed into ACTING, then unfairly depicted as non-actors.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Key word: ACTED. Because *they were instructed to act that way*, because they were tricked. Without their consent. What say ye?


Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
"If we were all perfect, immortal robots, that would be fine." That's THE gravest threat of AI creed: Posthumanists. Not AI.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
I got a better question: Are you lacking the ability to scroll up & see where this link was posted? thesmokinggun.com/documents/drunk-girl-viral-hoax-video-785463… Get it?

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Why am I on a little mission re: the "Drunk Girl in Public" video which was a hoax that violated the men? Because I fucking hate hypocrisy.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
@m4ttsherwood__ So the video's creators took advantage of the men by lying to them in order to protest taking advantage of people?

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Terrifying indeed. For those men. Who were the victims. thesmokinggun.com/documents/drunk-girl-viral-hoax-video-785463…

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
CJ: Hey man, where we at? TENPENNY: The middle-of-fucking-nowhere. Nice, clean air.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Right. So then: Do NOT disregard? Those men didn't consent to being tricked, victimized. Injustice anywhere...

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
You ought to know 1) It's faked 2) You saw the MEN being victimized. thesmokinggun.com/documents/drunk-girl-viral-hoax-video-785463… Do still rant. About THAT.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Not a parody. The guys were tricked into it, i.e., victimized. A "hoax" implies they also consented. They didn't.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Not *just* fake, but it's the GUYS who got victimized. Still important? Still very sad? It had better be.

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Did you know it's not only staged, but those men were victimized? thesmokinggun.com/documents/drunk-girl-viral-hoax-video-785463…

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
Replying to
Of course it's in the DSM, Lupe, because every aspect of human character is pathologized & subject to control by "experts".

Apathy Speech
Nov 13, 2014
"...whose exploitation requires the use of tools." A synonym for "requires": Necessitates. Are your politics anti-scarcity?

Apathy Speech
Nov 12, 2014
Replying to
Pera: Wow, so you're a proponent of ODD, too? You're a passive-aggressive control freak. Find YOURSELF in the DSM.

Apathy Speech
Nov 5, 2014
Replying to
When do The Paul Chandler Chronicles come out? If my resemblance is Purely Coincidental, then Baker should thank Paul Kammerer.

Apathy Speech
Nov 5, 2014
It wasn't. Sigh. But the next one I smoke may be. Done w/ spending money to smell like an ashtray. Arrivederci,


Apathy Speech
Nov 5, 2014
Replying to
If he lived near an ocean, he could've won a lobster and liberated it into the sea, becoming that lobster's most improbable savior.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24, 2014
Replying to
We change the channel. Ugh. Should instead be drafting all-female militias, perhaps? Martial artists who can disarm; guns unneeded.

Apathy Speech
Oct 24, 2014

Once upon a time, I took a bite out of the Granny Smith apple in the Yes Yoko Ono retrospective. Someone has to, right? (Thx)

Apathy Speech
Oct 24, 2014

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2014
"Let Forever Be" was the name, d'oh.

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2014
"Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is..."

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2014
"And if the elevator tries to bring you down..."

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2014
When I return to Southie and see hipsters...

Apathy Speech
Oct 23, 2014
When you've had a bad day...

Apathy Speech
Oct 22, 2014
Random observation: You look a lot like Ernie Bach Jr., heir of a New England auto dealership dynasty. images.huffingtonpost.com/2014-02-14-ernie5.jpg…

Apathy Speech
Oct 22, 2014
Birds are the trap stars of evolution. Rising, grinding, surviving. Peep the game!

You Retweeted

John Rattue
Oct 19, 2014
Replying to

: When 24Hz Sound Waves Collide With Water. pic.twitter.com/ZrR0dFF5NN”

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Replying to
When are postsale tickets available? I'd like to imagine I went and hung on to the ticket, but can't quite recall the details.

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Replying to
How is this concept going? Anything germinating anywhere? Need any full-time on-site volunteers for anything, anywhere?

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Hearing artists play their music on tour = Seeing films being re-acted on a stage. It was aced in studio, on set. Headphones >> "I'm there!"

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Replying to
Craning necks over and leashing eyes to glowing rectangular masters is good practice for reading books, though.

You Retweeted

tracy s. rumpkins
Oct 19, 2014
reasons white people riot: 1. their sports team wins 2. their sports team loses 3. no more tickle me elmos 4. tea 5. pumpkins

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Duncan must have been a very good person. He would have made a very good American. But please heed Nassim Taleb on Ebola risk.

Apathy Speech
Oct 19, 2014
Replying to
The worst thing you can call a white person today is a racist. (If that white person is not racist.)

Apathy Speech
Oct 18, 2014
Replying to
"War on Terror" is a bad idea. We infidels still get to expect Muslims to wage jihad vs. bad ideas of their own.

Apathy Speech
Oct 18, 2014
Wise Creationists want their God to take

credit for Creating evolution. And physics. And the free will to not even need a god to be good.

Apathy Speech
Oct 18, 2014
Replying to
@AmirModabbernia Respect to you, sir, as an apostate. Will that alternate hashtag catch on with

Apathy Speech
Oct 18, 2014
Replying to
1) Harris murders? 2) Hashtag is facile gesture. Scripture needs updates. #NotInOurBookAnymore, perhaps?


Apathy Speech
Oct 17, 2014
youtube.com/watch?v=gZFabOuF4Ps&feature=youtube_gdata_player… High on the list of songs I could sing surprisingly well at karaoke...if I still knew anyone who did karaoke, sigh.

Apathy Speech
Oct 17, 2014
Replying to
samharris.org/blog/item/on-the-mechanics-of-defamation… What is this, then? To whom does the bullshit belong, there? Hard to say not Aslan, no?

Apathy Speech
Oct 8, 2014
Replying to
Rope him into a Twitter war. Prove SH = BS artist. Iron's hot. Strike. No excuses re: ignoring ideas you dislike. Fight.

Apathy Speech
Sep 26, 2014
Sorry, Muslims, but #notinourname is not nearly enough. Weak. How about rejecting the lines ISIS cites from your scripture? #notinourbook

Apathy Speech
Sep 26, 2014
Six years ago we crossed paths on Boylston Street, each of us w/ shaved head & guitar, me carrying a "BIRDS = DINOSAURS" sign.


Apathy Speech
Sep 26, 2014
I volunteer as a guinea pig for any design which may need a human living inside for X length of time as proof of concept.

Apathy Speech
Sep 26, 2014
Opposite should be named...a Freudian zip? "Nothing to see here, move along." = Always something to see there, so STAY.

Apathy Speech
Sep 25, 2014

Apathy Speech
Sep 25, 2014
How does one go about putting the left in its place? By imagining a world where a left was never required. By eclipsing the left's premises.

Apathy Speech
Sep 25, 2014
I'm writing a comedy with you in mind as the lead protagonist. Gotta ask: What's your schedule like the next 2 or 3 years?

Apathy Speech
Sep 24, 2014
I don't really agree with you but I am so horrified by the left that I am willing to help you and the right win. Who do I go to?

Apathy Speech
Sep 24, 2014
Replying to
members.ozemail.com.au/~imcfadyen/Mind_Wars/Mind%2520Wars.pdf… (See the concept of "tenetics".)

Apathy Speech
Sep 24, 2014
Damn, lol, I drop the mic and walk off, and...not a peep.

Apathy Speech
Sep 23, 2014
theconcourse.deadspin.com/fuck-it-tv-reporter-quits-on-air-to-fight-for-mariju-1637568743/+barryap… I also proudly belong to The "Fuck It" Generation, which encompasses a wide spectrum of ages cuz fuck it. #fuckit

Apathy Speech
Sep 22, 2014
How do you close someone who neither needs nor believes what you're selling anymore? You don't. You simply lose.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20, 2014
Replying to
"Where can I get some?", lol. In your brain. Everyone alive trips balls on DMT every night in their sleep. Even dogs. Sweet dreams!

Apathy Speech
Sep 20, 2014
Replying to
Then why do others smash & burn them? Vandals believe same scripture. Mixed messages in schizo scripture, must be.

Apathy Speech
Sep 20, 2014
Replying to
“We also seek to...run our activities free of pressure" = "Let us freely pursue our activities of coercing you" = Ironic fascism.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19, 2014
Unhappy today. I'm either going to A) get happy by cutting a lot of bullshit quick, or B) wind up unhappy all weekend. I always pick A.

Apathy Speech
Sep 19, 2014
History in the making? No, history IS the making. Will you be the one finally making it? Or do you just let unjust others rule-by-faking-it?

Apathy Speech
Sep 18, 2014
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Demand personhood. Personhood now!

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Eric Michael Johnson
Sep 17, 2014
Orangutans have remarkably complex minds.
profiles some of their amazing traits: j.mp/1uI7M05

Apathy Speech
Sep 15, 2014
Replying to
The signature style of handshake for white guys is The Screwed-up Handshake. Take pride in shake fails. It's our thing.

Apathy Speech
Sep 15, 2014
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There's an even worse word than "hypocrite" to use for a lot of the people who are selectively-offended by AIPAC & silent elsewise.

Apathy Speech
Sep 14, 2014
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Reviews. Covers, too! Intuition. Reading a book to judge whether or not you should ever invite it inside your mind: Defeats point.

Apathy Speech
Sep 14, 2014
Replying to
Also ask what books he doesn't read. Selectivity is an underrated virtue in a reader. You are what you read. From your head, down.

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Carl Hart
Sep 11, 2014
If you missed my TED Talk, it is here. Please share it and thank you to all of you who left encouraging words....

dr.carlhart - Where Drug Myths Die
Official website for Dr. Carl Hart and High Price. Everything you want to know about illicit drugs backed by empirical evidence.
“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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Re: What Twitter Erases From Existence

Postby FourthBase » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:19 pm

Apathy Speech
Sep 11, 2014
Replying to
Coates would be humiliated by Michaels. Coates is just a typical indoctrinated leftist with surface-deep smarts.

Apathy Speech
Sep 11, 2014
Replying to
Do you guys get a sick thrill from being such oblivious hypocrites? How is this not STEREOTYPING?

Apathy Speech
Sep 11, 2014
Are there non-white/non-male privileges? Cutting privileges to one group, granting them to others? You exempt from critique?

Apathy Speech
Sep 11, 2014
Replying to
Worst rhetorical question of 2014. You don't see the growing genocidal nightmare of ISIS? Too busy w/ reflexive anti-US snark?

Apathy Speech
Sep 10, 2014
Replying to
Far Side, though.

Apathy Speech
Sep 10, 2014
Video icon tapped; won't play; double-tap icon; still doesn't play; instead, doing that "liked" it; except it never played.


Apathy Speech
Sep 10, 2014
thebaffler.com/salvos/academy-fight-song… Longish, but totally worth it.

You Retweeted

Sep 9, 2014
Pasting Drake's head onto handicapped signs is the new thing to do in Toronto: trib.al/dPrOxfk

Apathy Speech
Sep 9, 2014
Vianna honked hello to me from...the Mothership in GTA San Andreas?

Eyes still laser-focused on road, too.

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D.A. Wallach
Sep 7, 2014
Duck Sex, Aesthetic Evolution, and the Origin of Beauty is.gd/dJUc9R via

Apathy Speech
Sep 8, 2014
Replying to
Black privilege pales in comparison to white privilege. But some black privilege must exist like never fearing word "racist".

Apathy Speech
Sep 8, 2014
If you're ever curious what the single word is to call a white person today which hurts and defiles us the most, it'd be the r-word, racist.

Apathy Speech
Sep 7, 2014
REREAD "How can you be the GOAT, when you aren't even Good? You're not busy protecting your people, you're babysitting the Hood."

Apathy Speech
Sep 5, 2014
Gotta be shitting me, Ray Donovan. Hollywood apes us dry for 40th time. Motherfuckers.

Okay show, tho.

#southiesploitation #accentfail

Apathy Speech
Sep 3, 2014
Hi again. Paul Chandler. ("Reach and Pull" is an anagram.) Do you understand Infinite Jest yet? Are you man enough to reply?

Apathy Speech
Sep 3, 2014
One does not simply re-read Infinite Jest, either.

Apathy Speech
Sep 3, 2014
Replying to
"I’m coming from a place where nobody’s made it." I sincerely hope you did not mean Boston, there. Bad editing?

Apathy Speech
Sep 3, 2014
So, so many people who are supposedly all about making things fair in the world...all they really want is a chance to get to be unfair back.

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
Better yet, males also possess the Magic of Pure Imagination. But my point stands re: more likely motivation.

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
“It is difficult to get [people] to understand something when [their] salary depends on [their] not understanding it."

alary or Ego!

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
Replying to
Maybe should start generating demand for less psychotic games, which are not NOT brain-conditioners, meme-schools.

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
Replying to
If only we could do something...one thing is maybe stop pretending to be 3D violent assholes in virtual realities?

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
Replying to
Yep. But, no, video games centering entirely around being antisocial killers isn't affecting anyone's minds. Nah.

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
Replying to
If you see 40yr predictions correspond that closely, yr 1st instinct should be to ask: Did that clique predict today? Or, MAKE it?

Apathy Speech
Sep 2, 2014
@tovangar2 Your own oblivious bigotry much? None can tell by sight if baby is M/F or what real power the woman holds. You're a bad presumer.

Apathy Speech
Sep 1, 2014
Replying to
"At 4pm on August blahblahblah, for exactly 1 hour, I'll be releasing candid naked photos of myself. Signed, Actress."

Apathy Speech
Sep 1, 2014
Replying to
You seriously think that if she herself leaked 'em they wouldn't have gone just as viral? You haven't thought this through.

Apathy Speech
Sep 1, 2014
Replying to
This is not the fact you think. Again, as someone who refuses to look: There is a turn-on in just the candidness. 4th wall.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to
I abhor stolen pics, but: Uncalled-for rape-y whistle. Way simpler thrill, fantasy: Candids = What a BF sees. Films? No.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to
"Middle school teacher taken into custody & put on leave over a sci-fi book he wrote" would be equally horrifying, right? Or...not?

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
[Follows cool person.] [Checks feed.] [Discovers that stream becomes 90% that person.] [Unfollows cool person.] [Returns to Facebook.]

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Daniel José Older
Aug 31, 2014
Black middle school teacher taken into custody & put on leave over a sci-fi book he wrote bit.ly/VYKNRQ

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to

What you feel is not understanding. It's just a roomier cage of ideological conditioning going "click".

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Looks like I'm going to have to be the schmuck that the world apparently needs me to be. A truthteller's truthteller. A public figure. Fuck.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to
Do you believe there is such a thing as "black privilege"? No, you probably don't, per essentialist dogma re: power dynamics.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to
We need a fundamental breakthrough on "white privilege": It IS real but about 80% of it is class-based or materially irrelevant.

Apathy Speech
Aug 31, 2014
Replying to
Explained NOTHING. Disappointing. Whole thing boils down to word "intersectionality", doubling down on abstractions. Talk to ME.

Apathy Speech
Aug 30, 2014
"I'm a peacock, captain...you gotta let me fly!"

Apathy Speech
Aug 28, 2014

(at myself)

Apathy Speech
Aug 28, 2014
"I...want to swing...from the Chan-dl-err-err, from the Chan-dl-errrr-rrrrr."

Apathy Speech
Aug 27, 2014
When we hold back truths to save people's feelings, it almost always winds up backfiring. Truth sets us free. And truth also: Relaxes us.

Apathy Speech
Aug 27, 2014
Those who care enough to fight for right are usually the same ones afterward who right the fight and remake the peace. Because others won't.

Apathy Speech
Aug 26, 2014
Some folks see conflict between being true & being nice. There's no such conflict. Because whenever it's Truth vs. Niceness: FUCK NICE, lol.

Apathy Speech
Aug 26, 2014
Shrinking my sphere of concern to match the size of my sphere of influence. Most do it the other way. Apparently, though, I care too much.

Apathy Speech
Aug 26, 2014
Must be missing an irony that makes stress re: the absence of whites silly? Are we never supposed to be there?

Apathy Speech
Aug 26, 2014
Videos are almost white-free. A whiff of separatism intended? Or is it an aesthetic? Or is it just the future?

Apathy Speech
Aug 25, 2014
Replying to
Why aren't there any, though? (Especially men...except for villains.) It hurts to see none. Is that the point?

Apathy Speech
Aug 23, 2014
When the fuck did all the cars turn black, grey, or white? The roads are colorless. Lame.

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Aug 22, 2014
Haha the world's best squirrel feeder!

Apathy Speech
Aug 22, 2014
Replying to
That would be lovely if it were completely true. It's not, though. How much of a correspondence have you had with Ibn Warraq?

Apathy Speech
Aug 22, 2014
Replying to
Why don't Palestinian people hold themselves to the same standard of nonviolence as Gandhi's people or King's people? NOT ONE ROCK.

Apathy Speech
Aug 22, 2014
Replying to
When? Since other similarly put-upon peoples demonstrated that uncompromising nonviolence is A) possible B) WORKS. Zero excuses.

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
My years from now on, as I think of them myself, will be Leo years. August to July. Meaning, the first month of my new year is winding down.

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
I wouldn't trade the last year of my life for anything. I'd happily relive it another 1000 times. And the upcoming year will only top it.

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
My dream job: Global Consigliere. The real job description, not Hollywood's: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consigliere…

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
Replying to

reminds me...at a Yoko Ono retrospective in NYC 10+ yrs ago was an Eden-echoing piece, just a fresh apple on a stand: I alone tasted it.

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
Replying to
Be a man and block those people outright. The information asymmetry you are creating is cruel. Nothing crueler than silence, yeah?

Apathy Speech
Aug 21, 2014
Replying to
Needless backtracking for balance's sake. There is literally no qualitative difference between cults & religions. Only quantities.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20, 2014
In a museum I'll catch sight of a masterpiece and get lost in the art, standing in place, staring, absorbed. "Why do you stare?" Why NOT?


Apathy Speech
Aug 20, 2014
Replying to
If only we could decouple the two, religions & ideologies, as easily as this. Religiosity is ideologizing-fuel. Dogma is framework.

Apathy Speech
Aug 20, 2014
Early 2000's, visiting my brother in NYC. (Dude on the far left was Seafood Sam in the movie Pecker, the teabagger.)

Apathy Speech
Aug 20, 2014
I trip too much, i.e., I...care too much? I trip on life. Life is a trip. A brief, precious trip. If you aren't tripping, you aren't living.

Apathy Speech
Aug 19, 2014
"To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others." - Albert Camus

Apathy Speech
Aug 19, 2014
I need to STFU more often.

Apathy Speech
Aug 13, 2014
I need a makeover.

Apathy Speech
Aug 11, 2014
Favorite show growing up = Quantum Leap. My yesterday was an episode where Sam expects to be beamed out all show long. "To be continued."

Apathy Speech
Aug 8, 2014
In terms of the number, I'm now 37, officially. But I only got younger in the last year, actually.

Apathy Speech
Aug 5, 2014
"I keep my feet on solid ground, and use my wings when storms come around."

Apathy Speech
Aug 3, 2014
Cervantes, maybe. Painted by El Greco. They should've backpacked north & partied w/ Shakespeare. Great minds unite!

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Mike Leffingwell
Jul 9, 2014
I always say "I was wondering when you'd find me" when I get in my car. That way if someone's ever in the backseat I'll look cool as shit.
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Tim Larew
Jul 5, 2014
Telling is tiring, showing is exhilarating

Apathy Speech
Jul 6, 2014
A few words I'll never have to look up in a dictionary: Overjoyed, tantalized, perplexed.

Apathy Speech
Jul 6, 2014
Such strange, thrilling, awkward, glorious fun.

Not my wheelhouse musically, socially. Had fun, tho! So many missteps...but: SO MUCH FUN.

Apathy Speech
Jul 5, 2014
Getting ready for Peepin Glow by blazing to the point where a light breeze could take me away. I have no idea what to expect except: Fun.

Apathy Speech
Jul 5, 2014
Twitter is better than Facebook for me. A character limit is a useful limit on my character, which tends toward "BLOWHARD".

Apathy Speech
Jul 4, 2014
It's too easy to hit the wrong button on Twitter.

Apathy Speech
Jul 4, 2014
Gonna record some music today, old school, on a four-track nearly as old as me.

Apathy Speech
Jul 3, 2014
The lasagna brought in by a Haitian and the Joumou brought in by a Sicilian. The irony today was literally delicious!

Apathy Speech
Jul 3, 2014
My kitchen smells wonderful right now.

Apathy Speech
Jul 2, 2014
With mice, odor, and fear: How much of a role in the long-term changes observed might be played by toxoplasma? newscenter.berkeley.edu/2013/09/18/toxoplasma-infection-permanently-shifts-balance-in-cat-and-mouse-game/…

Apathy Speech
Jul 1, 2014
My greatest-summer-ever-to-be wants July to be christened with a beautiful, shiny, productive first day...but my abdomen is like, "Uh, nah."

Apathy Speech
Jun 29, 2014
Replying to
Wouldn't take much for you to institute co-op ownership? Just paperwork, yeah? And the will to make less money? Good luck.

Apathy Speech
Jun 29, 2014
Replying to
Instead of only half the profits going to Haitians indirectly via organizations, you'd want the people to own a stake, no?

Apathy Speech
Jun 29, 2014
Replying to
Perhaps it just didn't occur to you? There are few search engine results for Haiti + Mondragon. One: cd-mac.org/Mondragon.htm

Apathy Speech
Jun 27, 2014
Replying to
You must have deliberated using the Mondragon model, yes? Why not cooperative ownership? Why shouldn't Haitians own IRII?

Apathy Speech
Jun 26, 2014
Don't bite the hand That feeds you. True that, darling, I understand. But... I'll be damned If I can't snarl At the hands That forget to!

Apathy Speech
Jun 26, 2014
Word to the wise & famous from a neighbor: I don't fuck around on Twitter. This isn't your Bullshit Pulpit. This is the Agora. Head's up!

You Retweeted

Tiny House Design
Feb 19, 2014
Jay Shafer Shares Tiny House Village Concept with Oprah: #WhereAreTheyNow - tinyhouseliving.com/jay-shafer-shares-tiny-house-village-concept-with-oprah-wherearetheynow/…

Apathy Speech
Jun 25, 2014
Replying to
Or do you fancy yourselves as non-purveyors of pathological double-binds which you just so happen to leverage?

Apathy Speech
Jun 25, 2014
Replying to
Nietzsche? Ferociously deconstructs the ulterior will to power of respectable progressives like you two, too.

Apathy Speech
Jun 25, 2014
One question: Why not the Mondragon model?

Apathy Speech
Jun 25, 2014
Replying to
Great lyrics!


Apathy Speech
Jun 24, 2014
Stereolab happens to be my favorite band ever, by the way.

"Pharrells Best Filacio Music" youtube.com/watch?v=WhKZRlXuH2Q&sns=tw… via

You Retweeted

Pharrell Williams
Jul 12, 2013
Stereolab's "The Flower Called Nowhere"


Apathy Speech
Jun 24, 2014
Replying to
Not just a "summary" but a translation into, say, 5-10 pages of ideograms. So that illiterate peasants can understand the gist. No?

Apathy Speech
Jun 24, 2014
Replying to
Millions of unread could use a summary to protect & enrich themselves against tyranny & disaster. You're ensuring a priestly class.

Apathy Speech
Jun 23, 2014
I'm half-Irish, half-Sicilian. That equals: All-island.

Apathy Speech
Jun 21, 2014
Hide a roach out of paranoia & imagination in a spot too clever to remember. Collect it one random day in 2 months.

Apathy Speech
May 9, 2014
Replying to
Wrong. Great cast. Original score by a maestro. Altman and he didn't phone it in. Silly story but, uh...it's fucking Popeye?

Apathy Speech
May 9, 2014
Hard work is excellence's backbone, IQ's ride. Just work for good things, the right way. Always ask yourself: "Why?" m.youtube.com/watch?v=it0SSL1cU3c…

Apathy Speech
May 9, 2014
The funniest people are usually the wisest, too.

Apathy Speech
May 9, 2014

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Terry McMillan
May 8, 2014
Some things just cost too much. Especially things we don't need.

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
Replying to
I'm toying with the idea of not blocking him, or any other established talent, for 1 month. A worry-free trial, lol. Then: Back to 1 friend.

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
Replying to
Hence, why I'm setting a max # of people I follow, because, otherwise, how the fuck will you ever be able to, you know...uh...follow anyone?

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
Okay, so a legitimately famous person follows me but I'm one of, like, 2000 he follows. The fuck kind of stream does that look like? Really.

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
Even if you always had a sense you were fated to be mere friends, a person can be so stunning it feels disrespectful to NOT develop a crush.

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
I rhyme a lot, accidentally. That...bodes well for me.

Apathy Speech
May 7, 2014
A lot of celebrity Twitter accounts are fucking lame. "I'll be at such-and-such place on blah blah", the end. Got talent? IQ? Let it spill!

Apathy Speech
May 6, 2014
In my heaven, I walk along a beach filled with round rocks an inch in diameter, with a perfectly-taped-up Wifflebat, launching them forever.

Apathy Speech
May 6, 2014
Replying to
Well, on second thought, discounting the elderly and children, and the invalids and uglies, and the illiterate and the wicked...shit: 100???

Apathy Speech
May 6, 2014
Where Did White People Come From? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names counterpunch.org/2014/02/07/where-did-white-people-come-from/#.U2jWdJu6GQE.twitter…

Apathy Speech
May 6, 2014
Replying to
Repeating a tweet I deleted earlier (I went on a curating binge): One, lol? How many 1-in-a-million women exist on earth? 4000? Many routes!

Apathy Speech
May 4, 2014
Well hello, emoticon menu! Let's see, what can I say that might warrant an emoticon...Ah: I need a haircut!

And...'bout to blaze?


Apathy Speech
May 4, 2014
If you wound up living out your all-time favorite movies, you'd want to choose wisely. Mine? Groundhog Day & The Jerk. So far, so good!

Apathy Speech
May 2, 2014
I'm about to get very, very stoned. Wish me luck!

Apathy Speech
Apr 29, 2014
Replying to
In this case what's got me Glowing is remembering The Last Dragon itself and how I loved the shit out of it as a kid. thelastdragontribute.com/top-10-reasons-to-love-the-last-dragon/…

Apathy Speech
Apr 29, 2014
The moment when, after totally forgetting it even existed, you recall a thing that made you really happy in the past.

Apathy Speech
Apr 27, 2014
High as fuck? Check.

Apathy Speech
Apr 27, 2014
I need to practice hitting a slow-pitch softball. The arc is so foreign to me and my mechanics are all over the place. Also gotta work out.

Apathy Speech
Apr 25, 2014
LCD Soundsystem - Us Vs_ Them youtube.com/watch?v=EdJx02LpQao&sns=tw… via

Apathy Speech
Apr 23, 2014
We're lucky to live here. This one & Van Gogh's greatest self-portrait are at the Fogg Museum in Cambridge. #selflove

Apathy Speech
Apr 22, 2014
I'm going to need a stage name.

Apathy Speech
Apr 22, 2014
Replying to
Zero honor. Gratuitous doomsaying = worse than useless. Civilization = a good thing. Can be saved w/ an imagination he lacks.

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
High as a fucking kite right now.

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
Replying to
As someone wise in my Twitter stream recently said: Always know your place. I know mine. Just got to work on the always part. #perfectionist

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
I keep my big mouth shut about the right things most of the time. Still saying about 15-20% too much, though. My goal is to say 0% too much.

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
"Lost Without You" is simple to play, and lovely to sing. I can see why women love that song. Certain women in particular. My favorite kind.

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
Curating a Pandora station to please my coworkers. Keeps playing Winehouse & Adele. I keep down-thumbing 'em. Take a fucking hint, Pandora.

Apathy Speech
Apr 21, 2014
Brings me back to '96, 2nd most fun job I've had, mailroom at The Boston Company, solitaire contests, Rockers daily. youtube.com/watch?v=lyyQEah5cMk…

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014

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Mar 28, 2014
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. #Nietzsche

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014
Replying to
I don't know how Herbie Hancock can withstand the monotony of "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo", over & over & over. I'd rather ritually whistle Rockit.

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014
The chant the Buddhists told me to do five minutes twice a day for a month is too dull. Unless I chant it to a beat. ♫ (Still feels silly.)

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014
70's dance, high school. Almost 20 years ago.

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014
Cancer & Leo fw.to/AuFrgCL All I know is: No more Pisces for me. Cancer sounds great, thou. I'd like to have a Cancer. #soundswrong

Apathy Speech
Apr 20, 2014
People learn I'm from Southie and they probably don't expect my class pictures to look like this. (The standing one.)

You Retweeted

Tyler, The Creator
Apr 20, 2014

Apathy Speech
Apr 18, 2014
I hate Twitter's character limit, but I also love it, because it keeps me in check. Say less, mean more. Gonna try that in my life, too.

Apathy Speech
Apr 18, 2014
WIFM: What's in it for the people who you've learned everything from? What are you going to give back? A pale mirror? Lame. A new goal? Yay!

Apathy Speech
Apr 18, 2014
Replying to
If you really love & respect black music, then you will want to take it somewhere new...somewhere BETTER! You'll want to invent, not mimic.

Apathy Speech
Apr 18, 2014
The problem with blue-eyed soul is that it seeks to clear the bar, not raise it. White musicians: "HALLELUJAH, I passed!" Not good enough.

Apathy Speech
Apr 17, 2014
Replying to
"Dude, aren't you a little old to be..." Nope. I've got my entire 20's dammed up, and the cement is cracking, water leaking. Flood coming.

Apathy Speech
Apr 17, 2014
[legomai ego] ("I talk to myself", in ancient Greek)

Apathy Speech
Apr 17, 2014
Rhythm guitar, piano, or cowbell. I can be her agent, or producer, or the president of her fan club. Could sing duets, or dance beside her.

You Retweeted

Lætitia Sadier
Oct 15, 2013
Banned TED Talk: Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness | Collective-Evolution collective-evolution.com/2013/04/11/ted-bans-graham-hancocks-talk-on-consciousness/…

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
Replying to
Not sure what homo sapiens sapiens are supposed to do, but I know this: The male should be doing less spectating and more female-impressing.

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
CHAKA KHAN / RUFUS ~ 1974 youtube.com/watch?v=wfLZ0TWsKiA&sns=tw… via

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
Checking out Buddhism for a month. Buddhists are some happy, happy people. And the chanting feels good, like a room of cats purring at once.

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
Ecce femina, eternally. #amorfati #nietzsche

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
In most other species, it's the males who twerk for the females. media.giphy.com/media/bvnoMS2RpDuSY/giphy.gif…

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
miriam makeba youtube.com/watch?v=k4LAIR4tLfI&sns=tw… via

Apathy Speech
Apr 16, 2014
Barbara Lynn - It's Better To Have It 1966 youtube.com/watch?v=27t11nAsdxs&sns=tw… via

Apathy Speech
Apr 15, 2014
A lot of people will just assume you're crazy when they're merely not perceptive enough to understand what you mean. I learned: Ignore 'em.

Apathy Speech
Apr 15, 2014
Replying to
Most photogenic face, most stylish chick, sweetest voice, loveliest smile, liveliest laugh, best body language, and hottest appetites. GOAT.

Apathy Speech
Apr 15, 2014
I've only ever dated pretty women; only ever loved beautiful women. I'm not shallow, lol. Just how it went. Then again, I count the soul.

Apathy Speech
Apr 13, 2014
I wound up on the periphery of the SI cover shoot yesterday. If I'm able to be seen, it'll be barely. You'll have to play "Where's Paul-do?"

Apathy Speech
Apr 12, 2014
"It's better than amazing: It's good."

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Apr 11, 2013
Giving my throwback supermodel pose...LOL! #100DaysofChaka

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Jun 21, 2013
DaY 91 Photo - Feeling a bit introspective. #100DaysofChaka

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Pharrell Williams
Apr 9, 2014
All kings and queens are not born of royal bloodlines. Some become royal because of what they do once they realize who they are.

“Joy is a current of energy in your body, like chlorophyll or sunlight,
that fills you up and makes you naturally want to do your best.” - Bill Russell
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