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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri May 07, 2021 11:26 am

Friday, May 7, 2021
The Vaccine Lies that Bind: FDA, EBS, J and J and the regulators of the EU, South Africa, Canada and Mexico
I have repeatedly warned about vaccine that might have illegally sneaked out the back door of the Emergent BioSolutions Bayview Baltimore plant.

How did Emergent-made J and J vaccine, from a factory that was out of GMP compliance on every single one of its FDA inspections, and never received authorization to ship out vaccine for Americans, find its way to Europe, South Africa, Canada and Mexico?

How does that happen? When did it happen?

And since it did happen, why would I believe no Americans got the vaccine? What was FDA's role in this fiasco?

Here's what the FDA's acting Commissioner said on April 21, breaking FDA's long silence about whether the plant was authorized or not:

"... the FDA has not authorized this facility to manufacture or distribute any of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine or components and, to date, no COVID-19 vaccine manufactured at this plant has been distributed for use in the U.S..."
Remember, this is not simply about mixing up an ingredient between the Astra-Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines. There were many, many problems that led to the loss of millions more doses. The plant was maintained in a slovenly fashion. You can read the latest FDA inspection report here. An April 21 NY Times article summarized the findings:

A series of confidential audits last year, obtained by The Times, warned about risks of viral and bacterial contamination and a lack of proper sanitation at the Baltimore plant.
According to the May 6 NY Times:

The F.D.A. has now called into question the equivalent of about 70 million doses from the plant, most of it intended for domestic use, and may decide that none of that vaccine can be released in the United States, those officials said.

Some doses from a single batch of the vaccine produced at Emergent are being administered in Europe, without problem, officials said. In addition, about six million to nine million more doses are now on hold there and in the other countries
Here is how the FDA's acting Commissioner tried to wriggle out of this mess. It sounds good at first:

For the vaccines already manufactured, the products will undergo additional testing and will be thoroughly evaluated to ensure their quality before any potential distribution. We will not allow the release of any product until we feel confident that it meets our expectations for quality.
But there is a big problem here. Not just the fact that somebody already did allow the release of product.

Testing finished vaccine lots cannot identify all the potential serious problems with vaccines. If it could, it would not matter what shape the factory was in, because you could simply test each lot and throw away any that were bad. The reason FDA plant inspections are so important is because product testing is insufficient to identify potential problems with vaccines.

I clearly recall a GAO report to Congress by Dr. Sushil Sharma about anthrax vaccine (that incidentally had also been made by EBS), which explained this point. What it means is that Janet Woodcock, the acting Commissioner, is attempting to mislead everyone by claiming that with additional testing, the lots produced while the plant was far out of compliance are not adulterated and can still be used.

The regulators in the other nations that received the bad lots of J and J vaccine repeated her identical, fallacious excuse.

While Dr. Woodcock is trying to cover her derriere (probably FDA knew about and approved the shipments of vaccine to other nations) there is no way either the FDA nor Emergent can squirm out of the hole they have dug for themselves.

From the NY Times:

Neither the F.D.A. nor its parent agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, would say what role, if any, the federal government played in the shipment of Johnson & Johnson doses abroad, or when and where they were shipped. White House officials did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
It is strange that after having failed so many prior inspections over 2 decades, Emergent BioSolutions was chosen to lead the US' response to Covid. It is slated to produce 4 vaccines and 5 other Covid medications.

In a statement to The New York Times, an F.D.A. spokeswoman said the agency was “in close communication with our foreign regulatory counterparts regarding this ongoing matter to ensure they’re aware of the situation...”
Does this mean FDA notified them of the May 6 NY Times revelations, informed them the jig was up, and they needed to come up with a uniform story?

Emergent referred questions to Johnson & Johnson and the F.D.A. “They control where the product goes after we manufacture it,” Matt Hartwig, a spokesman for the company, said in an email...
The European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, said in a statement to The Times that one batch of vaccine manufactured at the Emergent facility “is being used” after “a thorough testing of the batch and a review of the controls in place at the manufacturing site.” There is no indication of any problems with those doses.

That batch was distributed for use in the European Union only after meeting “the rigorous quality standards of our company and the European Medicines Agency,” Johnson & Johnson said in a statement...

Under its contract with Johnson & Johnson, Emergent manufactured the active ingredient for the vaccine in bulk, and the substance was then sent to other facilities for final processing and packaging...
The thing is, since Emergent knew it had not passed its inspections, it also knew its product could not be approved for use. So why did it ship it out for final bottling and finishing? Why did J and J collude with them to do so?

Everyone involved in this sordid tale has now gotten burned. It looks like there is plenty of blame to go around. The only thing missing is a prosecution.

The problem is pernicious secrecy. EBS, J and J, FDA and most likely the regulatory agencies of the EU, Canada, Mexico and South Africa had to have known there were problems with this vaccine. But they chose instead to look the other way, until their charade was uncovered by the New York Times.

And even after recipients started dying from blood clots and bleeding, the regulators, EBS and Johnson and Johnson kept the truth of the substandard vaccine they had released for use close to their chests.

And now the government regulators are still trying to fake us out by fancifully claiming they can test their way out of this. These same duplicitous apparatchiks were perfectly willing to inject trash into the arms of millions of their fellow citizens.

And already in Canada, and next week in the US, it might be injected into the waiting arms of 12 to 15 year olds.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2021
von der Leyen and the 4.1 billion doses/ NY Times
I am a week late getting this NYT article out. While the Times hints that von der Leyen bought the Pfizer vaccine for her political survival, the paper provides no evidence. My guess is that this is a cover story. You have to explain 4.1 billion doses for 448 million people some way. Politics is easy to blame.

The new contract will include a 900-million-dose order through 2023, with an option for another 900 million, Ms. von der Leyen said in an interview.

“I am convinced that we are in this for the long haul,” she said...

Accounts of how the deals came about, related by Ms. von der Leyen, Mr. Bourla, Mr. Marett and another nine officials and experts involved, reveal a striking alignment of political survival and corporate hustle...

Mr. Bourla said he built a bond with Ms. von der Leyen...

Mr. Bourla said he expected a booster would be needed six to twelve months after people get their second shot, although some public health experts note that it is not clear yet whether that will be necessary. And the assessment includes a worst-case scenario for a new vaccine to target an “escape mutant,” a variant of the coronavirus that is too resistant to existing shots. The draft says the European Union would require 640 million doses of this type of vaccine for two doses per adult...

Ms. von der Leyen said the European Union could still procure doses from other companies. [Yet more vaccine???]

She said the bloc was following the development of protein-based vaccines made by Novavax and Sanofi, as well as mRNA vaccines from Moderna, which are already being used in Europe, and CureVac, which is under review by the E.U. regulator. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was rolled out in Europe this month, is also attractive because of its single-dose regimen and easy storage, she said.

The Pfizer shot is also expensive. While the financial details of the new agreement have not been disclosed, the previous contract priced the shot at approximately 15.5 euros, or about 19 dollars, making it the second-most expensive vaccine in the region after Moderna.

European Union members will each decide whether they want to use their full allocations of doses, or leave some for others to absorb, or to be resold or donated. They will also be free to make bilateral agreements with other pharmaceutical companies for vaccines in the future... [And even more possible vaccine]

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:11 PM 0 comments
It just makes sense: no Covid vaccine mandates until we actually know how safe the vaccine is, especially in the young/ Maine legislature

ME LD867
An Act To Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years To Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations into Reproductive Harm

In the last
03/10/2021In Committee
03/10/2021Crossed OverPassedDead/Failed
Introduced Session
130th Legislature
Bill Summary
This bill prohibits mandatory vaccinations for coronavirus disease 2019 for 5 years from the date of a vaccine's first emergency use authorization by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration in order to allow for safety testing and investigations into reproductive harm.
Health Care Services
Sponsors (8)
Tracy Quint (R)*, Susan Bernard (R), Amanda Collamore (R), Jonathan Connor (R), Joshua Morris (R), Heidi Sampson (R), Peggy Stanley (R), Harold Stewart (R),
Last Action
Carried over, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 435. (on 03/30/2021)
Official Document ... 7&snum=130
Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 8:44 PM 0 comments
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu May 13, 2021 9:07 pm

Thursday, May 13, 2021
COVID-19: Ivermectin tablets to be distributed among Uttarakhand residents Read more at: ... cialShare/ One India ... 58254.html

The Uttarakhand government will be distributing Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, among the residents of the state as a preventive medicine against the spread of COVID-19, a senior official said. The Uttarakhand government's announcement comes after Goa and Karnataka issued similar directions. The decision was taken on the recommendation of the state-level clinical technical committee, an order issued by Chief Secretary Om Prakash to all district magistrates said.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 2:13 PM 0 comments
OPINION: Getting vaccinated is a personal choice/ Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin ... nal-choice

I did not enter the vaccine maelstrom voluntarily. Two months ago, a Milwaukee reporter asked me if I had received the COVID-19 vaccine. This was when demand for the vaccine outstripped supply. Although it’s a personal and private decision, I answered the question honestly. “No, I had COVID,” I replied, adding, “I think that probably provides me the best immunity possible.” I also said, “I decided to let others go before me who need it more than I do.”

I don’t have anything against vaccines. I have gotten annual flu shots since the 1970s and am up-to-date with all other standard vaccinations. I strongly supported Operation Warp Speed and celebrated its astonishingly rapid success. But I do believe getting vaccinated is a personal choice that should be made in consultation with a doctor.

Since I’m not a doctor or medical researcher, I don’t believe it’s appropriate for me to either encourage or discourage vaccination. My role is to help ensure transparency, so people have as much information as possible to make their own informed medical decisions. That is why I held two Senate hearings on early treatment of COVID last November and December and championed federal right-to-try legislation in 2018.

A reasonable corollary to “right to try” is the right to refuse treatment. No one should be shamed, coerced, or mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines that are being allowed under an emergency use authorization. In the U.S., three COVID-19 vaccines have completed the Phase I safety stage of the FDA approval process. The Phase II and III portions of the clinical trials are currently in an observational period until 2023, tracking participants for two years following vaccination.

Since that interview two months ago, new information has emerged. An Israeli study showed that natural immunity from having had COVID-19 is at least as effective as vaccine immunity. Natural immunity occurs with most other viruses, so why would anyone assume that wouldn’t be true for SARS-CoV-2? Evidence from the U.K. is raising safety concerns about vaccinating previously infected individuals.

The CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System has received 3,120 reports of death and 9,351 reports of hospitalization within 30 days of COVID-19 vaccination — with 45.4% of those deaths occurring on day 0, 1, or 2. The VAERS system has many flaws, but vilifying anyone who raises this issue does not instill confidence in the system. When did it become off-limits to ask government agencies legitimate questions?

Due to my interaction with the public, I took one of several precautionary COVID tests in early October 2020. Because I had no symptoms, I was surprised when I tested positive. A test three days later confirmed that result. Fortunately, I was one of the large group who remained asymptomatic.

My advocacy for exploring early treatment options has connected me to medical experts from around the world, including Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Ph.D. immunologist. Noorchashm has also been raising concerns about indiscriminate vaccination of individuals who were recently infected or naturally immune. He proposes getting tested for antibodies before vaccination “#Screenb4Vaccine” to minimize harm and maximize benefit from the vaccine by ensuring medical necessity of vaccination. This seems a reasonable precaution.

Noorchashm suggested I get tested for COVID-19 antibodies before making my decision on vaccination. He prescribed a simple blood test, which I had last week. Seven months after testing positive for COVID, this test showed my serology is positive for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 at roughly the same level he obtained after receiving both Moderna vaccine doses. Noorchashm tells me it’s likely I’m protected against reinfection — at least as well as being vaccinated.

Since there is little to no benefit for me getting vaccinated, I have decided not to. Absent proven benefit or medical necessity, there is only risk. There should be nothing controversial about me or anyone else making a similarly informed decision. I will, of course, reevaluate this decision if contrary information emerges.

Since testing positive for COVID, I have been comfortable living a mostly normal life. My antibody test only increases that comfort level. Witnessing crowds in airports and other public venues, I’d say other Americans are also gaining confidence resuming life. Hopefully, the state of fear is receding, we will respect each other’s medical decisions, and we’ll recognize the danger to individual liberty that vaccine passports or other forms of coercion represent.

The human toll of the coronavirus and shutdowns has been incalculable. The global economic devastation has cost trillions of dollars. Asking questions and never believing we have all the answers is fundamental to science. Being willing to admit when we’re wrong and adapting to new information is the best way to improve outcomes and limit future harm.


New York Yankees say 7 vaccinated members test positive for Covid-19, but 6 are asymptomatic

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:39 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Great News, Fewest Covid deaths than we've had in 8 months--why aren't the major media reporting it?/ WJHL ... 10-months/

COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have tumbled to an average o
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed May 19, 2021 11:28 am ... covid.html

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
The Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) Covid-19 vaccine is being manufactured by the anthrax vaccine company. This is its history / Meryl Nass
Emergent BioSolutions will be in the spotlight today during a House Select Subcommittee Meeting on the Corona Virus Crisis, today at 10:30 am. It can be watched here.

Hybrid Hearing on “Examining Emergent BioSolutions’ Failure to Protect Public Health and Public Funds”
Below, I provide the backstory aka checkered past of this company.


DOD created a plan to vaccinate its service-members against many biowarfare threat agents in the 1990s. At the time, of the bioterrorism vaccines that were being considered, only anthrax and smallpox vaccines had licenses. Anthrax vaccine was chosen to initiate the program in March of 1998.

The first 2 million doses of anthrax vaccine came from a stockpile that had been made for the US army by Michigan's state vaccine lab (Michigan Biologics Products Institute). What became known in November 1997, after the FDA performed an inspection, was that most of the army’s 11 million dose stockpile of anthrax vaccine, stored at the Michigan lab, was multiply expired, had been redated, and was contaminated, with visible bacterial and fungal growth in some of the lots. FDA immediately shut down the anthrax vaccine factory, and quarantined 9 million of the 11 million existing doses. Unfortunately, FDA allowed the Defense Department to use 2 million doses, which it did over the next two years.

The Conclusions from FDA's 1998 and 1999 inspection reports of the facility can be read here.

The Michigan state lab was a massive affair with many buildings on a campus in downtown Lansing. It produced a large variety of vaccines and blood products for the state of Michigan. However, over the years the state had not made the required repairs and updates. After the 1997 FDA inspection, Michigan had to repair the place or close it. Michigan decided to sell, and looked for a buyer.

The former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Crowe, heard about the sale. He had come to know the el Hibri family when he was Ambassador to the UK. The el Hibri’s had purchased anthrax vaccine from the UK government laboratory at Porton Down just before the Gulf War, and resold it to the Saudi government at a 100x markup.

Crowe and the el Hibri family joined with several of the lab’s officials, and the newly formed group purchased the lab. The purchase price was about 19 million dollars. Admiral Crowe was given a 13% share in exchange for his role as Chairman of the Board, risking none of his own funds. Much of the cost was later paid by the transfer of vaccines to the state of Michigan.

The new company, formed in the first half of 1998, was named Bioport. It chose to focus on its sales of anthrax vaccine to the Army. However, the new company was deeply concerned about potential liability for the lab’s products. The purchase was delayed until the Secretary of the Army signed an indemnification for injuries that might result from use of anthrax vaccine in soldiers, and it also indemnified the company against claims if the vaccine failed to provide the expected protection against anthrax. The state of Michigan had also been indemnified by the Army to produce the vaccine. But from its 1970 licensure until 1998, almost all the anthrax vaccine had only been used in animal experiments.

After FDA had shuttered the anthrax vaccine plant for manufacturing defects, the Army paid to bulldoze and then rebuild the factory in 1999. But even after it was rebuilt, FDA withheld its approval, and the plant lay idle.

Meantime, the 2 million doses that FDA had failed to quarantine were injected into 500,000 military service-members between 1998 and 2001. Many thousands became ill. An official report on the program, quoting unnamed government officials, claimed that 1-2% of recipients had developed permanent disabilities. The military vaccinations were mandatory, and refusers were punished with a court martial or loss of a month's pay and performance of extra duties. Nonetheless, seeing the injuries sustained by their colleagues, many refused.

In 2001, the anthrax vaccine label, a legal document that describes what is known about the product, listed the CDC's definition of Gulf War syndrome as a possible adverse effect of the vaccine. (It has been removed from the current label.)

Five Congressional hearings were held throughout 1999 on different aspects of the anthrax vaccine program by the House Committee on Government Reform and National Security (now known as the House Committee on Oversight and Reform). Additional hearings held by other Congressional committees also touched on the vaccine program. The Government Reform and National Security Committee wrote up its findings in a report titled Unproven Force Protection. Its June 30, 1999 hearing dealt specifically with Bioport and its sole source contracts.

Despite this, Bioport has been very successful. Although the Pentagon was considering an end to the anthrax vaccine program in the summer of 2001, the sudden appearance of the anthrax letters after the September 11, 2001 attacks breathed new life into the vaccine program and turned Bioport’s fortunes around. DHHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced in November 2001 that the anthrax vaccine plant would finally receive an FDA approval and begin production. At the end of January 2002 that is what happened.

But that was not the end of Bioport's problems. Soldiers challenged the legality of the vaccine’s license in federal court. It was learned that while there had been efficacy testing of an earlier version of the vaccine, the current vaccine formulation had never undergone either efficacy or safety testing in a clinical trial. Aware of this major omission, FDA had withheld the issuing of a "final rule and order" for the anthrax vaccine for over thirty years.

The soldiers prevailed on the legal issues, and First District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan rescinded the vaccine license in 2004, based on the company's failure to prove efficacy or meet basic FDA standards for licensure.

Unwilling to bow to judicial authority, the Defense Department rolled out a backup plan. A new regulatory authority had just been created, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). An EUA was slapped on the unlicensed anthrax vaccine, and DOD quickly restarted its mandatory vaccinations. (There was no emergency: the issuing of an EUA required either only the potential for an emergency.)

The attorneys for the soldiers took the case back to court, and Judge Sullivan ruled that even if an experimental medical product received an EUA, it was still investigational and could not be mandated. The law required that EUA products be offered with informed consent. To receive an EUA (unlicensed) product, the recipient must be apprised of the risks and benefits of the product, be informed of alternatives to the product, and no coercion in any form could be applied. Ergo, no mandate.

FDA waited about 18 months, and then issued a full license for Bioport’s anthrax vaccine, although there were still no efficacy data. FDA instead claimed that a 1950's era trial of a very different anthrax vaccine was sufficient for licensure, even though that trial failed to show benefit against inhalation anthrax.

When the soldiers and their attorneys challenged the licensing decision in court, the next judge ruled in favor of FDA on the basis of “deference”—meaning that FDA could ignore its own regulations when making a determination on safety and efficacy, with or without acceptable data. In 2006 mandatory vaccination restarted.

Bioport then shed its old skin in an attempt to leave its baggage behind. It renamed itself Emergent BioSolutions. Its vaccine had been renamed BioThrax.

Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) then branched out, buying other companies, primarily those making other sole source biodefense products. The military continued to mandate anthrax and (in 2003) smallpox vaccines for service-members. Eventually EBS purchased the smallpox company as well, and the cholera and typhoid vaccines used in the US.

A 2010 report on Emergent BioSolutions, written by Scott Lilly for the Center for American Progress, was titled, "Getting Rich off Uncle Sucker." It revealed 300% profit margins, unique for a government contractor.

The company's business plan was to rely on insiders to sell sole source biodefense products to the US government, most of which were stockpiled and never used--inking contracts with multiple federal agencies, including CDC, DOD, NIAID, the State Department, ASPR and BARDA.

In 2012 EBS got one of three DHHS contracts to house a so-called Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing (CIADM) that could be used to produce pandemic or biodefense products in the event of emergencies. With this grant EBS purchased and expanded what became its Bayview factory in Baltimore. The CIADM contract essentially guaranteed Emergent a big role in any future pandemic response.

Emergent acquired the maker of Narcan nasal spray, the opioid overdose antidote. Soon FDA began recommending to prescribers that they write a Narcan script whenever they wrote a narcotic script, just in case. States started buying large quantities for free distribution. Sales rose 600% after EBS bought the company.

Under the Trump administration, retired Air Force Colonel, physician and biodefense consultant Robert Kadlec was appointed to the position of Assistant Secretary of DHHS for Preparedness and Emergency Response (aka ASPR). Kadlec had also been a consultant and business partner of EBS' founder and chairman Fuad el-Hibri. Kadlec had omitted this information from the required disclosures for Senate confirmation. Once confirmed as Assistant Secretary, Kadlec was able to transfer responsibility for the National Strategic Stockpile (containing the US stockpiles of pandemic remedies, masks and equipment) from the CDC to his own agency. Kadlec then gave multiple sweetheart deals to EBS, until the value of EBS' contracts with ASPR exceeded those of every other contractor.

ASPR Kadlec was blamed for cancelling a federal contract to make N95 masks while buying more and more anthrax and smallpox vaccines, pre-Covid.

Covid-19 presented a huge opportunity for Emergent BioSolutions. EBS received $628 million from DHHS to retool its CIADM factory. It inked additional contracts with the Astra-Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax, Providence Therapeutics and VaxArt companies to provide bulk manufacturing of their vaccines in its Baltimore facilities. Altogether its pandemic contracts were worth about $1.5 Billion. It was slated to manufacture 9 separate medical products to address Covid-19, all designed by other companies.

But there were serious potential problems.

While it had a storied Board of former federal officials, Emergent BioSolutions had never brought a single product to market. Its expertise was in contracting and acquisitions, not production. It had a history of production failures, and had demanded that the federal government bail the company out, or else the sole source products the company provided would become unavailable. Some of this was detailed in the Congressional report Unproven Force Protection. Entering the pandemic, EBS was still making the same mistakes it had been guilty of twenty years earlier:

EBS sold and continues to sell nerve gas auto-injectors to federal agencies which have been defective and are not licensed. According to the law, these products can neither be produced in the US nor sold here. Instead, Emergent manufactures them in Germany and restricts its sales to US embassies overseas.
In July 2020, the Soligenix company requested arbitration against Emergent BioSolutions, claiming a loss of $19 million, because EBS had manufactured its experimental ricin vaccine, used in a human trial, which failed to meet specifications.
EBS did not have an active workforce in Baltimore. On September 30, EBS held an online job fair which it titled "Warp Speed Careers Event." The event sought to recruit 300 employees. Yet EBS had begun inking vaccine contracts 5 months earlier, and could have hired and trained a workforce that was ready to go when FDA gave it the go-ahead. Instead, doing things on the cheap, EBS hired late, failed to provide adequate training to its employees, and experienced a spectacular series of production failures. Many millions of doses of its Johnson and Johnson and its Astra-Zeneca Covid vaccines had to be dumped. J and J missed its 20 million dose quota for the end of March, and FDA, despite repeated inspections, would not give the plant an authorization so its products could be used.

Despite this, somehow millions of doses produced in the unauthorized plant were shipped to Canada, the European Union, South Africa and Mexico. The EU, at least, used the product. How did that occur? We don't know. Did any get distributed in the US? We can't be sure none did.

On April 4, 2021, EBS announced it would receive an additional $23 million from DHHS for new equipment to use in the manufacture of Johnson and Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine.

As of last week, EBS was facing another lawsuit from its shareholders, and its stock price had fallen to $60 from the peak on February 12 of $125 per share. However, Emergent CEO Robert Kramer exercised his stock options in January and February, near the stock's peak, earning himself over $7 million dollars in profit.

In summary, EBS, despite considerable manufacturing shortcomings, has been extremely successful at obtaining government contracts and earning huge profits. But its products have repeatedly been unreliable. The company has managed to turn failures into success, especially when its products, like civilian stockpiles of anthrax and smallpox vaccine, and nerve gas auto-injectors, are stockpiled but not used.

The public has only gradually been learning that the vaccines it thought were being produced by huge Pharma companies Astra-Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson were in fact being manufactured by the anthrax vaccine company, Emergent BioSolutions. How did it come to pass that the federal government, and these established pharmaceutical companies, bet the farm on EBS’ production of Covid-19 vaccines?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer
From Children's Health Defense you can again read about what your rights are under an EUA if you wish to refuse masks, almost all Covid tests, and Covid vaccines--all of which were rolled out using Emergency Use Authorizations--which means they are experimental procedures for which informed consent is necessary. Furthermore, CHD has provided links to three documents which you can use to spell out your rights to an employer or educator who attempts to impose these things on you:

Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by definition, experimental.

Aimee Villella McBride
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:28 pm ... thing.html

One author has encapsulated everything I have been saying about the Covid vaccines and drugs for the past year

This is a fairly no-nonsense read, easily digestible.  His article makes me wonder whether, in my effort to provide breaking news and analysis, I have lost the woods for the trees.  My stories are broken up into so many pieces (hundreds of blog posts since the start of the pandemic and about 1500 overall) that the whole story almost never gets told in one piece.
In this article, author Steve Kirsch tells you everything you would want to know about the vaccines, the drug treatments, and even veers into Fauci's coverup.  Enjoy.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:19 AM 5 ... ry-1385003

USA Today fights subpoena aimed at readers of Florida FBI shooting story
Gannett, the publisher, contends that demand for details on who accessed article violates the First Amendment.

By JOSH GERSTEIN 06/03/2021 07:39 PM EDT

Voter Fraud ... e-protest/

Internal city documents show slow responses to mass looting, as NYPD’s heavily militarized riot squad cracked down on protests.
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FBI agent charged in off-duty shooting of man on subway
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Invasive earthworms have been found in Aroostook County forests ... eport-says

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Breaking News Intern
Updated Jun. 02, 2021 5:36PM ET / 
Published Jun. 02, 2021 5:33PM ET ... him-fired/

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Baltimore Sun
Jailed ex-Baltimore cop Hersl says he committed no crime ...
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New Jersey Herald ... ain-jailed

Cop accused of running home meth lab will remain jailed ... leg-video/

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June 1, 2021 | 9 ... 69ff713849

Trial underway for ex-cop charged with sexual assault after offering woman a ride home
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Updated Jun 02, 2021; Posted Jun 02, 2021 ... ps-appeal/

The Mercury News

Prosecutors can play child porn for the jury, CA court rules in Bay Area cop's appeal. Convictions, prison term upheld ... ... 6m-verdict

$6M verdict after man is run over by San Jose cop car
By Henry Lee ... 55635.html

Aide of Ludhiana cop facing charges of drug peddling lands in STF net
STF was chasing him for the last one year; used to nab suspects at the behest of errant station house officer Amandeep Singh Gill ... n-the-job/

‘Slimy’ FBI bigwig sexually harassed his juniors, drank on the job
By Ben Feuerherd
May 31, 2021 ... story.html

Buckingham Palace banned minorities from office jobs, newly discovered documents show

JUN 03, 2021 AT 9:20 AM ... story.html

Role of police in responding to NYC students’ mental health crises has grown: report

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8:15 AM CDT on Jun 3, 2021 ... hemp-case/

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officers accused of throwing snow cones at homeless people
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:59 pm ... on-of.html

Saturday, June 12, 2021
Reposting this MUCH EXPANDED version of my live blog of the FDA VRBPAC meeting on June 9 ... nistration

1. Almost every member of the advisory committee earns money for their work on vaccines. However only one acknowledged a financial conflict of interest, which was minor. Most of the VRBPAC members at today's meeting are not actually regular members of the VRBPAC committee. It looks as if the Covid vaccine meetings have been stacked with mostly yes-men and women. By my count 10 members are regulars and 12 are temporary members, brought in to help stack the deck.

2. A Merck employee is a non-voting member today.

3. Stanley Perlman is a member today. He signed the Lancet March 7, 2020 Correspondence that was intended to cover up a lab origin and enforce the natural origin theory of Covid!

4. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the NEJM, is a member today. He published a fabricated study by the Surgiphere group, the same group that published the fabricated Lancet study that said the chloroquine drugs kill. His journal has been very kind to Covid vaccines. And today he had the chutzpah to say that we don't even know if the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis.

5. CDC did its own unpublished study to try and jack up the risk for kids of hospitalization for Covid. They were caught by Dr. Meissner who points out that the current rate is 0.4/million, very low, and the risk of the vaccine needs to be lower than this. Later, Dr Meissner mentioned a 12 year old admitted to his hospital last weekend with myocarditis, 2 days after his second shot. When Meissner began to beg the others to pay attention to the risks, his mike was cut off.

6. CDC admits that the data are mixed regarding transmission and cases in kids. Having said that, they present their own (apparently skewed and definitely unpublished) data claiming that children get infected and transmit at the same rate as adults. They claim that 0-4 year old children have an over 85% rate of symptomatic illness, which is different than what everyone else has found.

7. Seroprevalence for Covid was said to be 27% in children, using antinucleocapsid antibodies (so vaccinees won't test positive), higher than all older age groups. My question: CDC is presenting serology data but elsewhere claims it is unreliable at the individual level, whereas it can be used at the population level.

Why can CDC use these data to makes its points but I can't use the same test to travel, cross a border, or attend an event?

8. Meissner pointed out that the numbers CDC is using re pedi hospitalizations is from April and currently the number is only 1/4 as great.

9. Dr Stokly at CDC said there is no federal age of consent, and it is determined by the States. Yet currently municipalities are determining that 12 year olds can give consent in states that do not allow it--but of course this was omitted from her talk. Yet the only way that could happen is for CDC and FDA to give those cities (San Francisco, Seattle and Philadelphia for sure) a green light.

10. 39% of 16-17 year olds have received at least one dose of vaccine, per CDC.

11. Dr. Steve Anderson claimed there are "no safety signals" currently for the 16 prespecified adverse events, which include myocarditis and thrombosis. And he had a chart to demonstrate this. Duh? What about the fact we know risks are elevated for thrombosis and myocarditis? Well, they are going to study that in the future. Wouldn't the absence of a safety signal that has already been found to exist in multiple countries indicate your surveillance system is not working as it should?

12. Dr. Shimabukuro noted there are 789 VAERS reports of myopericarditis. 475 occured in teens and people in their 20s. Most occur after dose 2. Over 70% are in males. The median age after dose 2 is 24. There are about 8 times as many cases after dose 2 as after dose 1. I'd call that a pretty clear signal, Dr. Anderson. AND there has not even been time for a second dose in the vast majority of 12-15 year olds, for whom the vaccine was authorized less than 4 weeks ago.

13. What databases will be used to assess safety in those under 18? The first answer was just the VSD and BEST, per FDA, while last we heard BEST was still being tested and inoperational. Later, in response to a question from Chair Arnold Monto (in which I think Monto was trying to clean up a previous answer he knew was incorrect), Anderson said just VAERS and VSD would be used to assess safety in younger children. What happened to all those other databases CDC was going to use? Disappeared, eh?

Later, Dr. Kim asked if there were plans to "include millions of other safety surveillance opportunities?" Anderson dodged, saying that "there were other electronic health records systems... we already showed this to your committee..." and then concluded, "we can reshare that slide so you have it."

Dr. Gans asked, "when we add in all the safety surveillance systems what % of kids will be accounted for?" Anderson was gobsmacked by this simple question whose answer he must know. Yet he very slowly answered, "I'll ask my staff."

Then Gans asked, "why not be proactive? All the autoimmune side effects are not on the solicited list of adverse events. Can we add them?" At this point Anderson started stuttering. He eventually said "we are considering doing something similar." BTW, I have found the "we are considering" answer to be standard bureaucrateez when the real answer is "Hell no, do you want us to incriminate ourselves by showing there are more problems than we are willing to acknowledge?"

And then the expected happened: Monto tried to end the discussion. Shimabukuru tried to make it okay, jumping in to say he would be happy to work with his FDA colleagues on this. That gave Dr. Meissner the opportunity to ask him the rates of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia in young women, and myocarditis in kids. Then it was Shimabukuru's turn to stutter. Finally he said it is too early to say. This appeared to be another example of not wanting to incriminate himself with a lie, while he doesn't want to tell what he knows. The reason is that having this number would permit the committee to perform a risk-benefit comparison (Covid hospitalization rate vs vaccine myocarditis rate) which would probably sink both an EUA and licensure in children.

Meissner didn't stop. "Shouldn't this risk be included in the Informed Consent?" he asked. Shimabukuru said his slides had the info (but the info would not pass his lips). He then asserted that CDC is committed to transparency and transparency in communication. I think this meant, "Hell no, we are not adding this to any patient information sheet."

14. The VSD database at this point only includes 121 adolescents who received a second dose. Guess that is the excuse why the myocarditis carnage couldn't be identified by FDA and CDC before this meeting. Is that why the meeting was held now, before additional databases with tens of millions of enrollees were added to BEST data in mid June? Because then it would be harder to claim they didn't know about the serious adverse events?

15. It was claimed "the data" only show 1/60,000 doses develops myocarditis. But the Israeli data in young men showed 1/6,000 doses, according to (I think) Dr. Meissner. Dr. Dror Mevorach, who did the study for Israel, says the rate of myocarditis in young men is 5-25 times the baseline rate. Some say the rate is 1/2,500.

16. Dr. Anderson or Dr. Shimabukuru said "at least 81% of myocarditis cases made a full recovery." But they only have followup on less than half the cases. No one told us how many had died.

17. After presentations on the data requirements for an EUA and licensure in different age groups, which were set to rely on "immunobridging" even though the antibody test used apparently fails to provide a direct extrapolation to immunity, Monto declared, "We're not going to have the time to answer everyone's questions."

18. Kurilla asked whether the vaccines, made from a strain collected 18 months ago that is no longer in circulation, is the right one given current variants. Monto cut that right off, saying "We're not talking about variants, because it's a global issue." Which made no sense, but got the group away from any consideration of variants. This was important, because further discussion would probably reveal the fact that current vaccines have poor efficacy for some variants, and should perhaps be replaced with better targeted vaccines. In fact, wasn't the ability to easily and cheaply switch mRNA midstream to target new variants the rationale to use mRNA vaccines in the first place?

19. Dr. Nelson pointed out that since the trial populations were very small, would FDA correspondingly pay attention to smaller safety signals than usual? By vaccine or by class? I thought it was a great question. [Michael Nelson used to care for anthrax vaccine-injured soldiers at Walter Reed and I have previously been impressed with his clinical work.] Doran Fink played it safe by providing a meaningless response, saying FDA would "follow the data."

20. The meeting is nearly over, and not a single person has mentioned that the spike protein itself might have toxicity.

21. Nor has anyone pointed out that the animal studies (required before FDA gives permission for human studies) were not done. We do not know the pharmacokinetics in a human or animal body of the spike protein, the S1 protein, the mRNA, other proteins that may be produced, and the multiple components of the lipid nanoparticle. Pfizer injected 2 of the 4 lipids into rodents and called it good. Furthermore, I have seen no evidence regarding the duration during which the spike protein is produced, and what happens to cells that produce it. A study out of Harvard showed it can be produced for at least two weeks.

22. No one mentions what might be causing menstrual abnormalities. No one has discussed blood clots outside the very limited perspective of adult women age 30-50.

23. Amanda Cohn, MD from CDC is a member of VRBPAC. She was one of three CDC physicians who lied to Congressman Tom Massie regarding CDC's recommendation to vaccinate people who have recovered from the disease. Another person who lied was deputy director Schuchat, who has since been fired by Director Walensky. Of course, Walensky has recently been lying about the number of teens hospitalized due to Covid. Hard to find an honest doc at CDC it seems. Walensky promised she would always tell us the truth in a prominent NY Times Opinion piece in January. Sad.

Thinking about the dishonest CDC physicians and committee member conflicts of interest, I forgot to mention that Dr. Melinda Wharton is also a temporary member of today's committee. She is probably the top person at CDC whose job is to coverup vaccine safety problems. For example, here is a 2004 Congressional testimony she gave, in which she cites the "Denmark data" CDC cooked up with a Denmark contractor. Their collusion is described in a book by James Grundvig. The "Denmark data" was faked by Poul Thorsen in order to claim that thimerosal in vaccines was not dangerous. Psychiatrist Thorsen, who is now a fugitive wanted by DHHS, has been accused of multiple crimes, including forgery, stealing $900,000 from CDC and stealing from his university in Denmark. Naturally, DHHS forgot to add his scientific misconduct. Yet CDC still cites his "study" as the basis for denying thimerosal injuries. UPDATE: Actually, I just looked this up again; I had made this claim in a 2019 testimony and checked the link then, when CDC was still citing Thorsen. Today I see CDC has removed the Thorsen-named publications from this graphic. But they include the tainted Danish research. And include this paper about it, whose last author is Thorsen's then-lover and CDC employee, Diane Simpson.

24. Phyllis Arthur, from the industry association BIO, was given 10 minutes to provide the "industry perspective." Why was she there? Why was Merck there? She made the disease in kids out to be pretty bad. She claimed kids were needed for herd immunity, which was disputed in the WaPO and relies on the. claim that children readily spread Covid, which is at least debatable. Finally, she wanted to know whether FDA would help industry market Covid vaccines to the world, or in her words, "assure global alignment for pediatric Covid vaccine programs."

25. Peter Doshi provided a public comment which was, as usual, astute. I especially liked his reminder that a median 2 months of follow-up being used to issue an EUA was not likely to detect long-term adverse effects of vaccination. It took 9 months to identify narcolepsy as a side effect of Pandemrix vaccine, and 4 months for Israel to identify myocarditis as a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine. Finally, he pointed out that if FDA does not have a high bar for EUAs/licenses, the point of regulation is lost.

26. Several members asked about studies testing different doses, or a single shot in children, but not a single presenter from CDC or FDA would talk about lower doses. Very curious. Surely the FDA does not plan to give children, who respond with higher antibody levels to the vaccines, adult doses, despite their smaller size and weight than adults. Why did FDA refuse to discuss this?

27. Gans asked, is anyone looking at risk factors for myocarditis (or other adverse events)? CDC's Shimabukuru stuttered and blathered. FDA's Anderson pointed out that he has not identified a signal yet. (In other words, how could he be expected to look into risk factors for side effects when his fabulous surveillance systems have not found any side effects yet!). Then he backed up just a bit, adding, "but your question is a valid one." Yup, it may be valid, but the FDA isn't going near it.

28. Dr. Offit pointed out that we vaccinate for polio, but we have not had a case of polio in the US since the 1970s, so why not keep vaccinating for Covid even after it's gone? Offit is wrong about polio. We had only vaccine-induced polio cases between 1979 and 1999, at which point oral polio vaccines were taken off the market and replaced with safer, but less effective killed polio vaccines.

29. FDA's Doran Fink pushed back against longer-term followup of trial subjects, and larger trials. Instead, he claimed, what we need is post-marketing surveillance.

30. The statistician Dodd, a new member, pointed out that it was meaningless to talk about how large the pedi trials whould be when you cannot make that calculation until you know what you are trying to look for. I imagine the docs who had been throwing out numbers felt sheepish, since she is of course correct. That ended discussion of trial size.

31. Things ended quickly after that, since FDA/Dr. Monto had determined the meeting would cease at 3:30. A few intelligent comments were made, ignored, then Peter Marks, head of FDA's Center for Biologics hopped on to emphasize how terrible the disease was in children. He lied about the death rate, choosing to use the invalid statistic (which even CDC disputes) of only those who had a valid positive test, which is a bit more than 1 million Covid cases in the 11-17 age range. (However, CDC estimates that over 1/3 of the country has had Covid. Extrapolating that to the 11-17 age group yields over 9 million cases in that age group.) By choosing a false metric, Dr. Marks' mendacity enabled him to claim the death rate was very high in teenagers, which is simply not true.

Here are the real CDC numbers. Between Jan 1 and March 31, 2021, 204 children aged 12 through 17 were hospitalized for Covid. One hundred forty-four of them had pre-existing conditions. None died. Their average length of stay was 2.4 days.

So, of 24 million children in that age group, 60 healthy children had brief hospitalizations for Covid and no deaths during our highest Covid incidence period.

Now here are the total number of US Covid hospitalizations on the dates January 1, March 31 and June 9, 2021. These come from the NY Times.

Jan 1, 2021 130,000

March 31, 2021 43,000

June 9, 2021 20,000

What this tells you is that during the highest months of Covid cases and hospitalizations (which is the time period CDC chose for its analysis), only 20 otherwise healthy children needed a brief hospitalization for Covid per month, in the entire country. There was not a single death. And now we are at roughly a quarter of those rates. Another way of looking at this is that during those entire 3 months, every US state and territory had about one--ONE--healthy kid require hospitalization for a couple of days for Covid. That should cast Peters Marks' and Rochelle Walensky's claims of dire Covid risk for teenagers in the fairy tale category. And it should make clear that Walensky and Marks are the wicked witch and wicked wizard, who would willingly injure children for a few pieces of silver and a government job on their resumes.

For this minuscule risk the US government wants all our children vaccinated, despite heart inflammation that seems to occur at 5-25 times the expected rate after mRNA vaccinations, and may well leave your child with permanent heart damage. Why is there a complete lack of information on the longterm side effects that may ensue? Because FDA regulators didn't ask the manufacturers to look.

This is not medicine, this is medical fascism.

32. Five months ago, at the December 10 meeting of the VRBPAC, we were given an estimate of total US Covid cases at the time, which was over 50 million. Or about 3 or 4 times the rate of positive tests and diagnoses then.

However, today there were no estimates given by the presenters. The number of cumulative US Covid cases, according to today's federally employed physicians, had dropped from over 50 to around 33 million cases. I guess they think it is a better number to help push vaccinations, rather than admitting that perhaps 3 or 4 times that many are already immune. This went on while the CDC website on June 11 estimates there have been 114.6 million US cases of Covid.

Now, what was the purpose of today's meeting? I suspect it was to get a few "experts" from outside the FDA on record as being in favor of quick licensure. Here is my prediction, for which I have no inside info: FDA will license the Covid vaccines for children and adults on the same day in early August, in order to cover everyone's mandates for colleges and schools. Unless there is an uproar regarding side effects, the vaccines are likely to be placed on the childhood schedule, which is required in order for the manufacturer to skirt liability for injuries once the vaccines are out of EUA status.

Today, the third member of a sister FDA drug advisory committee quit. It turns out that every member of that committee had voted against approving a $50,000/year drug for Alzheimer's, and then the FDA went ahead and licensed it anyway. One of those who quit called the advisory committee process a "sham process."

Aaron Kesselheim, a well known Harvard professor of drug regulation, was the third to publicly leave the committee. As the WSJ reported,

“Th[e] pivotal question was not discussed at the advisory committee meeting, and its premise was specifically excluded from discussion,” he wrote in his letter of resignation to FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock.

Calling the agency’s decision a “debacle,” Dr. Kesselheim said the move “will undermine the care of these patients, public trust in the FDA, the pursuit of useful therapeutic innovation and the affordability of the healthcare system.”

The iron hands of controllers Janet Woodcock and Marion Gruber have to go. FDA's brazen disregard of the truth, the data and the science may soon have Americans asking why we spend $3.2 billion a year to fund FDA.

This meeting brought some prescient lyrics to mind. Poor Doran Fink, FDA's chief vaccine flunky. He's got an MD and a PhD and his dishonorable vocation is to keep a lid on the truth. Same goes for Peter Marks. Poor Drs. Shimabukuru and Steve Anderson. How much are they paid for their malfeasance? Have they no shame?

Twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift...

Johnny's in the basement

Mixing up the medicine

I'm on the pavement

Thinking about the government...

You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Nope. All you need are a few hours at an FDA meeting.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 1:35 PM 0 comments
I don't know what this means but "New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA" is worth looking into/ ... ences.html

We already knew that under certain conditions (including infection with HIV, which contains a reverse transcriptase) cells could "write" RNA into DNA. But I didn't think it happened that often.

However, according to this paper, a DNA polymerase that is normally present in mammalian cells has this ability too.

If so, it could really put a dent into the injection of mRNA into humans. Stay tuned.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:05 AM 1 comments
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:02 pm

fruhmenschen » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:59 pm wrote:

Saturday, June 12, 2021
Reposting this MUCH EXPANDED version of my live blog of the FDA VRBPAC meeting on June 9 ... nistration

1. Almost every member of the advisory committee earns money for their work on vaccines. However only one acknowledged a financial conflict of interest, which was minor. Most of the VRBPAC members at today's meeting are not actually regular members of the VRBPAC committee. It looks as if the Covid vaccine meetings have been stacked with mostly yes-men and women. By my count 10 members are regulars and 12 are temporary members, brought in to help stack the deck.

2. A Merck employee is a non-voting member today.

3. Stanley Perlman is a member today. He signed the Lancet March 7, 2020 Correspondence that was intended to cover up a lab origin and enforce the natural origin theory of Covid!

4. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the NEJM, is a member today. He published a fabricated study by the Surgiphere group, the same group that published the fabricated Lancet study that said the chloroquine drugs kill. His journal has been very kind to Covid vaccines. And today he had the chutzpah to say that we don't even know if the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis.

5. CDC did its own unpublished study to try and jack up the risk for kids of hospitalization for Covid. They were caught by Dr. Meissner who points out that the current rate is 0.4/million, very low, and the risk of the vaccine needs to be lower than this. Later, Dr Meissner mentioned a 12 year old admitted to his hospital last weekend with myocarditis, 2 days after his second shot. When Meissner began to beg the others to pay attention to the risks, his mike was cut off.

6. CDC admits that the data are mixed regarding transmission and cases in kids. Having said that, they present their own (apparently skewed and definitely unpublished) data claiming that children get infected and transmit at the same rate as adults. They claim that 0-4 year old children have an over 85% rate of symptomatic illness, which is different than what everyone else has found.

7. Seroprevalence for Covid was said to be 27% in children, using antinucleocapsid antibodies (so vaccinees won't test positive), higher than all older age groups. My question: CDC is presenting serology data but elsewhere claims it is unreliable at the individual level, whereas it can be used at the population level.

Why can CDC use these data to makes its points but I can't use the same test to travel, cross a border, or attend an event?

8. Meissner pointed out that the numbers CDC is using re pedi hospitalizations is from April and currently the number is only 1/4 as great.

9. Dr Stokly at CDC said there is no federal age of consent, and it is determined by the States. Yet currently municipalities are determining that 12 year olds can give consent in states that do not allow it--but of course this was omitted from her talk. Yet the only way that could happen is for CDC and FDA to give those cities (San Francisco, Seattle and Philadelphia for sure) a green light.

10. 39% of 16-17 year olds have received at least one dose of vaccine, per CDC.

11. Dr. Steve Anderson claimed there are "no safety signals" currently for the 16 prespecified adverse events, which include myocarditis and thrombosis. And he had a chart to demonstrate this. Duh? What about the fact we know risks are elevated for thrombosis and myocarditis? Well, they are going to study that in the future. Wouldn't the absence of a safety signal that has already been found to exist in multiple countries indicate your surveillance system is not working as it should?

12. Dr. Shimabukuro noted there are 789 VAERS reports of myopericarditis. 475 occured in teens and people in their 20s. Most occur after dose 2. Over 70% are in males. The median age after dose 2 is 24. There are about 8 times as many cases after dose 2 as after dose 1. I'd call that a pretty clear signal, Dr. Anderson. AND there has not even been time for a second dose in the vast majority of 12-15 year olds, for whom the vaccine was authorized less than 4 weeks ago.

13. What databases will be used to assess safety in those under 18? The first answer was just the VSD and BEST, per FDA, while last we heard BEST was still being tested and inoperational. Later, in response to a question from Chair Arnold Monto (in which I think Monto was trying to clean up a previous answer he knew was incorrect), Anderson said just VAERS and VSD would be used to assess safety in younger children. What happened to all those other databases CDC was going to use? Disappeared, eh?

Later, Dr. Kim asked if there were plans to "include millions of other safety surveillance opportunities?" Anderson dodged, saying that "there were other electronic health records systems... we already showed this to your committee..." and then concluded, "we can reshare that slide so you have it."

Dr. Gans asked, "when we add in all the safety surveillance systems what % of kids will be accounted for?" Anderson was gobsmacked by this simple question whose answer he must know. Yet he very slowly answered, "I'll ask my staff."

Then Gans asked, "why not be proactive? All the autoimmune side effects are not on the solicited list of adverse events. Can we add them?" At this point Anderson started stuttering. He eventually said "we are considering doing something similar." BTW, I have found the "we are considering" answer to be standard bureaucrateez when the real answer is "Hell no, do you want us to incriminate ourselves by showing there are more problems than we are willing to acknowledge?"

And then the expected happened: Monto tried to end the discussion. Shimabukuru tried to make it okay, jumping in to say he would be happy to work with his FDA colleagues on this. That gave Dr. Meissner the opportunity to ask him the rates of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia in young women, and myocarditis in kids. Then it was Shimabukuru's turn to stutter. Finally he said it is too early to say. This appeared to be another example of not wanting to incriminate himself with a lie, while he doesn't want to tell what he knows. The reason is that having this number would permit the committee to perform a risk-benefit comparison (Covid hospitalization rate vs vaccine myocarditis rate) which would probably sink both an EUA and licensure in children.

Meissner didn't stop. "Shouldn't this risk be included in the Informed Consent?" he asked. Shimabukuru said his slides had the info (but the info would not pass his lips). He then asserted that CDC is committed to transparency and transparency in communication. I think this meant, "Hell no, we are not adding this to any patient information sheet."

14. The VSD database at this point only includes 121 adolescents who received a second dose. Guess that is the excuse why the myocarditis carnage couldn't be identified by FDA and CDC before this meeting. Is that why the meeting was held now, before additional databases with tens of millions of enrollees were added to BEST data in mid June? Because then it would be harder to claim they didn't know about the serious adverse events?

15. It was claimed "the data" only show 1/60,000 doses develops myocarditis. But the Israeli data in young men showed 1/6,000 doses, according to (I think) Dr. Meissner. Dr. Dror Mevorach, who did the study for Israel, says the rate of myocarditis in young men is 5-25 times the baseline rate. Some say the rate is 1/2,500.

16. Dr. Anderson or Dr. Shimabukuru said "at least 81% of myocarditis cases made a full recovery." But they only have followup on less than half the cases. No one told us how many had died.

17. After presentations on the data requirements for an EUA and licensure in different age groups, which were set to rely on "immunobridging" even though the antibody test used apparently fails to provide a direct extrapolation to immunity, Monto declared, "We're not going to have the time to answer everyone's questions."

18. Kurilla asked whether the vaccines, made from a strain collected 18 months ago that is no longer in circulation, is the right one given current variants. Monto cut that right off, saying "We're not talking about variants, because it's a global issue." Which made no sense, but got the group away from any consideration of variants. This was important, because further discussion would probably reveal the fact that current vaccines have poor efficacy for some variants, and should perhaps be replaced with better targeted vaccines. In fact, wasn't the ability to easily and cheaply switch mRNA midstream to target new variants the rationale to use mRNA vaccines in the first place?

19. Dr. Nelson pointed out that since the trial populations were very small, would FDA correspondingly pay attention to smaller safety signals than usual? By vaccine or by class? I thought it was a great question. [Michael Nelson used to care for anthrax vaccine-injured soldiers at Walter Reed and I have previously been impressed with his clinical work.] Doran Fink played it safe by providing a meaningless response, saying FDA would "follow the data."

20. The meeting is nearly over, and not a single person has mentioned that the spike protein itself might have toxicity.

21. Nor has anyone pointed out that the animal studies (required before FDA gives permission for human studies) were not done. We do not know the pharmacokinetics in a human or animal body of the spike protein, the S1 protein, the mRNA, other proteins that may be produced, and the multiple components of the lipid nanoparticle. Pfizer injected 2 of the 4 lipids into rodents and called it good. Furthermore, I have seen no evidence regarding the duration during which the spike protein is produced, and what happens to cells that produce it. A study out of Harvard showed it can be produced for at least two weeks.

22. No one mentions what might be causing menstrual abnormalities. No one has discussed blood clots outside the very limited perspective of adult women age 30-50.

23. Amanda Cohn, MD from CDC is a member of VRBPAC. She was one of three CDC physicians who lied to Congressman Tom Massie regarding CDC's recommendation to vaccinate people who have recovered from the disease. Another person who lied was deputy director Schuchat, who has since been fired by Director Walensky. Of course, Walensky has recently been lying about the number of teens hospitalized due to Covid. Hard to find an honest doc at CDC it seems. Walensky promised she would always tell us the truth in a prominent NY Times Opinion piece in January. Sad.

Thinking about the dishonest CDC physicians and committee member conflicts of interest, I forgot to mention that Dr. Melinda Wharton is also a temporary member of today's committee. She is probably the top person at CDC whose job is to coverup vaccine safety problems. For example, here is a 2004 Congressional testimony she gave, in which she cites the "Denmark data" CDC cooked up with a Denmark contractor. Their collusion is described in a book by James Grundvig. The "Denmark data" was faked by Poul Thorsen in order to claim that thimerosal in vaccines was not dangerous. Psychiatrist Thorsen, who is now a fugitive wanted by DHHS, has been accused of multiple crimes, including forgery, stealing $900,000 from CDC and stealing from his university in Denmark. Naturally, DHHS forgot to add his scientific misconduct. Yet CDC still cites his "study" as the basis for denying thimerosal injuries. UPDATE: Actually, I just looked this up again; I had made this claim in a 2019 testimony and checked the link then, when CDC was still citing Thorsen. Today I see CDC has removed the Thorsen-named publications from this graphic. But they include the tainted Danish research. And include this paper about it, whose last author is Thorsen's then-lover and CDC employee, Diane Simpson.

24. Phyllis Arthur, from the industry association BIO, was given 10 minutes to provide the "industry perspective." Why was she there? Why was Merck there? She made the disease in kids out to be pretty bad. She claimed kids were needed for herd immunity, which was disputed in the WaPO and relies on the. claim that children readily spread Covid, which is at least debatable. Finally, she wanted to know whether FDA would help industry market Covid vaccines to the world, or in her words, "assure global alignment for pediatric Covid vaccine programs."

25. Peter Doshi provided a public comment which was, as usual, astute. I especially liked his reminder that a median 2 months of follow-up being used to issue an EUA was not likely to detect long-term adverse effects of vaccination. It took 9 months to identify narcolepsy as a side effect of Pandemrix vaccine, and 4 months for Israel to identify myocarditis as a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine. Finally, he pointed out that if FDA does not have a high bar for EUAs/licenses, the point of regulation is lost.

26. Several members asked about studies testing different doses, or a single shot in children, but not a single presenter from CDC or FDA would talk about lower doses. Very curious. Surely the FDA does not plan to give children, who respond with higher antibody levels to the vaccines, adult doses, despite their smaller size and weight than adults. Why did FDA refuse to discuss this?

27. Gans asked, is anyone looking at risk factors for myocarditis (or other adverse events)? CDC's Shimabukuru stuttered and blathered. FDA's Anderson pointed out that he has not identified a signal yet. (In other words, how could he be expected to look into risk factors for side effects when his fabulous surveillance systems have not found any side effects yet!). Then he backed up just a bit, adding, "but your question is a valid one." Yup, it may be valid, but the FDA isn't going near it.

28. Dr. Offit pointed out that we vaccinate for polio, but we have not had a case of polio in the US since the 1970s, so why not keep vaccinating for Covid even after it's gone? Offit is wrong about polio. We had only vaccine-induced polio cases between 1979 and 1999, at which point oral polio vaccines were taken off the market and replaced with safer, but less effective killed polio vaccines.

29. FDA's Doran Fink pushed back against longer-term followup of trial subjects, and larger trials. Instead, he claimed, what we need is post-marketing surveillance.

30. The statistician Dodd, a new member, pointed out that it was meaningless to talk about how large the pedi trials whould be when you cannot make that calculation until you know what you are trying to look for. I imagine the docs who had been throwing out numbers felt sheepish, since she is of course correct. That ended discussion of trial size.

31. Things ended quickly after that, since FDA/Dr. Monto had determined the meeting would cease at 3:30. A few intelligent comments were made, ignored, then Peter Marks, head of FDA's Center for Biologics hopped on to emphasize how terrible the disease was in children. He lied about the death rate, choosing to use the invalid statistic (which even CDC disputes) of only those who had a valid positive test, which is a bit more than 1 million Covid cases in the 11-17 age range. (However, CDC estimates that over 1/3 of the country has had Covid. Extrapolating that to the 11-17 age group yields over 9 million cases in that age group.) By choosing a false metric, Dr. Marks' mendacity enabled him to claim the death rate was very high in teenagers, which is simply not true.

Here are the real CDC numbers. Between Jan 1 and March 31, 2021, 204 children aged 12 through 17 were hospitalized for Covid. One hundred forty-four of them had pre-existing conditions. None died. Their average length of stay was 2.4 days.

So, of 24 million children in that age group, 60 healthy children had brief hospitalizations for Covid and no deaths during our highest Covid incidence period.

Now here are the total number of US Covid hospitalizations on the dates January 1, March 31 and June 9, 2021. These come from the NY Times.

Jan 1, 2021 130,000

March 31, 2021 43,000

June 9, 2021 20,000

What this tells you is that during the highest months of Covid cases and hospitalizations (which is the time period CDC chose for its analysis), only 20 otherwise healthy children needed a brief hospitalization for Covid per month, in the entire country. There was not a single death. And now we are at roughly a quarter of those rates. Another way of looking at this is that during those entire 3 months, every US state and territory had about one--ONE--healthy kid require hospitalization for a couple of days for Covid. That should cast Peters Marks' and Rochelle Walensky's claims of dire Covid risk for teenagers in the fairy tale category. And it should make clear that Walensky and Marks are the wicked witch and wicked wizard, who would willingly injure children for a few pieces of silver and a government job on their resumes.

For this minuscule risk the US government wants all our children vaccinated, despite heart inflammation that seems to occur at 5-25 times the expected rate after mRNA vaccinations, and may well leave your child with permanent heart damage. Why is there a complete lack of information on the longterm side effects that may ensue? Because FDA regulators didn't ask the manufacturers to look.

This is not medicine, this is medical fascism.

32. Five months ago, at the December 10 meeting of the VRBPAC, we were given an estimate of total US Covid cases at the time, which was over 50 million. Or about 3 or 4 times the rate of positive tests and diagnoses then.

However, today there were no estimates given by the presenters. The number of cumulative US Covid cases, according to today's federally employed physicians, had dropped from over 50 to around 33 million cases. I guess they think it is a better number to help push vaccinations, rather than admitting that perhaps 3 or 4 times that many are already immune. This went on while the CDC website on June 11 estimates there have been 114.6 million US cases of Covid.

Now, what was the purpose of today's meeting? I suspect it was to get a few "experts" from outside the FDA on record as being in favor of quick licensure. Here is my prediction, for which I have no inside info: FDA will license the Covid vaccines for children and adults on the same day in early August, in order to cover everyone's mandates for colleges and schools. Unless there is an uproar regarding side effects, the vaccines are likely to be placed on the childhood schedule, which is required in order for the manufacturer to skirt liability for injuries once the vaccines are out of EUA status.

Today, the third member of a sister FDA drug advisory committee quit. It turns out that every member of that committee had voted against approving a $50,000/year drug for Alzheimer's, and then the FDA went ahead and licensed it anyway. One of those who quit called the advisory committee process a "sham process."

Aaron Kesselheim, a well known Harvard professor of drug regulation, was the third to publicly leave the committee. As the WSJ reported,

“Th[e] pivotal question was not discussed at the advisory committee meeting, and its premise was specifically excluded from discussion,” he wrote in his letter of resignation to FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock.

Calling the agency’s decision a “debacle,” Dr. Kesselheim said the move “will undermine the care of these patients, public trust in the FDA, the pursuit of useful therapeutic innovation and the affordability of the healthcare system.”

The iron hands of controllers Janet Woodcock and Marion Gruber have to go. FDA's brazen disregard of the truth, the data and the science may soon have Americans asking why we spend $3.2 billion a year to fund FDA.

This meeting brought some prescient lyrics to mind. Poor Doran Fink, FDA's chief vaccine flunky. He's got an MD and a PhD and his dishonorable vocation is to keep a lid on the truth. Same goes for Peter Marks. Poor Drs. Shimabukuru and Steve Anderson. How much are they paid for their malfeasance? Have they no shame?

Twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift...

Johnny's in the basement

Mixing up the medicine

I'm on the pavement

Thinking about the government...

You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Nope. All you need are a few hours at an FDA meeting.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 1:35 PM 0 comments
I don't know what this means but "New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA" is worth looking into/ ... ences.html

We already knew that under certain conditions (including infection with HIV, which contains a reverse transcriptase) cells could "write" RNA into DNA. But I didn't think it happened that often.

However, according to this paper, a DNA polymerase that is normally present in mammalian cells has this ability too.

If so, it could really put a dent into the injection of mRNA into humans. Stay tuned.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:05 AM 1 comments
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:00 am

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Nature and NYT say Covid mRNA vaccine boosters are not necessary, despite the CDC push to start them in the absence of supportive data
Last week, live-blogging the ACIP meeting, I learned to my dismay that CDC wanted its advisory committee to sign off on frequent Covid vaccine booster doses--in the absence of supportive data! Perhaps the CDC was anxious to avoid data because the data suggest that boosters are unnecessary? Here are excerpts from a June 28 NYT article describing a study just publiched in Nature:

The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna set off a persistent immune reaction in the body that may protect against the coronavirus for years, scientists reported on Monday.

The findings add to growing evidence that most people immunized with the mRNA vaccines may not need boosters, so long as the virus and its variants do not evolve much beyond their current forms — which is not guaranteed. People who recovered from Covid-19 before being vaccinated may not need boosters even if the virus does make a significant transformation...

The results suggest that a vast majority of vaccinated people will be protected over the long term — at least, against the existing coronavirus variants. But older adults, people with weak immune systems and those who take drugs that suppress immunity may need boosters; people who survived Covid-19 and were later immunized may never need them at all.

Exactly how long the protection from mRNA vaccines will last is hard to predict. In the absence of variants that sidestep immunity, in theory immunity could last a lifetime, experts said. But the virus is clearly evolving.

“Anything that would actually require a booster would be variant-based, not based on waning of immunity,” Dr. Bhattacharya said. “I just don’t see that happening.”

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:41 AM 1 comments
Boris Johnson wanted to reduce the global population ... n-control/

... It is time we had a grown-up discussion about the optimum quantity of human beings in this country and on this planet. Do we want the south-east of Britain, already the most densely populated major country in Europe, to resemble a giant suburbia?

* Actually, in Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands have greater population density than the UK--Nass

This is not, repeat not, an argument about immigration per se, since in a sense it does not matter where people come from, and with their skill and their industry, immigrants add hugely to the economy.

This is a straightforward question of population, and the eventual size of the human race.

All the evidence shows that we can help reduce population growth, and world poverty, by promoting literacy and female emancipation and access to birth control. Isn’t it time politicians stopped being so timid, and started talking about the real number one issue?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
The law on Emergency Use Authorized (EUA = experimental, investigational) products
* I wrote the following on March 29, 2021. It is important for those fighting vaccine mandates under EUA to understand the legal background for EUAs.

1. Are Americans who receive vaccines under EUA experimental subjects?

· Definitely yes. An EUA product is not a law unto itself. According to 21CFR Subchapter D Part 312: "an experiment is any use of a drug except for the use of a marketed drug in the course of medical practice.

EUA products are still considered investigational," FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn told USA Today.

· Medicines and vaccines are either licensed products or experimental products. There is no gray area between them in US law. Whether or not research is explicitly conducted, the use of experimental products (including those issued under an Emergency Use Authorization) falls under the Nuremberg Code and under US law regulating experimental drugs.

· Vaccines are drugs under FDA law: "[V]accines are a unique class of pharmaceutical products that meet the statutory definition of both a drug and biological product," according to Marion Gruber, the current Director of FDA's Office of Vaccines Research and Review.

2. US regulations (45 CFR 46 Subpart A) for the use of experimental products require:

informed consent, in which there must be full disclosure of risks and benefits of the product and the absence of coercion, and
approval by an Institutional Review Board.
· Neither of these requirements have been met for Covid-19 vaccines supplied to Americans by the US government, even for civilians. This suggests that the federal government may be trying to carve out a gray area in which the laws governing investigational products do not apply.

3. While the Nuremberg Code is not officially part of the US Code, it is important to remember that it was formulated by American judges at the Nazi Doctors Trial. It has subsequently been interpreted to have the force of law by US judges. According to the New England Journal of Medicine:

"[Nuremberg's] basic requirement of informed consent, for example, has been universally accepted and is articulated in international law in Article 7 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).6,22 Informed consent, with specific reliance on the Nuremberg Code, is also the basis of the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, the most recent guidelines promulgated by the World Health Organization and the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (1993).23 ...Both the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki served as models for the current U.S. federal research regulations."

4. What information do we have regarding the safety, efficacy, necessity and manufacturing fidelity of the 3 Covid-19 vaccines currently authorized under EUAs and those expected to be authorized?

· Safety: 2,216 deaths have been reported to a passive reporting system, VAERS, as of March 22. CDC says it does not have a method for tracking deaths following vaccination, since most of its safety surveillance relies on vaccines administered within the healthcare system. According to MSN, "The struggle to find a way to complete the key vaccination mortality study highlights a growing frustration among officials working on the pandemic response that the federal government is still falling short in collecting, analyzing, and reporting of COVID-19 data."

· Yet CDC has assured the public that not a single death has been shown to be due to a vaccination. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal in the LA Times, "we still don't have a uniform national digital database that can track who is getting the vaccine." The bottom line is that we don't have the safety data we need, after over 100 million doses of unlicensed vaccines have been administered.

· Meanwhile, the Astra-Zeneca vaccine has been found to cause serious, rare blood clots, especially in the brain, in perhaps one in 25,000 young recipients.

· Data adequacy: The Emergency Use Authorizations for the Covid-19 vaccines were issued with only a median of 2 months of data. Only two months. While the trials were originally expected to continue for 2 years, when vaccine became publicly available, the vaccine manufacturers offered vaccine to the subjects in their trials who had received placebos. Thus, the anticipated datasets from the clinical trials, in which placebo recipients would be compared to vaccine recipients in terms of long-term side effects and infection rates for 2 years, will be greatly abbreviated.

· According to Brownlee and Lenzer, "A decision [was] made back in December by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The agency allowed manufacturers to effectively stop their clinical trials as soon as they were authorized to market their vaccines. While the early results from the clinical trials look incredibly promising, we don’t actually know with any precision just how effective and safe they really are – and we probably never will."

· Efficacy: We still do not know to what extent the vaccines are efficacious and to what extent they prevent transmission, both to current strains of Covid-19 and to newer variants.

· Necessity: On November 4, 2020, Stars and Stripes revealed that only one active duty servicemember had died as a result of Covid-19. So had 8 reservists. There were 59,000 Covid-19 cases documented in the military at that time. In general, soldiers are young and healthy and unlikely to suffer severe illness or death.

· Manufacturing fidelity: The FDA is not required to inspect manufacturers of EUA products, as it is for licensed products. Whether Good Manufacturing Practices are met is uncertain. Emergent BioSolutions, which is the subcontractor for the production of the Johnson and Johnson, Astra-Zeneca and Novavax Covid-19 vaccines for the US market, continues to face delays receiving authorization from FDA for its J and J vaccine. This is the company that produces all US anthrax vaccine. Furthermore, the DHHS Secretary has the authority to waive Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements for EUA products, and GMP waivers have been issued for other Covid-19 EUA products.

5. What has the President said previously about Covid-19 vaccine mandates?

· President Biden told reporters in December that he would not make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory.

6. What benefits might be available for anyone who is injured as a result of a Covid-19 vaccination?

· Under PREPA, Covid vaccines have been designated as "covered countermeasures" by the DHHS Secretary, granting their manufacturers, distributors, healthcare workers and program planners a virtually complete waiver of liability. The single avenue to obtain benefits is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, an administrative program of the DHHS. While benefits are potentially available only for lost wages and medical care, less than 10% of the injured who have applied to the program since it began 11 years ago have received any funds. There is no court or special master; there is a one-year statute of limitations; and one must be able to prove that one's injury was caused by the vaccine. The maximum benefit is about $370,000. The average benefit paid has been about $200,000. It is funded by Congressional appropriation.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:52 PM 0 comments
CDC bribes medical organizations to back vaccinations for kids despite heart inflammation, lies about the stats
1. CDC Director Walensky uses extremely flawed, inaccurate "statistics" to claim benefit far outweighs risk of myocarditis in children.

2. CDC Director then claims she has "cosigners" from many other medical organizations that agree with the vaccinations. The "cosigners" include the American Hospital Association. What did they sign?

My guess is that CDC postponed its ACIP meeting on myocarditis for 5 days in order to write the following document and get medical organizations to "sign on" to cover CDC's derriere on this horrible recommendation: ... accination

3. Here is the 1.5 minute clip of Director Walensky's interview on Good Morning America with the bogus stats: ... 4683569157

3. How does CDC get all these medical organizations to "sign on"? By bribing them, of course. Here is one example of how the American Hospital Association was bribed by CDC to push Covid vaccines: ... confidence

WASHINGTON (February 24, 2021) – The American Hospital Association (AHA) announced today that it has received two grant awards totaling $6 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to advance public health and infectious disease prevention initiatives.

The first grant for $2 million builds on the #MyWhy Campaign, vaccine toolkits and other efforts to encourage Americans to take advantage of opportunities to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. The work aligns with the CDC’s National Strategy to Reinforce Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccine and has three key objectives:

Build Trust: Share clear, complete and accurate messages about COVID-19 vaccines and take visible actions to build trust in the vaccine, vaccinator and the system in coordination with federal, state and local agencies and partners.
Empower Healthcare Personnel: Promote confidence among healthcare personnel in their decision to get vaccinated and to recommend vaccination to their patients.
Engage Communities and Individuals: Engage communities in a sustainable, equitable and inclusive way, using two-way communication to listen, build trust and increase collaboration.
A second grant for $4 million will support collaboration between the AHA, CDC and community colleges through Project Firstline, CDC’s national training collaborative for infection prevention and control. Community colleges play a critical role in the health care workforce pipeline, training more than half of all new nurses and other health workers nationally. Through this initiative, current and future generations can start their careers with a more solid understanding of infection control. The initiative will also promote connections between hospitals, learning institutions and other parts of the health care system.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Here is a proper case definition for myo and pericarditis, from CDC in 2003. In 2021 CDC created more restrictive definitions to reduce the rate and make it appear the vaccine is safer than it is ... ro-508.pdf

Go to slide 23 for the current 2021 CDC myo/pericarditis case definition

Below is a better, more inclusive case definition used by CDC in 2003. What is CDC's justification for changing it? ... a2.htm#box
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:11 pm ... ng-rights/

Washington Post Column: AG Merrick Garland Wants Congress to Do Something About Voting Rights ... B-by-saiom

Merrick Garland, Coconspirator In Coverup Of Oklahoma City Fedl Bldg Bombing ... ue-murder/

Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder: The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own
By William Norman Grigg
Pro Libertate Blog
August 3, 2016 ... s-n1276193

Why the FBI's investigation into election leaks matters
Before the political world moves on entirely, it's worth noting the takeaways from the investigation into FBI leaks in the 2016 election.

'Highly Exploitable Vulnerabilities' Found in GA's New, Unverifiable Touchscreen Vote Systems: 'BradCast' 8/5/2021
Also: GA SoS hid study finding voters don't check computer-marked ballots; CO Trump lawyers sanctioned; Abbott calls second 'suppression session' for TX legislature; Ossoff files 'Right to Vote' bill in U.S. Senate...
By BRAD FRIEDMAN on 8/5/2021, 7:04pm PT

Why won't the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate electronic vote fraud? Is it because the DOJ and FBI have long been involved in it, themselves? 
“If you did it right, no one would ever know,” said Craig C. Donsanto, head of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Election Crimes Branch, Public Integrity Section (from 1970-2010) in a July 4,1989 Los Angeles Times article about electronic voting machines and vote fraud. ... 24-68.html

OpEdNews Op Eds 1/23/2017 at 8:00 PM EST    H3'ed 1/23/17
An Open Letter To President Donald Trump: Support Paper Ballots and Hand Counts at Local Polling Precinct ... a-florida/

Smith County affidavit: FBI agent exposed himself to juveniles in Texas, Louisiana, Florida ... ason.html/

The FBI Closely Monitored Marilyn Monroe for This Surprising Reason
* August 6, 2021 ... ln-monroe/

FBI tried to fact check Norman Mailer’s factoids about their role in Marilyn Monroe’s death ... 1%20of%202


JFK files: FBI warns Robert Kennedy about book alleging affair with Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe CIA Memo ... kilgallen/

Collateral Damage: The Mysterious Deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen

Washington Post Column: AG Merrick Garland Wants Congress to Do Something About Voting Rights ... t-charges/

August 5 2021
Cumberland County corrections officer pleads not guilty to assault charges
Vinal Thompson, 40, is accused of repeatedly punching an inmate last year, an incident that was captured on video. ... les-abuse/

Fauci’s institute funded ‘deadly & unnecessary’ experiments on DOGS, animal research watchdog says ... es-movies/

Pentagon documents reveal how the DOD bullies movie and TV producers into forcing them to accept their ‘assistance’ ... res-putin/

Putin says effects of global climate change disproportionately hitting Russia, as country battered by floods & raging wildfires
5 Aug, 2021 17:54


Friday, August 6, 2021
Covid Medical insanity, as described by an MD

 August 6, 2021 (I don't have a URL for this accurate and succinct article.
Covid Medical insanity, as described by an MD
By Matt Bettag, MD

When did the world become insane?  What is the reason for it?  Big Brother? Depopulation? Or people in love with control? 
I don't know and it's driving me nuts. But I've decided I'm tired of complaining about it to my friends and family and I'm willing to put my name on the line.  If the woke culture wants to ruin me for speaking the truth, I guess I might as well just get it over with now.

I have been a physician for 24 years, a practicing ENT for 19 years.  I have never before seen the medical establishment just stop thinking.  Insanity is the new rule, and common sense cannot even be discussed.
From the beginning, 15 days to “flatten the curve,” I was shocked.  We had never done this before, but perhaps this virus was really bad, so I gave the government the benefit of the doubt.  
Then came Fauci.  
He initially said social distancing didn't work, and masks were largely ineffective.  
But by late March, he pronounced both masking and social distancing necessary. flag.  
What?  So now I am alarmed.  

I started researching the utility of masks.  There were very good articles I found — one out of a respiratory center in Chicago, ... pdated.pdf


9/11 families tell Biden to avoid memorials on anniversary unless Saudi Arabia documents are released ... 1030702306

Wall Street Crime And Punishment: Jordan Belfort, The Boiler Room Wolf
Phil Hall, Benzinga
Aug. 6, 2021, 01:40 PM ... ealer.html

Cop sentenced to prison for accepting $15K bribe from drug dealer ... cy-pelosi/

The House speaker’s change of heart came after Steven and Mary Swig circulated a memo against cancellation via executive order.
Ken Klippenstein, Ryan Grim

August 5 2021, 4:28 ... ntentQuery

A Black Army vet toured a house in Michigan with his real estate agent and teen. Police surrounded the home and handcuffed them
By Jonathan Edwards The Washington Post,Updated August 6, 2021, 8:21 a.m. ... 96733.html

‘I can’t breathe’: Why is Independence cop who punched man in crisis still employed?
UPDATED AUGUST 06, 2021 12:4

Read more here: ... ylink=cpyb ... mans-head/


S.C. cop charged after video shows him stomping on unarmed black man’s head
By Emily Crane
August 6, 2021 ... story.html

Spike in ‘forged instrument’ arrests raises fear NYPD targeting minorities

AUG 06, 2021 AT 7:23 PM

http://www.policereformorganizingprojec ... p-reports/

PROP Reports
Want to learn more about unfair and unjust NYPD policies and practices? ... story.html

Police, Phone Company Implicated : Alleged Wiretap Scheme Investigated in Cincinnati ... trial.html

2 Ex-Phone Workers Guilty in Ohio Wiretap Trial

==Phrack Inc.==

Volume Three, Issue 26, File 7 of 11

<> <>
<> <>
<> Telecom's Underground Industry ... l-edmonds/

Mouradian: Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds ... s-soldiers

Anti-war GIs: Two books unveil the anti-Vietnam War movement among US soldiers
Books & music History Barry Healy 1250 United States Vietnam Vietnam War Scott Camil January ... Vet’s anti-war odyssey By Eve Gilbert (telling the story of Scott Camil) Fantagraphics Books, 2019, 96 ... In Winter Warrior, Scott Camil vividly recalls the racism that was indoctrinated into recruits.  ... ... s-has.html

Friday, August 6, 2021
How many Covid-19 vaccine injuries has the federal government compensated?

 Twelve thousand deaths have been reported to VAERS, along with hundreds of thousands of injuries.
There is only one way to get compensated for an injury, since the manufacturers have had their liability waived.  That way is by filing with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.  There is a one year statute of limitations after a vaccination, so you need to hurry once your injury is believed to be due to a Covid vaccine.
How many people have been compensated?  Zero
"As of August 2, 2021, the CICP has not compensated any COVID-19 countermeasures claims."
1700 total claims are pending.  686 claims have been filed for Covid vaccine injuries.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 8:23 PM 0 comments

Godfather Fauci says, "Give me that and I'd be really happy" after just describing the characteristics of ivermectin! If he can kill a few hundred thousand without blinking an eye, what else can you call him?
Fauci is asked about his ideal drug for Covid.  And he lists these characteristics as his "Optimal Profile:"

* a pill that block a viral function
* oral, not injected
* minimal drug-drug interactions
* use for 7--10 days
* low toxicity

He points out you should 
"take it early in the disease" and
"if you can keep that virus from going down into the lungs and to other organ systems, you can change that disease to a common cold type approach.  We only need to knock out that virus for 7-10 days."
Folks, the ship is turning.  Sad to say, too many died waiting.  And Fauci the money man is not going to shill for a drug his agency can't patent.  He'll instead extract more taxpayer money in a vain attempt to find this perfect drug--which a pharmacist just refused to dispense to a patient of mine, no doubt in part due to Fauci's criminal machinations.
But what will happen is that the concept of early treatment--not waiting it out--will enter the public consciousness.  And some people will realize there is already a drug out there that can be used early.
While now Israel is saying 85-90% of those hospitalized with Covid (in a huge wave) were vaccinated.  And 95% of those with severe disease are vaccinated.  Israeli TV yesterday: ... 1503028228 ... p-fishery/

Warm waters further threaten depleted Maine shrimp fishery ... -cover-up/


Did the FBI Bury Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence?
One lawyer’s relentless quest for information reveals fresh hints of a coverup. ... urrection/

Husband-wife Seattle police officers fired for being at Capitol insurrection
The married couple joins a growing number of off-duty police officers facing repercussions for attending the riot. ... b-lawsuit/

Lawsuit filed against US State Dept for allegedly concealing info on ‘abusive’ anal-swab testing of American diplomats in China
7 Aug, 2021 11:18
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:51 pm ... NewsSearch

'You can't surveil our souls': Sadie Barnette reclaims her dad's story from the FBI

Barnette’s new exhibition, “Legacy & Legend,” which jumps between the Benton Museum of Art at Pomona College and Pitzer College Art Galleries, centers on the life of her father, Rodney — specifically, how he was terrorized, surveilled, intimidated and nearly killed by the FBI and Cointelpro because of his activism with the Black Panthers, Angela Davis and other organizations. In a series of large, 60-by-48-inch drawings that re-create a dossier compiled by the FBI — a sprawling, 500-page document filled with obvious untruth ... s-but.html

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
WaPo acknowledges while obscuring CDC's "data problems". This was a race to vaccinate everyone before they found out the vaccine didn't work anymore. That is why CDC fudged its count of breakthrough cases.

As I have pointed out before, federal employees at CDC and elsewhere are not academics whose career rises and falls on their publications.  They are civil servants whose job is to protect the public health, not game the data. Let's look at some excerpts: ... a-variant/ ... 1847500747

Secret FBI Watchlist Leaks Online, and Boy Do the Feds Think a Lot of People Are Terrorists
The watchlist, which included 1.9 million records, was left exposed online for three weeks, according to the researcher who found it.
ByShoshana Wodinsky ... branch/tsc

Terrorist Screening Center ... ld-peters/

FBI investigating alleged Mesa County election equipment breach
Agents trying to determine whether federal crime committed; secretary of state to appoint temporary overseer for November election ... 15079.html

From drug smuggler to weapons dealer: My life as an undercover FBI agent
Chiara Norbitz
Mon, August 16, 2021, 10:10 AM EDT·6 min read

Through never-before-seen footage and in-depth interviews, "The FBI Declassified" takes you inside the minds of federal agents and analysts as they reveal how they solved some of the biggest cases of their careers. Watch Wednesday, August 18 at 10/9c on CBS.
When ... 00097.html

Defense attorneys want to look into FBI's conduct in council case
Allison Dunn, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio
Mon, August 16, 2021, 11:03 PM ... in-chicago

Counterfeit DEA and FBI badges from China seized in Chicago ... bc43e.html

Louisville FBI recruiting more women and minorities, no law enforcement experience required
Sara Sidery Aug 16, 2021 Updated 18 hrs ago Comments ... -sullivan/

White House admits ‘FAIR AMOUNT’ of US weapons fell into Taliban hands
17 Aug, 2021 20:03 ... on-system/

Second inmate imprisoned for 1980s murder dies, a week after his accomplice ... aed98edd8f

Why The South China Sea Has More Oil Than You Think ... t-how.html

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Dr. Mercola wrote on Aug 7 about how case numbers are juiced by adding in people who happen to test positive while hospitalized for something else

Dr. Mercola is now deleting his content after 48 hrs, so I will post full text versions, without URLs, when I run his articles.
* The Telegraph secured access to leaked data from an NHS daily situation report showing only 44% of patients classified as COVID had a positive COVID test on admission
* Many British experts were appalled at the revelation, saying that what is currently published could lead people to make "false conclusions." They said the information is "inevitably misleading and gives a false picture"
* Clear data have also been difficult to find in the U.S., as demonstrated by a reevaluation of death toll numbers in two California counties, which lowered the count by at least 22%
* Additionally, there are signs the CO ... old-woman/

Rockland Maine police officer accused of ‘manhandling’ 81-year-old woman ... lks-505671

Are Lawmakers Being Blackmailed By FBI?

Lawmakers scrap qualified immunity deal in police reform talks
The doctrine shielding most police officers from civil liability has been one of the main sticking points in negotiations. ... ckmailing/

* By Sam Smith,
* July 23, 2014 

There is a long history of elected officials being spied on by US intelligence and there are indications it is going on today
David Sirota – When I asked U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) if the NSA was keeping files on his colleagues, he recounted a meeting between NSA officials and lawmakers in the lead-up to a closely contested House vote to better regulate the agency:

“One of my colleagues asked the NSA point blank will you give me a copy of my own record and the NSA said no, we won’t. They didn’t say no we don’t have one. They said no we won’t. So that’s possible.”
Grayson is right: presumably, if the NSA wasn’t tracking lawmakers ... stigation/

Deep State and the FBI – Federal Blackmail Investigation

Finian Cunningham

February 20, 2018

It’s hilariously naive how mainstream American news media feign an air of disdain concerning accusations of impropriety by the Federal Bureau of Investigation during the last presidential elections.
Allegations that senior ranks of the FBI were involved in “dirty tricks” to fix the 2016 presidential vote in favor of Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton – potentially highly criminal conduct – are treated as if such allegations are scurrilous distractions thrown up by the Trump White House or Republican supporters.
When President Donald Trump has alluded to FBI collusion with the previous Obama Democrat administration to destroy his election campaign, or when Republican congressmen released a secret memo earlier this month also suggesting Deep State dirty tricks, there were gasps of disdain among major news media. Outlets like the New York Times and CNN affected a sanctimonious air that such allegations were contemptible slurs against the honor of the Feds – the nation’s top law-enforcement agency.
“Don’t dare impugn the reputation of our law officers,” is the attitude. Former FBI director James Comey – who was fired by Trump – is held up as a paragon of civic duty and squeaky-clean conduct. So too is Robert Mueller, a previous FBI chief who is carrying out a probe ... blackmail/

Ultimate Control: Politicians, Pedophilia & Blackmail ... ret_police

John Whitehead's Commentary
The FBI: America’s Secret Police
By John W. Whitehead

We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.—President Harry S. Truman
Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Intimidation tactics. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment schemes.
These are the hallmarks of every authoritarian regime from the Roman ... t_b_269787

‘Gagged’ FBI Whistleblower Details Congressional Blackmail, Bribery, Espionage, Corruption in Remarkable Videotaped Deposition ... these.html

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Would you buy a used car from these esteemed public health experts?

 1.  President-elect Joe Biden says Americans won't be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available in the US.  Dec 5, 2020. 

2.  Vaccine Mandates Are Lawful, Effective and Based on Rock-Solid Science August 5, 2021.
Clear legal pathways exist to move the U.S. closer to herd immunity 
Lawrence O Gostin (who CDC hired to draft the MEHPA (Model Emergency Health Powers Act) 20 years ago, upon which most of the emergency regs now in effect are based, gets to opine on his unconstitutional bill's provisions now.
"The federal government, however, has limited power to mandate vaccines. It can only require them to prevent transmission of a dangerous infectious disease across state lines or international borders. The federal government has never sought to require nationwide vaccinations, and the courts probably would not allow it. To date, all state government mandates have been for fully approved vaccines. Thus, it is likely cities and states would wait to mandate COVID-19 vaccines until they are fully licensed. But when governments act as employers, they would be in a similar legal position as businesses. Thus, federal and state worker COVID-19 vaccine mandates are fully lawful even under an EUA…"
It must be a big ego boost to write totalitarian laws, and then announce to world how they must be followed.  Some people get a real kick having power over others.  Attorney LOG seems like one of them. 
3.  CDC Director "What our vaccines can't do any more is prevent transmission”
So, you won't have to take the Covid vaccines...that is, until they are manufactured.  They we will try to slowly pick off all members of society, using gifts, lotteries, cajoling, coercion, loss of livelihood, jail... The vaccines don't work well, so you will have to keep taking more.  Meanwhile, the government will continue its devil-may-care "regulation" of the products. Andrew we know the vaccines don't prevent spread, which is all the more reason to get them, to show fealty to the system by accepting a vaccine likely to do more harm than good. ... ay-in.html

I wrote this for a rally on Saturday in Portland, Maine, which I had to miss

To Healthcare Workers who have been told by the state health department to get a Covid-19 vaccine or lose their ability to work:
1.  The Emergency Use Authorization law, issued to allow unlicensed Covid vaccines to be given, includes 2 important requirements:  
a) the right to refuse and 
b) that there be no alternative, available and approved product. 
Both of these requirements are being ignored. In order to ignore them, illegal actions on the part of multiple federal and state agencies suppressed the use of the chloroquine drugs (first), and later ivermectin too.  Crimes were committed by these government agencies to stop us from learning about, and using these life-saving drugs.
According to previous judicial decisions, the FDA has infinite “discretion”—which means it can do anything it wants, evide ... st-1618932

The FBI's Radical Fundamentalist Unit Ignored This Radical Fundamentalist
BY WILLIAM M. ARKIN ON 8/18/21 AT 5:00 AM EDT ... 00347.html

FBI agent told informant among alleged Whitmer kidnapping plotters to lie, defense attorney says
Jeremy Beaman
Tue, August 17, 2021, 8:50 PM·2

If You Build It, They Will Come: Apple Has Opened the Backdoor to Increased Surveillance and Censorship Around the World
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:31 am ... -research/

U.S.-funded experiment in China posed biosafety risks but did not cause Covid-19 pandemic, scientists say.
Sharon Lerner, Mara Hvistendahl, Maia Hibbett

September 9 2021, 9:03 ... story.html

NYPD in standoff with police union over coronavirus testing and vaccinations

SEP 09, 2021 AT 5:05 PM ... -1.2781829

Remembering the Attica Prison riots
SEP 08, 2021 ... n-jenkins/

Racist comments from Auburn city councilor tarnish agreement to name footbridge after John Jenkins
Leroy Walker said that alleged looting by "dark-colored people" in the South reflects badly on John Jenkins, former mayor of both Lewiston and Auburn who died last year. ... b79e814a17

POLITICS 09/09/2021 04:24 pm ET
FBI Seizes Phone Of Oath Keepers Lawyer In ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ Investigation
“I have so much information in there - it’s nuts,” Kellye SoRelle told HuffPost about her iPhone.

By Ryan J. Reilly ... tf-pulled/

Biden withdraws Waco liar and gun control advocate David Chipman from ATF nomination
9 Sep, 2021 21:59 ... ing-fauci/

Fauci never lies? CNN, NYT, WaPo & other MSM outlets IGNORE report showing US funded coronavirus research in Wuhan before pandemic
9 Sep, 2021 18:10 ... sm-rising/

Over 90% of Jewish college students claim antisemitism is a problem on campus, 80% say they’ve experienced it – survey
9 Sep, 2021 21:02 ... vacuation/

Nearly 800 forced to evacuate amid massive wildfire around Spanish resort town (VIDEOS)
9 Sep, 2021 18:39 ... ght-board/

Privacy, technology groups urge Biden to revive surveillance oversight board

Justin Doubleday@jdoubledayWFED
September 8, 2021 12:32 pm ... a6b1c8ce2b

States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2021
by Emily Widra and Tiana Herring  

September 2021
Louisiana once again has the highest incarceration rate in the U.S., unseating Oklahoma to return to its long-held position as “the world’s prison capital.” By comparison, states like New York and Massachusetts appear progressive, but even these states lock people up at higher ... rt-sept-15

Senate hearing over FBI's mishandling of Nassar investigation to start Sept. 15

by AUSTIN DENEAN, Sinclair Broadcast GroupThursday, September 9th 2021 ... e-program/

The Oligarch Behind Russia’s Failing Space Program
09/09/21 ... tar-state/

Texas, the One-Star State
09/07/21 ... locked-up/

Sirhan May Go Free — But Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations Remains Locked Up
The discussion of Sirhan Sirhan’s possible release elides important questions about a deeply flawed investigation into the murder of Robert F. Kennedy.

Branding Hoover's FBI
How the Boss's PR Men Sold the Bureau to America

Matthew Cecil ... rebranding ... l-edmonds/

Sibel Edmonds
Home › Portfolio › Sibel Edmonds
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds worked as a translator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington Field Office. Ms. Edmonds’ father is an Iranian Azerbaijani and her mother is Turkish. She lived in Iran and Turkey before coming to the United States as a student in 1988. She is fluent in Turkish Persian, English and Azerbaijani.
Immediately following the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in 2001, she reported serious cover-ups, security breaches, and intentional blocking of intelligence that had national security implications. She was fired from her job in March of 2002.
Represented by Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, Ms. Edmonds pursued a successful Freedom of Information Act Case ... m-the-fbi/

Creating Brand Trust: Brilliant Marketing from the FBI! ... /time.fbi/

How the FBI blew the case
The inside story of the FBI whistle-blower who accuses her bosses of ignoring warnings of 9/11. A reading of her entire memo suggests a bracing blueprint for chang ... ublic.html

Thursday, September 9, 2021
Tidbits from the Brown School of Public Health, via CNN

From Ashish Jha's right hand girl, associate dean of the Brown School of Public Health:

"The Delta variant is clearly more transmissible, but somehow, six months after its identification, we still don't know whether it's inherently more dangerous, particularly for children. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is not consistently tracking the many so-called "breakthrough" infections that don't require hospitalization, so we are left guessing how well the vaccines protect from mild and asymptomatic infection...
No matter who you are or where you are, take a minute to think about the basics of air movement and filtration. Our grandparents used to open the windows to clear out the germs. It's time for us to do the same. When you're in a building, make sure the HVAC is turned on... [Why did it take so long to get this simple advice, which I talked about more than a year ago?--Nass]
If you have political power, advocate for science. To move forward, we need good data and good guidelines. Everyone from the CDC to our local public health departments to our school departments and our hospitals needs to collect and share reliable data with the American public. These facts can help us overcome the uneven guidance, the fictions and the disinformation that so many fell prey to in the past year and still now. Myths spread when truth is unknown."
Yes, we need good data.  The issue is not that it is not collected--it is, mostly--but that it is hidden or massaged before we the taxpayers get to see it.  She forgot to mention that narrative control is the enemy of science.  You cannot have both coexisting.
I suggest that every time you hear "Trust the Science" turn it around and say "Trust the Narrative Control."
And every time someone supports mandates for ... -released/

Many FBI Files on 9/11 Remain Classified. Victims’ Families Want Them Released. ... ort-finds/

Police Officers in Schools Fail to Increase Safety, Report Finds ... ron-good/g

Still-Unanswered Questions About the 9/11 Attacks Featuring Peter Dale Scott, Ben Howard, and Aaron Good
September 6, 2021 ... story.html

Bureaucratic bungling prevented man who died on Rikers Island from paying $1 bail to get out, family says

SEP 10, 2021 AT 8:55 ... hdog-says/

Maine’s youth prison continues to use dangerous tactics, watchdog says

by Callie Ferguson ... -incident/

Maine Attorney general’s office declines to pursue hate crime charges in Presque Isle incident ... -persists/

Bangor Maine jail is functioning without 25 percent of its staff as overcrowding persists ... ince-1990/

Inequality has cost the US nearly $23 trillion since 1990 ... ate-crisis

The quest to find African American graves before they’re lost to climate crisis
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:50 pm ... first.html

Thursday, October 21, 2021
I and many others suggested in the first half of 2020 that it was likely SARS-CoV-2 was created as a chimera of bat viruses and passaged in humanized mice. Seems like we were right

The unusual timing of a bat coronavirus grant report suggests that an earlier version may have been revised.
The annual report described the group’s work from June 2017 to May 2018, which involved creating new viruses using different parts of existing bat coronaviruses and inserting them into humanized mice in a lab in Wuhan, China. The work was overseen by the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is headed by Anthony Fauci.
Neither the NIH nor the EcoHealth Alliance offered an explanation for the date of the report or responded to questions from The Intercept about whether another version of the report had been submitted on time and, if so, in what ways that version may have been altered.
The Intercept is seeking any missing progress reports, among other documents, through ongoing litigation against the NIH.

Leaked Grant Proposal Details High-Risk Coronavirus Research
The agency has been criticized for withholding information that might relate to the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, which is now responsible for more than 4.5 million deaths around the world...

Latest on The Whistleblower Newsroom. Please share widely:

Boyle details who did what in key U.S. government agencies and universities and talks about his grassroots campaign for indicting culprits linked to the criminal development and release of the covid virus, the development of covid vaccines, and forced vaccinations. 

KIndest regards, 
Kristina ... la-frazier

Cop Charged for Crashing Into Uncle of Girl Who Filmed George Floyd’s Death
Corbin Bolies
Breaking News Intern
Published Oct. 22, 2021 2:30PM ET ... 07525.html

Bodycam footage shows a Colorado cop cursing at a teen girl and threatening to make her life 'hell' during a tense traffic stop
Katie Balevic
Sat, October 23, 2021 ... ons-516231

How Do Bad Cops Stay in Power? Just Look at Miami.
“This is my neighborhood and I run this shit the way I want to,” police Capt. Javier Ortiz allegedly told a man who wanted to file an Internal Affairs complaint against him. ... osession=1

Arming the Taliban—But Not Cops?
Lawmakers take aim at a program equipping police with military-surplus gear.
Dorothy Moses Schulz
October 22, 2021 ... e-delivery

Mail to anyone in North Carolina prisons will now be scanned and reprinted before delivery

Published October 23, 2021 at 7:02 AM CDT ... 00824.html

Feds Investigating Retired Kansas Cop Accused of Decades of Malfeasance, Including Preying On Vulnerable Black Women, Framing Son of Woman Who Rejected Him
Nyam Daniel
Fri, October 22, 2021, ... ng-pursuit

Texas Cop Fired Two Days After Killing a Man During Pursuit
Corbin Bolies
Breaking News Intern
Published Oct. 23, 2021 ... 11021.html

Reinstated Philly cop, fired for beating Dunkin’ Donuts worker, charged with a new assault
Reinstated Philly cop, fired for beating Dunkin' Donuts worker, charged with a new assault. Joseph Marion, who was reinstated after his 2015... ... duct-case/

City cop tries to have charges dismissed in misconduct case ... ty-to-dui/

Normal cop pleads guilty to DUI
October 21, 2021 ... iving-hell

Hispanic Cop Notorious for Claiming to Be Black Sued for Making Fellow Officer’s Life ‘Living Hell’

An infamous Miami officer whose career has been tarnished by a slew of misconduct allegations is now facing fire from within.

Andrew Boryga
Justice Reporter

Updated Oct. 20, 2021 6:28PM ET 
Published Oct. 20, 2021 2:50PM ET ... 08372.html

Cop Sues Police Officers and Town Over Alleged Sexual Assault
Alex Cooper ... -concrete/


Why the F.B.I. Loves Mob Podcasts
A slew of true-crime content hosted by former members of the Mafia has attracted a surprising set of devotees: law-enforcement agents, looking for a deeper understanding of some of the biggest cases of their careers.
By Rachel Corbett
October 23, 2021 ... 557219.php

San Jose community officer faces FBI probe, weapons charges
Oct. 23, 2021
Updated: Oct. 23, 2021 11:57 a.m. ... eputation/

ABJ: Nate Paul sues FBI, claiming raid ‘damaged’ World Class Holdings’ reputation ... sparities/

FBI & research expert give their take on missing minorities and disparities ... 513234002/

Tarleton's del Carmen guest instructor at FBI Academy ... periments/

Sick puppies: Fauci under fire from lawmakers after reports of US taxpayer money spent on cruel drug experiments on dogs
23 Oct, 2021 19:32

Release of JFK records delayed again, with Biden citing Covid-19 and national security
23 Oct, 2021 13:31

Wreckwatch Magazine

A Journey Through Mongolia (Full Length Documentary) ... tigations/

Decades of federal investigations looked into Manchin’s inner circle and business associates.
Daniel Boguslaw
October 23 2021, 10:55 a.m. ... ts-israel/

Palestinian Rights Groups That Document Israeli Abuses Labeled “Terrorists” by Israel
Israel designated six leading Palestinian human rights groups “terrorist organizations,” but refused to reveal any evidence to prove the accusation.
Robert Mackey
October 22 2021, 8:14 p.m.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Nov 05, 2021 7:55 pm ... ih-emails/

Emails show that NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own gain-of-function research.
Sharon Lerner, Mara Hvistendahl

November 3 2021 ... er-ortega/

Amber Ortega was arrested for blocking construction on sacred lands in southern Arizona. She now faces trial in Tucson.
Ryan Devereaux
November 3 2021, 12:00 p.m. ... stigation/

The investigation into America’s Frontline Doctors and comes after an Intercept story revealed a right-wing network making millions.
Micah Lee
November 1 2021, ... pared.html

Thursday, November 4, 2021
Childrens Health Defense has prepared an ebook and a 2-pager to help educate on vaccinations

 Ebook: ... lamations/
2 sided flyer on COVID vaccines: ... -FINAL.pdf

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 7:40 PM ... ldren.html

Thursday, November 4, 2021
Paul Elias Alexander on why children should not be vaccinated

Please read the entire article by Paul Elias Alexander, who is furiously compiling the evidence on recovered immunity (over 80 articles) and other important issues.  I am only posting the second half below. ... -immunity/
Here are six studies that make the case for not vaccinating children:
1. A 2020 Yale University report indicates children and adults display very diverse and different immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection which explains why they have far less illness or mortality from COVID. 
According to the study:
“Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists have observed that children infected with the virus tend to fare much better than adults … researchers reported that levels of two immune system molecules — interleukin 17A (IL-17A), which helps mobilize immune system response during early infection, and interferon gamma (INF-g), which combats viral replication — were strongly linked to the age of the patients. The younger the patient, the higher the levels of IL-17A and INF-g, the analysis showed…these two molecules are part of the innate immune system, a more primitive, non-specific type of response activated early after infection.”
2. Studies by Ankit B. Patel and Dr. Supinda Bunyavanich show the virus uses the ACE 2 receptor to gain entry to the host cell, and the ACE 2 receptor has limited (less) expression and presence in the nasal epithelium in young children (potentially in upper respiratory airways).
This partly explains why children are less likely to be infected in the first place, or spread it to other children or adults, or even get severely ill. The biological molecular apparatus is simply not there in the nasopharynx of children. By bypassing this natural protection (limited nasal ACE 2 receptors in young children) and entering the shoulder deltoid, this could release vaccine, its mRNA and LNP content (e.g. PEG), and generated spike into the circulation that could then damage the endothelial lining of the blood vessels (vasculature) and cause severe allergic reactions (e.g., here, here, here, here, here).
3. William Briggs reported on the n=542 children who died (0-17 years (crude rate of 0.00007 per 100 and under 1 year old n=132, CDC data) since January 2020 with a diagnosis of COVID linked to their death. This does not indicate whether, as Johns Hopkins’ Dr. Marty Makary has been clamoring, the death was “causal or incidental.” That said, from January 2020, 1,043 children 0-17 have died of pneumonia. 
Briggs reported:
“There is no good vaccine for pneumonia. But it could be avoided by keeping kids socially distanced from each other — permanently. If one death is “too many,” then you must not allow kids to be within contact of any human being who has a disease that may be passed to them, from which they may acquire pneumonia. They must also not be allowed in any
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:19 pm ... h-100.html

Saturday, November 6, 2021
Kids 5-11 are being bribed with $100 gift cards to be vaccinated, i.e., to be poisoned with spike toxins. Our tax dollars are work. ... d/38169353
Some officials are offering incentive programs for the millions of American children who became eligible for COVID-19 vaccines this week. 

In Chicago, health officials are offering $100 gift cards for children ages 5 to 11 when they get the shots at Chicago Public Health events or clinics, officials said.

Plus, the Chicago school district — one of the largest in the nation — is closing on Nov. 12 for Vaccination Awareness Day to make it easier for students to get their shots.
In Texas, San Antonio officials announced that parents and guardians who help their children get vaccinated at a public health clinic may claim a $100 gift card for H-E-B grocery stores. In neighboring Louisiana, officials said the 5-11 age group could soon also claim $100.

In Minnesota, officials launched the “Kids Deserve a Shot” program intended to bolster vaccine numbers among those ages 12 to 17 by offering a $200 visa card as well as the opportunity to enter a raffle for a $100,000 college scholarship or a Minnesota experience prize package.

In New York City, children can claim $100 if they get their first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine at city-operated vaccine sites. Instead of cash, children can also get tickets to city attractions such as the Statue of Liberty or the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team. The incentive program was already available to other New Yorkers who got vaccinated.

“We really want kids to take advantage, families take advantage of that,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday. “Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays. But, most importantly, we want our kids and our families to be safe.”
Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.

The Maine Farmer Saving the World’s Rarest Heirloom Seeds
Will Bonsall has spent a lifetime scattering seeds across the country. But will his efforts fall among the thorns? ... survivors/

Apart from words, little-to-nothing is done by French Catholic Church to protect kids, sexual abuse survivors tell RT
6 Nov, 2021 ... us-ortega/

There's a new target on the US regime-change list. It's been there before
6 Nov, 2021 ... itas-raid/

Ashley Biden diary appears to be real as FBI raids Project Veritas-linked homes over its ‘theft’
6 Nov, 2021 ... on-police/

Million Mask March protesters clash with police in London (VIDEOS)
5 Nov, 2021 20:44 / Updated 20 hours ago ... right.html

Saturday, November 6, 2021
Gavin Newsome dropped off the map right after his booster shot. Nine days later he is still MIA/ ABC TV ... /11202905/
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A week after abruptly canceling plans to attend the United Nations climate summit in Scotland, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has receded from public view to deal with unspecific family obligations.
When the surprising announcement was made Oct. 29, a spokesperson said Newsom planned to participate virtually in the conference this week. But the California delegation's schedule at the meeting this week, released by the governor's office, did not include Newsom. ... 0-degrees/

Denver breaks record-high temperature on Saturday with 80 degrees ... mate-dies/

Fort Collins man is 4th inmate to die in as many weeks from Wyoming prison ... ff-miller/

The Denver Post
Dual arrests of Colorado sheriff leave 1,800-square-mile county with two deputies — and the coroner filling in as top cop ... 11-muslims

US citizens v FBI: Will the government face charges for illegal surveillance?
Muslim citizens are suing the FBI for subjecting them to undercover surveillance after 9/11 in violation of rights ... nce-reform

LAPD ended predictive policing programs amid public outcry. A new effort shares many of their flaws
Documents show how data-driven policing programs reinforced harmful patterns, fueling the over-policing of Black and brown communities ... ctric-cars

‘Like slave and master’: DRC miners toil for 30p an hour to fuel electric cars

Some Sept. 11 Trial Secrets May Not Be Secrets Anymore
Prosecutors agreed to compare hundreds if not thousands of pages of classified documents in the case against 9/11 defendants with material released under the Freedom of Information Act. ... -division/

Biden Nominates Kennth Wainstein to Lead Homeland Security’s Intelligence Division ... of-mosques

Supreme Court to hear arguments on FBI's surveillance of mosques

November 8, 20215:00 AM ET
Heard on Morning Edition ... ction.html

Alexander Charns Freedom of Information Act Collection

Cloak and Gavel Cover
This collection contains thousands of FBI documents procured by North Carolina lawyer Alexander Charns through the Freedom of Information Act over eight years.  His research reveals the extent of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s secret activity to influence Supreme Court decisions and to discredit non-compliant Supreme Court Justices through wiretaps and disinformation.  In the process Charns filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests and brought lawsuits against the FBI.  Charns was given special permission to research Justice Abe Fortas’ papers which showed Fortas had been an informer to the FBI and the White House during his tenure which ended in disgrace after an ethics scandal.  Charns' pioneering work was the first to expose this FBI constitutional violation of the separation of powers.
The collection has three linear feet of documents provided by the FBI and from Charns' own correspondence and legal actions to obtain them.  It includes files on Warren Burger, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell, Harry Blackman, Byron White, William Rehnquist and Carolyn Agger, the widow of Justice Fortas.  The documents in this collection were obtained by Mr. Charns after the publication of  Cloak and Gavel : FBI wiretaps, bugs, informers and the Supreme Court (University of Illinois Press) in 1992. The collection provides opportunities to expand upon the findings of Mr. Charns’ book.  
Special thanks to Professor Tuan Samahon for his role in bringing these unique and important materials to the Villanova Law Library. ... story.html

Most Pa. police departments still don’t tell FBI about shootings, deadly encounters

NOV 08, 2021 AT 6:26 PM ... story.html

York County judge: DA can’t drop charge in 2018 shooting of handcuffed prisoner by former police officer
NOV 02, 2021 AT 11:55 AM ... leeing-fbi

Capitol Riot Suspect Evan Neumann Claims Asylum in Belarus After Fleeing FBI
Philippe Naughton
Updated Nov. 08, 2021 9:33AM ET / 
Published Nov. 08, 2021 7:11AM ET ... ibilities/

Oregon FBI marks STEM Day with a look at variety of career possibilities ... rotections

Lawmakers Seek GAO Look At FBI Whistleblower Protections
By James Arkin (November 8, 2021, 5:57 PM EST) -- A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers is seeking a new U. S. Government Accountability Office review of the FBI's whistleblower protections against retaliation, years after a separate GAO report issued recommendations for the bureau to update its whistleblower regulations. Five lawmakers wrote a letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, the head of the GAO, last week requesting a review of myriad questions related to the way the FBI handles whistleblowers and complaints of retaliation against them. The GAO expects to review the matter, a spokesperson said in an email Monday. The letter was signed by Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the top Republican. . . ... fake-news/

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Not Arrested For Fraud By FBI ... raoke-bar/

Off-duty NYPD cop opened fire during fight at karaoke bar
By Ben Feuerherd, Larry Celona and Tina Moore
November 8, 2021 1 ... alles.html

DA taps outside legal team to review hundreds of cases linked to former cop in The Dalles
Updated: Nov. 08, 2021, 6:06 p.m. | Published: Nov. 08, 2021, 5:28 p.m. ... story.html

Queens judge vacates 60 convictions obtained by crooked cops

NOV 08, 2021 AT 1:57 PM ... s-answers/

A Chicago Cop Resigned After A Woman Was Found Dead In His RV. Now, Treasure Hendrix’s Family Wants Answers ... 38470.html

Louisville cop who fatally shot Breonna Taylor appeals to get job back in police department ... 97171.html

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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:35 pm ... thics.html

Monday, December 13, 2021
Slides for my Doctors for Covid Ethics presentation of December 10, 2021 ... ted-again/

Chesterfield cop who secretly videotaped men’s restroom is wanted again ... 56780.html

I Got Stopped by a NY Cop: ‘It’s Always a Good Day When You Can Bag a Sand N****r!’

Ravi Shankar
Mon, December 13, 2021, 4:43 AM·12 min read ... knowledge/

Eighty Years of Lies: President Franklin Roosevelt Told Public Pearl Harbor Was A Surprise Attack—However There Is Considerable Evidence Demonstrating Government Foreknowledge
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - December 7, 2021 9 ... ctics.html

Alex Gibney's "The Forever Prisoner" Reveals CIA Torture Tactics

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date December 12, 2021 ... ing-money/

DEA Special Agent Sentenced to More Than 12 Years in Prison for Laundering Money

The Board of the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, after several years’ consideration, is endorsing Life with the Possibility of Parole after 25 Years as the appropriate maximum sentence to be given to those convicted of any crime, including First Degree Murder. Currently the Commonwealth imposes the sentence of Life Without Parole (LWOP) as the maximum sentence for those convicted of First Degree Murder."

The CJPC opposes LWOP as it does the Death Penalty, viewing both sentences as antithetical to a criminal justice policy based on restorative principles. ... -of-powers

Spanish bishop who married erotica author is stripped of powers
Xavier Novell i Gomà was Spain’s youngest bishop before abandoning clerical career to marry Silvia Caballol ... -cold-war/

* Political Assassination
“There’s Something Rotten in Denmark”: Frank Olson and the Macabre Fate of a CIA Whistleblower in the Early Cold War
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - November 28, 2021 5

Sunday, December 12, 2021
Here is a link to the slides from my Doctors for Covid Ethics presentation on December 10 ... ue&sd=true
I need more advice.  People are still asking me to share this with them--I don't know how to make this open to all.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. ... dquarters/

Ryan T. Young Named EAD of Intelligence Branch at FBI headquarters ... ent-524107

Fortenberry indictment raises questions about the FBI’s tactics
The GOP lawmaker was secretly recorded during a probe of illegal donations from abroad ... 1639372288

Legal Docket - Uncle Sam’s spying eyes

WORLD Radio - Legal Docket - Uncle Sam’s spying eyes ... errorists/

Prestigious Weaponry Expert Censored After Demonstrating that a Deadly Poison Gas Attack—Blamed on the Syrian Government—Was Really a False-Flag Operation by U.S.-Funded Terrorists
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - November 22, 2021 16

A Supreme Court case challenging the limits of government surveillance ... urnalists/

Watchdog: Federal anti-terror unit investigated journalists ... ngen1.html

EPISODE 6: Reds ... 235059721/

‘Finding Kendrick Johnson’ Filmmaker, Former Detective Discuss New Evidence in Mysterious 2013 Death of Black Georgia Teen
"When victims are white, it’s always a priority. It’s no secret," former investigator Mitch Credle tells THR.

Biden Deploys National Guard: It’s “Déjà Vu All Over Again” as Government Hawks and Corporate Media Play Up Ethiopian Atrocities in Tigray
By Ann Garrison and Ann Fitz-Gerald - December 9, 2021 2

JFK Wesley Swearingen Identifies 2nd Grassy Knoll Shooter ... e8523.html

Cop doing security at Cook County high school accused of attacking student, prosecutor says
* William Lee Chicago Tribune ... e-pay.html

Bush cop is charged with rape and suspended by the police force - but with FULL pay
* A male cop, 29, from NSW's Western Region has been charged with sex offences
* He was granted bail to appear at Orange Local Court on January 24 next year 
* NSW Police said in a statement the constable is currently suspended with pay
PUBLISHED: 03:02 EST, 13 December 2021 ... ed-crimes/

RACIST TEXTS Vile cop jailed for sharing photos of murdered sisters ‘boasted about covering up crimes in racist WhatsApp messages’

* Niamh Cavanagh
* 0:38, 13 Dec 2021Updated: 0:51, 13 Dec 2021

Cop to face criminal raps over road incident that killed two people

Read more: ... z7EwYiWWYL
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook ... 59h00.html

Robert Scott, 89, was on Monday jailed for two years, minus the fortnight he spent in quarantine when extradited from Britain, for abusing Kim Elzaibak in the 1970s when she was aged between three and nine. Scott was then a serving officer in country Victoria and in a relationship with Ms Elzaibak’s mother. ... in-forces/

Killer cop lifts lid on mental health issues in forces ... he-job-da/

NYPD cop indicted for transporting cocaine across Queens while on the job: DA

Posted on December 13, 2021 ... -couriers/

Cop pleads guilty to conspiracy, falsifying records in extortion of pot couriers
Brendan “Jacy” Tatum was one of two officers indicted for allegedly extorting pot couriers and posing as federal agents ... NewsSearch

Veteran N.J. cop says ‘old boys’ network’ is discriminating against her
Capt. Theresa Grillo has blazed a few trails during her long career with the Lodi Police Department. Grillo, who was hired
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:52 pm

Sunday, December 19, 2021
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies/Gateway Pundit

Yet another damning email leak.  This one is from Francis Collins, NIH Director, to Tony Fauci and Fauci deputies Clifford Lane and Lawrence Tabak.

Three of them have MD after their names.  One is a dentist by training.
They are discussing the Great Barrington Declaration and its 3 authors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford, full professors, whom Collins refers to as "fringe epidemiologists."  
Soon thereafter there was in fact a published retort, in the Lancet, which was signed by the usual suspects (Marc Lipsitch, Devi Sridhar, Trisha Greenhalgh, Florian Krammer, Lynne Goldman, etc., the paid-off, reliable story tellers), called the John Snow declaration, an attempted takedown that did not get any traction. 
PDF [55 KB]





Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now

Nisreen A Alwan
Rochelle Ann Burgess
Simon Ashworth
Rupert Beale
Nahid Bhadelia
Debby Bogaert
Jennifer Dowd
Isabella Eckerle
Lynn R Goldman
Trisha Greenhalgh
Deepti Gurdasani

Adam Hamdy
William P Hanage
Emma B Hodcroft
Zoë Hyde
Paul Kellam
Michelle Kelly-Irving
Florian Krammer
Marc Lipsitch
Alan McNally
Martin McKee
Ali Nouri
Dominic Pimenta
Viola Priesemann
Harry Rutter
Joshua Silver
Devi Sridhar
Charles Swanton
Rochelle P Walensky
Gavin Yamey
Hisham Ziauddeen
Show less
Published:October 15, 2020DOI:
Collins, in case there were any doubts, is now revealed to be just as deep into the chicanery as Fauci--whose intent was to destroy those who challenged the illogical, ineffective, iniquitous and illegal COVID policies.
Collins has resigned.  His replacement starts tomorrow.  Just in case you were optimistic that this signalled changes at NIH, put your hopes aside.
He is being replaced by his co-conspirator, Lawrence Tabak, the dentist, as the head of NIH.  A dentist running the National Institutes of Health...  A dentist who is part of the Fauci-Collins conspiracy.  The hydra has many heads.  Identify them.  Call them out.  Defund the NIH, not the police, and its pandemic shop of horrors.
Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Principal Deputy Director

Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S, Ph.D.
Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., has been named the Acting Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), effective December 20, 2021.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 10:39 PM 0 comments

Rep. Tom Massie for President

Thomas Massie


Acknowledge natural immunity
Allow conventional vaccines in USA
Encourage effective treatments
Stop EUA vs “approved” shell game
Focus on helping those “at risk”
Quit acting as if cloth masks work
End mandates & passports
Return lawmaking to legislatures
Resume normal today

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 10:13 PM 0 comments

Robert Malone on childhood vaccines: short and very pointed. Everyone should read this and share.

 The full interview with Dr. Malone is well worth watching:
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I'm generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
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