Spark Plasma Sintering

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Spark Plasma Sintering

Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:13 am

Top 5 Solar Energy Advances Using Perovskites
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Re: Spark Plasma Sintering

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:54 pm
Loud & Clear with John Kiriakou ... ncampbell1
FBI's bizarre Lennon files come to light
US rights group goes to court to unveil more details of investigation into former Beatle after book's revelations John Lennon site (includes page on Jon Wiener's Lennon FBI files)
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Tue 1 Feb 2000
The John Lennon FBI files
a source of information about John Lennon's FBI files, letters to the INS from people opposing his deportation, the documentary "The U.S. vs. John Lennon", and the book Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files by Jon Wiene ... -price-phd
During the last decade he has served on several American Anthropological Associations commissions and task forces dealing with political and ethical issues facing the association, including the Ad Hoc Commission on the Engagement of Anthropology with the U.S. Security & Intelligence Communities (2006-2009) and the Ad Hoc Ethics Sub-Committee Task Force (2008-2011), which wrote the revised code of ethics recently adopted by the association.
He is writing a three volume series of books using the Freedom of Information Act and archival sources to examine American anthropologists' interactions with intelligence agencies. His Book, Threatening Anthropology: McCarthyism and the FBI's Persecution of Activist Anthropologists (Duke University Press, 2004) uses 30,000 pages of FBI documents to examine governmental attempts to suppress academic freedom. Archaeological Intelligence: The use and Neglect of American Anthropology in the Second World War (in press, 2008, Duke) documents anthropological contributions to the Second World War. A third volume, Dual Use Anthropology: Cold War Anthropologists and the CIA will explore anthropologists' interactions with the CIA and the Pentagon during the Cold War. His most recent book is Weaponizing Anthropology: Social Science in Service of the National Security State (CounterPunch, 2011), ... california
Cop Walked Into California Bar, Shot His Wife and Kept Shooting
Police released disturbing new details of how John Snowling, a veteran of the Ventura Police Department, targeted his estranged wife, who filed for divorce last year.
Josh Fiallo Matt Young Aug. 24, 2023 ... wo-decades
Whistleblower says 665 workers left FBI over misconduct in two decades
Politics Oct 6, 2022 ... er-trading
Mass. Cop Tries To Sink Conviction For Insider Trading
By Julie Manganis (August 25, 2023-- A Massachusetts police officer convicted of insider trading last month wants to nullify the jury's verdict, which he says was based on "inference upon inference" that his brother tipped him off about an upcoming acquisition by Analog Devices Inc. and that he passed the information to two friends. . . . ... k-law-firm
Cop sentenced to 3 years for deadly shooting of special police officer Maurica Manyan during training session
by 7News StaffFri, August 25th 2023 ... 330669.php
San Francisco bakery responds to police union's claim that it refuses to serve cops
The San Francisco Police Officers Association says that Reem's California, a popular bakery chain, has a policy not to serve police officers who are armed and in uniform
By Alec Regimbal,
Aug 25, 2023 ... dium=email

"Meet the Biggest Threat to the Global Cabal"
My colleague and friend Madhava Setty, MD wrote a mini bio about me
AUG 25, 2023 ... e68a8af413
Activists furious Democratic leaders haven’t denounced plan to check every ‘Stop Cop City’ signature ... lbans-cop/
Authorities release video of 2017 pepper spray incident that led to charges against St. Albans cop ... x-program/
The bribes are back to push the vaccine
Warn your friends
AUG 25, 2023 ... he-border/
Fifth Circuit Says Law Enforcement Doesn’t Need Warrants To Search Phones At The Border
from the never-mind-the-precedent dept
Fri, Aug 25th 2023 10:48am - Tim Cushing
In 2014, the Supreme Court made it clear: phone searches require warrants. While it did note the case involved a search “incident to an arrest,” the precedent was undeniable. If a phone search attached to an arrest requires a warrant, it would logically follow that any phone search by law enforcement — even those not subsequent to an arrest — requires a warrant.
Since then, multiple federal courts have come to the opposite conclusion in cases involving searches of phones at borders or international airports. According to these judges, the Riley decision simply doesn’t apply when border security is in play. And it doesn’t matter whether ... index.html
CNN exclusive: FBI misconduct reveals sex, lies and videotape
By Scott Zamost and Kyra Phillips, CNN Special Investigations Unit

Copaganda ... k/8939938/
MBack to School: Internet Safety with FBI Norfolk
Aug 25, 2023
How can we keep kids safe online? FBI Supervisory Special Agent Stacey Sullivan shares information about internet safety with Digital Host Sarah Goode in this WAVY Digital Desk conversation. ... -universe/
12 FBI Crossover Cameos From Other Dick Wolf TV Show Characters
PUBLISHED August 25,2023
Numerous actors from other Dick Wolf television shows have made appearances in his CBS police procedural series FBI – read on for the complete list ... 19c2a.html
Shop With a Cop supplies kids, builds bridges
Pat Gruner Staff Writer ... ent-party/
Photo Gallery: The Beat Cop’s Guide to the perfect retirement party
by: Hayley Boyd
Posted: Aug 25, 2023 ... ith-a-cop/
CCX Media -
Brooklyn Center Police Work To Rebuild Trust by Sharing a "Cone With a Cop" - CCX MediaBrooklyn Center police gave community members a chance to have a "Cone with a Cop" on Thursday as part of an ongoing effort to rebuild community trust. ... tip-a-cop/
Around Siouxland: Tip-a-CopOn Aug. 31 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Tip-a-Cop event will be going on at all Iowa Texas Roadhouses, including the one in Sioux City. ... -of-minors
Tribal cop sentenced to 34 years for sexual abuse of minors
Stephen Howie
August 25, 2023 / 11:48 am ... -probation
St. Joseph County cop pleads guilty to drunk driving, while get probation
WVPE 88.1 Elkhart/South Bend | By Marek Mazurek
Published August 25, 2023 at 2:30 PM EDT ... ing-voters
‘Cop City’ Opponents Say Atlanta Is Disenfranchising Voters
Kelly Weill
Published Aug. 23, 2023 ... 1850775332
The Root
Body Cam: Indianapolis Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man in the BackBody camera footage shows an Indianapolis police officer shooting a Black man dead as he fled from the traffic stop. ... 329872.php
San Francisco Chronicle
Did an SF cop sit by and watch thieves break into a parked car?Both San Francisco Police officers and the video taker say the 31-second clip of an officer responding to a car break-in doesn't capture the full story.
Surveillance in the Stacks: The FBI's Library Awareness Program
Herbert N. Foerstel
Foerstel, himself one of the leaders in the effort to expose the FBI's notorious `spies in the stacks' program, writes as a partisan of privacy rights with a well-earned distrust of the FBI's efforts to excuse itself from observing those rights. In fairness to the other side, however, he also gives full play to the arguments of national security and for the prevention of the flow of `sensitive' information into foriegn hands. In this extensively documented and thoroughly researched tale, he offers many stories of the courage and fortitude of librarians opposed to this program, from the jailing of Zoia Horn to the eloquent indignation of Columbia University's Paula Kaufman and the tenacious Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee. Less happy is his picture of the heavily politicized National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and others who have acquiesced to the spying. The chapters on the political ramifications of the program and the legal context of library confidentiality are also valuable--although it is possible to argue with some of Foerstel's conclusions. But this illuminating, cautionary work is bound to remain an authoritative source on a vitally important subject. Library Journal... the book can be compelling and even, melodramatic as it may sound, frightening reading. Booklist As part of its Library Awareness Program, the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted numerous counterintelligence activities in libraries, including requesting confidential information on library users based solely on their nationality. Written by a librarian whose own institution was the target of such intrusions and who later helped to develop confidentiality legislation, Surveillance in the Stacks is the first book to document and analyze the FBI's wide-ranging surveillance of libraries. Relying heavily on previously classified FBI reports, the book traces the recent history of federal library surveillance, documents the media and congressional ... veillance/
Before book-banning wave, the FBI spied on people’s library activity
By Anthony Aycock
January 23, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EST ... reatments/
August 9, 2023
‘Underwhelming:’ NIH trials fail to test meaningful long COVID treatments after 2.5 years and $1 billion, experts say
Written by Betsy Ladyzhets
Edited by Derek Kravitz and Erin Mershon
More than 2 ½ years after the National Institutes of Health received a $1 billion mandate from Congress to study and treat long COVID, the agency has finally launched clinical trials for the often-debilitating condition. But both scientists who study long COVID and patients who have struggled with it say the trials are unlikely to deliver meaningful treatments, suggesting the federal government’s landmark COVID research effort may have been wasted.
Millions of Americans have suffered symptoms ranging ... ing-radio/
Montana’s Response To Lawsuits Over Laughably Unconstitutional TikTok Ban Is To Say That TikTok Is The Equivalent Of ‘Cancer-Causing Radio’
Free Speech
from the speech-doesn't-cause-cancer dept
Fri, Aug 25th 2023 12:44pm - Mike Masnick
As you’ll recall, Montana passed a law earlier this year to ban TikTok (and ban mobile app stores from offering TikTok for download). The bill has lots of problems, not the least of which was that Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen flat out told the NY Times that the purpose of the bill was to censor speech that parents were complaining about:
Mr. Knudsen, a Republican, said his team had received scores of complaints from parents about TikTok content referring to drugs, suicide or pornography. As the state’s legislative session approached this year, his office began looking
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Re: Spark Plasma Sintering

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:40 am

Lynn's articles & videos:
Philadelphia, PA
215-629-3553 landline
714-204-2690 cell


Jan 12, 2020: Protocol For Honest Elections - America’s Nontransparent Voting System Is ‘De Facto’ Fraud by Lynn Landes
Jan 11, 2020: How To Restore Trust And Peace In America by Dr. Steven Freeman
Lynn's 2020 'Election Integrity' video interview by Derek Hunsberger or
Lynn's Federal Lawsuits challenging voting machines and absentee ballots voting (2004-2006)
Lynn's 2007 "Report To Congress"


Jan 12, 2021: Protocol For Honest Elections - America’s Nontransparent Voting System Is ‘De Facto’ Fraud by Lynn Landes

Jan 27, 2020: OP-ED News: Be A Protectionist & Bridge The Political Divide

Jan 23, 2017: OP-ED News: Open Letter To President Donald Trump - Support Paper Ballots and Hand Counts at Local Polling Precincts and Cover Letter & Open Letter (Docs)

Nov 5, 2016: Can FBI Director James Comey Be That Clueless About Our Easily Rigged Electronic Elections? But Don't Trust DHS!

Nov 3,16: FBI-Clinton Investigation Impacts Four Presidents

Oct 14,16: Why this progressive, environmentalist, and activist woman will vote for Trump

Aug 2, 2016: Read report on how the primary elections were rigged for Hillary Clinton, particularly using the voting machines, and how Bernie really won -- Watch video how Bernie may have won the Democratic Primary

Nov 8, 15: A Post-Election Attitude Check - Malaise is Not an Island in the Pacific!

Sep 11-12,10: NYC -- Lynn will be in the first panel, starts at 1:00 pm

Jan 22, 10: Massachusetts 'Deja Vu' Senate Race - Questionable Counts & Speedy Concessions

Jun 08, 09: Should I.N.N. and Free Speech TV (FSTV) Get Back Together?

Feb 8, 08: Why doesn't the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate electronic vote fraud? Is it that DOJ and the FBI have long been involved in it, themselves? Read: The 1987 Leonard Gates Deposition -- Gates, a Cincinnati Bell employee for 23 years, testified that in the late 1970's and 80's, the FBI assisted telephone companies with hacking into mainframe election computers in cities across the country. The first election Gates provided the hack for was in 1979, see ... ection=517 PLUS... 1985 Background Material from Jim Condit, Jr. and also see: DOJ & FBI complicity

Jan 10, 08: There's a History of Suspected Vote Fraud In NH - Forget 'Official Recounts', Do Citizen Audits

Dec. 22, 07: Lynn's Affidavit for National Clean Elections lawsuit

Mar 12, 07: The “Voter Confidence” Bill. IT’S CONFUSING - Electronic Tallies Can Still Trump Paper Ballots on Election Day

Feb, 07: Florida Gov. Crist's suggestion that ballot scanners are the answer to touchscreen machines is a cynical ploy. State officials plan to use ES&S ballot markers plus ballot scanners. No hand count. Both machines are computers and can be easily programmed to rig an election. Florida also has a law on the books that the electronic tally, not a hand count, will be the official election result in the case of a recount. In addition, counties that used ballot scanners in the 2004 presidential election showed a massive and highly suspicious crossover vote from Democratic voters (and other parties) to Bush. Bush posted vote totals of 200%, 300%, 400%, and in one county 600% over Republican registration. See the chart - Florida

Feb 07: Rush Holt's bill HB 811 is very disappointing. Check out Nancy Tobi's comments. My full review coming soon. We need Kucinich to re-introduce HB 6200, paper ballots, hand-counts only.

Jan 15, 07: The Landes Report To Congress On Voting - A call for total transparency in voting, Open Voting. Rescind laws that allow voting by machines, absentee, early, and secret ballot.

Nov 14, 06: Dems! Why Elect Majority Leader By 'Secret Ballot'?

Nov 6, 06: RED ALERT - Will Cheney be hunting fowl or orchestrating election results? Cheney's hunting destination (South Dakota) is next door to Nebraska and Offutt Air Force Base - home of ES&S, the nation's largest counter of our votes. ES&S CEO Bill Welsh was profiled in the University of Tulsa Magazine, Fall 2001. An interesting excerpt: "Given the fundamental importance and the logistical complexity of elections, Welsh and company leave nothing to chance: they had four business jets and two turboprops on standby; as well as more than 1,000 temporary employees, some drawn from Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska.ES&S staff were ready to be anywhere at a moment's notice to help iron out unexpected kinks." Comment: Why does ES&S go to an air force base for temporary personnel?

Nov 2, 06: URGENT! Candidates Advised To 'Citizen Audit' Race Before Conceding

Aug 21, 06: Caught On Tape, The Fix Is In, news release / postcard

Apr 4, 06: Supreme Court refuses to hear Lynn's case, lets stand lower court decision which denied Landes standing & allowed costs against voting rights activist

Jan 30, 06: Landes Lawsuit Reaches U.S. Supreme Court

Nov 4, 05: Scrap the "Secret" Ballot - Return to Open Voting

Jun 23, 05: Paper Ballots and Hand Counts ONLY (no machines, no audits, no absentees, no early voting)

Mar 29, 05: Lynn files appeal to Third Circuit Court on her lawsuit against voting machines & absentee ballots -


Mar 14, 05: Democrats! Paper “Trails” Aren’t Good Enough. Count The Damn Ballots!

Mar 3, 05: Exit Poll Madness - Analyst Steve Freeman & Company Offer False Choice - this article got lots of reaction - See Dave Dodge and Kathy Dopp.

Feb 26, 05: Oakland, CA - Lynn gives speech at teach-in organized by http://www.democraticre

Feb 14, 05: The biggest problem with VIVA 2005 election reform bill by Ensign that is being pushed by Ballot Integrity is that is calls for audits rather than our constitutional right to have every vote counted.

Jan 18, 05: Plan B: Organize Parallel Elections & Signed Ballots

Jan 5, 05: Did Networks Fake Exit Polls, While AP 'Accessed' 2,995 Mainframe Computers?

Dec 11, 04: Voting Rights Groups 'Block' Talk of Machine-Free Elections

Dec 6, 04: Lynn submits written testimony to Rep. Conyers hearing.

Dec 6, 04: Machine-Free Election solutio
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Re: Spark Plasma Sintering

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:32 pm ... s-of-2023/
The Corporation
Topics addressed include the Business Plot, where in 1933, General Smedley Butler exposed an alleged corporate plot against then-U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt; the tragedy of the commons; Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning people to beware of the rising military–industrial complex; economic externalities; suppression of an investigative news story about Bovine Growth Hormone on Fox affiliate television station WTVT in Tampa, Florida, at the behest of Monsanto; the invention of the soft drink Fanta by The Coca-Cola Company due to the trade embargo on Nazi Germany; the alleged role of IBM in the Holocaust (see IBM and the Holocaust); the Cochabamba protests of 2000 brought on by the privatization of a municipal water supply in Bolivia; and in general themes of corporate social responsibility, the notion of limited liability, the corporation as a psychopath; and the debate about corporate personhood. ... de-in-war/
Latest Wonder Weapon Being Provided to Ukraine Unlikely to Turn the Tide in War
By Valeriy Krylko - January 23, 2024 ... f-consent/
The Manufacture of Consent
J. Edgar Hoover and the Rhetorical Rise of the FBI
Rhetoric & Public Affairs
by Stephen M. Underhill ... gr%5Etweet

The #FBI is committed to working with Congress to improve Section 702 as part of reauthorization so it can better protect both national security and civil liberties. Learn more about the role of 702 in protecting the homeland at ... ary-sequel
The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel ... amendment/
Appeals Court: FBI's Safe-Deposit Box Seizures Violated Fourth Amendment
Cases like this are exactly why the Fourth Amendment was adopted in the first place, wrote federal Judge Milan D. Smith Jr.
ERIC BOEHM | 1.23.2024 ... 1138366404
Propaganda in the Information Age
Still Manufacturing Consent
Edited By Alan MacLeod ... press-2024
State of the Free Press 2024
PEOPLE ... /46509264#
Over two dozen people across Nebraska arrested in FBI drug investigation
Jan 23, 2024
McKenzy Parsons
Narco-Dollars for Beginners
"How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade
by Catherine Austin Fitts Special to the Narco News Bulletin 2001
Part I: Narco Dollars for Dummies
A Simple Framework: The Solari Index and the Dow Jones Index
The Economics of Production: Sam and Dave Do Boat

We brought Mike Ruppert to speak at Bates College Maine in 1997…
Michael Ruppert

California State University, Northridge › news › cia › 961008.dea.html
Powder Burns", Cocaine, Contras & The Drug Connection, a book by retired
The following are exerpts from "Powder Burns", Cocaine, Contras & The Drug
Connection, a book by retired DEA agent, Cellerino Castillo published in 1992.
Castillo has documented much of what he saw and the DEA has refused to honor
Freedom of Information Act requirments to release any of it.
From early 1984 to the fall of 1986, (Lt. Col. Oliver) North directed a
clandestine resupply operation he dubbed "Project Democracy," which used a
military airbase in El Salvador to fly weapons and supplies to the Contras.
For the better part of a year, I investigated it.
None of this came as any surprise to me. In seven years in the trenches, I had
arrested dozens of traffickers; trained antinarcotics squads in two countries;
flown aerial eradication missions; spearheaded huge cocaine busts. The drug
barons barely flinched:
In Peru, I watched cartel pilots playing soccer with soldiers; in El Salvador,
military officers took weapons seized from the guerrillas and sold them to
traffickers; in Guatemala, I discovered members of our host government running
a smuggling ring for the cartels. Then I discovered the Contras' secret.
By the end of his Congressional testimony, North was crowned an American Hero.
Telegrams streamed in from admirers across the country, who reached out to
their new icon. I knew better.
Many of the diplomats I worked with on a daily basis in the U.S. Embassy in El
Salvador regarded the hard-nosed NSC staffer running the ... el-levine/
The Betrayal of Michael Levine ... sac01.html

Volume 8, Number 2 (April-June 2004)
The Black Budget of the United States: The Engine of a "Negative Return Economy" 
Chris Sanders and Catherine Austin Fitts
An analysis of the federal financial records reveals shocking evidence that a very large proportion of the nation's wealth is being illegally diverted since several decades into secret, unaccountable channels and programmes with unspecified purposes, including covert operations and subversions abroad and clandestine military R&D at home. Public institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by shadowy groups in the service of powerful private and vested interests, often at the expense of the common good.
Keep the people frightened
Of things they cannot know
Is the secret of the Tomb
If they knew what you and I know
They would know it is just men
Who rob them, cheat them, kill them
Then start it all again
         - Orville X
The United States government has operated a secret budgeting and spending programme for decades outside the framework of the American Constitution. The institutional and political roots of this system of clandestine finance go back at least a century. The turn of the nineteenth century saw the consolidation of American industry and banking under the control of a restrictive cartel that for all practical purposes assumed control of the economy. The great magnates of American industry and finance in the late nineteenth century were superb practitioners of covert operations. Witness to this fact are the institutions set up during the twentieth century through which their descendants still maintain control.
What follows is a summary of the structure of the American political economy which fits the facts better than the official model. Officially, American capitalism is characterised by democracy, opportunity, self-improvement, open and free markets, and constructive regu-lation for the public good, in short, happiness. Under this construct, America has never fought a war of aggression and harbours no designs to do so. Its leaders have the nation's interests at heart, and its politicians listen to their constituencies. But the truth is different.
Why the United States is so widely misunderstood is due in part to a controlled educational system and media. As the system evolved over the decades, time lent it legitimacy spanning the political spectrum. Gustavus Meyers, author of the seminal work History of the Great American Fortunes and no panegyrist, believed—following Marx as did many of the Left—that the consolidation of American industry was inevitable and that the men who accomplished it were acting their part in a predetermined historical evolution. Once monopoly control had been achieved, the proletariat would rise and its dictatorship would begin. We shy away from such determinism; nothing happens but as a consequence of what men do and choose to do. If Meyers were alive today, he would still be waiting.
Black Budget? What Black Budget?
At the time of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 according to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), the Pentagon had incurred $3.4 trillion of "undocumentable transactions", that is to say that there were $3.4 trillion worth of financial transactions for which there was no discernible purpose. The day before the attack, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned that the lack of control over the budget was a greater danger to the national security of the United States than terrorism. After the attacks, the government stopped publicly disclosing information about "undocumentable transactions ... g-fbi-atf/
Cannabis case: Greene, Second Amendment Foundation sue AG, FBI, ATF
JAN 24, 2024
Staff Reporter ... de-in-war/
Latest Wonder Weapon Being Provided to Ukraine Unlikely to Turn the Tide in War
By Valeriy Krylko - January 23, 2024 ... -catholics
Latin Mass Held in Capitol on Anniversary of FBI Memo Targeting Traditional Catholics
One year after the FBI’s Richmond office sent out a memorandum outlining an investigation into traditionalist Catholics, a Latin Mass was held in the U.S. Capitol with the support of House Speaker Mike Johnson and two other Republican members of the House.

COPAGANDA ... 11e1383948
Atlanta cop, St. Louis native, brings Clippers and Cops open discussion to local barbershop ... s-academy/
El Paso FBI accepting applications for Citizens Academy
by: Gabriela Rodríguez
Posted: Jan 23, 2024 ... turn-clip/
FBI: Most Wanted Season 5 Clip Reveals First Look At Returning Franchise Char ... /14354021/
Bay Area Muslim organizations hold first-of-its-kind FBI training on Islamophobia
ByAnser Hassan
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 ... ated_story
Alaskan Police Force Hides Arrival of Controversial Armored Vehicle: ‘We’re Just Not Trying to Show This Vehicle Off’
Confirming that the purchase was intentionally hidden, officials said the vehicle cost more than $300,000
Published 08/21/23
Aysha Qamar ... %20attacks.
Why police resist reforms to militarization
Nikki Rojas
Harvard Staff Writer
March 3, 2023
Issues revolve around culture of viewing civilians as potential threats, concerns about self-protection in departments equipped with military-grade arms
The mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last year by a gunman armed with an AR-15-style rifle resulted in a searing loss of life — 19 young students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School. But equally stunning was the 77 minutes it took police to respond, despite having adequate firepower, equipment, and training to do so. The delay turned a spotlight on the militarization of U.S. law enforcement, how it can fail to protect individuals from the kinds of threats it was intended to thwart, and its tendency to foster a culture of self-protection that can re ... U5BPE5RXY/
‘Disturbing, inhumane’: OPA rules on SPD cop who joked about death of 23-year-old
By KIRO 7 News Staff
January 24, 2024 ... 04365.html
Cop guilty of discreditable conduct after off-duty fight with motorbiking teens
Wed, January 24, 2024 ... -comments/
Civilian-led Police Accountability: Seattle cop Auderer violated policy with bodycam-captured comments
Jan 24, 2024 ... tudy-shows
Devastating drought in Amazon result of climate crisis, study shows
Extreme weather threatens world’s biggest carbon store as the rainforest is already close to tipping point
Damian Carrington Environment editor
Wed 24 Jan 2024 ... hp_primary
Here’s why the alleged brothel clients’ attorneys say their hearings should be kept private
“Allowing the media to attend these proceedings will undermine their integrity and usurp their purpose, turning a hearing into a searing cauldron of pain — from which any sane person would be desperate to escape.”
One of the alleged brothels was located inside a unit at 66 Bond St. in Watertown. Nathan Klima for The Boston Globe, File
By Abby Patkin
January 24, 2024
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Re: Spark Plasma Sintering

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:30 am
Natural immunity wins ... ndum-case/
11th Circuit Court issues stay in favor of Atlanta in ‘Cop City’ referendum case
by Dyana Bagby
September 1, 2023
An appeals court sided with the City of Atlanta in an ongoing legal battle with a coalition of activists seeking to put its controversial public safety training center they call “Cop City” on the ballot ... enirs.html
Inside the monstrous crimes of Florida cop Gerard Schaefer who was unmasked as one of the 'sickest serial killers' in history after brutally murdering dozens of young women - even keeping their TEETH as sick souvenirs
* Gerard Schaefer, a former Florida police officer, is suspected of up to 30 killings 
* Prosecutors described him as 'the most sexually deviant person' they had seen
* READ MORE: Remains of girl, 15, found tied to mangrove identified as serial killer's victim
2 September 2023 ... wf2002.pdf

A Special Report by the
Police Professionalism Initiative
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Samuel Walker and Dawn Irlbeck Department of Criminal Justice University of Nebraska at Omaha ... dium=email
The Highwire interview yesterday
Del Bigtree was incredibly nice and helpful. I couldn't be happier with it.
SEP 1, 2023 ... ty-threat/
He asked the right questions. He let me talk about things that I thought were really important to get out. He was knowledgeable.
But then at the end, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat. He told his audience we are living in very unusual times. That they should stand up and become the best they can be. Get active. Get out of their comfort zone.
And go spend a half an hour and read Meryl Nass’ entire article, because we all need that information, and because it connects a lot of dots.
I need people to actually read this long piece, all the way through. It is like an ammunition belt: jam-packed with useful facts to beat down a whole lot of false narratives. Facts to use when you engage others. Facts that will give you a much deeper understanding of what has been going on, and what is planned.
I am terribly grateful to Del, to my readers. There is a lot we need to know. Understand. Share. We all have to become a bit expert ourselves so we help others see. We have to Grow the No’s. That is how we will win. When most people refuse to go along. Despite the world’s best mind control techniques and the incredible propaganda.
I am working on yet another version of my long piece with yet a bit more meat in it. Unfortunately, flying home from Austin is taking 4 flights and 2 days (you know the drill: cancellations, delays then missed flights then they are all full) and I will be spending most of tomorrow as well as today in airports. Promise to get it done this weekend. We Will Win!! ... eGuide.pdf
Addressing Sexual Offenses and Misconduct by Law Enforcement: ... ourt-docs/
Court docs: Tillamook police chief accused of stealing drugs, money from evidence locker
by: Aimee Plante
Posted: Sep 1, 2023 ... n/44973643
Riviera Beach police officer charged in Father's Day crash that left 2 dead
Sep 1, 2023 ... k-serpico/

“A policeman’s first obligation is to be responsible to the needs of the community he serves…The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around.”
Frank Serpico
Retired Police Detective, Author, Lecturer : b. 1936 ... dium=email

Voila! the HIT Piece
From Ms. Melissa Goldin, who specializes in this type of genre
Meryl Nass MD
September 2,2024 ... out-event/
NJ cop accused of stalking teen girl at police ‘National Night Out’ event
By Dean Balsamini
September 2, 2023 ... wf2003.pdf
US officials meet with leaders of Ukraine’s anti-corruption institutions, FBI and NABU sign memorandum
02/09/2023 ... 1282&psc=1
J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets
by Curt Gentry
The cumulative effect is overwhelming. Eleanor Roosevelt was right: Hoover’s FBI was an American gestapo." ―Newsweek
Shocking, grim, frightening, Curt Gentry’s masterful portrait of America’s top policeman is a unique political biography. From more than 300 interviews and over 100,000 pages of previously classified documents, Gentry reveals exactly how a paranoid director created the fraudulent myth of an invincible, incorruptible FBI. For almost fifty years, Hoover held virtually unchecked public power, manipulating every president from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Richard Nixon. He kept extensive blackmail files and used illegal wiretaps and hidden microphones to destroy anyone who opposed him. The book reveals how Hoover helped create McCarthyism, blackmailed the Kennedy brothers, and influenced the Supreme Court; how he retarded the civil rights movement and forged connections with mobsters; as well as insight into the Watergate scandal and what part he played in the investigations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. 32 pages of photographs ... of-11/view
Jack Anderson FBI File Part 01 of 11
FBI releases files on columnist Jack Anderson
In caustic comments on internal FBI memos, bureau director J. Edgar Hoover referred to prominent columnist Jack Anderson with undisguised contempt, calling him "a jackal."
FBI Chief's Plot to Kill Reporter (S1, E15) | Investigative Reports | Full Episode
The World’s Biggest Mall in TEHRAN - IRAN MALL ... n-ukraine/
Book Your Fondest Memories Here: Have an Exciting Vacation in Ukraine!
By Felix Abt - September 1, 2023
Illinois Cop Board Reverses Decision to Hire Officer with History of Theft – Board Attorney Disagrees, Says Applicant ‘Shouldn’t Be Police Officer’
Posted by Vanguard Administrator
Date: September 02, 2023 ... GP-1836632
Saturday, 2 September 2023
COP Mensah must be mentally examined – Adam Bonah on plot to oust IGP ... -dead.html
Oklahoma cops film Deputy Vaughn Cannon, 41, crawling from bedroom in hysterics after shooting wife and fellow cop Jordan dead in argument
* Wife Jordan, 40, had filed for divorce but withdrew the papers months later
* The pair started at the Cleveland County Sheriff's department within three months of each other 
* Officers describe their murdered colleague as 'an example to the community' 
UPDATED: 17:26 EDT, 1 September 2023 ... 83132.html
UK Shocker: Cop Pleads Guilty to 146 Child Sex Crimes in South Wales With Youngest Victim Being 10-Year-Old, Chilling Details Emerge in Court
Poyner admitted to the rapes, one crime of penetration assault, one count of inciting a child under the age of 13 to participate in sexual behaviour, and two counts of engaging in sexual activity with a minor at a hearing in May.
September 2,2023

Copaganda ... with-a-cop
Sep 9 | Shop With A Cop | Wayne, NJ PatchSaturday September 9, 2023: Officers from the Passaic County Sheriff's Dept. will accompany 50 less fortunate children to Shop With a Cop at the... ... 22s-event/
Sioux City’s Tip-a-Cop raises twice as much money as 2022’s eventIn Sioux City, community members came through in a big way for this year's Tip-a-Cop event. ... l-clothes/
East PDX News
230 kids 'Shop with a Cop' for back-to-school clothes « East PDX News-1 Outside this Fred Meyer store, both law enforcement officers, youth and their parents, gather for this year's Shop with a Cop for back-to-school.

Cop bribery case: Accused Dass sent  .. 
Read more at: ... aign=cppst ... 01383.html
Yahoo News Canada
Catching Fish with Cops reels in supportThe first inaugural Catching Fish with Cops event held in August in Gananoque is being touted as a smashing success by organizers. ... ah-1836359
Saturday, 2 September 2023
Police Service promotions between 2008 and 2016 were politically motivated – COP Mensah
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