10 Random Facts

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Postby theeKultleeder » Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:47 pm

1. I was the vocalist in a great garage band after I dropped out of high school. We called the music hempcore - a great mix of heavy and death metal, grunge, and punk. My singing sucks, but the other musicians were amazing.

2. Oh yeah, I dropped out of high school at 16. Sat on my ass for a few years, got a GED, and now I live off loans while I go to college.

3. My father is an honest-to-goodness homeless man. He has been for almost two decades. He comes around the family once in awhile. He is a blues guitarist.

4. I have done lots of... stuff. One time, at a Marilyn Manson concert, before they got too popular, I had a death trip. For the following two or three weeks I thought I was a ghost, saying goodbye. I found Timothy Leary's Tibetan Book of the Dead, and realized I wasn't crazy.

5. I had a girl for seven years. Her father is a millionaire CEO. That's what I was doing between dropping out and getting back into college: nothing (except for studying whatever the hell I felt like).

6. I was at a party in Vegas with Bill Gates. The attendant in the restroom gave me a free cigar so I could fit in. I didn't penetrate Bill's ring of women, hangers on, and body guards, but the girl's father did.

7. After selling my first car and combining money with the rich girl, I spent nine months on a cross-country road trip. We had a Ford E350 extended cab diesel van with a queen sized mattress in the back. I had to bring all my books with me. We went from South Florida to Nova Scotia, through Michigan across the Northern states to Washington, where my grandfather's family comes from. Then we cut through Nevada and the Midwest on the way home. We stayed in free campgrounds and avoided the usual tourist stops.

8. At a dance in Middle School, I was beat up by racist blacks, because I danced with a black girl.

9. A few years ago, I was very poor and found a job with a crack-head landscaping crew. We all lived in a hotel room. One night I was trying to sleep while they were up smoking crack all night. When it was time for them to lay down, they tried to kick me out of the bed. A fist fight broke out. One of the guys, a big Cuban, broke his fist over my head. I am very hard-headed.

10. One of the most beautiful spots on this Earth is hidden away in the Bitterroot Wilderness preserve in Idaho. It's a natural hot spring a hike away from the highway.

Postby slimmouse » Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:58 am

1)I seem to have had a charmed early life. I was apparently dropped on my head on concrete as a Baby, which I cant remember. I can remember however, at around 3 years old, plugging a plug with just some lose chord into a socket “to see what would happen”, and being flung around the room.

2) Despite both of the above, I somehow grew into something of a child prodigy, and was entered for my 11 plus examination at 10, completing my education to Post graduate standard a year early.

3 As a young boy of about five, a couple of my older friends once dressed me up in one of their “Boys brigade” outfits, and told me to stand outside a voting station with my hat out and tell people I was collecting for charity. It must have looked hilarious. I got sixpence off someone, and went running back to the conspirators, who told me to stand their until I’d filled the cap up. The business plan was foiled however as a policeman in civvies came to vote, and I unwittingly led him to my “partners”.

4)As I teenager I had a (another) lucky escape with a firecracker ( Bangers as we call them in the UK). These things normally have a fuse at least 10 seconds long. I was going to light one, and show off to my friends by putting it in my mouth and pretending it was a cigarette. As I lit it, I chickened out, and took it straight out of my mouth, whereupon it immediately exploded in my hand.

5) Im a big softy at heart too, and cry like a baby at emotional movies or musical performances that move me.

6) I once went to stay with an exgirlfriend of mine for a weekend, along with her partner, and her sister. After a seriously long session on the sauce, We all retired – my ex and her partner in one room, and me and her sister in the other room. Apparently ( I cant remember any of this), I got up in the night, all disoriented, walked over to my travel bag and peed in it, despite my ex’s sister screaming at me to stop. Also apparently, having done so, I then simply returned to the sofa where I was sleeping, before looking at my ex’s sister and apparently giving her a Stan Laurel grin, before returning to my deeper sleep.

7) I was once rolled by 2 ladies of the night, in Las vegas having had another serious drinking session, and walking up Fremont street with what must have looked like “Im a drunken dickhead –take advantage of me !” stamped on my forehead. 2000 bucks later…. And upon reporting this to the police, they threatened to actually charge me with soliciting.

8. Having spent all my life in the consensus reality bubble, I seemed to have had my life very neatly organised into working, walking my dog for 3 hours a day, and generally enjoying my life.

Then, I had my heart broken on Friday 14th September 2001 – The national day of mourning for 9/11. I was walking my dog , and he was attacked and killed by another dog. This now left a three hour daily void in my life, which I decided to fill by doing some reading online. The rest as they say….is history

9) I do have a “I was the first person in the world”to my name. The first to qualify online for free to the WSOP. Something I happened to repeat the following year. Don’t bother much with the game these days though. That is to say I don’t play it as often or as seriously.

10) I plan to have another 5 years max in this country. One remaining major ambition is to visit the Inca valley or the amazon, and try Ayahuasca, and then off to a quiet cheap and sunny retreat somewhere, where can live for a few bucks a week .
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Postby jingofever » Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:20 pm

#1 I seen a UFO. It was blue.

#2 I hunged around a cemetary or two at night doing the EVP. Results: inconclusive.

#3 I'm wearing camo pants right now and am not ashamed. In fact, I'll be wearing these pants for several weeks. Changing pants is for suckers.

#4 Never been tased. Not even once.

#5 I went to the regional pinewood derby championships but was forced to use a bad track. I haven't raced since.

#6 I used to be known as "pink shirt guy" because I wore a "pink" shirt for a couple of months straight. Well folks, the shirt wasn't pink, it was red and white striped.

#7 One time I saw a Philip K Dick doppelganger leaning against a light pole, staring at me.

#8 I buy pants that are too long and roll up the pant legs. I hate that. And I buy them too wide so I need to wear a belt. That isn't as annoying. I like belts. I have no idea what a good-fitting pair of pants feels like. I daresay I would find them to be uncomfortable.

#9 Pockets, my pants must have a lot of pockets. I hold various things in them, mostly scraps of paper. All sorts of paper. Money paper. Napkin paper. Writing paper. Business card paper. And chapstick. I love the stuff.

#10 Shorts? I don't touch them. If I want to look like a jackass I just roll up my pant legs even more. But why would I want to look like a jackass? Well, sometimes it gets hot and I roll them up.
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I'll bite

Postby bubblefunk » Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:28 pm

On edit: No, I won't bite. I thought this was going to be in general population, not solitary. Every time I say anything about myself I end up alone in the lounge. And look, I killed ANOTHER thread. Fuck it!
Last edited by bubblefunk on Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bubblefunk » Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:30 pm

see above
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Get this thread back on it's feet.

Postby annie aronburg » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:33 pm

1. Conceived on Bastille Day. Parents married All Saint's Day/Samhain. Born on the First of April, haha.

2. My father graduated university the day I was baptised.Three great -grandmothers were in attendance. This passed for news in the small mountain town of my birth, where the movie "Roxanne" was filmed.

3.In 1969 my family found ourselves in the midst of an "anti-american" riot in Tokyo. My father instructed us to hide behind a light pole while demonstrators wearing surgical masks and police with batons tarantella-ed around us.I don't know why no-one noticed the four white people hiding (poorly) in their midst, but eventually they made their way down the street and we went in the other direction.

4. When I was five we climbed to the top of a castle in Ireland. My dad grabbed me by the ankles, poked my head in a hole and told me to "kiss that rock". Now I have the "gift of gab".

5. On the way home from a family bike ride in the mid-70's, I wasn't able to make a turn at a high rate of speed and smashed into a wall, breaking my arm and cracking my head open to the tune of fourteen stitches. My main memory of the event is standing by the side of the road watching myself fly past on my bicycle, into our neighbour's driveway. I didn't get "back" into my body until after the impact. I used to think I had left my body. Lately I think that I was seeing my grandmother's psychic vision of me. She called our house frantically while my parents were at the emergency room. She kept calling until they got home and when they lied that I was at a sleepover, she demanded to speak to me there. My parents put her off saying it was too late to call. It was decades before it was ok for Grandma to know. She "knew" when I was born too.

6. I've attended 18 schools in 5 different countries. Lebanon was my favorite country, still looking for the right school.

7. I once had a conversation with a man where I never said a word . An old black man in sunglasses and preppy clothing approached a friend and I at the post office late one night in the early 90's. (what, you don't pick up your mail at 4 am?)
At first it seemed like we were being panhandled but he spoke to us for more than 40 minutes about time, space travel, love and doing life's work.My friend and I said nothing aloud, the stranger did all the talking. When I would form a response to his words in my mind, but before I could speak them, he was responding to my response. I couldn't get a word in edgewise, I didn't have to say a thing. It was humbling and dazzling. I think he was a MILAB.

8. I am a shock trooper for gentrification.

9. My initial reaction to 9-11 was to contemplate flight to the aforementioned mountain town of my birth. That was succeeded by an overwhelming desire to purchase perfume on E-bay and watch television for 8-12 hours a day. A google search about implants and ear-candles in 2004 led me to the "Coincidence Theorist's guide to 9-11." I've been lurking, learning and laughing here ever since.

10. My realtor once told me, "Don't SAY things to make yourself feel better."
"O Oysters," said the Carpenter,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none--
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one.
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Postby Jeff » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:03 pm

Thanks annie, great contribution. Welcome to the board.
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Postby blanc » Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:39 pm

nice thread, enjoyed reading
if I think of ten interesting things I can tell about..........
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Postby blanc » Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:14 am

1. had extremely odd dream last night , in which I was a nurse in a hospital and holding a baby who had just been operated on for a goitre, and had an open wound in the neck, and on the left side of the abdomen a badly stitched large flap of skin. He was supposed to be only a few days old but could talk. I said to him I'm going to have a word with the surgeon. I didn't find the surgeon, when I returned the baby was lying on the floor, his black hair bleached a peroxide blond, crying, and I was not allowed to go near him. I was told his mother wasn't allowed to go to him either and his father, none other than Blair , was divorcing her and keeping the child. His (dream) wife was hovering in the background and looked nothing like cherie btw. I said, well will I be allowed to write to the child, and was told no, he was divorcing his wife because she had allowed him to sign a family birthday card, and only the eldest child was allowed to sign that, then I asked again why he was divorcing her and I found myself reading a sunday supplement article about how he was replacing the cheap cotton curtains she had put up in the house with pure linen ones. I said but he's not Prime Minister any more. woke up
2. Have a really nice old dictionary which my grandmother bought when she first came to England I guess, which has pictures in it, and in the back all the quaint old measurement systems and a currency calculater for pre decimal currency. this made me think of -
3. We used to be sent to Sunday School with a farthing for the collection box. Who remembers farthings? The Sunday School teacher was a young woman with brown hair who always wore a pale lemon twinset, and read to us from a book. Which makes me think that
4. childhood party food consisted of fish paste sandwhiches and Jelly and evap. big deal was more than one colour jelly. barometer of how childhood has changed?
5. my cat always pokes his little face up at the window as I open the blinds, and hovers around cadging food while I feed the dog, (despite already being fed) this morning he didn't come back for a long time, and when he did he made no sound. this is absolutely unusual, his cat characteristic is that he voices much more than any other cat I've had - vet remarks on it. He is still absolutely silent.
6. As a baby, I was operated on without anaesthetic - aha dream!! - obviously don't recall this but my mother had to hold me down, together with 2 other people. She said 3 month old babies are amazingly strong, and hard to keep still.
7. I marched with the penultimate anti vietnam war march in London, and ended up in front of the us embassy, which turned out to be not the permitted route, but it was impossible to see over the heads in the crowd where we were going. Presumably this diversion was planned and expected, because as a few people near the front of the square started chucking some stones , a posse of police on horseback rode in and laid in to the demonstrators. A girl standing a few feet from me, at the far end of the square, doing nothing at all, was kicked in the face by one horseman who rode up to her intentionally, it seems, across the square. Her boyfriend dragged him off the horse and this photo appeared in all the papers as proof of the thuggery of the demonstrators, but I never saw the cameraman, even though at that point I turned round to get out of there.
8. I'm on my third large coffee, its just about my only drug unless you count alcohol and the occasional kavakava. a close member of my family said apropos of my time reading RI, you realise contributors spend all their time smoking spliffs and reading anarchy books - perishthe thought
9. someone is ripping away with a chainsaw and the hunters are out, they have a technique I don't get. Instead of creeping around stealthily, they blast away on silly little horns. How successful it is I couldn't say, as there is rarely a shot, though one did narrowly miss me once as I put washing out.
10. I'm resolving to tidy up my studio and stop posting ineffectually on RI

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Postby chillin » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:47 am

1. When we were kids we'd play the passout game.

2. In elementary school we fought lots, I still feel bad about punching some people.

3. One time then I was ~15-16 my friend and I were supposed to spilt a 40 of tequila, except he didn't show up at the trailer of the girl who was hosting the party - so I drank most of it myself. Then we had to take the bus to pick one of her relatives. I hosed down a good part of that bus with projectile vomit. The girl's mom was driving the bus :oops:

4. I would like to be a writer one day maybe.

5. I grew up with a wonderful dog.

6. I've been a dishwasher, busboy, waiter.

7. I was a taxi driver for 3-4 years, there was commercial-free alternative music on the radio almost the whole time which was nice. I smoked a pile of hash in those days. Did some University but failed calculus, I got a college diploma in computers.

8. My friend and I were the #1 and #2 players (worldwide) of a game called Myth back in the 90's. I played EQ after, my characters include an Erudite Enchanter and an Erudite Necromancer, they start with the highest int (maybe because they look like Coneheads).

9. I met my wife through a dating service, I can be clueless around women.

10. In the 90's I sold most of my cd collection for car repairs and weed, now I mostly listen to Trance.
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Postby Sweejak » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:22 pm

1. This was my introduction to first grade in the USA.

2. I predicted 9-11 in 1957.

3. At age 8 I fell out of a tree and my whole life passed before me, it took up about 20 feet. I've broken 9 major bones, trees twice, jumping from a car, football, fights.

4. I've been going to demonstrations/riots for 40 years. Things have gotten worse.

5. I've been to 14 schools before college.

6. I've had "painters block" since 1980, my last painting was 'Planet Dammit'. It was perfect but it needed a little more transparency. I set it on fire.

7. My friends pleaded with me not to take LSD.

8. I uncovered my first conspiracy when I figured out how a sperm gets to an egg. How could this information have been kept from me?

9. I live in my shop.

10. I have about 160 RSS feeds that I follow on my newsreader.
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Postby theeKultleeder » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:18 am

11. I love Sweejak.

12. He looks like the rhythm guitarist from my old band.

13. I can't spell rythum without a spellcheck.

Postby theeKultleeder » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:20 am

chillin wrote:1. When we were kids we'd play the passout game.

:!: How old are you? I did that a couple of times. Then we found weed.

Postby Sweejak » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:53 pm

I'm a little surprised by how many of those that responded tear up in movies, and Dumbo!

Well I do too, mostly with music, and it's sometimes completely unpredictable, though Mussorgsky will usually do it. Now some of Joni Mitchell's symphonic album Travelogue will do it. It's probably because I bought it at the time the war began. "Sire of Sorrow".

Hell, I cried like a baby when the Senate approved W's War.
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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:23 pm

1 - My birth date(not year) is the same as the Shuttle Challenger disaster.

2 - I witnessed a woman being murdered with a pitchfork when I was 6 years old.

3 - I tattooed Marlyn Manson.

4 - I saw a Black triangle in the mid 80's flying over Miami.

5 - I'm a direct descendant of John and John Quincy Adams.

6 - When I was a teenager I had a horrifying encounter with *something* on railroad tracks that were littered for decades with Santeria ritual debris. The experience consequently has made it impossible for me to dismiss anything out of hand. When you meet the 'Devil' on the crossroads your forced into accepting certain realities, although I reject conventional ideology on the supernatural. The experience left me in a perpetual existential paradox I'm still lost inside.

7 - In my flaming youth I had sex many times in a really picturesque cemetery in Miami. One night I was on the second floor of the mausoleum with a girlfriend straddling me and I saw a scorpion creeping towards us. I knocked it over the side with my big toe and never lost my rhythm. She has no idea to this day that it happened. [I'm also a member of the Mile High Club, w00t!]

8 - After being a contributing pioneer in the sludge-core/stoner rock genre, I moved on to dark ambient/industrial/experimental material and enjoy a modest success as a non-commercial(by choice) internet artist with many 'fans'.

9 - I dabbled enough in occult magick when I was younger to know that control of it is an illusion. I believe most available forumlae are spiked or sabotaged to deliberately harm the practitioner.

10 - Someone offered to trade me a severed human head in exchange for some tattoo work.
Last edited by Et in Arcadia ego on Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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