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Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:09 pm
by dada
Drawing the distinction between hylian material and dead matter is deliberate. Thought lives in a world composed of hylian material. The world of dead matter is the world of ghosts.

The ghosts of ghost world have echo-like qualities, but there is no light. So the slipperiest ghost is not a thought, but madness. As well the sharpest ghost is despair, the stickiest ghost is listlesness, or dullness, and the most fascinating ghost is completely distracting.

A dead material body is called a pac-man. Pac-mans are very popular, maybe more popular than mickey, ronald, jackie chan or even pikachu. They run around until the game is over, eat alot of pills to chase the ghosts away. At night, when everything is powered down, you can still see the maze outlines burned into the dark screen.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2021 1:51 pm
by dada
So if I say something like, "I hold the world record for the highest score on Q*Bert," if we think the game was played in a world of dead matter, then it is just saying I hold the world record in a dead man's game, or a game within a dead man's game, which comes to the same thing. In the end, nothing to be proud of.

And if we think the game was played in a hylian material world, then the event itself is a frozen light, of the rarest class. Suddenly seeing the game in this light can feel like opening a present on christmas morning and seeing a mint condition glass bead game set. Hand-crafted, built to last. Hylian instructions on the inside of the original box still iintact.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 10:46 am
by dada
Now you'll notice that while we willfully make a clear distinction between hylian material and dead matter, we just as willfully do not make any distinction between light and the light of the mind, as it is thought. And the distinction between thought and energy is the speed of light.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:18 am
by dada
And the distinction between energy and matter is speed=zero. Energy thought to be light moving slower than light speed, and matter thought to be light at speeds slower than zero.

The distinctions in dead matter are made though magnification and measurement, laws and transformations. Now the energy that is sensed by the sensory organs is rare and rarer still and so should probably be cherished, and hylian matter is so rare it should be fought for at any cost.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:57 pm
by dada
Pilots and sailors, sailing on the winds of scientific discovery into a world of dead matter, are bound to get lost in the dark. We wish them well nonetheless, and occaisonally hitch a ride. Ship-hike, like laurel and hardy. A crew sailing on winds of scientific discovery into a world composed of hylian material are not bound to get lost. But the ships rarely sail that way, if at all.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 2:49 pm
by dada
The argument of course can be raised, and usually is, that thought in this light must live in and with contradiction and poetry at every speed. I would not disagree, only point out that it is actually contradiction that must live in and with thought at every speed, and cannot live without it. Thought lives in concordance, coherence.

So we say the world of dead matter runs on contradiction and poetry, but does not live, and the world composed of hylian material, including energy and thought, is concordant and coherent at any speed.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:00 am
by dada
Free associating from the twelve qualities thought to be faster than light in the above structure.

Twelve numbers on the face of a standard analog clock. Twelve notes in the chromatic scale, twelve days of christmas. Twelve knights.

Not twelve arthurian knights whose quests ended in failure, corruption, disappointment, and incomprehensible mystery, become the symbol of all political power in a world of dead matter. Instead, twelve hylian knights, paladins of the highest order. They have no interest in temporal power, and have never set foot in the world of dead matter.

Twelve apostles. Not jesus' apostles, become the symbol of religious power in a world of dead matter. Instead, maybe twelve adept messengers. Teachers as well, but only in the sense of translators. If you already know how to decypher the messenger, they don't have to teach. Either way, they are still to be received with all the hospitality at your disposal.

Twelve houses of the horoscope. Not the horoscopes of the world of dead matter, become the symbol of pseudo-science and superstition. Instead twelve angels riding twelve celestial beasts. In the world of dead matter, they say the starry influences can be in bad aspect, but all houses in the hylian horoscope are always in good aspect.

And twelve more. The twelve more symbolize with the others here, but as everyone names them something different, they are best sketched in ideas.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 11:25 am
by dada
In the dramatic arts of dead matter, entertainment is consumed through a technique called suspension of disbelief. Scientific thought can be said to suspend belief. Scientific thought rejects all beliefs, even if only temporarily, in the world of dead matter. In the hylian world, belief only lives in thought, and not the other way around, the relationship is not reciprocal. Belief lives in thought in the world composed of hylain material, and thought dies in belief and unbelief in the dead material world.

In both, because they are both in the dead material world. So where the scientific mind in the world of dead matter believes in nothing, or doesn't believe in anything, or simply doesn't believe, or is agnostic, for the scientific mind in the world composed of hylian material, there is nothing to believe, and belief is in thought. Clearly, thought dies, but does not stop.

A belief that lives in thought is the expression of the feeling of disbelief, as in "this is unbelievable," "I can't believe what I'm reading." A scientist might say, "I can't believe these readings I'm getting." "Highly illogical," to put it mildly. Conveying sense of wonderment and the failure to supress renewed hope that expectations of joy from something may finally be meaningful, which is to say they may not suddenly collapse or be wrecked yet again.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:23 pm
by dada
We might reflect that "having a passion for something" creates the body of knowledge that fails to suppress renewed hope. Or, to have a true passion for something is to naturally have a "passion for the field." The fields of science, the fields of music and sound engineering, the field of gardening.

Therefore the failure to suppress renewed hope is inevitable, and suppression of renewed hope is impossible, since for suppression to succeed, the conditions are not met for any renewed hope to arise and be suppressed.

So don't feel bad about failing to suppress renewed hope, it can't be helped. People have a passion for all kinds of things, sometimes many. Some are passionate about gardening, or music, or law and order, or various professional vocations, games and hobbies, or what have you. Passion can be found in the most unlikely places, like finding life deep in the ocean where even light does not reach. Without passion for science there is no wonderment in it, as any scientist can attest through experience and experiment.

So only those with a passion for scientific thinking may fail to suppress renewed hope in it. In having a passion for the scientific thinking method, the object of passion is the scientific method itself. The thing of passion is the way of thinking, as it is thought. And if the passion is for thought, it is never a passion for thoughts-thinking-things, and always a passion for things-thinking-thoughts.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:19 pm
by dada
In the world of dead matter, where even energy dies, the only thing that can be said to truly live is thought. The hylian world of matter, on the other hand, is thought to be composed of light moving at speeds slower than zero, and "a living thought" is just a longer-winded way of simply saying "a thought."

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 6:23 pm
by dada
Appraising thought in this way, I think, the question quickly boils down to "can ideas and their words really do anything, effect any real change in the world." Free the consumers from the suffering and exploitation of mass production. We'd have no choice but say no, but nothing else can, either, so. Shit out of luck, dead society. But ideas and their words work their magic in a roundabout way.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 4:28 am
by dada
So, total free association, now. I'm thinking about the angelic pedagogy. Not the angels, but the method. It's only called angelic because it happens to be the method that they use.

A pedagogy is a teaching method. The idea behind this teaching method is of a succession of teachers, not teaching different subjects, but parts of one subject separated out in sensible sections.

So the entire subject can be understood when all the teachers deliver the goods. Each teacher centers on putting the subject in a different light. Say the second teacher puts the first in a different light. Now the first can be seen in two lights. And the second one can, too, obviously.

So say the subject is seven teachers long. Some people prefer guides, instead of teachers. Gets away from the idea of the teaching as thing to be possessed, and makes it more of a series of journeys. Using a book metaphor, not so much chapters in one book as a series of books. Technically a cycle.

So it's a layered idea, like there are seven layers in the seven story cycle. But reading all the layers in one story is still only reading a section of all the layers, to read all sections of all layers, you still have to read all seven stories, naturally.

That's the general idea. I was only using seven as an example. Could be as many as you like, or as many as you need to get it. In the story, guides or teachers are said to be usually found outside, but some people find what is called the inner guide or teacher. They find it at the same time it finds them. The idea of a teacher that teaches you, inside you. An inner guide that guides you inward.

The pedagogy is helpful in that it is found in the space between you and the highest, as it is thought to be. So there is no confusion, can be no falling under the illusion that the highest is speaking directly to you. Direct communication from the highest is always flitered through the lights, and by the time it reaches you it looks nothing like direct communication.

The pedagogy rests on the idea of the imaginatio verus, the true imagination. That, there is the imagination you watch, and the imagination you produce. The true imagination is watched as it is produced, produced as it is watched.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:25 pm
by dada
Inner teachers and guides perform diagnostic checks and rechecks, making sure to keep inner alignment true. Not habitually, but as often as is possible.

That the inner teacher or guide is only found inside cannot be overemphasized. So these words cannot be the words of your inner guide. Neither me, nor you, nor any other teacher or guide, is your inner guide. When you know your inner guide as truly inner, no words can be the words of the inner guide. The inner guide is only found in the intelligence behind the words, inside them, and behind the people inside them, as in the intelligence behind and inside you.

Which brings me to free asociation from "year zero," the thread:

"I think what it is coming down to for me is that there is consumer of mass, and consumer of thought. In thought it becomes consumer of things, and consumer of thought."

Maybe we could say that there is thought and there is information. Mass can be understood as a type of information, energy as well. Thought is not information, but becomes information. So maybe "information is mass thought, but it is not actually thought itself."

The first production of the types of information is the same as the last, the living dead world. The first production of thought is intelligence. In thought, the production continues on, first intelligence producing second and so on. Once the intelligence production of thought is established, we may theorize the limits, if any, and dramatic effects, if any.

Here the difference between the "intelligence" of central intelligence, and the intelligence that is the first intelligence of thought, should be clarified. The intelligence of the cia means information. Of course if mass is information, this just means that central intelligence needs to "read all about it." So maybe instead of seeing it as central in the sense of "at the center," it is like the grand central station of information, that at some point every bit of infomation, including energy and mass, must pass through.

Looked at this way, the nsa just looks like a specialty vacuum for hoovering up a certain very specific type of information. Actual intelligence, though, is not information, but thought. As such it can not be measured, only known, and known as thought.

Knowing the intelligence as information, then, creates an intellect that can be measured, which we must say is no longer thought. Thought is only known and thought by knowing and thinking the next intelligence behind it, inside it.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2021 10:25 am
by dada
The difference between intelligence as the first production of the types of thought, and intelligence as information can also be seen in the religious belief of "intelligent design." The belief rests on the notion that god is "living information," and so creates an intelligible universe. For the living, the dead universe is not created by intelligent design, but by mass production, and all religions are some form of belief in "intelligent design" of the dead world. The living world is not created by "intelligent design," but created through "sign intelligence," or the art of spinning signs.

So for example, let's say people assert that mushrooms are a network intelligence. They're talking about the dead matter, and the intelligent mushroom network is a living dead network. For the living, the mushroom intelligence only lives with them in the living world of thought. The living mushroom network is a series of warp pipes, connecting all worlds to the mushroom kingdom. The mushrooms themselves are bipedal, all wear funny hats, and have personalities that bring cheer.

Much different than saying, "the mushroom spirit," in vague new-agey terminology. Like, the mushroom spirit will be whatever you want it to be. And so it goes with all the other inteligences encountered on a fairly often basis, from mailboxes to miracles.

So the difference between information and thought gets confused when the senses and feelings are thought to be information instead of thought. Information is taken to be "the heart" of emotions, feelings, moods, and maybe intuition, set over against thought in "the mind."

For the living, the senses and the moods are in thought, and the living heart/mind in the living world is set over against the dead mass of information. So this gives the "derangement of the senses" an entirely different meaning than it is usually taken to mean. "Derangement," here, is moving the range of the senses from dead mass to living thought.

There is no question of "heart" being the lower mind, and "mind" being the higher, though, because both are the lower mind. So arguing about higher and lower in the lower mind is inconsequential. In the higher mind, the hearts all wear bodies of knowledge, the feelings fitting like a second skin, and the minds are each the heaven they envision.

For those who don't like religious terminology, we say, "the vision they envision." Now, the idea that there is a highest mind, where all the minds are one mind and envision one god in one heaven, is the result of the social conceit. The minds that are each the heaven they envision, envision all the other minds, in their respective heavens. So the highest is already present in the higher mind.

The mistake of the social conceit, in fact, may be exactly where the idea of the "fall from heaven," comes from. Looking for the highest anywhere else but in the minds in their respective heavens, confusing the highest with information outside of intelligence.

Re: The free association thread

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2021 10:57 am
by dada
So as it is thought to be, the heart is the individual mass consumer, and the mind is the thought consumer. The heart that is alive does not consume dead mass, though, but mass thought. So the "existential crisis" at the heart of the dead world and all its unsolvable problems is really just the choice of the heart to consume dead mass, or living mass thought, and simply comes down to a matter of taste.