Utah couple kill two year old

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Re: Utah couple kill two year old

Postby El Amigo » Tue May 19, 2015 9:43 pm

Twyla LaSarc wrote:
El Amigo » Tue May 19, 2015 1:34 pm wrote:
Twyla LaSarc » Tue May 19, 2015 4:13 pm wrote:
El Amigo » Tue May 19, 2015 12:46 pm wrote:

Women are substance. Men are reflection. Women are soul. Men are spirit. Soul is like soil and women are inescapably the soil humanity grows from. Thas beautiful... Is it sexist? Antiquated?

And please forgive me- I was a lowly line cook. I resented bartenders.

I am a currently practicing line cook of great skill, ancient lineage and a woman at that. I ain't no different from you. I breathe eat and shit like you. I am not an inanimate object to be sown for the greater humanity or something. I am me. I make my own way and my own choices (which are not always right). I just want to be seen as who I am as an individual human.

I have no quibble with bartenders, it's the waitstaff that drives me bonkers.


I much preferred working with women line cooks.

I don't know what you mean by ancient lineage. And I knew you breathed, ate and shit when I read your post.

I said soul=soil so soil=soul and those aren't inanimate. I hate putting women on pedestals but I do like picking them up and twirling them around cuz they're special. There's this one pornstar, Belladonna, I saw this video where she just pissed all over herself and I adored it. I wanted to give her a bubble bath, and put her in a nice dress and take her to a nice restaurant and she'd be just about as pretty as she could possibly be. There was this other video where she tossed some dude's salad and I ran- I ran so far away- it wasn't a matter of hygiene, or knee jerk homophobia- it was a poetic injustice. It broke my heart and melted my brain.

And Lady Gaga is an individual- or is she a corporate tool? I don't care. She can sing well, and does her own thing and showed up at an awards show bare assed naked. Idk if Channing Tatum was wearing a tux like every other guy. I hope so, cuz thas kind of cool if he was. Good for him.

I'm sorry. I don't much care about Lady Gaga and I don't even know who the fuck Channing Tatum is and porn stars pissing on themselves is a bit TMI.

/engagement with this thread

I'm sorry... You brought up breathing, eating and shitting. So I thought I'd talk about peeing. :rofl:

Thanks! Wish you did a bit more dissecting but- oh well.
El Amigo
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Re: Utah couple kill two year old

Postby Iamwhomiam » Wed May 20, 2015 12:37 am

El Amigo » Tue May 19, 2015 4:41 pm wrote:
Iamwhomiam » Tue May 19, 2015 3:58 pm wrote:Maybe it would be a healthy thing for you to take up an interest in geology.

Some rocks are easier to understand than social constructs and their interdisciplinary dynamics.

Thanks- Don't know if this a dis...

Utah is full of rocks, I had my head slammed against them, relentlessly.

And I learned a new word- Interdisciplinary. I prefer Wisdom tho, of which most forms of knowledge are just empty husks left behind, in it's wake- {whoa, that is pretentious!}

And my favorite dynamic is whas eternal and true in conflict with what is mortal and false. (wow thas REALLY pretentious. Rip it to shreds!)

No dis intended. Sorry Utah slammed your head against the rocks repeatedly.

We're all empty husks left behind once the wake has passed.

Be comfortable with yourself and others should be comfortable with you. Be in the moment - don't carry preconceived baggage (prejudicial knowledge) with you when interacting with anyone because it will taint the outcome of such encounters. Your results may be different, if you'd try. We're all unique individuals with unique life experiences, and you might consider treating all you meet uniquely, which would be fitting.
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Re: Utah couple kill two year old

Postby El Amigo » Wed May 20, 2015 3:35 pm

Iamwhomiam » Wed May 20, 2015 12:37 am wrote:
El Amigo » Tue May 19, 2015 4:41 pm wrote:
Iamwhomiam » Tue May 19, 2015 3:58 pm wrote:Maybe it would be a healthy thing for you to take up an interest in geology.

Some rocks are easier to understand than social constructs and their interdisciplinary dynamics.

Thanks- Don't know if this a dis...

Utah is full of rocks, I had my head slammed against them, relentlessly.

And I learned a new word- Interdisciplinary. I prefer Wisdom tho, of which most forms of knowledge are just empty husks left behind, in it's wake- {whoa, that is pretentious!}

And my favorite dynamic is whas eternal and true in conflict with what is mortal and false. (wow thas REALLY pretentious. Rip it to shreds!)

No dis intended. Sorry Utah slammed your head against the rocks repeatedly.

We're all empty husks left behind once the wake has passed.

Be comfortable with yourself and others should be comfortable with you. Be in the moment - don't carry preconceived baggage (prejudicial knowledge) with you when interacting with anyone because it will taint the outcome of such encounters. Your results may be different, if you'd try. We're all unique individuals with unique life experiences, and you might consider treating all you meet uniquely, which would be fitting.


Fairly comfortable with myself.

Still trying to figure out what I wanna say, thanks for your patience. Would like thread to continue but move away from me personally, tho I suppose I invited that with personal observations.

My first post was about child abuse- about how a beloved entertainer could make an innocent joke about killing children and cue laugh track... Everybody thought this guy was great (erm, thirty years ago...) and he was a household name and he did so much to make black people look good and his wife was a lawyer- fiddle de dee. Of course he might've been a serial rapist the whole time...who surrounded himself with little ones.

Then it veered towards another weird, decade old- thing. I don't understand how people conceive things- When I say that I don't mean I don't know the nuts and bolts- I don't understand their reasons, thoughts, ideas, thesis or antithesis- the synthesis they seek is terrifying. It all adds up to a dead child six feet under or walking around- That's one prejudicial knowledge I carry around with me lightly, after mucho rigorous intuition, don't play scrimmage with kids.

Here's what I wrote this morning, but forgot to submit it before work- Thought I'd include it- I write really fast so there are many errors- I was adressing, in my own way, your assessment of me and my problems- I appreciate that, and understand, my first three posts were 'shit' (I can read) but- Why do people do that so much? Genuine question... Forgive the vulgarity towards the end...


Doesn't 'society' kill the individual? Most people I see hide their uniqueness from society.

And This is embarrasing- I thought Monument Valley was totally in Utah.

Nonethless, I am comfortable with myself. Not literally right now, out of coffee- naw, I ain't nothing but tired and bored with myself.

Cute story- Was checking the schedule, trying to get out of work, had two jobs- and I feel this onslaught. This beautiful girl jumps into my arms. I kept coming back into work, hoping this would happen again. Other girls got jelly of that jam and wanted it to be toast and told me she was a slut and all that- I thought she just wanted someone to love her and all- attention- people exploited that- anyway one day she taps me on the butt- Now, to do that to me... No... People are talking a lot about Mad Max, there's always been a 'feminist' slant to it, I love the first last two so much I've never seen any Lethal Weapon movies cuz I don't wanna see Mad Max's butt- But she tapped me on mine, tips of her fingers and I'll never forget the natural, felt, unhindered anxiety in her face, she was about as far away from me as she could be, arm fully extended, in this retreating pose, she was beat red, maniac smile and I said to myself- 'Oh, thas what that stuff is about'- Women can't be the sodomites society says they are-

Of course there was this other guy who said I like shemales- he was a hater- he had a box of dildos, TMI amiright, LOL, /engagement with that guy-- but no, he had befriended me and I tried to return the favor.

Anyway he turns on me for some socio-political religion, starts saying I'm into trannies*- and we all know if people say something enough it becomes true in the minds of others- Yadda Yadda, I make up some story of a half brother, frequently incarcerated- we were at a strip club in Vegas, we saw this tranny in a 'porn convention' outside and he, fake bro, said he'd do her if he was in prison (implying no other women were around.)

Homophobia sets in on co-worker, he's insecure, he's got a box of dildos (that bothered me, what's he need them for? He's got a dong, a finger, a tongue- fill er up {Ha Haa}) and he's calling my fake half-brother gay and this other guy tells him to let up (letting me know this totally made up and ridiculous rumor WAS discussed frequently), and I just backed off. Later, out of nowhere, he says to me, he says- 'Yeah, if you want somebody to F you in the A, ya get a woman to do it'

*~ BTW bravo for Bruce Jenner, a mistaken physical reality says he's a man- and a champion among them to boot- a jumbled pile of social constructs makes him carry on this charade for decades, no one had a friggin clue- awesome- just awesome- Of course it could all be Hollywood BS. I don;t know what to make of that (rROFL)
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