is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:19 am

American Dream » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:46 am wrote:Yes, we have always been supposed to be in agreement that threads focused on attacking an individual member are wrong, wrong, wrong.

And haven't we always been supposed to be in agreement that threads focused on attacking an individual member building up gigantic, solipsistic, board-destroying Private Data Dumps are wrong, wrong, wrong? You will not answer this, "American Dream".

Cowboy, slad has, or had - I hope only temporarily - succumbed to the literal madness that has engulfed the USA in the last few weeks. I hope this will pass. (She would not normally be posting spook propaganda about, for example, Russkie sabotage of the otherwise wonderfully intact US democratic system.)

winsomecowboy wrote:cut and paste king

If you are looking for the true "cut and paste king", someone who has in fact abused this General Discussion board shamelessly and with impunity for years now, and who is still doing it, look no further than Mister TIDS himself.

Searcher08 wrote:However, I value slad's contributions to R.I. very much and see her as someone who has brought loads of diverse stuff to the board and has been pretty good about not cross-posting or bumping threads so they stay on the front page. This election year has degraded everyone's signal-to-noise ratio here.

Seconded, all of it. And -- in this context -- especially the bolded bit.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby 82_28 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:32 am

General Discussion is not the place to call out a specific member for whatever reason. This is really lame and it is hurtful to be singled out. I can only speak for myself, but most here like/love SLAD. What propaganda did you have in mind?

I vote for this whole thread be removed as well.

Also you got "forums" wrong. That should be "forum's" and "propogandist" should be "propagandist".
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby elfismiles » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:40 am

Paging mod wombat - come in wombat.

There are plenty of us copy/pasta propagandistas round here.

Round us up and put us in yer prefered reeducation camp.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby Blue » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:15 am

Such sleuthery. 14 years and you've got her gender wrong.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby tron » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:30 am

Searcher08 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:21 am wrote:Well, not just you, as tron supports your idea.

darn, i came off wrong, i like slad i think, was just quipping at a devisive post.

i will try to parse better, english not exactly my first language,

"it took you 14 years of reading the forum and that is all the fish you came up with"

et panis in copia piscium
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby MinM » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:37 am

82_28 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:32 am wrote:General Discussion is not the place to call out a specific member for whatever reason. This is really lame and it is hurtful to be singled out. I can only speak for myself, but most here like/love SLAD. What propaganda did you have in mind?

I vote for this whole thread be removed as well.

Also you got "forums" wrong. That should be "forum's" and "propogandist" should be "propagandist".

Seconded... I stand with SLaD.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby tron » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:43 am

MinM » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:37 am wrote:
82_28 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:32 am wrote:General Discussion is not the place to call out a specific member for whatever reason. This is really lame and it is hurtful to be singled out. I can only speak for myself, but most here like/love SLAD. What propaganda did you have in mind?

I vote for this whole thread be removed as well.

Also you got "forums" wrong. That should be "forum's" and "propogandist" should be "propagandist".

Seconded... I stand with SLaD.

me 3 SLaD has a cooler username, what happened to winsomecowboy1?
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby bks » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:49 am

SLAD posts a lot of stuff I think is crap, and I find my views to be increasingly at odds with whatever can be made of her own.

I fully support her and what she does here.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby norton ash » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:51 am

Mean and thoroughly unfair, cowboy. The Trump-threat put SLAD into overdrive for her own good reasons. I've never had a problem with posters who put up an abundance of stuff, or are single-minded. I don't care about 'front-page dominance'... really... don't most of us glance/choose to read or not read/scroll/go to another thread? I value SLAD a great deal, and I value American Dream as an ongoing info source. I tend to only argue with those who post shit which is patently untrue or toxic or reveals a hateful agenda. All the rest is welcome contribution for our consideration.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby NeonLX » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:54 am

Jesus Christ. What'd I do, wander into the sixth grade gym class locker room? Don't like something? Either comment on it reasonably or fucking ignore it.

I may be the dimmest bulb on the string on this Xmas tree, but I try to treat everyone with some semblance of respect.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby Searcher08 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:17 pm

winsomecowboy2 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:44 am wrote:Does anyone know of any software that can put this persons input into an overall piechart of submissions to this site? Because I'm tired of the cuddly little white noise generator we apparently all love like some crippled red-setter. Perhaps his digital projectile vomit is the new black. Perhaps some surburban non-entity is in fact a darth lord and gibber is the new truth. Speaking for myself the guy's using RI like a mastabatorium and always has.

You added:
Perhaps his digital projectile vomit is the new black. Perhaps some surburban non-entity is in fact a darth lord and gibber is the new truth. Speaking for myself the guy's using RI like a mastabatorium and always has.

on your second edit,
which, I suggest, is merely being... a wanker.
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby 82_28 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:31 pm

Be forewarned: In this letter, I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice. Please note that many of the conclusions I'm about to draw are based on cogent and virtually incontrovertible evidence provided by a set of people who have suffered immensely on account of Winsomecowboy2. His pledge not to crush any semblance of opposition to his cuckoo nostrums is merely empty rhetoric, invoked on occasion for theatrical effect but otherwise studiously ignored. He frequently progresses into displays of authority he doesn't have. That's clear. But I want nothing more—or less—than to deal with his verbally incontinent, psychotic sentiments on a case-by-case basis. To that task I have consecrated my life and I invite you to do likewise. Winsomecowboy2's comments are often appallingly brain-damaged, sometimes merciless, frequently off-point, and occasionally out-of-touch. Nevertheless, they do tell us something important about Winsomecowboy2. They tell us that Winsomecowboy2 intends to curtail human potential.

Winsomecowboy2 warrants that advertising is the most veridical form of human communication. Sound suspicious? Disgraceful is a better word. The ultimate aim of his perceptions is to restructure society as a pyramid with Winsomecowboy2 at the top, Winsomecowboy2's winged monkeys directly underneath, licentious, stuck-up mythomaniacs beneath them, and the rest of at the bottom. This new societal structure will enable Winsomecowboy2 to evade responsibility, which makes me realize that if he feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing him, then that's just too darn bad. Winsomecowboy2's arrogance has brought this upon himself.

Winsomecowboy2 makes a living out of yahooism. I call this tactic of his “entrepreneurial yahooism”. Winsomecowboy2 and his cat's-paws have unquestionably raised entrepreneurial yahooism to a fine art by using it to produce a new generation of truculent riffraff whose opinions and prejudices, far from being enlightened and challenged, are simply legitimized. What really irks me is that he has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him steal the fruits of other people's labor or he'll arouse inter-ethnic suspicion. Please keep in mind that I want to live my life as I see fit. I can't do that while Winsomecowboy2 still has the ability to bury our heritage, our traditions, and our culture. To deny that even the most rigorous theoretical framework he could put forward would not leave him in the position of generalizing with the certainty to which he is prone in his policies is hubristic nonsense and political irresponsibility. It is nonsense because people who agree with his intimations are either stupid, drunk, on drugs, paid off by Winsomecowboy2, or are beggarly, biggety dishonest-types. And it is irresponsible because I want to give people more information about Winsomecowboy2, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I indubitably hope people draw: Winsomecowboy2 recently got caught red-handed trying to impose orthodoxy and suppress dissent. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. Let me close by reminding you that the statements I made about Winsomecowboy2 in this letter are in earnest. I will not equivocate. I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch. And I will be heard.

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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:36 pm

:lovehearts: :lovehearts: :hug1: :hug1:

well that gave me the confidence I needed to post's been sitting in waiting to hit the reply button for awhile now

What does a gal have to do to get her name in the headlines here?

hang around for 13 years...wait patiently

post 19,754 times

really really really piss someone off


I am not the king of RI

I am the Drama Dairy Queen

sorry to the folks who are a bit miffed at me...having a fascist in the White House has affected me a wee bit...thanks for your understanding

thank you to all that silently tolerate me I know that must be difficult for you at times

but go ahead Cowboy make this place the fabulous place you think it should be ...don't rely on others to do your heavy lifting away

if only you would have waited until your 85th post to trash me it might have affected me differently

and you did love me in the earthquake thread....and you did like my tomatoes.......I guess I should have stuck to vegetable stories then all would be right with the world? ...we do have a vegetable in the WH now....can I use that excuse to keep your humble opinion?

I wasn't going to post in this thread but most of all I needed to say thank you to my dear friends and family here are the best of the treat me as family...through thick and thin...awful Irish temper and I appreciate that vey much all have shown me so much support and love over all these years ..I will never forget will be in my thoughts and prayers forever :hug1: :love hearts:

on edit:

watch out for the yellowcake...coming to a WH near you
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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby brekin » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:07 pm

I call a protest of this thread.
It is bullshit and attacking an individual poster.
Should be locked (probably will).

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Re: is it just me or is SLAD this forums pet propogandist?

Postby chump » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:12 pm

Yeah, yeah, luv you too...

I think there is a method to this e-mail madness -, the ton of chafe to weed through here. While I've personally learned to bypass most of the passionate proliteriats who pile it on, I've also learned a lot from SLAD, AD, and many more. There ain't no way I'm gonna read all their rants, but I certainly appreciate their RI input. Most of us who type here are capable of quickly discerning which posts are worthwhile or a waste of time.

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