Antisemite Henry Makow discusses banker theory...

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Antisemite Henry Makow discusses banker theory...

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:19 pm

<br>'The Jewish <br>Banker Conspiracy'<br>Understanding Anti-Semitism<br> <br>By Henry Makow PhD<br>1-15-6<br><br>Just mention the "Jewish Banker Conspiracy" and you'll be as popular as a skunk at a garden party. Tolerant sophisticated people dismiss this concept as a hateful and tired cliche. They believe "anti-Semites" should be slandered, sent to jail and lose their livelihood. <br> <br>But what if there actually *were* a "Jewish Banker Conspiracy?" Then these sophisticates would have egg on their face, wouldn't they? They'd be exposed as rubes, victims of a stereotypical Jewish deception achieved by mass media coincidentally owned by these very same bankers. <br> <br>The "Jewish Banker Conspiracy" is *not* a chimera. It is the plan of Rothschild-controlled central bankers to create a totalitarian system to protect their illegal private monopoly of the world's credit. They print government currency for the price of the paper and then lend it to the government with interest. <br> <br>In the words of Bill Clinton's mentor, Georgetown University professor Carol Quigley, who was an insider, the plan is "nothing less than to establish a world system... able to dominate the political system of each country." They plan to control the whole system in "a feudalistic manner by the central banks of the world working in concert (and) by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences." ('Tragedy and Hope', p. 324) <br> <br>The central banking families and their allies used their unfair advantage to gain a monopoly on the world's wealth and a stranglehold on culture and politics. To make us accept their "New World Order," (a.k.a. globalization) they need to divide and degrade humanity by destroying the four pillars of our personal identity and social cohesion: nation, race, religion and family. <br> <br>They sponsor Communism, Zionism, Socialism, Neo Conservatism, Liberalism, Feminism, Multiculturalism and "Diversity" to achieve this purpose. (Socialism substitutes government for family.) They sponsor terrorism (incl. 9-11), revolutions, wars and depressions and may be planning another world war. <br> <br>Anti-Semitism is caused because Jewish idealists, opportunists and dupes play a prominent role in the above movements, especially Communism. As the New World Order becomes more onerous, anti-Semitism will inevitably increase. Jews need to acknowledge this rather than pretend "anti-Semites" are hallucinating. On the other hand, "anti-Semites" need to stop generalizing. Jews are very far from being cohesive. <br> <br>Jews are fleeing Jewish organizations in droves. According to a 2001 survey, 25% of the roughly 5 million American Jews identify with another faith. Another quarter are "secular" leaving just 51% to say they are Jewish by religion. One half of all Jews intermarry and three-quarters of these raise their children in another religion. <br> <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>The majority of Jews probably would oppose the banker agenda if they understood it. I was heartened to hear Texe Marrs say recently that only 5% of Jews are aware of the big picture. Yet the other 95% may suffer if they continue to be indifferent to what is happening. <br> <br>THE BIG PICTURE <br> <br>Many "anti-Semites" like Texe Marrs and Des Griffin believe that the Jewish Pharisees accepted the offer from Satan that Jesus rejected: "I will give you the Kingdom of the World (i.e. Money, Power) if you obey me." They believe Talmudic Judaism is dedicated to enthroning Lucifer and always has conspired to destroy Christianity. The recent treatment of Christmas is proof that they are not hallucinating. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>I am just beginning this immense study and shouldn't be mistaken for an expert. My present hypothesis is that enthroning Satan/Lucifer really means enthroning man in the role of God. This is called Illuminism. (Hence, the "Enlightenment.") <br> <br>God is rejected. God represents the natural development of mankind through adherence to spiritual absolutes like morality, justice and truth. <br> <br>A strong element in Talmudic Judaism restricts the definition of "man" to Jews. Thus, the course of human history can be seen as the replacement of God with man, and "man" with Jews (or man becomes Jewish.) Everything we call "modern" speaks to the banishment of God from the universe and the attempt to fill the void with the utterances of men/Jews/illuminists. That's why so much of modern culture is a fraud. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>Israel Shamir has suggested that the Jewish Holocaust is being used to deify Jews. The holocaust replaces the crucifixion as a sacred symbol of God-sacrifice. The Holocaust Museums are the temples.<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>Those Jews who welcome this scenario might be in for a rude awakening. The definition of Jewish is blurred. As I have suggested elsewhere, the central bankers have forged alliances based on money, marriage and cabalistic Freemasonry with the leading families of Europe and America. <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>When gold is God, the extremely rich are the "Chosen People." This myth, together with the Talmudic and Cabalistic traditions, is a perfect mechanism for elite totalitarian control. According to Israel Shahak, Talmudic Judaism has always provided a model for a closed oppressive society. <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon." <br> <br>In other words, the whole Jewish enterprise, Judaism etc. may be a "powerful weapon" to enthrone a rule of the super rich, who are "Jewish" mainly by virtue of wealth. But the average Jew will take the flack in the form of anti-Semitism. <br> <br>For example, the British royal family sees itself as descending from the House of David. A Jewish Mohel circumcised Prince Charles. Are the Windsor's Jewish? (Douglas Reed, Somewhere South of Suez, p.356.) <br> <br>Henry Kissinger once said, "a people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong." His unsympathetic attitude may reflect that of his employers, the Illuminati bankers. <br> <br>What could Jews be doing wrong? <br>Answer: Trusting their "leaders." <br>_____ <br> <br>See also my "The Riddle of Anti-Semitism" <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br> <br>I will be discussing these issues with Jeff Rense on his program Tuesday Jan 17 at 10 pm Eastern. <br>_____ <br> <br>Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. <br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Antisemite Henry Makow discusses banker theory...

Postby Dreams End » Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:34 pm

Can't wait for the replies about how dbefored has "taken this out of context" or how Makow only means "some Jews." <br><br><br>I'd say the theory that Jews accepted a deal with Satan 2000 years ago pretty much condemns the whole lot.<br><br>What an ass. <br><br>And what a bunch of idiots who both read him and defend him whenever I complain about him. Thanks for being someone other than me for posting this. <br><br>And thanks to seventhson for replying to the Ickes thread that got firepitted and, again, it not having to be me. <br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Re: Antisemite Henry Makow discusses banker theory...

Postby Sepka » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:03 am

I hadn't realized <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Scruples</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> was invented by a paranoid. It's quite a fun party game, regardless. <br><br>There's a conspiracy among bankers (Jewish or otherwise) to the extent that they have common interests as a class and profession which they'll cooperate to defend, and that their shared experiences give them a common viewpoint about what's best for society in general. That sort of "conspiracy" exists within all the professions. <br><br>That being said, he does have a point that it's well-nigh socially impossible to talk about a conspiracy between Jews. People will acknowledge that conspiracies between Christians or Moslems to further the particular aims of their religions might exist, but the possibility of a Jewish conspiracy is dismissed out of hand. The reasons for this are quite understandable in light of recent history, but it's an interesting social blindspot nonetheless. If I ever launch a major conspiracy, I'm going to recruit every Jew I can find.<br><br>-Sepka the Space Weasel <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Oh well

Postby Seventhson » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:25 am

My life is pretty much in a shambles, so responding to this is pretty much one of my few joys today.<br><br><br>First, once again, taking people out of context and applying an antisemitic spin is reprehensible.<br><br>Carroll Quigley NEVER mentions any Jewish conspiracy and essentially ties the new world order, global domination thing to the WASP elites.<br><br><br>That is not to say that they (WASPs) do not have Jewish collaborators in the banking field or even that the new alliances between extreme fascist and right wing Jews amid the neocons with WASPs (who ultimately believe that WASPs are the master race and any subhumans like Jews are merely their pawns) is not happening.<br><br>For me, the new world order meme is one proposed by the WASP fascists who backed Hitler and who have had, wittingly or unwittingly, Jewish collaborators (Kissinger being a prime example, as are Sharon, Netanyahu, Wolfowitz, etc.). Their Reich was planned on wall street by WASPs during the financing and rise of Hitler with the goal of a 2000 year Reich run by the Nordic bloodlines using what ever bestiality, brutality, lies and necrophilic blood lust they desired to worship their mammon of materiality.<br><br>I refer all folks who are interested to the principle histories and analyses by a strident antiNazi German writer who barely escaped Naziism himself (and who was among the first to stand up against the Nazis as a student in the early 1920's) Konrad Heiden.<br><br>Google him. Look him up.<br><br>GET "Der Fuhrer" and "A History of National Socialism" by Heiden. It shows the blueprint for what is happening now. You cannot really understand <br><br>Then look at what he says about the American-Anglo-German alliances forged in the early 1930's for this 2000 year Reich (with Wall Street as a willing collaborator, Bushes, Rockefellers, Morgans, Harrimans, Walkers, Dulles et al, as documented by Quigley in Tragedy and Hope). Maybe Rothschilds and Schiffs and Warburgs were in it as their patsies and maybe not. Maybe they are just the fall guys for antiSemites the way the Protocols of Zion blame this same fascist WASP-run conspiracy disinformationally on Jews and Zionists.<br><br>But to assert that Quigley (or at least to imply) supports this antiSemitic claptrap is just a tricky deception.<br><br>The whole point of disinformation like this is to cause us to look away from the true perpetrators, the New Nazis, the New Fourth Reich, based on basic fascist tenets.<br><br>Are there Jewish fascist who are aligned with thewm for their own purposes. There sure as hell are. But they have nothing to do with true Zionsim, Israel, or Jews in general ---- all of which suffer for this necrophilic WASP fascist effort.<br><br>more later<br><br>Peace all.<br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Hahaha - Here it comes.

Postby IMO » Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:15 am

<br> Dreams end strikes again.<br><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I'd say the theory that Jews accepted a deal with Satan 2000 years ago pretty much condemns the whole lot.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br> In which case, I sincerely hope that everyone on this entire board doesnt even dare mention WASPs, since by your reckoning we are all part of the same fucking conspiracy.<br><br> Get with the programme. Use your common sense, although Im not sure you have much. <br><br> Banking, Big Oil, Secret societies and Old money rule this world. Those are the facts. <br><br> Its got nothing to do with the sad pawns of Israel, or with "Zionism" in any normal understanding of the term.<br><br> As we come to the NWOs vinegar stroke in Iran, I find it incredible that certain people aint figured this out yet.<br><br> Perhaps you have the Time to indulge us in more fucking New age/ new nazi/ heinburg bullshit no doubt, or another 30 page lecture about where we need to look, as the huge elephant crushes us all ?<br><br> Too funny.<br><br> Go pay your 360k dollars in interest, and your taxes for the wars, whilst continuing your "Anti fascist" ranting . Go fill up your car with a tax ( oil ) imposed upon you, by the same people who've run the show ever since <br><br> Too fucking funny. <br><br> Makow has his shortcomings in Spades. But for my (borrowed) money, hes is closer to the truth than you can ever even hope to be, as you indulge us all in your multi link essays about what are relative irrelevancies.<br><br> Who am I gonna read when offered the choice ? You or Makow ?<br><br> <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hahaha - Here it comes.

Postby Dreams End » Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:59 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> Who am I gonna read when offered the choice ? You or Makow<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> ?<br><br> question what the answer to that question is. <br><br>Why are there so many English fascists on this board, anyway? Do all you guys know each other? Is there some sort of RI club at the Blackpool conspiracy center? Do you find yourselves wearing a lot of turquoise?<br><br>As for banking + oil + old money + secret societies ruling the world...maybe not a complete list, but certainly on my own list as well. But that's not what this article says. You might try reading it before you post again. It says Jewish Bankers. And since you couldn't be bothered to read it, let me excerpt this little bit from you.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Jewish Pharisees accepted the offer from Satan that Jesus rejected: "I will give you the Kingdom of the World (i.e. Money, Power) if you obey me." They believe Talmudic Judaism is dedicated to enthroning Lucifer and always has conspired to destroy Christianity. The recent treatment of Christmas is proof that they are not hallucinating.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Since I believe all religious Jews have some reliance on the Talmud...then that is suggesting that all Jews are involved in a plot to enthrone Lucifer. So is this the sort of thinking you find so compelling in Makow? In any event, you may not CARE about what I've been saying about folks like Makow, but at least we understand now that it's not because what I've been saying isn't true. You simply agree with that perspective. <br><br>So, from now on, why don't you just put: "Jews are plotting to enthrone Satan on the earth" in your signature line so we won't have any more confusion. <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

DE, with you on that...

Postby ir » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:12 pm

totally.<br><br>I just write in my language, to my people, that cleaning the stables from rotten apples might run people like Makow out of business sooner than trying to convince every person on earth that the talmud has little if not nothing to do with Abramoff<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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RI thought police are they zionists or nazis?

Postby Trifecta » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:22 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Why are there so many English fascists on this board, anyway?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>As a Brit who has faced down personal threats from the UK nazis, been plastered over their hate websites looking for information about my family and a threat "I will pay for my crime with death" Your comments are deeply troubling.<br><br>And all because I discovered the money behind the neo nazi movement in the UK is ...wait for it ....wait for it JEWISH money. What does that make me then, an anti semite, a nazi or someone who deeply cares for the world we are in and wants to see change. You guys are just spinning shit to shut people up ... and all the time missing the point, until it will be too late for you (nazi/zionist/anti life) all.<br><br>My thread "the sum total of my knowledge" was removed to the fire pit as a blood libel, I never knew the term so asked Jeff (no answer) This so called blood (clustied) libel is one tiny fraction of an article that makes a lot of sense to me. <br><br>Yet to be then accuused of being a nazi sympathiser is just ridiculus. If you called me that to my face after everything my family have been through, you would not be standing.<br><br>So here we are, all accusing all and in the meantime we have played directly into the perps hands ... just what they want. <p></p><i></i>
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nazis and fascists - DE ?

Postby scollon » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:39 pm

Where are the nazis and fascists in the real world, not the ones in your head. I'm curious because it's very obvious there are incredibly few of them and their organisations are completely infiltrated by intelligece services.<br><br>The problem here is that Americans actually believe what they see in movies, for example that they rescued Europe from evil nazis and that Europe is still a seething mass of nazism. I've heard that implied many times.<br><br>My basic position is that Americans are very badly educated and kept in complete ignorance of the reality of the world both inside and outside the USA. The political system and press are models of fascist corporate control and they are told the nazis are over in Europe !<br><br>Homeland Security (SS) is what you should be worrying about not half mad old Henry Makow (and he is). <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Seventhson » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:40 pm

Blood libel is tyhe common antiSemitic rant that has gone on from right wing and insane socalled Christians for centuries (the myth of the blood sacrifices which have no known basis in fact). That is not to say that there are not cults of sacrificers. I think the Bushcult is one - n4ecrophilically sacrificing our young men and women in Iraq as well as brutally destroying innocent lives globally. But this is quite different than the ancient blood libel story. Google it. Jeff's picture on his explanation of the locking in the fire pit is a direct Nazi representation of it.<br><br>NOW, you say you have been threatened by brit Nazis and that there are Jews backing them? What do you base that on? Why were you hassled.<br><br>It may be that you are, if you have never heard the blood libel story, new and young to these debates. Certainly if you cite the Khazar story and the blood libel story in the same post (as you did) you are reaching deep into antiSemitic sources for your material whether you know it or not.<br><br>But I am interested to know what basis you claim Jews are behind the neoNazis in Britain (what evidence - with links) and why you were targeted for harassment.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: nazis and fascists - DE ?

Postby scollon » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:43 pm

Not only that, Americans contributed a great deal to the rise of nazism and plotted to overthrow their own governmet at the same time.<br><br>Trading with the Enemy<br>The Nazi - American Money Plot 1933-1949<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>scollon</A> at: 1/16/06 10:08 am<br></i>
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Re: Antisemite Henry Makow discusses banker theory...

Postby antiaristo » Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:07 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>secret societies ruling the world...maybe not a complete list, but certainly on my own list as well<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Can you tell us more, please? <p></p><i></i>
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Jewish Banker Conspiracy

Postby scollon » Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:37 pm

If you want to prove that, you have to state names and what they're doing NOW, not back in1950 when Quigley wrote his books, otherwise it's nonsense. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby ir » Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:10 pm

the term "jewish money" is troubling and inaccurate. I am sure the money was not wearing yarmulka. perhaps it was a jew that backed them people who harassed you. well, I wouldn't go making a theory based on a person or even group of people who stink.<br>Imagine I did the same with Brits ? that's the troubling part in your arguments, as far as I stand. <br>There are very bad and criminal people among the Jews, including people who might stoop to collaborating with nazi scum. How does that prove the bizarre manifesto you cited, and which jeff corrected branded along with Geobels' masterpieces ? <br>---<br>I am not at all offended by ignorance, I think it is legit and this is what boards are, to learn. I didn't know about the Khazarian story going back before the TV show I watched a few years back. and I called, know more. So you didn't know blood liable, so now you do. that's good, because a lot of what happened in and around WW2 is forgotten, who wants to know about horrors.<br><br>I couldn't read the entire post, because it wreaked of a fake, manufactured BS, interwoven with what would appeal to people nowadays, all wrapped up nicely. I just happened to see in the outset that its one of those fairy tales that put together entire nations, areas, empires as a tightly knit entity with one mind behind it. that's enought to render it fairy tales. And who are the culprits ? I just had sufficient reading to see - Jews, US, teutons (germans ?), brittish fascists,...briefly stated the whole world, except the good saintly writer and the lonely righteous reader (who has to be in his or her teens to feel so misunderstood by life and society). <br>--<br>as for the human sacrifice...give ME a break. human sacrifice is part of human culture, regretfully, much as incest, and other atavistic, deviant, behaviors. We all have memory of it, and culture came to control those behaviors, along with religion. Killing the future has many faces, sometimes entire movements/groups go bersek that way, they are symbolically or actually sacrificing their young, in war, in bad economic choices (placing burder on future by loans), polluting the rivers and the air. Since Judaism was the first mono religion, it was the first to restrain those practices, and so it replaced them with submilation. Every now and then comes a movement or cult that wishes to overthrow the taboos and restraints, and usually those ideas carry a lot of "libido" and power, but they soon deteriorate to abuses (incest, pedophilia, and sacrifices, orgies and what not). Its old as human culture, and we are always ignorant of the signs and the balances. <br>--<br>I think you are dead wrong to trust that "history of the world in 5 minutes" documents. My only disagreement with DE, usually, is that having all that crap floating in the net should not stop ME (as an Israeli) from spotting those among my people whose existence and crimes support and help the propagation of antisemitic lies. <p></p><i></i>
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Okay, so

Postby mr e » Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:26 pm

... how does merely observing the obvious make Makow (a Jew) an "anti-semite"? <br><br>How many times and in how many ways does Makow have to reiterate that <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>he's talking about a tiny minority of "Jews," who aren't really Jews anyway,</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> before the paranoid anti-semite-criers will shut up? <br><br>And, hate to bring up inconvenient questions such as this, but what <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>is</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> an "anti-semite"? Jewish and Gentile haters of (semitic) Arabs never seem to get tarred with that label. Why? <br><br>There are many conspiracies, but there is a big global conspiracy. Simply put, the quest for global empire. The impulse has existed for centuries. In medieval times this impulse took the form of religion (i.e., Roman Catholicism). In modern times a new power has arisen -- a power actually able to pull off the feat of world hegemony: the power of financial capital. Any number of Jewish scholars and authors will observe that Jews have played leading roles in -- practically <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>invented</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> -- capitalism, and financial capitalism in particular. <br><br>Or, as some authors such as Eric Jon Phelps and Tupper Saussy would argue, these apparently immensely powerful Jews are only fronts themselves for the Vatican, or for whatever cult hides behind the Vatican. In support of this view one could cite the fact that the Jewish stronghold in finance actually grew out of the European royalty's preference for having "court Jews" handle their financial affairs, taxation, etc. And they point out that Mayer Rothschild was private banker to Catholic nobles and the Rothschild family later became "guardians of the Vatican treasure." So could the Vatican be behind it all? Your guess is as good as mine. <br><br>However, when people want to censor and criminalize the very <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>act</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> of attempting to look behind the scenes and describing who and what is there, then I start to suspect they are being less than forthcoming about their true agenda. <p></p><i></i>
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