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do we have to explain why we edit?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:50 pm
by Burnt Hill
Barracuda, combining 2 threads a day doesnt help much, but I hear you.
And posting something on the sub forums seems tantamount to asking to be ignored. Hard to do because all of our posts are so vital :clown .
Also, I prefer to keep my relationship with Hugh platonic, thank you. Besides inter species marriage continues to be frowned upon.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:58 pm
by Perelandra
Thank you for bringing it up, the volume and redundancy have been problems for some time, IMO.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:25 pm
by JackRiddler

Some say the flooding may be a false-flag Hegelian strategy designed to prompt a general crackdown from the barracuda gang. Does it go all the way up to Jeff? Is he even really the PTB? Before this gets too hot, I announce herewith that all of my typing fingers are securely wrapped in mini-condoms. I don't Post By Surprise.


Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:29 pm
by justdrew
maybe making hot-topic threads sticky would help.

for instance, if we'd made one or two wikileak threads and stickied them at the top, this would discourage creation of needless threads and give a place for mods to move things to. As the sticky threads become less hot, they can be unstikied and left to float.

if such threads included say the word "roundup" in the subject, searching and knowing which to revive for old such threads would be easier. searching for: roundup palin Would hopefully bring the omnibus SP thread to light, even if you didn't remember the exact subject line.

aside from that, currently the oldest post on page one of GD is about two days old. Post rate isn't really all that high at this time.

So what I'd say is... there's not really a problem, so let's not "fix" it.

The thing about information overload is, don't depend on technology for a solution, we each need to manage our own attention. No tech solution will ever work, going against unstructured text, with no meaning? No script is ever going to be able to well manage a list of "what you might be interested in" for you. Such can be a nice add-on feature, but depending on such things abrogates your personal responsibility to direct your own attention. How could we be in favor of something like that? Talk about cyborgification!

That said, maybe it would be nice if people could add meta tags to posts/threads, picking from existing tags and/or making new tags as needed. The tags would create a parallel organization of the content and actually enable you to find related threads (because theoretically they'd have the same tag). You'd be able to click on a tag and find other threads/posts with the same tag (or tags).

Also, there is no requirement to read every thread.

if you're really stressed, use the "mark all read" function one day and periodically.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:39 pm
by 82_28
We could move to a more "metafiltery" format. Where users can set most recent comments to come to the top. Also no more than in metafilter jargon, "fpps" are limited to only one or two, possibly three a day. And I know this is going to chap MinM's hide, but also give each topic a shelf life of maybe 2-3 months.

Here is some discussion on MetaTalk about what to be done about things way back when in 2001: ... estrictive

But a less forum-y feel could go a long way. I don't know if it's possible to port all of this over though.

Matt Haughey lives in PDX now. Perhaps justdrew could ring him up.

Who knows? The shit members post here could just wind up on like trending feeds like popurls. Don't know if we would want that here though.

But I do think transitioning to a more "Metafilter like" format would really work. I barely post over there anymore because everybody is way too cool for school and they don't dig "way out there" ideas and I'm not even talking "woo". But I used to go by crasspastor, I guess I still do. 82_28 been knocking fascists out the park since 1999 yo! :eeyaa

Of course that format would probably eliminate the smilies and emoticons and whatnot. But it's a clean sleek system.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:51 pm
by Luther Blissett
Maybe there could just be a rule to ensure that each post contains some pertinent content; doing away with small superfluous one-liners that usually function as humor or a showing of support. I am guilty of this, and would lament it's legislation, but some other forums that I post on have rules like that.

On the other hand, I find the volume invigorating.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:05 pm
by Fresno_Layshaft
This is a pretty important topic. I think it deserves another thread.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:41 pm
by nathan28
There are *too many* subforums. E.g., "Book Forum," "Culture Studies" "Psyops and Meme Management" "Media and Information Technologies" are really one subforum IMO (with the exception of Psyops, which is the M-n-t-- holding tank).

I will admit there is some problem with thread proliferation. I Thread-pro'd on the non-mason freemason killing the other day, but to be honest, "Another Beheading" wasn't the most descriptive thread title. I don't, though, understand why there are so many Assange/WikiLeaks threads. It's perfectly reasonable to concentrate those discussions... maybe link to threads inside the most popular one and lock down the others?



yo dawg, zazas zazas nasatanada zazas.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:05 pm
by Occult Means Hidden
Board etiquette is the same everywhere just about. Don't most a million topics when there can be one more interesting all inclusive thread. Don't post a thread, then another thread of the same topic forty minutes later cough.. cough.. Montag.. cough.., don't post small audience relevant one liners as threads, etc.

I also think it's important we get more new blood our way. Maybe we should advertise on Salon? :moresarcasm

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:57 pm
by Jeff
Something I've considered is locking General Discussion for a day in order to direct traffic to the subforums. But now I think, before doing that, the subforums need some work done. Like, do we really need "Plame Investigation"?

I'd encourage everyone - and I thank everyone who does - to look at the board before starting a new thread. I need to do that more myself. I've duped a few threads in my time. Embarrassing in an admin.

As for getting new blood, lately I've been activating two or three new memberships a day. For what we're about and how we go about it, I think that's a good rate.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:36 pm
by 82_28
As for getting new blood, lately I've been activating two or three new memberships a day. For what we're about and how we go about it, I think that's a good rate.

Yeah, those are the dudes down the hall from me here at my office in Langley.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:05 pm
by 82_28
Another thing about the format at mefi is that each new post is a helpful sum-up on the front page of what the link or links are referring to. Then discussion ensues. More links are made. Editorialism abounds. I don't know what it would take. But I really think it is an idea worth looking into. I think Matt Haughey possibly made the meat and bones of the system GPL? I can't remember. . .

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:25 pm
by psynapz
Am I the only one here who uses the "View active topics" link at the top as my primary RI interface? You don't miss the subfora OR the latest comments this way.

Also, thx Wombat for saying it. The wikileaks threads are pissing me off. Like, worse than the worthless thread titles. Or unpunctuated, poorly-written, annoying-to-the-point-of-being-dementing thread titles. *coughslad*

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:07 am
by Montag
Occult Means Hidden wrote:Board etiquette is the same everywhere just about. Don't most a million topics when there can be one more interesting all inclusive thread. Don't post a thread, then another thread of the same topic forty minutes later cough.. cough.. Montag.. cough.., don't post small audience relevant one liners as threads, etc.

I don't know what you're talking about, the Questioning Wikileaks thread is an old thread that I bumped (I wasn't really reading the Wikileaks Question thread I try to only comment in threads where I've been following the whole thing, they were similar threads but the Questioning Wikileaks one was a month or more old). I feel Bradley Manning deserves a thread of his own. I don't know if there's any way to look this up, haha, I think the amount of threads that I have started has been down recently. I try to only start 2-3 threads per day, so as not to "over contribute", haha.

Re: This Post Designed to Be Deleted: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:15 am
by brainpanhandler
Biting tongue.... must resist.... wubba, wubba, wubba...