Since this is usually a spot for crisis, I wanted to share something that happened to me today. As you will shortly see, I can't talk about it in GD or anywhere else but here.
I get bored easily, and that's also true at my new job. I will be on google in about 10 seconds after being done with my tasks and told to wait. Since I'm being trained in several entire departments, that happens a lot so I've been on RI very blatantly during the workday lately. I'm a "try it and see" kinda guy so I've been waiting to find out how observant (or rater, observing) our IT department was, and sure enough, I had someone come and talk to me this afternoon.
The guy is pretty old, having been around since they were building in DOS in 1985 setting the company up. He definitely had fun messing with me for the first minute or so, but he actually had come to thank me for randomly introducing him to the forum here. Apparently he's been a lurker (and will probably remain? I'll let y'all know if I notice) for 2 weeks now. Loves it. Says he's never found anything like it.
I definitely could have dragged this out with all kinds of writerly details, but you're all busy, beautiful people. Be wise and prosper.