"data dumps" in general discussion

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"data dumps" in general discussion

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:33 pm

Perelandra pointed this out, based on Fruh’s latest ramble.

There is also the matter of AD’s ”TIDS” teratoma, which I asked him to move to Data Dump and he declined. Prrrrobably should have told him instead.

Is this something we tolerate or is it worth intervention?

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Re: "data dumps" in general discussion

Postby Project Willow » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:18 pm

I love Pere, but I view this as a poodle complaint. It may have had more validity in the heyday of the board when page 1 of GD was filled with active threads.
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Re: "data dumps" in general discussion

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:44 pm

Definitely doesn't bother me much, either. I used to give Fruh a hard time but I get two impressions: 1) he's not all there and 2) he is undeniably coming from a good place.

Frankly, I'm starting to feel the same about AD these days! Heh. But, I don't see much of a problem either. People engage selectively.
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Re: "data dumps" in general discussion

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:47 am

IMO, Fruh's and AD's threads are fine in GD.
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