I'm done.

Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff

I'm done.

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:27 pm

Revoke it at your leisure.

I'm gonna be a lurker from now on.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:33 pm

Have reset my password to a 64 character hash. Thanks for tolerating me, apologies for leaving when I'm the only person who is "here" but that's also why I'm leaving.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Project Willow » Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:25 pm

Did anything in particular precipitate this? I see at least one thread in GD that needs to be locked. Apologies for being massively overwhelmed with work IRL.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Project Willow » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:40 pm

I see, and I understand. Thanks for all your work!
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:04 pm

I've been gone for months, and I apologize for not resigning before my prolonged absence.

This place is completely and utterly exhausting at this point, and my mental health has been improved enormously by my absence.

In fact, my stress level has just risen considerably from being here for five minutes and reading about ten posts.

I'm afraid that Jeff, if he cares any more, is the only one who can save this place from itself, but I'm not even sure of that. Which isn't to say that I don't respect Willow and DrVolin, but this job requires so much time now that I think you'd have to clone yourselves to stand a chance.

Please revoke my mod privs.


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Re: I'm done.

Postby Project Willow » Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:27 am

I hear you. I sent Jeff a message as I don't think any of us here have access to the appropriate permissions.

May I just say, thank you so much to the both of you. I understand, and I wish you well, and I'm very grateful for all the work you've done.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:28 pm

I've been communicating with drew since Jan 27 about having my mod privs revoked, but I guess he can't figure out how to make it happen.

Mr. Wells,

Please pick up the white courtesy phone.



Oh, and I hope you're doing ok, wombat.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:20 pm

Back because the work is more important and I have a lot of notes to share -- turns out, quitting RI re-ignited my interest in the actual material, which is a relief since I sunk probably 1/3rd of my earnings the past 2 years into a library that encircles my room, and...I haven't read most of 'em.

I apologize for how I left, for sure. Not that I think I could have contributed much by sticking around, or had any effect on the prolonged shit-storm GD has become. Still, I could have explained better, and perhaps controlled myself more.

I won't even pretend to be back as a "moderator," although I will sure wield what powers I have while I have them. I won't, however, be in GD playing ref, unless something already caught my eye. The cynical tactician in me wonders if a perpetual tempest in a teapot isn't good chaff, good salt for the encryption key, good noise to keep a steady signal humming beneath. Clearly, these kids are gonna do it all day anyway.

I would like to chat, amongst us, on moderation itself, and whether we should consider bringing new folks into the fold, or just shuffle off to our respective mountains like laughing Taoist saints.

I love you guys and I thank you for your time & help.
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Re: I'm done.

Postby Project Willow » Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:49 pm

I'm so glad to see you posting again!

Clearly, these kids are gonna do it all day anyway.

It's like trying to stop the flow of a river, apparently.

The SLAD Searcher Slim circle approached me about having their own private corner of the forum where they didn't have to "interact with AD". I told them no, that they didn't have to interact with AD right now. They could just, you know, stop.


I've warned SLAD to leave him alone, and it seems to be sticking this time, and other issues have quieted somewhat for now.
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