Polka dots, pretty girls, and post-hypnotic triggers

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Polka dots, pretty girls, and post-hypnotic triggers

Postby MinM » Mon May 30, 2011 3:58 pm

The 'trigger' for this post was an interesting social experiment at Roger Ebert's Blog. It brought to mind a Jim DiEugenio interview from a few months back (25-minute mark) where he surmises that the "Polka-Dot Dress" was used as a possible trigger in Sirhan's post-hypnotic suggestion.

The girl in the Ebert video wears a rather provocative low-cut, red and white striped sweater. Otherwise she is rather pedestrian looking -- But you make the call:

Roger Ebert's Journal: Caught by the Boob Cam

MinM wrote:***

# Why did Buck Compton order the destruction of the pantry doors from RFK’s assassination at the Ambassador Hotel?
# Why were many important leads in the RFK case marked “bad, do not follow”?
# With 17 witnesses of the “Lady in the Polka Dot Dress” in the pantry kitchen, why didn’t the LAPD search for her?
# Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized by the code words, ”Lots of Cream, Lots of Sugar”?
# Why was Sandy Serrano belittled by the LAPD in their attempt to break & confuse her in her testimony regarding the “Lady in the Polka Dot Dress”?


http://rigorousintuition.ca/board2/view ... 99#p393199


http://rigorousintuition.ca/board2/view ... 20#p405220
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Re: Polka dots, pretty girls, and post-hypnotic triggers

Postby MinM » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:49 pm

Show #530
Original airdate: June 9, 2011
Guest: Archived Video/ Fletcher Prouty
Topics: RFK Assassination

# Investigative Reports researched the RFK Assassaination
# Show was only played once... then pulled.
# 76 people in the pantry contradict the official story
# RFK's last interview states he will withdraw from Vietnam if elected.
# Witness testimony differs from LA police and District Attorney
# Sirhan always in front of RFK wounds from behind
# Balistics expert lied

# Rare footage of Paul Sharaga, Booker Griffin, and Sandy Serrano
# A couple, man and woman, were "handling" Sirhan
# 11 people witnessed the Woman in a polka dot dress with Sirhan
# Paul Sharaga reveals LP police lied and forged his report.
# Listen to Hank Hernandez badger and browbeat Sandy Sirrano
# Makes the case that the CIA murdered Bobby Kennedy...
# Details Project Artichoke and Mind Control assassins

Play Part Three - Fletcher Prouty

# Reveals knowledge of a shooter from behind Bobby Kennedy
# Left the country for her safety
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Coffee as a hallucinogen.

Postby MinM » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:00 am

Lots of Cream, Lots of Sugar"

7:46 into the video above:

"Coffee was on my mind again." - Sirhan Bishara Sirhan
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Re: Polka dots, pretty girls, and post-hypnotic triggers

Postby MinM » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:21 am

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The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Lisa Pease

Postby MinM » Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:37 am

Show #581
Original airdate: June 7th, 2012
Guest: Lisa Pease / Rose Lynn Mangan
Topics: RFK Assassination

Play Lisa Pease (1:06:32) Real Media or MP3 download

# Brief recap of the case, a three day event, California primary, into the kitchen pantry
# Karl Uecker, Thane Eugene Cesar, Sirhan Sirhan fired, police suppressed evidence
# Sirhan was not close enough to Kennedy to have fired the shots that hit him
# An unseen second gunmen, too many bullet holes, DeWayne Wolfer
# 1975 reinvestigation, the HSCA did not reopen the RFK case
# William Pepper trying to get a new evidentiary hearing, Brad Johnson
# Witness Nina Rhodes-Hughes, 12 shots from two firing positions
# A gunman shooting downward from the steam table, a third gunman
# Powder burns on RKF, security guards gun was drawn, a witness saw him fire
# Grant Cooper stipulated the ballistics evidence, the Friars Club case
# Cooper was facing disbarment, instead he got a slap on the wrist
# Sirhan had no memory of the shooting, no motive, LAPD ties to the CIA
# Michael Wayne and one other man were arrested that night
# Chief Robert Houghton, Sirhan did not identify himself for hours
# Sirhan was in a hypnotic state, may not have had actual bullets
# We're living in a false history, in a National Security State
# Lisa is working on a new book, twitter lisapease


Anti-internet seasons, pre-RFK murder anniversary-"Just no."

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Re: Polka dots, pretty girls, and post-hypnotic triggers

Postby MinM » Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:01 pm

The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress
Posted Today, 02:16 AM

Be sure to watch all three parts. The end of part I and the beginning of part 2 are chilling. This is how the CIA worked to cover-up the killing of Robert Kennedy and illustrates techniques used to cover-up the JFK assassination.

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... opic=22619
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Re: The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Lisa Pease

Postby MinM » Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:21 am

While Lisa Pease continues to work on her book (Girl in the Polka Dot Dress) there's a recent article with that name and perhaps another book with that same name...
ImageGlobal Research ‏@CRG_CRM Jul 15

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and “The Polka-dot File http://ow.ly/QcMn302i3XT

Show #790
Original airdate: July 7, 2016
Guests: Fernando Faura
Topics: The girl in the polka dot dress

Play Fernando Faura (1:33:25) MP3 download

The Polka Dot File on the Robert F. Kennedy Killing: (2016)
Fernando was a reporter in Southern California in 1968
He arrived at the Ambassador, then proceeded to Good Samaritan Hospital
A young man with Fernando overheard a witness tell a policeman a story
Sirhan was with two other men, accomplices?
He came across a lawyer who had the Sirhan family as clients
Fernando overheard a DA who said there were two men with Sirhan
An honest investigation? A reporter is a sceptic by nature
If there was a conspiracy, that wasn't gonna happen
Fernando found one of the two men, silenced by the FBI
Sirhan was upset and complained about Senator Kennedy
The woman in the polka dot dress was in the same room
Sandy Serrano had spoken to the girl in the polka dot dress (3:48)
Fernando's paper ran a headline story about polka dot dress girl
He was approached by John Fahey who said he had spent the day with her
Fahey had spoken to the FBI, but, was afraid to go to the police
He tried to pick her up at the Ambassador the day of the assassination
"They're going to take care of Mr. Kennedy tonight"
As they drove north to Ventura, she predicted the killing accurately
She and he were spooked, as they were being followed
She invited him to witness the killing
Fernando gave Special Unit Senator a transcript of the story
Fernando and Fahey retraced his steps
SUS took the recording and never returned it
Fernando felt his investigation was ahead of the police and FBI
The night of the shooting, the Sirhan house was broken into
SUS denied the existence of the woman in the polka dot dress
LIFE magazine polygraphed John Fahey, he passed
Another cover up, another Dallas
Fernando found the restaurant ticket proving part of Fahey's story
Fernando had a portrait based on a police artist sketch
Witness Vincent DiPierro acknowledged the portrait was of the girl
The police battered Sandy Serrano
Retired officer Manny Pena was working with SUS
The Rosicrucian temple, CAT airline
The White House told LIFE to stop their investigation due to National Security
The RFK autopsy was attended by many persons, one walked out with a bullet
Nixon's 1968 scuttling of the Paris peace talks, Anna Chennault
Jim Garrison was right, there was a coup in 1963


MinM » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:37 am wrote:
Show #581
Original airdate: June 7th, 2012
Guest: Lisa Pease / Rose Lynn Mangan
Topics: RFK Assassination

Play Lisa Pease (1:06:32) Real Media or MP3 download

# Brief recap of the case, a three day event, California primary, into the kitchen pantry
# Karl Uecker, Thane Eugene Cesar, Sirhan Sirhan fired, police suppressed evidence
# Sirhan was not close enough to Kennedy to have fired the shots that hit him
# An unseen second gunmen, too many bullet holes, DeWayne Wolfer
# 1975 reinvestigation, the HSCA did not reopen the RFK case
# William Pepper trying to get a new evidentiary hearing, Brad Johnson
# Witness Nina Rhodes-Hughes, 12 shots from two firing positions
# A gunman shooting downward from the steam table, a third gunman
# Powder burns on RKF, security guards gun was drawn, a witness saw him fire
# Grant Cooper stipulated the ballistics evidence, the Friars Club case
# Cooper was facing disbarment, instead he got a slap on the wrist
# Sirhan had no memory of the shooting, no motive, LAPD ties to the CIA
# Michael Wayne and one other man were arrested that night
# Chief Robert Houghton, Sirhan did not identify himself for hours
# Sirhan was in a hypnotic state, may not have had actual bullets
# We're living in a false history, in a National Security State
# Lisa is working on a new book, Girl in the Polka Dot Dress, twitter lisapease

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