by Gouda » Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:56 am
88 Reasons To Watch Donnie Darko Again<br>written by: Daniel Hernandez<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Some of them:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>09. [reference]<br>The first scene in the movie is an homage to Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ.<br><br>10. [reference]<br>The theater lists The Last Temptation of Christ as part of its double feature. This movie was released theatrically in 1988 amid controversy. In 2004, when the director's cut of Donnie Darko was released, Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ awakened a similar controversy. Both Donnie Darko and The Passion of the Christ were distributed by Newmarket Films [usa].<br><br>14. [reference]<br>Elizabeth Darko's Halloween costume is a tribute to Vivian Darkbloom, a character in Stanley Kubrick's Lolita.<br><br>16. [reference]<br>Donnie refers to Jim Cunningham [the inspirational speaker paedophile] as a "chud," a reference to the film C.H.U.D. The acronym stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller.<br><br>20. [reference]<br>Rose Darko is reading the Stephen King book It. In the book, children in a small town are terrorized by a clown. Later in the film, we see an encounter between Donnie and a clown.<br><br>25. [reference]<br>The artwork in Donnie's room is M.C. Escher's "Eye."<br><br>30. [symbolism]<br>Donnie has a Led Zeppelin "Swan Song" poster on his ceiling, which depicts an angel. Cherita Chen's swan dance at the talent show is entitled "Autumn Angel."<br><br>33. [foreshadowing]<br>In the "Cunning Visions" infomercial, Jim Cunningham pats a child on his behind.<br><br>42. [motif]<br>The song that plays as Donnie is riding his bike home is "The Killing Moon" by Echo And The Bunnymen.<br><br>43. [motif]<br>The jet engine has a spiral painted on it. These are painted to tell if the engine is spinning. The Fibonnaci spiral is based on the mating patterns of rabbits.<br><br>47. [politics]<br>The climax of Donnie Darko occurs one week before the 1988 US presidential election. George Herbert Walker Bush was elected on November 8, 1988 [11/08/88].<br><br>48. [politics]<br>The first line in the movie is "I'm voting for Dukakis."<br><br>49. [politics]<br>When Donnie is suspended, there is a reflection of a Ronald Reagan portrait on the bookcase as the camera pans from Principal Cole to Kitty Farmer.<br><br>50. [politics]<br>At the Halloween party, someone wearing a Ronald Reagan mask and a white cape is jumping on the trampoline. This is a recreation of a famous Hunter S. Thompson photograph.<br><br>53. [politics]<br>When Jim Cunningham is arrested, his employee Linda Connie claims that he is the victim of "a vast conspiracy,"<br><br>54. [politics]<br>In 1988, when this movie takes place, George H.W. Bush was elected. In 2000, when this movie was filmed, his son George W. Bush was elected. In 2004, when Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut was released, George W. Bush was re-elected.<br><br>65. [terrorism]<br>A Porsche 911 vehicle is parked in the Darko driveway.<br><br>66. [terrorism]<br>The jet engine that falls in Donnie's bedroom tears through the American flag he has on his ceiling.<br><br>70. [detail]<br>According to the cast credits, which are listed in order of appearance, the man in the red jogging suit is the FAA agent in disguise.<br><br>82. [religion]<br>Although Jim Cunningham's initials are J.C., Donnie calls him the Antichrist and later exposes the truth about him.<br><br>85. [mythology]<br>The Pontiac Trans Am vehicle in the film has a phoenix painted on the hood. The phoenix is an Egyptian mythological bird that consumes itself by fire and resurrects from the dead.<br><br>87. [coincidence]<br>On November 4, 2004, a large chunk of ice fell from an airplane in Kent, Washington. The ice block crashed into an 8-year-old girl's bedroom and landed on her bed. She was<br>not home at the time of impact.<br><br>88. [time travel]<br>The E(<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> x E(<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> string theory, well-known to many mathematicians, is often referred to in the study of time travel.<br><br>81. [detail]<br>The last line of the movie is "All units should be back on base frequency."<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>