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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:52 pm

brainpanhandler wrote:
justdrew wrote:I would like to hear Hugh's views on my point about avoidance of unintentional 'hijackings' from happening...

As do I. You may have missed it, but Hugh said he is going to spend less time here for now so you might not get an answer.

Just as I was going to spend less time Sydney Pollack died and Jeff went beserk on my posts. What a waste of energy Jeff just put me through. Ahem.

In fact, I DO know of an instance where the keyword path was cleared so that a project wouldn't be interfered with. And I'm sure there are others who've lost publishing deals and such because some psyops project was coming through.

In 2001 Disney (CIA for kidz!) marketed their 'Atlantis' movie as a mirror of invading the middle east complete with Blackwater and al-Queda and occupation.

But someone I met was going to put out an exploration book on finding Atlantis and, so they tell me, they were threatened bodily by spooks to keep them from pursuing their Atlantis-themed project. They were given a bogus explanation of motive for squelching their project ("balance of religions") and I'm pretty sure it was to leave the media way clear for Disney's use of the keyword while priming kids for oil war.

There must be many examples that happen perhaps randomly, of something matching up and reflecting positively on something they want to paint negative. Wouldn't they have to examine every script, every piece of marketing to make sure undesirable hijackings don't occur 'by accident' ?

Yes, the CIA does track all publishing and many other things that the public can find out in the news cycle like court cases.

Remember the Robert Redford CIA analyst in 'Three Days of the Condor?'
His job was to READ all books, novels, etc. looking for real world plot cues.
Hey, that's what I do and find that this really is what's going on but for different reasons.

The big mainstream media products are like big boats that control the agenda and naturally occlude and swamp the little boats. So it's easy to just overpower little cognitive threats.

But you are referring to a real propaganda strategy that is mentioned in 1999 legislation signed by Bill Clinton to centralize, revamp, and improve USG psyops..."deconflicting."

bph wrote:... Just as you do not need to rig every polling place in the country to steal an election, so too do you only need to influence a certain percentage of the population.

Controlling the lead horses on the team or the 'judas goat' that others follow is a very efficient way to lead culture.

That's why the mainstream media has been co-opted by spooks as their main tool of governance.

Personally I think psyops are real. I think the people and agencies involved in them take language and it's effects very seriously. I think it stands to reason that subliminal techniques are being used on us all time. I think some of those subliminal techniques are related to language. I think the science of NLP demonstrates how powerfully we can be influenced subliminally by language. I think the people and agencies invlolved in psyops know this. Call me crazy, but that just stands to reason.

Exactly. Controlling our vocabularies with spook-generated fake video families on TV and in movies (parasocial interaction) is how our culture is shaped.

This is not some isolated trick called "keyword hijacking" that Jeff and others freak out over.

I hoped this board would understand that we live out internal narratives in our minds and the mainstream narrative has been written by spooks since WWII.
CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Postby brainpanhandler » Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:09 pm

I hoped this board would understand that we live out internal narratives in our minds and the mainstream narrative has been written by spooks since WWII.

Oh, don't be so melodramatic. I doubt there is a single member of this board that does not understand that one of the aspects of our existence here is that we live out internal narratives in our minds. Where you run afoul of certain members is that you take it as a given that people can do more than intellectually recognize this fact of our existence. It's one thing to know it must be true and it is another thing to stand out of one's own way and stop living the life of a word machine. Many of the specific examples of psyops you cite rely on accessing our minds via our subconscious. Some people just find it really , really difficult to acknowledge that they could be influenced by techniques that seem to our rational, linear, conscious minds to be absurd. If people would reflect on the language of their dreams they might begin to reacquaint themselves with the reality that we are largely subconscious beings. What we think we are most of the time is but a thin outer crust.

As for the mainstream narrative being written by spooks. Sure. Spooks and ad agencies.

Yes, the CIA does track all publishing and many other things that the public can find out in the news cycle like court cases.

I suppose this is not so hard to imagine. I'm guessing much of this process is now automated. What's a best guess as to how many people the CIA employs?

But you are referring to a real propaganda strategy that is mentioned in 1999 legislation signed by Bill Clinton to centralize, revamp, and improve USG psyops..."deconflicting."

For real? Can you be more specific? What legislation?
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Postby orz » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:29 pm

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Just as I was going to spend less time Sydney Pollack died and I went beserk


This is not some isolated trick called "keyword hijacking" that Jeff and others freak out over.


Your posts never cease to amaze me. Whatever next?
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:27 pm

orz wrote:
Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Just as I was going to spend less time Sydney Pollack died and I went beserk


No, you can't do that and just put "fixed."

HughManateeWins wrote:This is not some isolated trick called "keyword hijacking" that Jeff and others freak out over.


Your posts never cease to amaze me. Whatever next?

That's not "made up jargon."

And what I meant in my REAL quote was that KH is not isolated from many other forms of psyops. It is intricately linked to things Jeff doesn't freak out over. So anytime Jeff sees mention of KH he acts as if that was ONLY what was being discussed.
CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Postby orz » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:33 pm

It's not dishonest, it's just a internet humour/troll meme that I like.

That's not "made up jargon."

Well if you want to be pedantic I guess you didn't make it up, true. You actually stole (keyword hijacked) it from the internet advertising industry.

But my point is that you put it in scare quotes like it was some wacky phrase your opponents keep putting on you, rather than your own piece of orwellian jargon which we're all sick of the sight of.
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Postby FourthBase » Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:37 pm

I love this thread! There's such a fine mixture of earnest and compelling attempts to reason about KH, combined with premium unintentional humor from Hugh. Brainpanhandler's original example is way more plausible than the average Hugh example.
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Re: Crichton is CIA, movie is DHS, blog is FBI

Postby MinM » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:18 pm

Image The Washington Times @WashTimes · Forgotten vial of smallpox found in NIH storage room -

Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun May 18, 2008 5:21 pm wrote:
brainpanhandler wrote:.....
The fact that The Andromeda Strain miniseries begins on Memorial Day fits neatly into Hugh's theory about bad news on the ground (dead American soldiers) = Media woo party is just the cherry on top.

I just killed about 2 hours of my life with this, two hours I'll never get back, and really I just scratched the surface. I was going to dig around Michael Crichton's career as he also seems like he could easily be an intelligence asset. But I've had enough of the KWH game for today.

Thanks for the info, bph. Excellent.

I think you realized this or you wouldn't have posted this but I'm compelled to declare that keyword hijacking (KH) isn't a game at all but is:
a serious spook counterpropaganda tactic used to
-misdirect away from or
-subliminally frame
-politically dangerous subjects
....but which can also be recognized and reverse-engineered to find the covertly embedded intended attitudes.

I think you are right that it is useful to power to hijack the name and integrity of Federation of American Scientists founder, Jeremy Stone, for their virus fright film much the same way Steven CIA Spielberg hijacked the integrity of Jacque Vallee to affirm the existence of aliens in 'Close Encounters.'

But in the spirit of leaving no Stone unturned, I think there's more.

Before following up on your leads to:
1) virus movie propaganda
2) virus movie marketing
3) 1969 'Andromeda Strain'
4) Michael CIA Crichton (damn right)
5) cometary panspermia (as an alibi, real or not)

... allow me to suggest you were misdirected with a KH decoy meant to be easy to find and to negatively frame the REAL target, a fairly recent development in psy-ops (late 1990s) which is adapting to those of us who know to look at all.

Because in the 1990s the internet increased general knowledge about scandals, the psy-ops movies became more sophisticated by adding an easy-to-find decoy scandal for the new crop of 'conspiracy culture-sensitized minds' to find so that the subliminal stuff would remain subliminal.

You've got rich material to analyze here for your two-hours effort, bph, but I think you took the bait offered with the perfect match on character name, "Jeremy Stone."

Be wary of perfect matches as dangles. They might be used to lead you somewhere and nest a hidden message. Partial matches (usually last names) are mnemonically good enough for KH and have been standard operating procedure for years.

Keeping things subliminal is a psy-ops goal to exploit the brain's non-critical acceptance of what is perceived but isn't in the crosshairs of critical thinking, like parafoveal priming outside the center of our field of vision being used for product placement advertising.

A JFK disinfo 'documentary' called 'Oswald's Ghost' was just run on PBS and it was made by Robert Stone.
Robert Stone is a lying sack of fecal material working for spooks and his film was full of CIA shills pretending to be neutral experts.

That's not a coincidence. The name Stone tied to JFK is a problem for CIA.

So consider the associations with the last name "Stone."

This 45th anniversary year of the murder of JFK is also a year for discrediting Oliver Stone who made his 1991 movie, 'JFK,' opening this CIA liability up like a wound that's never closed.

Notice the discrediting quotes from the suprise late-in-life spy controversy which only Jeremy Stone declares to be true.

"I had hoped that would not come out," he admits. Stone's decision to reopen the matter, says von Hippel, was "just crazy and very counterproductive.
Now he says he is worried that Stone may be heading toward an emotional breakdown. "He simply has an obsession that he cannot shake," says Morrison.[/b] "It is a great pity," the 84-year-old astrophysicist adds. "Jeremy has done great things."

Hmmm. Now that sounds familiar. This is the discrediting line vehemently dumped on Oliver Stone by CIA media even before his 'JFK' film came out in December, 1991.
And it is time for this to happen again but perhaps in a more subtle way.

The 1991 Michael Fox movie called 'Doc Hollywood' is nothing but a not so subtle negative framing of Oliver Stone. Fox plays a Dr. Benjamin Stone stuck in a small town by accident and he spends lots of time walking around town embarrassed to have a pig on a rope.
People keep going by saying, "Nice pig, Dr. Stone."

I won't go into the rest of the negative framing of Stone and JFK conspiracy meme-reversals in this movie but you can see the motive, timing, and method of subliminal negative framing of Oliver Stone.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Now for the other stuff you found.

1) virus movie propaganda

The US government (USG) considers the public's attitudes towards vaccines and federal emergency rules about them to be related to national security.

This national security subject regularly has propaganda applied to remind us of serious dangers and who can save you, the USG.

The trick is to get us to take it seriously without taking it so seriously we research it and find-
the awful history of human experiments, US biological warfare, CIA biological warfare against Korea and Cuba, Gulf War Syndrome, Fort Detrick, suspicions about where AIDS came from, similiar suspicions about accidental or intentional releases from Plum Island like Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus, vaccine profiteering on vaccines that can't even match a mutation, etc.

Because all that would tend to make us see the USG as the biggest source of any dangers to us.

So when recent negative attitudes about vaccines and the USG develop-
>links between vaccines and autism in court cases
>FDA scandals involving Merck
...this is countered with movies like 'I am Legend' and this revived 'Andromeda Strain' series, a rerun of a 1969 propaganda campaign on the topic because of exposure of US bioweapon stocks.

In 1994 we got the Dustin Hoffman movie, 'Outbreak,' which makes Fort Detrick types our saviors (parasocial interaction with beloved actor complete with love story) and heavily emphasizes the deadly source as being a monkey with lengthy chase and catch sequence despite a vague backstory about a Pentagon bioweapon cover-up in the 1960s.

All a clever way to evoke 'rumors' and then dispel them vigorously in an idealized narrative that applies negative framing to whistleblower narratives and positive framing to USG narratives.


2) virus movie marketing

The use of viral marketing is all too appropriate for a virus movie.
But this movie series and blog look like a joint psy-ops effort by Homeland inSecurity and the FBI.

Clever to use a big holiday crowd time like Memorial Day to make people worry about viruses. All those people! Maximizing fear during heavy personal exposure is also used to evoke generic fear and lately evoking 9/11 PTSD with airplane safety scare stories around holidays when average people fly the most.

But the text on the 'Piedmont' blog is coaxing the observant young blog participants to act like FBI informers looking around their environment to notice what's what and be vigilant. And then post their findings!

This looks very much like a campaign to recruit look-outs against 'eco-terrorists' and 'extremists' that the Thought Crime legislation (HR1955) is meant to address. But done covertly in the guise of a game.

And doing this just before (s)Election 2008 convention protest season would be very strategic, too.

I'm pretty certain the "comments" are planted to direct readers in the intended mnemonic direction by the FBI.
Note these FBI informer training "comments" being virally marketed-

I think we all could benefit from gathering some basic information regarding activity which may or may not be related to the situation...
What I mean is, maybe we could all help ourselves if we had an idea of what is going on around the country as a whole.
Any one of the folks on here who may have contacts within...
Have you seen an increase in...
What about an increase in...
...or act nervous, concerned worried?
Everyone else: Start looking at your own home towns. Have you seen any strange activity...
Any influx or outgo of personnel which doesn’t seem to have any purpose? It may not seem important, but ANY change in routine could indicate the transmission of “secret” information...
Anyone who sees anything like this might want to post it here to give us an idea as to whether this has spread and if the government has spotted it yet.

If we can pinpoint other places...

Amazing this stuff doesn't come with an address to send away for a badge.
Here's some political subtext-

O.K. This article deals with disease transmission in one particular case. This leads me to believe the “wildfire” mentioned in these audio recordings MUST be related to the spread of a specific disease or a bioagent supply.

O.K.!! Now we get it! As Austin Powers said, “Thanks, Agent Exposition.”

The term "prairie fire" was adopted by the Weather Underground to describe their anti-imperialist ideology, just what the Pentagon has declared is their second biggest enemy after "Islamic extremism."

In 1974 the Weather Underground printed up and distributed a 151-page booklet called 'Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism' and it was distributed by supporters around the US. I've got a copy in my propaganda collection right next to J. Edgar Hoover's 'Masters of Deceit' and the Declaration of Independence.

The FBI is concerned that the sparks of the 1960s could become "wild fires" and spread just like a virus so they are co-opting youth to be their eyes and ears, as usual.

Notice how perfect the analog of 'fire-prevention' and 'virus-containment' are in social control media and memetic-engineering.

3) 1969 'Andromeda Strain'

Michael Crichton is a spook author.
In 1969 he wrote a decoy novel called 'Andromeda Strain' about a deadly virus...from outer space...which became a movie. But the deadly virus problem at the time came from the US government.

On page four of my June 1970 Dell first printing paperback copy of ‘Andromeda Strain’ Michael Crichton thanks a huge list of military-intelligence and military think-tank personnel for research help. The USG was heavily involved in the writing of this novel.

In 1969 there were huge scandals and public outrage over Pentagon plans to dump nerve gas into the ocean and Congress turned their gaze on just what the hell the Pentagon had been doing for years.

In 1969 there was a nerve gas accident at Okinawa.

In 1969 NY Congressman Richard D. McCarthy published a book called 'The Ultimate Folly: War by Pestilence, Asphyxiation, and Defoliation' detailing the Pentagon's use of chemical and biological weapons in Vietnam and the history of scary Pentagon stockpiles both the Congress and American people had been kept in the dark about.


4) Michael CIA Crichton (damn right)

The USG (Pentagon and CIA) needs good writers who can convincingly write about areas of science, technology, and military culture who can produce propaganda for those dangerous people called readers who might otherwise learn things they shouldn't.

Michael Crichton is one of those USG authors along with Tom 'Hunt for Red October' Clancy.
Crichton mirrors real world politics by turning it into science fiction with subliminal USG propaganda embedded.

Best-selling author Michael Crichton helps the USG cover two demographics by writing books that can then be turned into movies by other USG spook creatives like Steven CIA Spielberg.

'Jurassic Park' is an excellent example. That book mirrors Jonestown with keywords and themes and meme-reversals but applies them to another sensational context, a propaganda technique called "displacement."

The movie, being seen by kids, included negative framing of women and positive framing of men plus heavy violence-desensitization, a standard nationalist-militarist value conditioning formula.

Crichton helped introduce the meme of the female eco-terrorist the year before the UN formed a climate-change organization in 1988, the one Al Gore just won a Nobel prize with.

Crichton's 1987 book 'The Sphere' pretends to be about scientists examining a UFO on the bottom of the ocean but Crichton's themes are really all about planet Earth and includes some memetic lubricant and fire-extinguishing foam for the mind as preparatory propaganda for the imminent acknowledgement that Male Warrior Industrial culture had... actually broken the planet.

In Crichton's 1980 book, 'Congo,' he clumsily uses a science fiction story about "intelligent killer gorillas" to mask the reality of realpolitic Cold war proxy wars for minerals in Africa and the US's training of...guerillas.

Yes, all of Michael Crichton's books are like this.
And it all started with his helping out the USG in 1969 with 'The Andromeda Strain' when he made us look to the stars as the source of our fears instead of at the Pentagon.

Which leads to the next topic, "cometary panspermia."

5) cometary panspermia (as an alibi, real or not)

I tried to explain this in the infamous locked- and split-by-Jeff thread about the "Red Rain of Kerala." Some of you terribly misunderstood this and username monster here at RI has a sig quote dissing me because of it to this day.

For ages governments have been trying to convince those they ruled to look to the sky for signs that either affirm their authority or absolve them of liabilities.

The same tactic has been used by the Pentagon and CIA ever since WWII to provide diversion, confusion, and even false hope to the public who would be horrified to know just what military-intelligence does behind their backs.

The topics of UFO's and 'alien abductions' have served as useful conceptual functions-
> 'kitchen junk drawers' in which to throw anything not understood which might instead be linked to the Pentagon and CIA
>a kind of accountability pressure release valve for suspicions
>a source of pseudo-scientific hope and optimism that something smarter than us might saves us from our bad selves.

As I hope the historical context of the 1969 Pentagon biological weapons scare and Michael Crichton's 'Andromeda Strain' book and movie illustrate, it is very useful to have a "maybe" explanation for anything really bad that happens biologically that takes the heat off of military-intelligence and all their deadly technology laboratories.

"Cometary panspermia," real or not, provides a wild card kind of 'get out of jail free' pass to counter public suspicions and outrage should an unexplained outbreak of some kind occur.

So it is in the interests of both the US and UK to have academics keeping the "cometary panspermia" topic alive and credible, just as it is in their interests to have disinfo decoy science like "ESP" and "PSI" and "remote viewing" institutionalized in academia to serve as a lure away from understanding mass psychology and psy-ops media.

Remember, there are USG spooks and academic shills doing blatant denying of the laws of physics to sustain 9/11 disinformation. This can happen to any topic that is useful for the national security purposes I've described here.

The USG is already burdened with its very real criminal past in the area of biological weapons and suspicions (unfounded or not) about the source of AIDS. Many Africans are justifiably suspicious of western medicine and even are reluctant to use condoms from the west due to hearing history or rumors of eugenic intent.

One of the strangest confluences of anti-USG suspicions, show biz, spirituality, and alternative medicine is the website of Dr. Len Horowitz whose books have been mirrored to make movies with biological disaster themes including 'I am Legend' and Steven Seagall's 'The Patriot.'

Horowitz writes about CIA Hollywood's role in perception management on these topics.
Please Note: According to our firewall attack surveillance program, many of our links, press releases, and articles have been destroyed - courtesy of the U.S. Naval Intelligence Center in Bethesda. We are working to correct this problem, and appreciate your patience. Please check back often for updates.


IN LIES WE TRUST: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism

This website gives you a free look at Dr. Horowitz's latest DVD documentary urgently exposing govermental collusion with drug industrialists to target half of America's population for genocidal profiteering. People are being frightened and poisoned to serve political and financial agendas. Watch this film to learn how fear and suffering is being directed by the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services. They want you now to prepare yourself for biological weapons attacks and nuclear explosions.

'In Lies We Trust' trailer and info page-
In Lies We Trust examines the CIA’s direction of Hollywood, and modern medicine, and will have you rethinking their impacts on the way you think about current events, increasing threats of outbreaks, cancer, and AIDS.

I haven't seen or read this expose on CIA-Hollywood to know if it is ground-breakingly sincere or fake whistleblowing to muddy the waters.

It looks genuine because of this list of Horowitz' websites he claims were hacked by the Pentagon. The first two have keywords and themes that ended up in the Steven Seagal movie, 'The Patriot.' Horowitz wrote an article about his work being ripped off by a CIA agent who met with him and then helped funnel Horowitz' work to Hollywood.

Not surprisingly, Horowitz says that he was negatively framed by a movie character representing him. Sound familiar?
Yes, that's one of the tactics of counterpropaganda I've pointed out in movie psy-ops many times, hijackings of all kinds and subliminal negative framing of whistleblowers.

A very interesting article that ties together public health policy, national security, Hollywood, and CIA-

Suffice it to say, Steven Seagal's movie "The Patriot, " based on the above and evidence below, best reflects a conpiracy to conduct economic espionage and, at the same time, propagate disinformation in newsworthy areas critical to U.S. national security.
A Compilation of Similarities Between "The Patriot" Movie and
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz's Published Works
As Opposed to Dissimilarities Between The Film and the Credited Book,

The Last Canadian: Evidence for the Systematic "Missappropriation"

of Dr. Horowitz's Intellectual Properties and Violated Copyrights by

Mr. Seagal, et. al.

This all lines up with USG perception management of national security disasters and suppression of whistleblowers-



All About Smallpox

Sorry! This website is no longer available. It was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by an attack, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.
This website was supported by a group of independent researchers, journalists, and publishers spearheaded by The Idaho Observer. It made a major contribution to public health when, during the Fall of 2003, the Bush administration demanded more than 1 million persons be vaccinated with the antiquated and risky smallpox vaccine. The effort was halted largely due to a national risk awareness campaign administered by this very group of health and political activists. Unfortunately, you are no longer able to read this website to learn the secreted facts and risks of smallpox vaccination.

Sorry! This site is also no longer available as it was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by an attack, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.
This partner was supported by a consortium of companies and organizations dedicated to research, development, and production of natural products that may be used to prevent and treat SARS and related respiratory disorders. The American Herbal Products Association and allied natural product trade associations declared war on its members and the American public on April 21, 2003 by issuing a directive to stop all efforts to manufacture and market natural products that can help people to act responsibly in preventing and effectively treating SARS. By supporting this website, consortium members were allied in defending health freedoms and human rights—including the right to research, develop, test, manufacture, and market ANY natural product for which there is ample evidence in support.

SARS from an alternative vantage point at

Sorry! This site is also no longer available as it was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by attacks, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.
This partner was also supported by a consortium of companies and organizations dedicated to research, development, and production of natural products that may be used to prevent and treat SARS and related respiratory disorders, along with those who find the entire epidemic highly suspicious—from its origin and initial mishandling by public health officials in China and Canada, to the unprecedented and misleading coverage given it by the media resulting in virtual mass “hysteria.” Industries are built and political agendas effected by such fear campaigns.

Sorry! This site is also no longer available as it was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by attacks, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.
This website was sponsored by a group of individuals and organizations who came to the conclusion that the 1999 outbreak of the West Nile virus, and subsequent pesticide spraying campaigns, was part of a deadly political and economic agenda. Much of this information was drawn from independent investigators including Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Patricia Doyle, Robert Lederman, William Thomas, William Winkler, and many others.

American Red Double Cross

Sorry! This site is also no longer available as it was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by attacks, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.

The American Red Cross (ARC) is widely considered a great American institution. It is generally thought of as among the world’s premier humanitarian organizations. Clearly, almost everyone thinks of it as a life-saving agency. Most people know this non-governmental organization (NGO) to be heavily dependant upon the blood and currency generously donated by the American people. But, what if all of the above is untrue? What if everything you think you know about the American Red Cross is a ghastly nauseating lie?

Death In the Air

Sorry! This site is also no longer available as it was among seventeen websites Dr. Horowitz helped develop that was destroyed by attacks, according to our firewall attack identifier, by the U.S. Navy headquarters in Bethesda.

If you are as stunned as most Americans are by the horrifying social, economic, and political realities currently unfolding in the aftermath of the "terrorist" attacks on America's icons-the World Trade Center and the Pentagon-PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED!!! These events were predictable, predicted, and well planned. Much like the ghastly attack on Pearl Harbor. That attack largely triggered World War II. This attack was intended to instigate a new world war mentality, global economy, and social controls, consistent with a long developing globalistic agenda. Read Dr. Horowitz's book by this title. Click here to order.



No matter what you think of Dr. Len Horowitz and his websites, this underscores the USG's concerns about their own citizen's attitudes towards biological crises and vaccines which illustrates why propaganda in movies and books is deployed in these areas.

keywords: Bethesda, smallpox
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Re: The KWH Game MOVED

Postby coffin_dodger » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:57 pm

AD said:
Michael Crichton could very easily be an intelligence asset. The Andromeda Strain came out the first time while the US was openly engaged in biological warfare activities. Mr. Crichton's script spread the "virus" that of some deadly disease spread it may have come from outer space. Now he is providing a "scientific" basis for global warming denial through his novel "State of Fear".

Turns out Michael Crichton is directly linked to a MKULTRA perpetrator:

In 1970 Delgado's field was engulfed in a scandal triggered by Frank Ervin and Vernon Mark, two researchers at Harvard Medical School with whom Delgado briefly collaborated. (One of Ervin's students was Michael Crichton, who wrote The Terminal Man. The best-seller, about a bionic experiment gone awry, was inspired by the research of Ervin, Mark and Delgado.)

Excerpted from:

A most interesting interpretation of Crichton here: - - not by Mathis himself, but a reader of his.
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