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Postby brainpanhandler » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:18 am

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government guinea pigs

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:06 pm

Cute government guinea pigs?

CIA-Disney is providing a safer association with dangerous words out of the history of illegal testing on unwitting human subjects used as "guinea pigs" by the Pentagon and CIA exemplified by the infamous Cold War MKULTRA program but recently used by Bayer in Nigeria-

> radiation testing
> vaccine testing
> disease testing
> drug testing
> biowarfare agent testing

All tested for decades on unwitting soldiers, civilians, prisoners, mentally ill,, children, ethnic groups...
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Postby brainpanhandler » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:10 pm

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Morrison & Foerster Files Suit Against CIA, DoD, and U.S. Army on Behalf of Troops Exposed to Testing of Chemical and Biological Weapons at Edgewood Arsenal and Other Top Secret Sites


Press Conference: Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 10 a.m. PST, located at Morrison & Foerster LLP, 425 Market Street, San Francisco, CA. Press may also dial in to listen at 1-800-919-8049.

What: Complaint Filed—Vietnam Veterans of America, et al. v. CIA, et al.

Where: United States District Court, Northern District of California

SAN FRANCISCO (January 7, 2009) – Attorneys at Morrison & Foerster LLP have filed an unprecedented action against the Defense Department, the CIA, and other government institutions based upon failures to care for those veterans who “volunteered” in thousands of secret experiments to test toxic chemical and biological substances under code names such as MKULTRA. The new case comes on the heels of an earlier case the firm filed on behalf of veterans afflicted with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”), which is now pending in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The firm is handling both cases on a pro bono basis.

The current action was brought in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, on behalf of the Vietnam Veterans of America and six aging veterans with multiple diseases and ailments tied to a diabolical and secret testing program, whereby U.S. military personnel were deliberately exposed, by government and military agencies, to chemical and biological weapons and other toxins without informed consent. This multifaceted research program, which was launched in the early 1950s and continued through at least 1976, was conducted not only at the Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick, Maryland, but also across America by universities and hospitals under contract to Defendants.

Defendants include the CIA, the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense (“DoD”), and various government officials responsible for these agencies. The CIA secretly provided financing, personnel, and direction for the experiments, which were mainly conducted or contracted by the Army.

Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief only – no monetary damages – and Plaintiffs seek redress for 25 years of diabolical experiments followed by over 30 years of neglect, including:

the use of troops to test nerve gas, psychochemicals, and thousands of other toxic chemical or biological substances, and perhaps most gruesomely, the insertion of septal implants in the brains of subjects in a ghastly series of mind control experiments that went awry, leaving many civilian and military subjects with permanent disabilities;
the failure to secure informed consent and other widespread failures to follow the precepts of U.S. and international law regarding the use of human subjects, including the 1953 Wilson Directive and the Nuremberg Code;
an almost fanatical refusal by the DoD, the CIA, and the Army to satisfy their legal and moral obligations to locate the victims of their gruesome experiments or to provide health care or compensation to them;
the deliberate destruction by the CIA of evidence and files documenting its illegal actions, actions which were punctuated by fraud, deception, and a callous disregard for the value of human life.
The Complaint asks the Court to determine that Defendants’ actions were illegal and that Defendants have a duty to notify all victims and to provide them with health care going forward.

According to Gordon P. Erspamer, a litigation partner in Morrison & Foerster’s San Francisco office, “Until this case is concluded, and all the victims are found and made whole, we cannot put behind us this sad chapter in American history when the government exploited the very citizens, both civilian and military, that it was supposed to protect.”

Vietnam Veterans of America’s President John Rowan commented, “Over 30 years ago, the government promised to locate the victims of the MKULTRA experiments and to take care of their needs. It now is painfully obvious that what it really wants is for the victims to just quietly die off while the government takes baby steps. VVA cannot leave these veterans behind.”

For further information, please contact lead counsel for Plaintiffs, Gordon P. Erspamer, 415-268-6411, GErspamer@mofo.com. Additionally, you may contact the following Plaintiffs: Vietnam Veterans of America, 800-882-1316 (John Rowan, jrowan@vva.org); Eric P. Muth, 203‑874‑4595, emuth@sbcglobal.net; Wray C. Forrest, 719‑635‑9086, FaronYoung2@netscape.com; David Dufrane, 518-546-7870, ddufrane@nycap.rr.com; and Franklin D. Rochelle, 910‑346‑5484. Bruce Price is available by special arrangement with counsel. The complaint can be viewed at www.edgewoodtestvets.org.


I can't get the link to the complaint at edgewoodtestvets.org to work. I've tried getting to it other ways and haven't been able to look at it yet.
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Postby LilyPatToo » Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:17 pm

:shock: Thank you for posting that news article, brainpanhandler. I live in the SF Bay area, where this case was filed, and try to keep track of the efforts of survivors of the government and military programs to obtain verification.

I found a lot of information--some told first-hand by the survivors themselves--on the use of veterans as test subjects in mind control and radiation testing in the book A Nation Betrayed by Carol Rutz. If you scroll down on this page, you can read the introduction to the book.

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Postby brainpanhandler » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:23 pm

Via latest Harper's:


From a January 7 complaint filed by Vietnam Veterans
of America and six veterans against the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Department of Defense, the
Army, various government officials, and the United
States of America. The veterans were among approximately
6,720 soldiers who between 1950 and
1975 were exposed to at least 254 biological and chemical
warfare agents in tests at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal
laboratories, in Maryland.

Bruce was taken into a room where four doctors
were present. Two of the doctors were dressed
in civilian garb, and two were military doctors,
including a colonel. The colonel, who seemed to
be in charge, described the program and said, “We
know you have heard rumors we use drugs here.
Well, I am here to tell you, that is true. We cannot
tell you what they are. We do not know if the
drugs will have any harmful effects on you. But we
have the finest medical facilities. Now, we can’t
force you to take these drugs, but if you do not you
will be sent back to your home unit with a bad recommendation,
and it will be put in your file and
follow you for the rest of your life.”
Bruce is still not sure what drugs he was given
or in what doses. One of the drugs was given to him
on a Monday, and he did not begin to recover until
Friday. He thought it was still Monday. At one
point, Bruce was ordered to visit a building with
a chain-link fence that housed test animals,
including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and monkeys.
There he was strapped to a gurney. He would occasionally
regain consciousness for brief moments.
He remembers once noticing that he was covered
with a great deal of blood and assuming it was his
own, but he did not really know the source. Portions
of his arms and the backs of his hands were
blue. Bruce believes that at this time a septal implant
was placed in his brain. The implant appears
on CT scans as a “foreign body” of undetermined
composition in Bruce’s right ethmoid.
David was used as a human test subject in at least
eight experiments. He is able to remember only
four. Gas was sprayed directly on his face, causing
extreme burning and blindness that lasted eight
hours. Chemicals were sprayed on him that, when
he was exposed to black light, turned his skin purple.
While he was held in padded rooms, David was
injected with substances that made him hallucinate
for days. He believed that he was eating entire
cities and vomited from the taste of concrete in his
mouth. He was also forced to drink liquids that
made him think objects he held in his hand had
disappeared or were invisible. David suffers from
frequent flashbacks. His arms and legs are numb and
tingle almost all of the time. He has a chronic
headache on the left side of his head, and has broken
all of the teeth on the left side of his jaw due
to grinding from the ever present pain. When he
approached his VA for assistance, he was told that
he was hallucinating and making things up, that
Edgewood never happened, and that he had never
served there. After his daughter discovered his
release papers in the attic, doctors linked his ailments
to his chemical exposure at Edgewood.
Eric saw a notice on a bulletin board asking
volunteers to help the Army test protective
equipment and riot gas, and he signed up. The preexperiment
physicals, blood work, and psychological
tests indicated that Eric had heart problems
and was paranoid and manic. This, however, did
not stop the Army from enrolling Eric in its tests.
Eric was exposed to at least seven different
rounds of chemical agents. He would enter a
chamber with several other “volunteers,” all
wearing chemical masks, and the chamber
would suddenly fill with gas. Eric and the others
were unaware that the masks were a charade,
designed to fail so that the soldiers would
inhale the highly toxic chemicals. In another
test, Eric was given an unidentified pill to swallow.
He remembers being delirious; his arms
and legs flailing; being unable to stand or walk;
crawling to the water fountain to drink; and
being ordered to void in jars. Although Eric received
a letter of commendation for his Edgewood
service, he never received the medal he
was promised.
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Postby brainpanhandler » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:42 pm

G-Force kind of snuck up on me. I keep tabs on Disney projects in the works and it seems like occasionally the announcement of a new release appears suddenly and without any advance warning. The Disney G-Force pages aren't even complete yet. I wonder how quickly Disney could produce a film like G-Force.
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Postby MinM » Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:39 am

Real spying squirrels, dolphins helped inspire 'G-Force' - USATODAY.com
Hollywood has a curious crush on science, seen this year in movies such as Star Trek (anti-matter engines), Angels & Demons (anti-matter bombs) and Transformers (a critical bomb).

The latest dose of oddball silver screen science comes this week with G-Force, a talking guinea pig spy movie from Walt Disney Pictures. The science in the movie — talking guinea pig ninjas save the world from evil — is nuts, as director Hoyt Yeatman freely acknowledges. But he points out a lot of military animal science is out there, and the movie reflects some real world science.

"I actually had the idea from my 5-year-old son dressing up a guinea pig in gear," Yeatman says. But after a year and a half of researching a script, "I began to see there were a lot of crazy things really out there."

The result is a Jerry Bruckheimer Films parody of a Jerry Bruckheimer movie, sort of Mission Impossible meets Rin Tin Tin. The guinea pigs are squad boss Darwin (voiced by Sam Rockwell), weapons nut Blaster (voiced by Tracy Morgan) and martial arts vixen Juarez (voiced by Penelope Cruz). Plus a star-nosed mole computer geek, Speckles (voiced by Nicolas Cage, of course.)

Squirrels, not guinea pigs, were arrested as spies in Iran two years ago, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency, after border guards spotted their eavesdropping equipment. "Squirrel espionage would not be without precedent," noted Wired's Sharon Weinberger, at the time. "Other members of the animal kingdom have been tagged as possible spies, including pigeons and cats."

FIND MORE STORIES IN: World War II | Star Trek | World War I | Transformers | Charles Darwin | Jerry Bruckheimer | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Irene Pepperberg

Indeed, from carrier pigeons, to suicidal dogs equipped with anti-tank mines in World War II, to dolphins used to patrol waters in the Vietnam War, armies have recruited animals for all sorts of missions.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, provided plenty of ideas for G-Force, Yeatman says. The Defense Department research agency's HI-MEMS program is "aimed at developing tightly coupled machine-insect interfaces" in moths, according to its website. The idea was the inspiration for G-Force's fly spy "Mooch" (voiced by Edwin Louis), who provides surveillance for the guinea pig team. This should keep Iran's border police on their toes.

DARPA and Los Alamos National Laboratory have also recruited bomb-sniffing bees to find land mines. "Honeybees are as good as dogs," Los Alamos entomologist Timothy Haarmann told USA TODAY in 2006. Los Alamos researchers have also looked into training bees to sniff out cocaine and other drugs at border crossings.

"The chief conceit in G-Force that the guinea pigs have been trained to understand people," Yeatman says. "They could talk amongst themselves all the time, it's just that people haven't been smart enough to understand them."

And in fact, animal communication also is a hot topic among researchers. Parrots, most famously the gray parrot Alex trained by Harvard University's Irene Pepperberg, can learn the basic elements of English, attaining roughly the intellectual development of a 5-year-old.

The honeybee "waggle dance" (decoded six decades ago by Karl von Frisch), which the insects use to recruit nest mates to find food, "is one of the most celebrated communication behaviors in the animal world," wrote entomologists Christoph Grüter and Walter Farina in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution last year.

Of course, "guinea pigs aren't known for their athletic abilities," says Yeatman. Or vocabulary. "So, we had to take a few liberties in the film," he says, to create a team of ninja rodents.

Still, he argues there's enough real science alluded to in the film to touch on real world issues. "If we can back up the story with a little bit of real science, we really make the movie a better experience for the audience," Yeatman says.
http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/new ... orce_N.htm
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'Forrest Gump' to 'G-Force' = Pentagon chemical testing

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:45 pm

I talked on the phone to the veteran who is part of this 1/09 lawsuit against the Pentagon and also is the model for 'Forrest Gump,' the 1985 novel by a military spook and then later a CIA-Hollywood movie when Congress opened up the files on this ugly chapter of US human testing on military 'guinea pigs.'

His name is Wray C. Forrest.

He was used as a guinea pig for chemical testing then when this destroyed his health he was ejected from the military as 'unfit for service' with no medical support.

A-hoo-ah! Fucking military.
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Re: 'Forrest Gump' to 'G-Force' = Pentagon chemical testing

Postby brainpanhandler » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:42 am

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:I talked on the phone to the veteran who is part of this 1/09 lawsuit against the Pentagon and also is the model for 'Forrest Gump,' the 1985 novel by a military spook and then later a CIA-Hollywood movie when Congress opened up the files on this ugly chapter of US human testing on military 'guinea pigs.'

His name is Wray C. Forrest.

He was used as a guinea pig for chemical testing then when this destroyed his health he was ejected from the military as 'unfit for service' with no medical support.

A-hoo-ah! Fucking military.

Reverse engineering psyops and discovering what they are intended to hide is a fairly straight forward process although somewhat less than a science and more than a few parts art. But how to work the methodology the other way around? DuFrane and Forrest are names that easily stand out. But what about lead counsel, Gordon Erspamer?

http://www.abajournal.com/news/meet_gor ... fits_case/

When we throw in the concept of homonyms and the like it gets pretty difficult to find the psyops intended to obscure the work of Erspamer. It stands to reason though that if camoflaging the USG's history of illegally experimenting on "volunteer" soldiers is a priority as well as the efforts to seek legal remedies for medical conditions like PTSD related to military service in combat then the name Erspamer ought to be a target of psyops tactics. How to find those psyops?
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Re: 'Forrest Gump' to 'G-Force' = Pentagon chemical testing

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:54 pm

brainpanhandler wrote:.....
But what about lead counsel, Gordon Erspamer?

http://www.abajournal.com/news/meet_gor ... fits_case/

When I looked up the law firm handling the 'human guinea pig soldier's' lawsuit, I noted that the same firm is representing Boeing in another case.

Boeing practically is the Pentagon so it looks to me like a fox-guarding-the-hen-house situation, a common tactic for power.

When we throw in the concept of homonyms and the like it gets pretty difficult to find the psyops intended to obscure the work of Erspamer. It stands to reason though that if camoflaging the USG's history of illegally experimenting on "volunteer" soldiers is a priority as well as the efforts to seek legal remedies for medical conditions like PTSD related to military service in combat then the name Erspamer ought to be a target of psyops tactics. How to find those psyops?

A name like "Erspamer" doesn't require much countering, I think.
The bigger meme of military human guinea pigs plus the names of the victims are bigger mnemonic hooks.

Plus it is youth that is being shielded the most from power's skeleton closet so kidz are not likely to read anything about "Erspamer" but they are far more likely to HEAR about the subject matter minus any names.

American youth live in an aural world, sounds of tv, radio, even youtube.
And social dispersion and reinforcement is most powerful as face-to-face spoken words.

This is why keyword hijacking homonyms and oronyms are so common in psyops.

But keep an eye out for this name as a bad guy in a military/spy-themed novel, maybe Tom Clancy, or in screen credits where it might show up as text, probably not spoken word. After Congressional hearings into the Waco atrocity, subliminal framing of obscure names of lawyers and whistleblowers were used in the Schwarzenneger film, 'Eraser.' I never would have known who they were if I hadn't looked them up. Thanks CIA-Hollywood.
It is worth the risk of framing the real names since nobody suspects what is really going on and the 'just entertainment' cover story will continue to cover for this system for years to come with key demographics. It has been asserted on this board that writers are just spicing up their scripts with contemporary names because 'screenwriters are hip and savvy like us.'

Counterpropaganda psyops (decoys) uses the strategies of advertising to decide whether to and how to compete with the 'other product'-
probable cue exposure + memorability + emotional motivation + social dispersion.

The name "Erspamer," besides being displaced by the victims, is hardly even pronounceable and thus not likely to stick in anyone's mind and so then be spoken outloud to someone else.
This pronouncibility aspect is why Our National Enemies have to have pronounceable names like "bin Laden," too.

And this leads to a challenge that is thrown out by skeptics of keyword hijacking-
But isn't that just a common name and so isn't it just coincidence and so why bother at all?

An important counterpropaganda principle is -
it is not desirable to have common everyday experiences trigger an association that is detrimental to power's reputation.

"Forrest" is a common word/concept, easily pronouncable, and could evoke the scandal of what happened to Wray C. Forrest quite often in a person's life. It does for me now because I learned this very memorable story.

Another counterpropaganda principle is -
if there is more than one dangerous association with a keyword, then it is even more important to market a benign version. This is a basic threat economy - two enemies are worse than one.

Like "Forrest."
There's a second military scandal with someone named Forrest so elements of both scandals were combined to create an even more powerful counter-narrative from the synthesis.

In 1967 there was a special unit of US soldiers rampaging through Vietnam called Tiger Force, a covered-up situation since the chain of command was complicit in their war crimes.. (This plus Tiger cages gave us KH of "tiger" at the time.)
A medic named Forrest Miller gave testimony to investigators about incidents like grenades being thrown into bunkers with children in them, blind men being executed, a kid being killed to take his sneakers.
Then look at the name, "Wray C. Forrest." Now say it out loud.

Now re-watch 'Forrest Gump' and see how this running/sneaker/race theme is turned inside out into a story of humanity, honor, triumph, public good will and high morale, etc.

Exactly the opposite of Vietnam and military scandals.
Meme-reversal is a fingerprint of interference theory at work, spooks.
Last edited by Hugh Manatee Wins on Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JackRiddler » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:47 am


On clicking I thought you meant this, one of my favorite cartoons as a child:

Battle of the Planets - G-Force

Not far off the subject: Anime-styled 80s US cartoon about warrior youths (in a standard set of five characters: cool leader, unruly No. 2, nerd, chick, strong fat guy, plus a cute robot dispatcher). They defend Earth's galaxy from attack as part of a larger military force. I still remembered the song from back then! Anyways, watching the credits again, I notice that in addition to being super-militarist, the courageous warrior youths are orphans trained from childhood for their roles as elite soldiers.


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Re: G-Force

Postby brainpanhandler » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:58 pm

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Postby Hammer of Los » Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:04 am

JackRiddler wrote:
On clicking I thought you meant this, one of my favorite cartoons as a child:

Battle of the Planets - G-Force

Not far off the subject: Anime-styled 80s US cartoon about warrior youths (in a standard set of five characters: cool leader, unruly No. 2, nerd, chick, strong fat guy, plus a cute robot dispatcher). They defend Earth's galaxy from attack as part of a larger military force. I still remembered the song from back then! Anyways, watching the credits again, I notice that in addition to being super-militarist, the courageous warrior youths are orphans trained from childhood for their roles as elite soldiers.


I kinda like bumping threads.

I thought the guinea pigs were cute. If I am honest, hardly a habit I want to get into, I let my kids watch all these movies. Oh, the horror!

The theme of secret government human (or these animal cyphers) experimentation and training to produce agents, assasins and soldiers with enhanced abilities is ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE. One might create an enormous list of characters from popular fiction connected to this theme. It would likely be a salutary experience to so do. All the way from Captain America and Jason Bourne to Wolverine and back again. A hundred others might easily be added. It might form the basis of a fascinating sociological study. I always fancied doing that sort of thing.

Anyway, talk about hidden in plain sight.

Secret government experimentation turning humans into weapons? Isn't that the stuff of conspiracy thrillers, or children's entertainment?

Man, oh man, what a world.
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