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Edward Snowjob's Whiteout

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:42 am
by ulrichdebrus
As someone who is, literally, one person away from Edward Snowden on the world “friendship tree”, if you catch my meaning, I believe I do, in fact, have a special insight into these matters. In other words, we both go way back with one Jacob Appelbaum though I don’t believe Edward S. and I have ever met. I can tell you that Jacob’s crowd is replete with characters that aren’t what they seem.

This is where my angle on this gets weird, even in my own opinion. This part of the story contains elements that might sound like sensationalist garbage. J.A. is a hacker from the Russian River, a place I have spent a great deal of time and a place that, at first, I had no reason to believe was, in this day and age, very Russian any longer. It’s home to Bohemian Grove, a place that will send almost anyone scurrying for mental safety and solid ground if one really chooses to investigate its lore. Looking into the history of this area exposes one to a plethora of tales involving Satanism, missing children, scientologists, and other things that almost (?) seem designed to confuse and frighten. I accidentally fell in with some of these people in the aftermath of Jam Echelon Day, which brought Echelon from internet conspiracy theory onto the set of 60 Minutes. I was J.E.D.‘s primary instigator (a global effort to publicize the NSA), going under the pseudonym of Robert Kemp, and for my transgression I would be studied and run through a virtual Garden of Delights and, ultimately, sleep deprivation complete with attempts at imprinting, including suggestions of terror acts. This is Appelbaum’s stomping ground. Here I would meet a woman who, after a year and a half, would admit to having been assigned to me. Jacob is the link between Snowden and Assange, by the way.


Edward Snowjob's Whiteout

Re: Edward Snowjob's Whiteout

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:45 pm
by Wombaticus Rex
I was pretty stunned by his performance yesterday at SXSW. Telling people "encryption works" and advocating the use of was just too much.

I am actually working on an article about the possibility of Snowden being a fabricated entity, but only as a window into tradecraft -- I don't actually believe that to be the case. He might just as easily be a typically arrogant IT guy who knows two things: 1) he's pretty damn smart, and 2) everyone else is dumb. Folks like that are easy to manipulate, not unlike the care and feeding of a major label recording artist.

That said, your post was fascinating stuff and I am grateful for your perspective, coming as it does from a fairly rarified altitude.