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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:23 am
by lightningBugout
( I was being a fuck )

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:24 am
by Project Willow
I'll just request now that this thread be dedicated once more to questions about the art show, ok? There's a lounge, and pm, and all kinds of places you two can chit-chat. Have fun.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:25 am
by Cordelia
Sorry. Ok. Is it an option (or just assumed) for entries to be anonymous?


PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:38 am
by Project Willow
Sure Cordelia, I am glad to label artwork as anon., but participants will have to sign a show contract, so staff here will know your name.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:22 am
by OP ED
PW, you've got huge balls. and i mean that in a totally misogynistic way. it is true what i've read in other threads, i do love you, for the fact that you get a total aggressive rise out of me. i adore that. i hope that someday we understand each other and that you can see my art with the same appreciation i see yours with.

sorry, leaving your thread now... Good luck and godspeed. Afflict the comfortable, my dear.

Love is Law.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:35 pm
by Peregrine
Really cool idea. Unfortunately I'm a little far away, up here in Vancouver, but 'tis something I'd find really neat to participate in.

It sounds kinda hokey, but I tend to take random pics with my cell phone camera, some nudes but tasteful & some are just interesting things that cought my eye. I had some displayed on a website & I got a lot of positive feedback from it.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:27 pm
by Project Willow
Op Ed, I'm..., you..., I'm blushing, and I don't know what to say, except thank you. I was very hard on you, I think we can get to a much better place.

I like your tiger piece, it's very strong graphically, it makes me think of outsider work. Please do send me some photos of your work.

Peregrine, Vancouver is very close, you don't have to come, just pack your photos in a nice box and UPS them. I do it all the time.

OK, next post will be guidelines and details.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:33 pm
by Project Willow
RI Show at Corridor Gallery

Guidelines for submission:

Send the following to

By December 15th, 2009

1. Examples of your work: up to 5 .jpgs or a link to your website
Please include title, media, dimensions, and date.

2. An artist's resume, and/or biography. If you're not a professional artist, send a few words on what motivates you to create.

Important notes:
The gallery carries no insurance for artwork. Participation is at your own risk, however, in 5 years we've never lost or damaged a single piece of artwork.
The gallery has no budget for shipping, those costs to be covered by the artist. I can help with how to get things shipped cheaply and safely.
All work must be sent finished and ready to hang (edges finished or framed, wired, etc.)
Corridor Gallery will supply and distribute standard PR, and will cover a paid listing in the local monthly visual arts guide.
Gallery commission is low at 20%.
For complete details, request a copy of the artist's contract.

Date of Show:
(if there are enough submissions to fill the space)
April 1-May1, 2010

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:56 pm
by lightningBugout
It'd be cool to a "teach-in," along with the show, if only partially straight-faced.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:54 pm
by Project Willow
Yeah, we could do a presentation on how to put a sock in a puppet and how to put a puppet in a sock, then a mini workshop: "Overcoming BBC Code", or "Proper netiquette in the Fire Pit".

Sorry, poor attempt at humor there, but you are right, we could do so. We could show the new "Conspiracy of Silence" film. Last time I did that at an art show, one person came, yeah! One person!

No, seriously, I think it's a completely supportable idea. We could have the teach-in on the following evening or on Saturday and make it a weekend affair.

Suggested Subjects?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:39 am
by OP ED
Project Willow wrote:Op Ed, I'm..., you..., I'm blushing, and I don't know what to say, except thank you. I was very hard on you, I think we can get to a much better place.

I like your tiger piece, it's very strong graphically, it makes me think of outsider work. Please do send me some photos of your work.

You're welcome. I do hope that you're right, of course, it'd be hard to get to many worse places without me getting banned. :wink:

thank you for the compliment, but it is unlikely you'll ever see any more of my work, and unlikelier still that you'd know it was mine if you did. it is always either done for sale for the politics of others and therefore anonymous or else as very literal therapy for me which isn't intended for anyone else to see really.

although i have no intention of ever gallerizing myself, if we, you and i that is, can find ourselves on a decent mode of communications at that point AND you have enough submissions and/or interest or whatever, i very well may crash your party.

Seattle isn't that far.

Teach in suggestion: The Art of Tantric Basketweaving.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:20 am
by lightningBugout
I wonder what the chances are that enough board member participation in research for the Coincidence Theorist's Guide to Trauma Based Mind Control would allow (or inspire) Dr. Wells to blog that piece and/or do a teach-in or paper publication thereof at this event? Hmmm....

ps. I bet that if enough of us planned to attend we could get a group rate at a hotel.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:12 am
by Project Willow
Op Ed wrote:although i have no intention of ever gallerizing myself, if we, you and i that is, can find ourselves on a decent mode of communications at that point AND you have enough submissions and/or interest or whatever, i very well may crash your party.

I think you should, and I encourage you to reconsider your stance on your artwork. Part of its power as a means of transformation for you, in being seen, it becomes a gift you give to others.

You should come by all means, as well as any other poster on this board who might like to spend time in a beautiful city with others who share his or her interests. It could be a grand party!

LBO, good idea, but that is up to our board host of course. I also don't want to focus on a single issue but want the show and its ancillary activities to reflect the wider interests of the board.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:34 pm
by OP ED
i plan to show up if possible, if it happens and all.

i've always liked seattle. i hope it rains!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:18 pm
by LilyPatToo
I'm by no means certain that it'll be possible yet, but I'm thinking about getting myself (and a painting, which I just got an idea for on Friday) to Seattle too.
