Bryant's Franklin Book Released

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Postby jingofever » Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:37 am

Nordic wrote:Why does this book: ... 0970452519

Bluebird : Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists (Paperback)
by Colin A. Ross

cost $358 new?

That seems really strange to me.

Because this book is the new version and the Bluebird one is a first edition.
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Postby Sounder » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:19 am

sw, thanks for your story. It’s incredible that in this late day and age, these institutionalized perversions are still so easy to deny and sweep under the rug. You are doing your part, now others have to chip in to continue too break down the barriers in common consciousness for considering (the why and how of) these twisted elements within reality.

Your story reminds me of a quote on the back cover of a Henry Kissinger biography that said something like; the law is like a spider web, it only catches the weak.

We have lots of work to do before mans law learns to conform to the Law, or reality/nature. Confusion comes to us when we niavely believe that our law is derived from the Law, instead of seeing that current law is an attempt to subvert Law. After all, only the specially connected get to write law, and anyone should know that it will be slanted in their direction.

Servant of the people? yeah right.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Postby compared2what? » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:44 am

Bridge It wrote:
compared2what? wrote:
Bridge It wrote:
Project Willow wrote:Bump.

Has anyone else gotten the book yet? I'm on page 120, it's fantastic. It's a perfect response to those who don't believe illicit activities involving large numbers of people can be covered up.

The bump is gay....and that's all i have to say.

So. I guess you've led kind of a quiet life then, huh? know....what is a "quiet life" anyway? Have I tried to defend the council of Trent? Have I been microwaved while casually sitting at my office desk? Have I been grilled on the witness stand by a New York Times best selling author about whether or not Paul Bonacci has 64 personalities? Do I own some very beautiful photographs taken by Rusty Nelson while living with the proprietor of Trine Day Publishing? Am I moving to Paradise Lane?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding "no"....but I have dreamed up some pretty good fiction over the course of the last 6 years since I met "Franklin" in a cementary.

And exactly what manner of business might have brought you to that cementary if you were not boot-shopping for the bumped (in the second to last definition listed on the linked page). If I may be so bold as to inquire.

So yes, I've led a quiet life. Quiet is good.

No argument here. I'm the proverbial recluse about town, myself. Virtually a hermit. Hey! Did you maybe mean "semintary"?

Because in that case, the contemplative lifestyle would quite obviously require no further explanation. I'd still have a problem with the casual teen-slang-sense use of the word "gay," though. I mean, I certainly don't condemn the use of any word qua the word, including that one. Which is generally perfectly fine(-ish) by me when used by ironic casual teens who are aware that to numerous other casual teens, "gay" really does mean "lame, stupid, and lesser" and therefore just shouldn't be used at all when it can't be used responsibly. Or equally perfectly fine-ish in a context in which the rhetorical evocation of ironic-casual-teen-ness enhances the meaning or even just the entertainment value of the post/utterance/story/whatever-the-verbal-form-may-be.

But it's not like "hella." Or even like "nigga please." It's a very heavily freighted word. And just tossing it around when you don't know on whom it might land, especially in a thread that has man-boy pedophilia connotations and content already, is hella dubious, imo. Or, in short: Nigga, please. I do apologize if it was less than crystal clear exactly what bone I had to pick with you in my earlier post, however. My bad. My wicked mad bad, even. But since I trust you'll forgive me for that, it's all good. I guess. Or anyway, hope.
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Postby Bridge It » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:12 pm

My wicked mad bad

can i put that in the quote only thread?

FWIW sexuality is pretty far down on this list of definitions. Besides, what makes you think I was calling the bump "lame, stupid, and lesser"? That couple looked pretty lively to me!

Since you mentioned it, I was in fact looking for gay spirits in that cementary. I photographed one named Franklin, and I can't know for sure that he is gay. But the mere fact that he showed up upon request would indicate that he is in fact a very lively and bright spirit.

gay  /geɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gey] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb
Use gay in a Sentence
See web results for gay
See images of gay
–adjective 1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.
3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.
4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.
5. homosexual.
6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.
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Postby Percival » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:13 pm

Good book.
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Re: rought draft

Postby psynapz » Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:03 pm

Been too busy to formulate a detailed response to sw's rough draft from page 3 that apparently everyone here missed, so I'll highlight some key parts of it here:

sw wrote:It was as if the first period of my life was spent being tortured and abused, the second part was healing myself (which took about 15 years) and then the most recent period which was both a time of struggling for justice and my personal realization that both the church and government institutions as a whole were broken and corrupt.
I am honored to share my story with those who happen upon this article. It is a gift to me to be heard.
Next month marks my 13th year with ATF law enforcement and my 22nd year with ATF overall.
In late 2004, I was busy doing some research on the Internet when I stumbled across a site called Rigorous Intuition. The blog had an article about the subject I was researching. After reading this post, I scrolled up to read the post directly above the one I had first found. In the next few minutes, I felt like my life was ripped out from under me.

The post I read dealt with a government program called MKULTRA which had its roots in post World War II Project Paperclip. This program was all about mind control, torture and rape. The testimonies I read and the following links to further Senate testimonies from the Senate Church Committee was like reading my own story right down to the very details I had never told anyone outside of therapy. I had always thought that my family was abusive and sick and that my family members had sick friends. Much of what happened to me in torture memories that I remembered I could not place and I guessed I would never figure out who those men were or what the bigger picture was in what happened to me. I had worked through all of those parts and the accompanying memories, integrated and moved on without knowing why they tortured me.

As I read through the declassified documents that were on line, I read of programs and testimony that matched mine exactly. The Senate testimony sites linked to other sites where more information was provided on political child sex rings from Omaha Boys Town and the Bohemian Grove. I knew I was raped in California at parties late at night in the forest where there was a huge owl and the men were all drunk and called us children the “ss” for “service stations” where they could pick which child to rape away from the circle. There were also numerous rapes around Omaha where politicians would come in and rape children. All of the settings, the transportation, and the descriptions of the surrounding all matched my memories dead on.

Also matching my history were the MKULTRA stories of torture at the hands of these doctors with colors as their names. Electro shock, drownings, spinning tables, drugs and rape predominated all these memories.

My family had lived in the cities that were prime cities for the torture and rapes. California and Nebraska were top on the list with trips to Washington and military bases. It all fell together more when I read about the Bureau of Narcotics, military and Boys Town in Omaha involvement. My grandfather was a supervisory agent with the Bureau of Narcotics in San Francisco and was present for much of the abuse. My father worked at Boys Town in Omaha and had been in the military.
They interviewed some of my neighbors like the family that lives above my duplex on the second floor. They interviewed one of my friends and asked her questions about my loyalty to the United States and if I was a threat to anyone or if I did drugs or associated with bad people.

The next work day, I was called into the Acting SAC’s office and told that he advises me to not post anymore at the Rigorous Intuition site about my experiences as a survivor. He told me to watch myself and ended telling me to get a hobby. My immediate supervisor called me into his office and told me to never research this stuff on company time using company computers. I was really taken back because I never used Govt time to do research. They were all treating me like I was a problem employee.

sw, thanks for sharing this story. While you may be happy to know I was unable to identify you by Googling for the award you mentioned receiving, I hope you assume they know you posted this, and I hope everyone else here assumes the blog posting traffic to this board is being or has been intercepted for processing, and that it's trivial to hunt down our identities by then watching all the email and other traffic from our RI-posting IP addresses. We want to hope that the RED/BLUE list story is untrue, and that it will never come to that, but don't be surprised if we all end up having a surprise convention somewhere remote and well-secured along a rail line with a nice big gas oven to keep us warm.

All that fear shit aside, I'm simply stunned at sw's story. I mean, just, wow. This has got to make sw more important to the wider truth movement than Sybil Edmonds and Indira Singh put together, and as shocking a story as it is, I'm equally shocked that a few days have passed here with mine being the first word in reaction to it. This is fucking huge, people.
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Postby chiggerbit » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:07 pm

I'm equally shocked that a few days have passed here with mine being the first word in reaction to it. This is fucking huge, people.

Well, part of the reason I haven't commented, psynapz, is that sw's report confuses me. I've been here for a few years now, and all I remember sw talking about in those days was the part about the priest who had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. Sorry, I don't recall which state that happened in. I also remember her talking about her difficulties and challenges with DID and with her family. But I don't remember her talking about this later version of her abuse, involving Bohmeian Grove and Boys Town, but that could just be my poor memory.
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Postby psynapz » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:01 pm

chiggerbit wrote:Well, part of the reason I haven't commented, psynapz, is that sw's report confuses me. I've been here for a few years now, and all I remember sw talking about in those days was the part about the priest who had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. Sorry, I don't recall which state that happened in. I also remember her talking about her difficulties and challenges with DID and with her family. But I don't remember her talking about this later version of her abuse, involving Bohmeian Grove and Boys Town, but that could just be my poor memory.

I don't get how that was holding you back from commenting (even meta-commenting as you have, let alone wrt. the subject matter on its own), or how these concerns actually mean anything in particular. It doesn't sound like sw has made contradictory statements to anything you recall above, rather simply expanding upon them.

If you're going to be concerned about this story, I would think it would be along one of two lines: 1) too good/perfect to be true (said of Edmonds), or 2) in consideration of the source as an actual intel agent (this statement being exempt from the forum rules due to sw's admission of working such a job).
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Postby Project Willow » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:03 pm

If I'm not mistaken, and she can correct me if I'm wrong, sw has posted extensively about her whistle blowing activities here on the board. But then a great many posts were erased as part of that very same process I would assume?

It is despicable that they searched your office, car, and house, sw. I encourage you to get this book by Bryant, it might help you feel better about the whole thing.

Alisha Owen, don't get me going on that, how she managed, it's an example.

I have always had my own view of the degree of corruption afflicting our institutions, but Bryant's book shows how extensive it can be. I just hope those here who have a tendency to go with the witch hunt or moral panic crowd when the big ra cases come up will consider a Franklin type scenario. It's quite clear to me any one of them could have had the same machinations in place, but lacking a few powerful ethical players like Franklin, they were much easier to cover.

Psynapz, there are a number of posters on this board who if they could prove what had happened to them, in a court of law, well, that would be huge, for awhile. (Not meant to scare anyone there, only trying to relate things as I see them.) I don't think you need worry about ending up in a camp. We principle actors are still walking around shooting off our mouths, in however measured and limited ways, or even misleading ways (that can be and often is part of mc, regardless of intentions). None of this activity has any effect on the criminal networks, they continue unabated, and we here on this little old board are marginalized as tin-foilers. It's no big deal.
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erase postings

Postby sw » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:28 pm

Hey pw,

When I went forward to the OSC, SS and CIA among others, Rigorous Intuition played a key role. They all knew that I posted at RI and my history was at RI.

So, in 2005 when I went to the OSC, my boss told me to quit posting at RI. I asked him if he wanted me to erase all of my posts and he said no because that would make me look even worse. So, I waited for over a year until they closed my investigation and then I deleted all of my posts.

I went back only last week and deleted all the rest of my posts when I decided to move forward with this advocacy article. I'm trying to balance the desire for truth and justice with trying to have somewhat of a normal life. It's a hard road to walk. Sometimes I really long for a normal life with no DID past or abuse history. I'd like to date men and never have to worry about what to say about my past.

When I called the CIA-OIG after they told me they had received my case from the OSC, they said I did not have to forward my OSC report because I had cut and pasted the whole thing to the RI board and they had already pulled it off.
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Postby chiggerbit » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:35 pm

I think I can understand your difficulty in writing a summary, sw, but it was those details which were most convincing.
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Postby Bridge It » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:54 pm

I'd like to date men and never have to worry about what to say about my past.

you can. A guy who scrams out of fear and ignorance is not someone you'd want to date anyway. Fuck him.
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Postby Maddy » Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:06 pm

Bridge It wrote:
I'd like to date men and never have to worry about what to say about my past.

you can. A guy who scrams out of fear and ignorance is not someone you'd want to date anyway. Fuck him.

I second that.
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Re: erase postings

Postby freemason9 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:08 pm

sw wrote:When I called the CIA-OIG after they told me they had received my case from the OSC, they said I did not have to forward my OSC report because I had cut and pasted the whole thing to the RI board and they had already pulled it off.

Wait, how did they know that you cut and pasted the WHOLE thing to RI?
The real issue is that there is extremely low likelihood that the speculations of the untrained, on a topic almost pathologically riddled by dynamic considerations and feedback effects, will offer anything new.
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cut and paste

Postby sw » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:37 am

Thanks for the feedback chiggerbit.

I wrote all of what you see in about four hours the same day Wanda had asked to see a rough draft for the advocacy deal. I forwarded the rough draft and she said it was much longer than what she normally gets by at least half and I had only touched on the first aspect and not the Catholic Church at all. I was thinking of leaving all of the church stuff out but really have not thought much more about it after the first stab at it.

The OSC thing went kind of like this. Gave the paperwork to the OSC which had all a reference to RI and that I post as sw. Within two weeks, the SS contacted me to interview me. This was the first time anyone had contacted me except for the standard canned letter from the Washington OSC that they had receipted the paperwork.

I called the OSC at this point to ask if I should speak to the SS. The OSC said they had referred this all to the CIA-OIG lawyers and gave me thier numbers. I called the CIA-OIG lawyers and asked if I should speak to the SS if they were doing an investigation. They said they had sent the SS out on their behalf. I asked if they needed the paperwork and they said they would contact me if they needed more but took the info off of the RI site. At this point, they were not clear at all and were wishy washy about exactly how they got this.

The SS came out and never said how they formally found out about my OSC stuff.

The SS, CIA-OIG never sent me anything in writing by email or by mail that they were even looking into my whistle blower allegations. It was the day of my SS interviews that my ATF managers called me in and advised not to post. They did not indicate their involvement but I totally got the impression that I was being monitored because my direct supervisor. Later an Acting SAC randomly stopped me in the hallway and asked to see my ID that I wear. He said I didn't think this looked like you. Obviously, he had seen my DOJ photo and was making a point that he had seen my photo as part of something else.

I have many emails to the CIA-OIG that were not responded to asking about my current case. The SS never gave me anything in writing.

A few months after all of this, the OSC gave me a letter from Washington saying they had cleared the ATF of all wrongdoing in my allegations. I called the lady who signed the letter saying I had never mentioned ATF in any wrongdoing. She got really pissy and said it was a typo. It took them a full year to get me a letter saying it was not their area. She would not even give me anything saying they ever referred it to anyone.

They would not say who contacted ATF or the SS or the CIA-OIG.

When I called the same CIA-OIG attorney at his number, he said he never heard of me. They said they had no idea what I was talking about. A secretary finally told me to resubmit any referral as if I was crazy for thinking a year's worth of investigating had gone by.

It was like hitting a total blank wall.

Well thanks for the feedback. At this point, I need to take my original rough draft and make it shorter for the advocacy deal.

It stinks to work against blank walls. Remember when the CIA guy came to ATF and "downed his bag" at my cubicle? I reported all of this to the ATF and it was caught on the monitors since I had returned "his bag" to him by the elevators where there are monitors. Like usual, their was no response at all to the many things I reported to ATF like this.

I also thought it was strange no one from the State Dept ever contacted me when I gave them a formal referral about remote viewing and the federal building attacks. It was very specific. You'd think they would have at least contacted me to follow up. The lack of response is really telling. How could no one follow up on that?

It goes on and on. Silence has been the response each time by most everyone and all agencies.

Though, the very strangest response I got (at least for me) was from Amnesty International. They guy read all of my stuff and said, yes, he understood it all, it was not new to him and it all made sense knowing what he knew about human rights violations in the U.S.

I told Rick that no one had ever responded in such a positive way where they "got" it all and believed it and the lack of reaction by the govt. So, maybe his response was strange to me because it was a response and such a validating one which had never happened before except at RI. I really like Rick Halperin. His work in the SMU human rights program is amazing. He is on the AI board and is still looking into whether my allegations fit into AI's area of work in human rights.
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