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Ted Gunderson

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:38 pm
by chiggerbit
I thought I'd throw Ted Hunderson's name out there again, to refresh my memory, if nothing else.

One thing I'd forgotten was that he ran for President in 1996, same year as LaRouche did, one time. Looks like he endorsed Ron Paul last year.

Don't ask me what this site is about, because I don't know. ... teID=14634


Affiliation Independent American
Name Ted Gunderson
, Nevada , United States
Email None
Website [Link]
Born November 07, 1928
Died Still Living (80 years)
Contributor Thomas Walker
Last Modifed RBH
Apr 15, 2008 12:55am

US President - R Primary - Jun 03, 2008 R Ron Paul

1977-79 Senior Special Agent-in-Charge Los Angeles, California
1973-77 Special Agent-in-Charge
Memphis, Tennessee and Dallas, Texas
1973 Chief Inspector
1965-73 Asst Special Agent-in-Charge
New Haven, Connecticut and Philadelphia, Pennsyvania
1960-65 Special Agent Supervisor
FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
1951-60 Special Agent
Prior to his retirement in 1979, Ted Gunderson had over 700 persons under his command and operated a $22 million annual budget.

Consultant, 1984

Consultant appointed by Governor Jerry Brown, 1981-82

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1979
Special Appointee of US Attorney General Griffin B. Bell

Distinguished Alumnus Award
from the University of Nebraska in recognition of Distinguished and Devoted Service to His Country, 1979.

Alumni Highest Effort Award in the Field of Law Enforcement
from Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1977.

Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award
from the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Council, Los Angeles, California, 1977

Retired FBI Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson has compiled boxes of research and has assembled numberous reports describing unimaginable "operations" of treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder inflicted by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizenry, especially children.

The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders". The Finders is one of the most alarming and despicable covert operations against America's children that Gunderson helped to uncover, but it's only one of many covert Gestapo-like acts committed against American citizens by government agents under directives issued not by Congress or the President, but rather by international Satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control the Secret or Shawdow government of the United States as well as every other major government in the world. The "Finders" operation began in the 1960's and continues kidnapping children to this very day.

Some years after retiring from the FBI, Ted began looking more deeply into cases of Satanic activity after becoming convinced of the innocence of a young Army medical doctor named Jeffrey McDonald who was falsely convicted in the 1970's of the murder of his wife and three young children in a bloody and grisly satanic ritual. The murders were, in fact, committed by a Satanic cult who had targeted McDonald's family and set up Dr. McDonald as the patsy. The prosecutors in the case helped to railroad McDonald into prison because the prosecutor's office was anxious to shield the identity of prominent individuals involved in Satanic activities who the cultists could have identified had they been interrogated.

The participation of persons of high position in Satanic rituals and child prostitution was revealed in the 1992 book, The Franklin Cover-Up, by former state senator and attorney, John DeCamp. The Franklin Cover-Up describes the role played by the CIA's "Finders" in the drugging, mind control, and forced coercion of kidnapped children into silent compliance to serve the pedophiliac and sadistic appetites of some of the most prominent and well known people in Omaha, Nebraska and Washington, DC.

Ted played a leading role in the exposure of the Satanic/sexual cover-up in the McMartin Preschool case (Manhattan Beach, CA) which had involved nearly 400 children in the 3-5 year old range over a period of years. The story occupied national headlines for most of the 1980's and, once again, prosecutors were anxious to sabotage the investigation to conceal the identity of powerful and well connected pedophiles who were abusing these kids at off site locations and had them returned to the school before the parents arrived to pick up their children.

Since much of Ted's research and talks have centered on CIA involved operations (including the Oklahoma City Bombing), the CIA is likely a little upset with Ted and probably would like to see him permanently retired, but Ted apparently has friends in "high places" since, to date, he's managed to thwart six attempts on his life. So, if Ted won't lay down in the 'usual' manner, how does his Langley pals get the public to ignore what he has to say? Simple: they kick in the standard Plan B operation: Smear and Discredit.

It works like this - reduce your critic to an unbelievable, disreputable, irresponsible 'conspiracy nut' who no one much likes anyway because you keep "hearing" bad things about him. So, how do they go about doing that? They set up a "scenario" and then use chumps to play the parts. It's sort of like making a movie. First you get the script writers in one of those fancy Langley offices to lay out the Plot and the Players, then you gather your cast and rehearse a little (or more likely undergo a little mind control). Finally you raise the curtain on Act One, Scene One. The 'stage' is the American landscape with Lighting, Sound, and Special Effects provided by mainstream media.

In Ted's case, Act One opened on April 1, 2000, which is also known as April Fool's Day (those clever rascals!). On that date, Art Bell announced to his millions of radio listeners that he was leaving radio for good at the end of the April because his life had been "devastated" by the deplorable conduct of Ted Gunderson and David Hinkson. Since then, Ted's Play has been moving right along. New characters have been introduced and the Plot has taken a few surprising turns; web sites have been created to Dump on Gunderson; articles have appeared in national magazines like People's; affidavits have been submitted to the Tennessee court, and newspaper stories abound. All in all, it's quite a production.
(Above information from Mr. Gunderson's website)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:08 pm
by Percival
We need to figure out if he has any connections to the LaRouchies.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:11 pm
by chiggerbit
Somebody had wondered about whether there were any LaRouch/Gunderson connections. Here's another sit I just found that I'm not totally clear about, except that it seems to be by an ex-Larouche Youth member:

....Yes folks, Lyn had his own slave labor verison of home health aides by having certain individuals take care of his parents in the elderly years. The LYM and LYMettes have this mental picture of saving the world, Ha!!!! You are basically slave labor Nursing home attendents without a wage or certification.

In California, Tim P. was the security guy and met with the local Federales including a guy named Ted Gunderson

from the FBI who weaves in and out of the LC security files. We fooled LA Police Chief Ed Davis to speak at our NADC (National Anti Drug Coalition) meetings. That was one of our strategies with the NADC in sinking our tentacles into law enforcement with being anti drug....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:19 pm
by Jeff
I'd been thinking recently about the purported Gunderson/bin Laden link supposedly supported by this document:


And looking now, I see a post touching upon it last week on Cannonfire:

Joe Cannon wrote:

If you Google "Tim Osman," you will discover that many fringe web sites accept the Osman/Osama identification without question. (Here's an example.) Most of the sites devoted to debunking 9/11 conspiracy lore don't even bother with the Osman allegation. However, this skeptical page confronts the issue head-on, asking some questions which I consider pertinent and sensible.

Where's the evidence? There is a document which allegedly confirms the Osama/Osman identity. I reproduce it here; click to enlarge.

Although certain conspiracists accept the document at face value, its provenance simply cannot be established. We don't know the issuing agency or the purpose of this document. We don't know if it was retrieved under FOIA. We don't know if it was written by a private individual or for an organization. As far as I can tell, we have only this one page -- which is neither the first nor the last. The format of the document makes little sense to me. The text zooms from one topic to another with no rhyme or reason.

In short, this piece of "evidence" proves nothing.

How did this document become known to the public? It comes to us via a couple of notorious figures. I hesitate even to mention their names...

Jailed covert "genius" Michael Riconosciuto and former FBI agent Ted Gunderson.


And that's why I dismissed the "Tim Osman" tale when I first caught wind of it. The claim came out only after 9/11. If Riconosciuto or Gunderson had ever mentioned Osama Bin Laden during (say) the 1987-1997 period, I would have been much more impressed.

Yet now I'm beginning to wonder. Milt Bearden confirmed at least part of the story. Afghans did come to train in the United States -- in the year 1986. The same year figures in Riconosciuto's tale.

Riconosciuto did not mention Nevada (as Bearden did), but he did mention that Osman and his mujahadeen had visited American military bases for training. Moreover, they (supposedly) were trained to use unusual advanced weapons that had never been employed in actual combat conditions. Nevada is, I believe, the likeliest place for that kind of exercise.

Not only that.

At the retrial of Scott Weekly -- remember him? The C4-in-the-luggage-compartment guy? -- his witnesses said that the effort to train the mujahadeen in Nevada was paid for by Stanford Technologies. You might recall that name from Richard Secord's testimony at the Iran-contra hearings. The paymaster was a man named Osman Kalderim, and he seems to have played a role similar to that ascribed to Ralph Olberg. (Whoever he really is.)

"Osman" is an unusual name, at least in America. The overlapping nomenclature does suggest one possible inspiration for the "Tim Osman" pseudonym.

Gunderson said that Olberg ran or worked for a company called Management Science for Health -- MSH. There is a real company by that name. Near as I can tell, it operates in a very above-board and honorable fashion, with no discernible links to world of covert ops. Nobody named Olberg serves on the board of directors or on the management team.

Osman Kalderim -- or Kaldirim -- appears to be a real person. I think it is fair to presume that the man mentioned in this story is same fellow mentioned in the Weekly trial. He is described as a "controversial Turkish businessman," and he seems spookier than the Jersey devil.

Before you say it: There is no need to tell me that this story has problems. I am very aware of the credibility issues surrounding Riconosciuto and Gunderson. I do not trust them. Milt Bearden's blabby interview harmonizes with some of the Riconosciuto/Gunderson information, but not with all of it. Bearden did not address the "Osman" claim.

... ... evada.html

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:27 pm
by chiggerbit
Of course, you would think that LaRouch wouldn't be a good match for Gunderson, what with Gunderson's position of cults and all, and LaRouche being kind of cult-like.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:29 pm
by chiggerbit
But then, a person would think that of deCamp, too, and he seems to have several LaRouche ties.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:35 pm
by Percival
Here is an article that ties TG to LL's publication EIR:

Gunderson informed the audience that Spotlight “tells it like it is,” and urged audience members to call the subscription number, which he read aloud. On top of this, Gunderson gave an interview to Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review (May 25, 1990), in which he described FBI special agent Ken Lanning as “probably the most effective and foremost speaker for the satanic movement in this country, today or at any time in the past.” Gunderson and Marqui seem to me to be attempting to introduce therapists to racist conspiracy theories and reactionary propaganda, while at the same time groups such as the LaRouche organization endorse satanic conspiracy theories to draw in new members. ... onference/

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:38 pm
by Percival
I think as you hinted at in the other thread, Larouche is likely behind a lot more conspiracy theory type things than we realize.

I found Bakker's comments very telling, that Larouche recieved daily briefings while in prison and usually had the headlines long before they broke in the newsmedia.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:39 pm
by Percival
I have a feeling this thread is going to get very intersting, much like the Gosch threads that always bring certain posters out of the woodwork.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:46 pm
by American Dream
Jim Rothstein has claimed, according to one Mary Hartman, that he was given the documents and material on the Franklin Cover-up before it was ever given to John DeCamp who wrote the book. The LaRouche connection may be of interest also.


The names below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name

[Co-occurring names available at link]


PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:20 pm
by American Dream

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:33 pm
by American Dream


The names below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name

{Co-occuring names available at link]


PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:24 pm
by American Dream
Virginia McCullough wrote:
John DeCamp, Ted Gunderson's former landlord and close personal friend since college years, is the legal advisor the Montana Militia. The gun toting, right wing militia is the common denominator between the Nichols control of the Cabazon, Hughes, G. Wayne Reeder, John Patrick McGuire.

Excerpted from: ... ecamp.html
Today, John DeCamp, Attorney and Author of the best seller ‘The Franklin Cover Up’, practises law in Lincoln, Nebraska, raises his children and is extremely active nationwide as Attorney in some of this country’s most famous cases including the Militia cases in Montana, the Oklahoma Bombing, the Gordon Kahl case, Senate hearings on Waco and Ruby Ridge.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:40 pm
by Percival
Can we really trust Decamp? I am starting to wonder about a lot of shit now. He has his hands in too many things.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:45 pm
by lightningBugout
Percival wrote:Can we really trust Decamp? I am starting to wonder about a lot of shit now. He has his hands in too many things.

I think the real question is how did he get involved in these things? Did he get radicalized towards federal corruption as a result of the Franklin investigation? If that was the case, I can certainly understand how he would've come to be involved in Oklahoma City and the Militias.