Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

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Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby Project Willow » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:31 am

He's looking for small investors. Here's a chance to put money where keystrokes are, if you can spare some bills during these rough times.

Interesting title choice.

Picture at link may be triggering:

A Carefully Crafted Hoax is a feature investigative documentary that examines child prostitution and sexual exploitation in America by focusing on the well-documented story of Johnny Gosch, a paperboy adbucted in Des Moines, Iowa, and its connection to a notorious pedophile network based in Nebraska.

The shocking disclosures begin at an old brick warehouse in a seedy section of Washington, DC, progressing through the $40 million dollar bust-out of a nondescript Midwestern credit union and then back to a DC party-house that was wired for blackmail. A tragic tale that tears at your heart and rips your soul, A Carefully Crafted Hoax proves that child-pandering was covered up from the utmost pinnacle of power - using the CIA, FBI, Secret Service and a corrupt judicial process.
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:48 pm

Documentary on The Franklin Scandal and the Johnny Gosch case

Dear Friends,

A documentary is in the works about The Franklin Scandal and Johnny
Gosch's case, mainly thanks to Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin
Scandal: Please consider investing in this
project to make this important film a reality. Some financial support
from the public is needed for the film to be widely distributed. This
is your opportunity to make a difference!

(note: These links describe crimes)

A trailer of the film is available for your viewing at: It is approximately 12 minutes long.

If you want to invest in the documentary, please read the proposal at And contact Nick Bryant about this investment

If you want to anonymously donate to the upcoming Franklin documentary,
a PayPal button is provided at the following Web page. No amount is too
small to help make a difference: Click on DONATE HERE

Thanks for your support!
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby psynapz » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:12 pm

Can anyone, particularly lawyer types such as Col. Quisp and Exojuridik, explain how that production page is not an illegal public offering? I want them to succeed and not get fucked over by the SEC here, but it sure doesn't look like a properly-disclosed what-have-you, and looks like it'd fall under Blue Sky laws. I was about to email the producer and Bryant just to make sure, but I don't know what I'm talking about. Edumacated opinions, anyone? ... ssues.html
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby Dr_Doogie » Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 pm

I am not an attorney, but I see no offers of return on investment which would seem to be a requirement for this to be an "offering". It just seems to be an attempt to have people donate money to "the cause".
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby Project Willow » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:02 pm


Mr. Bryant is still in need of funds to finish the doc. This will be a ground breaking work once released and could blow the story wide open. Please consider contributing.
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby Project Willow » Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:08 am

Bump! Oh baby that's 'a what I like.
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby chiggerbit » Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:01 pm

Re-bump :D
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Re: Bryant & Team Seeking Backers for Documentary

Postby Project Willow » Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:30 am

chiggerbit wrote:Re-bump :D

To Chig., a long overdue:
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