Paul Bonacci testified in court proceedings that he helped kidnap Johnny Gosch in 1982, and that in July 1984, he was forced to participate in an orgy at the Bohemian Grove where a young person was murdered, Bonacci said the killing was filmed by Hunter Thompson, who had joined their private jet flight to the West Coast in Las Vegas!Ed: The, "Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch story" broke 2:29 am, Sunday February 20 2005 the end of the day, Hunter S Thompson aged 67 years, was dead from an allegedly self inflicted gunshot, while talking to his wife on the phone in the kitchen at his home in Woody Creek Colorado!
My view is that a news reporter spoke to Rusty Nelson who in 2005 was not long out of jail, Nelson told him or her of the Hunter Thompson connection, so the reporter contacted him, and he agreed to talk if the money was right. To establish his credentials he dropped the info re the Gannon Gosch connection.. the reporter then contacted his boss to see if he wanted to pay for the story, like maybe it went as high as Rupert Murdoch or Ted Turner!
Whoever it was decided that Thompson "had to go," he was an insider after all, since both Nelson and Bonacci said he was part of the snuff network, after that Thompson realized what he had done, and knew his fate was sealed, his wife recounts that he had told her he had absolutely no intentions of committing suicide, however he was certain he could be "suicided."
She said he had put the phone down, maybe to answer a knock.. she said she heard a muffled bang and was still waiting for his reply which never came!
Amber alert on Capitol Hill by Tom Flocco, March 28 2005.
Witness says abducted children, of whom twenty three are now dead, were abused by up to thirty pedophile members of congress, at child sex parties held at Embassy Row mansion, where a Secret Service secured presidential limo was seen parked outside!

Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson, who says that he has been in hiding and staying under the radar screen ever since, said that in 1988 he refused Hunter Thompson’s offer of $100,000 to film a graphic child sex snuff movie, which was to be sold to wealthy private clients where a young boy would be murdered as a sacrifice.
Thompson reportedly committed suicide six days prior to Nelson’s February 26 arrest, when simultaneous search warrants were served to confiscate Nelson’s photographic equipment, computers, photos and "visual depictions of sexually explicit conduct involving a child!" Nelson said authorities were hoping to find evidence of child porn, he claims to have never been involved.
Nelson testified before Nebraska US Senior District Judge Warren Urbom on February 5 1999, resulting in Urbom awarding attorney John DeCamp's client, victim Paul Bonacci, $1 million dollars in damages for sexual abuse in a case against convicted GOP activist Larry King, who sang the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican national conventions.
An employee at Lincoln’s DeCamp Legal Services, said the warrant’s actual violation date was September 1 2003, just prior to the 2004 presidential primary season, however it was not served until February 16 2005, calling into question why authorities waited so long.
Questions can also be raised as to whether Hunter Thompson’s death, and the James Guckert / Jeff Gannon White House reporter scandal, resulted in having Nelson taken out of circulation to intimidate or threaten him, while also using the opportunity to search for criminal evidence, which would place sitting and retired members of congress in severe legal jeopardy.
The revelations came during an unexpected phone call from Nelson, 42, who also told he personally witnessed Secret Service agents arrive at King’s Embassy Row mansion in Washington to set up security two days prior to a private child sex party attended by senators and congressmen he declined to name, the party was held immediately after a public political reception in October, 1988, just prior to the Bush / Dukakis presidential election.
On the night of the two parties, Nelson said he saw a limousine arrive for the second party which was attended by young children. He was told that it was the presidential limo, adding that he saw "several Secret Service agents guarding the vehicle from the time it arrived at 9-10 pm until it pulled away from King’s home after midnight.
In addition to children the mostly male "after party," was attended by members of congress and other businessmen according to Nelson, who declined to tell us when we asked if President Reagan or Vice President Bush had arrived in the limo, saying, "I will only tell which one it was, or the names of senators and congressmen in a courtroom."
When we asked during a second phone interview whether there was concrete evidence to corroborate his allegations, Nelson said, a guy named Nick who was impersonating me at the sex parties, took the hardcore porn photos of children and politicians together for blackmail purposes, to control their votes in Congress and stuff," said the photographer.
Nelson said, "I found out from my sources that about twenty three children who attended those parties are now dead, and the politicians would really have a lot of explaining to do if the pictures ever got out, especially to their parents; but they won’t unless something happens to me."
When we asked Nelson whether he would ever offer sworn testimony and take a polygraph test to legally certify his more specific but explosive claims, the photographer said, "in a heartbeat, however no judge, grand jury, or congressmen ever asked me about this stuff, and the many grown kids out there who know the truth are too scared to talk about it."
Nelson’s voice and general conversation indicated resignation to the fact that no one would ever touch his testimony, adding that Senate and House pedophiles still hold public office, in spite of the prosecution and imprisonment of elderly Catholic priests.
Ensnared as a fall guy for what the Washington Times called a White House and congressional child sex ring, the Nebraska photographer said the warrants were used to locate photo evidence of Capitol Hill pedophilia.. I was approached by people connected to Larry King because of my photography work, and pretty soon I started going with him to Washington DC, to do various photo jobs at first there was nothing pornographic.
At that time I was broke, homeless and had hardly even a few dollars in my wallet, I depended on Larry for a room and food.. when I was on his jet with little kids and I saw children sold to the highest bidder at an auction, that‘s when I really started to get scared."
Nelson’s U.S. District Court testimony weaves a curious tale regarding his impersonation so that abducted children and others would identify him as the child porn photographer should it be necessary.
"Q: How did you come to know Larry King?
Nelson: I needed to find a decent job and he, Ron, who hired me for photos at club named Max‘s, goes ‘I know somebody who probably be able to use a good photographer, I’ll talk to him, all of a sudden, here’s Larry King, I had no idea who he was, and next thing I’m on a private jet to Washington, DC, and just lavishly being spent money on, clothes..."
Q: How old were you?
Nelson: About 24, 25 or maybe 23.
Q: Did you function as a photographer for Larry?
Nelson: Oh, yes.
Q: What did you photograph?
Nelson: Things like the opening of Prince’s Palace, a restaurant, a jazz club he started, I took pictures at his mansion on Embassy Row, he kept wanting me to do kiddie porn, gay porn.. I wanted no part of it, he went to the extent of insisting I wear certain clothes, my hair had to be a certain way, Nancy Reagan’s hairdresser Robin Weir did my hair, permed it, everything, totally changed my appearance.
I happened to come across a man who was also a photographer for Larry, whose appearance was almost identical to mine, I came to gather I was being run as the front man for the fall and this other person was doing the actual hard core kiddie porn ..I heard somebody was passing themselves off as myself, as Rusty Nelson." To Us District Court, Nebraska, U.S. Senior District Judge Warren Urbom, February 5, 1999, Sworn testimony of Russell E. Nelson, pp. 40-43
Nelson added, "I saw this guy Nick dressed exactly like me on three different occasions," adding, "whenever we were in the same area, Larry would quickly get him out of there, he even had the identical camera I had."
"One night in the spring of 1988 on K street in Washington, I’m sound asleep and a guy knocks on the door and says, "I just bought you from Larry and you’re mine for the night," said Nelson, who continued, "I climbed out the second story window and ran.. this was not long before the presidential election when Franklin Credit Union was raided."
"I was so scared. I lived in hiding for eight years, never stayed anywhere for more than three weeks or so, usually I did odd jobs, washed windows, hotels, restaurants to get something to live on.. I was shot at and wanted to keep under the radar," said Nelson.
Nelson had by then settled in Portland, Oregon, and about six weeks before the Clinton / Dole presidential election on Friday, September 13, 1996, Nelson said he was finally arrested on the charge he used a child for the display of sexually explicit conduct.
"I never did it," said Nelson, adding, "they had no photos and if they did, they wouldn't show me the photos they were using to put me away, I held out.. they set my bail for $873,000 cash, and finally put me in solitary confinement for twenty two and a half months, on a thirteen month sentence after I gave in to just get it over with, I pleaded no contest for a photo of a minor in a sexually explicit pose without any photos or proof, no person bringing the charges, I didn’t even know the accuser and I still don’t, they just said it was a minor," he said.
Knowing the political and criminal implications of a child sex scandal, higher powers had enough motives to keep Rusty Nelson in solitary confinement, an unnecessary and unusual punishment normally reserved for hardened criminals.
But 1996 GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole’s wife, now North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole, had an aide who was closely linked to the Washington call boy ring, so there is reason to believe it was important to keep Nelson incommunicado and in solitary confinement.
A news report confirmed why Nelson was likely taken off the street.. "a top Labor Department advisor to Secretary Elizabeth Dole resigned yesterday, after acknowledging that he had procured male prostitutes and was subject to blackmail threats by one of the call boys." Washington Times, 30 June 1989..

The paper had previously reported that a 15 year old call boy had toured the White House at midnight.
In a letter announcing his resignation as Mrs. Dole’s political personnel liaison to the White House, Paul R. Balach wrote: "I hereby resign my position this date due to the public disclosure of activities concerning my personal life."
Not mentioning either children or members of congress, The Times added, "according to documents obtained, the homosexual prostitution ring includes not only Reagan and Bush administration officials, but military officers, congressional aides, and U.S. foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite."
Nelson told us, "While I was in jail, the FBI went to my parents’ farm in Nebraska and took sledge hammers to the walls, shot out all the windows and appliances of our barn, ransacked my parents house without a warrant on two separate occasions, looking for stuff related to Franklin, evidence.. the photos, but I was not shooting kiddie porn."
"There were military shell casings all over our property," he said, "and when I had to leave Portland to go testify in Nebraska, state parole officers did everything they could to keep me from testifying before Judge Urbom," said Nelson, adding, "they said I was in solitary to protect me, but it was more like torture since they woke me up so much I never got any sleep, spent $50,000 to extradite me back to Oregon for a DNA sample, then put me on death row at Leavenworth prison for a few weeks with violent criminals, heck, I saw them beat one guy and four men died while I was at Moltnomah County Detention Center in Portland."
"This last arrest, after the Thompson suicide in February, I was roughed up, pushed into walls, and they would not let me see their badge numbers.. I was helping a friend open up her photography studio, that’s the only way I can earn money to survive," he said.
"They said I was soliciting a minor for photographs; but we were only looking for a few junior bridesmaids for a bridal show promotion with other women. And the parents were all involved and were always required to sign releases and be present for all photo shoots. We did nothing wrong. I am good at wedding photography and you can earn good money in that business," Nelson continued, adding "how else am I able to work?"
Nelson’s prior links to the White House child sex ring have continued to draw attention from unidentified individuals who still threaten him.
In the spring of 2003, not long after key child sex ring witness Troy Boner was found mysteriously dead in a New Mexico hospital, a guy wearing dark sunglasses came up to me and said, "drop Franklin; you’re in too deep, your family and life are in jeopardy," then he walked away."
Even more recently, on October 22, 2004, two weeks before George W. Bush edged out John F. Kerry for the presidency, Delmart "Mike" Vreeland was arrested in Franklin county, Iowa on charges of child prostitution allegedly committed in Colorado.Vreeland is now off the street, however, reportedly in solitary confinement with no contact with other prisoners, after having been said to have predicted the 9/11 attacks in a note written while he was previously in prison on other charges.
While the rest of the country reels from relatively frequent amber alerts in Florida and around the United States, evidence continues to point toward reasons for commencing an amber alert on Capitol Hill, what some would say is the epicenter of child sex criminality.
Rusty Nelson video file..
Photographer says Larry King wanted him to film snuff movies
Says sex parties took place in the Reagan White House.. MK Ultra
Talks about the crash of Caridori's plane, after he had turned over a photographic file
Bohemian Grove murder and snuff porn.. Satanism.. White American kids sold to international buyers.. 911.