Ellis County Observer Publisher Joey Dauben sits in jail with no attorney for almost two months
Posted on 14 Feb 2012 at 4:14pm
Joey Dauben
It’s apparently pretty unpopular in Navarro County to be Ellis County Observer Publisher Joseph Glen “Joey” Dauben, judging from his difficulty in getting a court-appointed lawyer assigned to his sexual assault of a child case.
Dauben, whom the Dallas Observer and D Magazine featured in stories last year about his gonzo style of journalism in coverage of small-town issues and missing child cases, has been sitting in the Navarro County Jail under $200,000 bond since Dec. 19. In a story dated Dec. 20 about Dauben’s arrest and high bond being set in Judge James Lagomarsino’s court, the Corsicana Daily Sun noted that Dauben had declared himself indigent and filled out paperwork requesting a court-appointed attorney.
Dauben, 30, is accused of molesting a 15-year-old male during a church trip four years ago in 2007. The Texas Rangers investigated the allegations of the youth, who is now 19, and filed the charges against Dauben.
In a handwritten letter Dauben sent to me on Feb. 9 from the Navarro County Jail in response to a letter requesting an interview, Dauben said he still had not had the benefit of legal counsel. “As of this letter, on Feb. 9, I have yet to see a lawyer on this case,” Dauben said in the letter.
Judge orders Ellis County Observer Publisher Joey Dauben to forfeit domain name
Posted on 20 Apr 2012 at 9:04pm
Joey Dauben
Judge Bob Carroll of the 40th Judicial District Court ordered former Ellis County Observer publisher Joey Dauben during a hearing Friday, April 20 to forfeit his website to the state.
The muckraker said in a telephone interview he is consulting with an attorney and plans to continue fighting what he views as Ellis County prosecutors’ and theRed Oak Police Department’s efforts to silence him by keeping his Freedom of the Press LLC operation shut down.
“I have 30 days to request a new trial,” said Dauben, who represented himself during the hearing. “If that doesn’t happen — if the judge doesn’t allow it — then I’m going to file an appeal.”
Dauben accused Ellis County prosecutors of “criminalizing a civil case.” The Red Oak man should be suing him for libel rather than his being prosecuted on criminal charges, the publisher said.
“If this is allowed to happen, it will start a dangerous precedent,” Dauben said. “No newspaper or other media outlet will be safe from police action.”
Ellis County Observer obeys court internet ban, prints 20-page newspaper that might anger some officials (TX)
May 16, 2012
Ellis County Observer publisher Joey Dauben is banned by courts in two Texas counties from sharing his thoughts on the Internet so he published and began distributing a 20-page newspaper today.
“The Ellis County Observer publisher is banned from the Internet, the State seized, but Freedom of the Press won’t be silenced, said Dauben in a telephone text message interview.
Dauben, who faces charges in Ellis County of fraudulent use of identifying information in connection with an Internet report he published last year and sexual assault of a 15-year-old male teenager in Navarro County four years ago, is not allowed to use the Internet as a condition of his release on $50,000 bond pending trial in Navarro County.
Dauben said he arranged for a 750-copy run of the newspaper, and that it will be distributed in Ellis County in the coming days. As additional conditions of his release on bond, he is confined to Ellis and Navarro Counties.
The Navarro County District Attorney R. Lowell Thompson brought Dauben before District Judge Lagomarsino last month in attempt to ban Dauben and his attorney from speaking to the media. The judge later ruled against the gag order.
Dauben, whose next court appearance in the Navarro County case is scheduled for June 18, said he wanted to “give the entire world something to talk about” by publishing the latest edition of the newspaper.
“The newspaper is 20 pages of material a whole lot of people in many government agencies didn’t want exposed,” Dauben said.
Dauben said he did not use the Internet in any way in the writing and publication of the newspaper to ensure that he did not violate the terms of his bail conditions. Much of the newspaper was written by hand when he was being held in the Navarro County Jail for two months after the court failed to provide him with a court-appointed attorney after he declared he was indigent.
The publisher said he believes law enforcement officers are looking for any opportunity to silence him by getting his bail revoked or to get him convicted.
Dauben said he plans to send copies of the newspapers to all Dallas media outlets, even though despite the First Amendment issues he has raised they have mostly ignored his case. The absence of recent coverage by Dallas media outlets about his website being seized and a gag order hearing being held follows widespread coverage of his arrest in December.
Several Dallas media outlets also featured Dauben in stories last year about his Ellis County Observer operation and unsuccessful campaign or mayor of Palmer last year.
Dauben said he expects the coverage in the newspaper to irk Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson because of a story about a bar grievance being filed against him.
Other stories include an analysis of the GOP Primary Election, a Cedar Creek Lake mother’s legal battles with Montgomery County in a custody case, a story on Amber Hagerman’s death and a possible suspect in her murder and disappearance and a child pornography raid in Ellis County.
Dauben said he hopes the next issue he is able to publish of the newspaper will be a prison ministry edition.
The Franklin Story is Starting to Spin Again
By The Ellis County Observer
Posted: July 15, 2012
(This is Part 1 of The Ellis County Observer’s interview with Franklin Cover-Up author and investigator John DeCamp.The Ellis County Observer is a newspaper based in north Texas)
LINCOLN, Neb. — Lawyer John DeCamp is in his 70s, but two recent events put the author of The Franklin Cover-Up right back in the media spotlight.
DeCamp, a former state senator and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, unraveled the Penn State child-sex scandal while investigating the Omaha child-pornography, child-prostitution ring that made him an icon.
“Apparently I had done something back then linking the football coach with Franklin,” DeCamp said in a recent phone interview with this publisher. “They [media] called me from Pennsylvania, at least 20 calls…had to tell them the truth that yeah, I wrote the book but I don’t remember everything I read or uncovered. I’d have to go back and look at my files. Somehow or another, [convicted pedophile and ex-defensive coordinator Jerry] Sandusky was brought up some way by me way back [then, during Franklin]…I got call after call after call from Pennsylvania.”
Sandusky, who was convicted on 45 counts of child-sex abuse last month, was not the lone gunman in a far-reaching scandal that protected a storied football program over the safety and well-being of little children.
Earlier media reports — barely mentioned in the mainstream media now — established Sandusky as the figurehead for a more sinister role of providing children to wealthy and prominent alumni, according to respected publications like Andrew W. Griffin’s Red Dirt Report in Oklahoma.
Ironically, several days after the Penn State scandal broke last fall, Penn State’s football team played Nebraska.
“One of Sandusky’s contacts was [here in Omaha],” DeCamp said. “Somehow those Pennysylvania people knew about it from my book; they said ‘you brought it up in your book.’”
DeCamp’s next media attention could come in the form of an ABC News 20/20 special.
The Lincoln-based lawyer was interviewed about three weeks ago along with Noreen Gosch, the mother of still-missing Johnny Gosch, a Des Moines newspaper delivery boy who was kidnapped in the mid-1980’s.
Paul Bonacci, one of the victims of the Omaha Satanic ritual abuse scandal who was present at many parties involving high-level business and political leaders, is an eyewitness and direct participant in the kidnapping of Gosch. It should be noted, however, that Bonacci was forced to take part in some of the most horrific duties, many of which he said were led by “The Colonel,” Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, a psychological warfare specialist who branched off a congregation of the Church of Satan called the Temple of Set.
Aquino was later implicated in the Presidio daycare child-sex scandal in San Francisco in the late 80’s.
The Gosch family, in many published news reports, vindicate what Bonacci has said.
The Omaha ringleader in the Franklin scandal, once a rising star in the GOP, Larry King (not to be confused with the former CNN host), was sentenced to prison for his role in more than $39 million in missing funds from the Franklin Federal Credit Union in Omaha.
The missing money was only the beginning, however.
DeCamp said he was one of the original skeptics of the Satanic ritual child abuse scandal when he first heard allegations of it, but years worth of investigation, exhaustive research and countless interviews and depositions with victims made him a believer.
DeCamp was Bonacci’s lawyer when they won a $1 million civil judgment against King, who was released from prison several years ago.
According to an active Website still following the Franklin story, King worked at a BMW dealership in Sterling, Virginia as late as 2011. This paper provided the address of that dealership (21826 Pacific Blvd. Sterling, Virginia 20166) to DeCamp, who noted that to date, not one dollar has been collected from King in the $1 million civil suit awarded to Bonacci.
With older children, including a daughter who is an Omaha-based lawyer, DeCamp is still as busy as ever in his Lincoln law firm, a bustling shop whose status will forever remain as the lighthouse in exposing an intricate and high-level Satanic pedophile ring whose octopus-like arms reached the very highest levels of the Nebraska and U.S. government.
Located at 414 S. 11th St. in downtown Lincoln, DeCamp said he still receives calls from people all over the country about Satanic ritual child abuse.
According to his Web site,, “DeCamp graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Law in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1967, and has helped hundreds of injured people recover millions of dollars in compensation. Decorated by a president for his service in Vietnam, Mr. DeCamp is listed as one of eight outstanding Vietnam veterans, and organized the famous Operation Baby Lift in 1975.
“John DeCamp served as Nebraska State Senator for 16 years and was repeatedly selected to be the Senate Chairman and Head of the “Banking Finance & Insurance Committee” of the Nebraska Senate. Mr. DeCamp knows insurance companies from the inside out and the legal system all sides must work with. As a principled and effective Senator, Mr. DeCamp took on multiple entrenched interests and learned well the art of battle, reasonable comprise and settlement when the war is won.
“Examples: Mr. DeCamp represented the children in the Columbine school shooting case; the “Grand Juror” who dared to expose secret facts in the Oklahoma City Bombing and a host of similar nationally known cases. Mr. DeCamp will do the same for you including whatever it takes to protect you and get compensation for your injuries.”
John DeCamp Interview Part 2: Coming Soon
Copyright 2012 The Ellis County Observer