Do you think we're winning sometimes? Also FTAA is coming...

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Do you think we're winning sometimes? Also FTAA is coming...

Postby pugzleyca3 » Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:36 am

You know, it's so easy to slip into despair when considering all the terrible things the government has done and continues to do. But are there not some things that are turning around in our favor? <br><br>I mean, really. In February of 2005, I woke up to this nightmare. And sometimes I wish I hadn't but I did. And in turn I woke up some family members, who in turn woke up more people. And then they found and I have found even more people who were already in the know about much of what is going on politically and unconstitutionally in America. But it's not just America, it's all over. UK, Australia, anywhere you see new "terror" laws being enacted. <br><br>Heads up, people. The biggest blow is coming and it is the Free Trade Area of the Americas. This will be the biggest blow to our sovereignity yet. And Bush is in South America right now pushing this issue. <br><br>This is one we've GOT to raise hell about. We've got to stop this from happening somehow, because once it is enacted, things will speed along like a run away freight train. <br><br>If you haven't made yourself aware of this, please do. Read up on it and educate yourself. This will be the death knell for any semblance of freedom in this country and will totally finish off the U.S. economy. And Bush is working on it right now, today! <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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From what I've read, Junior is getting...

Postby banned » Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:40 am

...nothing but raspberries from anybody down in Mar del Plata.<br><br>Some famous soccer player called him "Human Trash."<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: From what I've read, Junior is getting...

Postby pugzleyca3 » Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:43 am

It is not dependent upon the people there. Don't you think it is a bit theatrical the way Bush and Chavez have been going at it, also the Pat Robertson death threats, etc? Like something out of a movie... like everything else you see on television. A fiction story.<br><br>I think all the leaders in the world are part of this thing. The posture and posture. But in the end, we end up with what the U.S. cabal wants. <br><br>We might stage another war to make it look good, but the end result will be the same. <p></p><i></i>
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In the history of the world...

Postby banned » Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:51 am

....the leaders of the world have never been unanimous in ANYTHING.<br><br>If they are now, why not just come right out and say so, and force their will on their populace?<br><br>Why play out all these dramas?<br><br>The only thing BushCo and the United States have is military superiority. MIGHT. Economically we've got one foot on the banana peel and the other over the Grand Canyon. Morally--don't make me laugh.<br><br>What I'm inclined to believe is that the rest of the world is going to get together to give the US one hell of a big swirlie in the years to come. Unfortunately, that's going to hurt the American people, not our leaders, as we get kicked down to third world status.<br><br>I started saying the USSR was a dead letter circa 1970 but it didn't roll over and die for 20 more years. The US has taken its mortal wound, but like many big dumb animals its death throes are going to be violent.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: In the history of the world...

Postby pugzleyca3 » Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:59 am

Well, I don't believe the American people will stand for another invasion of another country right now. Even in light of another terrorist attack if it came. (of course, we all know who the real terrorsts are). <br><br>They can't impose their will on the people. The timing is off. If you look into the FTAA you will find that it is just another step in their quest for world domination. Posturing is what it's all about until the lower the hammer on the entire world. FTAA is a MAJOR step in reducing the U.S. to 3rd world status. And I mean MAJOR. If you haven't checked it out in depth, please do. There is more in that document than a "free trade agreement". <br><br>I believe that they think if they can pass enough laws, people will actually obey them all and that is how they plan to do this. By wrecking what's left of the economic base through more trade agreements. The FTAA is by far encompassing the biggest land masses and largest number of people, more than anything they've done yet. All the way to Alaska, including Canada, Mexico and South America. They have Nafta and Cafta. Despite the horrendous damage nafta did, cafta was shamefully rammed through. I watched that happen. What a farce and a blight on the democratic process that was. <br><br>The FTAA gives a clear picture of where they are taking us. <p></p><i></i>
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