Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

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Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:26 am

#BREAKING: Emergency crews are responding to a partial building collapse near 88 Street & Collins Avenue in #Miami, FL. 80 units have responded to the scene, according to a tweet from Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.



Skycam footage captures partial collapse of a multi-story condominium building in #Miami, FL around 2 a.m...
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:18 pm

Here you go, clear cut evidence of the demolition of a condo full of people. ... 2791094274
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby drstrangelove » Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:36 pm

I'd need to audit a discussion over the causes of the flashes before I believed this. Obviously the power to the building would be doing all kinds of unique and strange things. I'm open to the idea of a WTC 7 style demolition, but i understood the motive there, here not so much. Not exactly like you need to blow up a building to manipulate the news cycle these days.
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:44 pm

drstrangelove » Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:36 pm wrote:I'd need to audit a discussion over the causes of the flashes before I believed this. Obviously the power to the building would be doing all kinds of unique and strange things. I'm open to the idea of a WTC 7 style demolition, but i understood the motive there, here not so much. Not exactly like you need to blow up a building to manipulate the news cycle these days.

You're obviously in the wrong place here. Belief isn't a necessary conduit to the discussion of something which is objectively obvious. Belief is beside the point.

Irrespective of the visible flashes, the speed and symmetry of collapse is a signature of controlled demolition and controlled demolition alone. There is no natural or accidental process which brings about this type of collapse. Otherwise such buildings would be collapsing symmetrically all the time. You are the unsupported theorist if you want me to believe that steel frame buildings regularly collapse, both rapidly and symmetrically, for no obvious reason.
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby drstrangelove » Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:38 am

If everyone instantly thought this was a conspiracy I'd be in the wrong place. Truth unfolds in time through a communal process of disagreement. Anything short of that becomes a cult like QAnon.

I'm not an engineer and don't know what I'm looking at. I have seen photos of the preexisting structural damage to the building. It's also located precariously on a coastal sandbank. There's enough reasonable doubt at the moment for a layman to wait for further information. Definitely interested in this though and am glad you brought it to my attention.
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Elvis » Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:38 am ... asons.html

June 29, 2021
Why Did the Surfside Condo Tower Collapse? Here Are All the Theories.
By Alissa Walker

edit: oops, not all the theories!
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:58 am

A team of ten Israeli Home Front Command Search and Rescue experts arrives at Miami International Airport, before heading to the Surfside collapsed building site to help American crews. The death toll has risen to nine, the local mayor said, more than three days after the building pancaked as residents slept.
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:31 pm

Structural civil engineer discusses the observed collapse. ... ineer.html
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:36 am

Check out the video at the link. A unique opportunity to compare the demolition of the rest of the structure with the demolition of the first half. No Spoiler Warning necessary for me to point out that both videos look exactly the same.

If the whole thing was meant to collapse on the 24th they didn't even have to rig the rest of the building, just reset the existing charges. Of course, it would become necessary to develop a rationale justifying explosive demolition of a building with hundreds of people still trapped beneath it:

The rest of the partially collapsed Surfside condominium in Florida has been demolished late Sunday.

Most of the 12-story Champlain Towers South building had collapsed on June 24 while its residents slept. At least 24 people were killed in the collapse, and 121 were still missing by Sunday. The demolition was expected to open new areas for rescue teams to search. No survivors have been rescued since the first hours after the collapse. Video footage showed the building collapsing downward and throwing up plumes of smoke...

My developing theory is that it was, of course, deliberate and for reason or reasons: one reason might have been to create the precedent of at least one other steel frame building, collapsing spontaneously and symmetrically, at free fall speed, other than the three on 9/11. Why kill hundreds of people to prove a point? As I said, there is likely more than one reason - but that it will become a convincing retort to the many thousands who hear of the Alaska Fairbanks report every day and talk about it to friends - is certainly one worth considering.

Let's imagine the resulting conversation:

Anyway, AE9/11 funded the report. They're a conspiracy theory group.
But they're all working civil engineers.
Yes, who dabble in conspiracy theory.
Okay, what about the report?
Until NIST have responded to the report there's nothing much to say about its findings.
But what about the fact that no other steel frame building has ever spontaneously collapsed into its own foot print at free fall speed?
Florida, 24th June, 2021. I suppose you're going to tell me that was a controlled demolition too.
Conspiracy theorist!
Doesn't it look exactly like controlled demolition?
So 'The government blew 150 people into pieces to cover up the cover up!' Won't you listen to yourself! Conspiracy theorist!
I didn't say any of that.
Conspiracy theorist!
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:16 am

Panicked Surfside 911 calls show clearer timeline of collapse, suggest possible explosion

Minutes before the Champlain Towers South condo partially collapsed in the early hours of June 24, people reported an “explosion” in the garage of the building, according to just-released recordings of emergency calls to Miami-Dade police and fire rescue. Early callers also described an “earthquake” causing the ceiling of the garage to fall in before the rest of the building went down.

“It seemed like here it was an earthquake,” said one caller at 1:17 am. “The garage, everything — seemed like something underground — everything exploded down.”

Experts interviewed by the Herald said those words — “explosion” and “earthquake” — hint at a possible trigger that could have caused the collapse of the pool deck slab, which led to the subsequent catastrophic collapse of the north wing of the building minutes later, leaving 96 confirmed dead and 11 missing and presumed dead.

“If there was an explosion — and I don’t know what could have caused it — but that could have caused that slab to fall,” said Dawn Lehman, professor of structural engineering at the University of Washington. “That could have started the progression [of the building collapse] as we know it.”

Lehman said gas lines or fuel tanks could have ignited and caused enough force to take down a structural element of a building like Champlain Towers. Then the slab falling could have caused a sound and vibration like an earthquake, she said.

Other engineers cautioned against drawing too many conclusions from the specific words used in the emergency calls.

Greg Batista, an engineer from Davie who specializes in concrete repair projects, said the “explosion” described by 911 callers could have simply been the sound of a concrete slab falling into the parking garage.

“It’s more likely than not that when the slab falls, of course it’s gonna create a loud boom,” Batista said. “You’ve got tons of concrete falling down at the same time.”

He also said an electrical explosion is unlikely to have triggered the collapse, unless it occurred near a gas tank and set off a chain reaction.

Building plans do not show obvious gas lines in the basement, however a memo from the condo manager last year described a dilapidated fuel tank near the entrance to the garage — a storage location Batista called unusual for potentially flammable materials like the fumes from diesel fuel.

The notice, sent to residents in January 2020, said that inspectors examining the fuel tank in the garage found it was “taking in water from the rusted fittings on top through repairs that had been previously attempted.”

“The water has caused algae growth in the fuel and could cause the generator to fail if it stated [sic] up,” the notice said. It added the board was requesting bids to replace the tank, but the permit would take three to six months to secure. It wasn’t immediately clear if that work was ever completed.

A spokesperson for the Miami-Dade Police Department declined to comment on whether it was aware of any preliminary evidence indicating an explosion at Champlain Towers South prior to the collapse.

Frank Rollason, director of the Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management, said his office has received “no information and no intel, and there’s been no discussion that there’s been an explosion of some type that caused that building to come down.”

Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer hired by the town of Surfside to investigate the collapse, said an explosion is “on my list of possibilities” for what could have ultimately caused the building to fall.

The only way to know, he said — other than from eyewitness accounts — is to collect evidence from the garage area to see if there is debris or “something contaminous” consistent with an explosion. Kilsheimer has not yet been able to collect that evidence.

Kilsheimer said he’s still exploring what could potentially make a fuel tank like the one stored in the Champlain Towers garage explode — and whether such an explosion could have knocked out a column or other structural element of the building.

Drawings for remediation work that was put out to bid earlier this year showed that gas service was set to be installed at the building, Kilsheimer said, but he said he doesn’t believe the building had any gas service when it collapsed.

It’s unclear whether federal investigators looking into the collapse have yet reviewed the 911 calls. A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology said the agency, which is staffed with some of the world’s top engineers and chemists, has not finalized its team for the Surfside disaster.

While it’s too early to say whether they would be a focal point, the calls mentioning an explosion would almost certainly be examined, potentially prompting witness interviews.

“NIST looks at any and all available information that is going to help shed light on the probable cause,” Jennifer Huergo, spokesperson for the agency, told the Herald on Wednesday.

While the pool deck slab was known to have failed first, the emergency calls also provide a clearer timeline of events. At 1:16 a.m., a breathless caller reported “a big explosion” at Champlain Towers South. At the same time, a fire alarm service called in an alarm for the building. It isn’t until 1:21 a.m. that someone reported the debris cloud — which the caller described as “smoke” — that engulfed bystanders as half the building collapsed, demolition-style.

At 1:23 a.m. another caller, who originally phoned Miami Beach police to report that “the roof collapsed in the garage,” according to the recording, instead yelled to the county dispatcher “Oh my god. The f***ing building collapsed.”

A few minutes later another shaken caller said she witnessed the pool area collapse.

“I woke up because I was hearing some noise, I couldn’t understand what was happening,” she said. “I look outside and I saw the patio [pool] area, started sinking down.”

She said she saw the “whole building” fall underground.

“There are many, many floors of the building that went down, the building just went to the sinkhole,” she said. “So there will be many, many people dead.”

The ultimate trigger will not be certain without a full investigation. Still, buildings usually don’t just fall without a nudge, regardless of their state of disrepair, experts say, making the sudden, unexplained, middle-of-the night Champlain cave-in appear unprecedented. But explosions — of gas lines or otherwise — have triggered collapses in the past.

“All of this makes a lot more sense to me. Because nothing else made sense to me,” Lehman said. “An explosion shatters concrete, unfortunately, just like we saw in Oklahoma City.”

Still, it’s possible, Batista said, that there was no particular trigger — other than years of structural problems and deterioration over time, including concrete cracking under pressure, that caused columns to give way.

“I’ve personally seen in projects that I’ve worked with that these things just collapse at a moment’s notice,” Batista said. “But nothing remotely to the extent of this damage.”

Even if the trigger for the slab failure was identified, experts say, it still does not explain why the structure on top of it subsequently came down. Lehman said a question for investigators remains: “How could we have saved the rest of the building from collapsing.”
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:22 am

Forensic engineer hired by Surfside sidelined and ‘pissed off’

A very frustrated forensic engineer was sitting in a makeshift office inside Surfside Town Hall analyzing plans Wednesday night.

At the end of this week, Allyn Kilsheimer says he’s leaving — without all the information he needs to get to the bottom of what happened at the Champlain Towers South in the early hours of June 24.

Miami-Dade County police call the site and the debris a crime scene, and they are protecting evidence.

“It makes it harder, because I’m pissed off I can’t get what I want when I want it,” Kilsheimer told Local 10 News.

Kilsheimer is used to being part of the team, not sidelined.

“In order to figure out what happened, there is a lot of information we need to get,” he said. “And it requires access to site and access to materials that were on the site. That have now been trucked off the site. Right now, we can’t get that access.”

A structural engineer for 63 years, Kilsheimer was hired by the Town of Surfside to determine a cause for the tragedy that has claimed at least 96 lives.

But his request for access has been denied.

“We need to follow our investigative processes,” Miami-Dade County Police Director Freddy Ramirez said. “At a later date when it seems appropriate, when we have a collaborative agreement of when we can do those things, we will be moving forward. But right now the scene is active and we really want to keep everything pure and concise.”

Kilsheimer says he’s not looking to interfere with the recovery, but to work alongside it. As he has all over the United States.

“This is the first time that I have not been given access,” said Kilsheimer, who has designed 200 buildings in Washington, D.C., alone.

As a forensic engineer, he was at the Pentagon four hours after the 9/11 attack. He’s also investigated the FIU bridge collapse and the Miami Dade College garage collapse.

He says he can’t even get access to the sites where Surfside debris is being stored offsite.

“We don’t have access to anything,” he said. “We can only go so far until we know what the materials are that the building was made out of.”

He asked to analyze drone video of the site.

“I said since I can’t have access, I’d like to see that. I saw a note that said, ‘Your request is denied.’”

He’s worried that without being consulted, vital elements could be destroyed.

“Onsite, it is really important when they get to the basement slab, everything cleaned up, they leave it like that,” he said. “Cause we have to do certain things that require us to look at things through the top basement slab and taking out part of the basement slab.”

Local 10 asked Kilsheimer if not having access will ultimately hamper his investigation?

“It will just take longer,” he said. “I don’t know what they are going to do ... I don’t know if Miami-Dade police have their own specialist that understands these things. I have no idea.”

Not knowing when he may get access, Kilsheimer says he may return to Washington and to “keep working up there as best I can with all my folks.”

He says he has a team of 15 working on this back in the nation’s capital. They are doing computer and engineering models, but without concrete core samples, there is only so much they can do, Kilsheimer says.

He has taken some samples from the twin building, Champlain Towers North, but for now he remains in a holding pattern.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett told Local 10 News that he plans to call Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle to see if she can get the engineer his town hired access to the site.
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Re: Miami - High Rise collapse after loud boom heard

Postby Harvey » Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:04 pm

Can anybody think of an innocent reason for the way this video was edited or why nobody else seems to have noticed? ... 4924992512

A gif alternating between the opening still frame (00:00 to 00:01.1) at the beginning of the film and another frame from approx 7 seconds.


The film is described as:

a video from my camera footage inside from the start of the collapse until the lose of connection

After the establishing still shot, over which sound apparently continues to run, we see live footage commence at just over a second into the video and after everything in the room has moved position in relation to the establishing shot. Note the white object (left lower corner) and what I will call the window sill (possibly a kitchen counter) which appear more or less in the same spatial relationship to the camera. Objects lining the left wall are still in motion one away from and the other toward the wall as live footage begins. But it seems clear we can not confirm that we either saw or heard the moment of the event, just the immediate aftermath.

In support of that case, during the opening still frame (just over one second in duration) note what appears to be shattered glass already present on the window sill. This indicates prior onset of at least one earlier event, by itself this indicates an attempt to deceive in light of the above statement. After the fact of editing into the film a single still frame for over one second, concealing the entire onset of whatever event occurs to leave objects in the room in motion, we should at least be curious.

We can see that the top of the entrance door frame has moved from left to the right and the dimensions of the room itself appear to be pinched significantly toward the ceiling. This may partly be accounted for by a slight change of angle in the camera position increasing the evident lens distortion caused by the wide angle of the lens, though this is not obviously corroborated by the position of the white box and window sill in relation to the camera view. Any such movement appears negligible although the sill itself and the camera may have moved away from vertical together, thus creating this effect. The top of the door frame definitely appears be shifted significantly toward the centre of the room while the other door frame, seen obliquely at the far end of the left wall appears bowed outward slightly and actually pushed inward - toward the centre of the room from its housing. Many objects appear to be at unexpected angles to each other.

At nine to ten seconds the second box lining the left wall moves slightly and then shortly afterwards the whole room sways and eventually the window frame sways too before the scene blacks out.

What all this demonstrates is apparent and deliberate tampering, obscuring two events prior to the showers of debris and the beginning of collapse.


Perhaps to give a false impression of the missing events? Maybe to nullify the number of witnesses who claimed to have heard an explosion or explosions? At first glance the footage certainly tries to convince us we that we have seen a full sequence of events but upon looking more closely, we see clear evidence of tampering and evidence of two separate events even before live footage begins. This unseen second event which causes damage to the room, subsequent to that which caused the broken glass, likewise takes place off stage. The sill area is then showered with dust and small pebble like debris but importantly, the sound recording from the security camera (?) appears to relay very little noise at all beside the sound of (concrete?) fragments raining down.

At first glance we would reasonably conclude from this footage that there was definitely NO explosion.
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