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United front to help beat extremism

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:52 pm
by Seamus OBlimey
Wednesday, 29th July 2009

United front to help beat extremism

Published Date:
23 July 2009
By Adam Wolstenholme

"YOUR democratically elected governments continually perpetrate atrocities against my people all over the world. Your support makes you directly responsible.
"We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation."

These were the chilling words of Mohammed Sidique Khan, the Dewsbury-based mastermind of the July 7 bombings, in his posthumously-released video address.

The world view he expressed is one that terrorists seek to impose upon impressionable young people.

Fighting the psychological battle against such tactics is Kirklees Council's leader, Mehboob Khan, who is the local government national leader of Prevent.

Prevent is one of four strands of the government's national strategy to combat violent extremism, the others being Protect, Prepare and Pursue.

Its remit is to challenge the extremist ideology by disrupting extremists, supporting those who are vulnerable to them, and addressing the grievances they exploit.

As Mohammed Sidique Khan, who lived in Batley before moving to Thornhill Lees, showed in his video address, terrorists play upon grievances arising from British foreign policy.

But Coun Khan believes that discussion and awareness of global affairs is healthy.

He said: "Although British foreign policy is a grievance it is not the sole cause for people to become terrorists.

"It is one of the areas that violent extremists will exploit to try to get people on board.

"Our Muslim communities and other young people do take an interest in what is happening outside Britain. Many have families and contacts abroad.

"We need to enable them to freely have discussions about what is going on

Stimulating further debate is healthy and a better understanding will help us all to denounce those who are trying to use this as yet another tool to turn innocent people into violent extremists.”

Coun Khan said the young in particular were vulnerable.

He said: “This is because of a range of circumstances – for example where they don’t feel they belong, feel a sense of disengagement, have had personal experience of being treated unfairly or have witnessed this.”

This picture of angry, alienated youths fits with what we know of Hammaad Munshi, the Dewsbury teenager who, at the age of 16, was jailed last year for plotting to kill non-believers.

What can be done to prevent similar cases?

Coun Khan said: “For us, it’s all about building on our work to empower communities more and building cohesion within and between communities.”

While some may see terrorism as an Islamic issue, religion can be the solution rather than the problem.

Coun Khan said: “Young men who are devout will understand Islam is a religion of mercy and does not permit terrorism and therefore will be much less prone to extremism as they will be able to challenge the more radical and extremist interpretations of their religion.”

There is mounting concern among anti-terrorist police about a threat from the far-right – the conviction of Neil Lewington at the Old Bailey of terrorism and explosives offences last week being a recent example.

Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Sir Norman Bettison warned a security conference this month of a ‘growing right-wing threat.’

Coun Khan said: “For Kirklees, Prevent is about all forms of violent extremism and terrorism.

“This could include far-right extremism, animal extremism and religious extremism.”

Recent initiative in Kirklees have focussed on women and young people.

Coun Khan cites the examples of the Kirklees Women’s Alliance, Dewsbury Together, and performances across Kirklees of GW Theatre’s play One Extreme to Another, which explores how young people can be drawn into terrorism.

He added: “We want to engage with all sections of the community and create an environment where people don’t have the grievances that can be exploited and where communities – particularly young people – are able to be honest with us.”

Batley News

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:35 pm
by RomanyX
When I first read the thread title, I thought "WTF?!" Then I realized it was the National Front I was thinking of. :oops: Are those geezers still around?

I'm glad someone is trying to defuse the situation.

Re: United front to help beat extremism

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:47 pm
by Seamus OBlimey
Anger over 7/7 London terror attacks inquest 'insult'

Families of 7/7 victims have expressed fury after the suicide attackers were called "apparent bombers" in court.

The hearing, at the Royal Courts of Justice, was to decide how coroners' inquests into deaths from the 2005 Tube and bus bombings should proceed.

But bereaved relations took offence when Hugo Keith QC used the phrase "apparent" to describe the attackers. He later apologised for the distress.

Ernest Adams, whose son was killed, said it was "upsetting and insulting".

James Adams, 32, a mortgage broker from Cambridgeshire, was among 26 killed by Jermaine Lindsay, 19, on a Tube between King's Cross and Russell Square.

His father Mr Adams, 72, stood up in court and said: "For more than four-and-a-half years, the whole world has known that four sick and evil men killed 52 innocent people.

"And yet now lawyers are talking and writing about 'apparent bombers'."

"Your inquest is not going to be about 52 apparent deaths, it will be about 52 real deaths caused by four real bombers.

"I find it very upsetting and insulting to use the word 'apparent'."

Hazel Webb, whose 29-year-old daughter Laura, of Islington, north London, was one of six people killed at Edgware Road, agreed.

Apologies for distress

She said: "'Apparent bombers' just does not rest easily with me."

Apologising, Mr Keith said: "I must balance that which may seem to be obvious with not wishing to pre-judge the issues.

"We are acutely aware that this raises terrible issues for the bereaved families."

The coroner, Lady Justice Hallett, repeated the apology and said they would come up with another term that would not cause distress.

Suicide bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Jermaine Lindsay detonated the bombs on three Tube trains and a bus during the morning rush-hour on 7 July 2005, killing 52 people and injuring more than 700.

Inquest hearings have not taken place yet because criminal proceedings relating to the attacks have taken years.

Inquest ruling due

Thursday's hearing was told that if full inquests into the deaths are held they are expected to take place in the autumn.

A further three-day hearing, scheduled to begin on 26 April, will decide if full inquests are needed and what their remit should be.

The coroner will then rule whether to split the inquests into the victims' deaths and those of the bombers.

Imran Khan, representing the families of Mohammad Sidique Khan and Hasib Hussain, said: "Whatever involvement my clients have in these proceedings, we will try our utmost to ensure that it is done with sensitivity and deference to the wishes of the bereaved families."

It is thought none of the families of the suicide bombers have applied for legal aid.