Laurel Canyon

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby MinM » Mon May 06, 2013 5:45 pm

@cjane87: Charlie Manson intended to use dune buggies to survive the global race war, because why the hell not.

Charles Manson's Evil Plans Involved A Crazy Dune Buggy Battalion

It's a strange feeling when you kind of agree with something that Charles Manson did. It's not a good feeling. But I just learned that Charles Manson's insane "Helter Skelter" global race war fever dream used battalions of VW and Porsche-based dune buggies as key components, and I gotta say, at least in this one detail, it makes sense...

I got the revolution blues,
I see bloody fountains,
And ten million dune buggies
comin' down the mountains.
Well, I hear that Laurel Canyon
is full of famous stars,
But I hate them worse than lepers
and I'll kill them
in their cars. ... -485497751
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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby Brigit » Wed May 08, 2013 10:34 am

I watched "Rosemary's Baby" last night. Incredibly chilling to see Satan's claws scratching Mia Farrow and leaving Manson-like marks in blood considering the death to come of Sharon Tate when she was 8 months pregnant. So much in this movie on and off set!

The Dakota building where John Lennon was shot; a JFK look alike in her dream; The whole sacrifice theme and Hollywood....... And "Cult of the Damned" was filmed in March of 1969. Same feeling as Rosemary's dream.
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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby justdrew » Wed May 08, 2013 3:46 pm

Brigit wrote:I watched "Rosemary's Baby" last night. Incredibly chilling to see Satan's claws scratching Mia Farrow and leaving Manson-like marks in blood considering the death to come of Sharon Tate when she was 8 months pregnant. So much in this movie on and off set!

The Dakota building where John Lennon was shot; a JFK look alike in her dream; The whole sacrifice theme and Hollywood....... And "Cult of the Damned" was filmed in March of 1969. Same feeling as Rosemary's dream.

also there's a awful made-for-tv movie "sequel" that has nothing to do with the book or anyone involved with the real movie... (well ok, Ruth Gordon is still in it, and Patty Duke plays Mia Farrow)

it had been on youtube but the copyright spooks got rid of it. It may be back sometime.

Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby
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Re: Hombre Secreto

Postby MinM » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:11 pm

Image @cnni: Russia angry over U.S. band's flag stunt

The "Bloodhound Gang" venturing into "The Ventures" territory?
IanEye » Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:54 pm wrote:
justdrew wrote:
well, the Ventures are clean :thumbsup

I have actually felt for a long time that The Ventures might have been Government Agents. From the mid-60's into the 70's, while the U.S. was in Viet Nam, The Ventures would tour Asia extensively.
They would perform at an Army base, then at a private club, then on a Naval battleship, then another private club. It seems like the ideal cover to gather intelligence, then debrief, gather more intelligence....

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby conniption » Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:27 am

Daves Web

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

September 9, 2013

No, this isn't actually a new installment of the Laurel Canyon series. It is, instead, an explanation of why there haven't been any new chapters posted in quite some time now. There are, I can assure you, a number of new chapters that have been written - one on Frank Zappa and a couple of his more colorful discoveries (Captain Beefheart and Larry "Wild Man" Fischer), one on Arthur Lee and his band Love, one on John Kay and his band Steppenwolf, and one on Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. There are also a number of new additions to the Laurel Canyon Death List. And some supplemental material concerning the death of young Godo Paulekas.

There is also a new chapter that takes a look at the punk and new wave scene that, in the late 1970s, began replacing the sounds of Laurel Canyon on the radio dial. And a new epilogue that reveals that Charlie Manson wasn't the only serial killer/mass murderer with curious ties to the Laurel Canyon scene. And a new preface that aims to accomplish two things: explain to readers how and why I came to pen this saga, and preemptively respond to potential critics. Also added is a forward written by my esteemed colleague, Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal.

None of that, however, will be making an appearance on this website, or on any other website. Instead, it will be incorporated into - drum roll, please - a Laurel Canyon book! I have been, you see, quietly working for some time now with a publisher in the UK. And what we have put together, I honestly believe, is a vastly improved telling of the Laurel Canyon story. In addition to all the new material that will be exclusive to the book, much of the previously posted material has been reorganized and extensively edited to improve the flow of this rather dark journey through what was supposed to be a hippie utopia. And both an index and a bibliography have been added to make this work a more valuable research tool.

The published version will carry a different title: Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream. That's about all I have to report for now. As more information becomes available, such as a release date and a cover price, I will keep this page updated. Though I haven't yet discussed it with my publisher, it is possible that I may make a bulk purchase so that I can sell signed copies through this website. That though will depend on whether there appears to be a sufficient demand, so if you would be interested in obtaining a signed copy, drop me an email.

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:32 pm

Brigit » Wed May 08, 2013 10:34 am wrote:I watched "Rosemary's Baby" last night. Incredibly chilling to see Satan's claws scratching Mia Farrow and leaving Manson-like marks in blood considering the death to come of Sharon Tate when she was 8 months pregnant. So much in this movie on and off set!

The Dakota building where John Lennon was shot; a JFK look alike in her dream; The whole sacrifice theme and Hollywood....... And "Cult of the Damned" was filmed in March of 1969. Same feeling as Rosemary's dream.

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Woody Allen's Son May Actually Be Frank Sinatra's

Postby MinM » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:54 pm

In a new interview with Vanity Fair, actress and Twitter celebrity Mia Farrow reveals this interesting fact about her life: Her son, Ronan, whose biological father has always been reported to be the director Woody Allen, may actually be singer Frank Sinatra's son. This is a Jerry Springer episode for the 1 percent.

Ronan Farrow hasn't spoken with his father, filmmaker Woody Allen, since the latter left the former's mother, Mia Farrow, for Soon-Yi… Read…

Both Ronan and Mia are known for their dislike of Allen, who started dating Mia's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, after he and Mia split (Ronan hasn't talked to Allen since, and last year he cracked on Twitter that he calls Father's Day "brother-in-law's day"). But in the past there's been no real indication that Allen isn't Ronan's real father. That changed when Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth asked Farrow about her former love affair with Sinatra.

Farrow discusses her relationship with Frank Sinatra, telling Orth that Sinatra was the great love of her life, and says, “We never really split up.” When asked point-blank if her biological son with Woody Allen, Ronan Farrow, may actually be the son of Frank Sinatra, Farrow answers, “Possibly.” No DNA tests have been done.

Sinatra, born in 1915, would have been in his early 70s when Mia was pregnant with Ronan, born in 1987—old, but not necessarily incapable of making a baby.

For his part, Ronan, who is rumored to be in talks to get his own show on MSNBC, seems to be taking the news with typical good humor:

Listen, we're all *possibly* Frank Sinatra's son.
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) October 2, 2013 ... 1440233819

IanEye » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:34 pm wrote:
Eye_in_I wrote:

Without further ado, we begin this journey - for no particular reason - with the aforementioned Phil Hartman, who was a highschool friend of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who later became a disciple of Charlie Manson, a jailhouse correspondent of John Hinckley, and the attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford, who was once a roommate of modeling entrepreneur Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, at whose beach house a dinner was held on June 5, 1968 whose attendees included "Mama" Cass Elliot, Roman Polanski, and Sharon Tate, who was killed just over a year later by followers of Charlie Manson, whose music was recorded by Doris Day's son, music producer Terry Melcher, who lived with girlfriend Candace Bergen at 10050 Cielo Drive the year before it became a slaughterhouse after being rented by Polanski, who initially was slated to pen the screenplay for Day of the Dolphin, which purported to tell the story of Dr. John Lilly, who was a friend of Timothy Leary, whose Mellon family-owned Millbrook estate was frequently visited by Dr. Max "Feelgood" Jacobson, who once 'treated' Judy Garland and who served as the personal physician of John Kennedy, whose assassination prompted the shelving of the film The Manchurian Candidate by its star, Frank Sinatra, who was a frequent companion of fellow 'Brat Packer' Sammy Davis, Jr., who was an acknowledged member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, from where Manson recruited killers Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil and Susan "Sexy Sadie" Atkins, who confessed to her cellmates that she had stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate, who was inducted into witchcraft on the set of the Polanski-directed film The Fearless Vampire Killers by Alexander "King of the Witches" Saunders, who received 'training' as a child from Aleister Crowley, whose followers included Anton LaVey and fellow Church of Satan member Kenneth Anger, who was the roommate (and probable lover) of Family member Bobby Beausoleil, who once appeared in an underground film titled Mondo Hollywood, which also featured hairdresser and Manson victim Jay Sebring, who was a former lover of Sharon Tate, who was a friend of a wealthy widow named Charlene Caffritz, who played host to - and filmed the exploits of - Charlie and some of his girls, who also lived for a time with Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, who recorded a song penned by Charlie, who was an occasional member of the entourage of Mama Cass, who was listed as a defense witness for Charlie's trial (but never called), as was her Mamas and the Papas band-mate John Phillips, who was close to Polanski, Tate, Melcher, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Cass Elliot, and film producer Robert Evans, who was working with - and very likely contracted the execution killing of - Roy Radin, whose assistant was Michael DeVinko aka Mickie DeVinko aka Mickie Deans, who married - just a few months before her untimely death - Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland, who as a teen was flooded with phone messages and telegrams by admirer Oscar Levant, whose dead body was found by Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist for Life magazine - covered the preempted presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy, who was romantically linked to Marilyn Monroe, who was also linked to Anton LaVey, who appeared in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of My Demon Brother (released in August of 1969) along with Bobby Beausoleil, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who was a guest at the 1968 London wedding of Sharon Tate to Roman Polanski, who - during a nude photo shoot - molested a thirteen-year-old girl at the home of Jack Nicholson, who was a friend of Cass Elliot, as were Robert Evans and Manson victims Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, who provided funding for the Himalayan Academy, which Kenneth Anger helped form with Timothy Leary, who was at the side of the stage at the 1969 Altamont concert where - while the Rolling Stones played the Process Church-inspired Sympathy for the Devil* - a fan was killed on film by the Hell's Angels, who had been romanticized and transformed into anti-establishment heroes in the film Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger and the book Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson, both of whom have been accused of making snuff films** for private collectors, which was also a favorite pastime of Charlie Manson, one of whose underage recruits was Didi Lansbury, who had written permission to travel with Charlie from her mother, Angela Lansbury, who starred as the control agent in The Manchurian Candidate, which was based on the novel of the same name by Richard Condon, who once served as a publicist for Walt Disney, who once owned the home where the Manson Family slaughtered Leno LaBianca and wife Rosemary, who was involved in the trafficking of drugs, as were many of those in this twisted saga, including Charles Manson, victims Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, John Phillips and Kenneth Anger, who was a huge fan of the dark and violent imagery of the Rosicrucian-inspired, L. Frank Baum-penned Oz books, which inspired the band The Magick Powerhouse of Oz, which was led by Bobby Beausoleil, who was also at one time in the band Love with Arthur Lee, four of whose members later turned up dead or missing and presumed dead, as did Charlene Caffritz, Cass Elliot (who allegedly choked on a sandwich in 1974), Dennis Wilson (who allegedly drowned on December 28, 1983), and Gram Parsons, whose corpse was stolen and burned at Joshua Tree on the autumnal equinox of 1973 by his band's road manager, Phil Kaufman, who was a good friend from prison of Charlie Manson, who met (at Cass Elliot's house) and received money from victim Abigail Folger, who also funded Kenneth Anger, who at various times lived with both Jimmy Page (who purchased Crowley's home and many of his artifacts) and Keith Richards & Anita Pallenberg, whose home - in 1979 - yielded the body of a teenager who had been shot to death, as was John Lennon the next year by Mark David Chapman, who shortly before doing so met with - and offered a gift of live bullets to - Kenneth Anger, whose films were cited as a major influence by photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, who was implicated by witnesses in the Halloween 1981 execution killing of New York photographer Ronald Sisman (a close associate of Roy Radin), who was reportedly in possession of a snuff film of one of the Son of Sam murders, which were allegedly committed by David Berkowitz, who from prison accurately described the Sisman killing before it happened and who took the fall for the Son of Sam murders to cover up the involvement of others, including possibly Roy Radin and wealthy art dealer Andrew Crispo, who admitted being present at the site of a ritual murder which was committed by a man named Bernard LeGeros, who was the son of a State Department official, as was Pic Dawson, who was a regular member of the entourage of Cass Elliot, as was a one-time bodyguard of publisher Larry Flynt named Bill Mentzer, who was convicted of killing Radin and who was suspected of involvement in numerous other contract murders, including some of those attributed to David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson, who attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of John Phillips, who wrote the siren song of the 'Summer of Love,' bringing thousands of hippies and flower children streaming into San Francisco and into the hands of such figures as Louis "Dr. Jolly" West, Anton LaVey, Charlie Manson, Bobby Beausoleil, Timothy Leary and Kenneth Anger, who - just three days after the suspicious death of Rolling Stone Brian Jones - filmed the Hell's Angels stomping the crowd at a 1969 Stones concert in London, just five months before they did the very same thing to the crowd at Altamont, which was organized by San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, who consulted with F. Lee Bailey whilst the latter was busily railroading Albert DeSalvo and later consulted with Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez, who was offered an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena, who along with boyfriend Nickolas Schreck staged an event on 8-8-88 celebrating the slaughter of the victims of the Manson Family, who some researchers believe were involved in the murders attributed to the "Zodiac," who called and sent correspondence to Melvin Belli, whose clients included the widow of Hermann Goering and Jack Ruby, who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported assassin of John Kennedy, whose brother Robert was romantically linked to Jayne Mansfield, as was Anton LaVey, who served as Roman Polanski's technical director on the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, which was set in New York's Dakota Apartments, where John Lennon was gunned down by Mark David Chapman, who shared a fixation on The Catcher in the Rye with failed assassin John Hinckley, Jr., who stalked actress Jodie Foster, who is working on a film biography of Leni Riefenstahl, who was met by - and admired by - fellow filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who laced his film Scorpio Rising with Nazi imagery, including the prominent use of swastikas, not unlike the one carved into the forehead of Charlie Manson, who - at the Cielo Drive home of Polanski and Tate - had a chance meeting with Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, who was married to actress Mia Farrow, who starred in the Polanski-directed Rosemary's Baby, which was produced by Robert Evans, a friend of Henry Kissinger, who was the righthand man of President Richard Nixon, whose election was ensured by the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who was yet another client of Melvin Belli, as were the Hell's Angels and Nazi-collaborator Errol Flynn, who made two films with Ronald Reagan, who was an occasional visitor to the childhood home of Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist - chronicled the short-lived administration of Gerald Ford, who married one of his friend Harry Conover's 'Covergirls,' who later opened the Betty Ford Center, where various celebrities in and out of this web routinely check in for tune-ups.


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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby Six Hits of Sunshine » Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:55 am

If this has been posted elsewhere, or if it's felt this really doesn't belong here, I apologize. But I think in light of Dave McGowan's work this definitely raised my eyebrows...Supposedly a fuller, longer interview will be published at some point later.

Kevin Shields: 'Britpop was pushed by the government'
My Bloody Valentine leader raises possibility the mid-90s pop movement was part of an establishment conspiracy

Kevin Shields has raised the notion that Britpop was part of a government conspiracy. Speaking to the Guardian in an exclusive interview, to be published online later today and in the G2 Film&Music section tomorrow, the My Bloody Valentine leader reacted angrily to a mention of the Cool Britannia phenomenon.

"Britpop was massively pushed by the government," he said. "Someday it would be interesting to read all the MI5 files on Britpop. The wool was pulled right over everyone's eyes there."

In the early years of Tony Blair's premiership, Britpop luminaries such as Noel Gallagher and Damon Albarn were vocal supporters of the Labour government, and visited 10 Downing Street. Shields said he would only have attended "on condition we could play a song".

Shields also said the time he spent with Primal Scream – he toured with them between 1999 and 2006 – was a bit of a blur. "I was terrible in my 30s," he said. "I did some silly, crazy things. That's when I really went for it in every respect. Taking drugs recreationally – lots of them. So it's all very hazy and jumbled up. I can remember the beginning and the last few gigs with Primal Scream but everything else is interchangeable.

"I once took down the name of every single member of staff on an aeroplane because I was so fucking drunk. I found this illegible piece of paper in my pocket the next day and couldn't work out what it was. I'd blacked out. But now I'm a more convivial drinker, I don't get really drunk." ... government

EDIT: Here is the full interview FWIW: ... -interview
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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby minime » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:09 am

ithout further ado, we begin this journey - for no particular reason - with the aforementioned Phil Hartman, who was a highschool friend of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who later became a disciple of Charlie Manson, a jailhouse correspondent of John Hinckley, and the attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford, who was once a roommate of modeling entrepreneur Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, at whose beach house a dinner was held on June 5, 1968 whose attendees included "Mama" Cass Elliot, Roman Polanski, and Sharon Tate, who was killed just over a year later by followers of Charlie Manson, whose music was recorded by Doris Day's son, music producer Terry Melcher, who lived with girlfriend Candace Bergen at 10050 Cielo Drive the year before it became a slaughterhouse after being rented by Polanski...

Somehow, I 'knew' what this was.

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby elfismiles » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:39 am

So ... this must've been posted already but my searches to check have failed to bring it up:

Frank Zappa - Plastic People - Absolutely Free

At the 40 second mark...

"And there's this guy from the CIA and he's creeping around Laurel Canyon"

EDIT: ah, here it is from AD...

Re: Laurel Canyon
by American Dream » 06 Dec 2011 23:26
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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby hanshan » Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:54 am


Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

September 9, 2013

Product Details

Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: Headpress (March 4, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1909394122
ISBN-13: 978-1909394124
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.1 ounces

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby elfismiles » Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:06 pm

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippy Dream Paperback – March 4, 2014
by David McGowan (Author) , Nick Bryant (Foreword) ... 1909394122

As a native Angeleno who was born in 1960 and came of age in the 1970s, the music produced by the artists who populate this book provided the soundtrack to my youth, so it is a subject matter that is close to my heart. But what really set the hook was discovering, early on in my research, that there were a number of aspects of the Laurel Canyon scene that didn't really seem to fit in with the prevailing image of a hippie utopia that was ostensibly all about peace and love. Having grown up right alongside this scene, I was shocked to learn that I didn't even know that it had existed at all! And after asking around, I discovered that no one else that I know in this city did either. After the passage of nearly 50 years, it seemed that this was a story that was long overdue for greater exposure. Even more overdue, it seemed to me, was an expose of some of the hidden truths of Laurel Canyon. Though a few books exploring the scene have popped up over the last several years, all of them have a certain sameness to them, with the same stories told in much the same way. I felt it was time to tell a different version of the story - the one that can be found hiding in the details that are usually left out or glossed over.

hanshan » 04 Oct 2013 15:54 wrote:...

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

September 9, 2013

Product Details

Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: Headpress (March 4, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1909394122
ISBN-13: 978-1909394124
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.1 ounces

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Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch

Postby IanEye » Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:42 am

@ 37:47 Marc Maron states, "I wanna talk about Laurel Canyon in the 70's..."

"Fuck off, pervert." - Moon Unit Zappa

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby chump » Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:31 pm

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Re: Laurel Canyon

Postby semper occultus » Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:21 pm

...WTF....Mick Ronson was once in a band run by the Process Church....

The Voice

With The Crestas falling apart, Mick decided to leave Hull, turn pro, and try his luck in London.

[Dave Bradfield] I'd already been professional; I'd already done it when I was sixteen. But this was Mick's big dream, and so Mick went down to London.

In London, Mick took a part time job in a garage and soon joined a group called The Voice. The group was from Scotland, having formed as The Royal Crests before moving to London and changing their name to Karl Stuart and the Profile and signing with Mercury. The Profile released three singles fro Mercury, before changing their name to The Voice.

Mick was replacing Miller Anderson as lead guitarist in The Voice, and the two played alternating sets for a few gigs during the transition. The Voice had released one single in 1965 while Miller Anderson was still in the band. 'Train To Disaster' b/w 'Truth' (1965 Mercury MF905) is an expensive slice of psychedelia, fetching prices in excess of 100 pounds in collector circles. (Miller Anderson, coincidentally, had also been playing in bands with Ian Hunter around this time.)

Mick played a few dates with The Voice, and when their drummer left Mick called in his old Mariners and Crestas bandmate Dave Bradfield to fill in. Bradfield's successful audition was held in Brighton, where the group was playing support to The Yardbirds that very evening. Yardbirds historian Doug Hinman points to a scheduled appearance at Brighton Top Rank on 18 March 1966 as the likely date for the Dave Bradfield audition.

[Dave Bradfield] Mick got in touch with this band, and I went down to join them. I had an interview, did my drumming, and was accepted. They were playing with The Yardbirds down in Brighton when I joined. Jeff Beck, who was in the Yardbirds, was Mick's idol.

The Voice was backed by a religious organization called The Process, which was founded by Robert De Grimston Moore and Mary Ann McClean. In 1964, the pair started a therapy group called Compulsions Analysis, which soon blossomed into a religious cult called The Process Church of the Final Judgement, or 'The Process' for short. By 1965, The Process had moved to a mansion in Mayfair at Balfour Place.

[Dave Bradfield] There was a singer, a keyboard player, a bass player, Mick, and myself. The other members were all members of the religious cult. They had a big mansion in the middle of London, and the couple that led it were called Bob and Mary Ann.

Mick's dream of turning professional in London was quickly dashed, however, when he and Dave Bradfield returned from a weekend in Hull.

[Dave Bradfield] We were playing down there for a while, professionally, and one day we came back from a holiday in Hull and our gear was on our bed in our flat down Cavendish Road in London. There was a note saying 'We've bought an island, and we've gone off to The Bahamas with Bob and Mary Ann.' And that was that. What happened to them, I have no idea!

The date of the group's departure for the Bahamas has been fixed as 23 June 1966 in biographies of The Process. After the band left for the tropics, Mick stayed in London looking for more work while Dave Bradfield returned to Hull. Mick soon teamed up with a band called The Wanted, playing Motown material, but the group broke up almost immediately. This left Mick Ronson in debt, and with no choice but to return to Hull.

[Tim Myers] It didn't last very long. It was a matter of a couple of months, maybe three months, and they shot back up here like a scalded rat! When they came back, I said 'How was it?' and they said it was more like a religious sect.


for those below a certain age he was David Bowie's guitarist
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