UFO event in Norway

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby nathan28 » Mon May 24, 2010 2:00 pm

UFO Spiral in the sky seen and heard across Western Canada


Where is "Western Canada?" You mean like British Columbia? Alberta? "Off the coast of Canada" isn't exactly specific. And that whole "heard" thing--who heard it? I don't see any witness quoted, even on background.

Oh, wait:


Canadian UFO Spiral hoaxer comes forward

What looked like numerous photographs and videos of a ship entering the cosmos was actually put together by not a team, but one person.

Kevin Martin, a Southern California Weatherman has come forward as the hoaxer to what is likely the biggest hoax ever created.

Martin claims he e-mailed the material to TheWeatherSpace.com in an effort to test a theory of his out.

"Who is more gullible, Americans or Europeans?", asked Martin. "A growing number of conspiracy theorists are American, while Europe seems to have their head on straighter to the facts. I decided to test it out with a half done CGI video and photoshop photo stills, sending it to Betty Morgan at TheWeatherSpace.com Space News section."

Martin claims that his theory was correct, Europeans have a better handle on reality than Americans.

Upon further investigation it seems like Martin is a master at marketing, graphics, and even manipulation. TheWeatherSpace.com was fooled and I apologize for that.

Martin's Facebook account talks about his hoax.

"Here, to prove I did the hoax I made one of an alien ship going by, another emerges from the ground and chases it. The craft drops a large atom device and it explodes on Earth. Oh yeah, and I even made the trees move from a still photograph."

Martin credits himself as part of the 9/11 hoax development, in which was and still is an "experiment" on humanity he says.

For the original story, click here -

Sorry, reality can be rough like that. Get a helmet.

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I like spirals

Postby Perelandra » Mon May 24, 2010 7:18 pm

AhabsOtherLeg wrote:Hoax or not, there is something about the idea of these spirals of light in the sky, and perhaps the spiral design in general, that speaks to something deep in the collective unconscious. At least, I think it does. It does to me.

Spirals feature prominently, whether as decoration, spiritual symbol, or astronomical observation, in every form of ancient art from the Australian Aboriginal to the Norse, Celtic, and, obviously, Mediterranean.
Thanks for posting your interesting spiral images, Ahab.

All the forms and patterns of nature are progressively more complex variations of the primary archetypes of creation: The point, line, circle/sphere (realm of structure), and spiral (realm of process).
Not only does the spiral include history in its spiritual sweep, but it also encompasses biology, even allowing for the theory of evolution. Just as a cart, one with innumerable wheels perhaps, slowly moves forward in a straight line, so the process of evolution is simultaneously cyclic and linear. Again, Cirlot's dictionary states that the spiral is in fact "A schematic image of the evolution of the universe." It is no coincidence, then, that the term evolution (e- "out" + volvere "to roll") means "to unroll" or "to open outward"-- the precise motion of the spiral.

Come to think of it, though, Dahmer also painted spirals on the skulls of some of his victims, the ones he intended to use for his "shrine."
It sounds possible that he mimicked something he read about.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon May 24, 2010 11:53 pm

Pere anything that comes from celticnz is bullshit.

Martin Doutré is an evil nazi piece of shit and the sooner someone eats his Pakeha arse the better.

(Maybe there were Celtic people in NZ years ago, tho I doubt it. Doutré is scum tho. And he's flat out wrong about the spirals on Maori tatts. FFS I'll bet if he said that to the face of someone with those tattoos who knew their meaning he'd be in a world of pain.

I have Maori friends who can trace their ancestry back to the boats they arrived on and where they left from. That bullshit about Ra is just that. The meaning of the tattoos is complex and multi layered and all the rest, but it isn't a watered down version of Egyptian cosmology.)
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon May 24, 2010 11:56 pm

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Postby Perelandra » Tue May 25, 2010 12:31 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Pere anything that comes from celticnz is bullshit.

Martin Doutré is an evil nazi piece of shit and the sooner someone eats his Pakeha arse the better.

(Maybe there were Celtic people in NZ years ago, tho I doubt it. Doutré is scum tho. And he's flat out wrong about the spirals on Maori tatts. FFS I'll bet if he said that to the face of someone with those tattoos who knew their meaning he'd be in a world of pain.

I have Maori friends who can trace their ancestry back to the boats they arrived on and where they left from. That bullshit about Ra is just that. The meaning of the tattoos is complex and multi layered and all the rest, but it isn't a watered down version of Egyptian cosmology.)
I'm so sorry, Joe. I didn't do my homework, although that Ra thing gave me pause. I should have known better, but the image was compelling.

Ugh, removing offensive material.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue May 25, 2010 12:57 am

No worries.

Its fascinating, cos I'm sure there is more to the past than just what we hear. And I don't doubt that Australia and New Zealand were known for millenia, tho perhaps not visited often or inhabited by "foreigners" before 1788. Maybe in the top end. I think the trade and contact is well established there.

There's all sorts of tantilising weirdness that points to more than the official record.

Same with all that stuff about Egyptian settlements near Gosford in NSW.

Its quite possible, but it can't be used to deny the reality of what happened with colonisation - that just kills it dead for me. Too often it is attached to dodgy political views these days.

History is political, especially in cases like the NZ one.

The Maori are one bunch of indigenous people that did ok compared to all the rest.

Spirals are everywhere. Especially among people who are near the sea, and no doubt they inspired the same thoughts in many people on different continents.

Like swastikas actually, and they represent similar things most of the time.

Those Maori tattoos are bloody awesome tho aren't they. Imagine coming across that on the face of some six foot two 250 lb angry bloke with a big stick.

Or 30 of them doing a Haka:

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby crikkett » Tue May 25, 2010 1:31 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Or 30 of them doing a Haka:


That ranks with some of the better hulas I've seen, and I've seen myself some hulas.

(PS I'm enjoying the edits, hope you do too)
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue May 25, 2010 2:34 am

Thats the All Blacks vs South Africa at Rugby Union. Here's another one vs Australia:

I love the sound n that one.

Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Fixx » Tue May 25, 2010 2:47 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Thats the All Blacks vs South Africa at Rugby Union. Here's another one vs Australia:

I love the sound n that one.

Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar

Should be banned from International matches in my view, I believe it potentially offers a psychological advantage?
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Fixx » Tue May 25, 2010 2:48 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Thats the All Blacks vs South Africa at Rugby Union. Here's another one vs Australia:

I love the sound n that one.

Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar

Should be banned from International matches in my view, I believe it offers a psychological advantage.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby 82_28 » Tue May 25, 2010 3:02 am

Jesus Christ. And you foreign fuckers think American football is stupid. I've never seen anything more ridiculous in my life than this Haka. Yes, quite intimidating -- which is the point obviously. But totally gay.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby 82_28 » Tue May 25, 2010 3:03 am

There is no me. There is no you. There is all. There is no you. There is no me. And that is all. A profound acceptance of an enormous pageantry. A haunting certainty that the unifying principle of this universe is love. -- Propagandhi
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby 82_28 » Tue May 25, 2010 3:05 am

Which I am all kindly joking about and mean in jest.

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby crikkett » Tue May 25, 2010 3:15 am

Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar

It seems that one makes love, one makes war (at least in the examples cited)
and yes love does offer a psychological advantage
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue May 25, 2010 3:20 am

Fixx wrote:
Joe Hillshoist wrote:Thats the All Blacks vs South Africa at Rugby Union. Here's another one vs Australia:

I love the sound n that one.

Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar

Should be banned from International matches in my view, I believe it offers a psychological advantage.

Come on, if that intimidates you then you really have no business playing test Rugby.
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