"Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby 8bitagent » Mon May 02, 2011 5:46 am

Least the government officially apologized for killing high level MK Ultra/bio weapons pioneer Frank Olson, trying to make it look like suicide.

The first and last time we'll ever see that caveat...of course, the apology letter was during the crazy late 70's, when all sorts of conspiracies(cept the big one=JFK) were being revealed.

The Clinton period, not to sound like WND, had all sorts of odd deaths.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby AhabsOtherLeg » Tue May 03, 2011 1:37 pm

Here are a few (perhaps lesser-known) ones from the UK, going back a fair bit. It's by no means an exhaustive list. In a bit of a hurry, can only link to barebones accounts for now.

Dr. Stephen Ward - Preferred pimp for establishment figures, occassional MI5 asset, and occultist. Possibly a real suicide (committed on last day of his trial for "living off immoral earnings", after conviction) but they had reason to be rid of him :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Ward

Hilda Murrell and Willie McRae - Prominent Anti-Nuclear activists. McRae also a lawyer, and heavily involved in the SNP
campaign for Scottish independence, as well as investigating NATO activities in Scotland. Before leaving his office for his last drive he held up documents that had come into his possession through a source in government and told his staff: "I've got them!" His last known words.

http://news.scotsman.com/scottishnation ... 2791306.jp

Johnathon Moyle
Stephen Milligan
James Rusbridger (all deaths protrayed as acts of auto-erotic asphyxia - MI6 bluntly told Moyle's family that he had "masturbated himself to death."): http://www.fantompowa.net/Flame/autoero ... _in_uk.htm

Roberto Calvi, hung from Blackfriar's Bridge in London - but that shades into Italian politics, and if you look for suspicious deaths in that snakepit you'll grow old before you've counted 'em all.

David Kelly's already been mentioned.

Of course, if you factor in Northern Ireland, there are dozens more, but few were made to look like suicides or accidents.

Christen Schnor - another found hanged in a hotel room cupboard: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... icide.html

Another banker, from 2008 (just a possible):
Before his death at 9am on Thursday, Mr Stephenson appeared to have everything to live for.

A glittering 20-year City career had made him a hugely wealthy man and he was said to have been happy in his marriage to Karina Robinson, a successful financial writer.

Sources stressed that neither Mr Stephenson nor his company had financial problems that would have led him to take his own life.

But they said the financier had ‘succumbed’ to the stress and responsibilities of his taxing role, adding that Mr Stephenson had overreacted to the continuing financial turmoil.

After eating breakfast on Thursday with his wife and their young son Lucas, Mr Stephenson drove to Taplow station, left his car in the car park and crossed a footbridge over the main First Great Western Plymouth to Paddington line.

Out of view of passengers on the platform, he is then said by witnesses to have leapt in front of a high-speed train.

The driver sounded his horn and slammed on the brakes but was unable to stop in time. The train came to a standstill a mile down the track.

Mr Stephenson left no note, but the incident is being treated by police, train operator First Great Western and his own firm as a suicide.

There are a lot more than this. Why can't i remember them?

Oh, and Gareth Williams, of course.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby dqueue » Tue May 03, 2011 1:53 pm

Philip Merrill, former head of the Export-Import Bank
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Pele'sDaughter » Tue May 03, 2011 2:57 pm

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Don't believe that they say anything without a reason.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed May 04, 2011 12:26 pm

Theresa Duncan
Jeremy Blake
William Cooper
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby bks » Wed May 04, 2011 10:05 pm

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby MinM » Wed May 04, 2011 11:50 pm

George de Mohrenschildt just before he was to testify to the HSCA

Richard Case Nagell just before he was to testify to the ARRB.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby semper occultus » Thu May 05, 2011 5:10 am

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby 8bitagent » Thu May 05, 2011 9:22 pm

Has this been mentioned? The three soldiers with Jessica lynch? All of them got killed by mysterious gun men according to the mainstream news.
One of the guys was at a family bbq, and the report says a gunman leaned over the fenced and took him out.
(links to mainstream articles)

Were these Cheney's hit squads and the "brave seal six" black ops type boys Obama is praising?

I mean this is very serious if these were hits, as we know 100% Tillman was
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby lupercal » Fri May 13, 2011 9:11 am

. . . interesting run-down on a long list of "unsolved" political assassinations, from JFK to Benazir Bhutto, from a Pakistani perspective:
Spy agencies and their failure in solving high-profile murders
Sabir Shah - The News International - Pakistan
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The world’s most-feared spy agencies, like the CIA, Mossad, KGB, MI-6, ISI and RAW, may have mesmerised a major chunk of the billions of humans living on this planet through their investigative skills, deception, guile, craftiness and bravery, but the fact remains that most of them have been unable to solve the murder mysteries of various rulers and distinguished personalities during the last 50 years.

Despite possessing unbridled powers and massive financial-cum-logistic resources at their disposal to accomplish their missions, these sensitive agencies have seemingly failed to live up to their promise and reputation.

Some conspiracy theorists argue that since sensitive agencies are themselves involved in many of these high-profile murders for inexplicable reasons, therefore, chances of the truth coming to light are bleak and that is why these murders have remained unresolved till date.

Even if one agrees with the hypothesis of these conspiracy theorists, it is hard to believe why the Indian RAW would not pounce on any opportunity to embarrass and prove the Pakistani ISI incapable by solving any such mystery itself (and vice versa), or why the American CIA would have spared the former Soviet Union’s KGB (and vice versa) for any such incompetence?

In fact, none of these otherwise highly-admired secret services have opted to resolve these murder mysteries in a bid to ridicule their worst rivals in profession, stamp their own supremacy and to get a distinct psychological edge over their adversaries.

The list of rulers and distinguished global personalities, whose murders are shrouded by mystery till date include the likes of the former US President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was killed in November 1963.

Though the US government had concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository, this conclusion was not accepted by 80 per cent Americans who still hold a belief contrary to these findings.

Since Oswald was himself murdered before his trial by a man called Jack Ruby, Kennedy’s assassination has given birth to numerous conspiracy theories.

President Johnson had created the Warren Commission, chaired by Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination.

The Commission concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy. The results of this investigation are still disputed by many.

In 1979, the US House Select Committee on Assassinations had found both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed.

Harold Edward Holt, an Australian Prime Minister, had disappeared while swimming in December 1967 and was presumed drowned.

He had remained Prime Minister for 22 months only. Although a large search operation was launched to trace of Holt, no success could greet the Aussies and just two days later, the government officially pronounced him dead.

Many rumours regarding Premier Holt’s death resultantly surfaced.

While there were claims he had committed suicide, other though he had faked his own death in order to run away with his girl friend. Then there were stories that he had been kidnapped by a Chinese submarine and taken to China.

Interestingly, no official Australian government enquiry was conducted into Premier Holt’s death or disbelieving disappearance. The 1968 assassination of Robert F Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of former President John F Kennedy, had also helped a few conspiracy theories to blow up.

Robert Kennedy was killed on June 5, 1968, as he was about to win the US Presidential elections. In this case, the single attacker was Sirhan, a Palestinian immigrant, who was first sentenced to death and then his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972.

Sirhan was alleged to have killed Kennedy for the Senator’s support for Israel. Some investigators differed with the official version of the case. For example, according to one theory, the location of Kennedy’s wounds suggested that his killer had stood right behind him, but some witnesses said that the assassin was standing sideways.

This had led to the hypothesis that a second gunman may actually have fired the fatal shot. In November 2006, the BBC’s ‘News Night Programme’ had also presented a research by a filmmaker, according to whom; the CIA was involved in the murder.

Edward Mutesa, the King of Uganda, was either murdered or had died from alcohol poisoning in London in 1969. Nothing concrete came up in this case as well, despite the fact that this murder had taken place on the domain of the British MI-6.

Omar Torrijos,
President of Panama, had died in a plane crash in 1981. The culprits responsible were never brought to justice, despite massive US interests in this country. Panama, as a matter of record, has otherwise been a victim of at least eight US interventions since 1890.

Some key political figures in Panama later accused the CIA to have been behind their head of state’s murder, basing their theories on reports that a few US businessmen had strongly opposed the negotiations between late President Torrijos and a group of Japanese tycoons, who were promoting the idea of a larger canal for Panama.

Pope John Paul I, whose 33-day reign is among the shortest in papal history, was found dead sitting up in his bed on September 29, 1978.

The Vatican reported that the Pope had most likely died of a heart attack. It has been claimed that the Vatican altered some of the vital details of the discovery of the death.

Since the autopsy was not performed, as was customary, not many clues into Pope’s death could hence be traced. And then a lot of inconsistent statements had followed after the Pope’s death, which naturally led to a number of conspiracy theories.

Eduardo Frei Montalva, President of Chile, had died in 1982. Though the exact cause of his death is yet to be known, many believe that he was poisoned. Again, the CIA has had a distinguished presence in this country for years, but it could not solve the case.

Former Swedish Premier, Olof Palme, was assassinated in February 1986. While he was walking home from a cinema with his wife Lisbet, Olof Palme was fatally shot in the back at close range.

A second bullet had wounded his wife, who later recovered. A noted critic of US and Soviet foreign policy, Premier Palme, would often use harsh phrases against imperialist ambitions and authoritarian regimes. His unwavering opposition to apartheid then led to suspicions that the South African intelligence may have been behind his murder.

Two years after the assassination, a small-time criminal and drug addict was arrested, tried and convicted for Palme’s murder, but the conviction was later overturned on appeal.

As a result, the crime remains unsolved. Since Palme was a strong critic of the Vietnam War, he was not enjoying cordial relations with the US at the time of his death. This led to more theories.

Pakistani military ruler, General Ziaul Haq, had died in a plane crash in August 1988 along with numerous high-ranking Army officials, including the then ISI Chief General Akhtar Abdul Rehman.

By the way, the US Ambassador to Pakistan, Arnold Lewis Raphel, was also on board and so was General Herbert Wassom, the head of the US Military aid mission to Pakistan.

A board of inquiry concluded the most probable cause of the crash was sabotage. It also suggested that poisonous gases were released to incapacitate the passengers and the crew.

Neither CIA nor the ISI have been able to speak anything beyond these few lines. The India RAW, in the neighbourhood, has also failed to utter a single word on this accident, though it could easily have done that to humiliate the ISI at least! But for that RAW needed to have certain clues, which it, of course, didn’t.

Rajiv Gandhi, the Indian Prime Minister, was killed in May 1991. The assassination was carried out by the Tamil Tigers. Although the Jain Commission report had nominated various people and agencies, suspecting them of their involvement in Rajiv’s murder, none could be brought to justice. And 20 years down the lane, the Indian RAW still remains a dumb observer.

Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the former President of Georgia, had died in 1993 in circumstances that are very unclear too. Although KGB was formally dissolved by then, none of the Russian or Central Asian spy agencies could shed light on this murder.

While Gamsakhurdia’s widow said that her husband had shot himself, the Russian media endorsed her statement.

However, the Georgian Interior Ministry had suggested that the president had either been deliberately killed by his own supporters or had died following a quarrel with his former chief commander.

JuvEnal Habyarimana, the President of Rwanda, was killed in a puzzling plane crash in 1994. His death resulted in political instability, leading to the genocide in Rwanda and the outbreak of full-scale war in Burundi.

President of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was also aboard the same plane.

Though numerous Western powers kept on observing the Rwandan genocide in times that followed, none barring the French government had actually endeavoured to dig the root cause of this plane crash.

Since the aircraft had a French crew, a France carried out a probe to deduce that Kagame, the President-to-be, was responsible for the incident.

President Kagame was later quoted as saying that the French were only trying to cover up their part in the genocide.

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated on February 14, 2005, in Beirut. The investigation, led by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the United Nations into his assassination, is still underway and fingers are being pointed at various suspects.

The two-time Pakistani Premier Benazir Bhutto was killed on December 27, 2007 in Rawalpindi. Despite the fact that her own party is in power and her husband Asif Zardari is the country’s President, her actual killers are still at large or even if they have been traced (as a few key PPP government functionaries claim time and again), none of them has actually been brought to justice.

http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDe ... =5/10/2011

puzzling isn't it..
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Alfred Joe's Boy » Wed May 18, 2011 9:20 pm


PRINCESS Diana’s post-mortem samples were switched with those from another woman, an explosive new book claims.

Adding weight to “cover-up” theories, it says samples were swapped prior to toxicological testing.

According to documents uncovered for the book, published this week, the toxicologist at London’s Charing Cross Hospital received the samples of another female and tested them in the belief that they were from Princess Diana.

In his latest volume in a series about the Diana inquest, author John Morgan believes he has discovered the truth of what occurred in the 24 hours following the deaths of the Princess and Dodi Al Fayed in a Paris car crash on August 31, 1997.

“There is a lot of evidence which points to the toxicology testing being carried out on samples that did not come from the body of Princess Diana,” he said last night, pointing out that the documents were, along with others, withheld from the inquest jury.

Mr Morgan said he had uncovered a litany of conflicting evidence, inconsistencies, mis-labelling of body samples, cover-ups, evidence and witnesses who were never called to give evidence at the ­inquest.

"I believe that John Morgan has done more to expose the facts of this case than the police in France and Britain"--Mohamed Al Fayed

He is now calling for independent DNA tests to be carried out on the body samples. “The samples at Charing Cross Hospital have never been subjected to DNA testing. With so much conflicting evidence, how can we be sure?” he said.

“The evidence I have studied indicates that there are two lots of samples. One belongs to Diana, which is held by the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Paget, and the other lot are samples from another body and held by Charing Cross Hospital.

“Diana’s UK post-mortem samples were switched ahead of the toxicology testing.”

He added: “The jury were not given the post mortem and toxicology reports on Diana. If they had, they should have been able to work out that the toxicology testing was conducted on samples that weren’t Diana’s.

“For example, Diana’s body was embalmed in France, but there was no embalming fluid in the toxicology tested samples.”

He went on: “Diana had consumed alcohol that night in Dodi’s apartment and later at the Ritz Hotel.

It is recorded by the Hammersmith and Fulham mortuary manager that her stomach smelled strongly of alcohol, but there was no alcohol in the samples tested in London.”

Mr Morgan said that within 24 hours of her death, Diana’s body had been subjected to embalming in France and the UK, along with two post mortems.

“I am asking why?” said the Australian-based writer who lives in Brisbane and insisted that documentation shows interference from senior aides on behalf of the Queen.

“Having removed Princess Diana as a member of the Royal Family in 1996, suddenly, Diana became royal again. Only the Queen could have ordered this.

“The Queen took control of events from Balmoral, very early following Diana’s death,” Mr Morgan said, adding that he believed the UK coroner should not have taken possession of Diana’s body after it arrived back in England.

“By law, jurisdiction over the body should have gone to the coroner in Northamptonshire, which covers Diana’s family home, Althorp, where it was known Diana’s body would be buried.”

Another stark example of a switch Mr Morgan claims to have discovered was that there was no vitreous humour (eyeball gel) sample taken during the UK post-mortem, yet a sample was tested by the London toxicologist.

Also, sample labels received by the toxicologist, Susan Paterson, for both blood and liver tests, read differently to the descriptions in the post-mortem documentation. Mr Morgan has spent more than five years investigating the evidence relating to the 1997 Paris crash in the city’s Alma Tunnel.

His series of books is based on the testimony heard during the inquest and evidence in official documents from within the British police investigation that were withheld from the inquest jury.

Leading QC Michael Mansfield, who served throughout the six months of the London inquest, stated last year: “I have no doubt that the volumes written by him will come to be regarded as the Magnum Opus on the death crash.

Dodi’s father, Mohamed Al Fayed, has praised Mr Morgan’s work, calling it “heroic” and “impressive works of forensic enquiry and immensely helpful to the cause of truth.”

Mr Al Fayed said: “I believe that John Morgan has done more to expose the facts of this case than the police in France and Britain.”

Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/245 ... z1MkxpiOni
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby semper occultus » Sun May 22, 2011 5:21 pm

Lord Hurd's daughter-in-law plunges to death

Lord Hurd's daughter-in-law has been found dead after apparently committing suicide by jumping from the roof of her home in New York.

Catherine Hurd, who is thought to have been a mother of five, fell the four storeys from the top of the building where she lived with the former foreign secretary's son Thomas, a British diplomat.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Mon May 23, 2011 11:15 am

In a BBC interview, El Duce claimed that Courtney Love offered him $50,000 to blow Kurt Cobain's head off. He also slipped up and mentioned the first name of a person who is rumored to have actually done the deed (Allen Wrench).

Within a week of the interview, El Duce was "hit by a train."

And while we're at it, we may as well add Kurt Cobain to the list.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby barracuda » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:54 pm

Bumping, as the list in the OP has been updated.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:40 pm

barracuda wrote:Bumping, as the list in the OP has been updated.

Thanks for the assistance, 'cuda!
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