Questioning Consciousness

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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby BenDhyan » Sat May 25, 2019 8:20 pm

^ Mirror mirror on the car, who is......
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby chump » Sun May 26, 2019 10:24 am

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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby chump » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:38 pm ... imulation/

Understanding and Countering Sentient World Simulation
June 17, 2019 , Russ Winter

The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence (A.I.) program to test how people react to propaganda and strategy of tension. The program is called Sentient World Simulation (SWS). Defense, intelligence and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world on a computer that agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies.

With this “God Tier” technology, if the user wants to bring about a certain event, he would already know how the masses would likely behave. It features an avatar for each person in the real world that’s based upon data collected about us from records and the internet.

The core of the data collection is the smart phone, which will be ramped up with 5G technology. Avoid both.

SWS uses A.I. routines based on the psychological theories of Marty Seligman and others. Seligman introduced the theory of “learned helplessness” in the 1960s after electro-shocking beagles until they cowered and urinated on the bottom of their cages.

The kakistocracy, or Crime Syndicate, is developing a parallel planet Earth with billions of individual “nodes” that reflect or mirror every man, woman and child this side of the dividing line between reality, artificial reality (A.R.) and virtual reality (V.R.).

SWS will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information,” according to a concept paper for the project.


”SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOPs),” the paper reads. Crime Syndicate operatives can then “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners.” SWS also replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict and influence how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.

Domestic Surveillance Directorate: Revelation of the Method

What sort of “data” is being collected? Everyone reading this post should have a good look at what the people at the Domestic Surveillance Directorate are kind enough to reveal. It’s prefaced with an Orwellian Big Brother warning and their motto: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”

Alright then, inquiring minds would like to know-  why haven’t numerous cold cases, human and drug trafficking mafias, etc, etc been busted with all this intrusion?

They go further with revelation of the method: “In the spirit of openness and transparency, here is a partial list of current and planned future data collection targets.” Gosh, what nice, considerate tyrants. In the left column, they provide a list of related reading material on these schemes and the implications to be used on said “targets.” Is this to promote self-censoring and the Asch Experiment outcomes to fit nicely into SWS?

(Asch Conformity Experiment Revealed the Significance of One Person Speaking Truth to Power)

Next, scroll down the page to see the pre-crime revelation and “wrong-think” end-game.


Virtual Reality

What about virtual reality and V.R. headsets? What are the psychological effects of engaging in V.R.? Will they give the user a warning? These emit blue light and fire right into your pineal gland, taking you to Neverland, the likely ultimate feed mechanism of SWS.

The tail end of centuries of efforts by the Kaballists, Freemasons and the Illuminists adepts is to completely control other human beings. The following quote comes from a communist manual on how to brainwash a nation.

The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility …

The goal is to break down the human brain (pineal gland) to such an extent that it can no longer support higher consciousness.

Understanding the Pineal Gland, Your Third Eye

It’s well established that the pineal gland releases melatonin, which directs circadian rhythms and sleep cycles. Good sleep is critical to your well being and higher human consciousness. The pineal gland acts like a third eye by detecting light and releasing a hormonal response. It allows the body to respond to the light and dark cycles of day and night on Earth.

As a conductor of the endocrine system, the pineal gland controls hormone signals to all organs. It plays a dual neural-endocrine role with functions spanning into all bodily systems.

Today, evidence suggests the pineal gland is the master conductor of the physiology of the brain and body. René Descartes described the pineal gland as a unique meeting point between body and soul. He also described it where all “thoughts are formed.”


Winter Watch Takeaway

In the interim, before many of us here are caught up in some Big Brother wrong-think gulag sweep, care and nourishment of the third eye to counter the brainwashing and strategy of tension programming is paramount. Avoiding 5G and V.R. are obvious, as is cutting down on electronic devices, such as smart phones that can harm you as well as track you. The kakistocracy’s Big Tech communication device goliaths earned $1 trillion in 2018, so boycotting these products impacts the end game.


The pineal gland can be activated via certain sounds and tones. There are a number of websites that provide sounds for pineal gland protection. You can experiment with them, but most of us need pineal-gland awakening.

Headsets are useful. Try to relax before bed. Shut down computers and electronic devices an hour ahead of time. Stay away from alcohol and drugs. Fluoride suppresses the gland, so avoid that, too. The pineal gland is not protected by the blood, brain barrier – thus aluminum, mercury and other toxics can calcify it.

Read: The Medical Mafia’s Reckless Use of Aluminum as a Method of Debilitating the Population

I like this tonal for a quick 9-minute workout. Longer ones are a deeper experience, although you may just doze off to a nice unfitful sleep. Here is longer angelic 432 Hz meditation music.  The top palate of your mouth has relaxing nerve endings. Apply light pressure with your tongue while meditating.

You will notice that you can actually feel a little pressure and sensation in the pineal gland inside your head. You may experience bursts of light. Mine are usually a soft orange — but not intensely so. Many claim a spiritual experience. I am not that advanced, but this is a pleasant healing experience for me that’s worth putting into a routine.
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby DrEvil » Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:40 pm

^^The NSA site linked and quoted in the above piece is not an NSA site, it's some random .info site.

The "Why we collect your data" text is a huge red flag. The real NSA would never say anything like that out loud.

Side note: I'm getting pretty sick of certain posters repeatedly linking approvingly to obvious far-right sites. We do actually have a specific rule that says "don't fucking do that". Winterwatch for instance has the following tags to group articles: "Jewish Power & Influence", "Cultural Marxism" and "White Male Demonization Agitprop".
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:35 pm

DrEvil » Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:40 pm wrote:^^The NSA site linked and quoted in the above piece is not an NSA site, it's some random .info site.

The "Why we collect your data" text is a huge red flag. The real NSA would never say anything like that out loud.

Side note: I'm getting pretty sick of certain posters repeatedly linking approvingly to obvious far-right sites. We do actually have a specific rule that says "don't fucking do that". Winterwatch for instance has the following tags to group articles: "Jewish Power & Influence", "Cultural Marxism" and "White Male Demonization Agitprop".


It is a frequent combination: transparent bullshit, that we all by now should know how to spot instantly, is posted from a site that turns out to be fascist lite, or else does straightforward grand global Jewish conspiracy. It consistently comes from the same usual suspects, who then go all naive or faux-naive -- golly gee I didn't notice that wasn't really the NSA site. Whodathunk it!? Sometimes the crude disinfo is falsely associated with "the Left." The better to smear, perhaps?

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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby Elvis » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:46 am

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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby coffin_dodger » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:34 pm

:rofl2 Chump, you been told.

Please keep posting your thoughts here, they are always interesting.

If the self-appointed pseudo-mods of this board had any power to ban you, they would have done so by now. They have not, because they do not have any power. They are impotent - and this makes them very cross and quick to anger. We shall see a good example of this, in the next few posts.

Consciousness displayed, shall we say.
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:59 pm

There's another one who does the same thing. Posts obvious hoaxes that only a moron could fail to see are hoaxes. Probably isn't that stupid, doesn't care. Pretends he misses the Nazi-lite undercurrent or the fact the hoaxes consistently come from Nazi-lite sites. Confuses corrections of falsehoods and critiques of his cryptofash with the desire to "censor" his poor moron ass. Now celebrating how he is still getting away with it after all these years. Literally mocking the mods for their continued tolerance of his shit. If it were me, I'd be happy to confirm that no, he doesn't belong here, he never had anything worth shit to contribute, he hasn't earned it.
We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby coffin_dodger » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:34 pm

I apologise that I didn't make the reference to pseudo-mods clearer - I'll explain - mods that think they are mods but are not - but that's possibly difficult to unpack when a sophist speaks. :wink
I consider elvis a balanced mod, as it happens.

I'm somewhat surprised to see that I've been upgraded to 'Probably isn't that stupid' - my, a compliment of sorts! If a little reticent. But then, also - 'a moron'. That hurts.

Why not seize the throne and behead me? I'm sure Jeff would agree that I'm worthless, here.

That my consciousness is of an altogether lower echelon than your own isn't my fault. I was born this way. I see things differently to you. This is no doubt a shocking, secret Nazi-funded relevation for you, but it is the way of this reality. We all have differing views. Or at least, we used to. Not so much now, that we're told what think. Especially, in this case, by you.

You can be so brilliant, but also so boring, always the same schtick. Moron. Nazi. Stupid. Idiot. It's your cross to bear, I suppose.

Why hasn't Dr ivel called me an idiot or stupid, yet?
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:39 pm

coffin_dodger » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:34 pm wrote:I apologise that I didn't make the reference to pseudo-mods clearer - I'll explain - mods that think they are mods but are not - but that's possibly difficult to unpack when a sophist speaks. :wink
I consider elvis a balanced mod, as it happens.

I'm somewhat surprised to see that I've been upgraded to 'Probably isn't that stupid' - my, a compliment of sorts! If a little reticent. But then, also - 'a moron'. That hurts.

Why not seize the throne and behead me? I'm sure Jeff would agree that I'm worthless, here.

That my consciousness is of an altogether lower echelon than your own isn't my fault. I was born this way. I see things differently to you. This is no doubt a shocking, secret Nazi-funded relevation for you, but it is the way of this reality. We all have differing views. Or at least, we used to. Not so much now, that we're told what think. Especially, in this case, by you.

You can be so brilliant, but also so boring, always the same schtick. Moron. Nazi. Stupid. Idiot. It's your cross to bear, I suppose.

Why hasn't Dr ivel called me an idiot or stupid, yet?

Unlike you I have zero tolerance for far-right bullshit, and it is actually one of the very few hard rules this forum has that we shouldn't be linking to that shit. I could have reported him to the mods, but I didn't, I just pointed out to him that his source was dodgy and promotes false information via a fake website. You know, the kind of stuff one does on a discussion board. I'm sorry that bothers you.

Anyway - I distinctly remember you fucking off to start your own echo chamber. What happened?
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby coffin_dodger » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:15 pm

What happened?

The days of civil discourse are almost over. It's all Nazi, moron, idiot now. In the absence of a future that isn't controlled by lunatic sects, the present seems like a good place to re-engage here.

Training for the combat to come, if you will.
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jun 18, 2019 5:54 pm

Huh, and here I was thinking you were the only one left posting at your forum and it got boring talking to yourself.
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby Elvis » Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:12 pm



Stop linking Rense. It stinks the place up.

Quote if you must but do not hyperlink.
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby Elvis » Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:21 pm

If this was anything but the Consciousness thread... :rofl2 :mad2
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Re: Questioning Consciousness

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:18 pm

Fine. :hrumph ... nt-to-yes/
Rat brains provide even more evidence our brains operate near tipping point

"Avalanches" in electrical activity between neurons provide a telltale signature.
Jennifer Ouellette - 6/7/2019, 1:23 PM

The human brain doesn't seem like it would have much in common with how water freezes into ice or heats up into a gas. But over the last decade, evidence has been mounting that the brain as a system functions much like water approaching the critical point of a phase transition. Now a team of Brazilian scientists has found additional evidence in rat brains that this might indeed be the case. The team described its findings in a recent paper in Physical Review Letters.

The notion of so-called "self-organized criticality" dates back to a landmark paper in 1987, when the late Danish physicist Per Bak concluded that nature's exquisite order was the result of a kind of phase transition. That precise moment of transition is colloquially known as the "tipping point" or "critical point."

A brain's the thing

Typically, a classical phase transition only occurs when the temperature and pressure are just right for a given system. Self-organized criticality emerges spontaneously as the result of many local interactions between the many elements of a system, like millions of grains of sand running from the top to the bottom of an hourglass. The pile grows, grain by grain, until it becomes sufficiently unstable that the next grain to drop makes the pile collapse in an avalanche. The base of the pile widens, restoring stability, and the pile-up begins anew, until the sand pile hits the critical point again. Those avalanches follow a so-called "power law," meaning smaller ones happen more often than larger ones.

Bak extended his ideas in a 1996 book, How Nature Works, applying the notion of self-organized criticality to earthquakes, financial markets, traffic jams, biological evolution, how galaxies are distributed in the universe, and the brain. In fact, he annoyed a group of neuroscientists in 1999 when he blithely informed them that he had figured out the fundamental principles behind how the brain works. Much like the pile of sand in an hourglass, he proposed that the brain teeters at that same critical point, a balance achieved by avalanches of electrical activity between neurons at all size scales. In other words, he proposed that electrical activity should follow a power law. The idea is that this critical state is a kind of "Goldilocks zone" that optimizes the transfer and processing of information in the brain while still maintaining stability.

Granted, the brain is not a highly idealized model sandpile, but the concept makes a certain degree of sense. The brain is a complex system that must adapt to constantly changing circumstances, so why shouldn't it have evolved mechanisms to maintain an ideal balance between order and disorder, so to speak? "A brain that is not critical is a brain that does exactly the same thing every minute, or, in the other extreme, is so chaotic that it does a completely random thing, no matter what the circumstances," Dante Chialvo, a neurophysiologist with UCLA and the National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina, memorably told Quanta in 2014. "That is the brain of an idiot."

Signifying nothing?

All this was purely theoretical—and quite controversial—until 1992, when Swedish scientists conducted experiments with grains of rice pressed between glass plates, adding grains one by one and recording the eventual avalanches on camera. As Bak had predicted, there were more smaller avalanches than larger ones, following the telltale power law. In 2003, Indiana University biophysicist John Beggs and several colleagues were the first to demonstrate that slices of a brain's cortex showed evidence of an exponent relation. Add in evidence gleaned from other studies using magnetoencephalography, electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of the interactions between individual neurons, and computer simulations with fMRI imaging data of the brain's resting state, and it starts to look like proponents of the "brains at the tipping point" hypothesis might just have a case.

The biggest issue is what one might call a "fine-tuning" problem: critical states in nature are generally fragile, in that a slight perturbation will move it away from the exact critical point. And the brain is an especially noisy system, so there would be many such perturbations. That's why Beggs and his Indiana University colleague Gerardo Ortiz have since argued that perhaps the brain hovers near, rather than precisely at, the critical point—think of it as more of a "quasi critical" phase space than a traditional tipping point. Similarly, Viola Priesemann of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Gottingen has argued that the brain operates in a slightly subcritical zone.

Not everyone is convinced. Among the most vocal critics of the brain operating in a critical state is Alain Destexhe, a theoretical neuroscientist at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France. Among other concerns, power law distribution isn't sufficient evidence for criticality, since other processes in nature can mimic that signature. In a 2017 paper, he and co-author Jonathan Touboul proposed that the real sign of criticality would be the critical exponent relation.

"This is mind-blowing"

Furthermore, if the brain operates near criticality, what kind of phase transition might be taking place? That's the question Antonio Fontenele and Mauro Copelli—both of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in Brazil—and various colleagues sought to answer with their experiments. They monitored the brains of lab rats as the rats moved from being asleep (thanks to a bit of anesthesia) and awake—technically, synchronized and unsynchronized states, respectively—and concluded that the rodent brains showed all the hallmarks of moving through a critical state as they cycled between sleep and wakefulness. Specifically, researchers saw spiking avalanches following a power distribution.

In other words, "The transition is between unsynchronized and synchronized firing, this transition point is indeed critical, and the brain hovers around it," said Beggs, who was not involved with the experiments. "They had avalanches, too, and they satisfied the exponent relation. To me, this is mind-blowing."

Beggs was especially impressed with the second figure in this latest paper, which showed every data point following the exponent relation—stronger evidence for criticality than a power law distribution alone. That figure includes data from multiple experiments involving anesthetized rats, freely moving mice, anesthetized macaque monkeys, and even turtle brains. That's in keeping with a paper last year reporting on the recording neuronal activity in the brains of zebrafish, which showed similar evidence of hovering near criticality.

"This shows that a variety of quite different species, under different conditions, all line up near the critical point," said Beggs. "Usually with biological data you expect a cloud of points that may show some rough correlation. Here you get something noticeably different: there is order. This suggests that different brains are hovering around criticality, independent of many biological details." This should delight physicists, who love universality—that is, when an equation can capture the large-scale behavior of a complicated system like the brain—and irritate biologists. However, "It is very difficult to dismiss the idea of criticality in the cortex, given the data points lining up pretty nicely across species," said Beggs.

DOI: Physical Review Letters, 2019. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.208101
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