Trumpublicons: Foreign Influence/Grifting in '16 US Election

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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:21 pm

Felix Sater

Russian mafia figure Felix Sater agrees to assist with money laundering probe into Donald Trump’s NYC hotel


Report: Trump Ex-Business Associate To Assist Kazakh Money Laundering Probe

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published JULY 6, 2017 11:11 AM

A former business associate of President Donald Trump who has extensive ties to organized crime is cooperating with a money laundering probe that stretches across three continents, the Financial Times reported Thursday.

The Russian-born Felix Sater is working with a team of lawyers and private investigators who are pursuing civil cases against the Khrapunovs, a Kazakh family that Sater allegedly helped use shell companies to launder millions of dollars into U.S. real estate, five people with knowledge of the probe told FT.

One of the venues for that dirty money, according to the report, was a failed Manhattan real estate venture of the President’s, Trump SoHo:

It is unclear how much money has flowed from the alleged Kazakh laundering scheme to Mr Trump. Title deeds and banking records show that in April 2013 shell companies controlled by the Khrapunovs spent $3.1m buying three luxury apartments in Trump Soho from a holding company in which Mr Trump held a stake.

The FBI also was interested in whether the probe involved potential money-laundering in the United States, one anonymous source involved in the investigation told the FT.

Viktor Khrapunov and Mukhtar Ablyazov, two of the deep-pocketed individuals accused of money laundering by the Kazakh government, say they are innocent victims of a political vendetta, according to the FT. Sater declined to comment to the newspaper.

Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization told FT last year that he had “no doubt” that “every legal requirement” was met in conducting due diligence on financial transactions involving Trump properties.

Trump’s business ties to Sater, who once served 15 months in prison for stabbing a stockbroker in the face with a broken martini glass and went on to became a government informant after pleading guilty in a $40 million fraud scheme, have long raised eyebrows.

Sater and Tevfik Arif, a Kazakh banker who worked in the Soviet Union, collaborated with Trump through their real estate company Bayrock to find buyers for the hotels and condos branded with the Trump name. Sater also visited Moscow with Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. in the mid-2000s to scout a site for a Trump Tower there, a project that never came to fruition.

Earlier this year, Sater reportedly played a role in helping put together a “peace plan” drawn up by a member of Ukraine’s parliament. That plan, which called for lifting U.S. sanctions against Russia, was reportedly hand-delivered to the White House by Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. ... ring-probe

Someone is making fake classified documents to try to protect Donald Trump from his Russia scandal
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:27 pm



BUSTED: Trump’s Lawyer Michael Cohen Lied. He Does Have Russian Kremlin Contacts

Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has contacts with the Russian Kremlin backed oligarchs who brought the Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow in 2013. Original images below
Newly discovered photos prove that Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen lied to Yahoo! news in January in a story they titled “Trump attorney Michael Cohen: ‘I have no Russian Kremlin connections’.”
This Russian language official announcement of the deal to bring Miss Universe to Moscow at the end of 2013 proves that Michael Cohen has personally met with a Russian Kremlin linked connection — the billionaire Agalarov family. A complete set of photographs of the meeting is below.
“Michael Cohen is a liar, just like his boss, Donald Trump,” says the Democratic Coalition’s Scott Dworkin, who unearthed the photo of Cohen from a widely read Russian blog aggregator website. “We caught him red handed, yet again.”
Aras Agalarov hails from Azerbaijan, but is a Russian citizen.

Russian President Vladimir Putin awarding Aras Agalarov a friendship medal just before the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013.
He’s been called the “Trump of Russia” for his real estate mega-developments.
His son Emin Agalarov is a musician with an extensive social media presence.
Michael Cohen was present in Las Vegas on or near the date of June 16th, 2013 for a meeting with Trump and the Agalarovs, sitting on their side of the table.
Emin Agalarov documented the meeting at the Vegas Trump Hotel extensively, on Instagram.
The Agalarovs paid millions to Donald Trump in exchange for him holding the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in the run-up to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Original photo showing Michael Cohen in meeting with Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, his son Emin (center) and Donald Trump
The Real Reason Trump Held The 2013 Miss Universe Pageant In Moscow
The original Russian language blogpost — source of the cover photo and the rest of the unretouched images below —was commented on heavily by Emin Agalarov. The author’s lede sentences are a firm reminder of Putin’s links to the negotiations, because she wrote that the Sochi Games publicity was the reason for the pageant’s visit to Moscow. Translated via Google Translate:
Donald Trump, owner of the world’s most popular beauty pageant, made today in Las Vegas, a sensational statement that the next contest “Miss Universe” will be held in Moscow, in a concert hall Crocus City Hall in the territory of Crocus City.
For the first time the Miss Universe will be held in Russia, and this event will take place a few months before the start of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin gave the quadrennial sporting event a significant amount of personal attention and the Sochi Winter Games became known more for corruption and a massive Russian state-run doping scandal, than for sporting events.
Notably, Vladimir Putin awarded Agalarov a medal right before the pageant was held at his Crocus City development.
Vladimir Putin decorated Aras Agalarov with the Order of Order - Crocus Group

Новости CrocusGroup - Vladimir Putin decorated Aras Agalarov with the Order of Order
Michael Cohen’s flatly disclaimed Kremlin contacts when questioned by Yahoo! in the immediate aftermath of his prominent mention Buzzfeed’s release of the Trump Russia dossier.
But the New York Times discovered a month later that Cohen was part of the Trump back channel to Russia, working with convicted felon Felix Sater — a former Trump Organization senior advisor — and a Ukrainian lawmaker to present a “peace plan” to General Michael Flynn.
Now we know that Michael Cohen blatantly lied to the press about his Russian Kremlin contacts, and that raises a red flag about his involvement in the sham “peace deal” he incubated, which was little more than a thin excuse to drop American financial sanctions against Russia.
Here’s the complete photographic record of Donald Trump’s meeting with Kremlin linked-Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, his family, Michael Cohen and others: ... 61d2b95e4f
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby conniption » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:38 pm

conniption » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:14 pm wrote:Thanks for the article I was about to post, Harvey. You beat me to it.
There are a number of comments following the Craig Murray piece and embedded links throughout. ... ut-secret/

Also, these relevant articles in case you missed it: (I know CNN missed it, because they're still going on about the "17 intelligence agencies")

NYT retracts claim that ‘17 US intelligence agencies’ verified Russian DNC email hack
Published time: 30 Jun, 2017 ... im-debunk/

AP latest to retract claim that ‘17 US agencies’ confirmed Russian DNC email hack
Published time: 1 Jul, 2017 ... mp-russia/

and today, from MoA:

July 06, 2017
The Undeniable Pattern Of Russian Hacking ... cking.html


Harvey » Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:14 pm wrote:I had a notion to write a novel set in a bleak near future after another more catastrophic American civil war leads to it's virtual disengagement with the rest of the world, the upshot being each chapter is a story from various victim nations of the American will to 'freedom,' (read resource war) but nobody gives America a second thought, they're all too busy getting on with their actual lives, they almost didn't notice, except to the degree they weren't being bombed by America or her allies. Might still be an interesting idea...

The Stink Without a Secret

3 Jul, 2017, Craig Murray

After six solid months of co-ordinated allegation from the mainstream media allied to the leadership of state security institutions, not one single scrap of solid evidence for Trump/Russia election hacking has emerged.

I do not support Donald Trump. I do support truth. There is much about Trump that I dislike intensely. Neither do I support the neo-liberal political establishment in the USA. The latter’s control of the mainstream media, and cunning manipulation of identity politics, seeks to portray the neo-liberal establishment as the heroes of decent values against Trump. Sadly, the idea that the neo-liberal establishment embodies decent values is completely untrue.

Truth disappeared so long ago in this witch-hunt that it is no longer even possible to define what the accusation is. Belief in “Russian hacking” of the US election has been elevated to a generic accusation of undefined wrongdoing, a vague malaise we are told is floating poisonously in the ether, but we are not allowed to analyse. What did the Russians actually do?

The original, base accusation is that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC and Podesta emails and passed them to Wikileaks. (I can assure you that is untrue).

The authenticity of those emails is not in question. What they revealed of cheating by the Democratic establishment in biasing the primaries against Bernie Sanders, led to the forced resignation of Debbie Wasserman Shultz as chair of the Democratic National Committee. They also led to the resignation from CNN of Donna Brazile, who had passed debate questions in advance to Clinton. Those are facts. They actually happened. Let us hold on to those facts, as we surf through lies. There was other nasty Clinton Foundation and cash for access stuff in the emails, but we do not even need to go there for the purpose of this argument.

The original “Russian hacking” allegation was that it was the Russians who nefariously obtained these damning emails and passed them to Wikileaks. The “evidence” for this was twofold. A report from private cyber security firm Crowdstrike claimed that metadata showed that the hackers had left behind clues, including the name of the founder of the Soviet security services. The second piece of evidence was that a blogger named Guccifer2 and a websitecalled DNC Leaks appeared to have access to some of the material around the same time that Wikileaks did, and that Guccifer2 could be Russian.

That is it. To this day, that is the sum total of actual “evidence” of Russian hacking. I won’t say hang on to it as a fact, because it contains no relevant fact. But at least it is some form of definable allegation of something happening, rather than “Russian hacking” being a simple article of faith like the Holy Trinity.

But there are a number of problems that prevent this being fact at all. Nobody has ever been able to refute the evidence of Bill Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA who designed its current surveillance systems. Bill has stated that the capability of the NSA is such, that if the DNC computers had been hacked, the NSA would be able to trace the actual packets of that information as those emails travelled over the internet, and give a precise time, to the second, for the hack. The NSA simply do not have the event – because there wasn’t one. I know Bill personally and am quite certain of his integrity.

As we have been repeatedly told, “17 intelligence agencies” sign up to the “Russian hacking”, yet all these king’s horses and all these king’s men have been unable to produce any evidence whatsoever of the purported “hack”. Largely because they are not in fact trying. Here is another actual fact I wish you to hang on to: The Democrats have refused the intelligence agencies access to their servers to discover what actually happened. I am going to say that again.

The Democrats have refused the intelligence agencies access to their servers to discover what actually happened.

The heads of the intelligence community have said that they regard the report from Crowdstrike – the Clinton aligned private cyber security firm – as adequate. Despite the fact that the Crowdstrike report plainly proves nothing whatsoever and is based entirely on an initial presumption there must have been a hack, as opposed to an internal download.

Not actually examining the obvious evidence has been a key tool in keeping the “Russian hacking” meme going. On 24 May the Guardian reported triumphantly, following the Washington Post, that

“Fox News falsely alleged federal authorities had found thousands of emails between Rich and Wikileaks, when in fact law enforcement officials disputed that Rich’s laptop had even been in possession of, or examined by, the FBI.”

It evidently did not occur to the Guardian as troubling, that those pretending to be investigating the murder of Seth Rich have not looked at his laptop.

There is a very plain pattern here of agencies promoting the notion of a fake “Russian crime”, while failing to take the most basic and obvious initial steps if they were really investigating its existence. I might add to that, there has been no contact with me at all by those supposedly investigating. I could tell them these were leaks not hacks. Wikileaks. The clue is in the name.

So those “17 agencies” are not really investigating but are prepared to endorse weird Crowdstrike claims, like the idea that Russia’s security services are so amateur as to leave fingerprints with the name of their founder. If the Russians fed the material to Wikileaks, why would they also set up a vainglorious persona like Guccifer2 who leaves obvious Russia pointing clues all over the place?

Of course we need to add from the Wikileaks “Vault 7” leak release, information that the CIA specifically deploys technology that leaves behind fake fingerprints of a Russian computer hacking operation.

Crowdstrike have a general anti-Russian attitude. They published a report seeking to allege that the same Russian entities which “had hacked” the DNC were involved in targeting for Russian artillery in the Ukraine. This has been utterly discredited.

Some of the more crazed “Russiagate” allegations have been quietly dropped. The mainstream media are hoping we will all forget their breathless endorsement of the reports of the charlatan Christopher Steele, a former middle ranking MI6 man with very limited contacts that he milked to sell lurid gossip to wealthy and gullible corporations. I confess I rather admire his chutzpah.

Given there is no hacking in the Russian hacking story, the charges have moved wider into a vague miasma of McCarthyite anti-Russian hysteria. Does anyone connected to Trump know any Russians? Do they have business links with Russian finance?

Of course they do. Trump is part of the worldwide oligarch class whose financial interests are woven into a vast worldwide network that enslaves pretty well the rest of us. As are the Clintons and the owners of the mainstream media who are stoking up the anti-Russian hysteria. It is all good for their armaments industry interests, in both Washington and Moscow.

Trump’s judgement is appalling. His sackings or inappropriate directions to people over this subject may damage him.

The old Watergate related wisdom is that it is not the crime that gets you, it is the cover-up. But there is a fundamental difference here. At the centre of Watergate there was an actual burglary. At the centre of Russian hacking there is a void, a hollow, and emptiness, an abyss, a yawning chasm. There is nothing there.

Those who believe that opposition to Trump justifies whipping up anti-Russian hysteria on a massive scale, on the basis of lies, are wrong. I remain positive that the movement Bernie Sanders started will bring a new dawn to America in the next few years. That depends on political campaigning by people on the ground and on social media. Leveraging falsehoods and cold war hysteria through mainstream media in an effort to somehow get Clinton back to power is not a viable alternative. It is a fantasy and even were it practical, I would not want it to succeed.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:10 pm

The Same Twitter Bots That Helped Trump Tried to Sink Macron, Researcher Says
Jordan Pearson
Jul 6 2017, 7:00am
Emilio Ferrara analyzed pro-Trump bots during the 2016 election and found a link to anti-Macron bots in 2017.

Bots are a reality of political discourse. Research suggests the fortunes of Donald Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 election were buoyed in part by Twitter bots promoting him, and the "MacronLeaks" documents aimed at dashing centrist French President Emmanuel Macron's 2017 election chances were also spread by bots.

New research from Emilio Ferrara, the University of Southern California academic who exposed the role of bots in the 2016 US election, shows that many Trump bots went dark and later turned into MacronLeaks bots. This, Ferrara wrote in a new paper posted to the arXiv preprint server this week (which is currently being peer-reviewed), suggests that there may be a "black market" for right-wing political bots that can lay dormant for months before being activated to promote the next conservative demagogue.

"There are way too many coincidences here to keep us from thinking that there are venues where organizations with enough resources can access these botnets," Ferrara said over the phone.

Read More: Election 2016 Belongs to the Twitter Bots

The French election saw Macron, an elite of the financial class, face off against the far-right and xenophobic Marine Le Pen. The day before the election, a cache of documents including Macron staffers' emails emerged from 4chan to discredit the candidate. The documents were misinterpreted with the help of right-wing personalities and then boosted and spread around the internet by automated bot accounts. (Although, really, they didn't make much of a dent—Macron won.)

Ferrara collected 17 million tweets from roughly two weeks leading up to the French election and designed a custom machine learning algorithm (based on the Botometer, a public tool that looks for the defining marks of a robot controlling a given Twitter account), to parse the massive trove and pick out bot accounts. Of the nearly 100,000 users in the sample who participated in the MacronLeaks discussion on Twitter, 18,000 were bots, Ferrara said. According to the paper, some of the accounts that targeted Macron were actually created in the lead-up to the 2016 US election.

"These same accounts picked up again and some even started tweeting in French—but the alt-right narrative was the same."

"These accounts were tweeting their support for Trump for about a week in the run-up to the 2016 election and then they went dark for a very long time," Ferrara said. "These same accounts picked up again and some even started tweeting in French—but the alt-right narrative was the same."

It's worth noting that some formerly pro-Trump Twitter bots switched to pushing Obama merchandise after the election, which suggests that at least some of the bots promoting Trump were for hire.

When reached for comment, a Twitter spokesperson directed Motherboard to the company's policy on bot accounts. Of a set of 15 bot accounts that Ferrara verified by hand, instead of with the algorithm alone, 13 had already been suspended by Twitter or deleted.

According to Ben Nimmo, an Atlantic Council senior fellow who spotted bots spreading the MacronLeaks message on election night, Ferrara's work confirms much of what he suspected when he initially analyzed the tweets. However, it's not clear, Nimmo said over the phone, if the bots are really part of a "black market" that is mercenary and commercial in nature, or if it's just one ideologically motivated person or group siccing their bots. But Ferrara's research shows they're connected.

"To see a set of bots which had been pro-Trump in November targeting Macron in May could indicate a black market and that the use of those bots has been hired out to political actors," Nimmo said. "It could also be that the same actor who supported Trump in November decided to start supporting Le Pen."

According to both Nimmo and Ferrara, more work is needed to investigate the true scope and scale of political bots supporting right-wing candidates around the globe. To that end, the algorithm developed by Ferrara to analyze millions of tweets and pick out a few bots could be a huge help to researchers.

"It's shown that you can do a credible and accurate analysis on a very large amount of traffic," Nimmo said. "That's a technique worth using many times over, because there are lots of possible botnets out there."

Motherboard staff is exploring the cultural, political, and social influence of the iPhone for the 10th anniversary of its release. Follow along ... ign=global
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:22 pm


A New Warsaw Pact

Trump’s speech in Poland defending “Western civilization” from its enemies sounded less like Reagan’s Cold War–era speeches than white nationalist rhetoric.

By Jamelle Bouie

Thus far, Donald Trump has governed as a typical Republican president, with the usual suite of tax cuts, deregulation, and conservative nominees for the federal bench. The difference is that unlike his predecessors, Trump isn’t rooted in the tenets of conservativism. Indeed, as a man of id and impulse, it’s hard to say he’s rooted in anything. To the extent that he does have an ideology, it’s a white American chauvinism and its attendant nativism and racism. It was the core of his “birther” crusade against Barack Obama—the claim that for reasons of blood and heritage, Obama couldn’t be legitimate—and the pitch behind his campaign for president. Trump would restore American greatness by erasing the racial legacy of Obama’s presidency: the Hispanic immigration, the Muslim refugees, the black protesters.

This is the reason Trump’s campaign attracted, and his administration employs, men like Jeff Sessions, Stephen Bannon, and Stephen Miller. Sessions, a staunch opponent of federal civil rights enforcement and proponent of radical immigration restriction. Miller, his protégé, whose young career is marked by the same contempt for racial pluralism. Bannon, an entrepreneur with intellectual pretensions whose literary touchstones include virulently racist propaganda, and who brought that sensibility to Breitbart, a news website where “black crime” was a vertical and writers churn out stories on dangerous Muslims. Each shares a vision of a (white) America under siege from Hispanic immigration to the South and Islam to the East. All three are influential in the Trump White House as strategists and propagandists, taking the president’s impulses and molding them into a coherent perspective.

That is the key context for President Trump’s recent remarks in Warsaw, Poland, where he made a defense of “Western civilization.” He praised Poland’s resilience in the face of Nazi aggression and Soviet domination (and stayed quiet on Nazi collaboration within Poland), and celebrated the nation as a beacon of Western values. “A strong Poland is a blessing to the nations of Europe, and they know that. A strong Europe is a blessing to the West and to the world.” (It should be said that U.S. allies in Western Europe are less enthusiastic about the current right-wing Polish government.) From here, Trump presented the West as an empire under siege: “We have to say there are dire threats to our security and to our way of life. You see what’s happening out there. They are threats. We will confront them. We will win.”

Although marked by Trump’s characteristic bombast, much of this was in line with past presidential rhetoric, especially during the Cold War when American presidents routinely engaged in this kind of clash of civilizations rhetoric. (It is unclear, though, if previous presidents would have endorsed a narrative that erases victims of Polish anti-Semitism.)

But this isn’t the Cold War. The Soviet Union no longer exists. For Trump then, what are these “dire threats”? The chief one is “radical Islamic terrorism” exported by groups like ISIS. But he doesn’t end there. For Trump, these threats are broader than particular groups or organizations; they are internal as well as external.

“We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith, and tradition that make us who we are,” said Trump. “If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.”

Not content to leave his message understated, Trump hammered home this idea in a subsequent line. “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” said the president, before posing a series of questions: “Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”

In the context of terrorism specifically, a deadly threat but not an existential one, this is overheated. But it’s clear Trump has something else in mind: immigration. He’s analogizing Muslim migration to a superpower-directed struggle for ideological conquest. It’s why he mentions “borders,” why he speaks of threats from “the South”—the origin point of Hispanic immigrants to the United States and Muslim refugees to Europe—and why he warns of internal danger.

To deny this interpretation of the speech, one has to ignore Trump’s campaign, the beliefs of his key advisers, and the context of Poland itself.
This isn’t a casual turn. In these lines, you hear the influence of Bannon and Miller. The repeated references to Western civilization, defined in cultural and religious terms, recall Bannon’s 2014 presentation to a Vatican conference, in which he praised the “forefathers” of the West for keeping “Islam out of the world.” Likewise, the prosaic warning that unnamed “forces” will sap the West of its will to defend itself recalls Bannon’s frequent references to the Camp of the Saints, an obscure French novel from 1973 that depicts a weak and tolerant Europe unable to defend itself from a flotilla of impoverished Indians depicted as grotesque savages and led by a man who eats human feces.

For as much as parts of Trump’s speech fit comfortably in a larger tradition of presidential rhetoric, these passages are clear allusions to ideas and ideologies with wide currency on the white nationalist right.

Defenders of the Warsaw speech call this reading “hysterical,” denying any ties between Trump’s rhetoric in Poland and white nationalism. But to deny this interpretation of the speech, one has to ignore the substance of Trump’s campaign, the beliefs of his key advisers, and the context of Poland itself and its anti-immigrant, ultranationalist leadership. One has to ignore the ties between Bannon, Miller, and actual white nationalists, and disregard the active circulation of those ideas within the administration. And one has to pretend that there isn’t a larger intellectual heritage that stretches back to the early 20th century, the peak of American nativism, when white supremacist thinkers like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard penned works with language that wouldn’t feel out of place in Trump’s address.

“Unless we set our house in order, the doom will sooner or later overtake us all. And that would mean that the race obviously endowed with he greatest creative ability, the race which had achieved most in the past and which gave the richer promise for the future, had passed away, carrying with it to the grave those potencies upon which the realization of man’s highest hopes depends,” wrote Stoddard in his 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy. Compare this to the crest of Trump’s remarks in Warsaw, which follows his warning of internal threat and his praise of Western civilization:

What we have, what we inherited from our—and you know this better than anybody, and you see it today with this incredible group of people—what we’ve inherited from our ancestors has never existed to this extent before. And if we fail to preserve it, it will never, ever exist again.
Those lines fit comfortably into a long history of white nationalist rhetoric. They in no way resemble Ronald Reagan’s words in Berlin or John Kennedy’s speeches in defense of the “free world.”

To read those previous presidential speeches is to see what makes Trump distinctive. Kennedy and Reagan defined “the West” in ideological terms—a world of free elections and free markets. It’s an inclusive view; presumably, any country that adopts these institutions enters that community of nations. For Trump, “the West” is defined by ties of culture and religion. It’s why a government that disdains democratic institutions, like Poland’s, can still stand as a vanguard of Western civilization, and why Muslim immigration is a chief threat to the integrity of Europe. What makes this racial is its relationship to Trump’s other rhetoric. If Western civilization is defined by religion and culture, then Mexico—with its Catholic heritage and historic ties to European monarchies—is unquestionably an outpost of “the West.” But for Trump and his advisers, it too is a threat to the Western order.

Donald Trump went to Europe and, in keeping with his campaign and influences, gave a speech with clear links to white nationalist thought. To pretend otherwise, to ignore the context of this address—to place Trump in a vacuum of history and politics, divorced from his own persona—is, at best, to cross the line into willful ignorance. ... peech.html

Trump’s Fascist Weakness Mars Poland Diatribe
By Juan Cole | Jul. 7, 2017 |

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – –
Donald Trump’s speech in Poland may have attempted to camouflage its Fascist undertones with some Nazi-bashing, but no one will be fooled. The speech was probably shaped by alt-Neo-Nazi Steve Bannon, White House strategist and enabler of the white supremacist roll of toilet paper known as Breitbart.
Like all Fascist speeches, it configured the Fatherland as weak and a laughingstock, threatened imminently with being wiped out. It is this paranoia and poor self-image that drives Fascist aggression. So Trump said,
“We have to remember that our defense is not just a commitment of money, it is a commitment of will. Because as the Polish experience reminds us, the defense of the West ultimately rests not only on means but also on the will of its people to prevail and be successful and get what you have to have. The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?”
What this paragraph means by values is not the same as what Americans mean by values. We mean the Bill of Rights. Trump means the Religious Right. We mean a decent life for everyone, with health care a basic human right. Trump means plutocracy, an America of, by and for the multi-millionaires and billionaires. We mean tolerance and pluralism. Trump means racism against brown and black people. He again defended his Muslim ban, even though no one from any of the 6 Muslim-majority countries on his boycott list has launched a terrorist operation here in the twenty-first century. He is lauding Poles not because of their cultural achievements but because this are configured as the achievements of white people.
The irony that is papered over by the phrase “our civilization” is that the biggest enemies of Polish nationalism have been other Western states–Sweden, Germany and Russia (and no, not just National Socialism and Bolshevikism. Poland at one point was made to disappear by Germans and Russians who had never heard of either. And Polish Jews, a major component of the population, are no longer there because of virulent white nationalism.
As for Muslims, the lurking bad guys in Trump’s “Heil West” screed, they have been an important part of Polish history. Tatar Muslims served Poland militarily for centuries, and right into the twentieth century. In 1590 some 200,000 Lipka Tatars dwelled in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, serviced by at least 100 mosques. A unit of Tatar Muslims serving Jan Sobieski fought the Muslim Ottoman Empire at Vienna in the 1600s, helping preserve Europe from Ottoman rule. One of the direst threats to Polish Muslims was the Nazis, who attacked their mosque in the 1940s. There is still a small Polish Muslim population.
“Our civilization” has all along included Muslims and Jews and Africans and Arabs.
Trump papers over these ambiguities in favor of large-scale racial stereotyping.
Trump’s so-called health care bill will kill 22,000 people, far more than terrorists of any kind ever have.
Above all, Trump upholds the values of fear, timidity and paranoia. A small radical fringe in the Muslim world cannot menace America’s civilization. But a far right white nationalist president with serious mental issues can.
Related video: ... tribe.html

How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker ‘Sociopathic Narcissist’ Trump
KGB, CIA, and FBI veterans say Russia’s leader is well-positioned to dominate America’s president in their one-on-one meeting.

Spencer Ackerman

07.06.17 2:27 PM ET
Foreign ministries around the world are filled with anticipation over what will happen when Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump meet for the first time at the G20 summit. But veteran U.S. spies who’ve studied manipulation tactics, particularly from their Russian counterparts, are confident they know what’s going to unfold.
Putin, a former KGB operations officer, will not just be practicing interpersonal diplomacy, they say. He’ll be putting his tradecraft as a spy to work. His main asset: Trump’s massive, delicate ego.
It won’t just be the expected flattery, from the spies’ perspective, though flattery is key to dealing with the “sociopathic narcissist” tendencies one ex-CIA interrogator sees in Trump. Putin is likely to stoke Trump’s ire, encourage him against his perceived enemies and validate his inclinations – particularly the ones that move U.S. policy in the directions Putin wants.
Nowhere are the stakes higher than in Moscow. The Trump-Putin meeting, say Russian politicians and Putin’s former KGB colleagues, is an overdue opportunity to equalize the Washington-Moscow relationship.
“Putin,” one-time KGB general Oleg Kalugin told The Daily Beast, “he has been in power for so many years and, by character, he knows how to handle things and how to outsmart others, including presidents of the United States.”
While everything about this meeting is momentous, the two sides are not on equal diplomatic footing. Russia’s interference in the 2016 election – something U.S. intelligence characterizes as a certainty, while Trump, again, casts doubt on that conclusion – has created a political maelstrom for Trump. Everything resulting from the meeting will be scrutinized in Washington, particularly amongst Trump’s political opposition, for signs of a quid pro quo. Meanwhile, observers have a hard time understanding what U.S. policy toward Russia, its decades-long adversary, even is anymore.
Putin is filling that vacuum. Ahead of meeting the U.S. president in Hamburg, his foreign ministry has said the agenda will concern everything from Syria to Ukraine to returning two intelligence complexes on U.S. soil – even to gay rights in Chechnya. Meanwhile, Trump national security adviser H.R. McMaster has said there won’t be a “specific agenda” for discussion, beyond “whatever the president wants to talk about.” There is confusion on the U.S. side about whether McMaster’s Russia chief, the Putin skeptic Fiona Hill, will attend the meeting.
Putin, former spies say, is well-positioned to dominate the meeting. Whether he wants commitments from Trump on specific things or simply a grip-and-grin photo op, Putin stands a good chance of getting his way – provided he tells Trump to ignore the losers and the critics and portrays what Putin wants as how Trump gets the drop on them yet again.
“Trump is just about a sociopathic narcissist,” said Glenn Carle, a retired CIA interrogator and analyst. “That’s not to denounce him, just an assessment of the guy…. Fulsome praise, full of garbage, is a small price to pay to get what you want.”
To cultivate Trump, Carle said, “you praise and piss him off at the same time. You want to push his buttons to get him to do something reflexive.” That is, point Trump’s fury in the direction of what Putin can portray as a mutual enemy – even if it’s a traditional U.S. ally.
“What do they want? Say it’s eastern Ukraine. You continue to undermine the U.S. commitment and the need for NATO, and you do that by talking about what he thinks he understands: money and trade. You build upon the spurious line that Germany and NATO are free riders, bilking Americans out of money. ‘Why should Americans die for some Krauts?’ That plays in the Peoria that is Trump’s mind.”
“The truly scary part is Putin only has to say to Trump ‘you are right and the haters are wrong’ to manipulate him,” adds Naveed Jamali, a former undercover FBI double agent. The Russians, Jamali added, are “devious motherfuckers,” skilled at manipulating others into doing their bidding without recognizing it.

The last time Trump met with Russian dignitaries, he shared with them intelligence on the so-called Islamic State provided to the U.S. by Israel. This time, Trump’s briefers in the CIA may be more likely to obscure their sources of information while providing Trump with what he needs to know ahead of the economic summit, said Paul Pillar, a former senior CIA analyst – something which, in turn, may impact Putin’s goals for their meeting.
“I’d not look at it as an opportunity to squeeze secrets out of Trump but rather to [maneuver] U.S. policy,” Pillar said, whether on Ukraine, lifting Obama-era sanctions on Russia, or Syria. For that, Putin is likely to rely on “techniques of flattery.”

A test case for Russia came in Saudi Arabia, Jamali said. There, the Saudis threw Trump a massive party for the president’s first foreign trip, replete with nonstop flattery, a dance involving swords and a photo with a mysterious orb that garnered worldwide publicity. Weeks later, with Saudi Arabia in a massive regional dispute with Qatar, Trump openly backed the Saudi side even as his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, called for an end to the conflict.
The Saudi Arabia visit might also provide a template for Russia for a different reason.

With Russia at the center of the scandal overhanging the Trump administration, no one interviewed for this story expected the Putin-Trump meeting to yield immediate deliverables or anything else that Trump’s critics can portray as a favor for Putin. But late Wednesday, Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state, floated a possible expansion of U.S.-Russian cooperation on Syria, creating the possibility that the G20 meetup will yield a shifted course for the U.S. on terms favorable to Russia.

In the absence of a clear Russia policy from the young administration, Putin’s goal for the meeting is to maneuver that emerging policy in his favor – or, failing that, encourage the chaos that tends to characterize Trump’s foreign policies.
“Putin’s minimum objective will be to demonstrate that Russia is a co-equal power, which he can achieve with a simple handshake-and-smile photo,” said Evelyn Farkas, the Pentagon’s top Russia policy official in the Obama administration. Beyond that is for Trump to give a “verbal commitment to work toward returning the intelligence [facilities] shut down by Obama” or a similar pledge to “work to modify or eliminate sanctions on Russia.”
In Moscow, all this appears as the U.S. finally giving Russia its due.

"Trump should be calm, listen to all Putin's arguments and avoid making any spontaneous decisions," former parliamentarian and KGB officer Gennady Gudkov, an opposition leader, told The Daily Beast.
"Putin is going to be charming, as to him Trump is more important than most of his closest cronies; the Kremlin depends on the future relations with U.S.A, they live with Trump on their mind."

Russian Senator Alexsei Pushkov, a Kremlin ally who chairs the information policy committee, wrote on Twitter that the stakes go beyond two presidents. “U.S.A cannot be solving global issues alone any longer,” he tweeted.
And in Moscow, the civil war in Ukraine is expected to dominate Putin’s discussions with Trump.

The Kremlin's spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, said that the meeting with Trump will be Putin's "good chance to reiterate Russia's stance that the Minsk accords have no alternative, that the Minsk accords [on the fighting in Ukraine] must be implemented, and that measures should be taken to stop provocations, which unfortunately Ukraine's military forces still carry out."
Kalugin, the former KGB general, said everything about the imminent meeting left him with a good feeling about Trump’s relationship with Putin.
“Honestly, I remain optimistic that as President Trump gains more and more experience as the leader of a great country, I think he will come to some solution and find common language with Putin. As I said, I’m fairly optimistic,” Kalugin said.
— Anna Nemtsova contributed to this report. ... sist-trump
Last edited by seemslikeadream on Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby Rory » Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:38 pm

The Macron 'hack' was by the NSA
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:43 pm

^^^^^^ all cattle

Justice League: Meet The Veteran Prosecutors Powering The Russia Probe

Christine Frapech
By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published JULY 7, 2017 6:00 AM

The powerhouse team of lawyers assigned to the multi-pronged federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election has expanded to include 15 members.

Plucked from the Justice Department and white-collar law firms by special counsel Robert Mueller, the attorneys boast years of experience prosecuting cases involving national security, fraud, money laundering, cybercrime and espionage. There are experts in witness-flipping, Russia, organized crime and public corruption. Several have worked with Mueller in the past.

Though the team is holed up away from the public eye in their office in the Patrick Henry Building on Washington, D.C.’s D Street, their previous work experience offers a window into where the investigation into Russia’s attempts to influence the election outcome—and whether any members of the Trump campaign assisted that effort or committed any financial crimes—could be headed.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel, confirmed that the following 13 lawyers have been publicly identified out of the 15-member team, and told TPM that more were “in the pipeline.”

Here’s what we know about the legal team Mueller has assembled thus far:


Most recently the chief of the Justice Department’s fraud section, Weissmann joins Mueller’s team with decades of experience prosecuting cases involving organized crime, corporate misconduct and criminal fraud.

Some of the blockbuster cases he has taken the lead on include the prosecution of executives from now-defunct energy company Enron for their elaborate schemes to conceal their firm’s financial woes, and his conviction of members of the Gambino, Colombo and Genovese crime families as a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn.

In the 1990s, Weissmann worked on a case involving Felix Sater, a Russian-born businessman with organized crime connections who would go on to become a business associate of Trump’s. Weissmann signed a deal Sater struck to become a government informant after he pleaded guilty in a $40 million fraud scheme, according to the Financial Times.

Weissmann is also renowned for his expert in flipping witnesses, as Reuters has reported—a skill that could come in handy as the special counsel team tries to determine if anyone associated with the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives.


The Justice Department’s deputy solicitor general is working part-time on the special counsel investigation, where he brings decades of experience in criminal law.

Dreeben has argued over 100 cases before the Supreme Court, and represented the federal government on cases including the public corruption probe into former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R).

His addition to Mueller’s team was “widely seen as a sign that Mueller was investigating possible criminal violations by President Donald Trump or others,” according to the National Law Journal.


Quarles kicked off his career working as an assistant special prosecutor on the special prosecution force investigating the Watergate scandal. After that investigation ended with the conviction of several of President Richard Nixon’s top aides for various abuses of power, Quarles joined the white-shoe D.C. law firm WilmerHale in the mid-1970s.


Another WilmerHale veteran, like Mueller himself, Rhee has extensive experience working on criminal investigations. As a young lawyer, she served as an assistant US attorney for the District of Columbia, where she prosecuted Washington Teachers Union officials who embezzled some $5 million.

Rhee later served as deputy assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s office of legal counsel and, in private practice, focused on advising clients who were the subjects of federal investigations. Some of Rhee’s most high-profile cases involve the Clintons: She was on the legal team representing the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit brought by Freedom Watch, a litigious conservative advocacy group, and represented Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit that sought to obtain access to her private emails.

Rhee, like several other special counsel attorneys including Quarles and Weissman, has been criticized for donating to political campaigns for Democratic politicians including Clinton and former president Barack Obama.


A former FBI special agent on counterterrorism cases and assistant U.S. attorney in the National Security and Terrorism Unit, Zebley has had a long working relationship with Mueller. He served as Mueller’s chief of staff during his tenure at the FBI and then worked alongside him as a partner at WilmerHale.

Prior to joining WilmerHale, Zebley worked as senior counsel in the DOJ’s national security division. His expertise is in national security, terrorism and violent crime cases.


Van Grack is a veteran prosecutor in the counterespionage section of the DOJ’s national security division. In two recent cases, Van Grack helped prosecute a former government contractor who stole classified national defense documents and a computer hacker who provided the Islamic State with the names and contact information of over 1,000 government and military workers.

Van Grack had led a grand jury inquiry in the Eastern District of Virginia into ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn’s lobbying on behalf of foreign governments, which reportedly has since been picked up by Mueller.


A trial attorney in the fraud section of the DOJ’s criminal division, Atkinson has worked on complex cases involving corporate malfeasance. Earlier this year, he helped indict a former top executive at Bankrate Inc., a financial services company, for manipulating the company’s statements and artificially inflating its earnings.


Goldstein joins the special counsel team from his post as head of the public corruption unit in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York. Under former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, a frequent critic of the administration who was fired by Trump earlier this year, the office burnished its reputation for aggressively prosecuting cases involving white-collar crime and public corruption.

Goldstein was a prosecutor on the team that convicted longtime State Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver and other members of the state government of public corruption, according to the New York Times. He has experience working on money laundering and asset forfeiture cases.


An assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York, Ahmad served as the deputy chief of the national security and cybercrime section. As the New Yorker documented in a recent profile, Ahmad successfully prosecuted 13 international terrorism suspects for the U.S. government without losing a single case.

Some of her biggest cases include the prosecution of a Pakistani al-Qaeda operative planning a terrorist attack on a U.K. shopping center and of a Nigerian citizen convicted of providing material support to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


An assistant to the solicitor general’s office, Prelogar previously clerked for Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan and worked in private practice at Hogan Lovells.

She appears to be fluent in Russian from her undergraduate and graduate studies, and served as a Fulbright Scholar in Russia, as the National Law Journal reported.


Page developed experience in money laundering and organized crime cases during her tenure as a trial attorney in the DOJ’s organized crime and gang section. She prosecuted a member of the Lucchese organized crime family and Bulgarian nationals who conducted a money laundering scheme using fake eBay ads.


Jed has worked for the DOJ since 2010, most recently in the civil division, according to the National Law Journal. He defended the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive insurance requirement on behalf of the federal government in Little Sisters of the Poor v. Sebelius, and received an exceptional service award from the DOJ for helping implement the Supreme Court decision that effectively legalized gay marriage.


An experienced line prosecutor who has worked on organized crime cases, Zelinsky has spent the past three years working as as assistant U.S. Attorney in Maryland under Rod Rosenstein, who is now the deputy attorney general overseeing the special counsel probe. Zelinsky has taught constitutional and national security law at Peking University and the University of Maryland, respectively.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:17 am


Rory » Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:38 pm wrote:The Macron 'hack' was by the NSA

Alt-right radio personality Joe Biggs (right) with Jack Posobiec in the atrium of Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC.

seemslikeadream » Fri May 05, 2017 9:01 pm wrote:
Emmanuel Macron campaign hacked on eve of French election
En Marche! movement says posting of massive email leak on document-sharing site ‘clearly amounts to democratic destabilisation as was seen in the US’ ... h-election

7:32 PM

Emmanuel Macron, candidate for the 2017 French presidential elections.ED ALCOCK/REDUX
ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, another massive data dump seemingly intended to sabotage a center-left candidate. But in the case of France’s impending runoff, slated for Sunday, the latest leak of emails appears far more slap-dash than the Russian hacks and leaks that plagued Hillary Clinton’s campaign. And in this case, they’re timed to prevent the target of those leaks from even having a chance to respond.

On Friday, a collection of links to torrent files appeared on the anonymous publishing site PasteBin. The 9GB trove purports to be an archive of leaked emails from the party of Emmanuel Macron, the left-leaning candidate currently favored to win France’s impending runoff election against far-right opponent Marine Le Pen.

The latest data dump comes less than 48 hours before France’s election, possibly too late to shift its outcome—at least to the degree that the hacks of the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta did in the months leading up to the US election. Its timing so close to the runoff could still prove strategic, as French law forbids candidates from speaking publicly for two days ahead of an election. That timing could prevent Macron himself from responding to any scandal that surfaces in the data dump, real or fabricated.

A Well-Timed Hack
In a statement, Macron’s political party confirmed that hackers had compromised it. “The En Marche! party has been the victim of a massive, coordinated act of hacking, in which diverse internal information (mails, documents, accounting, contracts) have been broadcast this evening on social networks,” reads a public statement in French from the Macron campaign. “The files which are circulating were obtained a few weeks ago thanks to the hacking of the professional and personal email accounts of several members of the campaign.”

En Marche’s acknowledgement of the hack doesn’t mean all of the leaked emails themselves are genuine; the party’s statement also warned that among the authentic documents in the leak were “numerous false documents intended to sow doubt and disinformation.”

At a glance, the hacked email haul appears to not be entirely fabricated, says Rob Graham, a security consultant for Errata Security who has downloaded portions of the collection. “It has the structure of real email archives,” Graham says. But he cautions that even if some part of the leak turns out to be genuine, it could easily contain specific forgeries designed to spark scandal.

“Presumably, someone will start pointing out any salacious emails,” Graham adds. “You can bet that someone like WikiLeaks will pick these emails apart and post them individually.”

A Familiar Pattern
Late last month, the security firm Trend Micro noted in a report that the Macron campaign appeared to be a target of the Russian-government-linked hacker group Fancy Bear, also known as Pawn Storm or APT 28. The firm’s researchers found a phishing domain created by the hacker group in March, designed to target the campaign by impersonating the site that En March uses for cloud data storage. At the time, the Macron campaign claimed that that hacking attempts had failed. On Friday morning, users of the anonymous forum 4Chan had also purported to have published evidence of Macron’s tax evasion, though those claims were also unverified, and it’s not clear if they’re connected to the current leak.

In the wake of Russian hackers’ attempt to sway the US election, which remains the subject of two Congressional investigations, the cybersecurity community has warned that the Kremlin may attempt similar tricks to swing elections towards its favored candidates in the French and upcoming German elections, too.

Former British intelligence staffer Matt Tait warned that regardless of what it contains, the simple fact of the data dump achieves certain objectives. “By all means, look through them,” he wrote on Twitter. “But do[so] with your eyes open and knowing that you’re being played for free negative coverage/headlines.”

The Macron campaign compared the hacking directly to the hacker targeting of Clinton campaign. “Intervening in the last hour of an official campaign, this operation clearly seeks to destabilize democracy, as already seen in the United States’ last president campaign,” the statement reads. “We cannot tolerate that the vital interests of democracy are thus endangered.” ... -election/


DFR Lab‏Verified account

#BREAKING: MacronLeaks hashtag started in US, apparently launched by Alt-Right figure Jack Posobiec. #FrenchElection ... 3fb870c4e8

Fake News And The "Alt-Right" Are Pushing Forged Documents To Aid Marine Le Pen In France's Election
Blog ››› 8 hours 19 sec ago ››› ALEX KAPLAN

Forged documents originating on 4chan alleging that French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was evading taxes spread online thanks to an ecosystem that includes social media, “alt-right” outlets, and fake news purveyors. The campaign was seemingly aided by Russian-linked entities, and it subsequently reached Macron’s opponent, who aired the claim in a public debate.

Macron is competing in a May 7 runoff against far-right candidate Marine Le Pen. On May 3, hours before a scheduled debate between Macron and Le Pen, an anonymous user on 4chan posted documents purporting to show that Macron used a shell company to dodge taxes. Users on the forum responded that the documents should be sent to “independent journalists” and “the alternative media” like “Cernovic (sic), Breitbart, and so on,” and encouraged each other to “spam” the documents “on social media” such as Twitter to get “it trending.” They also said to “send it to Le Pen.” The documents soon spread on Twitter, with many of the Twitter accounts promoting them appearing to have connections to Russia, according to a Belgian researcher. The claim was promoted by “alt-right” media figures such as Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec.

That these figures would attempt to smear Le Pen’s opponent is not surprising given that Le Pen is widely admired by much of the “alt-right” and closely tied with Russia.

Along with Twitter, 4chan’s campaign was picked up by forums on 8chan and Reddit; “alt-right” fringe outlets The Gateway Pundit, Got News, Zero Hedge, and Daily Stormer; and fake news purveyor Before It’s News.

The 4chan-based documents eventually reached Le Pen herself. During her debate with Macron, she said, “I hope that we will not find out that you have an offshore account in the Bahamas.” Le Pen later backed down on her claim, and Macron filed a legal complaint against her for the statement. Multiple outlets have reported that the documents were fake, with The Telegraph noting that they were “widely denounced as crude forgeries.” Additionally, following Le Pen's accusation, the French prosecutor's office has opened an investigation regarding “suspicions of fake news being spread to influence Sunday's presidential vote.”

The case is yet another example of the way the misinformation ecosystem involving the “alt-right” and fake news purveyors amplifies fringe falsities and lies (and even Kremlin-connected conspiracy theories). The network has often succeeded in pushing those false claims into more traditional conservative and mainstream outlets and, thus, the public realm. ... ion/216305

Jack Posobiec

Re: What's Happening? It? (TRIGGERS UPON TRIGGERS)
Postby guruilla » Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:04 pm
Long piece, not exactly balanced but not a complete smear-up job either; a few interesting points. I post it because reportage about Pizzagate is relevant to the cultural phenomenon/public perception that is "Pizzagate," not because I necessarily agree with anything in it.


On Nov. 16, Jack Posobiec, a former Navy Reserve intelligence officer who had spent much of the previous year as a leader of a pro-Trump grassroots organization, decided he’d had enough of just reading tweets and blog posts about the pizza place in his city.

Posobiec, 31, had never eaten at Comet; he had never even heard of the place until he started reading about it on conservative, anti-government media sites.

Now, with Trump elected, he read the posts more closely. Any story that accused Clinton, John Podesta and Brock of nefarious deeds deserved some investigation, he thought. He believed the Clinton campaign was “full of secrecy and deception.”

It seemed reasonable to Posobiec that Podesta might have organized a sex ring in cahoots with Brock. But the only part of the scenario that was real was that Podesta had been known to eat pizza at Comet. This part is false: pictures purporting to show that symbols, such as butterflies and spirals, in signs at Comet and other shops were statements about pedophilia.

Posobiec said he was curious and confused. He and a friend decided to go have some pizza. They walked into Comet eight days after the election, sat down and ordered. Posobiec got the garlic knots. His friend got a beer. But they were not just hanging out. Posobiec was using his phone to broadcast his evening at Comet on Periscope, an app that allows users to stream video live.

Posobiec said he never made any disturbance inside Comet, but the restaurant’s managers saw him take his camera into a back room where a child’s birthday party was underway. It did not seem appropriate for a child’s party to be broadcast on a stranger’s Periscope feed. The manager asked two D.C. police officers who happened to be across the street to assist.

Posobiec and his friend “were gently refused service and asked to leave,” said a person familiar with the restaurant’s decision.

That evening, after Posobiec was ushered out of Comet, Pettibone tweeted: “You’re my hero for doing this, Jack. Never let go.”

On Twitter, the hashtag #pizzagate peaked in the hours after Posobiec’s video appeared.

On the phone and online, threats poured in, with as many as 150 calls a day.



Re: Hillary Clinton is Seriously Dangerous
Postby Rory » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:54 pm ... -and-more/

The Hillary Clinton email investigation has rocked this year’s election with its timing, but it’s about to be rocked even more, that is if a report by online news source True Pundit is legitimate.

The right-wing publication claim the new emails have exposed the Clintons for being involved in such atrocities as child sex crimes, child exploitation, sexual slavery, money laundering, perjury and obstruction of justice to name a few.

FBI: We are moving towards a Hillary Indictment

— Jack Posobiec ???????? (@JackPosobiec) November 3, 2016

The laptop that authorities needed to officially begin the renewed Hillary Clinton email investigation was recently confiscated from Anthony Weiner through a search warrant. This was just a couple of days ago, and already the device has revealed hundreds of thousands of potentially incriminating emails, and according to a New York Police Department whistleblower who spoke with True Pundit, the content of some of those emails is enough “to put Hillary and her crew away for life.”

Re: Video surfaces of Milo Yiannopoulos defending pedophilia
Postby American Dream » Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:00 pm


The theory that this is a deep-state psy-op has taken hold in many of the circles of the alt-right. Jack Posobiec, another prominent alt-right social media figure, tweeted that a source told him $250,000 was spent on opposition research on Yiannopoulos, where “they” hired PIs and video editors—former independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin is somehow involved as well. Lauren Southern, a 21-year-old Canadian media personality for the northern equivalent of Breitbart, also tweeted out that it was a hit job but later deleted her tweets.


seemslikeadream » Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:44 pm wrote:
It seemed reasonable to Posobiec that Podesta might have organized a sex ring in cahoots with Brock. But the only part of the scenario that was real was that Podesta had been known to eat pizza at Comet. This part is false: pictures purporting to show that symbols, such as butterflies and spirals, in signs at Comet and other shops were statements about pedophilia.

Posobiec said he was curious and confused. He and a friend decided to go have some pizza. They walked into Comet eight days after the election, sat down and ordered. Posobiec got the garlic knots. His friend got a beer. But they were not just hanging out. Posobiec was using his phone to broadcast his evening at Comet on Periscope, an app that allows users to stream video live.

“Part of the experience of living in 2016 is live, on-the-scene broadcasts,” he said. “People have lost faith with government and the mainstream media being any real authority. After the Iraq War, after Benghazi, people are searching for other sources of information. If I can do something with Periscope and show what I’m seeing with my own two eyes, that’s helpful.”

Posobiec said he never made any disturbance inside Comet, but the restaurant’s managers saw him take his camera into a back room where a child’s birthday party was underway. It did not seem appropriate for a child’s party to be broadcast on a stranger’s Periscope feed. The manager asked two D.C. police officers who happened to be across the street to assist.

Posobiec and his friend “were gently refused service and asked to leave,” said a person familiar with the restaurant’s decision.

Posobiec offered to pay for what he had ordered. The manager said it was on the house.

Posobiec said he was not there to make a scene. “I didn’t have any preconceived notions,” he said. “I wasn’t sure. I thought I could just show it was a regular pizza place.”

That evening, after Posobiec was ushered out of Comet, Pettibone tweeted: “You’re my hero for doing this, Jack. Never let go.”

On Twitter, the hashtag #pizzagate peaked in the hours after Posobiec’s video appeared. ... f4743fbf59

By Andrew Marantz May 7, 2017
Jack Posobiec calls himself a journalist who “breaks the fourth wall” to stir things up. His latest: tweeting the hack of the French Presidential candidate’s e-mails.

Jack Posobiec is the bureau chief and sole employee of the Washington, D.C., office of the Rebel, a Canadian media outlet that specializes in far-right video commentary. Last weekend, I met him at a Peet’s Coffee a few blocks from the White House. He told me, “As a journalist, I use all the tools at my disposal”—mostly YouTube, Periscope, and Twitter—“to seek the truth and disseminate the truth. That’s the purpose of journalism, right? At the same time, I also do what I call 4-D journalism, meaning that I’m willing to break the fourth wall. I’m willing to walk into an anti-Trump march and start chanting anti-Clinton stuff—to make something happen, and then cover what happens. So, activism tactics mixed with traditional journalism tactics.”

When he was a student at Temple University, he said, he double-majored in political science and broadcast journalism. He joined the Navy, and was stationed in Asia for five years; when he returned to the United States, he worked as a Trump campaign volunteer before joining the Rebel. “Last week, I called my mom and went, ‘Hey, Ma, look who’s actually using his college degree!’ ” Now, in the final hours of the French Presidential contest between Emmanuel Macron, a centrist who supports the European Union, and Marine Le Pen, a far-right, anti-immigrant nationalist, Posobiec’s “4-D journalism” might have a serious impact.

I reached Posobiec by phone on Saturday. The previous day, he told me, he had flown from Washington to Miami, to attend a party hosted by the far-right self-promoter Milo Yiannopoulos. Posobiec spent much of Friday monitoring /pol/, the 4chan message board, which has recently become a breeding ground for nationalist trolls, both in the U.S. and abroad. “People were claiming something big was coming, so I just kept hitting refresh,” he told me. Shortly before 3 p.m., an anonymous 4chan user posted nine gigabytes of information—purportedly hacked e-mails, photographs, and internal documents from the campaign of Emmanuel Macron. Posobiec could not know whether all the information was authentic—he didn’t even have time to glance through most of the thousands of pages—but he considered it his journalistic duty to let his followers know about the leak. “Massive doc dump at /pol/,” he tweeted. He included a link to the 4chan post, along with a hashtag: #MacronLeaks.

This was retweeted a few hundred times, but then the hashtag seemed to stagnate. “I know my Twitter engagement rate very well, and, to be honest, I thought it was pretty low,” he said. “I figured, Oh, well, it’s a Friday afternoon. Maybe this isn’t going to take off. Besides, nobody knew what was in the documents, so it was possible that people looked at one and went, ‘O.K., this is a budget spreadsheet,’ and got bored.” Posobiec is anti-globalist, and he had long hoped that Le Pen, who wants France to leave the euro and the European Union, would win the election. He sent out a few more tweets with the #MacronLeaks hashtag, then went to the rented mansion where the party, Cinco de Milo, was being held. Yiannopoulos made his grand entrance, descending a curving staircase with a large yellow snake around his neck. Around midnight, Posobiec checked his phone, which had been charging in another room. #MacronLeaks was trending in France, and there was a banner headline about it on the Drudge Report. The Macron campaign issued a statement claiming that the people who hacked his e-mail had mixed authentic documents with fake ones, in order to “sow doubt.”

On his phone, Posobiec started a live video on Periscope, which he called “Press Conference on #MacronLeaks.” The first few minutes consisted of Posobiec and his girlfriend dancing to “Bad and Boujee,” by Migos, while Posobiec occasionally made the “O.K.” hand gesture. “Vive la France,” he said, after a while. “The truth is a powerful thing.”

The French election commission prohibits the publication, within two days before an election, of any information that might distort the election’s results. As Reuters points out, though, the commission “may find it difficult to enforce its rules in an era where people get much of their news online, information flows freely across borders and many users are anonymous.” According to a forensic analysis by the Digital Forensic Research Lab, Posobiec’s Twitter feed was the second most powerful amplifier of the #MacronLeaks hashtag, after Wikileaks, which also tweeted a link to the documents. This analysis also implied that Posobiec—or his confederates, perhaps Russian trolls—had used bots to promote the story artificially. “I wouldn’t know how to use a bot,” Posobiec told me. “I just find interesting things and post them to my Twitter feed. Look, journalists have gotten so bad that if they see someone like me doing real work, actually digging through documents and distributing them to the people, they assume there must be some sort of conspiracy behind it. I hope that, if anything, this can be a learning experience for the New York Times and Le Monde and all the rest of them, to understand how real journalism works.” ... acronleaks

Last year, a sign at an anti-Trump rally that read “Rape Melania” drew widespread condemnation from across the political spectrum.

However, text messages obtained by BuzzFeed reveal that the sign was actually created by Jack Posobiec, a notorious pro-Trump troll who wanted to use the sign to discredit opposition to the president-elect.

In one text message conversation, Posobiec and a collaborator brainstormed messages to chant out during the protest in the hopes that unwitting demonstrators would pick them up. ... rotesters/

seemslikeadream » Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:21 pm wrote:There's never been a terrorist attack at a Nascar race. Nascar fans are all armed. Draw your own conclusions
Jack Posobiec

Meet Jack Posobiec: The "Alt-Right" Troll With A Press Pass In White House

Posobiec Claimed French Presidential Candidate Emmanuel Macron Was Suing Him For Promoting Forged Documents. In a Periscope livestream, Posobiec claimed he was being “sued” by then-French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron for retweeting a link about documents regarding Macron and “tax evasion,” which were sourced on “the deep web.” The documents were widely reported to be forged. [Periscope, 5/4/17; Media Matters, 5/5/17]

New Yorker: Posobiec Promoted “Massive Doc Dump, Then Tweeted Link To 4chan With Hashtag “#MacronLeaks.” The New Yorker’s Andrew Marantz reported on May 7 that Posobiec had “spent much of Friday monitoring /pol/, the 4chan message board.” According to Marantz, Posobiec tweeted a link to on a 4chan post featuring “purportedly hacked e-mails, photographs, and internal documents from the campaign of Emmanuel Macron,” including the hashtag “#MacronLeaks.” [The New Yorker, 5/7/17]

Atlantic Council Tracked Onset Of “#MacronLeaks” Campaign To Posobiec.” The Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab reported that it had “tracked the onset” of the #MacronLeaks campaign “to the Twitter account of Jack Posobiec,” adding, “The amplification of this ‘leak’ came a day after Jack Posobiec claimed he was being sued by Emmanuel Macron.” [Medium, 5/5/17]

Lawfare: Available Evidence About Source Of Leaks Prove Some Documents “Are Not Genuine” And “Lean Conspicuously Toward Moscow.” In an analysis of the alleged Macron leaks, Lawfare Institute in cooperation with the Brookings Institution found that “some documents in the Macron cache are not genuine” and contain metadata “showing that they were edited by a user with a Russian name using a Russian version of Microsoft Excel.” Lawfare noted that although those facts do not prove Russian government involvement, “available evidence does lean conspicuously towards Moscow.” From the May 8 article:

seemslikeadream » Mon May 08, 2017 12:23 pm wrote:

Christo Grozev‏ @christogrozev May 6
Replying to @christogrozev
Jack Posobiec, tracked down as "patient zero" on Macron "leaks", with his Russian wife at Trump's "deplorables" ball.

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby Rory » Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:29 pm

Yes, and Jack works for the Enn Ess Eay
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:32 pm

you are just making shit up as you go along...very amusing....... he works for the Mercers more like it
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:10 am

Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign

President Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. in January. Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times
Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times.

The previously unreported meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to interviews and the documents, which were outlined by people familiar with them.

While President Trump has been dogged by revelations of undisclosed meetings between his associates and Russians, this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign. It is also the first time that his son Donald Trump Jr. is known to have been involved in such a meeting.

Representatives of Donald Trump Jr. and Mr. Kushner confirmed the meeting after The Times approached them with information about it. In a statement, Donald Jr. described the meeting as primarily about an adoption program. The statement did not address whether the presidential campaign was discussed.

American intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian hackers and propagandists worked to tip the election toward Mr. Trump, and a special prosecutor and congressional committees are now investigating whether his campaign associates colluded with Russians. Mr. Trump has disputed that, but the investigation has cast a shadow over his administration for months.

Mr. Trump has also equivocated on whether the Russians were solely responsible for the hacking. But in Germany on Friday, meeting President Vladimir V. Putin for the first time as president, Mr. Trump questioned him about the hacking. The Russian leader denied meddling in the election.

The Russian lawyer invited to the Trump Tower meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, is best known for mounting a multipronged attack against the Magnitsky Act, an American law that blacklists suspected Russian human rights abusers. The law so enraged Mr. Putin that he retaliated by halting American adoptions of Russian children.


Natalia Veselnitskaya
The adoption impasse is a frequently used talking point for opponents of the Magnitsky Act. Ms. Veselnitskaya’s campaign against the law has also included attempts to discredit its namesake, Sergei L. Magnitsky, a lawyer and auditor who died in mysterious circumstances in a Russian prison in 2009 after exposing one of the biggest corruption scandals during Mr. Putin’s rule.

Ms. Veselnitskaya was formerly married to a former deputy transportation minister of the Moscow region, and her clients include state-owned businesses and a senior government official’s son, whose company was under investigation in the United States at the time of the meeting. Her activities and associations had previously drawn the attention of the F.B.I., according to a former senior law enforcement official.

In his statement, Donald Trump Jr. said: “It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up.”

He added: “I was asked to attend the meeting by an acquaintance, but was not told the name of the person I would be meeting with beforehand.”

Late Saturday, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the president’s lawyer, issued a statement implying that the meeting was a setup. Ms. Veselnitskaya and the translator who accompanied her to the meeting “misrepresented who they were,” it said.

In an interview, Mr. Corallo explained that Ms. Veselnitskaya, in her anti-Magnitsky campaign, employs a private investigator whose firm, Fusion GPS, produced an intelligence dossier that contained unproven allegations against the president. In a statement, the firm said, “Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is false.”

Donald Trump Jr. had denied participating in any campaign-related meetings with Russian nationals when he was interviewed by The Times in March. “Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did,” he said. “But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment. And certainly none that I was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form.”

Asked at that time whether he had ever discussed government policies related to Russia, the younger Mr. Trump replied, “A hundred percent no.”


Paul Manafort at the Republican National Convention last year in Cleveland. Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times
The Trump Tower meeting was not disclosed to government officials until recently, when Mr. Kushner, who is also a senior White House aide, filed a revised version of a form required to obtain a security clearance. The Times reported in April that he had failed to disclose any foreign contacts, including meetings with the Russian ambassador to the United States and the head of a Russian state bank. Failure to report such contacts can result in a loss of access to classified information and even, if information is knowingly falsified or concealed, in imprisonment.

Mr. Kushner’s advisers said at the time that the omissions were an error, and that he had immediately notified the F.B.I. that he would be revising the filing. They also said he had met with the Russians in his official transition capacity as a main point of contact for foreign officials.

In a statement on Saturday, Mr. Kushner’s lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, said: “He has since submitted this information, including that during the campaign and transition, he had over 100 calls or meetings with representatives of more than 20 countries, most of which were during transition. Mr. Kushner has submitted additional updates and included, out of an abundance of caution, this meeting with a Russian person, which he briefly attended at the request of his brother-in-law Donald Trump Jr. As Mr. Kushner has consistently stated, he is eager to cooperate and share what he knows.”

Mr. Kushner’s lawyers addressed questions about his disclosure but deferred to Donald Trump Jr. on questions about the meeting itself.

Mr. Manafort, the former campaign chairman, also recently disclosed the meeting, and Donald Trump Jr.’s role in organizing it, to congressional investigators who had questions about his foreign contacts, according to people familiar with the events.

A spokesman for Mr. Manafort declined to comment. In response to questions, Ms. Veselnitskaya said the meeting lasted about 30 minutes and focused on the Magnitsky Act and the adoption issue.

“Nothing at all was discussed about the presidential campaign,” she said, adding, “I have never acted on behalf of the Russian government and have never discussed any of these matters with any representative of the Russian government.”

Because Donald Trump Jr. does not serve in the administration and does not have a security clearance, he was not required to disclose his foreign contacts. Federal and congressional investigators have not publicly asked for any records that would require his disclosure of Russian contacts. It is not clear whether the Justice Department was aware of the meeting before Mr. Kushner disclosed it recently. Neither Mr. Kushner nor Mr. Manafort was required to disclose the content of the meeting in their government filings.

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During the campaign, Donald Trump Jr. served as a close adviser to his father, frequently appearing at campaign events. Since the president took office, the younger Mr. Trump and his brother, who have worked for the Trump Organization for most of their adult lives, assumed day-to-day control of their father’s real estate empire.

A quick internet search reveals Ms. Veselnitskaya as a formidable operator with a history of pushing the Kremlin’s agenda. Most notable is her campaign against the Magnitsky Act, which provoked a Cold War-style, tit-for-tat row with the Kremlin when President Barack Obama signed it into law in 2012.

Under the law, some 44 Russian citizens have been put on a list that allows the United States to seize their American assets and deny them visas. The United States asserts that many of them are connected to fraud exposed by Mr. Magnitsky, who after being jailed for more than a year was found dead in his cell. A Russian human rights panel found that he had been assaulted. To critics of Mr. Putin, Mr. Magnitsky, in death, became a symbol of corruption and brutality in the Russian state.

An infuriated Mr. Putin has called the law an “outrageous act,” and, in addition to banning American adoptions, compiled what became known as an “anti-Magnitsky” blacklist of United States citizens.

Among those blacklisted was Preet Bharara, then the United States attorney in Manhattan, who led high-profile convictions of Russian arms and drug dealers. Mr. Bharara was abruptly fired in March, after previously being asked to stay on by Mr. Trump.

One of Ms. Veselnitskaya’s clients is Denis Katsyv, the Russian owner of a Cyprus-based investment company called Prevezon Holdings. He is the son of Petr Katsyv, the vice president of the state-owned Russian Railways and a former deputy governor of the Moscow region. In a civil forfeiture case prosecuted by Mr. Bharara’s office, the Justice Department alleged that Prevezon had helped launder money tied to a $230 million corruption scheme exposed by Mr. Magnitsky by parking it in New York real estate and bank accounts. As a result, the government froze $14 million of its assets. Prevezon recently settled the case for $6 million without admitting wrongdoing.

Ms. Veselnitskaya and her client hired a team of political and legal operatives that has worked unsuccessfully in Washington to repeal the Magnitsky Act. They also tried but failed to keep Mr. Magnitsky’s name off a new law that takes aim at human-rights abusers across the globe.

Besides the private investigator whose firm produced the Trump dossier, the lobbying team included Rinat Akhmetshin, an émigré to the United States who once served as a Soviet military officer and who has been called a Russian political gun for hire.

Ms. Veselnitskaya was also deeply involved in the making of an anti-Magnitsky film that premiered just weeks before the Trump Tower meeting. Titled “The Magnitsky Act — Behind the Scenes,” the film echoes the Kremlin line that the widely accepted version of Mr. Magnitsky’s life and death is wrong. The film claims that he was not assaulted and alleges that he never testified that government officials conspired to steal $230 million in fraudulent tax rebates.

In the film’s telling, the true culprit of the fraud was William F. Browder, an American-born financier who hired Mr. Magnitsky to investigate the fraud after he had three of his investment funds companies in Russia seized. On RussiaTV5, a station whose owners are known to be close to Mr. Putin, Ms. Veselnitskaya was lauded as “one of those who gave the film crew the real proofs and records of testimony.”

Mr. Browder, who stopped the screening of the film in Europe by threatening libel suits, called the film a state-sponsored smear campaign.

“She’s not just some private lawyer,” Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. “She is a tool of the Russian government.”

John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director, testified in May that he had been concerned last year by Russian government efforts to contact and manipulate members of Mr. Trump’s campaign. “Russian intelligence agencies do not hesitate at all to use private companies and Russian persons who are unaffiliated with the Russian government to support their objectives,” he said.

The F.B.I. began a counterintelligence investigation last July into Russian contacts with any Trump associates. Agents focused on Mr. Manafort and a pair of advisers, Carter Page and Roger J. Stone.

Among those now under investigation is Michael T. Flynn, who was forced to resign as Mr. Trump’s national security adviser after it became known that he had falsely denied speaking to the Russian ambassador about sanctions imposed by the Obama administration over the election hacking.

Congress later discovered that Mr. Flynn had been paid more than $65,000 by companies linked to Russia, and that he had failed to disclose those payments when he renewed his security clearance and underwent an additional background check to join the White House staff.

In May, the president fired the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, who days later provided information about a meeting with Mr. Trump at the White House. According to Mr. Comey, the president asked him to end the bureau’s investigation into Mr. Flynn; Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied making such a request. Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, was then appointed as special counsel.

The status of Mr. Mueller’s investigation is not clear, but he has assembled a veteran team of prosecutors and agents to dig into any possible collusion.

Follow Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman on Twitter.

Sophia Kishkovsky and Eric Lipton contributed reporting. Kitty Bennett contributed research. ... afort.html

NYT: Trump Team Met Kremlin-Connected Lawyer During 2016 Campaign

By ALICE OLLSTEIN Published JULY 8, 2017 5:22 PM
Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya met with high-level members of President Donald Trump’s campaign shortly after he clinched the GOP nomination, according to a report published Saturday by the New York Times.

Veselnitskaya, who is married to a former deputy transportation minister, and who has represented several companies controlled by the Russian government, is best known for lobbying against a U.S. law that sanctions suspected Russian human rights violators. Striking down that law, the Magnitsky Act, has been a top priority for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The meeting on June 9, 2016 reportedly including Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, his son Donald Trump Jr., and his erstwhile campaign manager Paul Manafort. Manafort and Kushner are now under investigation in the sprawling probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The New York Times reports that representatives of Donald J. Trump Jr. and Mr. Kushner confirmed that the meeting did in fact take place, but declined to comment on whether the campaign itself was discussed. Kushner did not originally disclose the meeting on his White House security clearance form, but did so recently on an amended version. Manafort reportedly disclosed the meeting to congressional committees investigation Russian election interference. ... sia-lawyer

Trump’s Alt-Right Poland Speech: Time to Call His White Nationalist Rhetoric What It Is
After two years of flirting with overt white nationalism, Trump jumps the alt-right shark in his Warsaw speech.
By Amanda Marcotte / Salon July 8, 2017, 7:58 AM GMT

Donald Trump continued to push forward his white nationalist agenda in Poland on Thursday, in a speech that, as Sarah Wildman at Vox wrote, “often resorted to rhetorical conceits typically used by the European and American alt-right.”

That this is true should hardly be worth debating. Trump argued that Western (read: white) nations are “the fastest and the greatest community” and the “world has never known anything like our community of nations.” He crowed about how Westerners (read: white people) “write symphonies,” “pursue innovation” and “always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers,” as if these were unique qualities to white-dominated nations, instead of universal truths of the human race across all cultures.

He also portrayed this Western civilization as under assault from forces “from the South or the East” that “threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are.”

The speech read, at times, like a cleaned-up version of “The Camp of Saints,” a white supremacist novel that Trump advisor Steve Bannon reportedly admires, which portrays a Western civilization on the verge of invasion by legions of evil dark-skinned people intent on destruction.

The speech wasn’t subtle. Both folks on the left and on the alt-right understood it clearly. Folks on TheDonald forum on Reddit were inspired to post heavily about how immigrants and leftists are destroying Europe and only the hard right can stop the damage. Breitbart gushed about how Trump was calling for “protecting our borders” and “preserving Western civilization,” and bizarrely compared the speech to Ronald Reagan’s “tear down this wall” speech, even though the Berlin Wall is the gold standard in the kind of border security and cultural “preservation” that Trump has made his political career calling for.

And yet, even though Trump was fairly begging to be labeled a fascist with his speech painting the purity of white civilization as under threat from racialized foreigners, there was a stampede of punditry eager to paint those who see the obvious as hysterical reactionaries. The main tactic was to zero in on individual words and ignore the larger meaning conveyed by context, both outside the speech and even within it.

Matt Lewis of the Daily Beast tried to argue that Trump’s rhetoric was no different than Winston Churchill’s anti-fascist speeches invoking the concept of “Christendom,” as if Trump’s critics were objecting to the use of the term “civilization” or even “the West,” as opposed to the larger rhetorical thrust of his speech. Heritage Foundation senior fellow Mike Gonzalez got downright silly with the context-removal efforts:

Hey, Mike, some food for thought: Out of context, phrases like “church, kitchen, children,” “hard work is ennobling,” “God is with us” or “one people, one nation, one leader” could be defended as traditionalist entreaties about the importance of family values, a work ethic, faith and patriotism. Translate them back into the original German, however, and they are easily recognizable as popular Nazi slogans.

Which isn’t to say that Trump is a Nazi, but he shares their authoritarian DNA. And this is what authoritarians do: They wrap their grotesque ideas in ennobling rhetoric of tradition, patriotism or family. That’s why their words need to be understood in context, rather than playing this game where a few unobjectionable quotes are taken out of context and held out to be not-that-bad.

No one can pretend that we don’t have plenty of context. For two years, Trump has been demagoguing with openly racist rhetoric, painting immigrants and refugees as a dire threat to our national security, hiring white nationalists like Steve Bannon, starting authoritarian initiatives like an immigrant crime database and nationwide voter suppression efforts, and tweeting out white supremacist propaganda, it’s time to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt when he wallows in rhetoric that echoes that of white nationalists.

Even within that Warsaw speech, Trump rhetorically equated actual past guns-and-ammo battles that spilled the “blood of patriots” with this vaguely defined — but seemingly racialized — fight to “preserve our civilization.” It’s a speech where he said, “Our freedom, our civilization and our survival depend on these bonds of history, culture and memory,” which is rhetoric that deliberately excludes those who have different histories, cultural practices and memories.

Anyone who denies Trump’s leanings cannot truly be believed to be ignorant of this pattern, not after two solid years of this. Instead, such a person must be understood as complicit. ... ic-what-it

Why the White House daily briefing is in such trouble.
"Wake up: Trump is not trying to win the support of anyone who is not naturally aligned with him."

30 JUN 2017 2:00 AM 28 COMMENTS →
First, read this update that CNN’s Brian Stelter included in his nightly newsletter this week:

In the past 24 hours…
— President Trump went after two of the nation’s biggest newspapers, The New York Times and the Washington Post, with “fake news” tweets.
— The White House told reporters they could cover Trump’s first re-election fundraiser, but then made an abrupt change, “closing the event to media in a break from past precedent.”

— The W.H. prohibited TV cameras at the daily press briefing again.

— The president posted James O’Keefe‘s anti-CNN videos on his official @realDonaldTrump Instagram page, promoting the videos to millions of followers.

— Trump allies in the media continued to attack. O’Keefe’s videos were a top story again on Fox News, with Tucker Carlson at 8pm, “The Five” at 9pm, and Sean Hannity at 10pm all leading with it…

— The W.H. confirmed that Trump and South Korean president Moon Jae-in aren’t planning to hold a joint news conference when Moon is here on Friday. Joint pressers are customary when heads of state are visiting. But the W.H. didn’t schedule one when Indian prime minister Narendra Modi visited on Monday, either.

— The Pentagon gave a non-answer when asked why Secretary of Defense James Mattis decided to travel this week without the usual contingent of TV journalists.

— Journalists were told to leave a Justice Department event marking Pride month, which was taking place in an area normally open to press.

Now add to Stelter’s list these items…

* The damaging retraction by CNN of a wayward report about the Russia investigation that led to the resignation of three top journalists at the network. We still don’t know what was wrong with it; we just know that it did not pass through CNN’s checks and balances.

* Politico’s report that “Donald Trump and his allies believe he’s gained a tactical advantage in his war with the media… Some Trump allies suggested that the recent misstep at CNN is enough to justify drastic changes to how the White House deals with the press, including moving reporters out of the West Wing entirely.”

* Trump’s spectacularly hateful and misogynist tweets about MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, “the latest of a string of escalating attacks by the president on the national news media.”

* The recommendation by Mike Allen of — the most insidery of all Washington journalists — to “stop going to the White House press briefings.”

* Josh Marshall’s analysis that, though the press has shown courage and enterprise in standing up to Trump, “trying to shame the President or demand he change his behavior” is a futile game. Marshall points to “Trump’s need not only for dominance but unending public displays of dominance.”

Trump’s treatment of the press is really a version of the same game, a set of actions meant to produce the public spectacle of ‘Trump acts; reporters beg.’ ‘Reporters beg and Trump says no.’ Demanding, shaming all amount to trying to force actions which reporters have no ability to compel. That signals weakness. And that’s the point.
With all that as provocation, I want to pull the camera back a bit, and offer these thoughts: Why is this happening?

We are used to candidates who, when they win the nomination, try to bring the party together by embracing those who supported the losers. We are used to nominees who, when they win the White House, try to bring the country together by speaking to voters who did not support them in November. This is normal behavior. This is what we expect from presidents of both parties.

Trump rejects all that. His idea is to deepen the attachment between himself and his core supporters so that nothing can disturb that bond. The substitution of depth (of attachment) for breadth (of appeal) is confusing and disorienting to those who believe in consensus politics. This includes many of our most prominent journalists. They are stunned and confused by this exchange.

Among the consequences is that persuasion drops out of the calculus of success, meaning: Trump is not trying to win the support of anyone who is not naturally allied with him. This is abnormal behavior in an American president. Common expectations for the occupant of the White House simply assume that a case will be made for why the country as a whole should support the person in power. Sitting on high, the press is accustomed to judging how strong or weak that case for support is. Opinion polls provide the proof, especially the president’s approval rating. But if strength of attachment matters more than breadth of appeal, then approval ratings are a misleading metric.

But it’s worse than that. Once you remove persuasion from the equation many things tumble out of place. Plausibility itself becomes superfluous. Adjusting the claims of the White House to any common measure of reality breaks down as a discipline. What matters is the strength of the bond with core supporters, not the ability of the Administration to answer questions, parry doubts, or mount a convincing case for its program. This is one reason that lying has become a White House routine.

And this is why the daily briefing is in such trouble. The whole premise of that event is that the White House ought to make a credible show before reporters because reporters are a rough proxy for the unconvinced. But what if the people in power don’t care to convince the unconvinced? And what if reporters are seen, not as any sort of proxy for the voting public, but as avatars of an elite that has already been put down by the prior year’s election returns?

The field of possibilities widens. Once persuasion drops out of the calculus, journalists seem less threatening as judges and more useful as foils. Peering out over the assembled press corps, the White House briefer has a choice of convenient hate objects. Shall it be Glenn Thrush or Jon Karl today… April Ryan or Hallie Jackson? Those called upon may think themselves empowered to put tough questions to the people in charge, but if the people in charge care only about the reactions of core supporters their task is all too simple: put down the liberal media. An easy win. And the one campaign promise the president seems able to keep.

The whole premise of the daily briefing is that the White House has to grapple with tough questions. That is the test. But what if the White House cares not if it fails this test? More access, more toughness, and more on-camera briefings are no answer to that. This is where we stand today. The Trump government isn’t trying to persuade its doubters. There is no form of toughness that can redress this fact. Forget the briefing. It is already gone. A dead form, killed by the president’s approach to politics. It doesn’t even go out to the country in the way a normal White House communique would. It runs through the press to the president’s core supporters in a kind of closed loop.

Time to start planning for unforeseen events. When all forms of access and all avenues for questioning are choked off, journalism can still thrive. But it needs to become smarter. This is why I have been saying since January: send the interns. Redirect your most experienced people to outside-in reporting. They cannot visit culture war upon you if they don’t know where you are. The press has to become less predictable. And it has to stop volunteering as a hate object.

UPDATE July 1: A reporter in the current White House briefing room responds to what I wrote here, saying he respects the argument but disagrees. He defends the briefing and the importance of being there in the White House. Read what Hunter Walker of Yahoo News has to say. Bonus: The CBC in Canada covers this post.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:01 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Trump/Russia Expands – GOP Senator & Congressmen Possibly Implicated

TOPICS:Dana RohrabacherDonald TrumpEd RoyceJames RischPaul ManafortVladimir Putin

There has been a lot made in the media lately about President Trump’s campaign adviser, Paul Manafort. While investigations look into his involvement as a possible actor in the 2016 election influence campaign by Russia, it now appears as though his involvement may go even deeper.

Yesterday evening, was made aware of a complaint that has been filed by Massachusetts Attorney, J. Whitfield Larrabee against Republican U.S. Representatives Dana Rohrabacher (48th Congressional District of California) and Ed Royce (39th Congressional District of California) as well as Republican U.S. Senator James Risch of Idaho, in relation to contributions which appear to have been made through Paul Manafort and other lobbyists who were illegally acting as intermediaries for foreign entities — more specifically the Ukraine Party of Regions (a Vladimir Putin ally) and the European Centre For a Modern Ukraine (also a Putin ally).

“In the course of pursuing litigation against Paul Manafort in Connecticut to revoke his law license, I determined that Rohrabacher, Royce and Risch illegally received payments from the Ukraine Party of Regions and the European Centre For a Modern Ukraine,” Attorney, J. Whitfield Larrabee tells “The Federal Election Campaign Act prohibits foreign nationals from making campaign contributions to candidates for federal office. It also prohibits contributions made by one person in the name of another. Paul Manafort, Vin Weber, Ed Kutler and other lobbyists illegally acted as intermediaries for the foreign entities in making the contributions. After the lobbyists made donations, they were reimbursed by the Party of Regions and the European Centre For a Modern Ukraine. The pattern of conduct indicates that the payments originated with foreign nationals and were made by means of a straw donor scheme.”

Larrabee has filed a formal complaint with the House Office of Congressional Ethics. He has also sent a formal letter to the Department of Justice, specifically directed at Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, and suggests that other Senators, Representatives, lobbyists, foreign agents and foreign nationals also likely participated in the criminal scheme, often referred to as a straw donor scheme.

Larrabee suggests that Rohrabacher and Royce committed criminal violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act, 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and § 30122, by knowingly receiving and accepting illegal campaign contributions made by foreign nations, and knowingly accepting contributions made by one person in the name of another person as part of a straw donor scheme.

The fact that this scheme may go even deeper than those mentioned here, could conceivable cause huge disruptions not only for the Republican party but for the entire House and Senate should this move past a formal complaint. What is even more disturbing is the fact that these contributions apparently came from pro-Putin groups, groups which appear to be trying to recruit influence over more individuals within the Republican party. All three of these individuals mentioned have shown to be avid Donald Trump supporters since his campaign began.

Senator Risch has been a huge defender of Trump, taking aim at leakers recently. He also happens to be on the Senate Intelligence Committee, the same committee that is currently investigating Trump’s possible collusion with Russia. Could these allegations help explain why so many Republican Senators and Congressmen have continued to support Trump through the entire Russian election meddling investigation? Could more of these politicians be involved in Russian collusion as well?

The letter that Larrabee sent to the Department of Justice can be found below:

Enclosed please find a complaint against Representative Dana Rohrabacher and Representative Edward Royce filed today with the House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics. I request that the Department of Justice investigate the complaint as it concerns a scheme to illegally contribute funds from foreign nationals to candidates for federal office. The complaint also describes an illegal straw donor scheme. One of the lobbyists who participated in the scheme, Paul J. Manafort, Jr., is reportedly under investigation by the office of Special Counsel. Since there are potential links to the Russia investigation, I have requested the Special Counsel to investigate the matter. The complaint concerns illegal activities of lobbyists and unregistered foreign agents in Washington, D.C. that are likely within the purview of U. S. Attorney Phillips. Finally the complaint concerns criminal activity by elected officials and therefore may fall within the purview of the Public Integrity Section.

Although the complaint describes the illegal acceptance of contributions by Members of the House of Representatives, the criminal scheme extended to the United States Senate. Jim Risch is an Idaho Senator who served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2013. Three lobbyists from Mercury Public Affairs met with Senator Risch on November 13, 2013. The lobbyists were John Vincent Weber, Edward Kutler and Michael McSherry. The purpose of the meeting was to lobby on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (“ECFMU”) a foreign national. These facts were disclosed in Mercury’s registration statement under the Foreign Agents Registration Act that it recently filed. On December 4, 2013, according to Mercury’s statement and Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) records, Weber, Kutler and McSherry each contributed $1,000 to the Jim Risch for U. S. Senate Committee. Mercury was reimbursed for the lobbyists’ contributions between March 31, 2014 and April 7, 2014, when the ECFMU paid Mercury over $218,000 in fees and “reimbursement.” Risch accepted the contributions, knowing that they were paid through a straw, and that the funds came from the ECFMU, or other foreign nationals of Ukrainian or Russian origin who where laundering money though the ECFMU. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 prohibits the giving and receiving of contributions from foreign nationals. 52 U.S.C. § 30122 prohibits the giving and receiving of contributions made by one person in the name of another. By receiving and accepting the contributions, Risch knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. §§ 30121 and 30122.

It is likely that other Senators, Representatives, lobbyists, foreign agents and foreign nationals also participated in this expansive criminal scheme.

As the five year statute of limitations for filing criminal charges against many of the individuals participating in the scheme may pass shortly, I respectfully request that the Department of Justice conduct an expedited investigation of the activities described in the complaint and in this letter.

Thank you for your time and consideration of these matters.

Below you will find a screenshot showing part of the formal complaint showing payments received by the Royce Campaign

Image ... mplicated/


Not since the darkest days of the Cold War has Russia been so front and center in our consciousness. What happened to create this? How did Russia go from Glasnost and Perestroika to Putin and Kleptocracy?

Did the country change, did the people change, or were the current tendencies there all along?

Arkady Ostrovsky, a Russian-born journalist who has spent 16 years reporting from Moscow, talks with WhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman about the reality behind the headlines.

The author of The Invention of Russia: From Gorbachev’s Freedom to Putin’s War, Ostrovsky shows that Russian President Vladimir Putin, like his US counterpart Donald Trump, is simply a reactive politician, driven to using nationalism to exploit fear, insecurity and feelings of inferiority.

However, in Putin’s case, the nation’s fear and insecurity are far more real.

Russ Baker, Sean Stone
Russ Baker and Sean Stone Photo credit: RT / WhoWhatWhy / YouTube
The key to understanding the Trump-Russia entanglements requires going back long before the 2016 presidential campaign, and looking at the parade of organized crime figures who passed through Trump Tower — or in some cases, did business with the Trump Organization, and even Trump himself.

Many of these shady figures stem from the countries of the former Soviet Union, have ties to the oligarchs and, through them, to the Kremlin itself. And there’s an FBI angle.

WhoWhatWhy has been at the forefront of investigating these remarkable relationships.

In this television interview, remarkably aired on the Russian-run English language news network RT, host Sean Stone asks Russ Baker about these issues, and deserves credit for doing so. However — references to oligarchs with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and to organized crime were edited out by RT. ... ean-stone/

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton

A meeting arranged by Donald Trump Jr. was held at Trump Tower in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin.
JULY 9, 2017
President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.

The meeting was also attended by his campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kushner only recently disclosed the meeting, though not its content, in confidential government documents described to The New York Times.

The Times reported the existence of the meeting on Saturday. But in subsequent interviews, the advisers and others revealed the motivation behind it. ... KyaqGWOmFD

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:37 pm

Lawyer Who Met Don Jr. Was Key Player In High-Profile Money Laundering Case

By SAM THIELMAN Published JULY 10, 2017 6:08 PM

In July of 2016, Donald Trump, Jr. met a 42-year-old Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya who had promised him damaging information about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. One of his father’s contacts, a music publicist named Rob Goldstone, had arranged the meeting as a favor to a client of his, the Azeri real estate developer and pop singer Emin. Goldstone had worked with the Trumps on the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. There were other reasons to take the meeting, too: Emin’s father, Aras Agalarov, is the 51st-richest man in Russia and an instrumental figure in the President’s aborted foray into Russian real estate: the Moscow tower he tried—and failed—to erect.

Trump Jr. has said he knew absolutely nothing about Veselnitskaya before their meeting, not even her name. She turned out to use the promise of information that could help his father’s campaign as a pretext to discuss reinstating a popular Russian-American adoption program, according to his version of events. What could be more harmless?

In fact, Veselnitskaya was already a key figure for the defense in one of the most notorious money-laundering scandals in recent memory, encompassing $230 million in public funds allegedly stolen from the Russians by a network of corrupt bureaucrats and routed through ironclad Swiss bank accounts into real estate sales, including some in Manhattan. And she was accused of lobbying U.S. officials for a Russian NGO that sought to overturn the Russian ban on U.S. adoptions, according to a complaint filed with the U.S. Justice Department and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Veselnitskaya’s Facebook page paints a picture of a conservative Russian woman eager to defend her government from insults, hawkish on Israel and deeply concerned about American politics. “Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder,” she wrote on July 1, 2016—American liberalism. She also had derisive remarks for Brooklyn-born Muslim organizer Linda Sarsour and crusading former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was ousted by Trump. “The current U.S. Attorney General (Sally Yates) stated that all lawyers working for the government do not have the right to defend the government and trump orders!” Veselnitskaya wrote on Jan. 31. “In such cases, the general should resign.”

Veselnitskaya received her degree from Kutafin Moscow State Law University in 1998. In 2013, she agreed to represent Denis Katsyv, the son of Russian railroad baron Petr Katsyv and owner of the Prevezon group. The younger Katsyv was accused of collaborating with corrupt Russian officials in the money-laundering scheme. Then-U.S. attorney and “Sheriff of Wall Street” Preet Bharara led the charge against Prevezon; the company, his office said, had used cash from the theft to buy condos in Bharara’s jurisdiction.

Katsyv had been Veselnitskaya’s highest-profile client by far, and his defense would be a world-historic success not just for the wealthy real estate investor, but for the Russian establishment under President Vladimir Putin.

Until this weekend, the closest Veselnitskaya had come to the public eye was as a footnote to the compounding scandal of the Prevezon affair. Veselnitskaya had come to the United States with Katsyv, who was to be deposed by Bharara’s team. Not only wasn’t she deposed herself, she didn’t attend her client’s deposition in person. But after the deposition, she moved to the Plaza Hotel for the remaining two nights of her stay at a cost of $995 per night. Her firm then billed the U.S. government for the entire stay, as well as a single meal for five that included eight grappas, two bottles of wine, eighteen dishes and a bill that came to nearly $800. The group’s total expenses topped $50,000, and they promised to file more.

The legal proceedings in which Veselnitskaya was enmeshed contain a spy novel’s-worth of twists, turns and tragic, suspicious accidents. Sergei Magnitsky, a whistleblowing accountant who called attention in Russia to Prevezon’s alleged widespread embezzlement, was arrested and detained without trial for nearly a year until his death in 2009 from what prison staff described as “pancreonecrosis, ruptured abdominal membrane and toxic shock,” according to the U.S. government’s suit against Prevezon. The Russian Interior Ministry later revised the cause of death to heart failure. When Magnitsky’s family examined his body, they found bruises and that his fingers had been broken, according to an early draft of a report by then-president Dmitry Medvedev’s own investigative committee.

The incident led to a controversial piece of legislation: 2012’s Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned 18 Russian officials believed by the US to have been involved in Magnitsky’s death. Five days later, the Russian parliament voted to ban adoptions of Russian children by Americans, a move understood to be retaliation for the Magnitsky Act. Putin, by that time president of Russia again, also began to compile an “anti-Magnitsky” list of his own, according to the New York Times. Bharara was among the prominent names on it.

Trump Jr.’s conversation with Veselnitskaya, to his disappointment, focused on “a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government,” he said in a Sunday statement. That may be a roundabout way of saying Veselnitskaya wanted to discuss sanctions on Russian officials. Veselnitskaya campaigned unsuccessfully to keep Magnitsky’s name off the punitive 2012 law, according to the Times, and then, through an NGO called The Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation (HRAGIF), to have it repealed, supposedly for the sake of Russian children who could find American homes if the adoption ban were lifted in response.

The latter activity got Veselnitskaya some unwanted attention. She is not named on HRAGIF’s list of lobbyists under the Lobbying Disclosure Act, but she was accused of lobbying U.S. politicians, according to an email provided to Sen. Grassley by Hermitage Capital in a complaint (Magnitsky was at work for Hermitage CEO William Browder when he discovered the alleged money-laundering scheme). HRAGIF listed only two lobbyists, one of whom is Renit Akhmetsin, the former agent for the Russian FSB security service who in April met with Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA) in Berlin to discuss Prevezon. Russian friendliness to Rohrbacher has been a bone of contention with the FBI and the butt of “jokes” from Rohrbacher’s fellow Republicans. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told colleagues in an audio recording that surfaced in May: “There’s two people I think Putin pays, Rohrabacher and Trump.”

Magnitsky’s death, and the original theft by Russian bureaucrats, are believed by many, including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), to be the work of the Klyuev Group, a network of criminals working in the Russian government to enrich themselves at the expense of Russian citizens (its exploits are chronicled in English in a number of articles by reporter Michael Weiss). Magnitsky and others sought to expose what they believed was hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of graft by the group.

The suit against Prevezon never went to trial. On March 11, Donald Trump fired Bharara, and on March 21, Nikolai Gorokhov, the Magnitsky family’s attorney and a key witness for the prosecution, fell from the fourth floor of an apartment building, apparently when a rope broke while he and others were trying to move a bathtub in through the window. He sustained head injuries.

The United States settled its case against Prevezon and its associated companies in May for $6 million, a fraction of the judgment a guilty verdict would likely have brought. Veselnitskaya declared victory on Facebook: “[A] 4-Year-old battle of the American State with a Russian citizen is over. With the Russians,” she wrote on Facebook. ... re-1069057

Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign

WASHINGTON — Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.

The email to the younger Mr. Trump was sent by Rob Goldstone, a publicist and former British tabloid reporter who helped broker the June 2016 meeting. In a statement on Sunday, Mr. Trump acknowledged that he was interested in receiving damaging information about Mrs. Clinton, but gave no indication that he thought the lawyer might have been a Kremlin proxy.

Mr. Goldstone’s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information. It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign. There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.

But the email is likely to be of keen interest to the Justice Department and congressional investigators, who are examining whether any of President Trump’s associates colluded with the Russian government to disrupt last year’s election. American intelligence agencies have determined that the Russian government attempted to sway the election in favor of Mr. Trump.

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton JULY 9, 2017

Donald Trump Jr.’s Two Different Explanations for Russian Meeting JULY 9, 2017

Alan Futerfas, the lawyer for the younger Mr. Trump, said his client had done nothing wrong but pledged to work with investigators if contacted.

”In my view, this is much ado about nothing. During this busy period, Robert Goldstone contacted Don Jr. in an email and suggested that people had information concerning alleged wrongdoing by Democratic Party front-runner, Hillary Clinton, in her dealings with Russia,” he said to The Times in an email on Monday. “Don Jr.’s takeaway from this communication was that someone had information potentially helpful to the campaign and it was coming from someone he knew. Don Jr. had no knowledge as to what specific information, if any, would be discussed.”

It is unclear whether Mr. Goldstone had direct knowledge of the origin of the damaging material. One person who was briefed on the emails said it appeared that he was passing along information that had been given to him by others.

Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, and Paul J. Manafort, the campaign chairman at the time, also attended the June 2016 meeting in New York. Representatives for Mr. Kushner referred requests for comments back to an earlier statement, which said he voluntarily disclosed the meeting to the federal government. He has deferred questions on the content of the meeting to Donald Trump Jr.

A spokesman for Mr. Manafort declined to comment.

But at the White House, deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was adamant from the briefing room lectern that “the president’s campaign did not collude in any way. Don Jr. did not collude with anybody to influence the election. No one within the Trump campaign colluded in order to influence the election.”

The president, a prolific Twitter user, did not address his son’s controversy on Monday, and instead sought to highlight other issues throughout the morning.

In a series of tweets, the president’s son insisted he did what anyone connected to a political campaign would have done — to hear out potentially damaging information about an opponent. He maintained that his various statements about the meeting weren’t in conflict.

“Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent... went nowhere but had to listen,” he wrote in one tweet. In another, he added, “No inconsistency in statements, meeting ended up being primarily about adoptions. In response to further Q’s I simply provided more details.”

The younger Mr. Trump, who had a reputation during the campaign for having meetings with a wide range of people eager to speak to him, did not join his father’s administration. He runs the family business, the Trump Organization, with his brother, Eric.

On Monday, after news reports that he had hired a lawyer, he indicated in a tweet that he would be open to speaking to the Senate Intelligence Committee, one of the congressional panels investigating Russian meddling in the election. “Happy to work with the committee to pass on what I know,” the younger Mr. Trump wrote.

Mr. Goldstone represents the Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, whose father was President Trump’s business partner in bringing the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013. In an interview Monday, Mr. Goldstone said he was asked by Mr. Agalarov to set up the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya.

“He said, ‘I’m told she has information about illegal campaign contributions to the D.N.C.,’” Mr. Goldstone recalled, referring to the Democratic National Committee. He said he then emailed Donald Jr., outlining what the lawyer purported to have.

But Mr. Goldstone, who wrote the email over a year ago, denied any knowledge of involvement by the Russian government in the matter, saying that never dawned on him. “Never, never ever,” he said. Later, after the email was described to The Times, efforts to reach him for further comment were unsuccessful.

In the interview, he said it was his understanding that Ms. Veselnitskaya was simply a “private citizen” for whom Mr. Agalarov wanted to do a favor. He also said he did not know whether Mr. Agalarov’s father, Aras Agalarov, a Moscow real estate tycoon known to be close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, was involved. The elder Mr. Agalarov and the younger Mr. Trump worked together to bring a Trump Tower to Moscow, but the project never got off the ground.

Mr. Goldstone also said his recollection of the meeting largely tracked with the account given by the president’s son, as outlined in the Sunday statement Mr. Trump released in response to a Times story on the June 2016 meeting. Mr. Goldstone said that the last time he had communicated with the younger Mr. Trump was to send him a congratulatory text after the November election, but added that he did speak to the Trump Organization over the past weekend, before giving his account to the media.

Donald Trump Jr., who initially told The Times that Ms. Veselnitskaya wanted to talk about the resumption of adoption of Russian children by American families, acknowledged in the Sunday statement that one subject of the meeting was possibly compromising information about Mrs. Clinton.

But he said that the Russian lawyer produced nothing of consequence, and that the meeting ended after she began talking about the Magnitsky Act — an American law that blacklists suspected Russian human rights abusers. The 2012 law so enraged Mr. Putin that he halted American adoptions of Russian children.

Mr. Goldstone said Ms. Veselnitskaya offered “just a vague, generic statement about the campaign’s funding and how people, including Russian people, living all over the world donate when they shouldn’t donate” before turning to her anti-Magnitsky Act arguments.

“It was the most inane nonsense I’ve ever heard,” he said. “And I was actually feeling agitated by it. Had I, you know, actually taken up what is a huge amount of their busy time with this nonsense?”

Ms. Veselnitskaya, for her part, denied that the campaign or compromising material about Mrs. Clinton ever came up at all. She said she never acted on behalf of the Russian government. A spokesperson for Mr. Putin said on Monday that the Russian president did not know Ms. Veselnitskaya, and had no knowledge of the June 2016 meeting.

Ms. Sanders said at a press briefing that the American president had learned of the meeting recently but declined to discuss details.

The White House press office, however, accused Mrs. Clinton’s team of hypocrisy. The office circulated a January 2017 article published in Politico, detailing how officials from the Ukranian government tried to help the Democratic candidate conduct opposition research on Mr. Trump and some of his aides.

News of the meeting involving the younger Mr. Trump, Mr. Kushner and Mr. Manafort blunted whatever good feeling the president’s team had after his trip to Europe for the Group of 20 economic summit.

The president learned from his aides about the 2016 meeting at the tail end of the trip, according to one White House official. But some people in the White House had known for several days that it had occurred, because Mr. Kushner had revised his foreign contact disclosure document to include it.

The president was aggravated by the news of the meeting, according to one person close to him — less over the fact that it had happened, and more because it was yet another story about Russia that had swamped the media cycle. ... idacy.html

somebody's leaking big time on jr. :)

the first persons team trump to may have known about the email hack was jr. Manafort and Kushner

timing is everything :D

The Sunday Afternoon of the Long Knives?

Evan Vucci/AP
By JOSH MARSHALL Published JULY 10, 2017 3:44 PM

Yesterday I noted that the biggest thing in the Times‘ Don Jr article was the sourcing. The story came, apparently unprompted or voluntarily, from what the Times identified as 5 advisors to the White House. Top Trump advisors don’t casually drop incredibly damaging information about the President’s son for no reason. You do that to get ahead of something bigger.

But … remember, this is Trump World. And now I realize there’s a quite different potential explanation, but in the spirit of Trump’s Razor (perhaps Trump’s Razor by Proxy?) the stupidest one possible.

Let’s speak entirely hypothetically. We tend to think of Donald Trump and his top advisors and associates as something of a group. But really there are numerous players, each with their own particular and distinct legal exposure. Many of them are driven by comical but intense feuds with each other. Flynn, Kushner, Manafort and a bunch of others are already in profound legal jeopardy. Anyone already in hot water might see advantage in making Don Jr the center of attention in the scandal. Not smart or longterm thinking but thinking nonetheless.

Who else might have it in for Don Jr? Well, what about Corey Lewandowski? Lewandowski was canned on June 20th, 2016, a bit less than two weeks after Don Jr’s meeting with that Russian lawyer. He’d be in a position to know the details of the meeting since he was still at least nominally still the campaign manager. And Lewandowski was reportedly fired after an intervention with Trump by his kids, Ivanka and Don Jr and Jared Kushner (my sense is at this point is that Eric is only allowed to run the winery). It also wouldn’t be the first time. One of the things that got Lewandowski fired was that he started shopping dirt to reporters about Kushner. That was reckless and stupid and poorly executed. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Flynn, Manafort and perhaps Flynn’s ne’er-do-well son also look like logical culprits. But it’s not clear any of them could still be reasonable called advisors – though we cannot rule out at least the first two from still advising from the outside. Remember, the White House Counsel has reportedly had to warn Trump repeatedly against contact with Flynn (it’s a bit like a Mary Kay Letourneau situation). But Lewandowski has definitely been back in the fold, even coming close to being hired a month or so ago to run a Russia war room.

These are all purely hypotheticals. It remains key that five people that the Times chose to call advisors to the White House talked to the Times. That’s a lot of people. But today I get the sense that the story is one I should have considered more fully yesterday: one of the biggest threats to the Trump White House is the kind of dingbat, spy v spy infighting and blood feuds we’ve observed already but likely only know the half of. In a normal White House this might just lead to lots of bad press and lack of esprit de corps. Reagan’s White House was a bit notorious for this. But when numerous advisors, in and outside the White House, are looking at profound legal jeopardy, the stakes get a lot higher.

If my hypothetical is correct, it is bad news for the White House. If “advisors” to the White House are sharing incriminating stories with reporters to knife their administration enemies rather than help the White House by making the best of a bad situation, which is what I surmised yesterday, well … that won’t end well for any of them. And it looks like that is what’s happening. ... re-1069274

Donald Trump Jr. Hires Crime Mob Lawyer for Russia Investigation
The president's son hired New York lawyer Alan Futerfas, who has experience defending cases involving organized crime groups.
By Celisa Calacal / AlterNet July 10, 2017, 2:18 PM GMT

Donald Trump Jr. has hired New York lawyer Alan Futerfas to represent him in ongoing investigations regarding his father Donald Trump and his potential ties to Russia, according to Reuters. Futerfas, a criminal defense lawyer, has had experience in the past representing members of organized crime mobs, particularly the Gambino, Genovese, and Colombo families.

The hiring of Futerfas comes on the heels of a New York Times investigation revealing that Trump Jr. had met with a Russian lawyer in the midst of the 2016 presidential election who offered to hand over potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Futerfas has a history of representing members of organized crime rings. In 1993, Futerfas represented a member of the infamous Genovese crime family, Salvatore “Sally Dogs” Lombardi from Staten Island. Lombardi and a number of other defendants from the family were facing trial for attempting to illegally expand gambling operations into Atlantic City. A jury ultimately found Lombardi guilty of racketeering, extortion and illegal gambling.

Again in 1998, Futerfas was the defense attorney for Anthony Russo, who was convicted of murder and racketeering charges along with two other mobsters for involvement in the crime family’s street war. The constant violence in 1991 and 1992 caused by the crime family led to 11 deaths. In 1998, the three mobsters were denied a new trial after being found guilty in 1993.

Futerfas also represented Anthony's son, Alfonse Russo, in a case where he and two other white teenagers beat a black man in Brooklyn in 1997 in a racially motivated attack. According to the New York Times, Alfonse had beat the victim with the bar of a steering wheel. Alfonse and the two teenagers were later convicted of second-degreee assault and second-degree aggravated harassment, but escaped the more serious charge of attempted murder.

In 2012, Futerfas was the defense attorney 35-year-old Michael “Roc” Roccaforte, a mobster who was part of the group of 27 arrested by police in the Southern District of Manhattan. Roccaforte had pleaded guilty to breaking a multitude of laws in the past decade, including racketeering, selling drugs, gambling and loan sharking. He received a 118-month sentence for his crimes, a sentence four months harsher than what federal prosecutors aimed for. Futerfas unsuccessfully tried arguing for the minimum-possible 97-month sentence for Roccaforte. ... estigation

The first tweet Trump sent after the meeting between Manafort, Don Jr. and Veselnitskaya happened to also be the first time Trump mentioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “missing 33,000 emails.”

WASHINGTON — Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: NSA Chief Russia Hacked '16 Election Congress Must Inves

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:42 am

one email is the start of the downing of blimp trump :D

What else is there to say? :lol:

live by the email die by the email :evilgrin

The Hits Keep Coming

By JOSH MARSHALL Published JULY 10, 2017 11:03 PM
The New York Times has followed up with a third installment in its Don Jr series in as many days. I’m not sure there’s much to analyze. It’s pretty straightforward. When Don Jr was contacted about meeting with the Russian lawyer who had dirt on Hillary Clinton he was told that the dirt was part of a Russian government operation. He took the meeting on that basis.

Aside from artfully described changing stories from the various people in the story, people suddenly disappearing when confronted with more damning evidence and the like, that is basically the entirety of the article. But that fact seems like more than enough for twenty articles or perhaps a hundred.

Less than six weeks before Wikileaks released its first tranche of emails, only a month before that still never explained platform intervention, Donald Trump Jr was was asked to take a meeting with a Russian lawyer who had dirt on Hillary Clinton. He was told that the dirt was the product of a Russian government program. He took the meeting in hopes of getting the dirt.

What else is there to say?

when you've lost the Drudge :)


Trump Jr. Now Tied To Banker Behind Russian Money Laundering Scheme

Donald Trump spoke at a Latvian bank with branches in Moscow, Kiev and London, and held a meeting with the owner of Baltic International Bank in 2012.
Donald Trump Jr. has a direct, personal connection to the central figure in multiple money laundering cases involving Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, UK, Seychelles Islands, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico and the United States.
Donald Trump Jr. gave a paid speech to Baltic International Bank’s annual conference in 2012 and now he’s blocking people on Twitter who discuss the trip — and his meeting in Riga with its founder — the controversial Latvian banker and former-British football club executive Valērijs Belokoņs aka Valeri Belokon.

Baltic International Bank has branches in Moscow, Latvia, Ukraine and London.
Trump Jr.’s hyper-active Twitter blocking led me to dig deeper into his contact at Baltic International Bank (BIB), and when the Democratic Coalition’s senior advisor Scott Dworkin found a series of #TrumpLeaks photos of Trump Jr. on the bank’s website we both believed there was more to the story. He said:

“Don Jr. is looking for an easy out. He met one on one with the head of a bank that was actively running a scam to launder money for mexican drug lords. When confronted with hard evidence, he didn’t deny or clarify, he ran away and hid like a coward.”

It turns out that Baltic International Bank has been named as a Mexican cartel money laundering agent, is subject of a criminal inquiry in another former Soviet state Kyrgyzstan, plus Valeri Belokon’s partners in Blackpool F.C. accuse the banker of pumping dirty cash into their one-time British Premier League football club.
I suppose that is why Donald Trump Jr. blocked me on Twitter as well, after writing this story about his meeting with said Latvian banker.
Belokon’s Baltic International Bank wrote a money laundering manual, and got caught last year, and fined because of the OOCRP’s reporting.

This short video by the Organized Crime & Corruption Reporting Project (OOCRP) explains how Baltic International Bank’s money laundering “how to” manual (in English) helped criminals move illicit cash.

Just like the Mediterranean island of Cyprus who shares a religion with Russia — and where Democratic Congressional investigators visited investigating Trump related money laundering — Latvia’s cultural and language ties has enabled it too, to become an EU hotspot for Russian money laundering.

Even Deutche Bank — recently cited in the $10 billion dollar mirror trading money laundering scam — has cut off most Latvian banks from dollar based transactions, as foreign cash pours into the tiny nation.
BIB even posted new photos to congratulate Donald Trump on winning America’s presidency on November 9th, 2016.
And they show Trump Jr. meeting with Belokon.
One on one.
The Trump Organization made Latvian headlines in 2011 when it entered into discussions about funding a major concert hall.
Then Latvian media reported in 2012 that Trump Jr. was mainly interested in building a concert hall venue in Riga.
After last year’s election, a Latvian news website wrote a follow up story — which the source of the cover image of this story — showing a meeting between the two men, Trump Jr. and Belokon, looking rather pleased in a posed action photo, as well as the two images below.
Latvian media made no mention of this meeting, nor did a subsequent video where Trump Jr. claimed to have lots of Russian business ties — which has still somehow evaded numerous media reports about the family’s business.

Trump Jr. is wearing the same powder blue tie in all of his photos from both 2012 and those released in 2016 which detail his meeting with Baltic International Bank owner Valeri Belokon.
EXIF data from the above photos dates the images from the same time as Trump Jr.’s public speech in 2012 to the Latvian bank conference.
Trump Jr. himself said it was mostly a networking opportunity and never publicly mentioned meeting the owner of the bank.
He even met with the concert hall project promoters again — making local headlines — but it would it would be the final media mention of the Trump Organization’s interest in the project.

Trump Jr. Has Good Reason To Fear Being Associated With Belokon And BIB

Belokon’s Baltic International Bank also was caught laundering $860 million dollars in Mexican cartel money in 2011, from a company named Tormex — a phantom company in New Zealand — into the now-defunct US bank Wachovia.
The money laundering scam reached from Mexico to Latvia through Russia and to the remote Seychells Islands and Vanautu in the South Pacific to New Zealand. Ukrainian companies were used to generate fake invoices and contracts.


In the end, Wachovia was caught handling over $350 billion dollars in Mexican cash transactions without money laundering controls by the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, before failing and being acquired by Wells Fargo.
Australia’s financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC published a complete case study with the succinct diagram you see on the left explaining exactly how Sinaloa cartel money found its way to Latvia.
Notably, the Latvian bank’s ties to Mexican drug cartels were publicly established before Trump Jr. met with Valeri

Belokon at Baltic International Bank the following year.

Belokon’s British Football Dealings Sunk By Former Soviet State Money Laundering Problems

Valeri Belokon is also involved in a series of high-stakes lawsuits over British football club Blackpool FC.

Belokon’s Latvian bank was involved with another bank he set up in the former Soviet state of Kyrgyzstan.
The two issues have become linked as Belokon’s British partners accused the Latvian of pumping laundered money into Blackpool FC’s books after buying a minority stake in the club and spending big bucks on player acquisitions.
Blackpool FC formally suspended Valeri Belokon this March after a Paris court found that his Latvian bank and his Kyrgyzstani Manas Bank, were both involved in large scale money laundering — an accusation which he of course denies.

The Paris Court overturned a lower court ruling against Kyrgyzstan which called their shutdown and seizure of Manas Bank an illegal taking, in light of the new evidence of money laundering practices from Latvian bank regulators.
The Court also found that Belokon’s Manas Bank engaged in a greater volume of transactions than that of the entire GDP for the country of Kyrgyzstan:

The Court gave weight to the data from the experts’ reports regarding the amount of transactions that Manas Bank operated. The Cour d’Appel noted that it had considerably exceeded the GDP of Kyrgyzstan in 2008, which could not be explained by the ordinary banking practices in a country with such poor economic conditions as in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Just last month, Kyrgyzstan hit Belokon with a criminal 20-year money laundering sentence after a trial in absentia last month. However, because of the lack of due process, the verdict isn’t enforceable in European jurisdictions.
After Belokon’s big cash investments into Blackpool’s soccer team in 2010 — and management as club President — the small town soccer club made an astronomical rise to enter the British Premier League — the world’s most watched football league — which led to a windfall of television money.
Belokon wound up suing his partners for unfair practices by refusing to pay him profit sharing based upon his return on investment for elevating the club out of the 3rd rate league, and for making loans to the club. Belkon won a cash verdict in the first major case earlier this year.
Blackpool FC has fallen all the way to British football’s 4th division today.
Meanwhile, there’s second civil case against Blackpool F.C.’s owners by Belokon that is being tried in London right now, in what’s being called one of the most expensive cases in British football history.
If the money laundering Latvian bank hadn’t celebrated Donald Trump’s improbable election, we might never have known his son met with a money laundering banker for cartels and Russians so daring, that he marched openly into the world of international sport and started spreading cash everywhere.
I first reported Trump Jr.’s trip to Latvia last October based on the Democratic Coalition’s research, but then only for its significance about his video confession to “lots of Russian business ties” when his father denied having Russian business ties.
We know that was a big fat lie.
Trump Jr.’s ties are President Trump’s ties since the younger is merely an agent of the Trump Organization family business — which is wholly owned by Donald Trump Sr.
If Donald Trump Jr. hadn’t blocked myself and Scott Dworkin, we might’ve never known to follow up on the post-election blog posts about this meeting.
“Blocking people on Twitter for asking questions isn’t leadership,” Dworkin told me in disgust about the President and his sons new penchant for running away from problems.
“It’s un-American.”
Here are the rest of the photos from Trump Jr.’s appearance at Baltic International Bank’s annual conference:
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Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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