Dream's End Interviews Jack Sarfatti

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Postby LilyPatToo » Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:37 pm

elfismiles, I'm sorry you're sick--sounds like one of the nastier flus--stay hydrated, take lots of C and D3 and get better fast! Thank you for that older blog link--I didn't have it. And if you've got all the more recent articles that DE wrote, I hope you'll go ahead and put them up at Theremy as soon as you're feeling up to it.

jingofever--so glad you saved the Sarfatti stuff. Hopefully, DE won't object to them being posted here. My hope is that at some point he'll achieve a clear overview of what was done to him and begin his work again. If I believed that he had any respect for me at all, I'd email him myself and try to persuade him to do that, but coming from me it most likely would have the opposite effect...

Sarfatti is mentioned by Philip Coppens in his The Stargate Conundrum
Uri Geller stated in 1996 that he “probably” believed that “the whole thing with Andrija was financed by the American Defense Department.” That opinion was also expressed by Jack Sarfatti, who added that Puharich was Geller’s case officer in America with money provided by Sir John Whitmore.

A man with no trepidations in linking the CIA with the remote viewing project is Jack Sarfatti, a physicist with a degree from Cornell University. Sarfatti was a friend of Ira Einhorn and moved in the circles that tried to bring about “world change” in the 1970s. Sarfatti identified Harold Chipman, a former CIA station chief, as the middle-man who funded the SRI’s remote viewing project and even the Geller tests. Some other participants on the SRI team were John Hasted of Birbeck College in England; David Bohm, the theoretician of quantum physics, and Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson, “noble” names and innovators indeed.

In 1973, Sarfatti was invited to study Geller and together with a friend, Fred Wolf, he travelled to Europe, to study and lecture. At the same time, Sarfatti became introduced to the French film La Jetée, which formed the inspiration for famous Bruce Willis movie, The Twelve Monkeys, a movie that talks about physical time-travel. Sarfatti had worked for Bohm at Birbeck College –a small world – and he was asked to get the co-operation of the Birbeck College scientists. This request came from Brendan O’Regan, though of the CIA, then working for SRI. It was this that resulted in the Geller tests at Birbeck, in London, in early 1974.

The strange link between physics and ESP came to the forefront in the character of Jack Sarfatti, whom we already introduced. Sarfatti was, in 1952, part of an after-school group of gifted children, being tutored by Walter Breen of the Sandia Corporation, an organisation famous for atomic weapons research and development. Breen was helped by others from Sandia to lecture to these children. In 1952, Sarfatti received a phone-call from outer space – quite literally, he felt. It seemed to predestine him to become a leading physicist, interested in time and space, other dimensions, etc.

Reading material written by Sarfatti brings you in contact with the mind of a person who lives and breaths physics. But before becoming this physicist, he had to study it and it was the same Walter Breen who got Sarfatti a scholarship at Cornell University. Breen predicted that Sarfatti “would make revolutionary discoveries in the foundation of physics”. His professors were no doubt intrigued, as they were all part of the Manhattan Project, the study and development of the atomic bomb. Like Valerian, Sarfatti is not easy to follow. It may be that it is a very complex subject, it may just be they are too clever to express it clearly to the likes of me… But let there be no doubt that Sarfatti is a clever guy…

And, in the really interesting follow-up article "Reactions", Coppens mentions that Sarfatti was one of the first people to contact him after reading the whole 4 part article:
Amongst the first to do so was Jack Sarfatti. He observed that it was curious that it was in 1953 that Puharich was getting started with the Army and that he would meet Puharich twenty years later. He also noted that he may have met Colonel Corso before 1953, when Sarfatti’s grandfather was working at Army Quartermasters in Garment District of Manhattan where he used to visit after school. He was then in Eugene McDermott's group – part of the Arthur Young Cabal in 1954-56 – and met Arthur himself in 1974. Sarfatti reiterated that the enigmatic phone calls he received occurred in the summer of 1953. “I met Walter Breen soon after that via Robert Bashlow who recruited me and Johnny Glogower. Also Robert Solovay (briefly). Breen was working for Professor William Sheldon at Columbia Psychiatry Department funded by Eugene McDermott, a World War II Intelligence leader, co-founder of Texas Instruments and University of Texas at Dallas – and part of the Charles Lindburgh, Arthur Young ‘Round Table’ group. Saul-Paul Sirag says that L. Ron Hubbard was part of that scene along with Puharich.

The two men from ‘Sandia, New Mexico’ appeared in maybe 1955 for a brief visit. Breen said he was in an US Army Air Corps plane crash in New Mexico in late 1940s.”

Sarfatti, a leading and controversial quantum physicist, obviously had an opinion on the physics’ quote worked into the third section. He noted that “all physicists will rightly reject those crackpot quotes from ‘Valerian’ you cite as ‘not even wrong’ nonsense.” He did give an intriguing reason why they were crackpot: “Their purpose was to make it easy for the debunkers to discredit all psychotronic weapons work. They are misdirection to throw scientists off the track – not to even touch the problem.” He added that “Valerian (if I recall the name correctly) is allegedly a shady character of interest to the USG Intelligence Community.

And there's much more, all of it concerning people and subjects that we discuss here at RI all the time.

There's also that interesting connection again between atomic power research and possible mind control programs that also occurs in my personal history (and that of the 2 MC program survivors who appeared with Valerie Wolfe in front of Clinton's inquiry on nonconsensual human experimentation). Before I die, I want to understand that angle. Also, onesmartrat, who Dream's End believed was part of an ARG, was part of a Stanford "smart kids program" focused upon physics here in the Bay Area many years ago. As was a local UFO researcher I used to hang out with a while back. Wonder if they knew Sarfatti?

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Postby Avalon » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:48 pm

Col. Quisp wrote:I think it is OK to share the documents since they were at one time freely available on the web. I don't think I would republish them, however, although there is little chance you'd be sued. He would have a hard time showing damages and since the copyright was not registered w/the Liibrary of Congress there is even less chance and no statutory damages, if I am remembering correctly. Haven't looked at the copyright laws in a long time.

These days, by just the creation of original work -- whether published, or registered with the copyright office, you have your copyright.

Anytime we upload the whole of an article to the board, rather than just a small portion that would be okay under Fair Use, we're technically violating copyright, unless there is a Creative Commons notice or other reason that gives permission to do so for a non-commercial board. I'm not sure what Sarfatti's standing is regarding the interview, I'll have to ask my copyright guru. But otherwise, DE's the one who owns the copyright.

That said, the right and wrong of it, in the spirit of the law rather than strict legality, hinges on netiquette, common courtesy, understanding of internet business practices, etc. I'm pretty pragmatic about my decisions to copy something in full or not, and where to use it, but I try to do so with an understanding of the ethics underpinning it, and a weighing of what is the least harmful action.

Here, where we're savvy about knowing how information can be "disappeared" pretty quickly, there are some good reasons to get hold of things and keep them in the light. But it's also good to remember to go to the original site, see if there is any additional material that is useful, make their advertisers happy -- because a lot of websites count on their advertising for their survival.

Are you all aware that Google's cache is pretty short-lived these days? We used to be able to count on obscure stuff still being recoverable from there, but it no longer is. People can ask that things be removed from the cache, or from the Wayback Machine. Don't EVER assume that material may be available for any length of time, not even from what looks like stable, long-lived websites. People change, and sometimes a website is just one virus away from oblivion.
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:57 pm

Avalon wrote:Are you all aware that Google's cache is pretty short-lived these days?

That's the public end of the pool, though. It's all still there, it's just not for pleb-level access anymore.

*intended as a minor FYI, not saying you're "wrong" or anything like that*
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Postby Avalon » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:23 pm

Wombaticus Rex wrote:
Avalon wrote:Are you all aware that Google's cache is pretty short-lived these days?

That's the public end of the pool, though. It's all still there, it's just not for pleb-level access anymore.

*intended as a minor FYI, not saying you're "wrong" or anything like that*

For all intents and purposes, it's just the same as being gone to Us instead of Them. Though there are undoubtedly Themfolk reading the forum that can get whatever info they want from the net past and present whenever they want, the lucky duckies.
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:27 pm


Honestly, I'm just really surprised to find so much consideration / trepidation on this forum about laws that barely ever get enforced and hold no moral weight by any rational standards of "crime" and transgression. Fuck a copyright, and fuck anyone who thinks their personal sitcom trumps the core imperative: Information Wants To Be Free.

I have no ill will towards DE -- quite the opposite, really -- but his "wishes" are utterly besides the point to me. There is an important document that needs to be retrieved and re-distributed here...that's all.

EDIT: this reminded me of the 07 incident where Ingo Swann sent several of his disciples after me -- in a toothlessly digital and charmingly inept way. It was because I was hosting a PDF copy of his uber-weird claim to fame, Penetration, which is clearly more important to him as a legendary rarity than actual book containing information.

I was rather curious as to why the Don Corleone of Remote Viewing was unable to simply ascertain my identity and whereabouts. Perhaps some sort of solar storm was going that week, reducing him have to having his friends send me clumsy-threatening emails demanding that I "come out" from behind my disguise.

Of course, because he protested so much, now Penetration is much easier to find since other people took up the cause.
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Postby jingofever » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:34 pm

Wombaticus Rex wrote:Agreed.

Honestly, I'm just really surprised to find so much consideration / trepidation on this forum about laws that barely ever get enforced and hold no moral weight by any rational standards of "crime" and transgression. Fuck a copyright, and fuck anyone who thinks their personal sitcom trumps the core imperative: Information Wants To Be Free.

I have no ill will towards DE -- quite the opposite, really -- but his "wishes" are utterly besides the point to me. There is an important document that needs to be retrieved and re-distributed here...that's all.

I don't care about copyrights, it's just that he has a complicated history with this board and I don't feel like getting tied up in that. Anyway, the interview:

In 1953, young Jack Sarfatti received an unusual phone call. The voice on the other end claimed to be a computer in an orbiting spacecraft. Sarfatti, in some way, was important to them and he was asked if he would join them. Sarfatti, scared half to death, nevertheless said, “yes” though when he went to the landing to await their ship, his new friends never arrived.

Much of what I have written about, maybe all of it, depends very much on who was on the other end of that phone that day. What follows in the next few posts is a look at Jack Sarfatti’s book Destiny Matrix, a cut-up sort of affair that references an awful lot of names and events that are familiar to readers of Dream’s End, and, in fact, to readers of Wit of the Staircase.

I am not claiming Sarfatti is involved in any argishness…when I asked him outright he replied that he is too busy and has no time for alternate reality on the internet. But his theories and experiences underlie much of the mythology that is at the core of the storyline Joseph Matheny and others continue to offer the world via their arg-like constructs for whatever reason. Indeed, a friend of Sarfatti’s, a physicist named Nick Herbert, was involved in Ong’s Hat and appeared in that storyline as a character as well.

I will begin with recounting a brief email exchange with Sarfatti. His answers are somewhat terse and left me wanting more, but his advice was that I read his book Destiny Matrix which I have now also done.

The book is difficult to read, and I don’t just mean the physics part. Many different people contributed to it and it is not always easy to tell when it is Jack Sarfatti talking or one of the other writers.

Nevertheless, what you will find is someone involved in high level, cutting edge physics who attracted the attention of our military/intelligence community at a fairly early age. Sarfatti is okay with this and believes most of the intelligence agency contact he has had has been with people trying to protect the world from dark forces. Even the intelligence community’s involvement in the occult and paranormal studies is to be desired, thinks Sarfatti, because the bad guys (Islamo-fascists, Nazi occultists etc) are doing the same.

To me, though, I see another narrative, not necessarily completely at odds with his own interpretation, but one that to me smacks of manipulation, indoctrination and deceit. Well, that is the world of spies, after all, but does Sarfatti know who the good guys and bad guys really are? Do we? Is it even possible to tell anymore?

Here now is a transcript of my email conversation with him. I have only edited out redundancies and have done nothing to change the content. Please note that Sarfatti was writing quick responses to me, not writing for purposes of publication, though he gave me permission to reprint this exchange.

DE: Here you are recounting a conversation with Brendan O. Regan. You tell him about the computer voice. He replies he has heard of hundreds of such cases which is hyperlinked to a now defunct link at Brother Blue on Kit Green. So I am curious what Green has to do with the computers calling teenage boys and who else is on that list. (note: Brother Blue has a new website but that story will have to wait for another time.)

JS: part the CIA? recorded meeting is online
i tell the story then summer 1973

(I did not understand this reply or what the tape was. I asked for clarification.)

JS: You need to read my book Destiny Matrix
story is complex – everything explained there
i tell story of the 1953 contact, did you listen to the tape yet?
i am ccing to Sirag who can also explain
also Hank Harrison in similar program same time in Berkeley

(Sirag then gave me this summary, which I will include here)

SPS: The Yutube recording at http://gedcorp.com/APS/1973SRI.mp3 was apparently made from the CD I sent Jack a few years ago. That CD was a faithful copy of the original tape made in 1973 during the meeting in which Jack met Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff, Dean Brown, Lee Sanella, and Frieda Morris. He was taken to this meeting by Brendan O’Regan from SRI. The meeting had been called by Jacques Vallee, who was not present. Jack believes that this meeting was a fulfillment of the promise made during his famous phone call in 1953 that he would meet the “others” in 20 years.

DE: The computer calling could be something earthly, a sort of manipulation to get a talented young man pointed in a desirable direction. Since you ended up in a program with Walter Breen which seemed to have some connection to Sandia, any thoughts that you were recruited in a way for earthly (military) purposes? (Walter Breen ran some sort of gifted program Sarfatti was invited to participate in. Sandia, a weapons manufacturer, sent representatives to lecture the kids at one point.)

JS: Sure, but the weird thing is the 1953 prediction of what would happen in 1973


DE: I know your story to some extent. I am not quite as impressed by the predictions. It read to me the same as a basketball scout telling a junior high player he will be playing with the greats one day. Not at all attempting flattery here, just assuming your intelligence was obvious…

JS: no, you miss the point. He said I would begin to link up with the others in “20 years” – that’s 1973 – the SRI contact

what’s important is the number 20 years

also you do not realize the bizarre circumstances of how I got to SRI in 1973 – it’s in my book Destiny Matrix

DE: I have this vague idea that across the country were special schools which not only recruited intelligent people such as yourself but had some indoctrination purposes as well.

JS: Yes. This was McCarthy era.

DE: The program with Breen sounded like such a program.

JS: Yes, no question of that – people from Sandia came up ~ 1955

DE: You have a scifi writer with impressionable young boys ( I will take it that there (are) no hidden memories here and no abuse occurred in your school despite Breen’s history)…(note, Walter Breen was a known pedophile in scifi circles and eventually ended up in prison.)

JS: no abuse at all

DE: and (there were) lectures on patriotism from a military contractor. What else did you do in that program?

JS: It was like X-men

tests on us for psychic powers

also discussions of art, philosophy, math, physics, Ayn Rand, alien intelligence

DE: I thought I read somewhere that if (possible scenario in which the voice was primarily an intel recruitment ploy) were the case, Puharich might have had something to do with it. Do I remember correctly?

JS: Quite likely.

DE: So in that case (Sarfatti had described having hung out on military bases and that this may have been the reason Breen recruited him into the special school), clearly there is human agency in steering your career path, despite the strange intervention of the voices from the spaceship.

JS: the “space ship computer voice” incident was months before recruitment into Breen’s group by the late Robert Bashlow.

DE: To me it sounded like you were simply hypnotized in some fashion and triggered back into trance state when you got these calls (if your mother’s memory was accurate and you received several such calls). That sound at all plausible?

JS: I remember only one call. My mother remembered “three weeks” of calls lasting many hours. She heard the metallic voice on phone.

DE: Puharich ran a program for kids at least one summer. Hypnosis was involved and the little I have heard about it many of the young subjects started channeling aliens or something. This sounded exploitive and unethical…but I have never read any details. You know anything about that?

JS: I was with Puharich 1974. Good chance he knew Breen I should have asked.

The link would be Puharich, Eugene Mc Dermott, Arthur Young, William? Sheldon (Columbia U) —> Walter Breen

possibly also L. Ron Hubbard

see Puharich in http://stayaerusa.org

i am in it also

DE: Can you clarify this? The question was about Puharich’s Space Kids or whatever it was called. Are you saying all of these others were directly connected to that, or engaged in similar activities or engaged in similar activities but part of the same program?

JS: Yes. Also Ira Einhorn deeply involved with Arthur Young – but in 70’s not 50’s.

DE: In general, what is your impression of Puharich? He had to hypnotize the channelers of the 9 and had some apparent research interests in novel means of voice transmission. Do you think this discredits The Nine? Puharich?

JS: The Nine original Templar Knights from my ancestor’s city Troyes, France? (Sarfatti has a forebear who figures in Templar history)
I have Nine Higgs scalar fields that create the universe

DE: I meant, of course, the nine entities channeled by various people under Puharich’s direction and hypnosis (and possibly little transmitters or something?)

JS: I have no opinion, no first hand experience with those events. Puharich did invent tooth transmitter.

DE: In general, I always wonder at the lack of alarm that some paranormal researchers have about the intersection of that world with military/intel circles. (Kit) Green is a great example. Are you bothered by that?

JS: No, not at all. That’s how it should be. Paranormal abilities are the ultimate Super Weapon for world enslavement if in the hands of Evil Ones e.g. the Islamofascists today spawn of the Occult Nazi Party (Thule, Vril …) See the Grand Mufti & Hitler relationship.

DE: Yet your answers at least suggest that these folks may have been engaging in unethical practices with young people (I certainly might be misreading you.) You even had Hubbard in that mix, whose Sea Org was pretty abusive of young people in his “Messenger Corps”.

JS: I was never subjected to any such practices. No one in the group was either. Our mission was to develop super-normal super-intelligent powers, to figure out how UFOs flew and to make great discoveries in physics.

DE: My alarm was not so much at military intel types getting the paranormal jump on putative bad guys, but what looks like the infiltration and use of occult groups and paranormal research as a means to different ends, be it spying or manipulation.

JS: Yes, that has been going since the beginning of history however. That’s certainly a big part of it – as it should be.

DE: Do you see any of that or do you ascribe positive motives to the work of Green and Puharich and the like? Does this excuse, for example, Green’s friendship with disinfoteer Richard Doty?

JS: I do not have any details about that. Green was/is CIA and is a patriot. I do not have details on his official activities re: national security.

(What follows are a few more questions in a more recent exchange. )

DE: On the tape, unless I missed it, I did not hear you say anything about the 20 years later prophecy. Was that a continuous memory or did you recall that later on?

JS: continuous memory, I thought I did mention it then when we started discussing the whole topic on the tape – I mean that was the context, but maybe not. PS Elizabeth Rauscher got a paper from me from Trieste in which the idea of time travel comes up and Saul-Paul used it in an opera actually performed in Berkeley.

DE: Secondly I found it interesting that you were discussing the idea of time travel as a mechanism of contact from our or someone’s future in the context of general relativity.

JS: Yes, because of the prediction from the metallic computer voice I would meet the others in 20 years


DE: Yet now your interest is the possibility of mutual influence past and future via quantum interaction of some kind (I get the illustrations…the math I will have to trust you on.)

JS: right see John Cramer’s webpages and the book Star Wave by Fred Alan Wolf.

DE: So this suggests to me that the primary idea your experience may have primed you for was the idea of communication of some kind or interaction of some kind from future to past. It seems like your work has been sorting out the mechanism for this.

JS: That’s exactly right. You got it.

DE: Targ and Puthoff (at SRI who studied Geller and were behind the Remote Viewing program) were scientologists (correction, Targ was Not a Scientologist)….did you see any relation between Scientology and what was going on at SRI? Ingo Swann was also a Scientologist…Pat Price may have been, I don’t remember. Swann once claimed, if I recall, over a dozen SRI folks were Scientologists.

JS: Werner Erhard who funded us in 1974 got his est from Scientology maybe from L Ron himself or was it DiSilva Mind Control?
L Ron also name of ET at Area 51 or was it Wright Pat & it was L Rod? close enough ;-)

Ask Hal & Russ directly they are bcc’d. I do not want to put words in their mouth. Pat Price came to SRI because of CIA Chief of Station the late Harold Chipman
Hal Puthoff disputes that, but Chip told it to me directly and to Bob Jones and others at Henry Dakin’s at a talk given by Russell Targ in mid-80’s.

DE: I also am reminded of your own comment connecting (possibly) L. Ron Hubbard to the chain of others like Puharich and Young in some way I was not clear about. Specifically:

The link would be Puharich, Eugene Mc Dermott, Arthur Young, William? Sheldon (Columbia U) —> Walter Breen possibly also L. Ron Hubbard

JS: who was Jack Parson’s room mate and partner of Frank Malina. I met Frank Malina in Paris via Carlo Suares. Small world. Plenty of room at the bottom (Feynman), but it’s crowded at the top! ;-)

DE: Sarfatti then included the following, reminding us of his connection to Robert Anton Wilson. Wilson’s driver, for a time, was a young man named Joseph Matheny.

JS: The “fringe” physicists Jack Sarfatti and Saul-Paul Sirag are prominently featured in this book. Wilson describes Sarfatti’s early intuitions about “signal nonlocality” (see current papers of Antony Valentini http://eprintweb.org/S/authors/All/va/Valentini ) i.e. “information transfer without energy transfer”.

DE: The context of your comment was a question about Puharich’s “space kids” program or whatever it was called in which he engaged in hypnosis and had the kids convinced they were in touch with alien intelligences.

JS: I only met Puharich in 1974. Walter Breen did not use hypnosis on us Space Kids 1953 – 56.

DE: Still confused about this. How is Hubbard connected possibly?

JS: Hubbard connected to Arthur Young – major player.

DE: Any comment about relationship between Scientology and SRI?

JS: No direct knowledge. I only know about est & Esalen as arenas for Cold War Games.
As MI6 or 5? Dennis Bardens told me in Cambridge 1974 when I met Josephson & Carr et-al
I was “in the thick of it”.
http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/26 ... is_Bardens
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Postby jingofever » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:39 pm

And 'The Control of Jack Sarfatti':

I thought I was onto something, in the earlier version of my blog. Hey, says I, all that New Agey feel good stuff at places like Esalen, that was also about or even mostly about Cold War spy games. Evidently, that is kind of an open secret. As Sarfatti put it to me in an email:

a lot of vodka, mind-altering drugs & T & A in the Big Sur Hot Tubs and we won the war! ;-)

The one thing you should be struck by in reading my interview with him or his writings in Destiny Matrix is that I have wasted an awful lot of time. The intelligence connections to so much of the material I examined in previous posts…UFO lore, paranormal research, unsettling New Age eschatological religions, is out there in the open. Just count the number of times, for example, in Destiny Matrix, that Sarfatti mentions being funded by, meeting with or fucking someone connected to the intelligence community.

His spin on his own life is that it has been spook filled, and rightly so. There are bad guys afoot and we have to have our own sekrit magikal powers to battle them. He is less direct but I think still acknowledging that often more mundane intelligence gathering is the goal, or even, as with the t and a comment above, simply undermining other belief systems and developing double agents or other intelligence assets.

But while it is not a black and white world, and we can acknowledge that some intelligence work is necessary, I found his blithe acceptance of all this manipulation rather disturbing. Especially since, according to his own version of his life, he has been on the receiving end of such manipulation since he was a child. Consider a few examples:

Destiny Matrix, footnote number 60:

My grandfather Murray Jacobson worked for the US Army Quarter Master Corps in lower Manhattan in late 40’s & early 50’s where I used to go and “play” after school and I got to ride around in Army cars talking with officers about my plans to build spaceships to the planets and then to the stars. My grandfather did the driving. This, I speculate, may have a causal connection to my later contact with Breen and the phone calls. Curiously, John Hersey wrote a novel in the 1950’s called “The Child Buyer”. “This is a story of an investigation into the activities of Mr. Wissey Jones, a stranger who comes to the town of Pequot on urgent defense His business is to buy for his corporation children of a certain sort, in this case a ten-year-old named Barry Rudd, a budding genius of potentially critical value. A hearing is held and questions are asked: exactly why does Mr. Jones’ company buy children, and will it succeed in buying Barry?”

In one brief paragraph he (in my view) undermines his own romantic view of his phone calls from the future and suggests something far more earthly and, to me, nefarious. So, stage one: Sarfatti’s high intelligence is noted and the military/intelligence community lays plans to steer the young Sarfatti in a desirable direction.

In his interview with me, Sarfatti said his involvement in a gifted program was kind of like the school for mutants in X-men, discussions about UFO’s and tests for psychic abilities. There is another side to that program he also acknowledges, again from Destiny Matrix:

Around this time, in the early 1950s, I was part of an after-school group of gifted kids (including Johnny Glogower54 who worked with me and Lenny Susskind at Cornell later on) conducted by the late Walter Breen. Breen was a graduate student at Columbia and well-known numismatist associated with psychologist William Sheldon.


Breen had a connection with the nuclear weapons laboratory, Sandia Corporation, because two men visited us from Sandia who lectured us on “patriotism” and “anti-communism” when they took us to dinner in New York’s German Town (86th Street). Breen was closely connected with people in Ayn Rand’s circle. However, I met Breen after the strange phone calls.

I haven’t a clue what Ayn Rand would have to do with patriotism. Her ideology involved serving self and self alone, not country. However, two places one could often find “paperclipped” Nazis in America just after WW2 were military research facilities and Ayn Rand study groups.

Keep in mind that Breen was later convicted of child molestation, something that had been ongoing for years and was another sort of open secret in the sci-fi community. Sarfatti recalls no abuse either by Breen or by “any of the adults he met in his apartment”(?). Yet it is quite clear that Breen was very active in his pursuit of young boys AND that he was, for reasons unstated, put in charge of special schools for his age group of choice.

As to the phone call from the computer, Sarfatti now says his mother has confirmed that he received many such calls and would go into a trancelike state when talking to the voice on the other end. Finally after a few weeks of this (weeks??? I know it was a more “innocent time” but still), his mom says, she grabbed the phone and told the computer voice (which she claims to have heard) to stop calling.

Weeks of calls which triggered a trancelike state, connected possibly, says Sarfatti, to the attention he gained for himself in and around military installations.

More on the phone calls:

The late Brendan O’ Regan worked for Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s Institute for Noetic Sciences which was funding the SRI project. Brendan is from Dublin. His family is in the publishing business. He told me about a near death out of body experience that he had in a ‘. My mother had also had an OBE as did Fred Alan Wolf. O Regan’s story was very similar to Walter Breen’s’s 1954 tale to me about his alleged airplane crash with USAAF in New Mexico in 1947. Indeed, O’Regan and Breen had many common personality characteristics like two peas from the same pod in “Invasion of the Mind Snatchers” – just kidding!. (DM footnote 76)

I mentioned my experience with the alleged conscious computer on the spacecraft from the future in 1953 and Brendan said, “Oh yes, I have seen data on several hundred incidents of that kind.” (DM page 46)

Among those later mentioned as having receives such calls are CIA agent Kit Green and Daniel Sheehan (Christic Institute and Disclosure Project). Given the pattern I discern, I would be surprised if countercultural icon and convicted murderer Ira Einhorn did not also receive such calls.

The picture I am painting is actually painted by Sarfatti himself. It is a secondary or alternative narrative but it is clear and easier to stomach than his apparent beliefs that he really was contacted by the future.

What was the purpose of this recruitment? Sarfatti engages and collaborates with all sorts of scientists, fringe and mainstream, but his own ideas, as far as I can tell, are not making much of an impact (this is not to criticize the ideas…I am not qualified to judge). Are the people who recruited him getting something out of it?

They must be. Over and over we find Sarfatti getting funded by or involved in projects funded by intelligence community players.

I can relate to Sarfatti…I feel like I would like him though I also feel he would not like me. I imagine him, a young boy, being told by a goddamned computer from the future for Lord’s sake, that he is destined for greatness! (This is a theme echoed in Whitley Strieber’s narratives in which the aliens tell people they are chosen ones and even Strieber recognized this as manipulative (assuming, of course, he did not just make all that shit up).)

So he is primed by the calls, then sent to a special school and tested for PSYCHIC POWERS!!! and, no doubt, told again how he is destined for greatness. How would any young intelligent adolescent male not be affected by that?

There are three good ways, speaking of manipulating us males of the species. Flattery, money and sex. We have seen the first. In terms of money, Sarfatti is not rich but does seem to receive money from various intel connected projects and people. As for sex, check out this passage:

In 1990, my charismatic glamorous live-in of two years, a gun-toting private detective VB that I first met in the apartment of CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman broke up with me in a jealous rage over my lingering feelings for Suky Sedgwick (Edie’s sister – DE). She said she would not play “second fiddle”. Knowing of John Updike’s “Witches of Eastwick, Ginger persuaded several former girl friends of mine, including Suky, that she and they had been the “Devil’s Mistress”. I suppose it did not take too much persuading, as I was still young and too full of myself – although with good reason! ;-) They constituted a formidable gang of extraordinary “Thracian women” with me in the role of Orpheus. I was told that John Updike based Darryl Van Horne on me in his “The Witches of Eastwick”. I have no way of knowing if this rumor is true.

Many false stories about me are in circulation. I had several girl friends in 70’s & 80’s who claimed to have Intelligence connections, one “Crystal” is described in Jerry Carroll’s Chronicle article “Another Eccentric Genius in North Beach?” another said her father was, like Harold Chipman’s friend, Joe Peeples, a Mid East arms dealer from Texarcana, Arkansas. I met MB through Linda Murtha, granddaughter of the original owner of the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas whose big parties were described by Herb Gold in “Travels in San Francisco”.. Still another, “Maiti”, allegedly an ex-Weatherman, said her father was a senior CIA analyst for Arab affairs. Her father once called us late at night to say that “The Philadelphia Experiment was real.” He also worked with Herman Kahn of Hudson Institute and wrote a letter about me to Marvin Minsky ~ 1979. Maiti’s grandfather, General Rudl, (not Hans Ulrich Rudel) was allegedly on German General Staff in WWII. Maiti’s Dad became the first US Army Islamic Chaplain later on! (DM footnote 97)

Now, it could very well be that Sarfatti’s charisma was particularly intoxicating to women connected to intelligence work. But it seems to me that the manipulation continued into his adulthood.

But for what? Why is Sarfatti not being tasked with more defense related work..quantum cyptography or quantum killing machines of some sort? Why has he been so closely monitored and…encouraged…by intelligence officials while producing nothing directly useful for defense purposes? Is it really because there is, as one intelligence agent breathlessly told Sarfatti, that there is a grand “psychic war” being waged? And even if so, has Sarfati’s work provided any tangible results toward winning that “war”?

If I can carve out some time, I will return to this theme by looking at some of the many intelligence operatives namechecked by Sarfatti in Destiny Matrix. But the primary point I am making in this post is that, to any objective reader, it is clear that intelligence agents have maintained an interest in Sarfatti since he was young and that this sort of attention has been paid to others (other special schools, other metallic voice phone calls).

Sarfatti was recruited, indoctrinated and “handled” in exactly the same way the CIA would handle an agent from some “enemy” country.

But what is his mission? How aware is he of the underlying agenda which motivate his continuing stream of handlers?

Who else received those phone calls as a child? Who else attended those special schools?

And who, exactly, is the enemy?
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Postby jingofever » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:45 pm

And now comments that reference Breen (all from Sarfatti):

Breen predicted told the USG IC back in 1956 in a 10 page report on me that also went to Cornell, MIT & University of Chicago (Columbia University Super Space Kids Project) 1953-56 with money from Eugene McDermott (co-founder Texas Instruments & USG Intelligence WWII) to Professor William Sheldon (Psychology) who Breen worked for. My physics is directly connected to advanced weaponry to render all conventional weapons “impotent and obsolete” (my words to Reagan via Lawry Chickering & Cap Weinberger Jr used in his SDI speech).

My two main research areas are

1) physics of matter-mind-consciousness – much recent progress.
applications to quantum cryptography, mind-control non-lethal weaponry, enhanced telepathy, psychokinesis, precognitive remote viewing. Key researchers Walter Freeman, Giuseppe Vitiello, Antony Valentini – I use their work in my own.

2) Creation of the universe, control of dark energy and dark matter for metric engineering warp drive and time travel through star gate wormholes. Hawking is wrong on chronology protection. In short UFO technology.

Gilbert & Sullivan Societies in Ivy League in 50’s outposts for USG & MI6 recruitment e.g. film The Good Shepherd – note opening and closing scenes. http://www.rso.cornell.edu/Savoyards/58prin.htm
I am Prince Hilarion in this 1958 production – we had agents from D’Oly Carte. Several key Brits in cast including roommate of Klaus Fuchs spy for Stalin Manhattan Project.

See book Strange Angel about Jack Parsons & L Ron Hubbard. Note Frank Malina in that book. I met Frank in 1973 in Paris with Carlo Suares. I recently stayed in Frank’s Paris home (he is now deceased but it is HQ of Da Vinci (Leonardo) Foundation. Many photos of Frank’s close friend Werner Von Braun on the walls – also Carl Sagan.

No Child Buyer with Walter Breen was great – advanced education – got me into Ivy League school on full scholarship.

MK Ultra was early 50’s same time as my recruitment into Breen’s Super Space Kids project that Andrija Puharich redid later. Yes, my playing in the Army Lab in Manhattan late 40’s may have been part of what later was MKUltra.

Memorandum for the Record
the latest fruits of Walter Breen’s labor
exactly as he predicted in his 10 page profile on me to USG IC, Cornell, MIT, University of Chicago in 1956
the conspiracy theory described below is completely off-the wall promulgated by certifiable lunatics.
Breen was totally proper with me in the years I saw him weekly 1953 – 56 and I know of no complaints with the other kids (including Johnny Glogower and Robert Solovay mathematics professor at UCB & Larry Smarr (sp?) philosopher of physics) in the Sandia-Columbia University-Ayn Rand Super Kids UFO-Paranormal Project funded by intelligence agent Eugene Mc Dermott to Professor William Sheldon (Psychology, CU) . What allegedly happened later in his old age did not happen in the 50’s.

Either you remove that Nazi bastard’s slander from your blog fast or that’s the last you will hear from me. I will not tolerate that sort of abuse from a cowardly nobody. Walter Breen never abused me, but this little $hit has. Do you know who the little creep is? What’s his real name? Does he have a profile?

The comments go a bit down hill after that last one.
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Postby American Dream » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:01 pm

From the always reliable Wikipedia:

Walter Breen also spent considerable time compiling information on the history of homosexuality and of pederasty. His research, unprecedented in its extensive treatment of the history of homosexuality, but lacking many of the standards of scholarly research, formed the basis for his 1964 book Greek Love, which he published under the pseudonym J.Z. Eglinton. Breen collaborated with Warren Johansson in researching the book.[2]

His other interests included dirty limericks and fortune cookies; he self-published monographs on both subjects.

Personal life

Breen was an active member of the science fiction community. He wrote for fanzines, and took over editorship of the fanzine Fanac from Terry Carr and Ron Ellik. He was married to science fiction writer Marion Zimmer Bradley in 1964. They had two children and separated in 1979. After their separation, the two of them lived on the same street in Berkeley, California, and she remained his primary employer until his arrest for child molestation. They officially divorced on May 9, 1990.


Breen's pederasty was something of an open secret in both science fiction and numismatic circles; he was banned from the 1964 Worldcon science fiction convention due to his behavior with children - although he took a room at the convention hotel - a controversy which became known as the "Breendoggle".

For a while, he was a leading member of NAMBLA.[3] He was arrested on child molestation charges in 1990, and offered a plea bargain, which resulted in three years' probation.[4] In 1991 he was charged with eight felony counts of child molestation involving a 13-year-old boy,[4] the stepson of science fiction writer Stephen Goldin.[5]
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Postby chiggerbit » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:07 pm

It's kind of mind-boggling to go back through some of the old threads here. On one of them, DE didn't even know how to spell "Sarfatti", and three or so years later DE's interviewing the guy. Interesting interview and interactions on his board regarding it.

DE, from 2005:
Edit: Oh, now it comes back to me. Garrison is the Esalen founder and we had that post with the link to the physicist who hung out with all these "elites". Same folks. I forgot the physicist's name and I can't figure out a way to search to unearth that link. Anyone help me out there? I kept thinking "scarpatti" but I'm off on the spelling, I think.
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Postby chiggerbit » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:24 pm

That was one of the things I liked about DE--if he got involved in a topic, he didn't sit around on his thumbs just speculating on a subject the way I do. He'd really dig into it, make phone calls to real people,, do interviews, that kind of thing.
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Postby TheArgonaut » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:01 am

"In 1990, my charismatic glamorous live-in of two years, a gun-toting private detective VB that I first met in the apartment of CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman broke up with me in a jealous rage over my lingering feelings for Suky Sedgwick (Edie’s sister – DE). She said she would not play “second fiddle”. Knowing of John Updike’s “Witches of Eastwick, Ginger persuaded several former girl friends of mine, including Suky, that she and they had been the “Devil’s Mistress”. I suppose it did not take too much persuading, as I was still young and too full of myself – although with good reason! Wink They constituted a formidable gang of extraordinary “Thracian women” with me in the role of Orpheus. I was told that John Updike based Darryl Van Horne on me in his “The Witches of Eastwick”. I have no way of knowing if this rumor is true.

Many false stories about me are in circulation. I had several girl friends in 70’s & 80’s who claimed to have Intelligence connections, one “Crystal” is described in Jerry Carroll’s Chronicle article “Another Eccentric Genius in North Beach?” another said her father was, like Harold Chipman’s friend, Joe Peeples, a Mid East arms dealer from Texarcana, Arkansas. I met MB through Linda Murtha, granddaughter of the original owner of the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas whose big parties were described by Herb Gold in “Travels in San Francisco”.. Still another, “Maiti”, allegedly an ex-Weatherman, said her father was a senior CIA analyst for Arab affairs. Her father once called us late at night to say that “The Philadelphia Experiment was real.” He also worked with Herman Kahn of Hudson Institute and wrote a letter about me to Marvin Minsky ~ 1979. Maiti’s grandfather, General Rudl, (not Hans Ulrich Rudel) was allegedly on German General Staff in WWII. Maiti’s Dad became the first US Army Islamic Chaplain later on! (DM footnote 97)"

From the looks of what you wrote it would seem that this guy is not an agent of the American government perse but an agent of a shadow government being run by a group of anti-communists, Ayn Rand devotees and paperclip nazis.

And the whole "Child Buying" thing in combo with the fact that Sarfatti was approached as child by a pedophile working around nukes and you get the feeling this reeks of something other than contact with aliens unless you want to call the "one-eyed monster" below the belt an "alien." What better way for anti-communists working outside of official government channels to keep secrets then with pedophiles?

Sarfatti's whole life has been spent getting T & A from intel assets. He is essentially a bought off and deeply compromised physicist under the strings of anti-communist intel agents using sex to keep secret what they are doing outside of official channels. That's how i see this.

Sarfatti probably has no freakin clue who the hell he is working for. Who is the Mideast Arms dealer from Arkansas? What Mideast country is that guy working with? Who is the CIA analyst for Arab affairs? Who is this Rudel who was on German general staff in WWII? And the father that was first US Islamic Army chaplain? This all sounds a bit to me like a secret Nazi-Islamic back channel which we all know the Nazis had with Arabs in WWII. An Iran/Contra or Sarfari club style back channel. Has this Sarfatti guy been helping Mideast country's get nukes under the hocus pocus of Aliens, UFOs, Time Travel and New Age Mind Physics? Does he even know who the hell he is really working for? Doubt it.
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Postby stefano » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:17 am

Thanks, jingofever. Sarfatti had a blog here, quite dense until November 2007.
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:17 am

TheArgonaut wrote:Sarfatti probably has no freakin clue who the hell he is working for.

Yeah, but it's not a fucking Taco Bell, either.

That's true for anyone on that level...you might as well say "Sarfatti probably has a bunch of books on physics in his house."

Maybe January would be a good time to re-read the Illuminatus! trilogy.

http://www.skilluminati.com/research/en ... on_wilson/
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