important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar 8)

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important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar 8)

Postby Jeff » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:54 pm

Welcome to the RI board.

While Rigorous Intuition welcomes a range of informed perspectives, it is not intended to be a forum for the re-fighting of elemental human values. It should be assumed that this is a place where the dignity and rights of all people are respected. Members who challenge these rights may be regarded as disruptive, and members who habitually challenge them will be banned.

This is an anti-fascist board. Propagation of fascist, neo-Nazi and "white pride" causes, including sympathetically linking to sites which advocate such, will not be permitted. This includes revisionist histories of the Holocaust.

This is an anti-sexist board. We correctly assume that women, as a group, have been and continue to be the object of oppression based upon their gender. It is expected that members will respect the rights of women to justice and equality in all spheres of life, and to a positive experience of RI. Contending that feminism is a "New World Order plot" will not be permitted.

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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby freemason9 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:32 pm


must re-examine attempts at humor
The real issue is that there is extremely low likelihood that the speculations of the untrained, on a topic almost pathologically riddled by dynamic considerations and feedback effects, will offer anything new.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Nordic » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:26 pm

freemason9 wrote:NOTE TO SELF:

must re-examine attempts at humor


You nailed it that time at least.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby American Dream » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:01 pm

Thanks for these additions.

I have every confidence they will be applied in a reasonable and fair manner.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby crikkett » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:37 am

I'm almost afraid to ask what happened, and in which thread.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Project Willow » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:44 am

Thank you Jeff and RI moderator team.

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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Seamus OBlimey » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:23 pm

Jeff wrote:Contending that feminism is a "New World Order plot" will not be permitted.

I'd better not post this then..

A senior Saudi prince questioned the need for a ban on women driving on Wednesday and said lifting it would be a quick first step to reduce the Islamic kingdom's dependence on millions of foreign workers.


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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby anothershamus » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:12 am

freemason9 wrote:NOTE TO SELF:

must re-examine attempts at humor

I notice that there is no threat, if posting inane and sophomoric and totally off topic posts, so I am okay then!

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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Searcher08 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:01 am

This is an anti-sexist board. We correctly assume that women, as a group, have been and continue to be the object of oppression based upon their gender. It is expected that members will respect the rights of women to justice and equality in all spheres of life, and to a positive experience of RI.

Fine, Im up for that, rock on etc etc :)

Contending that feminism is a "New World Order plot" will not be permitted.

Hmm... certain aspects and certain institutions and certain people within the "Feminist" movement are most definitely, as a matter of public record, associated with the CIA - and globalists - and over a long period of time.
"Ms" Steinem, come on down. Documentation produced below.

Oh well,

Conflating Steinem-esque "Feminism" with women's rights and justice is like conflating Zionism and Judaism.
The latter (Women's rights and Judaism) rock's on -
much of the formers ("Ms" and Feminista Orthodoxy and Zionism) are often globalist-friendly (and funded) bollocks and deserve to be called so.

The irony is that the degree of contempt which many globalists / NWO types behave towards women beggar's belief - Aaron Russo's film Freedom to Fascism's description of his conversations with Nick Rockefeller covered this in detail.

Some of the most interesting exchanges on RI have occurred on the thread "What is mysogyny?" particularly between Stephen Morgan and C_W.

I think this rule is misogynistic - it denies a critical voice against people who are documented as being in the pay of, or allied with, CIA and globalists, parties who themselves treat women with utter contempt.


[ Gloria Steinem worked full-time for the CIA during the late 1950s and early 1960s, as director of the CIA-funded Independent Research Service. In a 1967 New York Times article Steinem is quoted as saying, "I was never asked to report on other Americans or assess foreign nationals I had met." This document, published by Redstockings in 1975, shows that if Steinem was telling the truth to the Times, it was only because the CIA didn't have to ask. ]

Festival Document

Executive Officers:

from Report on the Vienna Youth Festival,
Independent Research Service, 1961


This report on the Vienna Youth Festival has been compiled from information given out by the Festival's organizers, from articles in the international press, from reports of Austrian and other student and youth groups present in Vienna, and from the personal observations of Festival participants. The Independent Research Service, a privately-supported educational foundation which provides research on international subjects of interest to youth and students, has published this report in English, French, and Spanish in the hope that it will be useful both as a research document in future studies of the Communist youth movement and as an aid to groups and individuals deciding their attitude toward future festivals.


Thus far, the organization, aims, and techniques of the Eighth Festival seem to be identical with those of its predecessors. In the light of these developments, it is perhaps even more necessary that these individuals and groups debating attendance in Helsinki examine closely the case history of the Festival in Vienna.

September, 1961
New York, New York


The following are excerpts from a Research Release Published By International News Bureau, Vienna:


A major effort has been made by the sponsors of the Seventh Youth Festival to make the event appear non-partisan. As evidence, the sponsors often have pointed to individuals outside the Soviet orbit who have endorsed the Festival, maintaining that the Festival staff is international and representative of all political tendencies.

The following list of individuals associated with the Festival's organization -- often very much in the background -- would seem to indicate a far greater communist control of this event than the sponsors wish to admit. This list has been compiled from Festival documents and careful research by those who have observed the organizers in action.


[deleted] -- Italy. A WFDY vice-president since March, 1958, [deleted] has worked on the PC in Vienna since April of that year. He was initially named Treasurer but later was replaced in this position by [deleted], an Italian Communist. [deleted] was also one of the leaders of the Italian delegation to the Moscow Festival. In actively working on the PC, he is ignoring the directive of the Italian (Nenni) Socialist Party of which he is a member, which requests that there be no official participation in the Vienna Festival. [deleted] PSI membership has been cited in the Festival journals as proof of the non-partisan character of the event. (Ed's note: Since the Festival, the PSI youth disaffiliated from WFDY.)


[deleted] -- Italy. Another PSI member who is violating the party's request against official Festival participation, [deleted] has been a member of the PC since October 1958 when he replaced Bahomonde of Chile.


[deleted] -- Niger. A non-communist and representative of the French West African Council of African Youth (CJA), [deleted] apparently is an individual who sees the Festival as an opportunity to contact youth in the communist countries. As a Catholic and non-communist, he often has been asked to sign Festival correspondence and act as a Festival spokesman. Through this use of his name, the communists have successfully used the reputation of the genuinely neutral CJA to imply that a major responsibility for Festival Organization rests with CJA and [deleted].


[deleted] -- China. Publicly active in communist youth affairs since 1949, the 35-year-old [deleted] came to Budapest in the fall of 1956 to work in WFDY headquarters, where he was to head the WFDY Asian-African Commission. He, too, participated in the organization of the PC while attending the Stockholm meeting and has lately been working with the PC in Vienna.


[deleted] -- Federal German Republic. A member of the Socialist Party of Western Germany (which has asked its members not to be official Festival participants), [deleted] has been working on the PC since early 1959 as a member of the publications board and as the person in charge of Western European affairs. In the latter role he has traveled in Western Germany to stimulate participation. His efforts have been largely unsuccessful on the representative youth group level, since nearly all such German groups have boycotted the Festival in solidarity with the Austrian organizations.


[deleted] -- Argentina. A well-known Festival personality -- perhaps because he maintains he is an anarchist rather than a communist and hence appears more respectable -- [deleted] is chairman of the Student Commission of the PC of which the Bulgarian, [deleted] is secretary. [deleted] has been active in the Festival from the start and has traveled widely in its support.


[deleted] -- Argentina. [deleted] is a member of the Radical Intransigent Youth of Argentina and has worked on the PC since April 1958. Festival publicity has given much attention to the fact that Argentine President Frondizi also is a member of the Radical Intransigent Party. It has not mentioned another significant fact -- that in late May the government of Frondizi closed the office of the Argentine National Festival Committee under a decree which bans all communist activity in Argentina.


[deleted] -- United States. As chairman of the United States Festival Committee, [deleted] has been working on the PC, both in Vienna and in the U.S., since June 1959. He has been head of the Marxist Discussion Club of the City College of New York.


[deleted] -- As an important functionary of the small Communist-front Union of Democratic Women of Austria she has been playing an active role in the Austrian Communist Party's preparations for the Festival.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby American Dream » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:09 am

I have no doubt that there were (and are) people inside the movements for: black rights, workers' rights, indigenous rights, womens' rights et cetera, who serve as government moles.

This however is entirely different than writing off a whole movement for social justice by dismissing it all as a NWO plot....
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Jeff » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:13 am

American Dream wrote:This however is entirely different than writing off a whole movement for social justice by dismissing it all as a NWO plot....

Quite so.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby 23 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:55 am

I can understand and appreciate limiting remarks which personally attack an individual for the purpose of harming him or her. It fits nicely with the core precept, that I subscribe to, of "do no harm".

But I have a little difficulty understanding and appreciating the limitation of discussing/debating a certain contention, whatever that contention may be.

The general meaning of the word contention is a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument.

Ideas don't experience harm and don't require protection from harm.

If I personalize a certain contention that someone is proffering about an idea that I embrace, that says something about me.

Not the idea that is being contended about.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Searcher08 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:30 am

American Dream wrote:I have no doubt that there were (and are) people inside the movements for: black rights, workers' rights, indigenous rights, womens' rights et cetera, who serve as government moles.

This however is entirely different than writing off a whole movement for social justice by dismissing it all as a NWO plot....

Respectfully, this totally misses what I'm saying.
Talking about a 'mole' here or there (which would be expected) is not the same as one of the pivotal figures being in the pay of, and an active agent for the CIA.

You also dont describe what a "NWO plot" is . Which makes it rather easy to mock, doesnt it?

An ecosystem of , sometimes competing, often aligned actors engaged in a military driven programme to take over and maintain control of, the world economy. A la Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

To me this rule conflates "living by the teaching of Jesus" with "membership of a church or movement". And says that criticism of the latter implies is not permitted, because it implies arguing of the former. Which aint so.

The phase "dismissing it all as a NWO plot" tags genuine criticism of feminist leaders and institutions with a "conspiracy theory" gambit, which isnt very rigorous. The history of corporate involvement and influence over Feminism goes right back to Bernays, founder of the PR industry, making it trendy for women to smoke.

Surely, the documented manipulations of people / organisations / movements, from both within and without deserves clear reporting, difficult questions asked and not to be subjected to uncritical fluff words like "dismissing it all as a NWO plot"? :signwhut:

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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Canadian_watcher » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:40 am

Searcher08 wrote:Talking about a 'mole' here or there (which would be expected) is not the same as one of the pivotal figures being in the pay of, and an active agent for the CIA.

First wave feminism began, for the Western world, in the early 19th century. The CIA was founded in 1947. So, either feminism is a legitimate grass-roots movement which had moles and assets inserted into it after it was already a powerful collection of organizations or the CIA has time travel technology.
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Re: important change to the general posting guidelines (Mar

Postby Jeff » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:47 am

Searcher08 wrote:To me this rule conflates "living by the teaching of Jesus" with "membership of a church or movement".

But as far as I'm concerned it doesn't. And it's not even a fine line which distinguishes the meritorious gains of social justice and civil rights movements from the institutions that may accrue about them.

The phase "dismissing it all as a NWO plot" tags genuine criticism of feminist leaders and institutions with a "conspiracy theory" gambit, which isnt very rigorous.

"NWO plot" has no relevance to genuine criticism of feminist leaders and institutions. It's a dismissive nod to, and a direct quote from, the mind of Henry Makow.
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