'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue May 23, 2023 3:11 pm

The wind and solar power myth has finally been exposed

The necessary miracle doesn’t exist

By Bryan Leyland
MAY 12, 2023

Many governments in the Western world have committed to “net zero” emissions of carbon in the near future. The US and UK both say they will deliver by 2050. It’s widely believed that wind and solar power can achieve this. This belief has led the US and British governments, among others, to promote and heavily subsidise wind and solar.

These plans have a single, fatal flaw: they are reliant on the pipe-dream that there is some affordable way to store surplus electricity at scale.

In the real world a wind farm’s output often drops below 10 per cent of its rated “capacity” for days at a time. Solar power disappears completely every night and drops by 50 per cent or more during cloudy days. “Capacity” being a largely meaningless figure for a wind or solar plant, about 3000 megawatts (MW) of wind and solar capacity is needed to replace a 1000 MW conventional power station in terms of energy over time: and in fact, as we shall see, the conventional power station or something very like it will still be needed frequently once the wind and solar are online.
The governments of countries with a considerable amount of wind and solar generation have developed an expectation that they can simply continue to build more until net zero is achieved. The reality is that many of them have kept the lights on only by using existing fossil fired stations as backup for periods of low wind and sun. This brings with it a new operating regime where stations that were designed to operate continuously have to follow unpredictable fluctuations in wind and solar power. As a result operating and maintenance costs have increased and many stations have had to be shut down.

In fact it’s already common to see efficient combined-cycle gas turbines replaced by open-cycle ones because they can be throttled up and down easily to back up the rapidly changing output of wind and solar farms. But open-cycle gas turbines burn about twice as much gas as combined cycle gas turbines. Switching to high-emissions machinery as part of an effort to reduce emissions is, frankly, madness!
Certain countries are helped because their power systems are supported by major inter-connectors to adjacent regions that have surplus power available. The increasingly troubled French nuclear fleet, which formerly had plenty of spare energy on tap, for a long time helped to make renewables plans look practical across Western Europe.

But this situation is not sustainable in the long term. Under net-zero plans, all nations will need to generate many times more electricity than they now can, as the large majority of our energy use today is delivered by burning fossil fuels directly. Neighbouring regions will be unable to provide the backup power needed; emissions from open cycle gas turbines (or new coal powerplants, as in the case of Germany at the moment) will become unacceptable; more existing base load stations will be forced to shut down by surges in renewables; more and more wind and solar power will have to be expensively dumped when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing.

Power prices will soar, making more or less everything more expensive, and there will be frequent blackouts.

None of this is difficult to work out. Building even more renewables capacity will not help: even ten or 100 times the nominally-necessary “capacity” could never do the job on a cold, windless evening.

Only one thing can save the day for the renewables plan. Reasonable cost, large scale energy storage, sufficient to keep the lights on for several days at a minimum, would solve the problem.

What are the options?

First we need to consider the scale of the issue. Relatively simple calculations show that that California would need over 200 megawatt-hours (MWh) of storage per installed MW of wind and solar power. Germany could probably manage with 150 MWh per MW. Perhaps this could be provided in the form of batteries?

The current cost of battery storage is about US$600,000 per MWh. For every MW of wind or solar power in California, $120 million would need to be spent on storage. In Germany it would be $90 million. Wind farms cost about $1.5 million per MW so the cost of battery storage would be astronomical: 80 times greater than the cost of the wind farm! A major additional constraint would be that such quantities of batteries are simply not available. Not enough lithium and cobalt and other rare minerals are being mined at the moment. If prices get high enough supply will expand, but prices are already ridiculously, unfeasibly high.

Some countries are gambling on hydro pumped storage. Here the idea is to use electricity to pump water uphill into a high reservoir using surplus renewables on sunny, windy days: then let it flow back down through generating turbines as in a normal hydropower plant when it’s dark and windless.

Many pumped systems have been built in China, Japan and United States but they have storage sufficient for only 6 to 10 hours operation. This is tiny compared with the several days storage that is needed to back up wind and solar power through routine sunless calm periods. Much larger lakes at the top and bottom of the scheme are needed. There are very few locations where two large lakes can be formed with one located 400-700 m above the other and separated by less than 5-10 km horizontally. Such a location must also have an adequate supply of make-up water to cope with evaporation losses from the two lakes. Another problem is that at least 25 per cent of the energy is lost while pumping and then generating.

Hydro pumped storage will seldom be a feasible option. It cannot solve the problem on a national scale even in countries like the USA which have a lot of mountains.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) for fossil fuel stations is also touted as way of avoiding the problems of wind and solar power. But this is not a technology, just a case of wishful thinking. In spite of many years of work and enormous amounts of money spent, nobody has yet devised a technology that can provide large scale, low cost CCS. Even if capture worked and didn’t consume most or all the energy generated, storing the carbon dioxide is a huge problem because three tonnes of carbon dioxide are produced for every tonne of coal burned.

Hydrogen is another technology which is often suggested for energy storage: but its problems are legion. At the moment hydrogen is made using natural gas (so-called “blue” hydrogen). This, however, will have to stop in a net-zero world as the process emits large amounts of carbon: you might as well just burn the natural gas. Proper emissions-free “green” hydrogen is made from water using huge amounts of electrical energy, 60 per cent of which is lost in the process. Storing and handling the hydrogen is extremely difficult because hydrogen is a very small molecule and it leaks through almost anything. At best this means that a lot of your stored hydrogen will be gone by the time you want to use it: at worst it means devastating fires and explosions. The extremely low density of hydrogen also means that huge volumes of it would have to be stored and it would often have to be stored and handled cryogenically, creating even more losses, costs and risks.

The conclusion is simple. Barring some sort of miracle, there is no possibility that a suitable storage technology will be developed in the needed time frame. The present policies of just forcing wind and solar into the market and hoping for a miracle have been memorably and correctly likened to “jumping out of an aeroplane without a parachute and hoping that the parachute will be invented, delivered and strapped on in mid air in time to save you before you hit the ground.”

Wind and solar need to be backed up, close to 100 per cent, by some other means of power generation. If that backup is provided by open-cycle gas or worse, coal, net zero will never be achieved: nor anything very close to it.

There is one technology that can provide a cheap and reliable supply of low-emissions electricity: nuclear power. Interest in nuclear power is increasing as more and more people realise that it is safe and reliable. If regulators and the public could be persuaded that modern stations are inherently safe and that low levels of nuclear radiation are not dangerous, nuclear power could provide all the low cost, low emissions electricity the world needs for hundreds or thousands of years.

But if we had 100 per cent nuclear backup for solar and wind, we wouldn’t need the wind and solar plants at all.
Wind and solar are, in fact, completely pointless.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/0 ... 4961da7cb1

https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpre ... n-exposed/
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Thu May 25, 2023 9:42 pm

John Kerry targets farmers: ‘We can’t get to Net-Zero…unless agriculture is front & center as part of the solution’ – ‘I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It’s not change. It’s a crisis’

The globalist crusade to reduce food production and destabilize developing economies around the world has finally come to American and of course the evil John Kerry is front and center.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Mon May 29, 2023 9:39 am

Fuck these blood blood Royal wanna be motherfuckers.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby stickdog99 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:29 pm

One more data point.

Overall, the Antarctic ice shelf area has grown by 5305 km2 since 2009, with 18 ice shelves retreating and 16 larger shelves growing in area. Our observations show that Antarctic ice shelves gained 661 Gt of ice mass over the past decade, whereas the steady-state approach would estimate substantial ice loss over the same period, demonstrating the importance of using time-variable calving flux observations to measure change.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:01 am

US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:56 pm

Grotesque. Unreal. Infuriating. I've seen other articles alluding to the same. The hope is there is fierce pushback.

Meanwhile, in yet another example of sheer hypocrisy among the select few:

Oceanfront Property Tied to Obama Granted Exemption From Hawaii’s Environmental Laws

Honolulu officials have granted an exception to the state’s beach protections, clearing the way for a controversial multimillion-dollar renovation of a century-old seawall at a property owned by the chair of the Obama Foundation.

Officials in Honolulu have granted the developers of a luxury, oceanfront estate tied to Barack Obama a major exemption from environmental laws designed to protect Hawaii’s beaches.

The shoreline permit, issued by Honolulu’s Department of Planning and Permitting on Monday, clears the way for the controversial multimillion-dollar renovation of a century-old seawall in the heavily Native Hawaiian community of Waimanalo.

Under state and county laws, such projects are typically banned. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach loss throughout the state, and officials expect older ones to fall into obsolescence.

But the property owners, including Marty Nesbitt, chair of the Obama Foundation, argued they needed an exemption to protect the sprawling compound they are building in eastern Oahu. State officials and community members say the former president, who was born and raised in Hawaii, is expected to be among the property’s future occupants. Representatives for Nesbitt and Obama did not return requests seeking comment for this story.

As the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and ProPublica reported this summer, the so-called shoreline setback variance is just one of several loopholes that developers have exploited across the islands over the past two decades to get around policies that are supposed to protect the state’s treasured beaches and sensitive coastlines.

The consequences are stark. Oahu has already lost about a quarter of its beaches to seawalls, which essentially cause beaches to drown. Future projections are more dire, with scientists warning that most of Hawaii’s beaches could be lost if hundreds of homes, condos, hotels and roads that line the coasts aren’t moved inland.

Beach advocates and some community leaders in Waimanalo had urged government officials to require Nesbitt to take down the crumbling wall, or at least move it farther inland to restore a portion of the public shoreline. The beach there is virtually gone. The turquoise ocean now slams up against the seawall most of the time, leaving no room for the public to fish or sit along the coast.

Opponents also cited a Honolulu County ordinance, which stresses that it’s the “primary policy of the city to protect and preserve the natural shoreline, especially sandy beaches,” as well as to maintain public access and open space along the shoreline. Secondary to these priorities is the protection of private property from coastal hazards and flooding.

But on Monday, Kathy Sokugawa, the director of the Department of Planning and Permitting, sided with the property owners, approving their request to revamp and expand the seawall. She agreed with the owners that not allowing them to renovate the structure would create a hardship, depriving them of “reasonable use of the land.”

In her decision, Sokugawa noted the seawall fronting the property is at risk of failing and said it was important to repair the wall so that its collapse wouldn’t endanger coastal homes, the nearshore water and public safety.

At the same time, the department is also requiring the property owners to participate in plans to restore a beach right beside the estate.

Critics, however, blasted the decision, saying it was an extraordinary departure from county policy.

https://www.propublica.org/article/ocea ... ental-laws

More at link.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:02 pm

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:17 pm

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:03 pm

Grizzly » Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:01 am wrote:US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply

There's not a single word about shutting down the American food supply in that video, just Kerry saying that food production needs to reduce its emissions (the part they conveniently left out: to prevent future starvation caused by global warming), plus a pile of garbled denier nonsense and outright lies, like almost all climate scientists being on the UN payroll.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:18 pm

Reply to this from the election 2024 thread:


And due to the amount of gas/oil/carbon required from their initial manufacture through to their maintenance and disposal, they can't be accurately called green or clean (among other issues).

Almost all of those requirements can be replaced with green alternatives. There's no law that says manufacturing, maintenance and disposal has to be powered by oil. Extraction and manufacturing can be powered by green energy, maintenance vehicles and tools can be powered by green energy. Recycling can be powered by green enrgy. Everything (probably. I'm sure there's some cases where it isn't feasible yet) that doesn't involve oil as a raw material (in which case you aren't burning it anyway, so no big deal) can be replaced, it's just a matter of doing it. It's simple: spend some carbon fuels now to create what you need to get rid of them.

Even if we ignore climate change, air pollution, much of it from burning fossil fuels, kills millions of people every year. It would be worth it just to reduce that number by a few hundred thousand or millions.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:41 pm

Rowan Atkinson of all people, makes very logical and obvious point ripping apart the electric car industry. WTF are people like this so rare?
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:37 pm

These fckers are good bullshitters. And ...
They are just dealing with an incredible stupid and gullible public
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:20 pm

"Will be a problem" does not equal "is a problem right now". By the time sea level rise becomes an issue for those properties the owners will all be in the ground, and if not, they're all rich enough to build a seawall or buy another property. Same reason they all fly around on private jets: they know it's a problem but they don't give a fuck because it's not their problem, and if it ever becomes their problem they'll buy their way out of it.

Rich people act like climate change isn't an issue because it isn't for them, not because it isn't at all.

Out here in the real world it's heat waves all around and new temperature records being broken left and right. Again. It's almost as if we're seeing a pattern of some sort.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:36 pm

In my best British voice... "theater"

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:41 am

DrEvil » Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:20 pm wrote:Out here in the real world it's heat waves all around and new temperature records being broken left and right. Again. It's almost as if we're seeing a pattern of some sort.

Sorry, that's not the fucking 'real world'. What you type above is the curated, propagandized and misleading talking points promoted by agenda-driven & heavily financed MSM, govt/bureaucratic mouthpieces, swallowed with minimal/no discernment by those that apparently lost the ability to pause and reflect.

Such implicit trust in heavily-funded entities would have been somewhat understandable 30-40 yrs ago (though it's not quite an 'apples to apples' comparison as there was far less concentration of wealth/power & monopolization of industries back then). But if the egregiously blatant, overt affronts of the last few yrs haven't slapped people awake to the fact that much of our industries -- particularly those tied to Establishment Science and Politics -- are largely compromised, irrevocably, there is little hope at this point for such sleepwalkers, and we are now at a point where such 'sleepwalkers' are contributing to -- and are complicit in -- collective harms. Substantive change can only occur when the majority wake up to the reality of egregious capture/corruption and refuse to continue to participate or opt-in.

Chris Martz

Three quick facts on U.S. temperature extremes:

1. 39 states set their all-time TMax records prior to 1970.

2. 33 states set their all-time TMin records prior to 1970.

3. There has been no measurable increase in TMax nor TMin extremes. Despite claims, it's not more variable.


https://twitter.com/ChrisMartzWX/status ... 88866?s=20

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/16/ ... ipulation/
The claim that July 3-4, 2023 were the hottest days in the past 125,000 years is based on satellite data and computer modeling by the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer. But there seems to be a problem with the Climate Reanalyzer.


The chart (above) is a screenshot from this morning. I highlighted the August 20, 2022 date because of what I tweeted below on that date.


My August 20, 2022 tweet from the Climate Reanalayzer shows that average global temperature anomaly on that date was -0.1°C.

But the screenshot from today, says the anomaly was 0.25°C — a 0.35°C difference. What happened? Is the Climate Reanalyzer reanalyzing temperatures to fit the narrative?

Edit to add a couple more:

Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki

Certain places on our planet get hot at times. It doesn't mean the world is on fire. Just like it wasn't on fire in 1905, 1913, 1931, or 1960. This is pure unsubstantiated fear-mongering.


Debbie Kalata

Miami has only hit 100 F once on 07/21/1942.

Hottest in Arizona was 128 F on 06/28/1994.

Hottest in California was 134 on 07/10/1913.

Hope those freaking out notice both the time of year (summer) and the year (not one in this millennium).

https://twitter.com/MatthewWielicki/sta ... 77920?s=20

(Note: as already called out numerous times before, even if it turns out the above counterpoints -- out of many others that can be shared -- are FLAT WRONG, and we grant that there IS indeed anomalous fluctuations in temperatures right now compared to whatever limited historical data may inform, it does NOT in any way suggest, let alone prove, that it's due materially to everyday 'commoner'/'plebe' activities, or human-generated CO2. I will repeat again that "climate alarm" as currently presented by the ESG/Blackrock/Net Zero Propagandists and regurgitated by their dogmatic zealots, shills and/or mouthpieces, is a Giant Scam, and far worse: if carried out as desired it will dramatically restrict/curtail fundamental human rights and impose a variety of draconian control measures, none of which will solve any climate concerns. Any huffing and puffing that may follow in subsequent replies will not change this fact).
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